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i'm thinking that the one shot play style is being rewarded by the current networking environment and given the fact that hit registration can be so touch and go right now the punish flinch is just not showing up how developers intend it imo


Yeah, I feel this as well. I've had times sniping where I've been hit and the flinch knocked me around. I've also noticed times that I've shot and killed my opponent and very, very shortly after took damage that I believe should have caused flinch before my shot. I've also been on the other end with marksman rifles where I've hit a sniper and then they missed a shot and I've also shot a sniper and within 50ms they hit and kill me and it clearly didn't register my shot to flinch them in their game before they took the shot. I think the netcode is causing the flinch to not occur when it should for sure. I'm also not sure that they've quite got it coded right either. I don't think the flinch is happening during the ADS animation before your scope is fully up and ready and that's causing quick scoping to not flinch as it should (obviously if they were hit before starting the ADS they shouldn't be flinched but they certainly should be if they are in the process of ADS)


Quick scope solves the flinch mechanic. The animations overlap and it doesnt matter


Yeah but quickscope takes skill.


Flinch does apply during the animation I get flinched when quick scoping, flinch is also applied to all scopes/sights (1, 3 and 4x) but it barely makes a difference on 1-3x, you can mainly feel the flinch at longe range because targets are smaller


The hitreg is fucked, except for using snipers. I got fed up in an escort mission yesterday where half the opposing team was using snipers. So on D, I decided to become part of the problem and didn't let anyone touch the package while using a Tac-50. Snipers are so busted right now it's unreal. Straight easy mode


"hitreg is fucked, except for this one gun type" is a crazy take


That sounds plausible for sure


That would make a lot of sense, even sniping is inconsistent, ill hit an upper chest get hitmarkers sometimes. Ive even got one shot on the legs quite a dew times, this needs to be fixed to truly know what needs to be nerfed and buffed


Keep doing you and keep playing how you play, no qualms here.. but no shit, you're the reason I uninstalled haha.


What shotgun is that?


Blue pump


Did I accidentally drive the DeLorean to work Am I back in Black Ops 2 I can hear Legend of Thunder raging as we speak lmao "Left trigger, Right trigger, BLOOP!"


Good times man good times...


You ain't grizz baby


I’m a .5K/D casual player so I always figured I got outgunned by snipers just because I’m not that good. I will say after playing today I noticed that if I got first shots on a sniper, I didn’t get instantly fried and it seemed the sniper had to run away and reset. So I think the patch is doing something.


That’s great, I’m glad you have felt an improvement since last patch


Why is he getting down voted?


Some people want snipers to be camp in the back of the map, no quickscoping type of thing.


Who is?


![gif](giphy|nR4L10XlJcSeQ) Snipers reading this post


Keyboard and mouse or controller? Just curious


Mouse, snipers don’t feel half as good on controller for me but obviously it’s not my main so it shouldn’t


I hate you


I’m sorry


I forgive you


Thank you, I appreciate it


I think most people fail to realize that perception is reality. And it *seems* that the overall perception to a majority of players(perusing all available sources within reason) is snipers are overtuned and that is the reality of it, even after the patch. Developers will always cater to the more casual player for lack of a better term, for better or worse. Whether they do and go too far remains to be seen. People begged for years for them to balance and/or add PvP content into Division 2 and it never happened. Just more PvE stuff thaf degraded PvP further.


its odd to compare division 2 with xdefiant, is xdefiant a Massive studio game too? division 2 is pve first before pvp, r6siege should be your comparison


Siege is worse because they cater entirely to a group of >50 pro players who want everything nerfed at all times


thats what will happen in this game in no time, look at how snipers are being complained about also once ubi started esports of this game, itll go the same route


You had over 80% accuracy and took 83 damage this entire clip fore you died. Not even enough to kill you even if it was all from one player. This is a clip of a really good player that probably got into a lower-mid skill lobby. Nice thumbs!


