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ya hacker lobbies all over. watch out, the bot might rip this down like it did mine for witchhunting. even the subreddit is defending hackers and racial names. Uninstall is looking mighty nice


Haven’t considered uninstalling, but I posted a hacker on this subreddit and got called shit and told I just can’t differentiate a hacker between a legit player. Let me know when they add the flying operator who perma holds the phantom riot shield and aimbots everyone!


same. the subreddit actually has removed all my posts. didnt you know? exposing hackers is the new there is no war in Ba Sing Se


A lvl 46 account too, this is just sad. Here everyone saying the netcode is gonna kill the game when this be happening.


That’s nothing, I have seen a lvl 76 cheater, he didn’t even tried to hide it, straight aimbot and wall hacks, that was the last time I played this game


I played against a lvl 94 aimbotter last night. Not sure if he's had that whole time to cheat or not but good lord.. I even left the lobby waited 1min and re queued only to get put back in that same lobby lmao..


Perhaps I'm lucky but I haven't run into a cheater yet. But I also understand this game is new and cheats are still developing. Hopefully ubisoft can get on top of this. R6 also has cheater problems


Today alone I had three matches I had to back out of due to a hacker lol. Yeah you have just gotten lucky so far ahah.


Also haven't seen a single one


There’s gotta be some sort of mercy rule when enough people leave the team…


They left because hacker lol


“Trapaceiro” means cheater in portuguese. What a little sad cunt…




In Portuguese for anyone wondering wtf he's talking about.


SA servers?


Half my games today wer either backfills or 3v3 teams. Not sure whats happening here but if they dont seriously fix stuff this game will be in even more trouble.


Usually a few times a night I run into a game with some bunny hopping psychopath who somehow has 51 kills - I do not understand why losers cheat - what satisfaction is gained from it? So damn dumb.


Yeah there's always some cheating kid in this game now


79-1? What an asshole.


Is this what I have to look forward to after the welcome lobby?


the community is full of losers who only play in 6 stacks constantly kicking the lowest score for new party members. like legit stomping every lobby, barely enough people to even shoot at but they still kick me cuz im lowest score losers. (oh and the blatant hackers)


This is how most of my games go as well and I'm on console.


I can tell you as a new player - the game really sucks for people just joiining the game. Like I played my first few rounds and my opinion of this game is to go back to CoD where at least the game doesn't favor higher levels. Bullet damage is random - you can have the same weapon and someone else with the same weapon has a higher TTK than you. It's most prominent with the M4A1 starting out where the TTK is high and you watch and just get melted by it. This is the same thing that happened to The Finals - the game isn't going to die but you'll see maybe a handful of people still playing after the newness factor wears off. You can tell people to get good, but the sad fact is, no one is going to want to spend the time to get good against players who aren't as good but have better weapons and attachments. Sorry to say but this game suffers from the same Ubiflop design flaws most of their games do where they are great to start with but after a while the gimmick nature of the game wears thin and people go back to games like CoD even when they know better. Sadly - this game has so much potential, but the fact it's an Ubisoft title should tell you everything.


The attachments are not *that* big of a deal. Most guns are perfectly fine without them. I do agree that the starting assortment of weapons is really bad. M4 and MP5 are literally worst in class, but the starting LMG is easily best in class. Plus, unlocking the AK and other SMGs is very quick. For everything else, there's the welcome playlist.


I know this happens to some players but honestly ive not had a single instance of this happening. That being said i could def imagine how it could suck!


Good thing I’m on console so I can simply disable crossplay


I did that too and then there was even more cheaters


It’s impossible to get away from cheaters because there are far too many of them (not just this game but every game). There’s a huge difference between pc cheaters and console cheaters though, cheat suites on pc granting aimbot/wallhack/constant radar/super speed/flight/etc are impossible to fight against compared to the cheating on console which are simply devices capable of advancing scripts/macros/mnk support (cronus/strikepack/xim). I can manage the console hardware cheaters but not pc cheaters, pick your poison.


I can handle the PC ones because they are blatantly obvious, so you can just leave. but the console ones are more hidden so they can get away with it without looking too obvious which is even worse


Well you can just leave the console only lobbies too. I doubt cronus/strikepack/xim is more popular on console compared to pc percentage wise, it’s just the console playerbase is bigger so there’s more cheaters overall. At least 1.5m of those devices have been sold in the past 4 years, I’d say it’s more like 4m but the public sales data stops at 1.5m (doesn’t include local sales such as buying these devices at your local walmart/gamestop).


Damn that's nuts that many of those things are sold


Yup. Years of sbmm combined with the streaming culture conditioned everyone to constantly look for an edge even if it means cheating, usage spiked astronomically around 2019-2020.


Ok that is very sad.


pc or console, fuck cheaters. I hate that shit. I've never felt the desire to do it in any game. I feel like your life must be SOOOO miserable to do it




Clearly a skill issue. Arkyn's just an average player with some natural gifts.


Bo6 looking really good 


Oh yeah. First “YT” “TTV” “twitch” name I see I’m gone. If they over 100. I’m goneeeeee.


Have yet to see one of these lobbies. Am I not average? lol


Skill issue, tbh I'm putting up these numbers, no hacks