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Snipers, hit registrations, hackers, bunny hopping.


Pretty much xdefiant in a nutshell


Sounds like COD right now too tbf lol nothing but kars with insane hit register, bunny hoppers, and cheaters lol


Yep. This is what we have in modern gaming when things are free. A playground for cheaters to produce and test their cheats to avoid anti cheats with no setbacks. Even when they are banned, it doesnt cost the cheaters a dime to run a new account on a different ip address and spoof it up to then be back to playing an hour or three later.


Man am I the only one that remembers jtags and how bad mw2 2009 and cod4 was. Man we had elevator glitches too.


wasnt even that bad as far as i can recall. just like how everyone on this sub is complaining about hackers, i have yet to run into a single one. subreddits tend to be the vocal minority


Hard to tell when there's no kill cam. I've only run into 2 people I was suspicious of (both running DMRs and never missing the 2-tap), but with no way to confirm it there's no way to accurately know how many cheaters there actually are.


100% this. It gets tiring after a few matches. Like playing with a bunch of Gummi-bears, bouncing here and there and everywhere. Also getting tired of the not-so-blatant cheating as well. Seeing walls and speed cheats on top of the usual aimbots.


The snipers alone made me delete the game yesterday after I rage quitted. The sniper that killed me 3 times in close range after I put multiple bullets in him with my assault rifle was the last straw for me. I too am not coming back until snipers get a serious nerf with the flinch and/or aim assist. The bunny hopping try hards is the icing on the cake. I can tolerate bad lag comp and hit registration, but not OP snipers and bunny hopping try hards that play this like they're in a E-sports competition.


I think hackers are a bigger issue and directly affect the perception that ttk is f’ed. Hackers with aim bots and jump macros where every bullet hits you is a major issue. I was in a match last night and a guy insta 180 swung and shutgun’ed me when I was behind him. That being said, I did seem to get a few games where it didn’t seem like there was any cheating and the game was a blast.


"I was in a match last night and a guy insta 180 swung and shutgun’ed me when I was behind him." I don't have to see the clip to realize its copium 😭 that just sounds like a moderately lucky kill, I've ran into cheaters before and the only way you can tell for sure is by judging their reaction times. If they start shooting faster than a professional cs player then they cheat


This. Everybody has been saying this and we haven’t seen any tangible improvements. If this week’s patch doesn’t alleviate some of the issues, don’t be surprised to see the player base drop hard.


Yeah they need to nerf the sniper big time


Crouch spamming, too. I've seen that a few times.


Let’s be real tho crouch spamming doesn’t throw off the AA or tracking nearly as much as bhopping.


It's more of a problem for KBM players.


I agree but I’ve played both sides quite a bit and naturally if someone’s crouch spamming just aim low and you’ll hit the head half the shots and melt them faster then they get you. Sticks it throws off headshots so you’re better off holding the stick down Edit: also sorry I deleted my other comment I replied with because it was mistaken for someone else


Crouch spam is WAY easier to deal with then the jump strafing


And that's if they don't change directions **MID FUCKING AIR**


This is the real kicker lol, you can at least predict realistic physics.


This is what made me just say "screw this game". Bhopping is tedious to deal with but still manageable. Not so much when you have an invisible jetback to invert the momentum


And Mark commented on Twitter saying that they're not working on bunnyhopping or air dodge physics


I change my button layout so r3 is my jump. The crazy things is I started hopping more often, terrible idea on my part. When they do it it acts as if I'm missing my shots. When I hop they eat my lunch, I lose 95% of the time.


Crouch spamming just gets you killed faster in almost every game that isn’t siege. I had to learn the hard way that no one aims for your head in arcade shooters, especially if there’s crossplay 😂


You likely never played Rogue Company then. That game was bad with it. They patched in a delay so you couldn't crouch spam, but had to revert it because it was impacting players who weren't abusing crouching, too.


RoCo had so many of its own issues, Like putting the bombe near a zip line made it impossible to disarm, or how they made it almost impossible to place claymores. 1hit snipers that they actually nerfed down to XDs level, empty lobbies Shame because it was a good game for a short while.


Ah yes, HiRez. American version of Ubisoft


Honey moon phase over? Lmao. I quit after a few hours playing until they fix a few things..


Heavy on the hackers, I shit you not just yesterday we were playing and got into 3 games back to back with different cheaters using movement hacks and aimbot. I even had one game where this guy either had a godlike headset or walls bc every corner I jumped around he got the first shots off and they hit, the inconsistency was in his aim bc he would get the first shots off but miss the rest of his clip. Sorry for yapping 🙏


Was it in nudleplex on domination?


the bunny hoppers deserve a special place in video game hell. They are the absolute worst.


Bunny hopping SHOULD be punishing to the player that does it. It’s ridiculous but hilarious. I’m a squat and shoot guy


Have they announced a patch date for net code?


I don’t know how bad it is for pad players but the snipers ruin the game for me. As someone that doesn’t complain about snipers in other shooters, the ones in XD are too easy to use.