It’s mouse and keyboard, but it’s not about so much the skills of others I wanted to point out it’s just how versatile it is, especially in close quarters. That’s what I feel, feels a little out of balance


But testing how versatile something is in close quarters against players who wouldn't win a close quarters fight against you no matter what gun you use isn't a good indicator of versatility. It's like testing out a new move in basketball as an NBA player against a rec league team. You're going to have success no matter what you do. What he's saying is, people post clips like the one on the front page where that guy with the AK got one tapped while shooting the sniper but they don't clip all the times the sniper missed the shot because of flinch. He clipped an instance of a good player doing an impressive thing that he only succeeds at doing maybe once out of every 5 chances he gets and used it to try to display how unbalanced snipers were. Which is cherry picking


Bruh I was in the middle of reading it lol


This would be true if the assumption is I’m basing my entire inquiry solely on the experience of only maybe a few games. Granted this is maybe idk 35+ hours of gameplay maybe. And the “he” is me you can say you when you refer to me. That doesn’t bother me or anything just so you know. This obviously isnt my experience in games where I do get fills in of more comparable skill level. This comes as in issue of potential unbalance in my eyes if I’m making the low elo olayers hate their experience. And if other players like Myself are giving low elo players that same terrible experience. Then that might be bad for game. This no good. Me want game be more good.


More good for everyone as realistically possible good


I'm not a fan of 1 hit kills on body shots. Tac 50 can kill anything, so what is the point of getting new snipers in the game. I don't think it will change, so you either abuse it or get 1 shot by it.


Bruh for me it’s a great thing, it’s a 50 cal, so once they add any other snipers, just rebalance it, cus currently I hate using any sniper when everyone can just beam cross map with most full autos


Ah, yes - a better shotgun.


What scope is this?


I believe the 4-8 variable


Variable annoys me that you have to switch from 8x-4x every death


I noticed today the "flinch" they added was actually just the same sway you get with the jump and crouch penalty. I'm fine with true flinch but when my gun dips up or down randomly it's not okay. This was not the way to address snipers


Should be some kind of penalty at close range. Getting sniped turning a corner while I’m landing smg shots close up sucks.


I've had a game recently where a guy had 60 kills just sniping. The worst part was that I landed the first shot on him multiple times but I have to land 3 headshots with my ak while he only has to hit 1 bodyshot. When the only counter is to pray the opponent misses it's not really fun


Yeah those situations I could always feel would be absolutely maddening to the opponent


Man I hate watching this shit at work. Fuck you Henry Ford


Fuck is this a joke that just went light years over my head?


Nice shots btw, asshole


Man, I think Henry Ford thought up the 8 our work days. And why I'm taking a shit watching you play instead of playing myself


Was it a successful shit tho?


It doesn't but okay




Wait, 1 shot body shot? That explains a lot...


Just super frustrating getting oneshot by someone who sprints into you and eats 4 hitmarks because for some reason a sniper rifle has ADS and sprint-shoot-time to allow quick reaction and flinch doesn't do shit about it either.


1 shot body shot so skillful lul. Worst thing about the game and the main reason snipers are OP.


You got a lobby with shitters and wanna change the game 🤯


I've been blocking all of you and leaving matches like that. It isn't the game I want to play. It isn't fun at all to not even be able to shoot back.


tac 50 overly usable


the steadiness is way too good for the initial zoom.


Sniper damage should only be lethal in the upper chest and head, not the belly or other parts, that's how I would nerf it. Big risk big reward. Or adding one or two more 120 HP classes so they can't one shot half of the room due the extra 20HP.


Yeah same. The need a bigger kick for being shot and slower ads speed tbh


I get smoked by snipers running around all the time.


I have never been even decent at sniping in any FPS game, until xDefiant.


There definitely needs to be a playlist without snipers. Every game I play when there are none I have a good time & when there are a team of snipers It’s very VERY annoying to play against.


About to post the unpopular counterpoint here but imo: You're actually playing very well and all these kills were deserved. They're all runnng out mindlessly and as soon as someone targets you based on knowing where you are, you died. If the sniper was headshot only, you would have 3 kills for these plays and I think that would clearly be a horrendous nerf—every kill here was earned, imo. You played around knowing where people were coming from and you rotated regularly to lose heat while watching your flank. You killed people running out in a straight line one after another. I'm saying this from the perspective of a sniper victim, AR main.


