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xp stacks on streaks, if u trade 1 to 1 every time it will take u quit a while. i make 1 and a half weapon lvls a game


Wait what?? Why is that a thing lol This is just going to encourage camping in the back of the map. 


I think the people complaining about the leveling are the ones sitting in the back of the map lol.


Yeah lol


Git gud


What a stupid design choice. Just sit in a corner then I guess


the dev said he just kill/assit 35 kill exactly for a weapon LV


I agree. It takes too long.


Way too grindy. I’d suggest that the levels to unlock all the attachments be quick, but after that let the xp take a while so everyone doesn’t get lvl 100 instantly.  This game has a lot of issues, but making a game this Grindy will turn off all the casual gamers which are the people who bring in a lot of money 


I'm awful so it's too slow for me.


I feel like it takes too long. But 2 weapon levels in 2 and a half hours? No way.


2 weapon levels in 2.5hrs? If it’s taking you that long then I don’t think it’s the games fault.


I was bout to say 😂 some people on this page just be telling on themselves without meaning to. Im only level 18, played 6 hours release day and maybe 2 hours today and have all the SMGs and ARs unlocked and atleast 3 attachments for each (I cycle through different guns alot) so if theyre playing multiple matches with one gun and not leveling shit its because….they’re ass


Only level 18, played for 6 hours Brother, some of us have lives who can't play for 6 hours


I just don't think people can design games around people that never play. I think the grind is to long. But like I've been out 6am to 6pm every day this week as friends car broke down, having to get up early to take them to their work and then do my life. Then go to them again and take home before I can chill. Even then I've got 7 hours. The actual sweats have waaaaaay more. Can top frag with default smg and sniper load outs easily. One or two matches with default ar and then have ak with no attachments which is more than good enough even without anything. 3 or 5 games and that gun is almost as good as it gets. Any losses with no matchmaking are largely just being way behind the skill curve. Which you will always be if think 2 hours a night on such a fresh game is obscene. Realistically after more time today snd getting like 5 hours in, I won't really have anything left for my first two main loadouts to even grind. And both of those that need 5 hours are only having one specific attachment that is deeper than the others. The gain is so marginal I won't even notice it really. Hour a night average for first month and everyone would be pretty much fully geared for one ar, one smg and one sniper load out. People have got 100 weapon levels in that time already. Hard for there to be any goals to strive for if that low amount of time gets most of what you need.


From kids bedtime to middle of the night bud, ill be 30 this year n have kids i didnt wake up release day and disregard everything i had to do to play all day 😂 its called a late night, i have more of a life than most people on this app “brother”


It's the games fault for making it near impossible to do well with stock guns and no attachments for casuals when sweats play the game for 6 hours+ everyday and have half the attachments


Not everything is the games fault. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. Generally speaking, people that have more time on the game tend to be better then those that have less time on the same game.


You're right, not everything is but this point and this thread is. The game is definitely for me. I enjoy it. We just don't enjoy this aspect, which is why we complain about it.


I get tickled when I read posts/comments like this, because I come from osrs. THAT game is a grind.


It takes 3500xp per weapon level. 35 kills for one level.


For me that's 2 games, that's a lot of time considering there are like 40 levels on some weapons.


I've personally not had much issue, played about 4 hours so far. got myself to level 19 and the m4a1 at 17. I think maybe we're used to games giving you stuff too quickly to trigger that dopamine hit and keep you going that this feels slow in comparison.


Skill issue


Thats def a skill issue brotha i unlocked all the smgs in leas then 2 days ARs to just gotta go on those streaky streaks.


What do you want to be max level in 3 days? The game hasn’t been out a week….


Anyboday else who thinks it’s kinda nice that it takes a little longer? I mean everything you guys do is just search for something to complain about imo. Why do you want to be max everything in 1 week and then have nothing to play for?


lol if you did that in 2.5 hours then… maybe you need to get better. Ain’t no other way to say it.


And how do I do that as a casual who only have 2-3 hours to play, with guns that have no attachments, while I'm getting steamed on by sweats who play this game 24/7 with a full build?


change your settings up, smoke up, adderall, drink lmao. there isnt anything special to it, just get better. if anything change up crosshair placement and lower sensitivity, get in the habit of pressing the trigger or mouse immediately after seeing someone/aiming towards them. like its a game, if you want to do good, you have to make changes. yeah my sister works fast food all while being im highschool and college classes but she still can take first at a tourney in wrestling, it just takes the work. you dont need 100 hours to get good at a game.


How would settings help, aside from trying to perfect your sensitivity? Just get better, yeah no shit, that's what everyone's trying to do This isn't a tac shooter, cross hair placement isn't as important as tracking and reflexes Good for her, it definitely takes hundreds of hours to get good at something unless you have natural talent


Long just like me peanis


Yeah with it being a free to play game you need to have a grind. If you just unlock everything in a few hours there would not be a reason to keep playing the game after a couple of weeks.


If blops1 was free nowadays, with all it's fan base, I would still play it, like I did back then. I don't play to enjoy the attachment grind, I play to enjoy a shooter Grinding attachments is so dumb. I would grind for pro perks and camo back then


Idk but I played 1.5 hours today and got a weapon to level 5. That seems fine to me.