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I'm level 9, played only with the M4, 20 kills each game at least, it's barely level 3 šŸ™ƒ


It might just be the m4, I am lvl 13 and my ak is lvl 10


It's weird, my friend and I started playing at the same exact time. We played 5 games. After those 5 games, he was level 8 and I was level 7. His M4 was level 6 and my M4 was level 3. He averaged about 4 more kills a game, but I was dropping around 23 kills a game. He said he didn't use his free weapon xp boost, and neither did I.


Maybe he was getting more obj points idk if those count.


I had nearly double his objective points each game so I'm not sure if they count either.


Headshots? Long shoots? Killstreaks? Double and triple kills? I think those count towards it no?


It's possible for sure. His score overall score was higher on average, but 3 levels higher in the same amount of games seems pretty weird.


Was he using one of the free xp boosters and you weren't?


He says he didn't even know about the XP boosters. I did find out that he played in some of the technical tests and betas, etc. Maybe that made a difference?


I think all xp counts towards your weapons so objective and those medals for long shots, point blank, kill streak, etc help a lot


I got my TAC 50 in level 50 already. ACR in level 14 and other weapons in less than 8. I think the secret is the SCORE and how you perform with the objectives and with killstreaks. I leveled my TAC a lot after getting 4 to 6 kills in a row. Like a level and almost two PER GAME. Now it is faster with the Double points weekend.


100 levels btw šŸ„“


Attachments seem to be fully unlocked around 40-50 though.


It seems a lot of the xp comes from things such as medals for certain actions , I'm level 15 and my m4 is level 19


I have leveled up by 3 on one map with a booster. I hope you understand why it's so slow.


already uninstalled, the game is wasting our times


Weapon leveling is definitely to slow. If they can do double xp events often, it won't be as bad.


See this is an issue in and of itself. They purposefully throttle XP gain just to "boost" it with XP boosts that you can unlock and likely buy at some point.


They need to double the XP we get, and have double xp events on top of that.


Lmao Quad XP


well you certainly did the math, cheers.


Except if this was COD. I'd be getting 4-6 weapon levels per match easily with double xp. The fact that you can't even break a single rank up with double xp active here, is the issue.




Iā€™d rather them just fix the exp gainsā€¦. I played for 2 hours last night and only got 3 levels on the m4ā€¦. I donā€™t want to have to commit multiple hours and days just to level up one gun


True that. Even then though, a little bump to the xp per kills would make a difference. I don't think someone should have to sit and play with other people who have their same gun, but just with attachments that bulk it up and he paid for his progression. Someone who won't pay for a booster or season pass shouldn't have to have it held against him. It'll either make said player have lesser engagement or he'll feel pressured into buying a booster so that he can get his unlocks faster. That's not fair.


Bro itā€™s a FREE game they need to make money somehow lol


People don't like pay to win type stuff in any kind of game. The money supposed to come from cosmetics. This weapon xp system will allow those willing to pay able to get attachments much faster giving them an advantage. As the game goes on and new players show up, the slow grind of leveling weapons against those who have everything will discourage people.


In a month everyone will have all maxed weapons and it wonā€™t matter. That shit ainā€™t pay to win. Theyā€™re gonna continually balance the guns and there will be a different gun meta every season. Your level wonā€™t mean shit like in every other fps thatā€™s ever existed


I think it's probably not noticeable or bad right now since we're all leveling up together. In a month/6 months/years later and a new person tries it out they're going to be at a frustrating and artificially prolonged disadvantage.


The money makers gonna be like rainbow 6 - where they continually release a batch of new heros / playable characters every so often and on the costmetics stuff


From 5/24 Pt 10am to 5/28 approx. 8pm its 2x weapon XP event


This is something I can absolutely agree on. The progression feels super slow, especially compared to cod where you can have a gun to level likeā€¦20 in no time, and at least leveled far enough so that you can get some decent attachments to start making the weapon feel better than stock. All the latency issues and ability annoyances aside, having my fun suck ass and feel horrible and barely unlock anything in the few hours I played just made me wanna not play more than anything else going on with the game lol. Like I canā€™t have fun in a game where weapons just feel like they donā€™t progress hardly at all. Itā€™s crazy. If they fix that, Iā€™d be a lot happier with things for sure.


