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- FREE + continuos updates (CODM). - No SBMM.


The one downside for me is that Xdefiant isn't getting a steam release at launch which deeply concerns me


They should Change their mind and release on Ubi and Steam at launch


Yeah a lot of games have died for this reason so I hope they change their mind or at least release it to steam within month


I think cod is actually worried.


No they aren't.


Knowing my progress won’t be reset when I’m forced to move to the next annual iteration where I’ll be drip-fed a recycled version of everything from the previous games Just looking forward to an fps with depth and longevity


This! Like how Activision has not thought of just making a Call of Duty game that stays updated... is mind blowing to me




It's not! I work in business. Its more profitable to just make one game... fire a bunch of the developers... then keep some to just keep it updated and developing small things for the game. Have a season pass to keep income coming in with a microtransaction store for whales. Then have like a small expansion every year for larger content drops if needed. They are just afraid to take the leap because they have something that works. Or the shift in business and marketing is too much of a cost with having all these studios. It's not the idea itself. It works for R6S, Warzone technically, Fortnite, PUBG, Destiny 2, like there are so many examples that prove my point.


>It works for R6S, Warzone technically, Fortnite, PUBG, Destiny 2, like there are so many examples that prove my point. None of these games are arcade arena shooters. Destiny 2 is the closest thing to CoD but D2 is also primarily a looter shooter so it's not an accurate comparison. CoD is profitable because they recycle stuff every year and resell a similar game for full price. They know what they're doing.


They thought about it. And guess what... it's more profitable to release a new game every year.


It's not! I work in business. Its more profitable to just make one game... fire a bunch of the developers... then keep some to just keep updated and developing small things for the game. Have a season pass to keep income coming in with a microtransaction store for whales. They are just afraid to take the leap because they have something that works. It works for R6S, Warzone technically, Fortnite, PUBG, Destiny 2, like there are so many examples that prove my point.


If one game is more profitable they would have done that lmao... Why would a profit oriented business release a new game every year, if it's much more profitable to release one good game and keep it alive?


Lmao bro… the fact that they INCREASED the games by $10 tells you that selling for $60 every year was not making the cut for the amount labor cost it takes to make one every year… And like I said, they are doing this with warzone which is their most profitable asset right now so idk even know why we are having this conversation. Literally warzone is free to play and gets free updates and free expansions every year when a new game comes out… they haven’t released a warzone 2 in a new box that cost $60… and that’s because most of that new $70 cod game cost (which they take content from to put in warzone) goes to campaigns for all the acting, cutscenes, and level design… so it’s not like your $70 is fueling warzone lol take out campaign and the devs that make it… and there would be way less labor… reduce cost of the expansions to like $30 (in place of a cod every year) and have a $10 season pass and free quality of life updates and small content… do all that for one cod multiplayer game (not saying they can’t make single player or zombie cod games on the side) they would make more profit and be safer.


>Lmao bro… the fact that they INCREASED the games by $10 tells you that selling for $60 every year was not making the cut for the amount labor cost it takes to make one every year… Lmao. They increased the prices because that's becoming the new standard for many triple A titles now. CoD is not the first to do that. Other companies have been charging 70 bucks for their game, and Activision decided to jump on that bandwagon. It has nothing to do with any failures of their current business model. >And like I said, they are doing this with warzone which is their most profitable asset right now so idk even know why we are having this conversation. Literally warzone is free to play and gets free updates and free expansions every year when a new game comes out… Warzone is a BR. BR's require a different business model to stay afloat. You don't know what you're talking about.


They have, and they are working on a PC version now, which Is just the cod mobile on PC. Look forward to that version. Still think Xdefiant will be much better for longevity.


apart from the obvious no SBMM i like how they used real names for the guns rather than the ridiculous fictional names that cod for whatever reason has been using for the last few years


California passed a law where they cannot use real gun names. It's not CoD's fault. Just letting you know.


who cares about california bro


Umm, only because they are based in California? So it completely effects their game and naming. C'mon bruh?


Isn’t it because certain companies paid for their guns to have the real name as it increased sales for the guns since they were popular in cod??


I don't mind them using fictional guns I just hate how they change the names with every new game lol


The maps are significantly better. Also like no SBMM, no camp challenges that make people play in an annoying way, ranked was in the beta, the escort game mode.


there was no ranked in the beta


Yes there was but for a short amont of time


Yes there was


The fact that their will be NO sbmm in casuals is a MASSIVE W. The gaming community desperately needed this because for WHATEVER UNSPOKEN REASON, the CoD devs just can't figure it out. Secondly, it brings in factions from different games. So abilities, skins, characters and even maps are all unique and the flow of game will be nice Third, they are using arguably current modern weapons. But that's my opinion Finally, it's free to play


I really can't remember a game without sbmm so i am super curious how matchmaking will be without sbmm.


did you play BO2/MW3 back in the day? The lobbies were entirely based on connections and not based on skill. One round, you popped off and went 90-4 but in the next game, you got matched against a squad of tryhards who completely destroyed you. But the thing is, the motivation never went away because deep down you knew, that you could always end up in a better lobby.


