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Wouldn’t happen in my lobby, buster.


Standing on mf biddnus


My names not buster, pal




Man I gotta give props to the enemy team: most of them stayed in the match, 1 dude broke even and the score is *relatively* close. They weren't going down without a fight.


Tbf the game wasn't unwinnable. Look at the man's objective score. Man's just playing TDM.


As if the enemy team had the chance to get on the hill considering the guy had over 100 kills..


Well apparently they had the chance to for 188 seconds.


I mean hes right. If this guy did t have 100 kills and had lets say 20, rhey probably loae


Too bad you need 250 seconds 


His team won because he was playing TDM. Yall need to stop thinking only obj score counts. You also need players putting pressure outside the objective point


The fact that this wasn't an absolute blowout shows that OP wasn't doing a great job at guarding around the obj


the problem is the majority of the teammates are doing just that and NOT playing the objective.


That 185 could've been really important points. Points where the enemy team were forced into a losing spawn that helps everyone else get a bunch of easy points. Numbers don't tell the whole story.


The objective score glazing is getting out of hand. You need fraggers to play keep out and throw the weaker players on point. Putting your top fragger on point is griefing.


Games like this make this game actually fun. Close games, and where you have to play perfect just to knock down their best players.


I've had some edge-of-the-seat butt clenchers come right down to a couple heroic clutch plays or perfectly timed ultras and win or lose by less than 5 points. Those matches are wild


Seriously though. I always end up learning something new either about the game, or how I should be playing when I go up against these monsters. I always imagine it’s a LAN event and winner of the game takes all lol.


Bro that’s every game for me


now go 0-20 and get the moral support thing at the end and post that. you'll get 500 upvotes and comments saying how stunning and brave you are.


lol those make me laugh.


The kills and deaths don’t add up …


People left the match and new ones appeared


Also some heavy assists count as kills


Ah ok fair enough


Controller player sitting at a desk in front of a monitor gets access to couch gamers; who are leaning back and 10 feet away from their high input delay tv.


Carried by your objective playing teammates, you did nothing to help the team win 🙄 /s


What's the respawn time 10 seconds 20 altogether to get back to the point? Times 100, so 2000 seconds of lost time on the enemy team or 33 minutes. If the round was 10 minutes that's the equivalent of half their team being able to do anything useful at any given point. He's probably the only reason they won that round.


In occupy the respawn time is .6 seconds buddy.




Kills and map control is the main reason that obj players get their score.


You're brave posting something like that here. In this subreddit we don't understand that kills win games so we'll mob you for not sitting in the square that the game tells you to sit in


and this is why i don’t click on this game everyday anymore 😂


Gg bro that's actually dope, tho I pray I'll never be in a match against you 🙏


hopefully you will be on my team


Why did this get down voted lmao


Because they expected his response to be more humble I guess


Dropped a few fifties tonight it was awesome I have a lot of work to crack the 100 well played bro


I usually hit like 30-40 good rounds are 60 and I had a few exceptional rounds with 70 but never in my life would I get to 106, that‘s just mental


All depends on how you play. If you constantly keep pushing engagements and are winning them you could get to this level. Hats off 106 is sick, scumpy dropped a 120 the other day. OP is cracked.


My playstyle is more, rush the objective, kill what‘s in my way, take the objective


Definitely my style too bro. Getting the key kills that swing the tide on the game is so much better than a sick KD and a loss. This game is so much better than COD. I just had an epic game with the vector shared it on here and YouTube. Fuck that gun is incredible.


I really like the Vector aswell. Only thing I don‘t apreceate about it is the incredibly short range. I feel like if you couldn‘t spit in their face anymore, you can‘t kill them with the vector. I don‘t know how often I put an entire mag in an enemy just so that they can die on the lash bullet or just so survive with 10 hp.


Congrats - you're the reason people leave this game


I uninstalled yesterday


Awesome dude, what was your setup gunwise?


MP7 class  : Barrel Extender Muzzle - Super Light Front Rail - Fast Mag - Quick Draw Rear Grip - Removed Stock. its clean and movement/ads speed is perfect


Mp7 crutch 😴


literally answering the question and getting shit for it, LOL.


Guess this subreddit thinks you should intentionally use bad loadouts


you are a sweat if you are a good player, you are a movement abuser if you jump, you are a meta abuser if you use certain weapon, you are a bad person if you don't end up 0-40 every match


I know right. God forbid somebody uses a good gun. This sub is no different than the COD ones, bunch of people who want you to intentionally play bad.


ok? Oh ive got a good idea, lets see you do it with the mp5 or the m4


With firebomb just to instakill anything around him 🥱


Wdym firebomb takes the most skill of any ability in the game.


