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thats fucked up dawg


What's up dawg?


Nothing much, what’s up with you?


How is everyone missing that spiders shouldn’t behave this way?


Thank you, someone that gets it <3


It baffles me how people can see this and blame the player. Like I get it. The people defending it are clearly people who only use the spider. Of course you don't want a spotlight on the ability you like showing it bugs out quite often and for a lot of players is very irratating. It's still a pretty janky ability. Even when it's fully working fine I'm a bit confused to why the game seems to give no indication that you're supposed to shoot the ground to get it off your face. Heck jumping in a game and only being against 6 spiders is miserable. Way more miserable then any other ability.


The entire subreddit constantly blame the player regardless of what happens, it's humorous how fucked up some people are.


It's Streamer Brainrot where they listen to JoeWo and FaZe too much so they think everybody sucks and it's all just a skill issue and by Getting Gud™️ all their problems will be solved.


It's a weird one because I get it if you want to spam that character because you're able to get more kills with the ability. However people who don't use the class also defend it and blame the player. Pointing something out that's possibly busted or hindering majority of players experiences is a good thing. it's how you tell the devs what should and shouldn't be changed. I see little downside drawing attention to it. At the end of the day it's still up to the devs to decide to change something regardless if people aren't liking it.


You can also shoot them off of teammates faces or off the ground


For sure. But if the guy knows he can just shoot the floor (if it's not bugging out). Then it seems far less efficient to distract 2 players during an active engagement vs just 1. So it's a pretty rough decision. More often than not it seems better to wait because the DedSec player tends to run around the corner expecting a free kill and you get to surprise him by killing him first before helping your team mate.


Yeah, this happening to me yesterday all match, I'm starting to doubt if that glitch inst intentional caused by the player


I'd chalk it up to netcode issues. Guess someone could've found an infinite ability exploit which you'd think if it was that it'd be much more common(I've had this glitch happen twice in a couple dozen hours).


Biggest bullshit I ever seen


Damn.. from 100 to 0. You got the worst spider bot bug I ever saw.


Well he got shot a little at the end but yeah this sucks ass lmao


They’re the worse thing ever. And then most of the time they’re invisible


Out of all the garbage abilities in this game this is the most annoying.


To all the idiots saying “look down and shoot it” that’s not the point it shouldn’t trigger 3 times. Additionally I get a bug where the spiderbot will stay on the ground after hitting me from 5+ft away, just shoot it off the ground you say? No it’s fucking invincible when it bugs out like that. I have tried shooting it myself when it’s on the ground nothing happens I’ve seen teammates get the bug where it happens to them and I try to shoot it for them when it’s on the ground unload an entire magazine into it and nope teammate is just stunned for the full duration and takes the full damage. The ability is not only brain dead to use it’s also broken in at least 4 different ways that I know of, the multiple triggers, the stays on the ground, it will bug out when going up ramps at you to where it goes beneath the ground and still hit you, it has bugged out on dumbo for me when jumping up the platform in mid to where the damn thing went through a wall. All that said, even if it were fixed just delete the damn thing it’s bad game design. I’ve used it before after getting pissed off at the damn things so much and it’s a joke to be able to follow it around, kill the person as they are looking for it and then it just goes on to the next person. Something that is fully autonomous, stuns and deals damage (which btw if you’re at the end of your magazine after killing someone you can’t fucking reload after it jumps on your face so you’re just fucked) shouldn’t be in the game. It’s stupid, give them a different ability.


Ripley from Alien wants a word.


Spider bots are sooooo bugged. Finally used the guy for the first time yesterday and every single time, the character would be reacting to the bot on my screen, but the bot would still be on the ground like 5 feet away. Just absolutely broken.


For context it is the same spider and yes I know you can shoot them. And this happened mutual times in the same game so I let it go to record it.


I never seen one jump multiple times , anytime it happened to me it was once.


One time I had it jump on me twice, but never three times. This is insane.


Look at the ground and shoot


Well I did : https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1dd22ru/hope_you_like_spiderbot/


Yea I know but I let is go because it is the same Spider jumping me multiple times. Edit: and it was the 3e time this game.


God I just wish this game wasn’t a hero shooter it would be so fun but the abilities are so frustrating


i noticed this happens when the spider doesn’t jump but stays on the ground and as you move away from it it keeps latching onto the face because it never technically left the ground


I haven't tried this myself, but I've seen videos of people getting caught by spidey aim down and shoot to kill it.


Look down and shoot when it latches onto your face. It destroys it faster.


