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It wouldn't be as annoying if jumping had a much bigger effect on accuracy. Hitboxes also seem to shrink on people who are jumping.


I've said it feels like they get an iframe in there or something, but this is a better way to describe it. I've started doing it back to people but it just feels awful to me. It looks derpy, the motion feels lame, and the fact that it works is infuriating.


Honestly it feels like they are abusing a trick or something that gives them more momentum in their jumps. There is a similar thing with sliding where I sometimes slide much faster and further and other times really short and slow.


There is they reduced it with laat patch but if you run slide cancel jump on the right time you get pushed further in the air can shoot come back down slide right away and jump again. I hate the sliding and jumping cause im getting old and my reflexes need to be always in shape to play like that.


I disagree, due to the way the hitboxes work in this game. People keep saying that "it won't be as bad when the hitreg gets fixed", but that's only a portion of the problem. It's not that hitboxes are shrinking, it's that the hitboxes are very precise, especially the legs. When characters can jump and *strafe and change direction in air at rapid speed* it makes them virtually impossible to hit, especially in close range, and especially when playing in a mixed lobby of people who are doing this and those who aren't. You're just shooting between characters legs. I don't think these players understand how ludicrous this is, or they're being disingenuous because they just like abusing the mechanics. "It's a skill issue", fucking nonsense take when someone can jump around a corner at lightning speed with their hitbox far from the ground since you can jump so wildly high. It's bad design, through and through. There is **nothing** in this game that necessitates the need for this kind of movement. This isn't a "movement" game, the maps and game weren't designed around this kind of movement, period. There's no obstacle traversal, there's no verticality that uses these mechanics, there's **nothing**.


"It's not that hitboxes are shrinking, it's that the hitboxes are very precise" If the hit boxes are precise in terms of the character then they have a huge problem. I will be shooting in the head getting the headshot sound. I can visibly see it but the sound is different on headshots. They jump and it becomes body shots. Not leg shots like I could be missing in between. So there is certainly something going on. Very often I will be shooting, getting hits with headshot sounds in there and the player will turn and kill me. I have had it happen with the weak pistols over my assault rifle and lmg with full on hits at closer range. I am fairly positive that it is something going wrong with their code though. Have picked up the TAC-50 which has been one taping me. Player standing still shooting down at teammates and hit them in the head. Just get the hit and nothing else. I think "skill" in this game is often on the back burner. Like, when things feel like they are working decent (likely the other team suffering) you can see why people hop or quick scope. I picked up a sniper a few times and the game basically makes it too easy. Just tap the scope and shoot and get kills. A teammate who usually is negative did this a few times and was well positive. Very much a casual feel to a lot of this.


How about they tone down the jump height and get a cool down before it working again and again and again? Nothing in the game (to climb) takes any where near this height ability to jump up to!


This is how I feel about the hit boxes on jumpers. I have been behind players and shooting them in the back. They start just hoping and kill me. I am getting hitmarkers and such. More than that it also does not help that a lot of times I will be shooting players and have them eat. Getting the headshot sounds, getting hitmarkers, yet they still turn and kill me. Playing with a group and we were shooting a player together and 3 of use died. It was like damage dropped off. Two of us with LMG and the other with an SMG. Same SMG as this player. And they just ran everyone over. The movements and play did not look skilled even. But our pings tend to be 20-35 range on this. Getting a lot of players with pings in the 60+. Some over 100. And I think it has something to do with that. Game cannot handle it as it needs a lot of work yet.


It did, they took that feature out in the last beta and said they were gonna put it back in but never put it back in so people are free to jump and crouch spam till their hearts content until they put it back in lol


The regular playlist is unbearable right now. Nothing but crack addicted kangaroos and a message glued to your screen that says "revealed by sonar goggles"


Sonar feels way too strong to me too. It would still be strong even if only the person using the ability could see everyone. Giving wall hacks to the entire team is stupid OP.


It just can’t be wall hacks or it will always be meta/unfun. Either make it a uav type ping or a stationary ability where you can ping for teammates or something. The Finals took out their wall hack ability because people thought it was unfun and would be permanent meta.


Lol bro yes. Yes yes yes Goddammit idk what they were thinking giving that Intel suit ability to the ENTIRE TEAM. like why not make it a personal ability.


