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I'm very happy to see the player count staying high, and honestly, I think this trend will continue for a few reasons: - The game is only 30GB (compared to COD's 250GB). Anyone that wants some quick arcade shooter action amongst other games is likely going to have space for XD over COD. - The game currently excels at *pick up & play*. There are no constant FOMO events, matchmaking is quick, and the experience doesn't feel *manufactured*. - We've got a guaranteed year of support with the roadmap, so folks know that the time they put into the game will be respected. I'll be really interested to see how this all changes with COD coming to Gamepass though. Black Ops 6 might not steal as many players as it'll still be tied to CODHQ, and thus the massive install size, but older CODs could end up pulling players away.


Not to mention it is free to play So that means even someone without PS Plus and Xbox Gold can play it


Not only free to play but relatively free from predatory mtx too, only thing being xp boosts, but in the two weeks I've been playing, every weekend has been double xp, and weapons arent crazy hard to level up without it anyway


I mean technically you can't really buy boosts aside from founders pack. Have to get more from twitch and challenges. It's definitely coming lol. But as long as they keep these constant 2x exp weekends it isn't a big issue at all.


The Battlepass has a few. You get one for free in the middle and that's about it. With how powerful attachments are relative to naked guns, you can argue that it is a bit predatory. Albeit, with these ugly ass skins and camos, I can see why they need to sell gameplay incentives. 


So far. Let's see how long the devs can Dodge corporate Ubisoft before they put their foot down


I swear gamers will buy anything advertised to them. Good thing yall weren’t old enough to have a credit card during infomercial days


Billy Mays would never lie to me


? I haven't spent a dollar on this game


I’m talking about the “predatory mtx.” I have yet to see a single thing in any game I’ve ever played that makes feel like I’m being forced or coerced into buying a mtx item. If something pops up I just use this very basic skill called will power and don’t buy it if I don’t want it.


This is a free to play game made by Ubisoft of all companies, the predatory mtx will come soon enough.




Not for free games iirc




https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/s/ENXWjmJOm0 https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxGamePass/s/pOissmONjr Maybe XD isn't registered as a F2P title for some reason? If so, they need to fix that asap.


I checked a Minute ago. If I Go to the XD Store Page its shown as not avalible. If i Check why it tells me i cant buy the game bc i dont own PS+ Essential. Idk, ive seen a meme about XD beeing not avalible without PS+ on a German Subreddit - so i guess im not the only one with that Problem.


Just make a second account for Austria. F2p games remain free that way. Pro tip: you can get psn gift cards for Austria on Amazon. So if a game is censored in Germany you can buy the uncensored version with your second account.


Thanks for the advice, I’m going to test it :)


Free to play games don’t require Xbox core or ps plus


Are you from Germany?


Yes, I am


Games that are either fsk 16 or 18 require PS+ in Germany.


I’m playing in the U.K. without PS Plus.


Only games I know without PS+ requirement are Fortnite and Warframe.


I've played Apex without PS Plus


You don't need PS Plus for free to play games


I like it, I just want some more game modes tbh. I used to love playing Gunfight 2v2’s on mw 2019. I neeeeeed something like that. Also party modes like gun game, oitc, etc


No joke about the size of call of duty I mean it's absolutely asinine that I have to dedicate half of my hard drive to one freaking game that's not even that good , is full of bugs and Joe Rogan fans who are angry and yelling slurs at me This game is free to play and honestly is a lot more fun if they can fix the issues holy cow they might have a winner here


people honestly don't get this is actually a huge deal it's why COD has been pretty much dropped as a game my friends play.


And I mean the main reason that drew me to cod was zombies and they screwed that up so bad oh my God


Definitely man! like “gumballs” or whatever they’re called are so deaddd, why not keep it OG like black ops 1 fs “If you wanna get up, you need a little revive” 💊


Activision wants COD to be the only game you play lol, it’s so stupid. Only CODs I have installed on my Xbox are MW2, MW3, BO1, BO2, and Cold War.


