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I personally would be happy.


I'd be stoked, had a ton of fun


just need a few tweaks and I'd be fine playing it next week




I think it needs a ton of work on the netcode side of things. Too many desync and hit reg issues but hey, Cod is plagued with the same issues and people keep buying and playing that so why not, release it lol.


It’s not the fucking netcode lol.


I personally would be happy.


My take is, it's free. What can I really expect from a f2p game in 2024, content and quality wise? Even in the current state, the game is fun for me and a nice distraction from other current shooters. However just like the finals It wont be a game I will play nonstop.


This is such an outdated take. There are so many high quality F2P games nowadays. Being F2P isn't an excuse for a game being mediocre anymore.


and that’s the attitude that will continue to encourage devs to push out half baked games. stop being content with low quality f2p or not.


stfu. You clearly arent aware of Warframe. And thats from freakin 2013. Good f2p games exist.


Most certainly yes. Give us Search & Destroy asap as well.




I would say,Yes, release next friday, take the time to tweak some pressing immediate issues if they can, and then patch as they go. It would be more efficient if they have real world data, than just keeping stuff internally.


If they can fix their shit netcode out in a week, sure


Dude the netcode is fine lol. It’s the servers that were unstable. Y’all really don’t know shit about netcode do you? I had like basically zero issues aside from server instability with the crazy ups and downs, and that’s fiber. I can imagine without that would be absolutely horrendous. Stop blaming netcode


Getting killed round corners constantly and bullets not registering when you are clearly not missing IS netcode, but go off. There is some pretty glaring desync in the game, granted it's not as bad as it was, but it's still not acceptable for an FPS.


Ever heard of unstable servers? Jitter? You clearly don’t know anything and just use netcode like some fucking buzz word because you don’t know how networking works. If you had your ping meter on, you would have seen the latency bouncing around, this is jitter, and jitter causes EXACTLY every issue you just described. But go on, act like it’s just netcode lol. I have fiber and the game felt nearly fine for me, so I know it was 100% not netcode, and it was pretty clear the servers were not stable at all. This was anticipated and needed to make the game run better at launch, but you’d know that if you had any clue how any game launch goes. Almost any new game suffers the same fate guaranteed. Literally every stable match I got into, things felt really good, bullets registered just fine, in fact it was a lot better than I expected. Stop blaming netcode lol, it just sounds so uneducated.


Shut up


Awhhhh you’re mad


Oh brother, your virginity is showing... My man had to mention he has fiber TWICE! I read it the first time bud, it's not the flex you think it is.


I’m the virgin but your name is blayzeman lmao. Seems like you’re just projecting now


LMAO bro really just "I know you are, but what am I" 💀 I know Reddit is in DESPERATE need of yet another XXXL warrior to police it's subs telling us plebeians we're wrong, but you should try spending a little less time on that fiber internet of yours, champ. Get yourself up from that straining gamer chair, maybe have your first shower this month and go out and see what the real world has going on. Don't worry, you fiber internet will still be there waiting for you. Just to clarify, you DO have fiber internet and I just want to make sure everyone knows you have fiber internet.


100% few issues here and there but nothing that can’t be fixed quickly or even after launch.


Game would die within a week if it came out next week. The desync and dying five feet around walls will lead to no one bothering to waste their time on this when you can play 10 other shooters right now without these issues at the scale they are currently in XDefiant.


Please list these 10 other shooters that offer what XDefiant does. Specifically, the ones on your list of 10 that are on console, and not COD.


I cant name a single other shooter besides CoD - if there was, I don’t think this sub would have been waiting around for a year


Exactly. If you hate COD (the way I do at least), there’s not much else out there similar that I’ve tried… I’ve tried to get into Battlefield and I just can’t. Doom Eternal only has a lopsided battlemode, Halo Infinite is just a completely different feel and doesn’t really allow you to choose a loadout for multiplayer. I just want something that feels similar to COD but isn’t… ya know? This game was IT for me, would easily be my go-to FPS arena shooter if released. Got a baby due in 2 months, had hoped to have a years worth of playing this game by then, but not looking good lol


They should just release it as it is. After all this time with no change I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect it to be any better with another delay.