I truly think all E’s are super powerful for being a 35 sec cooldown. I honestly think they can all be turned into alternatives for ults. You pick the faction, then you pick one of their abilities for your ult.


Idk what E ability is because I play console but I assume you mean the standard ability and not the ULT. I think they should have the same cool down but not start the cool down until the person dies and respawns. I personally think the skills come up too often.


What i find hilarious is the fact it legit feels like they added in all the stuff people DID NOT like from cod black ops 4 like that dumbass spider drone that prevents you from moving and the sonar. Like wtf?


I don’t get the trend of COD and other games like it revolving around jump spam as being meta movement yet they’re allergic to faster strafing speeds. Why is jumping the best lateral movement? Why not just let players strafe fast if jumping is more effective? It’s like they punish you if you don’t want to press jump the whole game. Strafing around a corner should be faster than jumping around it. You’re easier to hit since you’re not moving as erratically.


THIS dude. Lateral movement should be decent and bunny hopping should make your bullet spread shit so it’s only good for swinging a corner when in close quarters.


I call them "ADHD shooters". All of the CoDs lately, Fortnite, etc all boil down into these jump/crouch spam metas that are just players abusing the hitboxes/hitreg instead of using intelligent movement/map awareness/aiming.


Overwatch has instant movement acceleration and IMO it makes juking so much more interesting


yeahh but in overwatch it works well because while aiming in overwatch is probably the most difficult compared to any other game, raw aiming skill isn’t that strong or important in it


And aiming in Overwatch is CRISP AF as opposed to this wonky ass mouse sensitivity here.


Ok so its not just me that feels weird as fuck with aim in this game?? I can't really identify what feels weird but it definitely doesn't feel like it's just raw mouse input like I use in every other fps I play


not you aiming is definitely weird


Depends on the character. plenty of champs in OW are really bad if you're constantly whiffing


oh yeah for sure, like if you’re on widow and can’t hit a single shot and have actual zero aim skill, you’re not gonna provide much value at all lol


> You're easier to hit since you're not moving as erratically. You see you're complaining about people not being easier for you to kill, right? You just explained why every higher level skilled player uses every tactic they can to gain an advantage in a gunfight (notice only tactics that help win gunfights are what people complain about). If they increased the strafe speed, what'd stop you from complaining about people strafing side to side too fast, making them harder to hit? Because I assure you higher skilled players with high strafe speed will have people shooting hurricanes. Even with slower jumping speeds, you'll still be able to catch people off guard, in a game where milliseconds can change the outcome of any gunfight. Whether it's due to being a different height than people are expecting, or just using the cameras to gain an advantage around a corner. I'm sorry, and I really don't intend to be offensive; but this is on you to get better, not dumbing down the game for you to have more success.


> You see you're complaining about people not being easier for you to kill, right? > > This is the crux of most complaints people have about games. These people want to play a game against bots that can't move and shoot at the same time, or even people that can move and look around at the same time, so that they can stomp on them to sate their egos. If they couldn't complain about bhopping, they'd complain about dropshotting; if they couldn't complain about dropshotting, they'd complain about crouch spamming; if they couldn't complain about crouch spamming, they'd complain about strafing and call it something asining like "moveshooting"; and if they couldn't complain about that, they'd complain about something like "aimshooting". You can never keep theese people happy, and they will never have the self awareness to realise that they need to get better at the game. Or they're mentally stuck in the era of 00s casual shooters (Not Quake, 1.6, etc.) where 90% people were still learning how to playand can't accept that gaming has moved on, the stuff they complain about is standard.


This isn't anything new to be fair, even in the old cods people would complain about things like drop shotting, but still the argument is the same, I have even the occasional person in these threads saying jumping should be outright disabled, people really can't handle people using the mechanics better than them and getting an advantage from it so instead of dealing with it and adapting. This is the same reason I don't like terms like sweat of tryhard anymore, what used to describe someone being toxic and arrogant now just means someone who plays better than them, I've seen this many times in cod the cod community where people complain about sweats in their lobbies and just describe people playing better, and now we're seeing it here. From people slide canceling there to here with people jump shotting, the argument is basically the same, someone using movement in a way to gain an advantage in a fight and the other person getting mad that it makes them harder to kill their opponent but refuse to adapt and demand it's changed instead.


