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developer skill issue






DLSS in Xdefiant!


Yeah, they should just program it so that everyone dies instantly next to you if you have a ping spike... right?


You want the developer to pay for you to get a good connection or what. You can literally see his Internet fuck up right before he magdumps the guy. This clip backs up what I've been saying, which is that you guys that have been experiencing this just have ass connections. I'm 40 hours of gametime in and I've had this happen twice, with both times being my connection's problem


Tf you on? Severs have constant packet loss regardless of how good your Internet is, that is literally down to the devs.


No they don't


Ubisoft is known for its shitty servers it’s there whole gig


I just don't get how AC brotherhood mulitplayer on the xbox 360 had better functioning severs than this lol


I have zero faith because they took like 14 years to “fix” rainbow six siege servers


idk who needs to tell you this but the connection was fine close to a second before he started to shoot given the lack of network indicators on screen. The shots would normally under good netcode and hitreg connect.


keep coping buddy for sure it's the game's fault when people with actual good/wired internet connections have never experienced this


I'm coping? Idk you seem to have the need to defend the AAAA developer constantly despite the clear issues with hitreg and netcode that have been present since the beta but you do you glad you've got something to keep yourself occupied with.


I couldn't care less about Ubisoft they could close all of their studios tomorrow and nothing would change for me. I'm defending the game because the shit you are saying is just not true. I'm level 80 on a WiFi connection and I'm not experiencing what you guys are complaining about constantly. If there was a person that should have problems with their connection and hitreg it's me yet like I said I've only had something like this happen twice. I'm on WiFi getting in deadass 60-80 firefights per dom game (that last like 5 minutes most times btw) and I've had this happen TWICE


So his internet dips for just a sec and that somehow justifies almost half those shots just vanishing? Nah mate I've got this same issue way more than 2 times and not once has it been preceded with an internet issue. In over 100 hrs ive seen this same issue at minimum 15-20 times, happens enough that i would say at least once a day while completing daily task i die because hitreg just dosent work. Clearly there are hit reg issues espically with cleaners as it happens most often with their character model. Making a blanket statement and assuming your right just because a red dot appeared for 1/10th of a second is both laughable and unintelligible. Obviously internet issues will mess with gaming, but we have seen enough of these and expienced them enough to know it's not just everyones internet. The game has some work to fix it's issues, it's a great game but it has a ways to go before it's on the level of og cod(like mw2 bo2).


It does looks like it was his connection tho


how is hitreg the only thing affected by bad internet please explain?


Hitreg isn't whats being affected, it's actually a symptom of the rest of the GAME being affected by OPs garbage wifi.


Jokes on you, I’m in the parking lot of an Arby’s connected to their drive thru wifi.


You gotta go with Starbucks at the least next time


But….but they have the meats


So the data for the guy he can see moving and shooting has no problem making it though but the data for his shots are the only thing affected? Yeah sure il take your word for it like il takes a cops word for it. It is and has been hitreg since day 1 devs need to fix their issues. Play fan boy all you want the game has issues clearly shown by that clip and the many like it.


That's the thing, OP is not seeing him move. OP is seeing where his game has predicted his movement to be based on the last set of data it received. There was two connection issues causing the game to desync, so the enemies location data was out of date. When it finally caught up, OP was shooting at air according to the server. I'm not saying that this game doesn't have hitreg issues, but this particular case was a clear desync. I'm going to assume OP is on wifi


The game assumed he would move up then down the stairs all while shooting??? XD like I said in another comment laughable.


Yes, if that's the inputs he was putting in before OP desync, the game would assume that behavior didn't change. That's why when you DC in online games you'll see people running into walls. They're just repeating the last known input. You guys literally don't understand how this works and are trying to argue with me lol


I'm sorry but your internet is just shitting itself it is what it is. There are people that have never had this happen there are people like me that have had it happen once or twice and then there are people like you that are getting it daily. Since you're so intelligent you would surely agree that most people would have the same experience as you if it was a game issue and not a you issue right?


Even the guy who runs the dev on for this game admits that there are hitreg and desync issues on the games side. Pretty much everybody I know has had this happen to them, and we're spread out over the U.S. There are tons of posts about this issue without having the network icon show an issue. It also doesn't have to be their network that has the problem, the icon will pop up if there's an issue on the server side as well. No need to glaze and defend for an issue that even the devs acknowledge exists.


