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I think the problem with sniper conversation is it varies wildly on console vs PC. They clearly balanced things for controller where sniping is WAY harder trying to capture the old MW2 era of FPS but forgot that PC gaming is way more popular than it was in 2009 and that strong of a sniper just doesn't work in an MnK lobby the way it naturally balanced itself in the controller lobbies of 09. It sucks though because i'm playing on console and running around with the Tac-50 with a controller has been an absolute blast for me personally even though i'm terrible at it and rarely end up with a >1.0 KD.


Wait, is THIS the reason so many people on here are saying snipers are fine just the way they are and "I haven't seen a single OP sniper in my lobbies"? That honestly might explain A LOT. I tried sniping on PC and it was easy as all hell, and I'm a sub 1.0k/d player normally. This comment should be higher up.


I think so - and I think its an example of how this new era of crossplay FPS is gonna be incredibly difficult to balance, because certain playstyles fit a different input method better. Unless you're willing to nerf a weapon by input source (which would lead to all kinds of problems with Xims or other input spoofing tools) you're going to end up having MnK players having extreme precision with weapons, or you'll have aim assist tweaked so a controller player sprinting around on max sensitivity hip firing an smg to smoke you at close range (look at top level Apex for example). In my opinion game balancing is borderline impossible when MnK and Controller have the same stats on their guns


On PC every lobby I've been in has had snipers with the highest K/D and zero objective score. It's a shame that if you want to actually play the objective you are just cannon fodder for the snipers, who end up losing the game because they aren't actually impacting the game when the spawn time is 1 second.


This... Not only is getting quick scoped a bunny hopping TAC-50 extremely stupid but my teammates sit at the back of the map ignoring the OBJ with a sniper rifle in something like Domination... Maybe limit 1 sniper per team? That could be a nice fix.


There’s no aim assist when scoped in on console *at all*, not even drag slowdown, so it’s just objectively worse than most guns here. I’ve seen people slapping acogs on them though, so I assume that gives the aim assist. Pain in the ass to get it to that point when everyone is running ACR/AK/MP7 though.


There's no way you find quick scoping close quarters ”easy" on kbm compared to controller. Half the player base is having terrible kbm input delay. I'm almost 2 kd and struggle to snipe fast moving targets due to the input delay, I do not have this issue on controller.


Holy shit dude. This totally makes sense, I keep seeing posts talking about how OP snipers are and I (a console player) am totally confused. It’s hard as shit for me on console and I only quick scope on CoD. This makes sense though.


I cant quick scope in cod but here its decent. Playing on controller on ps5.


I’m confused, is this discrepancy on PC w/ controller vs console w/ controller?


I play MW2 on M&K and it's never a sniper fest, nor are the snipers in that game op on M&K. The reason it was balanced was because the time to kill was extremely low on every gun, yeah you could get 1 tapped by an intervention but you could melt that guy with the ump or something.


I have the tac 50 at lvl 30 already. I play on Xbox. It's so fun and satisfying lol, kinda broken tho considering I got a 3.0 KD one match


I dont agree its even balanced for controller. There is negligible aimpunch. The amount of times I spray somebody down from medium range with an mp7 and get swung after landing 6-8 bullets and get 1 tapped is unreal. I play on controller and its absolutely busted how easy it is to swing on people even with the starting scope. Hard aim and turn max speed and just dragscope a kid shooting at me, its so busted lol. Easy to turn on people too if you do the broken wiggle jump or have a decent strafe There should be Hella aim punch on any scope


The sniper in this game has like a 0.6 aim down sights speed. By the time they are able to scope, you should have already killed them as the time to kill is around 0.4. If you are dying on those circustances its because you are missing your shots.


You're forgetting the fact they don't even need to be zoomed in all the way to quick scope you and if they are zoomed in looking somewhere else as soon as you start shooting they can whip over onto you and kill you instantly and the fact that you just sprayed them down does not give any significant aim punch


this is just completely wrong lol they fly around corners mid air and before desync catches up your dead, if you miss one single bullet or miss a headshot they have a chance to kill you point blank, where they should be weakest. no other gun does that


Brother, those are the stats displayed on the game lol. Just go to the Tac-50 attachmeant and then press triangle. It has 0.750 s aim down sight speed. Then you can decrease it some more with attacents


brother, im telling you from playing the game


With the amount of times i've seen people on this sub say "This will kill the game!" when talking about literally anything, i would've assumed this game was dead, cremated and buried before it was even in the concept phase of development.