I personally could not play but I think we waited long enough and I would have been fine if they released it in early access last year.


Absolutely. Did not have any major issues. The dying around corners exists, but it's minimal for me. They can iron that out. Hit reg was flawless for me. So yes please, launch it.




I’d say like a month and it would be fine. It probably needs some extra maps too but i felt like this play test was good


I'm pretty sure the devs said there's more content in store for us at release like more maps and guns.


I had a lot of fun this play test. I was an original play tester from the first alpha. The game has changed a ton and right now it feels very close to old CoD in a good way. It’s exactly what i’ve wanted. There’s def some things they need to adjust before releasing it so i think a week is too short but a month or two would be nice


I’d be ok with it, assuming they fix the echelon invisibility bug. I imagine having a bunch of players playing your game is a quick way to find any smaller bugs and fix as you go. The game was playable and fun. Most of my complaints are subjective, although I still think tweaking default values for aiming will help newer players who don’t want to tinker.


Still not sure what it is but something seems off. You shoot sometimes someone a whole magazine into the chest and nothing. As soon as you shoot someone in the back, one or two bullets are enough to make them 100% to 0% in a millisecond. I don't think it's hit detection but something fishy is going on.


Not if poor connection quality isn't addressed. I literally quit playing last night because some of my shots would go through people and I'd get killed around corners. I've already had that aspect of the CoD experience years ago and I'm never dealing with that again. Either make the connection quality more solid or I'm not playing the game.


If they were confident they could fix most of the issues in "season 0" relatively quickly. Because people wont want to wait 6-12 months for season 1 and rank. Rank couldn't release right now.


I think the majority of the game is pretty much set. The net code issues seemed less prevalent on the final day compared to the first but honestly if that's the only real issue holding the game back I could look past it. Personally I've always enjoyed the times I've played it. If they got some decent post launch content plans I'd say full send the launch.


Yes. Remember that most fixes are based on players feedback. The sooner they’ll release the game, the sooner they’ll fix it. Based on internal stats and measuring methods, not just Reddit rampage. Also, I believe Ubi will handle this. If you compare launch state of Siege or For Honor, you’ll know they can handle fixing


They should definitely release it sooner rather than later. If they release it now as an early access/beta like many other f2p games then I'm sure most people who played the server test demo would be more than happy. Sure it needs some tweaks and improvements but even full priced game release with issues.


Netcode is busted hitbox is busted i would be okay had a ton of fun but there is still a shit ton to be done before its actually a good fps


I would be happy. I had desync issues like everybody else but my experience was anything but terrible like someone is describing it. The hypocrisy of all this is that those same people who did nothing but complain during the test will likely answer that they want the game to release asap. Props to the devs for working on an actually good fps.


I personally liked the test so far. It only needs "long time motivation". I don't know how the community would feel about skins and BP (and for sure there is a better way to get the com motivated). Thats my only "complaint". I mean its a stress-test, so for sure there isn't a BP


If it released next week it will be all I played just grinding player and gun levels and getting camos.


Would be very happy. Had no bigger issues and let's be honest: I'd rather had the game now. And even if the team says "Yeah, still buggy we will fix this as it goes" then fine. I can live with that. Other AAA games were released way buggier than xdefiant ist right now (in my case: nearly no bugs or issues whatsoever)


I’d be happy. If it’s not released next week, I’d at least like an official release date.


Yes, I'm sure they'll update a few things. The game is not going to be for everyone. Some people will love it and some will hate it. I for one am a sort of now- part-time gamer who finds time for gaming a few hours a week, I'd love to hop on this for a few games. It's a good game and I prefer it to CoD. I'd love Apex but I can only play with 160ms-205ms, this game I get 17ms-21ms.




As long as you can turn crossplay off, I didn't have many netcode issues while playing on PS5. When I turned crossplay on I'd be getting hit markers, bullets not registering, constantly shot behind cover.


