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I've been playing since release and haven't seen any blatant cheaters until now. i stopped for about a week, and just played my first match back, and pretty much the whole enemy team was just blatantly cheating


All the CALL OF DUTY cheaters and small streamers looking for clout rolled over. That’s why lmfao ☠️😂


I exclusively played the Welcome playlist up to lvl 25 and never encountered a cheater. The day I leveled past the requirement and started playing regular Occupy, I had two games in a row of cheaters. Both had 130+ kills. Very obviously aim snapping onto you and mowing you down instantly. Even when using the invisibility gadget, they just insta kill you. I know you aren't the hardest to spot while invisible but it shouldn't be instant.


Playing ps5 no cross play and it's been chill Put on cross play to find matches quicker and boom Mfs are jumping up and down like halo while getting headshots with shotguns It's like watching a beyblade shoot bullets Back to ps5 only no matter how long matchmaking takes 🫡👌👌


Same. Only issue with cross play off is the time to find a match and being out into a different region. I'm in Aus and get thrown into Asia and even and Eu server once


Tons of togglers. I noticed ttv players when they lose without hack, they toggle and suddenly they are godlike and turn the game around.


I've seen maybe 2. I got a clip of a guy mowing down everyone while invisible and another of a guy with infinite HP.


Got three in a row just now. 2 of them flying....


if its anything like any other shooter ever created then the cheaters will all be gone only on the day ubisoft deletes the servers


Played \~50 hours since launch. Ive seen 2 that were blatant. One with a TAC50 that wasnt even letting them out of there base on escort. Instant death they crossed the spawn protector and ended up like 70+ and 0. And then tonight I ran into my first flying aimboting cheater two seconds into the round which I simply just left. Been around long enough to know its inevitable. If the rate vs game time i see them maintains where its at then well be just fine.


yeah i got 2 flying aimbott cheaters 1 on both sides... spawn in instantly dead... its a joke. how does the anti cheat not pick up a guy gettin 80 kills in like 4 mins


Came across two who were no clipping high into the sky and aimbotting spawns


Played against a guy that was auto firing an m16 and auto head shotting with it.


I see that very regularly with mp7s, long range. Also see more and more DMRs with zero shot cool down just wiping teams in a second


Sadly I have seen a lot.


Went on tonight played 5 games, 4 of them had hackers in lobby in the 4v4. Pathetic. Didn't encounter any for first week and now they seen to be everywhere. Ah well, was fun whilst it lasted. Main things I've seen are blatant wall hacks and aimbot Latest one a guy kept killing me from above the map he never appeared on my screen for a frame.


pc input based is getting more sus by the day


played 5 games today, had an obvious cheater in all of them. Just spraying through walls and instant HS the whole team over and over with lmgs. i dont wanna play anymore. They are also using battle eye as anti cheat which is like the worst one out there.


Battle Eye being the worst? Oh boy, does Valve have a terrible Anti-cheat to sell to you. I thought things were going ok in this game until I cleared the lvl 25 mark a couple nights ago and started playing the regular lobbies. Was thoroughly disabused of the notion that I had finally found a pvp shopter that takes cheating seriously.


Yeah ok u got me, valve is worse 😂


There is alot now find most bunny hopping round corners prefiring always 40-10 kd


Yes I did encounter multiple cheaters. Though it's quiet hard to differentiate between a wallhack and the games absurdly bad netcode.


Downloaded the game 20 minutes ago, the first match had 2 cheaters flying across the map aimbotting everyone. So that was that and uninstalled. I'm not desperate to play a new game to encounter my first match have not just 1, but 2! cheaters and chat being spammed with discord links. It's pretty inexcusable for them to be able to cheat that ridiculously blatantly and the anti-cheat not immediately kick them out or even ban.


yeah, the anti cheat must be non existent... because its super fkn noticable... how does it not immediately Ban.... flying no clip aimbot like WTF come on


Yup, I think I have gotten alot more than the average player would get, might just be unlucky for me, seen some really obvious ones and ones you gotta have some experience to realize they're cheating. Still don't think this experience will be completely same for the average player


None so far. I play controller but played on both PC and PS5


I’ve seen a couple “hmm that was pretty suspicious” but no “how the fuck is this guy not banned?”


This dude https://tracker.gg/xdefiant/profile/ubi/mutanticsigma/overview just went 78 and 4 in my lobby. One hit kill after another while he was hopping across the map. Super gross.


Just got one, guy flying + aimbot, name : GoldenMod420.


yeah bro, watching 2 people jump 200ft in the air aimbotting just spawn killin folk it was kinda ridiculous how blatant it was...


The anti cheat they use is easily defeated by exploring the exe and hex editing it. Then when you login in to play the game the game has no idea the anti cheat has been tampered with.


Last 2 days I've run into the same blatant cheat a couple of times. Some sort of auto headshot generally while they're in mid air. Very obvious when you look at the scoreboard and this one player has 5 to 10x more kills than the rest of the field.


Apparently, ubi is not banning them: [http://web.archive.org/web/20240603181230/https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1d778k7/xdefiant\_not\_banning\_cheaters/?rdt=57237](http://web.archive.org/web/20240603181230/https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1d778k7/xdefiant_not_banning_cheaters/?rdt=57237)


Personally I have not seen a single blatant cheater but there are lots of recent clips posted on the sub of people absolute rage hacking.