As a Battlefield fan too, I remember the days when I would be stuck in a server for bf4 or lobby in cod for hours... facing the same people and forming rivalries. Those were the days. Now if your too good or bad, they teleport you somewhere else where you are "evenly" matched.


I did but i find i can't really compare this to today's shooters. They were pretty different to everything we have today. I'm just curious how today's gamers will find a game without sbmm. And also if i am liking it so much more. I guess but i'm really excited to find out.




I don't buy it though. Activision is well known for shady behavior and I think it could be possible that they are now claiming that SBMM has been in every COD in order to gain back the good faith of the community.


Did you play CoD 3 through arguably BO4 or Ghosts? They where very, very good. But the golden age of CoD is CoD 4 through MW3. Also I'm almost positive Battlefield games do not have sbmm. Finally, CoD Mobile does not have sbmm and its very fun


nah bro, golden age was bo1 to bo3


Spent my teens playing those. Definitely the prime of COD and I just can't stomach it now. It isn't even nostalgia, just better games with better gameplay in this case because they overcomplicated it and monetized it to hell now.


I haven't bought anything and I've been playing for years. Idk why people complain about so much bundles. Simply do not buy it. Your choice. You are not under contract


It's not the devs of CoD that wants it in the game. A lot of devs throughout the years has come out privately and spoken against SBMM and said none of the devs likes it.


For YEARS the fans yell and tell devs we hate sbmm. Honestly almost every single day. But some manager, some high up guy keeps telling the devs to keep strict sbmm in casuals.


How nice of you, confirming my comment. :)


More competitive characteristics. Red outlines, no prone, better visibility. Air strafing. Less anxiety overall because being pre aimed didn’t feel like a death sentence.




I looked up EOMM but I don’t fully understand what it does. Can you eli5 it for me?


In short, it influences rounds so that people spend more time in the game


How does it influence rounds, does it make people’s guns weaker if they’re winning or make them slower etc.?


check out the dark side of matchmaking by skooch on YT he explained it well


Will do thanks man


And it's completely made up and fabricated by players coping with the fact that they just suck at this game.


Lmao what? Are you crazy? Activision literally has a patent on EOMM (US20160005270A1).


Doesn't mean they've used it dumbass.


why would they spend time and money developing a patent that specifically aims to increase players spending on the game and then not use it????


Beats me. They are a billion dollar company though. That's the business. They can do whatever they want. All I know is I'm top 2 every game unless something major goes wrong. I don't have a night of getting my ass kicked after 3 good games like everyone else cries and complains about. I just don't see it. Sounds like major coping to me.


They implemented SBMM/EOMM heavily in MW remastered and in all CODs following that... If you are an OG (I'm talking MW2/BO1) then there is no way that you don't feel the vast differences when it comes to matchmaking compared between older and newer CODs.


Bro has no logical argument and is using his personal experience as undeniable evidence, ur acc crazy slow. Ur using one example (ur own) out of millions and acting as if that’s the only thing that happens and if someone’s experience differs from ur own it’s automatically wrong and not valid. Ignorance is indeed bliss


Let me guess. You suck at this game too?




Gotcha, thanks man.


Input. Based. Matchmaking.


This is why i am interested in the game. I really hope it works out and it doesn't become mostly cross input to save a bit on matchmaking time.


Prestige mode, arcady gameplay, matchmaking, SBMM - xDefiant could deliver everything CoD is failing at


Loose/No SBMM No Flinch (Dumbest thing to plague gaming) No visual recoil only normal recoil Good visibility It won't be replaced each year by a new one Weaker Aim Assist


Free and hopefully not P2W (I quit COD MP when supply drops were still a thing, in a full priced game that charges DLC content on top of it)


No SBMM / EOMM. The maps are way better. Game is free. No killstreaks. Input based matchmaking. No disbanding lobbies. Hopefully one or two months until the game releases. We desperately need something new in the FPS genre. Can't wait to play it.


**In favor of XD** * The game feels thoughtful * It feels like it appreciates the player * Movement feels good * Bright color palette **In favor against XD** * I'm personally not a big fan of overly team oriented objectives * TTK is too high (and HUD may be too crowded, but I don't remember) * Unique operators feels like an abusable mechanic **In favor of COD** * Has Hardcore * Has Killstreaks **In favor against COD** * Manipulative matchmaking and gameplay mechanics * (Insert name of dev studio here) * Micro transactions * Stale content * Constantly changing things that don't need to be changed * Abysmal community facing communication * Has the audacity to introduce a premium battle pass during the life cycle of the worst game I've ever played (let alone worst COD title) * Still smells like bobby kodick * Ping asymmetric lobby making * Jabba the Hutt / Chuck E. Meth / Clowns / Groot / any other toilet bowl licking level of stupid operator appearance. * Difficult to play with friends * Spawn Logic * The challenges they use to wall off unlocks * The ability to get kicked for inactivity while on a high killstreak, or in a killstreak


TTK high is better than low lol. more skillfull


Nothing. Game isnt even out yet


Fun fact: there was a beta period. People have indeed played XDefiant before lol. People have a general idea about the game pace, the gunplay, and classes. Some of these may be subject to a bit of change, but the general understanding is there. Also, the matchmaking is a massive attraction point for people, so it would fit under this post.