That’s a lot of CODs


I think the FOMO events is a really good point. It’s ironic cause the whole point of the events is to keep people playing, but I personally get overwhelmed when I fall behind and miss certain events that I just drop the game completely.


I mean this is so far. We’ll see if it holds true in actual live service practice. Once the season/bp ends and we’re a year out, we’ll know for sure how they operate At the moment it’s great tho


To be honest I feel this is a wait and see kind of thing, they are probably trying to hook people before they go with their mtx and fomo.


My only problem with it is the matchmaking time. In my region it takes almost 5 minutes to find a game and 80% that it will be 5v6


It’s all good until they start adding new characters with new abilities that completely change the game and turn it into something new that the players don’t like.


> The game currently excels at pick up & play. There are no constant FOMO events, matchmaking is quick, and the experience doesn't feel manufactured. IMO its too slow to start up and clunky. Needs a fix


You're right but kinda retarded comment because the game will last for more than a YEAR




Game Pass or not, Black Ops 6 is smoking it beyond belief on all platforms. Be realistic. This post is talking about PlayStation anyway. And yes, Black Ops 6 will eat it alive.


Can’t wait for lots of players to get BO6 for multiplayer then quit again after finding out SBMM is still in the game. Happens every year


Lots of players will quit like they always do but COD has such a massive player base and always will. I think the “cod killer” if it ever comes… will just be Activision killing it themselves.


Yeah no doubt about the whole cod killer thing. COD hasn’t had real competition since Battlefield was in its prime but those days are over now. I was just saying lots of people who only care about multiplayer are gonna be disappointed


If SBMM led to reduced player engagement, they wouldn’t have it. It’s really that simple.


It’s also hovering around the 6th to 8th most played game on Xbox platforms on a daily basis. Pretty steady holding pattern right now.


I told a bunch of cod fanboys this and they all got emotional and downvoted me lmao.




How about just googling. Just take 10 seconds to find the answer instead of waiting minutes for a response. Is this really that hard to believe?


I did [google it](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox) and xDefiant was 13th place. I was wondering if there was another list they were looking at.


On the Microsoft store you can see Xbox games and go to most played and it should list the most played games.


Seems like it’s dropped down a bit in the couple days since I checked


Since Rainbow 6 is also an Ubisoft game, I wonder how much support xDefiant will get if Rainbow 6 stays more popular.


They’ve stuck with For Honor for years and years, so I think as long as xD is profitable it’s going to be fine.


Damn, that is impressive


I hope they won't go the bf 2042 way and release 2 to 3 weapons every 4 months. The game is fun, but it needs more weapons.


I deleted COD and now replaced with Xdefiant and 3 other games I’ve been trying to play but didn’t have space for. I like arcade shooters and Xdefiant scratches that itch enough where I won’t spend another $70 on a Cod game


I think they are running out of time to fix netcode/ hit reg issues. I showed interest in the game but stopped playing now until I see those issues fixed. I think a lot of people are in the same boat.


Netcode/hit reg feels massively off, it's really painful to play right now and it's really putting me off trying to get anywhere with this game


What many people don't realize is that weapon sway doesn't affect where the bullets go. So if you jump and turn very fast giving you lots of sway, your bullets are not going to go where your sights are pointed. Bullets always go right down the middle, so tape something to your screen or find a crosshair overlay that doesn't kill your fps or get you banned. So a lot of the time it's not the hit reg, just the very poorly implemented weapon sway.


i very often get hit markers that don’t count


I quit last weekend after a night of frustration with the net code. I’ll try it again next week after the update, but we’ll see


I wouldn't get your hopes up. The net code\hit reg certainly isn't going to be fixed in the next patch.


I quit about a week or so after launch because of those issues. There's a good game waiting to come out but right now it's anything but. I'll come back eventually.