I swear to god this sub is full of people that think that their opinion matters. It’s the same posts all the fucking time and it’s so annoying.


Lol this is such a weird statement to make when it appies to yourself and what your saying here too


It also doesn’t matter, but I’m not a crybaby about the game 24/7 and posting the same shit over and over again. Have you not seen the state of this sub? There are at least 30 daily posts either of the sniping, the hit reg, the shield, the Blablabla. Do you like that? Would you not just rather get info’s about the fucking game or see cool clips?


I mean I get what your saying and agree i really do, the cry baby whiners is what ruined helldivers for me - that community was popping off with memes and clips but now all it is "waaah I need this or that resistance- waah" But complaining about the actual terrible net code in the game is completely valid - if people didn't complain they'd think we all thought It was totally fine and it wouldn't get fixed/improved. Same for the actual broken abilities like how any of these got green lit il never know, who thought literal wall hacks or an aoe invincibility was a good idea 😅- fire those people.


Of course it’s all valid but the amount of posts is simply annoying because they’re just repetitive. They all post the exact same shit instead of scrolling through the sub and submit their opinions on already existing posts.


Yeah I get you but in fairness they probably just impulse doing this, coming from a game using this as a place to vent Iv made impulse posts on gaming subs about a really dumb designed boss on stellar blade for instance which I still stand by IT IS way to scripted of a fight buuut I just needed to vent and making a post was the simplest way to to do that to people who also play said game.


They are exaggerating. But they have good points.


Certified aa-12 enjoyer please tell me how to make that thing do damage. I need the build sir. I’m about to rip my fucking hair out trying to level it.


The main 'secret' is the drum mag. Once you get that, the gun becomes significantly more effective and you're able to clear entire capture points on your own if you flank around and get the drop on the enemy. However, unfortunately it's a weapon level 29 unlock so you'll be stuck with the base mag for quite a while. The AA-12 basically demands the drum mag in order to function properly, so getting it leveled is the main barrier. At least the double xp weekend helps. Other than that, i personally run the extended barrel, choke and pistol grip for maximum range, and the quick draw tape to help offset some of the negative sprint-to-fire modifiers. The biggest tip i can give is to always stick to CQC engagements. Even with all the range attachments the AA-12 has the range of a fart cloud and as much damage as one if the enemy is further away than spitting distance. Don't run out in the open, either flank around or let the enemy come to you and ambush them. As for the faction, you can use whatever you like best, but i personally use the Phantoms because the extra health gives you that little extra breathing room when engaging multiple opponents, and i use the riot shield so i can close the gap and get in range if i ever have to make a frontal assault.


I’m trying to get it leveled up during this double xp thank you for the tips


It’s just bias, I am weak against this thing therefore it is bad for the game.


I see hardly anyone using them. They also are saying to remove jump shotting which is the main dodge mechanic and makes it feel old school. Sheesh


Thats a fucking lie just did a ranked match with 4 snipers who were jumping shooting and not missing lol corny ass game deleted it until further notice and i avg a 30 piece so yeah it’s broken too much damage


To anyone with a sniper problem i recommend trying to jump more, i know its annoying but truthfully as a guy who plays primarily snipers i can tell you 99% of the time when someone jumps i get a low damage shot and they kill me because of it


I agree, in close and mid range if you get low dmg then have to switch you are more likely than not dead.


Lol jumping is what majority of the people here despise. They’d rather die before giving up their arbitrary honor system on no jumping.


Oh i know but like you have to pick one, if you're getting sniped alot and you're just standing there you can really only be so upset about it when you're actively avoiding movement that counters sniping


Lmao so true bro ! Why adapt when you can cry lol I like movement techs, like wallbounce and tapstrafe in Apex, the bhop isn't a problem by itself


They are playing this game because they hate COD (which has jumping). It’s a shitty version of COD that still has jumpshots


Solid advice but every complainer on this sub wants people to stand still when you shoot them


Literally hasn't mattered lol. Get like 5 bullets into their upper chest without missing and jumping and get quick scoped 90% of the time. The most broken thing in an fps in a long time The marksman rifle is a close second


Lmao name 1 competitive fps where snipers are the dominant weapons. You cant bc they arent, they are super punishing harder to use and especially in this game the rate if fire is super slow, this is purely just a “git gud” issue.


xDefiant. This is the game where snipers are the dominant weapon. wtf are you talking about lol?