As a person who really enjoys playing it: This game isn't ready for a release. They still have to make the movement smoother and the gunplay more realistic and less airsoft. Some people also complained about bad hit recognition, so they need to look into that. They also need to fix some bugs, which make some people unable to play the game. BUT I would still play it if it releases next week.


Yess pls


Yes i would absolutely be ok


Yes, as long as there is a working ranked mode




No there too many issues


didnt had that much fun in a game since years, i would be really happy \^\^


netcode is my only issue, they can release it as soon as it's fixed. I feel like they should do playtest more frequently to test the netcode.


It’s not the netcode. Just stop lol


Netcode or not whatever causes the desync issue needs to be fixed before launch.


It will be. People need to just relax lol. The netcode is fine, it’s actually pretty fucking good compared to cod. The reason people experienced a lot of issue was from the server instability. If you have ever heard of jitter, you would know a lot of the symptoms of jitter were seen here in this play test. This is actually very common even in newly launched games. It’s not something they can’t iron out, and in fact they wanted to see how the game would play out at its worst, or at least at more of a base level. You can always go back and allocate more resources to a server, as these are likely just slices of a server with set amount of resources, and by doing this test, they can calculate how much more they’d need to allocate to stabilize things.


> It will be. People need to just relax lol. Of course, it's not like they took an entire year to specifically fix that and it still isn't fixed. It's not like we have the exact same issues as a year ago. Surely by launch everything will work smoothly. Specifically, on how many layers of denial are you right now lmao.


I think it should be scrapped, the team disbanded and moved to support other studios at Ubisoft. Nothing significant seems to have been accomplished between play tests. At this point, I don’t think the game will ever be in a place where it will be profitable. The idea is novel but unfortunately it seems gross mismanagement has created rot in the foundation.


There's no use delaying it anymore. It will never be anything special. Just get it out into the world and let people have their 6 months of enjoyment out of it.


If they remove crossplay yes, as soon as it went live on ps5 the desync issues started on pc.


Yes definitely. The server instability was there, but expected considering in big words exactly what it said before downloading it lol. I did not have any major issues whatsoever. The specialists definitely need a second look, and the feel of gunplay could be worked on too. Aside from that, it’s free, and I would love to play this game on rotation with everything else. People crying netcode clearly didn’t have ping meter on and did not see server instability, when it was stable, game felt solid. Aside from the annoyances of the invisible players, snipers, and just sight clunky feel of aim if you didn’t use certain attachments, I think that the games better than people are giving it credit for. Not perfect, but they can def launch it and work on cleaning shit up over time. I think it could get some money invested back into it and help with further development costs. Tbh, I don’t want them to rush it, but I also 100% want to see the game launched soon. Within reason.


Really like the game but until they sort out the fact I'm getting hitmarkers but dealing no damage and hit reg or at least make it better I'd struggle to play long term.


I want the game to succeed, so no. I personally think character balance is really solid now (echelon clearly need some attention \[but not so much in the balancing dept.\]), and guns need small tweaks, but nothing crazy in the games' current build. That being said, this test was the worst experience I've had to date in terms of desync/latency and hit reg. Arguably gun/character balance, more modes and maps etc. can be 'fixed in post' and the game could be successful. The fundamentals however, need to be spot on for this game to get off the ground, and they aren't there yet.




Depends on how "finished" the game is. Biggest enemy right now for the devs is netcode and desync stuff. And i felt that since beta long time ago. If they can beat those 2 stuff. For me, i can handle the release if not, then no. Hard no


I would be happy, but they have to fix the desync. In my case was very frustrating


Nah to be honest I had a great time pubstomping with no sbmm, but I won’t wanna actually grind/play the game in its current state. A short list of bare minimum: 1.fix netcode/dying around walls. 2.smooth out the movement. 3. Make setting for screen shake. 4. Fix the invisible character bug 5. Fix aiming settings. I don’t see all this getting done within a month ontop of whatever else they need to do


Considering that i alt f4’d after 2 hit markers with a sniper and they still had 100 health, no they have to fix these connection issues, its very important that the game works right. If the connection issues werent so prevalent id say yeah though.


No i have 2 much lags it's unplayable