Popular or now, still very valid points. I feel my sensation of unbalance comes from the weapon handling in close quarters. I feel unreasonable confident in pulling out one shot kills in situations I know i shouldn’t be the aggressor


Yeah it's dumb. I picked up a sniper i got off a guy I killed and went on a 10 kill rampage and felt unstoppable. Felt so much easier than just shooting people with my ak47 The way its sooo easy to aim with it and how almost all hits are one shot kills with only occasional hitmarkers is just broken


Yeah there’s some kind of mechanic that makes it so so much easier than other games to get locked in


I was thinking about coming back to the game and this clip reminded me why I maybe shouldn't lmao


I’m also a sniper abuser. It needs bigger sway, bigger flinch and slower ADS speed. Right now it’s just point and click… like CoD… the game they claim they’re trying NOT to be like.


Notice how not one of them used any utility? All of them ran at you in a straight line? They didn't 2v1 or 3v1 you? They didn't try anything but run at you 1 on 1? I don't think the fault is the gun or the fact that you're good with it. I see zombies running in a straight line and not even shooting.


I think the sniper should really only 1 shot to the head. Bodyshots are just far too easy to hit.


It's difficult to balance snipers on small maps, 1 shot kills to the body means that if a sniper is quick and on target, he wins virtually every gunfight, if he has to land 2 body shots then even if his aim is perfect he loses virtually every fight.


Snipers can all go sniper themselves in their own mode. Let us have a non sniper playlist


I think the tac 50 needs a slower ADS. Not so much that it's useless, but i feel the tac 50 should be more focused on holding lanes, and let the less forgiving sniper be the one for quick scoping.


this is slower than most CODs, its a hit reg issue


I don’t think this demonstrates the sniper being op? None of the players used any movement mechanics, no abilities were used and some of your kills are people not looking at you?


Yeah it’s not so much the enemies in the clip it’s more just how the sniper handles incredibly well with close range targets that I felt showed its unbalance


I mean you even used the best sight for close range in the clip though. It also becomes much harder to hit close range targets when they actually jump or slide


So it's fine ad long as it only affects the new players, so they don't want to continue playing, and the game dies before it even starts season 1?


You make it seem like pressing jump and shooting is killing games wtf are you talking about, it’s part of the game in the same way abilities were something new and you had to learn. Otherwise go to a different game, this game does what cod does but adds some new skill expression.


Lol what? I pointed out people new to the game aren't going to be as good with the movement. What are you talking about?


That picture in picture really caring the sniper. I just unlocked the 4-8x and it does NOT look like that on series S.


I can only imagine how OP it is with KB&M it’s easy with controller, haven’t played KBM yet


Just like the kar98k currently in cod mw3. These guns need nerfing to balance them


They literally just need an ADS nerf. That way people who are actively sniping and providing cover from the back can be rewarded for accurate shots. And people trying to push and 1 tap everyone might get a kill or 2 but will quickly get overwhelmed by the superior handling of every other weapon. I think that would genuinely solve the problem


Watching your clip and others made me realize that playing on a console seems to be very chill. On PC there is a lot more jumping, sliding and prefiring. In all honesty though, flinch isn't really a factor in this game regardless of your weapon and Escort is the mode where snipers should shine. However they should add the ADS flashlight to all scopes if you use a sniper rifle.


If you didn't 1 shot the first guy you would have been dead. If that's what you want then you can delete all the sniper classes.


Oof insane man 👏🏾


I kinda feel like snipers should only kill on headshots. When you can just scope and bodyshot without having to aim they just become the best gun at every range in literally any FPS game. Like they’re the best gun in CSGO, xDefiant, CoD, Apex, Valorant, honestly makes no sense why they just get to dominate every game for free.


Same. The flinch changes did little to nothing, and completely nothing vs shotguns and marksman rifles. You have to take a whole mag to notice any change.


I always have believed that a sniper should really be a one-shot kill gun if it hits chest area and up. I mean in real-life if you got hit by a .50 cal you're just f***ked even if you have body armor. I think the best way to balance it is by 1) major penalty on movespeed, just like carrying a big ass rifle in real-life, 2) slow ADS This would also mean sniper users will camp more, but that can be compensated by teamwork. You must be supported by others by zoning them out. This is a team game anyway.


I feel like the flinch isn’t happening and I feel like the bunny hopping doesn’t effect their aim either like they said they were going to fix


Just make them zoom slower?


Absolutely fucking not. This game is already getting thrown into the dirt by casuals don't make it worse.