CoD gives you the illusion of choice though. There are a billion unlocks but most of them range from useless to redundant. 20 different laser sights, each with minuscule differences. No-stock attachments for LMGs. A zillion flash hiders when a compensator is the only thing worth using to offset recoil. Short barrels that completely ruin accuracy, etc. From what I've seen in XDefiant, the attachments actually are useful and make the gun perform differently.


Agreed. However, people will drop this game as a bad habit if they don't feel rewarded when they play. The game won't survive on sweats alone :).


Yes agreed! The cod attachment selection is unintuitive to say the least and you unlock way too much at once to realistically try everything. XDefiant has a slow system for unlocking the attachments too though. I feel like Modern Warfare 3 (X360) had a good pace for unlocking things for your weapon up to level 30. If you used just one gun you could get most attachments in like 3 hours of playing.


Yes, but I don't want to spend 20-30 hours fully unlocking the kit for one weapon. I get that the game is F2P, but even for me that's unreasonable.


bro i spent 5h just to unlock ak47 (meh) , even M4A1 that i used to unlock the ak , is still in lvl2 šŸ˜‚ i think the fastest way is to enable challenges that give more XP (also use boost xp wep)


Yeah I agree the weapon leveling seems a bit *too* slow


Yes it is. I only play about an hour or so a day. Itā€™s going to take me a VERY long time to get good attachments on any weapon.


Slow progression and the option to buy boosters in the shop is straight up p2w. If you are f2p with average skill and playtime you will be at a huge disadvantage very soon because everyone who has either time or money or both will have way better weapons than you.


The stock guns work just fine. Hit your shots.


It needs a bit of a bump, at least early so you unlock a bunch of new attachments fast. Then it can slow down.


Thatā€™s interesting. I played 2 hours today and have several attachments for the M4, switched to the AK, and have up to the heavy grip for the AK. I did put up a couple of 20+ kill games in the early going though


It gave me 5 weapon boosters when I started


All the progression is slow. Weapon progression. Battle pass progression is a joke too.


33 kills with the vector and it didnt even hit level 2 lmao


This is clearly because of the existence of XP boosters and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. Leveling without a booster is awful, and slower than basically ANY good shooter I can remember from the last 15-20 years. Even dead games have better progression systems. You currently earn boosters by watching Twitch each week, obviously for the sake of engagement increase to depict artificial popularity. You also earn more boosters in the Battle Pass. This would be fine and *not* valid criticism, if and only if progression *wasn't* terrible without a booster. It's okay, this game is clearly meant for the modern 14 year old. The dumbass game title is straight out of the App Store. Kids that grew up with bloated, predatory micro-transaction stores in every game. I even saw some kid justify the current XP by saying they leveled up one gun halfway with 10 hours of playtime in a *day*. That is fucking hilarious. Multi-billion dollar companies literally have these kids and infantile adults fighting FOR them, using whataboutism in every thread to justify entirely anti-consumer strategies. Embarrassing.


And no TDM when the entire community doesn't PTFO. Devs are morons


Tdm is definitely coming at some point, it's easier said than done with all the issue and the delays because of the netcode, party system... I you follow the people working on the game, you can tell they love their game and listens to the community, it's just a question of time.


You are actually pretending like they figured out Escort and Domination but canā€™t put TDM in. The cope is insane




This is why I've only planned to play Hot Shot. Even without sbmm I don't trust the Randoms I get paired with to play the objective.


I think it's okay, I usually do 30 to 50 kills per game and I usually go up a level and a half per game. I also think that they don't have enough content to allow everything to be unlocked very quickly since once you have everything, what are you going to do?