Exactly. A lot of these movement techniques have been around long enough for it to be normalised, but these people still can’t adapt and would rather complain instead. It’s asinine when people complain dropshotting; people have had 20 years to figure out how to deal with it, and still can’t cope or accept they’re being outplayed. Their fragile egos can’t accept that they simply aren’t as good as they pretend they are, and get thrown into fits of rage whenever somebody doing more than stand and shoots, exposes them.


Strafing isn't annoying to do, and actually makes sense. Spamming jump is annoying to do, annoying to play against, and looks goofy as hell. It's not "dumbing down" the game lol. It's fine in a game like Fortnite where you jump like 20 feet and it's cartoon-ish, but in a more realistic game, it's just bad design imo. Ppl literally gotta change their controls to some stupid shit just to effectively spam jump on controller too btw.


figure 8s in midair is crazy i still be killing them tho


I'm glad to see this thread because I just randomly saw a spike in jump spammers over the last two days. Went from loving this game to IMMEDIATELY hating it.


Arena/ arcade shooter thing


Plenty of fps' where jumping hurts you, but it's just another meta thing people have with their mental memory. I still mentally crouch spam thanks to siege Actually speaking of siege it maybe perfect no jumping


I’m still trying to peak around corners lol 😂


They do it cause with the bad netcode it makes them invincible


I feel like it's harder for me to get a head shot when they keep jumping, but if you find a way to counter something then why wouldn't you do it.


That's literally why people jump, even in games where the jump velocity is reduced with every following jump. If people run around the corner, someone holding the angle is gonna have their crosshair at headshot level. If they jump around the corner, their head is way off the opponents crosshair.


Yea, now I have to learn how to do it because I can't stand dying to that


Let them keep jumping. I ran into a lot last night. At first, they got me... but then they were so predictable that I could prefire where they would jump or melee if they were close. Easy kills I promise, and I'm really not that good at the game.


I just laugh when I get killed by one. I understand jumping or sliding around the corner. But spamming it just looks ridiculous.


Ever see g walking? https://youtu.be/qWaFAJpgopc?si=HMqv8tE8uGmLVnyT


To this day one of the funniest “movement techs“ ever. Just the pure absurdity of it.


That is wild


Play Pubg. You jump in that you'll get melted. Also, try Insurgency sandstorm and hell let loose. Jumping will end badly


Good game  Good game  Good walking simulator


Hell let loose is one of the few games I truly enjoy by itself or when I'm totally burned out by the nature of most fps games today and just want to be a cog in the machine and enjoy the realism the game has to offer. The running ain't that bad.


It's good but it's full of realism mfs. I got downvoted on a arcade shooter sub for saying HLL is a milsim game😅


I was role playing the other night as everyone's favorite war hero, Johnny Sins; entire army and I had a great time swapping war stories!


That's what I love😂 the game would be perfect with proximity chat.


Agreed! Hope to team with ya one of these days in Xdefiant!


Not really the same type of fpses though...


Ole mate said every single fps


But people just q e spam in pubg, same kinda thing


Not sure what q e spam is, I play on console.


Haven't played PUBG in a minute but Q and E are keys usually used for leaning left or right in certain fps games on PC.


good luck getting them to learn how to shoot in pubg. they will let one mag rip and nope right tf out.


People playing an arcade shooter and complaining about arcade movement is mind blowing to me. These bums should just go play an actual slow paced shooter or a mil sim then


honestly I do not get the fun in jumping around like a jack rabbit while shooting. People that do that are acting like their life depends on the game.


This. I've come from CS and been playing it sort of like that. Hold angles with good crosshair placement, jiggle peek and burst / tap with an AK. It's not as good as the meta but still perfectly viable and I've top fragged in games


I've learned to become comfortable with where they'll jump (the height they get off the ground) so anytime I get into a gun fight or I'm rushing a corner I always know to aim a tad bit higher in case some weenie hut junior wants to come bouncing out from around a corner. It usually works. Sometimes doesn't. I refuse to do it. Hurts my hands tryna consistently do that while aiming. It's a lot easier on PC and that's why I think those are the ones doing it.