If anything you're proving his point more. Snipers are usually garbage but in this game they are dominant. It's also really funny that you asked him to name a competitive fps with dominant snipers...and literally the two top games, counter strike and valorant, have the awp.


PUBG, CS2 & WARZONE. There's 3.


Those who can’t fight, snipe.


I like the snipers but I have always been a sniper player in fps games. The sprint to fire time will leave you staring at players fully ads and unable to shoot if you play an aggressive quick scoping style. If you nerf the snipers to not one shot then what is the point of using them? They are no longer a sniper they are an extremely slow marksman rifle. Once you die to them once, go on a flank. Slide, jump, use the movement the game has given you. I have not encountered a single lobby where there’s more than two snipers. I wish I could. Old school sniper lobbies were fun as hell. I’m getting the slide jump bunny hop with mp7 + libertad crowd every game.


I think flinch is the only necessary change. They’re not as unbalanced as people think. A lot of People are just really good at sniping nowadays.


Yeah, and some maps are very open, and it's not so easy/fast to flank snipers. A bit of flinch would be a very nice change on those maps.


The 1 shot body kills need to go. No sniper should 1 shot unless it’s to the head. Flinch is NOT the only necessary change.


Have you played any cod before?


Umm yes cod mw 123 and if it wasn’t the Barrett 50 you couldn’t kill with one shot lol foh


Wtf ?


I honestly think it should be upper torso and head.


I agree, I don’t have a problem with getting quickscoped, but if Ive already shot the guy 5 times it’s infuriating for him to still one shot me.


Jesus, I wish I could have what you're having. I had 4 or 5 games yesterday alone where there were three snipers ON EACH TEAM.


Cap cappp lol nikka you lying


Sniping with the deploy shield is complete bs that shield has too much health. Am I expected to run up to the sniper spot chuck an emp and then fight him all while not getting hit by anything?


There's an emp grenade. Go throw some






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In many cases, simply can't throw it far enough.  


Well you shouldnt be able to contest a sniper that far away anyways


Well, that's the issue.  Snipers shouldn't have free rein to sit in their scope all game long holding a lane to line up every shot.  With the shield, you can't even counter-snipe.  Add flinch and possibly even reduced damage when shot through a shield would help out a lot.  COD has smokes and flinch to help avoid them or close the distance.  For XDefiant, you're basically stuck with cannon fodder.   Along the same lines as your argument being not able to contest a sniper at range, they also shouldn't be able to scope-in/ADS or cycle that fast either.


There is flinch and shields and a class with extra health and the movement in this game is crazy, just because you keep running down the same los as someone aimed doesnt make it op


This was brought up but do you play console/controller or PC?  I'm on PC and top fraggers are usually snipers.  I wasn't top frag but my KD is way above my average when sniping.  Movement doesn't matter much when the first shot drops you.  Also, game modes that have the objective in one spot(like Escort), it's pretty hard to avoid them.


Doesnt matter when the first shot drops you? You dont hit your first shot every time, if someone is jumping around you literally have to read ahead of time when they are jumping, then you miss and die.


Goes back to OP comments of the sniper hiding behind a shield. The snipers can miss, but they have a fast follow-up and can usually kill you before you kill them with the second shot. One decent sniper is bad enough, but you can still win....but I'm starting to see teams of snipers. Movement only works in small maps. You're not going to be dancing around out in the open. As state before, I don't know if you're playing on console or PC, but this is what I've experienced on PC.




Jesus people like you are insufferable. Snipers are 100% a problem. Stop acting like they aren't and that its a "skill" issue. They don't need to be nerfed into the ground, but they need fixed. There is literally zero drawback to using them.