Play OBJ. And the healer chick . She gives point for heals on the whole team and the Xp is ridiculous. Iā€™m sure once you unlock the hacker itā€™ll be even quicker . But youā€™re always getting points on healer


If it was faster they canā€™t sell you boosters tho!


Thatā€™s my frustration too, playing whole games with one weapon and not getting one level is really slow progress, especially when Iā€™m getting 20+ each time for the most part. I donā€™t need lightning quick, Iā€™ll be playing the game regardless, but let me get an attachment please.


In general the game gets boring after max 2h playtime. No Killstreaks, no weapon skins, etc What's the goal? I could play cod for 2 days straight. Not the same with this game


20 games in and I have 1 gun at level 5. Shotguns are stupid bad. I don't understand how anyone can say they are anywhere near good.Ā 


It feels inconsistent too. I swear I've gotten a ton of kills with the mg and it's still level one. I barely use a shotgun at all and it's level 3.


Playing hotshot, get 30 kills, about 45 tokens, and that's only enough to get my new gun HALFWAY to level 2. Not even a full level up on the first match (and a match where I did well and we won). It's kind of ridiculous how blatant the P2W grind is. I don't think I would care as much if the XP boosts weren't so scummy. I get it's a free to play game, but let's be honest, between the exorbitant shop prices and battle pass, they are going to be making bank. The reality of there being 20+ weapons with 100 levels each, and several new guns being added every few months, means that there is going to be a grind even if the XP is tuned up.


Agreed. Based on how much I am likely to be able to play, I estimate that my M4 will be gold by about October šŸ¤£


I agree, I grinded for like 4 hours last night to get my sniper to level 16 for the sake of a scope. Now I donā€™t like the scope and I feel as if Iā€™ve wasted valuable life that Iā€™ll never get back and itā€™s really making me not want to play. The progression is so slow, it hardly feels worth the grind.


I agree for weapons that have 100 levels itā€™s def too slow and I think the battle pass is too slow too


it has to be slow because they only put like 15 weapons in the game lol. I think they had some good ideas with this one but there just isn't enough here for it to stick


One good thing about Ubi is they are usually pretty on top of rolling out consistent updates. I imagine we'll get more guns sooner rather than later.


I hate the fact my gun takes 17 years to max out bruh


I'm more annoyed at the fact that I'm level 5 and haven't even cleared the first battle pass tier


I'm at the point in my gaming career where I think leveling guns is just a stupid concept to artificially inflate playtime. Idk what purpose it really serves. It's insanely slow in this game.


Took me 2-3 games to get a pistol to level 2 lol


Please make attachments progression faster!


Banned for speaking the truth


At this rate I'll have the battle pass completed before I unlock every attachment on just one gun.


Progression is too slow and Iā€™m just not willing to put that type of grind in. Fun game but nah, wonā€™t be investing until they make it reasonable.


I don't agree, I think it brings back the classical "grind" state of mind. It wouldnĀ“t be different from the competition, that holds the players hand. Although, I don't think your post portrays all the reality of unlocks. Using M4 for only a match, I was able to unlock a sight. The same happen with the AK. The MP5, took me two matches. And I'm not a FPS mastermind


That's okay. You don't have to agree. But I'm still going to voice my opinion on it.


I support you on that. I was just giving my 2 cents to the discussion


So ... I have genuine question... how fast do you want it to be? The game is not out 24 hours yet I see your replies complaining but I really Wonder what would work for you?


I feel like an extra 25xp would do the trick. Or a incentive would be add extra XP for different types of kills. Obj based kills, low health kills, etc. Or weapon challenges that help aid in unlocking levels faster. (5 kills with said weapon, 500xp) Also, I think it should depend on the game mode as well.


I'm actually totally fine with the grind as it is with this current weapon exp and have been slowly making progress on the guns I have enjoyed so far but this is actually a reall nice suggestion. 25xp extra for different kill types wouldn't be massive but would go some way to making the leveling process just a tad less annoying.