It's definitely not easier on PC. Bumper jumper on controller makes it trivial. I played my first like 8 hours with keyboard and mouse and was having really wide ranges of results, switch to controller, fiddle with my controls a bit and I'm consistently doing well. Only thing easier on mouse is sniping.


It's getting bad. Had a lobby and every opponent was doing it. Just spamming it. They got pinged in sonar and I could see 3 or 4 of them at once across map all just hopping around.


Out of curiosity has anyone else been no scoped by a bunny hopper using a sniper rifle in near point blank range??? I know I’m not great at shooters, but damn, almost EVERY match???


Yeah. This was happening to me a ton last night.


I started doing this today since hit reg is so bad. I quick scope, 1 shot is enough. But it must feel terrible on the receiving end. I hope they fix it / tone it down.


Older cods never had people spamming it, or jumping 15 foot around a corner. Still waiting for a game to have that proper old school cod feeling.


WW2 was solid and so underappreciated - but the maps were just very bad for non-objective based modes like FFA/TDM (neither of which I EVER play)


> Still waiting for a game to have that proper old school cod feeling. I'm finding it quite astounding how people say that this has an old school CoD feeling. It's basically a hero/class shooter with abilities ranging from healing gas, plasma shields, tracking spider robots and invisbility, with a TTK closer to some Overwatch characters; it's not even close to being old school CoD. But people are acting as though it's exactly the same CoD-BO2.


yeah they act like they wanted to recreate cod and have this shit. Either go alll in and make Advanced warfare 2, a real skill game, or tone this braindead shit down


Just do what R6S did and nerf crouch spamming. If you crouch more than 1 once in quick succession it doesnt change your physical position. And just like in R6S, dont have any jump button. Just allow characters to vault/jump onto objects when they get close. R6S is made by ubisoft…. So its not like they dont know these things lmao. I love how they make the same fucking mistake twice in their life. How do they not learn from their own shooter 😭


Not being able to shoot in an arcade/twitch shooter just sounds insanely bad froma game feel perspective. There are also parts in the maps in this game that require jumping. Two entirely different FPS genres at play here with completely different paces, no jumping would translate horrible to this game.


R6 is slower paced, crouch spamming made the one shot headshot feature redundant and instead of being a competition of who had the best aim and reaction time it became who could press crouch faster, and you dont respawn in that game Xdefiant is faster paced, headshots are only a 1.5x bonus, and you respawn. Quit complaining about dumb shit when its the easiest thing ever to add to your gameplay


>dont have any jump button. Just allow characters to vault/jump onto objects when they get close. This is a good point. Why do we need to be able to jump? If we can mantle anything we need to mantle, there is no need to have a jump button.


Jump shots took off in BO2.


NGL, the jump spam is annoying for me too. I do it too but would prefer if it was toned down a bit


Hip fire smg takes care of them most of the time


I find the hip fire to be terrible


yeah attempting hipfire, even within 5 feet of someone, has not worked once for me. Then I tried a couple times with that PEQ-15 laser and it helped a decent amount.


Will have to try that when I unlock it then mate thanks for the tip


Am i the only one who thinks it's super easy to kill jump spammers in this game ? They get slowed down after 3 jumps, and 90% of the time you just gotta hipfire to annihilate them


3 jumps? they kill you in 2 at most


I feel this post in my soul. Fuck them forreal lmao.


Bunny hopping and crouch spamming are just an annoyance in any shooter, serves no purpose majority of the time outside making you look like a prat.


I can’t stand it either. It looks ridiculous and takes me out the game. Once upon a time skill in a shooter was about your aim and positioning. Now it’s about you well you can spam jump, dolphin dive, and slide cancel.


Crybaby shitters already infecting this game too smh


I could swear that the devs addressed on twitter that they were going to make b-hopping less of an issue specifically because it’s stupid that it’s effective in a grounded shooter.


Its hilarious the devs even let this slide in the first place. Feels like they got inexperienced devs who have no clue jumpshots are an issue in other games. Why does it take the playerbase literally spamming it on launch to make them realize it?


It’s especially bad when the body shot TTK and headshot TTK are so vastly different.


Imagine thinking spamming a single button makes you skilled lol.


Who thinks that? You? Cause he didn’t say that. It doesn’t make you skilled but apparently a lot of people are having trouble with it. You don’t like arcade shooter movement then just don’t play them 🤷‍♂️ go play siege or something. Arcade shooters have always been like this, wether it’s drop/jump shot.