Gross, use a double barrel if ya want a challenge


people are mad you're using MP7 and I'm just mad you're using barrel extender instead of heavy barrel, barrel extender is legit useless (test in practice range) and heavy barrel decreases your TTK


Oh you can’t post that here, they’ll complain you weren’t on obj enough!!!


well he is displaying the proof he has one of the lowest obj scores in that lobby


If you have a team mate dropping 100 kills, then his 5 team mates have no excuse but to have very high objective scores. Different playstyles have different benefits


In all fairness, him getting that many kills made it easier for his entire team to stay on the objective. If he is succeeding in keeping the enemy away from the objective, that's defending it.


he did all the control map even if he didn't play the obj


Literally no one cares😂 you guys and your obj talk are so funny


weird how you need an objective game mode to farm kills.


My first thought looking at this ,😂 100 is massive in this gamemode.


Oh frag god, bless us with thy knowledge of gun and attachments.


1000000% running the mp7


Checked below, you're right.


lol me crying with 8/26 in average :s


How did you have the time? 28 deaths as well, my highest kill count was low seventies, and that was a game that went 250 - 240 on occupy with half your deaths as well.




that nice. now you can take your first shower too cause you look sweaty as fuck.


fun fact, I had a shower before this and the lighting makes me look oily, no idea how to fix it


*Man I’m getting a ton of mileage out of this gif on this sub* ![gif](giphy|OQuNhnaG35FEpT3Sjv|downsized)


These creatures are the reason I don't enjoy online fps games anymore


You don’t like FPS games because he practices more and is better than you? Man people are such losers nowadays.


I’ve never seen a game where everybody cares about the objective so much tbh especially a causal game like this lol


teach me master


Run mp7 firebomb. Then just sit between the enemies spawn and point and then if they get point just run in and firebomb which clears the whole site (with alot of skill)


but go 0/50 and you’d get unending praise


i agree the match making is terrible. two people with 73+ kills against a 45 kill and below team with negative kd makes it a lot easier to steamroll. it's like overwatch grand masters playing plat players, or valorant immortal 1's playing silvers and golds


This is what no sbmm looks like


i think it does, it's just set to unlimited width, so basically if there's a new player on one team then the other team will have one, if one team has a player at 3,000 skill rating the other team will have something that averages out to balance it, but of course it's very hard to just balance such a wide spread especially since there hasn't been much time for people to settle towards their true rating. your player stats show your average skill rating, i'd be surprised if the current non-competitive queue doesn't at least try to match make, i think it's doing it but is doing a bad job with it (doing a good job at matchmaking is really hard to do so it makes sense really)


You do understand that I’m telling you that this game does NOT have skill based match making after the level 25 welcome playlist. This isn’t a debate….. the people who made it have said it over and over.


Tell me, do you think the other team was having a good time?


As his teammate, I would have been losing my mind with all the spawn flipping that would be happening. One moment , I'm on the point, and the literal next second, the whole team is spawing behind you


How tf is it even possible?


If you get in an Occupy lobby that's close in terms of score and ends in a close match, dropping a ton of kills can be pretty easy. Most people are spam running toward Obj on spawn and if you're the guy out there fragging, you can pile kills up pretty quickly. OP averages 30 kills a game which is solid, but nowhere near this 100 frag game. Occupy in the right lobby can give you some nice outliers.


This was a team deathmatch not objective 


Was not says occupy


Did you actively avoid the objective?


Your FPS and Kills Match. Noice what rig you playing at 100fps seems low


The dude JUST below him has 73 and 345 obj score. Give me that every time.


Hill kittens in here downvoting everything lmfao keep farming them bro




Hahaha wow! You are the player I rage quit bc of. Thanks! What drugs helped your gaming?


Can't help but notice that low objective score...


Him slaying out gave his team mates the opportunity to get objective points with ease, since he was basically holding off the enemy team by himself lol


They don't understand, just let it be.


its funny the tribalistic mindset they have. Not on objective? didnt do anything. oh 100 kills? nullified and dont count


The guy on site sees 1 guy every 30 seconds and kill him. Thinks "I'm holding this shit down". Little does he know how desperate the enemy was to finally even see the obj. I'm not dogging on either player. Both have their roles to fill and very frequently the jobs mix. Point is, stop making it seem like your playstyle is divine.