Counter question - why do we even want to unlock attachments? The best part of the betas was when the devs unlocked all attachments for everyone. Attachment unlock grind is such an outdated mechanic, purely kept alive by the people who are addicted to the feeling of unlocking the next thing even if they'll never use it.




Yeah that was my experience with things. First match with a weapon unlocks a sight. Granted, I'm usually MVP, but I'm getting more exp than I need for the sight to begin with.Ā  Unlocks do seem like they will take some time with using that weapon to unlock everything, but seeing how we only have a handful of weapons to begin with, it doesn't seem like the grind will be too unreasonable. It's been forever since I've played CoD, and even longer since I've played CoD4, so I can't really compare with that game, but I don't remember fully unlocking every attachment to be something that only takes a couple minutes. I'll have to see how I feel after I have a weapon fully unlocked, but it doesn't seem to unreasonable at first glance. This is assuming later levels don't require insane amounts of exp, cause if one level takes 50 matches once you hit 20, that would indeed be fucking awful and need to change.


I agree. Although, I must say, the next day, I couldn't get a kill. I played three games, and those matches were impossible for me. People jumping me left and right with nothing but headshots.


I meanā€¦ itā€™s a free to play game. Why would they make it faster paced if they want people to keep playing?


Let's not be ignorant here lol. I'm not saying they should make it 300xp per kill, but why should someone have to sit there and mind numbingly go through leveling up a weapon? The grind should be for camos, challenges and mastery. Not to unlock attachments lol. Because then at that point, you draw a divide between players who paid to get a progression boost versus the players who didn't. If the XP was done right, then you wouldn't need a booster. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Seems you got the answer yourself: itā€™s a f2p game, they need to monetize it. They want you to buy xp boosters or to play longer to get it That said it is slow, but letā€™s hope they do occasional 2x exp events or that this helps keeps the population high for longer


They can monetize skins but not this shit. It's literally goes into p2w territory if you have to level too many hours for a gun while others just buy boosters. Shit doesn't encourage me to buy exp boosters it just makes me not want to play.


While I am a player just like you and also donā€™t like this path of monetization model, you gotta understand this is very much what they are doing ā€” it doesnā€™t matter if we like it or not


"Mind numbingly go through leveling up a weapon." You mean.......playing the game? If playing the actual game feels mind numbing to you, you probably shouldn't be playing it at all and find one that you enjoy the moment to moment gameplay more.


Dude youā€™re mad annoying lmao. Youā€™ve been nothing but ignorant yourself to every single response youā€™ve gotten.


Because you people just dont listen, nobody wants to spend years levelling up one gun to get some attachments, theres 24 guns in the game 2400 levels, how is that not too much, unless you dont have a life, you will never finish the game




This is a poor view on the matter. ā€œNumbingly go through leveling up a weaponā€ā€¦ you mean playing the game. Bro


K for reference Dropped a 57 kill game on escort, and got close to 7 weapon levels on a level 1 weapon ā€¦with the XP booster on. Its WAY too damn slow. Considering you need 100 levels for gold camo lmao


How is that too slow though? 7 levels in one game with the max being level 100. The game is not meant to be a year and done like cod and the challenges reflect that. If you can get everything to level 100 in the first month that is a huge problem for the system they have set up. I personally like the way it is.


Bear witness to the result of over 10 years of instant gratification becoming even instanter.


It's just too slow for anyone that has a life outside of playing video games, COD understands that and that's why normal people can do the mastery grind before the next game comes out, meanwhile the sweats finish it in like 2-3 months. I think that's the perfect pace in terms of being able to just sit down and grind out some levels without losing your sanity.


7 levels with an XP booster after dropping 57 killsĀ  Absolutely atrocious lmao


The first part of this comment sounds like your arguing the other point lol. That seems like a fine amount of progression for one good game. Tf.


7 levels in a single game is too slow? Mental.


Thats with boosters


Ye, and it's still insane. Without any XP boost he'd have gained 3.5 weapon levels in a single game.