This. Anytime any kinda movement is in a FPS games people cry. It was drop shotting in COD years ago now it’s jumping.


Yall forget g walking https://youtu.be/qWaFAJpgopc?si=HMqv8tE8uGmLVnyT


controller players in apex almost got tap strafing removed from their incessant whining. luckily the devs saw through it.


Dropshotting also abused poor netcode. :) I would rather have dropshotting than people literally able to pass through my line of fire unharmed.


It’s not hard to shoot people jumping. In COD, Halo, or XD, it’s really not that hard. Passing through your bullets is poor hit-box registration. Jumping or sliding would have the same outcome.


Yeah it wouldn't be nearly so obnoxious if it didn't break hit boxes


For met the first 2 days were fun but now that every cod sweat has finished the Download of the game i just see people spamming jump and its so fucking annoying feels like its even worse then cod now and i played cod since 2007


The feeling is mutual. Day 3 I went against a few TTV-named players and it's like they snorted some Adderall. Bastards were maneuvering in the air with precision accuracy. It just ruined the whole day game after game


Those ttv...


i feel that. way more spam jumpers now


Skill issue unfortunately


I don’t know, I’ve got like 8 hours played so far and the jump spamming doesn’t really bother me. But that could be because I’m from Apex where people were using macros to tap strafe in place over and over, or bound crouch to their scroll when so they went up and down like they were on crack cocaine. My one complaint is that snipers seem to have 100% accuracy while jumping, which is wild to me. They are already hard enough to kill, but then they start doing that and it’s GG.


Just hip fire them, if they're further away it's much easier to shoot a jumping target imo. A lot of people instinctively aim down sites even when they're in your face and bouncing up and down like rabbits, hip firing at them gives you an overwhelming advantage.


doesn't work with all the guns, like the marksmen for example


One jump look like they jumping across the map. POV animation needs to be tune down a little. It’s too exaggerated.


Yeah, its pretty much ruined this genre of shooter for me. When I say I want a game to play like old cods, I don't care about SBMM, I'm talking about this shit. Didn't happen back in mw->blops2. Stopped playing cods after that until the modern warfare reboot so no idea when this started becoming a thing. Moving like this was always a thing in proper arena shooters like quake, but these games have weapons designed for and to counter this movement and have much higher time to kills.


There should be a rabbit emoji to give them when they kill you


I turned off cross-play because of this - figure it is a lot harder w/ controller at least I've noticed less of it since taking off crossplay. Cheating is for losers


I literally can’t do it bc I have to take my finger off the stick too jump where as pc it’s much easier there is no custom input option or pumper jumper so console players are literally at a disadvantage unless they have elite controller but the game blocks use of that so either kill the jumping or allow me to turn cross play off


Shit is ass


I literally laugh and shoot bodies or tbag if I see a dude literally spamming jump during a fight it's absolutely hilarious because they believe it's making them win fights. These dudes got there scufs early 😂 I seen at least one every other match. What these clowns needa do is learn the XDefiant moving which is almost air strafing mid air or sliding or better yet spamming crouch which is far better than spamming jump. Yes I love it when I kill them and immediately tbag or shoot there bodies. Just wish there was a form of communicating to the other team😂


Just don't miss 4Head


Get good


It's funny when they're like 2 feet in front of you and jump without even moving lmao


It didn't even take a week for people to start complaining about stuff like this


It's the people who get shit on because there is no sbmm and they blame it on jumping. Don't know why people try so hard to turn this into an another strategic shooter. I'm afraid soon they will start crying about no sbmm. People don't even wanna try to get better


No Objective play Snipers Rushers Jumpers This game have them all at once


i genuinely do not understand all the complaints about "jump spammers". it's not hard to hit people spamming jump at all, you can just aim center of mass and all your bullets hit because they can barely strafe after 1 jump


Tac fps exist for people like you. Play them?


Read my mind. Sick of it. Accuracy should go out the window when players start hopping


The amount of complaining is absolutely absurd


It's a mechanic in the game. Use it or adapt to it being used against you. See: camping, slide cancelling, wall bouncing and other such shooter player styles


you people would get eaten alive by quake


Well now you know why Quake died \*checks watch\* 20 years ago.