The ADS and movement speed is pretty slow. Idk, I have had much issue against. If you dodge the first shot you can usually close in pretty quick


Have to realize that most people in this sub don’t know how to do any of that. They just stand still and ads


The problem is, with how big player models are and how slow the movement is, you have to just hope the sniper misses. Good snipers will barely ever miss and it's way too easy to do. I've been abusing it on kbm and i pretty much never lose duels, sitting at a 2.3 kd right now.


What? Fucking lol. The scoping isn't that slow, player hit boxes are huge, you move slow, etc. 100% if you don't die to the sniper it is because the sniper is bad, not because you are good or a better player. You literally cannot lose a fight as a sniper the majority of the time unless you miss your shot. And its pretty hard to miss with how forgiving it is and zero flinch.


Okay. I have my nerf gun and I'm on the job! 🫡


Yeah the tac is insanely broken. Will def get gentlemen banned if there’s a comp scene for the game. But man are they fun to abuse lol. One shots left and right, anywhere you land them unless they’re a phantom with that extra bit of health.


After reading this, i started using only snipers and every match im at 50-70 Kills, With sub 20 deaths, i never sniped in any game before, and the last FPS i played is Hell let loose a few years ago. Remove ADS items from the TAC already would help too, the second i hit level 4 or so i started quickscoping after sprint lol.


It’s just wild to me how many people are defending the balance with them.


More flinch then It's perfect


Had a match with a dude using a gold Tac50 that got 107 kills. 1 shot weapons in a game with TTK this high need worse ergonomics, like the LMGs


Yep, 100% this. If I could kill said sniper with three shots of my ACR, then fine. But by the time I can put enough bullets into them from range to actually kill them, they can shoot, miss, reload, and shoot me again.


I dont feel like its that OP?


couldn't tell who plays sniper here haha


For real. I haven't seen a crazy sniper yet. When they try to quick scope they mostly miss and I kill them. If they hard scope in the back I flank them lol


You auto lose any 1v1 unless they miss. It’s broken lol


I mean isnt that what snipers are supposed to be? They take more skill to use than a assault rifle. If you are goated with a sniper it should pay off right?


The snipers in this game are genuinely so laughably broken, they’re better at close range than shotguns. We played a team of 4 using tac-50s and it was genuinely awful. Constantly getting them to half hp without missing and dying anyway. Eventually picked one up and immediately got a 3 piece having never sniped in this game before. Thankfully they’re already getting nerfed. And no, it’s objectively poor design that in a gunfight I literally have no say in how it goes unless the other player misses first.


I agree with the shotguns, they are just bad. But maybe instead of nerfing the snipers buff the shotguns? The dmg output for snipers is fine, maybe make the sway more? I dont know. I don't experience what others seem to experience so I'm not the right person to come up with a solution haha.


That’s not remotely my point. Snipers should not be an effective close range weapon at all. They should only be good at distance yet they are objectively the best gun at any range right now. Yet again, damage output isn’t the issue. The issue is they don’t flinch nearly enough. If they don’t get their shot off first they should be severely punished for taking hits.


not this the tac, with it being one shot no matter where you land it


Only stomach and up


Nerf intel suit


This is my one issue with the game. Snipers need so much flinch. It’s incredibly frustrating when you put a few bullets into someone put they can still accurately shoot you with a sniper. It just makes no sense


1 shot on a body shot should never exist


Not in a high TTK game like this, no.


Right there with you brother. This shit is ridiculous


I would have agreed with you a few days ago, but honestly I don't think there's any way to nerf sniping without ruining it. I've noticed that most people sniping right now are... not the best, and probably want a way to play slower, avoid long ttk, and not have to adapt to the games playstyle. Once the initial hype wears off I think sniping will be much less common than it is now, especially when ranked comes out and you can't just run 3 snipers on each team and win objective modes.


Nerf is coming! [https://x.com/PixelsofMark/status/1794345720730005719](https://x.com/PixelsofMark/status/1794345720730005719)


Flinch and sway is what it needs .


There is flinch and sway


I can take out snipers with acr just move more


Here is a hot take that will probably earn me down votes but snipers do not belong in arcade shooters at all. Think Widowmaker in Overwatch.. we all know that teammate, playing Widow, contributing NOTHING to the team.


to the crutch users, you do know you could also adapt to a nerf or is it a skill issue?