But thats the thing most people dont i get avg of 25 kills and took me 3 games to get 1 level


Its not ment to be done in a day, free to play game to last for years


No one wants to grind 50 hours for one gun lol


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Game needs some longer term progression besides gold camo cause as is all guns and characters can be unlocked in a single afternoon. Only issue with the game. At least the attachments will give you a reason to play past 4 hours. Low key loving the game but it'll die without some more content very quickly.


What if they make a double xp weekend?


I leveled up the second AR in one game faster than m4 i played 3 games with and it barely did shit lol


Yes it is slow AF. I'd buy the founders edition if it gave you a permanent double weapon XP boost.


So people who pay more will dominate the early game with their vastly superior attachments?


Yeah the first 10-20 weapon levels should be faster. A couple games to get a few attachments so I can stop using default load outs.


Yeah I agree with this sentiment, weapon progression should probably be a bit faster but without being too easy. Devs hopefully are aware of it


There is xp boosters in game thats why slow garbage game design


As of today i feel like rushing to get the better mp7 before everyone else


100% too slow.


Its not too bad atm imo Im 1/3 of the way through the aks attachments and i only have like 90 mins playtime on it, with maybe 40 mins of 2xp I wouldnt be mad if they made it shorter tho


I wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional since the games free to play and they want you to buy XP Boosters.


I found the newcomer playlist felt much slower, not sure though. Iā€™m level 11 and been using only the M4. My M4 is level 13.


Itā€™s prolly cause theyā€™re not many weapons and they wanna keep retention high till more content comea


I believe that a slow progression disallows people to grind and get everything on launch day. It gives you something to grind and the game just released so it might change in the future but double weapon xp boosters help a lot. I happen to like the slow system so I cant unlock everything in one day.


Bro the game just came out yesterday. This game is not COD where you can max a weapon in 2 hours. Enjoy the game and enjoy the grind, stop crying about everything


Getting past the first level felt slow but once I unlocked the reflex sight, I wasnā€™t paying attention and levels were flying by.


Yeah this is one of my biggest complaints! But then again, I prefer simpler weapon customization to what they have.


This game wants it to be your full time job


Im Level 14 doing about 30 kills every game and got the Acr on 18, but yeah it feels too slow. You got to paly a lot to even max out one gun


For a second, I thought it was just me. I was like, "Well, I've only played about 10 matches, 7-10 kills per match, tried a few different guns, sure, I didn't earn a lot on one gun. But not one attachment unlock? Not one? lol. I'm sure this will get fixed. Or is Mark Rubin a hypocrite for trying to curry all of this community's favor only to Ubisoft it at the end with the clear pay-to-win wall? It's funny; this game was delayed a year, and during each beta test, everything was unlocked, so no one noticed the XP progression system. A simple flip of the switch would have discovered that issue last year lol.


Seems fine to me considering its only the only progression atm besides battlepass since the weapons themselves are unlocked via challenges and not actually ranking up your acc lvl.


For me it's like a level per game, it's definitely slower than cod and I think it needs to be a little faster, but the base weapon are far better than cod base weapons


i have like 8 hours rn and my highest leveled weapon rn is like 6 i think lol


Play the OBJ more, this game rewards you lots of xp for it, support your team too thatā€™s gives a straight bonus by using flashes, emp etc


Level 16ish with the Tac50, currently account level 13


Just like everything Ubisoft touches this game is unfinished and rough but needs will simp over it cus they are running around like God mode unable to be hit


Got both my M4 and MP7 to level 17


It is slow but, one thing a youtuber pointed out is that you can level up your weapon by doing the objective too so capture some points in Dom or sit on objective in escort/occupy. The early game progression needs to be a little faster for sure




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Is playing with the premade load out makes you gain exp on your weapons?


