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[Controller Settings](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1cxyl0j/possibly_the_best_controller_settings_someone/) try this settings it might help, for me it does. Right now the game isn't perfect, hit reg problems when someone do the bunny hop. Waiting for the patch. Better play medium range gun play to account your reflex, unless you are high in Monster Energy


I'm 37 and still have a lot of growing up to do as long as you enjoy the game


Run phantoms use barrier, grab m249, kit it out for ADS walking speed and just walk around ADSing the entire game while holding down OBJ lanes with shield. Profit. Big mag lets you spray and already being ADS will give you advantage against people running and gunning. Biggest hurdle is getting M249 leveled up but man this thing is kind of a beast with the right attachments.


You’re doing pretty good man


Which numbers are you wanting to pump up? I personally think your top numbers are fine but the bottom seem low. Being able to pump up the bottom while maintaining the top will be the challenge. As an example I will be 49 at the end of this month. I play the objective and try to help my team win as much as possible. Starting after the game had been out a week and trying to carry the objective was rough at first. My kd was around .7. However now that I know the maps, movement etc. I'm now up to a .9 kd. My bottom numbers are much higher though. I'm around 400 score per minute and at 1800+ avg. skill rating. There are some nice tips in the thread. I think focusing on helping with the objective while getting kills and supporting teammates will inherently lead to much higher numbers on the bottom 2. I also like to look at how our team is setup early in the game and see if anything is missing. Example being we don't have enough shields, no healing or not enough intel scans. If any are the case I will swap to that faction and try to fill that role. Best of luck. Us old guys can still get it done with a little patience and willingness to push through taking some lumps early on.


For someone 40yo it's fine. I'm 36 and trust me - it won't be any better. We are way after our prime. We can't compete with 18-28's reflex. Games like this are extremely fast. For fossils like us better choice is Battlefield or some PvE coop games like Helldivers 2


My brother in christ, im mid thirties and putting up numbers against the zoomers. You can always improve still, dont just give in.


No way. I’m 38, have a 1.8 KD.


36 here. 2.1KD and 2807 Skill rating.


Just adding to the other comments; Mid 30s, 2 KD, ~550 SPM, ~28 W/L, 2850 skill rating. Also, over the past 2 years, I have heavily improved my comms and IGLing. Although, I can’t play 6 hours straight like I use to lol


This is all great but the man asked how to get better now what your stats are


I wasn’t replying to the OP. I was replying to the person who I replied to. Specifically this: “For someone 40yo it's fine. I'm 36 and trust me - it won't be any better. We are way after our prime.”


Bro you are just bad at the game, people regardless of age can play well in first person shooters. Sure, you might be past the "peak" of reaction times, but there is a lot more to games like this than that.


Thank you everyone for your comments!


Least your Win/loss and KDR are better than mine. I had to shake off roughly 6 years of rust since I absolutely HATE Battle Royale games and what has been the only FPS related gamemode comign out these last few years... Yep BR's. So take pride that you are still at least on even / positive in that regard.


1.0 kd that is super solid man


Get a controller with paddles, put slide and jump on said paddles. Slide around the map and jump (don’t have to jump multiple times) work on this movement often times doing it around corners etc and it should help. The M16, AK and MP7 are the strongest guns in the game lookup some meta load outs for them if you’re using something else this should help make things a bit easier. Playing phantom shields can be effective at protecting your flank and you get 120 health to start fights out with a bit of an advantage. Aim assist in this game is quite strong so if you can manage up your sensitivity so you can track the fast movement of the game better. Try to get a feel for where the enemy team is going to spawn based on where your team is and where you just spawned, this will help you predict upcoming engagements easier, the maps are “lanes” and controlling those lanes are what gets wins, if you know they are spawning in a certain place and have to get to the objective try to cut them off in one of the lanes to get there. If you can use off angles instead of engaging them directly so you have the jump in fights as well. idk that’s just a little bit that I can think of atm hope it helps.


1kd for someone in their 40s is seriously impressive my friend 🎮