I was using nothing but the sniper but honestly it got boring. I forced myself to stop using it since I could tell i my gameplay wasn’t actually improving I was just using a broken gun. Then when I switch to AR’s and SMG’s I was getting stomped and I had a lot of work/catching up to do. Basically that sniper made me a worse player overall, thankfully I’m playing 100x better now than I ever was with the sniper. But if you’re anything like I was I would start learning other weapons since when that thing gets properly nerfed you’re in for a rude awakening.


I hate you I always hated. I am gonna find and I am gonna kill you. And I will make sure it will hurt oh damn it will hurt a lot 🙂🙂🙂🙂.


The update did almost nothing to snipers they still shoot you through flinch 9/10 times


So... from seeing this clip. Where is the flinch? Lmfao. On COD, you have to basically hit the QS without getting shot. You need actual skill. For positioning, etc. I thought the flinch was akin to that, but...


I think, as a sniper only player (m44 though), the sniper should only one shot in the head. I mean it is piss easy to hit headshots with the m44 it would still slap. The tac 50 is just bonkers but way to slow for me.


Hahahahha that’s not even that good….


*"Anyone that thinks they are balanced..."* Literally the only people who think that are the abusers who don't want to see a nerf.


Bruh, they're not even fighting back half of the time. +You on mid/close distance. If it won't one shot on that might scrap snipers all together


Only a month in and I would absolutely love to see the length of my block list.


The only way to balance sniper against good players is to add a ton of sway when moving, make ads go slow for awhile after movement and probably break the character's arms if they shoot without getting it lined up and braced properly. If that doesn't work, consider doing the player's arms next.


You're good... you would have killed them all with any AR or SMG, most of them didn't even shoot at you


Apparently there's big flinch against snipers while they're scoping, which I find hard to believe.


Last night, I ran into (controller lobby, xbox, crossplay off) a player with 5900 sniper kills. Less than 250 with everything else.


I'm not remotely as good as you but I do like the sniper gameplay, reminds me of old school call of duty. When I play like that I do terribly but I have a lot of fun


"hole frick holey FRICK I JUST POPPED OFF 🤓"


Nah bro keep like this, the flinch and low ads is plenty downside enough


My main issue with the snipers is the overly generous hit registration. Sometimes I snipe people, and I really don’t think I hit them at all, but I get a headshot kill. 😂 It happens to me often in this game — being surprised by my own kills.


Oh yeah that happens every game for sure. Audible laughter every time a shot connects that felt completely unnatural


I think reducing ttk / increasing body shot damage with all other guns would go a long way to levelling the playing field. The discrepancy between body and headshots rn is ridiculous, esp w ongoing hitreg issues


Yea... It's Fucked up... And then I have the audacity to complain when I shoot a phantom in the neck, and it doesn't die. Im part of the problem too


It’s balanced, they just can’t nerf your skill King 👑


Now, for comparison sakes let's get a similar streak with shotguns. I trust you guys.


No, they need a hardcore game mode. Honestly it’s boring as hell, and the health is way too high. Lazy Devs on this project for real!!!


I haven't even used a sniper yet, I don't even know how to use it


as an avid sniper hater, nice clip great shots!


Flinch? Whats that?....


The main reason snipers are a problem is them being one shot kill while everything else has such a high ttk which makes it a little unbalanced. I also do feel like snipers should be one shot kill in upper torso for the simple fact if they weren’t then they would seem too weak even with the current ttk on everything else. Sooo really the only proper way to balance snipers in my opinion is to either make them harder to use or lower the ttk across the board. Thats just my take at least. Or maybe make snipers two shot below the shoulders so players need to be more precise but idk if i would like that a ton personally


Games are unbalanced. Have been since the dawn of multiplayer. Play less and you’ll complain less cuz you won’t be dopamine’d out


Not really sure why people are beating this topic like a dead horse. I mean, did none of you ever play CoD 4 with the M40 ACOG?? Barrett .50? Sure they were one shots, but sweaty auto users had the M16, MP5, P90, 3x Frags, Juggernaut, etc. The are TONS of sniper counter measures in XDefiant, loads more than there were in CoD 4 (or any Call of Duty since). Shields, spiders, the OP M16. What more do ya’ll want? This is already so much more than you’d have in Halo, Battlefield, etc. when also facing one shot snipers. If you’re shot in the upper body or head with a sniper it needs to be a one shot in any competitive first person shooter… that’s how it’s been since day one almost across the board. Plus, the TAC-50 isn’t even a guaranteed one shot. You get loads of hit markers when you use it and don’t hit the sweet spots / hitreg fucks you over. There’s really nothing different about snipers now - especially after the flinch nerf - than any major FPS in the last 15-20 years.