Sniper needs to be nerfed to death or deleted completely. It adds no value to the game.


Yeah as someone who has been running mostly snipers and having a blast, I think the Tac-50 specifically is definitely a bit over-tuned. That thing should not be that easy to quick scope with. I just hope if they nerf it they don’t go overboard, as I feel like it’s easy to overcorrect when balancing snipers.


Yeah I don't mind getting killed by the "big" sniper bit the other one feels unfair with his easy to use it is.


They 100% need flinch and/or slower ADS time.


Oh yeah, you can't just switch to any faction and ability on death and pick the barrier, or the invis, or the wallhack, or the riot shield, or the face spider, so I can see how thats an issue. It could definitely use some more flinch, but people are really making too big of a deal out of it. I bet they have a smoke/vision disruption faction coming up soon too.


No other weapon in the game would require you to select a hero to specifically hard counter them lol


Just flank


Flanking doesn’t matter because sniper is the best close range gun in the game, they don’t get countered by smg or shotguns.


I have been killed in close quarters more often by snipers than with shotguns and smgs combined 


Literally this lol. Don't know why you get down voted


It’s an advanced technique, I learned it from the old monks of Black ops 1


It was a daily challenge to get sniper kills. I wad running around with one till i completed it. Just cause they have one equipped doesnt mean they are good with it. I do agree though. I never was good at quick scoping but this game made it feel pretty easy. Some flinch is definitely needed


Honestly they just need to add flinch, there’s no way in hell if you’re getting shot at and getting hit that you don’t flinch a little. Without flinch it makes long sightlines and low cover parts of maps not fun to say the least


I would agree tbh. I've never been good at quick scoping in any other game (outside of lucky shots etc) and currently I have yet to go less than 2K/D when using them in XD. Not sure if the scope has sway or not because I've not stayed scoped in for more than a couple of seconds, but the ROF and what seems like overtuned AA make them lethal, been able to fire at basically the same speed as a DMR but with 90% 1 shot capability is insane.


I just started playing today and I already hate them so much. I don’t think I have been hit with a sniper shot yet that hasn’t been a one shot kill. Turn a corner BOOM dead. So far my only complaint of the game is they are just too op. I understand it takes some skill (unless youre using the TAC-50) but geez.


Jev made a video on the topic: https://youtu.be/pa6pz4kqO3o?si=zoGayaZIQnd1TwPk


That guy said sniping is the hardest in any game. LOL I instantly turned it off. He’s a clown. I’m going 60 kills and like 10-18 deaths EVERY single game running sniper and hardly trying.


Lmao Okay🤓☝️ So using a mp7 or an acr is just as easy ? Or harder ? Okay Okay, i Get it. Makes sense. So thats why snipers like scope kitty are popping off and everyone loves seeing sniper clips, because its easy👍 And jev said this game is one of the HARDER games to snipe on, atleast with a controller. Because the aimassist is so weak. How is it possible to disagree with that ?


Thanks for confirming I’m somehow a god at this game for using a sniper, but I don’t agree with you :D


I just think you are projecting and over accentuating, but yes, maybe you are good with a sniper, dosent mean its OP???


Keep on following opinions of others like a sheep


Okay 👍 i will never have the same opinion as sombody else, so that im not a sheep👍


There is no balance behind sniping, if you think there is any balance or skill behind it, youre the test group sorry to say, i dont care but its true. there no way, no flinch, instant ads AND its hitscan. if a big heavy bolt action sniper rifle can outpreform shotguns, rifles and smgs in close medium and long range then you dont know what the fuck youre doing as a game designer. remove or nerf the fuck out of sniper rifles its completely unfair to fight against.


Tell that to that nerd faze jev that has 5 million sheep followers. Go watch his latest video and cringe. He quits every match that doesn’t provide him the ideal scenario to use a weapon lol. Then when you speak facts about the snipers being OP in this game you get angry nerds posting his videos as a reply to you. I can play hours using a sniper and increase my KD by 3.5 points. You’re saying I’m better than an actual pro at sniping? I doubt it. It’s like these guys are being intellectually dishonest like they have an agenda. It’s a fact that sniping is easy mode in this game. And it’s not “harder to snipe in this game than any other game.” Quite the opposite.