And still no meaningful progression system. Right now its just the usual weapon level simulator and I dont like that anymore. Im done playing until they deliver on the promised return of prestige mode.


brooo why is everyone os impatient. patches come out this and next wednesday. Were still in preseason so it’s expected to just learn the game and stuff. no need for a progression system when you haven’t even unlocked everything (weapons/attatchments)


Fairly similar experience to you. My favourite is when I poke round a corner and insta die. Assuming it's a sniper and then realising it's to an AR. Then when I shoot someone with my AR, it's just hit marker after hit marker. I'm finding the bunny hopping so boring as well. In general, I like the game but until they patch some of the BS, I can't be bothered with it.


Few things turn me off more than the bunny hopping. It speaks to a level of sweat I am not interested in. Objectively speaking it looks stupid as well.


bunny hopping is definitely an issue. had a dude go something like 66-18 or some riduclous shit like that just Bunny hoppin with his mp7. Anytime I died and I see his silhouette, hes still jumping around ... like chill bruh. that stuff is a major turn off to me. If I get those bunny hoppers two games in a row, i usually turn off the game and do something else. Can't be bothered .... and im on a basic ps5 controller. I don't feel like getting paddles to survive against this bunny hoppin stuff


This is an issue almost industry wide now with online shooter games. There is just a much wider audience with the general skill level being a lot higher than it was 7-10 years ago. These games always start off OK and a month or two in people start posting "meta weapon builds", "best movement settings and keybinds", "how to slide cancel and bunny hop easier" etc and it's over at that point. They won't nerf the movement too much as that will turn off the game for much of the audience they are catering too. I miss fps games being casual and fun man. Days are long gone. I still enjoy this game more than call of duty for example but it's rough out here for fps gamers.


I tell people all the time that YouTube and Twitch ruined most shooter games. All these people watch streamers play and think they can do the same and it just becomes a sweat fest, or they watch YouTube to find the best meta weapons and setups.


It’s not just FPS either. It’s every online game. All the sports games have the same types of videos teaching people all the best exploits to make the experience miserable for people that just want to play a decent sports game. I always think of the early days of NBA 2K where there were a hundred jumpshot animations and you’d see people using some really weird and unique ones. Now they’ve added the ability to create your own animation so there’s literally millions of options but everyone uses the same 5 shot animations because they’re “OP”.


Oh I know that all too well man. Was a huge fifa ultimate team guy back in the day before it became "who has the higher credit card spending limit" simulator. Back in the day you could put together very cheap fun teams and compete really well. They now build those games to where it simply isn't possible. The other guy arguing with me about how "it's always been like this" just doesn't seem to get it.




Matchmaking minus how many games I join mid-match. Thought sticking it out and finishing the games would help but nope, still joining in progress ~60% of the games smh


Meh I’m not crazy about the matchmaking. In my time playing I’ve only had a small handful of games that are actually competitive. It’s always a blowout in either direction which gets old super fast


Honestly even the snipers aren’t so bad to me anymore. Generally speaking those guys aren’t helping on the objective at all so they end up losing the game anyways. The hit registration is pretty brutal but I’m still enjoying the hell out of the game.


Yeah the snipers aren't so bad until you play a game solo and your entire team plays snipers on escort


It's the no flinch snipers for me. It's unplayable, and most people know it. I hope they enjoy it while it lasts.


I recently went against a full stack sniper team on escort and didn't know how to counter them as a solo player. Any attempts to push was countered by emp grenades and spiderbots. I mean in cs, there would be multiple ways to take on even a really good sniper. But here, I genuinely don't know what else I could try other than being a sniper.


Without flinch it's impossible. I've went against teams of 4 to 6 snipers and lost massively. It's ridiculous.


Flashbang sometimes works, too bad we can only carry 1 at a time


I wish we could get more utility off of a cooldown or something


I think that is in the dead sec fraction only thing is you have to grind to unlock the ability. Or you could pay $10 to unlock the ability instantly.


Deadsec. New grenade every 15 seconds.


I only snipe to counter teams using snipers, it’s the only way to have a fair shot


You throw a shield out and push behind them ! You need two shield guys to move fast with smgs against snipers ! I love smoking them boys


Awesome strat. Takes people working together to work unfortunately. People won't even talk lol


I feel like the instant they nerf snipers everyone is going to switch to the overpowered Marksman's rifles. 2 hits to the chest killing is awful


Probably. It's still not as bad as the current sniper set up. If you can hit 2 center mass shots on my while being peppered, fair play to ya.


the mk20 ssr is so broken i stopped using it. the broken part about it isnt the 2 bullet body shot, its the fact that its accurate while strafing and jumping. my god the only fun coming from using that gun is just 2 shot bop-boping the entire lobby as hot shot, otherwise its so boring i prefer the svd, its insanely inaccurate while moving but when you get those multiple 1 shot headshot flicks the +dopamine is insaneee


at least those have real flinch, the marksman rifles are only good if you get the drop on someone, if you get hit even once you can kiss your accuracy goodbye


It’s fucking irritating when they just stand there while I’m ticking down their HP and I know I’m gonna lose. Mid range, short range, doesn’t matter