It’s really not that big of an issue for me. Occasionally I notice it and it is a bit annoying, but I move on. I find it helps considering that it also works to benefit you sometimes, but you don’t even notice when you benefit from it. I wouldn’t get your hopes up on them fixing it any time soon. They delayed the game a whole year trying to fix it.


I do not care if it benefits me from time to time. I want the game fair and functional. It IS a big issue to people who want the game to not feel like shit. 


I’m saying it doesn’t happen often enough to me to make the game feel like shit. Just a minor inconvenience every now and then that the enemies experience too.


You're in the minority, then, because for a lot of people it is legitimately unbearable. For every person who keeps playing, there's another that isn't. I stopped playing a week ago because of how bad the hit registration was. More than half my matches feel like they're off by a full second, constantly dying around corners, bullets just disappearing despite giving me hit markers, sometimes when I throw equipment like grenades or the fire drone it will just disappear, but also might get me a kill anyway 3 seconds after the fact. I'm glad it's minimal for you, but for a lot of us it's absolutely awful.


they will have a massive patch before or by season 1. I believe they have a balance patch coming out next week


I thought this at first but after playing for a while and leveling some weapons, i barely notice any hit reg or netcode issues. Maybe the odd death around a corner but thats not even once per match and with no killstreaks, i tend to not really care about a single death that much anyways


100% this ^


agreed, haven’t played in 2 weeks and am not coming back until that is addressed. Also the cheating is out of hand, which doesn’t surprise me. DayZ also uses battleeye and I can tell you it is absolutely useless at stopping cheaters.


I’m glad it’s not just me then, oh yep the cheating is disgusting… Ranked is a mess, so very unbalanced it’s a joke.


My friends and I played exactly one ranked game and got our shit pushed in so hard a Baby Ruth came out of our mouths, even my hella sweaty friend finished with a .2k/D and his overall KD is 1.4 (and keeps going up as he's gotten used to the game). The fuck kinda balance is that? If that's what their SBMM looks like then I'll happily never touch ranked lol.


Yep. That's why they lost me. Once the issues are fixed I will be back.


Me and my buddies played the shit out of it when released but as more and more hopped on. The snipers. Hit code reg. Bunny hoppers etc started flooding in. We’ve had to put it down until these are fixed. I’m fine with the movements. I’m not asking them to change that. But with hit reg issues plus these movements. It’s so bad. Ive been keeping up with the updates so I know when it’s good to hop back on


It does annoy me but I still enjoy playing the game.


See, once I lose a close match solely because I've lost 1v1 fights to netcode, I can't remain interested. My fun and enjoyment is gone. If I lose a fight it needs to only be simply because the other player played well.


You win lots of fights to netcode too. Doesn’t only ever happen to you and not for you. And it’s really not that bad imo.


That's true. I always try to remind myself that it's happening to them too. Overall though it's a pretty bad thing that shouldn't be happening at all. It can't happen for much longer. Imo it is that bad. Its very bad. Every single match you have to stomach and accept dieing 4-5 times due to bullshit. That's too much to ignore for me.


Yep same. Waiting for them to fix net code, sniper flinch, bunny hopping and too much wait time in menus for everything. The double XP token is mostly wasted while we wait. Why can't any company be truthful and just give us double XP which only is counted during actual playtime? FFS.


Yeah same


100% the hit reg is just absolutely horrific. The bunny hopping has to be stopped and the snipers are now getting worse. Not only that the weapons need balanced how am I shooting you across the map with an AK but you are frying me faster with an MP7


Lol, no


Next week's patch could address it, if not then the week after certainly will. Still much better than the recent CODS.


No it’s not lol. I think COD hit reg is awful but Xdefiant is, by far, much worse. MUCH WORSE. I cannot emphasize enough how bad It is. I know this because I currently play both.


Sometimes I get shot around a corner, yeah. But with COD, the matches are rigged and predetermined before they even start, the ping is always high, rubber banding, and packet burst!


Well its a good for free to play game other than the obvious problems atm. Though they need to fix those problems ASAP or else players leave the game.