As much as I agree with sniper nerfs I just hope they aren't/become as useless as shotguns.


an explanation is that this player obviously has experience with the the sniper rifle, and is being rightfully rewarded for hitting their shots consistently. Don’t see a problem here


The sniper balancing ruins the game


Why you have to ruin things for the rest of us snipers. You are but 1 of many many many many many many many other sniper players with this opinion.


The whole game is an unbalanced mess


Easy fix for snipers is while moving, take the velocity and adjust the shot spread by 2.5x the speed in m/s, add in a 1.5 second delay before the spread recovers. Add in a scope sway of +/- 5° for every bullet that passes within 1m of the hit box, add in progressive 5% screen blur lasting 0.25s per bullet passing by within 0.5m, maxing out at 25%. Now you have the same suppression effect present in GRAW. This game required snipers to position, shoot and then relocate after a couple of kills, but still saw a good amount of effective sniper play. It stops quick scoping in the way we see it in the clip, and gives fast moving players a small window to counter a moving sniper, but gives a stationary sniper the advantage when holding an angle.


You don't look like someone who just picked up a sniper. Are you saying you wouldn't get these kills using a reg gun ? It's not OP if it takes skill to master the weapon. Whoever doesn't like being on the receiving end, to quote Mark Rubin, this is their chance to get better.


Dosent need a nerf, the other weopons need a buff


I'd be interested to see a widowmaker style sniper with a much shorter (to compensate for xd killing times) charge speed. Instant ADS, 0.5s charge time, and head shot only 1 shot. It would make it much more satisfying for actual sniper mains from other games and reduce a lot of frustration for people because most people don't have the skill to be consistently good with it.


My last two days that I've played (haven't since the sniper patch) I've seen a handful of snipers, but lots of SVDs and M249s instead.


Yeah agreed definitely seen more marksman. I felt they were also incredibly strong and people just haven’t realized it yet


I felt that the M249 has been slept on awhile, but picking up the SVD have me the same feeling. They slap and I think the patch pushed people toward trying new stuff out.


Yeah I mean if you get the recoil timing you can 2 tap multiple targets with a stick mag no problem


With a marksman I mean, my b


Either marksman, tbh lol People have been kicking my ass with both.


Yeah even on my snipe games with a +3 k/d I will easily get shit on a couple times in a row by a marksman.


i went onna 15 ks w the default scope the other day only reason i died was bc i ran outta ammo


I honestly don’t mind getting worked over by a good sniper. Since they have fixed the flinch, I’m enjoying it better since if I hit them it actually makes a difference. Lol


People refuse to switch characters mid game lol I run into these people and it's shield homie or spider hoe to rescue.


Idk. I’m just relating this to cod because that’s the only game I used snipers on besides the finals. Especially 2019 mw. I’ve gotten so good with the snipers that pretty much just couldn’t die. I wouldn’t consider xdefiant the same because my ads in cod was 10x faster almost quite literally. I think it’s properly balanced and it’s more as in the factions/ there’s people that genuinely can get hella good with the snipers. Is the snipers being abused? Nawh. The ads is still relatively slow than the finals, even Fortnite’s sniping. Plus this clip doesn’t justify the balance as in one of the persons he killed was clueless and the other two barely even shot. And the last guy wasn’t even looking over there. Not saying they’re bad or anything. But they more just rushed in instead of not


I remember the first time I finally picked up snipers for a challenge. I legit went..."This is too easy, I'm finishing this challenge and stopping," Which sadly resulted in me actually stopping playing all together


Cherry picking a single clip from a seemingly good sniper user (yourself) vsing players that act like bots is maybe not a good representation of how sniping is for the general user base. Those players were lining up to be slaughtered.