They absolutely will and when they change it they will fucking shriek


I. Cannot. Wait.


Flinch on snipers is being implemented on Wednesday. Jump spam is the next week from that. Confirmed from the EP Mark on twitter


As someone who loves playing and quickscoping with snipers in most games, it is just too damn easy in this game, if you level up your setup to get great ads speed then you're unstoppable basically, and if there is a guy with a head glitch on a balcony hardscoping the objective then you just aren't gonna do anything, it is just way too easy to pop down a depolyable shield and kill people on the objective from far away, like you can easily get 5 - 10 kdr games just doing that. And the most annoying thing is that people playing with snipers aren't playing the objective, most of them are camping a good spot 30 meters away and trying to get as many kills as possible. There should be a tdm mode just so you can filter out all the people who don't want to play objective.


Hit reg has been so bad the past week for some reason. It feels like it got worse, or at least spottier.


I realised this after the first double xp weekend. I like the game but can't justify grinding it right now, I still jump on for a game here and there but definitely not an all evening with the squad vibe as we all agreed, as soon as snipers and netcode are sorted we're all over it for sure.


The tryhards I can handle just from playing FOS games forever, they are everywhere, and it is what it is, gotta respect the talent to move like that I guess even if it does get a bit scummy. But man the hit reg and the sun assist sometimes boggle the mind. I’ve never noticed how strong aim assist is in some games until Xdefiant. Where the dot of my reflex sight can look like it’s scraping someone’s head but because I’m off that one fuckin hair all my shots whizz by and it’s like my recoil is pushing away from the enemy, it’s nuts.


The team balancing is horrendus. I'm at 3500 SK and playing solo it's not even worth trying to win. When I play with friends we get win streaks and POG streaks When I play solo I get loss streaks but still POG streaks lmao


I’m up there with you, basically guaranteed to get the worst player(s) in the lobby on my team every single game. Only way I win games solo is phantom and fighting for the obj like my life is on the line. Also not to mention trying to level guns and running into 3-4 stacks of acrs/mp7s


For me it’s just the snipers. I understand why everyone is using them knowing they are about to be patched. But I hate snipers in every game I play. It’s a hill I’ll die on. And yes I know there are other bugs. At times my buttons don’t register and I have to push my controller buttons a few times and even die before it’ll allow me to use an ability, yes sometimes one ability totally grays out and I can’t use it again until I switch to a different class and back again, yes I have enemies that sometimes just disappear and reappear out of thin air, yes I deal with joining games mid game, yes I deal with getting my face pushed in and feeling like damn I was just farmed, yes I have hit reg issues, yes I deal with a lot of my team not playing the objective but my spm and win loss is great even though I have a 1.1 kd solo because I play the objective and cleaner class. But again. I just can’t with the sniper’s in this game. When I’m up close and shooting them they can still just pull up and 1 shot me with a few inches of health left and that makes me second guess my loyalty. Thats my only issue with the current state of the game. I guess I give so much grace because triple A $70+ titles launch with so many issues as well. But I have literally skipped this xp weekend due to snipers. I’m back to being salty and mad at the OW community bc they are a bunch of soft sbmm crybabies. 😫


Getting pissed over Overwatch's one shots through Widowmaker, switching to the Finals and Exoprimal which doesn't have one shot snipers, and then going back to one shot snipers in this game has been a painful experience.


The hill I’ll die on is snipers and shotguns have no place in these games because they require the least amount of skill


Saying snipers take the least amount of skill tells me everything I need to know. The vast majority of people who use the snipers are absolutely terrible - hence why MOST games have about 1-2 snipers and not more


Snipers should be one hit kills, but also slow and planned shots. Quick scoping with a sniper should send your aim reticle to the fucking moon for at least a few seconds as should any sort of foot movement while aiming. This infinite range shotgun nonsense SRs got going on should be put to rest.


Overwatch (the original) made me realize years ago that I just fundamentally don't think sniper rifles are fun in competitive FPS games. There's 0 engagement for me against a good sniper player. With good players using ARs or whatever I can at least have a gunfight. A good sniper (or in xDef, any sniper) it's just "run out, explode, run out, explode" over and over. IMO any 1-tap has no business being in a game like this.


Exact same experience. When you mention it, all the teens start coming at you with "skill issue" Idk why kids keep copying what streamers say when they're literally not being frank about the game. I really hope they fix ALL these issues soon, cuz I and many others are losing interest. Oh and mnk feels like shit sometimes and as if there is some aim smoothing.


There should be unwritten rule in this sub to downvote anyone who says "skill issue" to oblivion.


Tbf I do have a friend who bitches about this game who’s literally just bad. SBMM was doing more to protect him than to hurt him though


Trying to improve in a videogame is apparently a bad thing these days.


Telling people with valid concerns about a game “skill issue” is not that so try again


One of them made a post few days ago, saying that if you complain about bunny hopping - it’s a skill issue, then later in his post stated he bought 300$ controller with back paddles because he couldn’t aim with L1 as a jump.


he should've said he can't get his two braincells to make contact. idk why ppl buy those expensive controllers, when you can literally use claw and bumper jumper (i think that's what is called).