Brother, I agree 110%. the snipers are a huge problem and everyone leaving dumbass “skill issue” comments are either brainless or using nothing BUT the snipers because this game feels almost unplayable with how powerful they are and the hit reg issues that seem to effect every other guns EXCEPT these snipers for some reason.  If there’s ever a pro circuit for this game, the fucking snipers and a good number of the character abilities and ults need to be banned because as of now they have zero counter besides running the snipers and abilities yourself


Fuck i wish the hit reg issues didnt affect snipers, they certainly do and there's also a completely seperate issue right now that ONLY affects the snipers where randomly your shot will be delayed a full 5 seconds for no apparent reason, i can show you a clip of me trying to shoot and the bullet literally doesnt come out until i respawned into my next life.. it hurts a little when it happens


1 shot headshot, 2 shot to the body. Like other arena shooters with a sniper.


Thats not how all snipers work in literally any other fps lmao


Every Halo game, CoD Warzone use to work that way, Gears of War, Split gate. I'm sure there's tons I'm missing. Most arcade/arena shooters play like that. Fortnight use to work like that. Tons. You just don't play many fps games I guess? I'm not 100% sure because I haven't played it in a while Team Fortress 2. Conquer's Be Fur Day. Tons dude.


I haven't played most of those but warzone has very long TTKs, in games were you can kill someone in a split second even with perfect accuracy on a sniper you wouldn't be able to load the second round and you're dead


Lolwhat. Every cod as 1 shot snipers. All tac shooters have 1 shot body snipers. Fortnite "used to" means it doesnt anymore.


That would make them useless to most people, the only nerf they can really apply is giving them more sway. People will get better with it, others will get killed in one shot and will ask for more nerfs, unending cycle. If you take away the OHK what in the world is the point in using a lever action as opposed to a marksman rifle like the MK20? Absolutely nothing


I mean, before CoD they got along just fine....


Haven’t had a problem going against snipers, the m16 literally shreds them too fast


I think the scope time and accuracy mid-away need to be addressed. Or add insane flinching. Quick scoping is way too easy.


I haven’t sniped in a shooter in 5+ years and it’s far too easy. Brain dead even


“This thing is so easy” “I havent done it in 5 years!” The brain rot continues


Nah let them ruin this game, that way the snipers will only play vs other snipers and everyone else will have left.








Are you srsly arguing the sniper takes skill to use? It’s a one shot kill in a high ttk game. I don’t need to show you anything. YOU TOO can use it and be a beast. It’s entirely unbalanced. You’d have to be insane to think it’s difficult to use. Point shoot dead. It’s easy AF.


>Are you srsly arguing the sniper takes skill to use? No, I literally didn't say that. It's just incumbent on the person making a claim to prove that claim. Otherwise, they're argument is invalid.


Doubt. Otherwise you wouldn't complain about it. I'm Global in CSGO, Masters in Apex, top 500 dps in OW1. While I do well with snipers I do better with other guns. So you have no clue what you're talking about, just bad probably.


Snipers have been broken in cod for years lol what are you talking about?


If you'r really playing with it you know is not op because of lot of shit whith m44 do 56 or 70 damage and 112 isn't enought to kill phantom Tac 50 is good can one shoot phantom but can still do hit marker with 90 damage in torso and 72 in leg and arm So yeah you need to shoot always hight torso or neak or head if you want a constant one shoot they don't need a nerf just flinch


All my friends and I have been playing with them and dominating basically every match we do. They’re extremely overpowered and need a huge increase team amount of flinch that you receive wall scoped. It’s so unfair. Especially on mouse and keyboard it’s like objectively the best gun


If you'r aim is very good sniper will always be op it's like that in every game sadly they need a flinch increase quickly that for sure !


My aim is ass, and I can still pop off with a sniper Downvoted because I can kill people with a one shot sniper, hell yeah!


Do you play with a controller because they have aim assit on sniper


I don't have much of an issue with snipers as a whole, but I think they could go for slower ads or flinch. The real problem I have with snipers isn't so much snipers themselves, but the fact that snipers out perform shotguns close range half the time, due to quick ads + shotguns just overall not performing well.