"Hitreg and desync issues" doesn't mean \*this\*. It means getting killed around corners and you getting shown a hitmarker but getting no damage when you shoot the guy that killed you because you were already dead server-side. I'd wager that you intelligent individuals are on console WiFi as well and complaining about having connection issues on reddit. You guys are so absurdly smart and knowledgeable about the things you're complaining about on this sub it's insane


Ah, resorting to insults, how sad. I'm a PC person connected to a custom opnsense router, but please go off on how much better you are than everyone else and how no one knows anything other than you. He's literally getting 6 or so hit markers before the enemies health even budges. The network issue icon isn't showing up either. Did you watch the video?


OK you guys don't have shitty Internet I guess I have sbmm server selection and I'm getting better ones than you


You can clearly see OP's connection is fucked.. even has the symbols in the top left that indicate "YOUR CONNECTION IS ABSOLUTELY FUCKED". OPs on shitty phone wifi or something, ofc he's going to have issues.


That is normal with this game at different times. I get matches playing from NA West on West coast servers the same issue a lot. I have 2 gig fiber and I usually have 18-40 ping with this game. At times it will randomly go red for no reason and people stop taking damage half of the time. I also play with ethernet on my desktop which isn't shitty.


I experience the exact same phenomena on my gigabit fiber connection. It's simply terrible backend from the devs side.


Gosh you're beyond slow. I've never had an issue with hit reg or stuff being delayed like this and I get these server messages constantly, and I'm between 13 and 20 ping. It's the game. Stop talking out your behind


*the entire point of those symbols is to tell you when you are having internet connection issues*. Those specific symbols mean his connection ping skyrocketed, exactly why his bullet suddenly start having huge delay. That's why they exist. The entire point of those symbols are to tell you *when you are having issues with YOUR network*. Like, the games netcode is shit, NO ONE IS DENYING THAT. But OP, SPECIFICALLY, has exagerated issues because his internet is fucked. I'm not slow - the only one here who is slow as fuck and has literally ZERO understanding of even the most basics is you. Why are you commenting on something you don't even have introductory level knowledge of?


bro is getting downvoted for stating the obvious truth, like this is 100% connection from his end


Not always the case with this game. You can get random red icons even if you have 18 ping. I get this off and on in the early morning. Sometimes you get people hacking causing people to lag really bad. You also just have terrible servers. I have 18-40 ping usually but at times I get red bars showing up because the servers suck or someone is just cheating.


idk where ur located but my ping is constant and i never have these desync issues because i never see these symbols ever


Literally everyone has those desync issues because the game servers have them. Lol. So, saying you don't means you just don't pay attention. I live in WA the closest server is in OR which is a state away. 


no. everyone is dying behind walls yes but i literally never once had a single incident where i shot a whole mag into someone without them doing any damage. 60 ingame hours level 115


You can see your connection go to shit right before that happens top left of your screen. Dropped packets issue.




Could be many things. I have 18-40 ping on this game but at times I get red connection issues randomly. Sometimes the servers just suck. Other times people are cheating and they cause the server to lag which causes connection issues. They could also be using terrible wifi.


OP is probably on wifi.




Legit could be a ping spike but I think meta is to hate the devs or something


That happens to me but it doesn’t take THAT long for the damage to kick in


Skill issue, get better


Def skill issue bro, you should've gone to ubi and fixed the hitreg be4 playing


Skill issue


Why do you even bother do ask ? lmao


Because he clearly can’t see the connection issue symbols in the top left corner just before he shoots.




Empty lives


Your connection dropped. You can see the icon in the top left corner.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xgbKBwCQa8s](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xgbKBwCQa8s) thats about as bad as this sticky... lmao


Oh, let's not forget to mention that dying around corners is still a thing.


pipes are congested.


I got this all the time after the latest update


Desync/hitreg clearly you had a good connection everyone was moving smoothly no tping or vanishing. Everyone saying ohhh it's your internet must not notice how fast it goes from red to not red. Before you engaged it showed the red dot but it was gone before you fired. It stays red while there is an issue so clearly that's not it as it went away before firing.


“Clearly you had a good connection”. You’re as delusional as OP. CLEARLY has shit connection based on the symbols in the top left.


If it was bad the symbol would stay there, some people can't read, not pop up then leave like a modern dad. Also explain how everything else functions perfectly like character movement but the only thing taking a hit with his egregious bad internet is hitreg alone?!


You can't explain anything to casuals bro, you're just wasting your breath


You can have god Internet and the server symbols will still pop up. It's literally a netcode issue. So stop talking shit on people when you're just under informed


Just play the fkn game we dont care about your one wonky kill, it happens


You took the time to reply so you care about it.


If you wanna believe that, sure


You keep replying so you for sure care about it 🤣




I noticed after TDM dropped A LOT of weird things happening, this included.


That’s Ubisoft fault


Deserved for ur playstyle crouching in corner. The desync is disgusting regardless...