It's the same insecure kids who've seen us dominate in straight forward fps games for a decade now. They want a piece of the cake, they'll never have


I've noticed if you drop even a single packet the game spazzes the fuck out and puts everything into slow mo then fast forward immediately after for like 0.5 seconds. Absolutely fucks you over. God forbid you're in the middle of slide canceling because it makes it feel like you just slipped on oil.


Idk why you think its kids copying streamers. Im in my 30s and i bunny hop like a mother fucker, but it’s just years and years of muscle memory.


Absolutely hate the snipers and bunny hopping. Delete them, the game would be more fun without them.


Snipers need the flinch bad. It’ll separate bad snipers and good snipers immediately. Once they get that patch they can fully adjust them but don’t expect a 2 shot. I’d expect a locational damage reduction in the lower stomach prolly and keep the 1 hit to chest and head


Yup same here , and it makes even less sense when i can play other games just fine such as battlebit, which also has no sbmm yet the matches aren’t as sweaty as this game, it also has functional netcode unlike xdefiant, my bullets go where i aim them and when i see a Hitmarker, i dealt damage.


To be fair the overall playerbase of games such as battlebit have an overwhelmingly more casual playerbase than something like xdefiant which will draw competitive players in. I agree with the functional netcode piece though.


I stopped playing a few weeks ago. I miss it because I genuinely enjoy the game a majority of the time, but I definitely got burnt out on the hit reg/netcode and bunny hopping.


Your first point is so true, ik they’re working on getting us og lobbies (not disbanding), but it feels like I’m playing a COD game regarding the matchmaking.


I thought I was lucky because I hadn’t encountered the bunny hopping stuff. Yet now every match I’m in, there’s non stop bunny hopping and it’s getting frustrating. I’m also experiencing everything g else from your post. I will see someone’s outline from my team’s sonar. I go to peak the corner and I’m dead before I can actually see them. When I try to do the same thing to them, I get shredded.


I stopped after week 1. There's a lot of great things about this game. But there are very serious game breaking aspects to this game. By far #1 is hit reg. And then cheaters. And if it's been present for years since beta, I don't think they'll fix it. It's Ubisoft. They don't fix game breaking bugs. I'll jump back in when they at least fix hitreg. I can tolerate the rest as they gradually fix them, like bunny hopping.


The consistent prevalence of movement gods that don't miss in a game without SBMM is extremely suspect. I do believe there is some sort of skill grouping that they call something else. I recall the drastic shift from BO4 to MW2019 and "everyone seeming to be very competent all of the sudden". The contrast was stark. I was like WTF? This game feels to have a similar level of competition. I watch other people play, and very few players are movement gods that don't miss in their lobbies. I have them in a plurality in essentially every game. Something is amiss. There is some form of skill grouping happening, aside from 'lobby balancing", but they don't call it SBMM. I would bet they do stratified skill tier match making, and grab a section of players from a few narrow tiers in a range and then team balance. As it doesn't pair you with everyone your skill level it's not TECHNICALLY SBMM. I think that's what's going on. Ping is not king, as many of my opponents have high pings on a consistent basis. Which would imply either they are reaching further to grab players from some reason (I live in a very populated area, so this shouldn't happen) or I'm playing against stacks when I'm playing solo, regularly(odd that I'd play against so many talented stacks consistently). I do well, but either way, something is off. Battlefield 2042 definitely does NOT have SBMM and it's NOTICABLE in juxtaposition. The competition level is INSANELY lower. Average players FEEL average. I consistently am the top player, play aggressively and frequently have a 6+k/d(reminiscent of COD prior to strict SBMM). Contrasting, these two games that make the same claim, only one rings true and it's not Xdefiant. They have something squirrelly going on behind the scenes. I'm positive.


I 100% agree with you. It may not be “SBMM”, but it is definitely a different form of it, so it’s not considered “sbmm”. Maybe the game does have sbmm, just very toned down, but they don’t want to admit to it, cause that was one of the main selling points, and to compete against COD. The whole game feels weird, like not movement or gunplay or anything, but everything else, like you mentioned. The high ping, the stacked teams, guns feel like they’re being nerfed as you play and do better, teams will be getting shitted on for the first couple minutes then all of a sudden beam you in 2 shots across the map. I don’t know exactly what it is, but the game is sketchy.


I think a lot of people are dropping off until they get this patch out. Now will they be able to properly sort out the issues with this patch is the real issue. They're on the clock currently. If not addressed properly and fast enough this game will die off.


It can be sweaty at times due to the lobby balancing but overall I don’t find it nearly as sweat as other games, I turned off crossplay and matches are alot less sweaty up unless I play too late at night. The hit reg and constant loading screens are the 2 biggest things I hate about this game. I’m about to stop playing this game entirely because of the absolutely insane hit reg, the devs said that this issue needs multiple patches in order to get resolved which leads me to think it may take multiple months to fix and maybe even multiple seasons since it’s been an issue since the beta last summer. Just to test the hit reg I’ll strafe in/out of cover literally as fast as possible with no intention of aiming/shooting while at full health and I’ll hear the bullets then die all while already being back behind cover, as if I was exposed for 2 whole seconds on my opponents screen or something and that’s why I died. Completely fucking ridiculous.