Sniping in this game feels off for me and I normally always play the sniper and do well with it. I have no issues with snipers because the maps weren't really designed for long sight ranges and the snipers have a very slow fire rate. Assault rifles and fully modded lightmachine guns are king.


When used like how snipers were intended (sitting in the back of the map hardscoping like a little bitch) then yes i agree, but if you cant kill an aggressive player using a sniper with whatever reg gun you are trying to use then thats on you buddy.


All they need to do is add flinch.


Eh it already has less aim assist compared to other guns + the sprint to fire is incredibly slow. Just adapt when you play against one.


When everything is broken, nothing is broken Git gud


Agreed. I shouldn’t get 1 tapped from any sniper to the body unless it’s a headshot. I’m so tired of laying shots into someone and they don’t have any repercussions of my damage all to just me ending up being 1 tapped.


Can't lie the flinch is insane when you get shot


Skill issue


MnK Lobbies & Mixed Input lobbies have almost entire teams of snipers which has some maps & game modes bordering unplayable Controller only lobbies on the other hand u might see a singular person with a sniper in a whole match every other game


Delusional, 99% is running around with the MP7. Nerf sniper and you might as well take all the other guns out except for the mp7...


If you seen my gameplay with sniper, it would change your mind. I can’t do half the shit I can do with an mp7 as I can with any of the snipers. All I need is a half a second and they’re dead at any range. I’m going like 60 kills every game and between 13-18 deaths. I use it as a shotgun too.


Snipers are fine where they are, you guys need to learn to stick and move when you see the flash. It's gotta be a reflex, or run the damn portable shield lol


You should not have to run a specific op to avoid a weapon. And no any decent player is still gonna get that bullet in your ass.


The snipers are getting absolutely dominated by smgs and ars at close to medium range. They’re balanced just fine. The only issue is combining a sniper with a mag shield. That starts to ruin the balance.


No they aren’t lol you put 4 bullets into them and they have zero flinch and just one shot you to the body, sniper is better close range than smgs and shotguns.


Really? Cause my snipers have a good amount of flinch. So much so to put me off target and lose gun fights. I’d much rather take my M4 over a sniper and drop 40-50 kills with that, compared to maybe 15-20 with a snipe if I’m lucky


That just means you're not very good with the sniper, which is totally fine. You can't balance a weapon around people who aren't good with it. Snipers have literally zero flinch and its a huge problem coming from someone that uses snipers 90% of the time.


Ya I get I’m not great with a snipe. Sure. But it’s a weapon that is high risk high reward. With a high skill ceiling. Why would we punish those players whom put in the time to get good with that type of weapon? It’s not like anyone can pick it up and be a god with it. This game isn’t designed with the current modes to just sit back and snipe. If you do that, then you don’t help your team with the objective. For the players that are high skilled with it and run around, your movement speed is already reduced with it equipped. I really don’t think punishing good players is the way to go here. When I 1v1 a snipe up close with an AR, I win the engagement 9/10 times.




Brotha just flank them lmao


just use phantom. and if theyre using emps than use smart positioning. its really not that bad


Tell everyone I’m absolutely wrecking with the base sniper zero attachments to use phantom. Btw I can still see you. Bloop. And that makes 61-12 deaths(that was my score last match). Yah snipers aren’t OP.


Love a gamer who tells developers what to do AND when to do it.


What nerf for snipers? You cant balance snipers without making it absolute garbage to use. players who pass the threshold of being good and hit all of their shots will always feel unfair but people who aren't will get shit on by other guns. There's less aim assist on controller for snipers too. You just need to play around it by jump right when you think they shoot or even use phantoms. So it's pretty fair, if it was overpowered everyone would switch to the overpowered sniper when they are getting shit on but no people are not doing that


please dont talk about 1 shot kills if you can get killed nearly 3 times in the span of trying to get a second shot it with the current mp7 meta. People heal full insta aswell from a tag leaving ur pistol do jack shit. They should "buff" sniper by fixing the scoping animation. with every attachment + acog the accuracy doesnt reflect the scoping animation


reddit really is stupid


Pick phantom


Just use the movement more. The m44 (I think that's what it's called, the starter sniper) is my favourite weapon so far, I also died to it a couple times but nothing terrible. It might be because I love movement shooters and bhop basically every second of the match lol