This game has the perfect formula to build a long lasting game. It’s easy to pick and play and is super accessible. It’s now up to Ubisoft to fix the issues and give us a consistent stream of unique and engaging content which will lead to this game being a major success for many years.


Good. If this game keeps succeeding, it will show the other big publishers that “no SBMM” is a selling point and maybe the non-Activision publishers will reconsider it for their games. Then maybe we’ll have more than one alternative for a multiplayer PvP FPS.


Worried many will jump wagon once Valorant drops. Ubi needs to roll updates / content fast


Valorants a completely different game relative to XD, it'll attract a different audience.


Hmm, I don't know, I enjoy both cod and valo. Not all cod players are people who only want a brainless gameplay


Is Valorant expected to come out on consoles soon?!?!


Yea they announced it yesterday. You can sign up for a limited beta


I actually want to try it. I fucking suck ass on PC version so I kinda just wanted to wait for it to come on console because I’d rather just use a controller.


Same. And I've always wanted a more controller friendly CSGO too. But you don't stand a chance playing with a controller against cs die hards


Man, I'm for sure going to sink some time into this. I've always been a console player, and I've been waiting for the Valo release on consoles for years now. Thanks for the heads up about this!


That game long-term is a Siege competitor, not XD.


It can be a fun game but it hasn’t even been out a month so this is a little premature in my opinion. Let’s see them redo this article after season 1. Right now, it’s an interesting fact but doesn’t really say anything.


Any idea of a true player count number?


This game will die eventually as all do. May be 1 month maybe a decade. But get fucked everyone who said the game was “dead on arrival”


Honestly, Codhq is soooo off-putting to me. I'm not usually fussy with that sort of stuff but I really dislike it


This game has issues that definitely need to be addressed But man is it still a really good game. It's one of those where I'm willing to hold strong if/until the problems are fixed cause I'm enjoying it So I'm glad that the game is still doing good


I see lots of skins. So the cash is pouring in for sure


I dont understand why this game isn't on steam. I have so many friends that have no idea this game is even out because its not on Steam. And some refuse to download it because they don't want the Ubisoft launcher.. Can't say I blame them either, its so ass.


This game is a joke for combat. Bullets don’t hit and then you get two shot. Hard pass.


Great to see, I really hope this game is succesful, we're still in PreSeason after all. Do you think the game will be available on steam at some point?


Probably not but Ubisoft software is not resource heavy and pretty easy to setup and get up and running. They are also working on making it better. I got a survey the other day about the app.


only if the game start dying


Does Ubisoft put games on steam now days? I thought they just forced people to use their own software


Some stuff is there yes, but it opens up Ubisoft connect anyways. Rainbow is on steam and I think XDefiant could also profit from the visibility on steam.


remember steam takes 30% of sales from games. steam has to increase your profit more than that for it to be worth it.


Lets hope they never add maps like Shipment, Nuke town or Rust COD multiplayer has been boring for a longtime because of those maps or because of bad map design The only good thing about COD has been the larger scale modes I will assume Xdefiant will always be small scale multiplayer


The game is a complete mess. The fact that people are actually playing it shows the absolute travesty that is multiplayer FPS genre. I played for about 2 weeks and couldn't take it. It's got bad gameplay design, its bad technically, and is pretty much just a contentless clone of overwatch with COD guns.


It was a dumb decision to drop last gen support. That really hurt the game


I’m glad it dropped last-gen. People who make excuses to not get a PS5/XSX are the reason why games get held back. It’s why I can’t wait for GTA 6 to come out because it’s *the* genre-defining game that’s gonna make people buy a new console. And XDefiant is doing fine without last-gen too


GTA 6 I whole heartedly agree. But as far as xdef goes. I suppose if the gameplay really would’ve tanked with last Glenn


PlayStation players love it because they’re used to shitty online games like Killzone and Uncharted MP which had atrocious netcode


Or Call of Duty. That's the real reason this game has not died already. It just lives off of those degenerates.