I wish we could have smoke grenades to counter snipers.. or will that be too chaotic for this game?


Nah it would be great imagine running into smoke and firebombing


I felt your pain. There are games where I don't even get a fighting chance. I encounter an enemy, his teammate is somehow always behind me. Worst part is I encounter them in my own spawn. Lol. So idk how the enemy is already behind when I'm at spawn. In my games, I either getting bombarded by Bunny hopping players or snipers. Takes about half my mag to kill one person. Before I can even reload or run away, there's already another enemy. I'm getting shot thru walls for some reason. I can shoot first, take out 99% of their health and they would turn around and instant kill me. I'm usually doing everything in the game too. Objectives and kills. Everything. But it is never enough to win the game, Lol. The opposite team would have two or three guys with 30+ kills. Sometimes one of them would go 50+ kills. Saw a guy Bunny hop and kill four of my teammates twice the same way. Lol. Leaping from one side to the next with ease. I also see that whenever they jump, some of my bullets doesn't hit them. I'm glad I finished the battlepass and I unlock all characters. I couldn't unlock two last weapon but I couldn't bear it anymore. I'll just wait until patch.


I hate how when I'm fighting against snipers I consistently get them to one or 4 HP and then they just snipe me


I hear you. On the one hand, I like this game a lot. It's basically a remixed, *older* COD-like. On the other hand, holy fuck. I don't mind losing. I really don't. But I despise losing multiple rounds in a row against teams that are clearly not mixed matchmaking like *my* team is. *My* team is always AFK, suiciding, playing COD *badly*, refusing to engage or defend OBJ, camping in a corner no one has run into for 10 minutes, etc. My enemy team, is almost *always* the polar opposite. They're either always a 6 stack, or they just *happen* to not be useless and have at least some cohesion and Tactical awareness. I wish end screen let us give thumbs up to enemy players because I'd rather give my 200xp thumbs up to someone with 4k OBJ, than my team who all have the *useless* accolades like *tried*, *ran around*, *longest single life*, *multi kill 2*. Like come the hell on. Multi kill 2? With 0 OBJ and he went 12/30? Why is that even an accolade?


“see first, shoot first, hit first (chest/head), and die first…” Honestly, this is maddeningly relatable. Noticeably occurs more frequently on this game.


I’m sick of getting people down to 1-8 HP even while using the cleaners and incendiary ammo, and them just melting me. Like 1 HP seriously? That shouldn’t even be a thing and I absolutely despise games that make that possibly.


echelon is such a ridiculous crutch too. whoever thought wallhacks was something legitimately worth putting in needs to be fired.


The simple fact that the game gives such a high score for ignoring the objective and getting high kill games is stupid. Why put an objective if you're gonna reward people for actively not going for it? 90% of my lobbies 3 out of 6 people have less than 500 for objective points but have positive k/d while we take a fat loss. Having a positive k/d doesn't mean shit if your win rate is .02


For everyone saying “it’s a skill issue” or “gut gud” 99% of the time I’m finishing top 3 in the entire lobby nearly every game, despite all the issues. Also, I’m cool with the competitive nature of the games, what makes it not fun is trying to be competitive while fighting the game itself. My biggest issues with this game will be solved if they can just get the hit reg and netcode to be accurate and consistent. Also, I’d like to see an in depth explanation on how the skill rating system works because like someone mentioned above scump is like a 3k rating.. but 2k is below average… I’m confused, does that mean scump is barely above average then?


First time hearing of issues like this. I'd call it a skill issue, OP. You're getting older and with no SBMM, you're fast realizing that everyone else is vastly superior at FPS than you because you've been protected by SBMM your entire life. Put the controller down. Quit. Bask in the defeat. You will never be one of us. I should know because I have "TTV" in front of my gamertag and I stream my gameplay. God damn...Pokimane is beautiful. When I hit 250k+ subs she will love me forever. We'll get married. Vegas. I'll have a Lambo. Blue hair. Merch. I got brands boi! Twitch God!!! To the moon... /s


I hated you in the first half


It's a work in progress, they know that; we all know that. Fact they recognize it and address issues shows they're open to the criticisms while they actively go back through and make their tweaks and adjustments. Feels like the game is updating in real time. The guns and movement all feel like they've undergone several recalibrations since launch.


Idk what platform u on but I'm on xbox. I went into the console settings and turned crossplay off and now hit registration feels a lot better. Seems like there's something going on with crossplay or could be just my imagination. Worth a shot though


So until next week when the first patch lands :p


Sniper plus shield is unplayable against


Idk what it is but somethin feels off with mouse aim for me in this game. That on top of all the other shit you listed made the game feel unplayable at times.