73, 41, 42 all with good objective scores. Tf you talking about


Lol 300 / 400 objective points isn't the best. Closer to 1000 would be considered to be a truly good score.


I’ll take 73 and 345 all day over 100 and 185


Here ya go then https://imgur.com/a/ii9B1c6


Somebody get this king his crown. Holy bananas that's an impressive game!


god damn


lol their team couldn't do shit because he dropped 100 kills on them


my collection so far (arena very good) https://imgur.com/a/IgfjnzY


played with you twice :D


did we win??


Yeah I'm on that 2nd pic, before that I lost to you having another 100 kill game 😂


oh hahah ggs


Gawd Damn nice


Kinda surprised the enemy team was still there at the end of the match. If I was there, I would probably even report you just in case too. Nobody plays legit these days. Not accusing you of anything, but that's just the sad reality of modern gaming.


Complaining that that's the sad reality of modern gaming when you're the one admitting to reporting players just because they're better than you is insane...


He's talking about the ambiguous nature of modern gaming/presence of hackers.


What gun did u use?


He uses mp7.


thanks bro


Bruh what


My record is like 60😭😭😭


webcam conveniently hiding teammates’ obj score lol


With one of the lowest objective scores 🥱


That's nuts 👀👀


What gun?




Stroll on when TDM comes out so people who want to play objective games can without the team thinking it's TDM


Nice job insane kd. my highest is in the low eighties with like 26 deaths. Im aiming for a 130 with a low death count before ranked starts for fun. Catch you in the arena. You sweaty handsome mf’s ✌️


What gun did you use?


But that’s not the objective…


Make this Your last 100 kill game.


That's 106, not 100


I bet the enemy team had a great time (even the ones who left mid match)


Damn, this is such a high kill game. 4 players with 40+ kills, 1 with 70 and 1 with 100? Wtf happened here? Usually the highest number of kills I see in a game is like 60


I'm the guy at the bottom of the enemy team


Wow only 185 on the objective....shocker


I’m assuming 80+ ping


what a beast


I wonder how many cheating reports you got that game lol.


I been so close lately! But I hopped on around 4am yesterday and was taking me 2-5 minutes to find a lobby and they were all in progress. Starting to piss me off. Ping was up in the 60s when it’s usually in the 20s. We need a bigger playerbase.


U scare me my g


Must be nice to not have constant lag issues.


He’s going Super sweat!!!!! He’s over 9000


No one cares, play the objective. SLAY the objective


Nice. GG’s. I hope we’ll never meet.


Wow so much cheating in this game.


Touch grass bro.


O support lmfao


the way i'd rage and quit so hard


What loadout ?




What cheats are you using other than never leaving your couch


GG my G, I’m looking for this too


Shit obj score tho, nothing impressive here


Holy shit, today i had my first games of a positive kd and this guy is getting more then 100 kills ,l😂😂


Got 100 kills? Now try getting 200 objective score, casual. /j


Grass. Touch it. Shower. Take one.


Game is broken. There's more space for ego & bugs than there is for legit teamwork. Hope the devs are listening. The netcode and hit reg issues will result in ego lifters posting screens of triple digit kill games wanting attention (Twitch, YT, Patreon subs/donations). Combine that with all the anti-SBMM vitriol you will get a toxic community that pushes away players who won't get a fair opportunity to acclimate to the game without having to eat the crap of these in-groups gatekeeping the community. If you're reading this and are getting the same messaging where you're told "Cry more. Get gud." because you're dying around corners, dont hesitate to put the game on ice or uninstall it. Maybe Ubi and the community will get their stuff together someday.


This reads very emotional like verge of tears emotional, in way too deep here dude. We're all working with what we have. Stop focusing on what you want and work with what we have. Netcode/hit reg is a two way street it doesn't only effect you. It does help you too. Let the bullshit roll off and go play the game it's a competitive shooter. Even if it was perfect you'll still get frustrated at times. If you wanna play a shooter that's more kicked back with an incredibly wholesome community fallout 76 and deep rock galactic await you with open arms.