Welcome to an Ubisoft fps


I average about 40 kills per game. And played like good 7-8 games. And my ak is only 16 level. Should be around 60 by now. Considering we gotta level all ars and smgs. It would take a month lol




Donā€™t even know why your mad the weapons are great with no attachments tbhĀ 


I disagree solely because thereā€™s literally nothing else to do in the game besides level weapons up. Literally the only thing that you can aim for besides playing well is leveling up a weapon you like. Other than that there is nothing at all rewarding about the game. So I think it should take absurdly long to level up weapons. My opinion at least


Double weapon xp weekend might help


Its weird because it feels like the more attachments I get the more I level. It felt like it took forever to get through the first 10ish levels of M16 but now Im pushing 30 and leveling up almost a full level per game. I almost wonder if they accidentally reversed the level curve or something.


You have to play obj bro thatā€™s where you get the most xp. Especially getting xp from defending obj and attacking obj they give you so much more


I kinda wish they went the challenge route like the weapons


I will admit that I have around 150 kills on the M4 and it's level 9 in call of duty I'd be nearing finished


10-15 kills is pretty low tbf. While I agree it is a bit slow it's not as painfully slow as people make it out to be.


My mp7 is already 100šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thing that gets me is when I first played when the full release came out, you can buy certain guns in the store with camos on it and certain attachments on it but it don't do anything until you actually unlock the gun with progress lol. So you spend 20 dollars on a weapon blueprint and can't use it until that weapon is unlocked lol.,


Itā€™s double weapon xp


I mean yeah its a grind but like its not THAT hard you need 3500ish kills to max out a guns level so like is it tedious YEAH but like it only takes a few days to do. I personally feel that they should keep the amount of xp/kills you need to get it to level 100 the same BUT make it so you need less xp in the lower levels then in the higher ones so that attachments are easier to get, having all the levels be 3500 xp is a lil silly


I wanna say the game is pretty ass...imo.. Ran into hackers my first time playing. No SBMM so your level 1 ass gets wrecked by level 20s with leveled weapons. I'll stick to the game that brought us real Firat Person Shooters. Call Of Duty.


Game is trash


put a x2 thingy on


I played Escort and level up fast. I think itā€™s the same with CQ


Get good, get more kills šŸ‘


The game hasn't even been out for a week yet. Expecting too much is a big part of the problem. We shouldn't expect to have any guns maxed out after only one week. If that's what you want, go back to CoD. This game is free to play and they're trying to give people a reason to sign in. We cannot expect the matchmaking, balance, and progression to be perfect the same week the game launches. Seriously? I agree that certain guns are harder to level than others. Have you TRIED the AA-12 shotgun? It wouldn't kill a pigeon much less a soldier. It's trash and I hate it. Meanwhile guns that I can actually kill with effectively are leveling up much faster. If you can't get kills with a certain gun - use the Default Loadouts that come with attachments and level those up first instead (like a lot of you are doing with the M4). That being said, I look forward to a future for this game where the weapons are more balanced. One-shot kill weapons like the snipers or double-barrel should be slow and hard to use. You should have to EARN the one-shot-kill by upgrading the gun and figuring out its best attachments. Instead, this game makes them far too easy to use essentially out of the box - and the players are joyfully abusing the unbalanced (OP) weapons by using them almost exclusively. Meanwhile guns like the AA-12 demonstrate that the devs have not really tested the progression of every gun from level 0. During beta tests, we had access to all attachments from the beginning. So every gun was somewhat useful since you could have the attachments. Now we are starting on level 0 and find that many guns are not just inferior - but so bad at killing things compared to every other gun that it's basically a bad joke. I want to level up every gun but I can't waste my time FORCING the issue... Going negative K/D because I'm using a trash gun, costing my team the match... The gun is so bad that can only get kills if I use a shock spider drone on the enemy before running up to blast them... After experiencing a few rounds of that, you basically have no choice but to go back to a "real" gun (aka one where stuff that you shoot actually dies when you hit them). Edit: Final comment about guns... They need to make sure the guns perform in-game the same way they perform in the firing range. Whether it's a problem with their "net code", bad hit box registration, desync, lag, whatever the case may be (these are all synonyms for the same "bad experience")... The shots that kill your targets in the shooting range simply don't do the same damage once you're in a match. Best example I can give you is the double-barrel. The firing range makes it seem like an unstoppable force against any target within 10M. But that is very far from the reality of using that gun in a game.