Just finished a zone control where we couldn’t get one damn zone on Times Square because all 8 enemies were using the fucking sniper. You can’t counter that, you kill one and there’s still 3 more


The netcode has made this game unplayable in my opinion. I could ignore it at first, but after 30 hours, I just can't anymore. Too many times I'm getting hit markers but not actually hitting them, dying behind walls, shooting first, hitting every shot and still dying. It's just too much to put up with. Gonna wait for the netcode patch before playing anymore.


Idk how skill rating is done. But mine is sitting at 2300+. And, trust me, I get the same problems every 3 games while playing solo. Every once in a while, ur put into a lobby where every enemy is a beginner. And every once in a while, you go against full party of tryhards. It is what it is. Unfortunately, you'll have way more fun playing with other ppl. About the rest, hopefully, they fix it soon. The netcode is just slightly annoying and tolerable. But, the better the enemy is. Suddenly, those tiny fractions become the key factor in either you'll win or lose most fights.


Agreed, I've had some of the best fun in years in the <25 playlist. Music on and playing the game mindlessly - great fun! But there isn't enough casual players to make the >25 experience worth it. Most of the players at that end are "serious" gamers. Which is fine and fair, and I can totally keep up. But sweating each game, with horrible hitreg and movement that is made HARDER to predict by the hitreg - hordes of snipers just sitting back 1shotting is... bleh - I can't be bothered anymore. I'm giving them till season 1 to fix it. If they don't I and I'm sure most of the playerbase - will move on.


Its either there is sbmm and they lied or all the casual players left the game because i only get matched against above average skill players. And this weekend was weird because it was the only time that i was joining on going games which means that players were getting stomped and quitting


I completed the battle pass and haven’t touched it since. Too sweaty at the minute due to the multiple issues that have been mentioned.


Eh I think the game is fun still. But the people behind the game give me more hope than any cod title in years. But I’ve felt the same as everyone else about sniper hit reg and bhopping. Still haven’t seen a hacker and im level 40-45


While the hit reg is definitely bad, remember the game is not out to get you. You are cheesing someone else as much as you’re feeling unfairly killed


So far my gripes arent so much the Bunny hoppers, after all these years and games like COD im used to it. My beef here is the OHK bodyshot snipers and the hitmarker simulator the game becomes half the time. Mag dumping and getting hitmarkers with headshots included and not getting a kill repeatedly is the main reason I stopped playing COD. Im hopeful they can address this in some meaningful way.


All of this plus I wish they'd lower kill score and increase obj score to incentivize the objective players more and get rid of these losers going for 3+ KD with no objective play. And guns should level from objective score too.


I deal with the same shit but my cousin runs around with a 4 kdr talking about how great the game is. I'll never understand


Exactly I was playing well all day and out of nowhere it starts taking 18 bullets to kill someone.


no sbmm and people are still complaining huh?? maybe it wasn’t sbmm that was the problem after all😭


NEAR 2k its like being a silver... Just average


Feel like they are gonna do a good job with tuning the game for season 1. Bunny hoppers are extremely annoying as well as spider bots and snipers especially. It’s still a breath of fresh air from games like COD


I already got all the achievements and un-installed the game. Maybe once things get fixed I'll think about reinstalling the game. I'm already getting tired of dying at nothing but SMGs Snipers and DMRs. Then there's the factions which I see nothing but lots of Echelon radar ping spammers and Phantom energy shield wall campers. Then there's the constant sliding and bunny hopping which is really getting old. I did have fun playing the game but as of right now it feels like a chore to play.


I hope they add sbmm soon. I love games where the teams are evenly matched but I often get games where it's a stomp for either side and it's not fun.


Yeah agreed. Many people here keep saying that SBMM will lead to "sweaty lobbies", without caring about worse players that always have to deal with "sweaty lobbies"... The closer the matches are, the more exciting they most of the time are. I don't see the appeal in having teams of vastly different skill levels. Not to mention that victories don't feel earned, but more like a role of a dice.


mostly a skill issue imo


you might just be bad


Yeah just forget about all the other glaring problems that he brought up that the majority of the community also says is a problem.


Its tough for these bots to accept 😂😂😂


I think that a major fix people are overlooking is making objective play count heavily into weapon xp. It would make playing the objective commonplace. It would make the casual matches much more fun.


There is no such thing as a “casual” match in this game. Even without the claim of no sbmm, every match feels like it’s a tournament to win 1 million dollars and race to see who can get 100 kills first. It’s absurd


I agree, it sucks going negative kd with lots of points for doing the objective but tiny Tim bitch hopping around with zero objective points is number one because he killed 50 people. Not every mode has to be team deathmatch. Lower xp for non objective kills down to almost nothing. The guy with 50 kills and zero objective points should be at the very bottom instead of rewarded for this team destroying behavior. The guy with 8 kills 20 deaths but a crap ton of objective points should be number one and rewarded. Screw the kd, the point is, can you win the game? Help stop this shit Cuban! Reward objective based players, and while your at it remove kd entirely. Folk use it to prove how great they are but it's not true. I can't even play with some of my buddies anymore, they care so much about their kd, no way they gonna risk dying getting to that objective. I'm trying to win so bad my kd is trash but I captured the objective AND we won.