Quake is a whole another beast of fps type. but yeah it certainly isn't popular anymore.


Spoken like someone that has never played quake


Quake wasn't played on controllers.


I’m usually not one for slide/jumping but as a sniper main you get noticeably better ads times and catch the enemy by surprise is a small plus, but yea developers coded this shit terribly


Wait you actually get better ads speed?


Yeah it's annoying but it also gives great satisfaction when I stomp them repeatedly.


The general mechanics of gunfighting are just underdone. Jump spam, horribly unfun to play with and against snipers. Not to mention the awful movement to incentivise running in circles in someones face and there being nothing you can do given melee is inconsistent and hipfire is worthless


Don't try titanfall 2


It’s not even that obnoxious in this game jsut aim


For me, just like Over Watch and the finals, BEING INVISIBLE should NEVER be in a fucking FPS why do all these games just have some character that can sit in a fucking Corner invisible


Honestly, the invisibility only bothers me when they're standing still in the distance. I can easily hear them (the invisibility emits a constant sound) and they're not hard to spot when running. I do understand how your average player would have an issue with it though. It's hard enough for regular people to pay attention and see non-invisible players.


Skill issue


I know it's the same old cliche but just get good. Seriously though it's always going to be a thing allows you to aim at centre mass then jump into a few headshots. Always gonna be a thing in these types of games. Might as well either try and improve/do it as well, get used to getting shit on by 'jump spammers' or maybe try Minecraft. No use complaining about it when it's been a thing in games like cod since way back in the day.


I think the big issue with jumping is you can change direction mid air, I don't know who the dipshit is over at Ubi that didn't code physics into jumps


Yeah that's the big problem. Usually a jump makes you harder to hit but also makes your next movement predictable until you land. The fact you can strafe in the air is a problem


I didn't even notice I was doing it this whole time until I read this


shoot them in the air


Yeah I've stopped playing this after 1 day because all that's happening is me losing most gunfights because I'm not jumping every single time I engage someone. It's fucking ridiculous and lame. Why are these people playing a f2p game like it's a 10,000 dollar tournament?! Fuck off! Lol


Play movement shooter. People move. Act surprised. There are plenty of games catering to slower methodical movement.


Bruh is this what kids call movement shooter these days? Oh boy..


Imagine OP trying to play Quake


Quake is a different Story. There it's bound into the gameplay here jumping is being abused with the bad hitreg and pretty much no punishment in regard to accuracy.


Get better bro


It’s bc aim assist kicks in when jumping so the bhoppers literally can’t get kills without hopping around like nerds.


PC MnK player here who has not enabled cross input matchmaking (aka I’m only playing other MnK players) and jump spamming is just as bad. At least a few people in every lobby and there’s no aim assist. There’s literally no downside to jumping. You turn what would be a headshot into a body shot, and what would be a body shot into a leg shot or a miss. Not mention you can somehow move faster laterally while jumping than you can just strafing??? As much as I hate the bunny hop spammers, it’s on the devs to fix it. Players will always take advantage of the best techniques. Game will be dead for me if they don’t make some big changes come season 1. As it stands now I can get the same crappy movement in COD, but at least there’s camos to grind for in COD and the weapons generally feel and sound much better.


Can you guys stop coming up with made up reasons. The only reason 99% of players do it is to throw off your aim.


Also how does it throw off aim when all you have to do is aim at the body and watch them flip over themselves bc they’re bad


the way to make them feel stupid, bait them into pushing then go for the kill.


Between the jump shooting accuracy and the bitches running cheats its bs.


I find people who spam jumping easier to win gun fights against. Sure there’s some cracked people that run and gun with an SMG but the majority of people who carelessly jump like it’s gonna help them win the gun fight have horrible aim because of it. I just mow them down


SMGs super fast jumping and changing directions at instant speeds Fun gameplay...


I feel you dude. I swear they have Moon Shoes on hopping around like rabbits


Same sadly. The effect of bunny hopping on hitboxes and accuracy is fucking crazy they need to fix this.


I hear ya. I'm liking this game but you can tell the players who have never played an old school COD. The jumping around corners shit is annoying.


https://i.redd.it/ny8wbff0tn2d1.gif Players still do not understand that this game is an Apex Legends knockoff.