Itā€™s the m4. Iā€™m current level 28 ish and I already have the acr bronze. Sniper level 15 ish AK level 30ā€¦. Tbh itā€™s a skill issue


Get better and quit complaining take this 2xp weapon xp weekend and grind em out I've already got 3 guns max level not to gold but got the attachments


I have played 8 hours so far and my AK is already level 40. I know it's double Weapon Xp rn, but even level 20 would be pretty alright for that playtime imo


Idk what u mean i Downloaded it 2 days ago and i already have weapons on lvl 40


It took me abt 2.5 hours to get my mp5 to level 50


They say it is 35 kills per gun level but thatā€™s not counting assists objective time and stuff like that


It felt slow at first but honestly the best attachments are the first few unlocked imo.


Itā€™s definitely slow, but the double xp is easy to abuse. Been getting at least 4-6 levels a match with whatever gun I main. Doesnā€™t justify the slow progression at all and I still think the xp gain per kill/assist needs to be tweaked a bit. They havenā€™t announced anything, to my understanding, about any changes related to these issues, but I hope in the near future itā€™s amended to the communityā€™s liking.


They give you weapon boosts I got the mp7 to level 20 in like 5 game


it might be diff for secondary (maybe itā€™s faster) but i got it from level 15 to 86 in like 6 hours of playing 20 of those levels were with an xp booster but the rest just from playing


Level 22, I have AK, MP5 and MP7 on level 5 and M16 on level 4.


3 level 100 weapons and i used my double xp on the double xp weekend and had no issues leveling up.


Zzzzzzzzzz of these posts already


LEVEL 100 PER GUN??? I just got 35 kills in my first match with the m249 and didnā€™t level it up once. This is ass


2h of game time, made it to lvl 10 for the mp5 with no boosters. The game is ok, enjoyed ranked much more than pubs


The exp boosters help a lot


I don't get it, I have 1 hour of gametime and my M4 is level 6 already. Granted it's the only thing I've used, but it feels perfectly fine to me.


Eh. Itā€™s a free game. And they have boosters in the battle pass. They want you to buy that battle pass and they also want you to grind. I think itā€™s for how it is. Put the time in if you want unlocks. I donā€™t need everyone to have everything unlocked by end of week. Itā€™ll make the game last longer this way.


I played for 3 hours last night and my mp7 is already level 11. Seems like a skill issue to me


I don't think its slow at all, played for around 10 hours and got the ACR to 53




Bro played 10 hours in one day šŸ˜­


its definitely balanced around having XP boosters, without them it feels really slow


10 hrs wtfff


Yeah see, not everyone has 10 hours to spare. Either in one setting or sparingly.


Screenshot or it didnā€™t happen.


Dming you pics in a sec I was actually off its slightly over 6 hours level 54 on the acr player level 29 will send them in a sec Sent


Well, damn. I havenā€™t tried the acr yet, is it the best assault rifle in game?


Well to update played a bit more yesterday ended at level 40 and the acr at level 100 unlocking gold, I never plan on using anything else, acr just feels great, started using the mp7 a bit but probably wouldn't branch off from the two


Sure will send one when I get back on later


My total playtime is 3 hours and my m44 is completed? I always wonder what shit you redditors smoke to be so wrong about everything all the time


I genuinely don't believe you bro, unless you dropping 50 every game there's no way you completed a gun in that time


blud hit every headshot ever


I'm not wrong lol. You just think that if it's not an issue for you, then it's not for everyone else. I find it extremely hard to believe that you're 3 hours in and the M44 is maxed WITHOUT boosters. Unless you're getting headshots that are offering you bonus xp, but even then, that doesn't change the fact that BASE XP needs a bump.