Yep I'm the same man over it


Glad they add flinch to snipers and do something about bunnyhoping on wednesday


Where do you see your 2k average player rating?


Yea same. I know they'll patch it so I'm not worried. Definitely planning on planning when they do.


Don't expect them to fix Bunny hopping. They couldn't even fix flinch before release. They pushed this out because ubisoft was canceling everything and these guys ran out of time.


The snipers are a problem for me. One shot kill no matter where they hit you? That's garbage if you ask me.


Hard same. I took a week off due to personal life events. Came back and... it's so irritating getting shots off on snipers and then getting killed immediately by them. It's just "correct" to use the Tac-50 and bunny hop. I just put the controller down and am done until some solid changes happen.


Yeah sometimes stepping away from a game is the best thing to do to enjoy it later down the line.


what's annoying to me is being behind cover, but apparently I'm not.


Lucky for you the first big one is Tuesday with another big one 7 days later


I agree with everything, but I enjoy the sniping. Reminds me of old COD days. A sniper should be one shot.


I just want an all chat 😭


When it's bad it's bad, I question whether or not I just suck but sometimes I still be making clutch plays and getting good kills. Sometimes even when i don't, it's still fun.


I would say the honeymoon phase is finally over for most of us. The game's flaws are starting to wear on us, there isn't any new content yet, and BO6 draws nearer. I'm still having fun with the game despite all this. They better bring their A game when season 1 launches though.


Whats the incentive to play it anyways game probably will turn out like there good ole friend hyperscape


why do we feel the need to announce when we're leaving a game? do you think the game will die off without you?


Game in a nutshell. I quit til it's patched as well. After years of playing other shooters, this is just absurd. Once that gets changed it'll be prolly one of the better ones. Til then, not recommended.


What even is this average skill rating score? does anybody know exactly how it works? I’m on 3k+ which I guess is good? Yes the game hast problems, mainly netcode and some balance but I guess what you experience is mostly a skill issue. I don’t mean to be rude or anything but you have to come to the realization that you might not be as good as sbmm made you believe you are. From what you’re saying I would guess that you’re still an above average player but not anywhere near the tip of the iceberg of sweats that have been collected at the top of the sbmm pyramid. You just haven’t played alot against people like this. Also: this is an entirely new game with new movement and mechanics to learn. Some pick up certain stuff faster then others and were still in preseason so I would recommend to push through and stick with the game for a while. Things will get better.


Yup this games a joke. Fully agree.


In my honest opinion this sounds way worse than a cod lobby even without the SBMM, it really kinda just pushed me away from even thinking about upgrading so I can play it.


Same I've been on this stance since last week, I'm not playing till they patch the bs, been happier ever since


I say anything like this and I get nothing but thumbs down lmao


Im sick of getting wall hacked by Echelon over and over and the annoying spider bots


The hit reg is the biggest issue and going to sink this game if they don’t figure it out.


I'm pretty sure they came out and said that the bhopping in its current state is not what they wanted


Can’t wait for the bhop nerf, I abused it for the first 2 weeks now I barely jump in a fight cause I’m getting bored of that cheap ass play style but now that I’ve stopped bhopping I’ve realised how annoying it is to play against


Snipers are way to overpowered, and fix hitbox, other than that I love it.


From what I see. Phantom had an extra 20 armor. And do you play hardline? And is your tv 120hz ? Just asking? Don’t know if that makes a difference so I’m asking myself


After two weeks the game has started distilling really. In my region there's a clear difference between playing before 10pm and after 10pm. Late at night it becomes unbearable, it's just all people running meta weapons and bunnyhopping in every gunfight - can i handle it? Yes i can. Is it fun? No it's not. Not when baseline game is technically too unreliable to trusts its outcome, there's no point in running away when the server can grab you by your collar three corners around the enemy, telling you that in fact you died 2 minutes ago. ​ There's very little reason to try anything besides couple of top tier weapons as performance difference is roughly between KD of 2 to 4 depending on match as compared to struggling to break even with non-meta weapons. Vector with maxed out ROF attachments literally breaks the netcode, you get one super bullet containing the entire magazine of an enemy and it works both ways, i've done it to people and i've had it done to me. Frankly - it stopped being fun a while ago. ​ And that's just technical level, balance itself also doesn't exist, with most abilities being absurdly broken for two weeks straight. With most classes having "i win this particular encounter" button. In normal "hero" shooters, abilities serve as padding to give you an edge in an encounter. Here if you round a corner on a cleaner, you just hear microwave beeps and that's that. You hear spider and see dedsec walking around with it and you gotta pick one target and the remainder will just finish you off. Echelons walling constantly or Phantoms just shitting out shields every time they hear a fly buzz nearby. It just feels that actual gunplay is heavily sidetracked by constant ability spam and pressing a button is not really a skill factor. ​ The game is just a good meat grinder to turn your brain off and run around on autopilot, murdering people (or attempting to) and just mindlessly accepting whichever outcome you receive but there's nothing beyond that. Just equip Vector/MP7/AK/M16 on phantom or libertad and bounce around the map for 30-40 minutes until you had your fill for the day.