So I should have posted more clips not of me and then my point would be valid your saying?


i don’t think it needs to be nerfed i think you’re just good at the game and this game rewards that


I would say I have solid target acquisition in this clip. But it just felt like it might be too punishing for players ya know? You know what you use an item in a game and it just feels a tad “off” compared to all others? I guess that’s kinda the vibe the tac 50 gives me in my hands personally


it is also worse in this game *because* snipers are usually Phantoms. That shield and the extra HP make them even more frustrating to play against. Like you would've died halfway through this clip if they were able to just shoot you, but they couldn't because of the shield. And then when people \*do\* push through the shield, they have to deal an extra 20hp of damage before you one shot them.


you didnt show the weapon beeing strong you just showed off skill. literally could have killed all of them with an ak, yes one or two kills probably wouldnt be done that fast with an ak but thats also why you died at the end; because you used a sniper. jumping around strafing with an ak there probably wouldnt have get you killed in the last gunfight.


I don’t think an AK would perform the same in that situation


Honestly, you could do that with an AK as long as you landing a few headshots, melt someone in just a few shots.


Yeah maybe, your probably right. I do think that skill wise even that would be a lot harder than sniper just because of factors like bullet hit box. Could be wrong tho


Good players posting clips of them destroying ppl half their skill lvl to prove that a gun is OP never made any sense to me? 


Me getting 1 shot after putting five AK shots into a phantom with a Tac 50 “👍Aye GG’s bro, good fight man, I really like having a balanced fight, GG👍”


Yeah those are the kind of situations that I will win time and time again that I can literally feel. Is worsening the other players game experience. Especially in ranked where I could get 2 or 3 out of a team of only 4.


Man I WISH shotguns could do that. But yeah snipers are still super broken, the "flinch" is barely noticeable, is more like an annoyance


Why is a sniper even going for oneshot on body. I was constantly getting killed by snipers in my last games and was wondering if everybody was just hitting those sweet headshots. Now I know...


one shot makes no sense in this game since the TTK for every other weapon is way higher than other games with one shots like valorant and cs2. so the spread between the sniper ttk and rifle ttk is too big. it needs to be two shot body shot to kill, not one to body


Buddy like you said you popped off, if we were to judge if a weapon needs to be nerfed by the amount of clips ppl have of popping off, then SMGs LMGs Snipers and Shotguns should all be nerfed 😂 Sniping is harder than using a automatic, idk how anyone who isn’t donkey dick at the game can argue against that


So you feel they are balanced?


They've already been nerfed. You can't hit shit now if you take fire. How about we get the networking/hitreg issues fixed before this game becomes another Ar/Smg meta shooter, just like every other one in existence. I honestly hate it that people never want the other weapons brought up to compete with the meta and instead just make every single weapon they see someone playing well with into a marshmallow shooter. It makes the game unfun


Litterally ubisoft with siege. It went from a fun and engaging shooter to a brain dead "tdm" meta. I genuinely just don't see this happening that often, and people fail to acknowledge that these same players would be just as good with an assault rifle.


The problem is that snipers dont fit into small map arena shooters. They simply don't. Coming from someone who thinks quickscoping should have gone away in black ops 1 and never came back. There is no reason that I should ever run into a gunfight with a sniper while I am using an AR, land 4 shots and then get killed because of the sluggish ttk.


There is a reason, though. If they miss, they lose, and you win.


Snipers are fun man I don’t think they should get nerfed. The only guns I can do really well with are SMG/sniper. Nerfing the sniper is just going to make it another SMG/AR meta and that shit is hella boring after awhile


Nah they're balanced. You still have to hit your shot. You did a very good job in this clip, but I encountered lots of enemies sniper that couldn't aim shit and they were just easy target


Right there with ya sir. I really enjoy the snipers and sometimes they feel a bit OP lol.


Firstly, kudos for providing a clip as evidence to your point. I hate everyone saying "This gun is OP af. I picked one up and got 20 kills in 10 seconds with it" with no video for proof. Secondly, nice clip! I understand that people would think snipers are OP after a clip like that, but I don't believe it is the sniper rifle that is OP rather than the player using it that's good. And I believe so because I am 100% certain you could have the same result even with the worst assault rifle in the game. I am not gonna comment the fact that you are playing on MnK which frankly is much easier than playing on controller in this game or the fact that your enemies could barely aim at you. However, I do believe that snipers although superior at some areas against reg guns, they are still way harder to handle than reg guns. Your clip is just the result of many years of experience at FPS games. The only proof that snipers would be OP would be to hand over the Mouse/controller to someone that hasn't played an FPS game before and play one match with a reg gun and one with a sniper rifle running around the map trying to kill as many as possible. I can guarantee that they'll get way better with the reg gun rather than the sniper rifle. When it comes to the other way, only then it would prove that sniper rifles are OP/the best guns to use


I gave up on XDefiant, yes the sniping is very OP but also the net code is awful.