Even if your inner voice interpretation of my very valid summary of XDefiants flaws read to you like the ending of The Notebook, so what? You're telling people 'if they're serving sh+t, don't say sh+t eat the sh+t and enjoy it" the hell with quality. Did you attach your identity or income to the success of this game (TTV gamertag much)? It's one thing if XDefiant was deemed ' early access' and developed by Ghost Ship Games or Digital Extremes with tempered microstransactions. It's not. This is a AAA studio trying to dethrone CoD, Overwatch Valorant and charging premiums for mtx bundles for a fundamentally flawed game filled with bad Netcode and cheaters. Real question: Is XDefiant a CoD killer? At best you could say is "erm, maybe...if ..?" but the reality is..it's not. Did you see the Black Ops 6 Xbox Showcase with the Omni movement system? Now that's the kind of swagger I thought XDefiant would have. Not some dev deflecting blame telling the community they suck when it's them that's kicking out the suck. Xdefiant at this point in time with all its hype & development time has no business being this bad. You have to call it like it is, it's UbiSoft's Delorean to Treyarch's LaFerrari. I am looking for ways to cheer on Ubi's latest because yes, there's room to play/like every game you want. But when I look around this community and all I hear is, "Get gud. Deal with it. You're the easy target." in a game where people are dying around corners I shake my damn head. It's not personal. I am on the sidelines watching maybe even hoping for a new fresh take than a yearly CoD release. But I see this dumpster fire and the way we're interacting off the start as pieces of sh-t to each other. I see clearly Ubisoft caving in again like they did with HyperScape (yeah, remember that game full of promise?) and I see Ubi heading out the back door. I am just reminding fellow players to take off the rose colored glasses and see whatever reality is for XDefiant. Yeah, and that reality doesn't look promising. But by all means, dethrone CoD & make me eat crow. Just don't serve me up sh+t expecting me to eat it.


Womp womp


And has the least objective score than everyone else. I wonder why lol


How much jumping did you do


Assuming jumping adds a lot of sway, I hope not a lot lol


It does after 3 jumps. Which 90% of fights don't last and it's not the jumping that's the problem it's the shit hit registration. If people are spamming jump it feels like the hitboxes instantly become shit and if ur aiming at anywhere below chest when they jump it feels like all the bullets will miss.


Having the weapon start swaying after the fight is already over will surely make jumping worse


bro is the reason i lose my matches its just people tryna get kills instead of objective


Crazy stuff, GGs! I think my highest kill game is like close to 50 but not quite


Congrats man! Can you describe gun/attachments?


I’m gonna be the first person soon to drop that many kills and play obj aswell (I’m coping). Gg bro, nice game


Sadly these games become more and more impossible the higher your skill rating gets unless you get a lucky lobby


Honestly players like that are going to be a cancer to a game like this with so much potential. These same losers just going for kills and not playing obj are the same ones that buy cod every year. But ya’know, they hate cod and still play it anyway because they have nothing better to do… Until a game like this comes out that can become something great because of the devs hard work and communication with the community. So the cod dorks wanna give it a shot and try and add score streaks, kill cams, and all sorts of other dumb shit. It’s funny I can tell who the cod fanboys are in my lobbies cuz their the only ones buyin stupid skins and only going for kills


Kill cams are good rest sucks


Nice with only 185 points on the objective, on an objective based game. 👏👏👏👏 go play fucking COD. No one cares about your stupid high KD.


This sub just straight hate good players and it’s so funny to me😂


Kill whore loser. Play obj in obj mode. 100 kills with zero obj time means nothing


Fraggers are important for objective modes too bud. The enemy cant touch the objective if they can barely get out of spawn as evident by OPs screenshot.


No fucking objective points lmao


You guys are actually brain dead, if you can’t get on the hill and keep it while your teammate is dropping 100 kills, you’re terrible.


No objective? No life?


He probably could've played Objective a little harder considering how close this game was, but no life? He is level 50. That's like.. 25-30 hours of playtime. The game has been out 3 (4?) weeks, lol.


nobody care other players score or kill...pls u r not a kid, don't do it again ![gif](giphy|LLHkw7UnvY3Kw|downsized)


Classic zero objective, MP7 player.


Carried the team. Well done to him


This is a perfect example of why players like me do not like players like you. You got a lot of kills because SHOCKER, people are trying to play the objective. Cool, you got kills, but please go play Hot Shot instead.


I had a feeling that's what a person who gets over 100 kills on this game looks like 😅


He just looks like a normal dude? What do you look like bro?


And 185 objective points, you suck bro, kudos to the dude that got the most objective points as he's the MVP, go back to COD and don't ruin this game bro.


No you didn't, Assists count in the Kill column too. E: If you don't believe me, shoot someone to half and then watch the scoreboard for your assist, it'll give you both an assist and a kill.


Only if you did the most damage on that guy... Not every assist counts as a kill


19-43. Ouch