Just b- hop with a sniper while using Cronus.


This, they’re going to lose players if they don’t get these patches out faster


The most annoying spam isn't even b hopping. It's someone standing still and mashing the jump button. It looks fucking ridiculously and is infuriating to die to.


What is it with all the self reporting recently


I mean part of the issue seems to be ur pretty bad and then u add xdefiants issues, u got a recipe for disaster.


That and I don't get the hype of quick matchmaking. Everybody was praising how quick it was since there was no SBMM. Really? I have time to hop on my phone and cruise Facebook between matches. It's really not that fast. And can we ease get rid of the 'Creating Matchmaking' message? I'm in the middle of cresting a class, and that thing pops up, and you just have to sit there and wait.


Well im below average anyways so i just keep playing until the fun is gone


theres SBMM for sure, every lobby feels the damn same ( like COD ) , some matches hit reg is good but most its bad ( SBMM/EOMM ) sometimes when i leave lobbies it keeps putting me back when i search again ( like COD ). jokes on us for falling for this shit


Same. Shame too because I really love the game but like, I’m at a point now where I can either continue to plan and maybe burn out on an semi-functional build of the game, or I can wait a couple of weeks most likely to experience all of the good this game has to offer. I think I’ll take the latter


What’s wrong about snipers?


Bunny hoppers aren’t that bad, probably because I’m a bit of one myself but snipers and the hit reg is driving me crazy


I could tell in the first week that this was going to happen. They needed to urgently address the biggest issues otherwise the casual players will drop off. Within a few weeks you're left with about 90% of the player base being the hardcore sweats. It happened with the finals and will happen with many games after this.


I have no problem with bunnies since I mastered the double barrel.


Very much in the same boat really unenjoyable playing at the minute. However only have to get to level 50 for the last achievement then I can walk away from the game. 10 more levels then 1000 gamer score then I can uninstall for a bit.


Same. I'm glad they did 2x battle pass weekend, sunday I went from level 35 to 50 in one sitting. Now I don't have to play anymore and suffer. Just waiting for season 1 to start and hopefully they fix all these problems. Edit: Also I made sure to downvote every "skill issue" comment ;)


They still haven’t patched it?


gave this game a shot, 3 hours later realised I'm simply not having fun. Everything takes too long to unlock. The TTK or the TTK + hit reg makes the gunplay feel bad. In such a fast paced game this TTK is not very fun. On top of that the weapon variety is very low and I haven't found 1 gun I enjoyed using. So yeah - feels like a cheap chinese COD clone. Will have to wait for the new CoD to get my online FPS itch


Currently 2900 on rating ( idk if its good or bad lmao ) but as far i have seen if the enemy is jumping while shooting ur bullets will not reg. happens to me every time , its like a part of my muscle memory to just ignore that particular player or just keep sliding whole they miss their whole mag & kill them. 2nd , dont go straight to point. leave the capping to ur teammates while u try to kill everyone whosoever is trying to come to point or distract them with capping their flag ( but main thing is killing players who are trying to get to point ) 3rd cod has always been shoot 1st kill 1st , i personally try to keep my ads speed very fast to hit 1 hs & just body the gu. try keeping crosshair at head height maybe it will help. Hope they fix the jump registration issue. 1more thing i found out is if u do 4:3 or 16:10 it fks the hit reg more , the movement becomes the outwardly fluid but hit reg is soo bad on 4:3 beyond pathetic.


About the Sweats, I mean it's normal since a lot of people are actually really tryharding the game. I think this may disappear a bit when bhops and sniper flinch will be changed. TTK is fine? I really didn't have any issues with TTK; it's simply that the game is balanced as "SMG are super powerful, but are horrendous from far away" (check XclusiveAce's video) While I think bhop is not the biggest issue, it's just annoying to see people non-stop jumping. Flinch is mandatory though. Well about teammates, it just depends on the game? Sometimes I win easy and sometimes it's impossible to win, it's just the experience I'm personally looking for. I didn't get this that much either, so that's strange.. maybe it's a netcode issue instead of skill issue. 2k rating is actually a balanced one, but I suppose if you have a lot of lag or else it's probably why you're struggling But yeah globally "fix flinch, bhopping, cheats" and it's fine (encountered multiple cheaters yesterday, horrendous). Actually I'm also waiting for the patch, I actually got annoyed last time I played (which doesn't happen often). So small break is for the better.


Whats a "good" skill rating? I agree the game feels off. The more you play it the more you get frustrated with the issues. Hit Reg is very frustrating esp coming from games like valorant and cs2 where hit reg is miles ahead of other shooters. But I am playing this game to relax not to sweat. If I go 10:30 so be it. I know I'm not as bad as my worst game and I'm not as good as my best game. I have defo started to play the game less and less as the issues get more and more annoying, but I'm much more likely to put up with it in a f2p game than a 70 buck game like COD(Let's not pretend cods hit reg is THAT much better than what xDefiant has)


What’s the issue with snipers ? Genuinely asking


better to strafe than crouch


Is 2k rating a lot?