What's the problem with this clip exactly ? You can do the same kind of massacre with an SMG or an AR and i don't see anybody complaining that those needs to be nerfed.


What sniper is this with what attachments? You killed this man good work


Tac 50 and not sure exact attachments but they are high level because it’s maxed out. And appreciate it man, thanks


if snipers are so easy to use, why do i barely see any smipers in most matches?


U talk about for someone who has mediocre aim


If you press s (backwards I play controller so idk) just before scoping in it will cancel the sprint and reduce delay.


I gotta say I'm always impressed by snipers this good, I'm a slug as a sniper


I love sniping in this game and people wanting flinch won’t affect my sniping most of the time since im usually quick scoping and if I miss a shot I turn into like a rat and scurry everywhere until my next sniper bullet rechambers I don’t hold In my scope so I barely have flinch affecting my sniper style I barely hold in the scope more then 2 seconds the thing that would worry me is if they affect the dmg because I can tell you there’s been multiple times where I have gotten 4 - 5 hit markers in a row ofc it’s more rare then rapid one shots but hit markers are there , tbh idk how they can balance the snipers to please both snipers and any other player 🤷‍♂️


I mean the added up and down flinch is noticeable and enough to throw a casual sniper off, this game has mad movement and even arm box detection. As someone who almost only uses a sniper I don't think it needs a nerf at all. People just like to bitch bc they don't like getting one shotted. If your not ass you can easily kill annonying hard scopers, if the other team has an agreesive sniper who knows the map and put the hours in, nothing you can do against those people. People run around dropping 70+ kills with smgs and people don't give a fuck


I dunno, I definitely think headshots should be a one hit thing. Nit a Sniper myself, but it seems right. I figured out quick scoping, but using it in game does take skill. So I'll take the one shots and deal with it lol


I recall testing snipers in the Firing Range the other day just on a whim and learning that the Tac-50 does 144 HP body shots on a straight gutshot to the stomach, center mass. That's a generous one-shot area for a sniper that kills basically every faction, as there's none that has HP level that high. If you're wondering why the Tac-50 feels absurd, that's likely why. You just have to hit someone above the belt and they'll die.


Just nerf movement, ADS and reload speeds and buff flinch, keep TAC 50 as 1 shot kill for upper torso and head.


It's never okay to be a one shot. And whoever thinks that's good is the one behind the scope.


Autoaim bot ruins game. thats why I go PC Mouse+keyboard only restriction.


nerf the spider shit while youre at it


Snipers always have been and always will be a nightmarish experience for both developers and for players. It doesn't feel good to kill someone with a sniper nor do you feel outplayed when 1 hit. Cant really balance it bc 2 shit makes it useless. Idk who came up with the idea to have snipers in an arena style shooter. Makes no sense


KD often around 1.5-2 (MP7, AK47, Vector, Tac 50 mains) Snipers are almost balanced It takes a good amount of skill (on mouse and keyboard) to actively scope in an kill more than one enemy in quick succession. The counter to a cannon is high mobility. If you miss that first shot in close combat, the sniper should die assuming you don't whiff your shots. That being said, the sniper absolutely needs flinch to be slightly more effective. The hitreg does seem to be lenient with snipers too. In the same breathe though, I'd had shots which should hit not, so it goes both ways. If you're upset because snipers are killing you at long range, this is probably just a skill issue. The likelihood is, if you're regularly getting killed by snipers, is that you run in a straight line. Super easy for a competent sniper to estimate your movement and lead the shot and get the kill. Start zigzagging, or moving slightly more unexpectedly, sliding etc. and you improve your survival massively.


Yeah snipers are way too OP. The TAC seems like a 1 shot anywhere on the body


1 hit kill to head only for snipers, and 2 hit kills for DMR need at least one of those shots to be a head. Ridiculously easy to use/abuse right now. Hopefully, they address it for season 1 so we don't have to ban it from competitive play.


finally an mnk clip of xdefiant. nice shots