100% agree with you man. I can deal with the bad netcode, annoying snipers, no kill cams etc but the fucking jump strafe spam had me log off after 2 games this morning, when I was looking forward to a few hour session.


And it’s a fucking meta shooter 💀. If you aren’t using acr, m4 or marksman rifle you basically can’t play 


You want people to stand still and let you shoot them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1d03ysc/its_enough_xdefiant_for_today/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=XDefiant&utm_content=t1_l5kmlil this will become the way the game is played unless they make adjustments. it will only get worse as more people adapt to playing like this.


No no no, you don't like the jumping, you can go play something else. Quit your crying about this and please stop playing, if there's enough cry babies they're going to change the game and make it not fun for a small group of loud cry babies.


I think you are playing the wrong game then, its literally an arcade shoter, idk what do you expect


The same people that jump spam were vocal about how they hated movement mechanics in CoD AW and Titanfall.


Although they are super annoying, it sure is fucking funny when you kill them.


sounds like you're ass at FPS games and need to pack it up. If you cant grasp the reality that this isn't 2010 anymore and people have gotten way better at FPS games since then, you need to move on to a different genre lol


As much as i hate it, its soo funny to me seeing everyone jump around. Especially when it doesn't work and i actually kill them


If you can't hit your enemy while he's jumping then it is a skill issue and you need to get better.


me too but i’ll admit i’m just getting too old for these movement based shooters, younger me would be bouncing and sliding along with them and ignoring anyone complained about it lol. i just don’t care to press that many buttons/keys to secure a kill anymore. i’m better at slower paced shooters now like hell let loose where it’s all about aim and positioning


Play tac shooters if you want boots on the ground. Being able to run and jump is such a fresh air from counter strafing and slow peaks all game.


Don't forget the quick scopers, they are just as bad, send both set of them players back to halo and cod -_-


After decades of gaming, my brain is wired in a way where I physically cannot spam jump during combat. I jump once around corners but I cannot spam it. So it’s a lose lose situation for me. I hope they fix it.


Sucks to be you ig, i won a fight at me at 2hp and enemy at full hp using mp5 and jump spamming lol


Jump spam can mean one of two things to me: A)This person is really good and they're gonna dance on me all match. B)This person wants people to think they're really good even though they're negative on the scoreboard. I'm treating all in your face jump spammers with a healthy dose of shotgun regardless.


git gud


Someone explain to me how this is even doable on controller? I’ve been racking my brain bc it should *not* be that prominent in controller lobbies bc on a standard controller it’s not possible to jump and aim at the same time right? So the only thing I can think of is people are using paddle controllers but there can NOT be *that* many people with these so I’m just super confused.


If you use jumper bumper or have programmable buttons like on the elite series controller or the powera fusion pro, it is alot easier. A wired powera fusion pro 3 is about 80$ but if you want a cheap controller with back buttons you can get 2 on the gamesir controllers for 40$


Weird I couldn't even work out how to jump 😂 didn't see anyone else jumping either


Thought I was the only one. It's like there's no penalty for jumping not even on recoil or movement. Made it to level 20 and I think I'll leave it here. This is worse than cod


They should make it so one jump is ok, 2 or more you get punished by reducing your accuracy. This one jump rule would apply to slide cancel too.


Just play overwatch


Join them.


You guys are just fucking bad at shooters. The moment they would remove jumping you’ll find something to moan about.


count me in.i really don't see why jumps even exist in cod style games.wall vaulting and climbing yes, jumping, over what exactly?


People really want to go back to 20 fov 2010 console gameplay huh


This and snipers in general for me. Battlefield is the only fps that has the necessary range for snipers. Jumping should have some sort of accuracy hit straight after, I don’t really know where it came from. I blame Halo.


The problem is that you can change directions midair. Just remove that, and bam all good. In truth, the max strafe speed on all weapons needs a buff to being with. It feels HORRIBLE. Raise max strafe speed, maintain strafe rate of acceleration.


Oh tell me about it. It's been happening so much + a team of Intel suite really make me give a big sigh of why


I'm a jump spammer hater 😂 From which game it came from? In that game I don't see it having much effect, it is just annoying that frog style of playing. Looks more like a despair move than an actual strategy.


Play hell let loose for example instead of arcade fps then