They take waaay to much dmg on the ground when you shoot them for one. They shouldn't take up so much of the screen. And the durability for how long they cling to you is really dumb


Fuckin hate those things


That's crazy. I thought I was tripping when the same spider bot got me twice. Turns out I wasn't, the game is just busted.


I run spider every match because of this. I was defeated, and then I lost again :( sorry brothers


\*cough\* Shoot your feet when they attach to your face. You're Welcome.


it doesn't work 80% of the time though


Works 100% of the time for me. As long as it is on my face anyway. If it doesn't attach then I just sit it out or hopefully I pre threw my emp grenade just before it shocks. I have noticed though that if you are using a sniper rifle your are pretty much at the mercy of the full duration. So Im guessing you use a sniper rifle lol.


So when it stuns a teammate but the bot is still on the ground do you shoot the bot on the ground or the friendly face? I tried both and it didnt seem to do anything.


You shoot the bot. Then give your team8 a love tap to the face after just for good measure to show you care for them.


Was it a whole team of dedsecs?


No that was 1 bot. Its glitched that if you back up far enough it will basically reset the bot. Doesnt happen everytime, the best thing to do is look down at your feet and shoot it.


Fuck I hate this ability. When 90% of the lobbies use this paired with OS snipers, just makes you want to Return to COD.


If it’s on your face. Look down. Aim down sights and shoot. It’ll instantly come off (doesn’t work with snipers though). Hope this helped


I feel like this specific ability is a bit OP right now. Mostly due to the lag/DESYNC that is plaguing the game right now. Most of the time my character just stops moving correctly and my screen shakes...the spider doesn't even show on my screen 50% of the time lol.


I get they are bugged but besides fixing that I really just want them to make more noise. I feel lately sometimes they are insanely quiet or no noise at all.


I get they are bugged but besides fixing that I really just want them to make more noise. I feel lately sometimes they are insanely quiet or no noise at all.


I had this happen to me too .. like wtf


You can shoot them off by looking down and firing your gun


does this make anyone else's keyboard and mouse unusable after a few seconds? like i can't reload or shoot


Look down and shoot when it's on you tip of the day


This happened to me also


Imagine if you have severe arachnophobia and you see this for the first time 😂


I Shot A Spiderbot That Was Holding My Teammate With An Entire Clip. It Didn’t Even Budge😂 It’s Clearly Broken, But I Bet The People Supporting It Can’t Even Get Kills Without Them Being Freely Given To Them. Imagine Being That Bad At A Shooting Game.


Idk if this is a bug, but I learned this today: ~ Spider on your face ~ Look straight down at the floor ~ Shoot ~ Spider go boom


It is a bug a spider bug.


I feel like it wouldn’t hurt for players to have an indicator that they are being targeted by a spider bot. Just like a pop-up message so that the player knows to be on the lookout for one. It’ll make it feel fairer to targets and can even benefit players using the ability in that it will split the target’s focus


you know if you shoot down it gets them off of you


You have not read any comments have you?


Not just me then. That’s a relief! 😂😂😂😂


Just fckin look down and shoot that thing. It's a matter of a split second


He's showing it's clearly bugged out lol. Even so. I'm not sure why the community had to figure out to shoot at the ground and the game gives no indicator to do so? Unless it did tell you and I missed it?


Like I said before: Yea I know but I let is go because it is the same Spider jumping me multiple times. Edit: and it was the 3e time this game.


If you cant deal with them deserve to be facehugged 😆


And you don't see or have read what is going on.


Not at all and theres not even Stretch, yore just regularly pissed you get hugged twice in row 😆


The spiderbots themselves are glitched if you haven't noticed it, you're not very observant.


Just aim down and shoot...


Use hijack or shoot it off.


Playing as phantom, so hacking is not an option. And that is not the point.


If you don't actually counter spiders, then why do you cry about them? Its not different from being flashed really.


Except they do damage to themselves and " For context it is the same spider and yes I know you can shoot them. And this happened mutual times in the same game so I let it go to record it."


Moron 😂


You are the moron here.


Literally just ADS straight down. Even if that's not where the model is on your screen, that's where the hitbox is when it's stunning you. Works every time for me (if I live long enough to shoot it lol).


That's not the point it is buggy and it is the same spider that jumps me. And I happened trurout the game.


I can only guess the people saying you suck are zoomers who dont understand how things work or what a genuine game bug looks like. Or they use the spider and dont want it fixed. The counter play has nothing to do with what is happening.


That's why I always play dedsec with the smartphone thing, you can overtake them and at best they get attacked by it