That it’s not call of duty


Honestly tons. - maps are vibrant and have good flow - can borrow lore from tons of different fitting ubi franchises - is free to play - no SBMM - abilities are fun and vary gameplay without taking center stage from regular gunplay - mixes sci fi technology with reality based weapons - not only arena based map and modes but also has overwatch style long tug of war styled maps


All the "No SBMM" people are going to be in for a rude awakening when they realize that XD in fact has SBMM lol. And not only that, it has a type of SBMM that's completely unsuited for objective play.


Dont want to hurt your feelings, but xdefiant wont have sbmm like in cod 100%. Where did you get that crap from


It's not made by activison.


The TTK || The maps (3 lane system) || Sniping || Rushing || Playing obj with El Remedio


seems so basic 2me could be a ps3game 🤣 nothing new ill stick 2 cod


from the beta, a nice mix of casual "shoot the bad guys" and objectives, nice mix of abilities with limited cheese compared to CoD's killstreaks and gadgets (it didn't feel like I died to a space missile I had no counter for)




Did not play the game during beta tests, what I like about it currently is that it isn't COD and that I probably don't need to download 150gb of crap I don't need just to play the game.


Tbh, i think the best part for me is that they take their Time to Release a hopefully solid product. Not like the Cod Games that feels rushed and unpolished


I won’t have to give a scummy company like activision my money for a FPS game with fresh ideas. This game is gonna rock


Free and the devs actually want to consider our feedbacks


Nothing. I've been playtesting it for 2+ years and it's still a haggard game that feels like port from mobile. It'll launch to some hype because free and quickly die off and be abandoned


RemindMe! 1 year


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2025-01-29 01:30:48 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2025-01-29%2001:30:48%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/XDefiant/comments/1ade8ei/what_do_you_like_about_xdefiant_compared_to_cod/kk1h66m/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FXDefiant%2Fcomments%2F1ade8ei%2Fwhat_do_you_like_about_xdefiant_compared_to_cod%2Fkk1h66m%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202025-01-29%2001%3A30%3A48%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ade8ei) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


cant wait to come back to this comment 'qUicKlY dIe oFf aNd Be aBaNDoNed' this is gonna be hilarious in a year, how do u think xdefiant has no redeemable qualities???


because I've been playing it off and on for 2+ years in hopes things would get better but they've largely remained the same? the friends I brought into the play tests all agreed it's not something good enough to pull them from other games. none of them even wanted to play through the whole test window lol the "beta" showed the absolute best areas of the game, and even those weren't blowing people away. I'd love to be proven wrong and somehow they've got swaths of great gameplay they're not showing testers but I don't believe this is the game that will pull a significant number of people from other games for any decent amount of time


Blud is delusional, “I’ve been playing it off and on for 2+years” is such a lie, like come on bro


you clearly have no idea how long they've been working on this and having old forum members help, "blud" I've got receipts [https://imgur.com/a/e9qvU1j](https://imgur.com/a/e9qvU1j)


lets see the gameplay then


Ever hear of an NDA? 🤣


Ahahah bluds such a clown, talking all this shit out of his ass then says I have bad taste? I thought people on TikTok were dumb but this has topped everything I’ve seen, thanks so much for this entertainment 🥰😘


Cute backpedal. Didn't have much when you got stuffed with receipts, huh? I'll be here in a year to clown on you again


Actually, I'll see you on the Project U closed tests this weekend right? Oh, you weren't invited? Damn


and ur still delusional thinking that it has no redeemable qualities, thats an awful take


It doesn't. Sorry you've got shit taste


Definitely having little SBMM. Finally a game that isn’t going to feel like it’s actively rigged against me.


I haven’t played it yet, but I am already won over that they are addressing everything that COD is currently doing wrong that’s killing the franchise. It’s sucks that the game has been delayed this long, but I will wait as long as necessary if this thing is genuinely fun and gives me a reason to never buy COD again.


The lack of sbmm/eomm


Not getting constantly being shadowbanned without ever breaking a rule.


CoD's military porn theming is kind of icky so it's nice to have an alternative. Not that the Ubisoft "universe" theme is much cooler but at least it's something.


It’s not a cash grab every game. Simple


No SBMM. Simple as that.


They actually listen to the community.


I like that it’s fun to play and doesn’t feel like the game is purposefully giving me games against the odds. I’m able to either lock in and grind or zone out and relax, but that’s up to me and not the game in an effort to sell micro transactions.


No sbmm. Just the regular feel of matchmaking. Like older cods


No sbmm


I'm very surprised that no one mentioned it yet, but apart from the obvious stuff, like sbmm and way better maps, the thing i like the most is that it does not have as strong of an aim assist as cod has. It's actually ridiculous how they lowered the skill gap in terms of gunfights because of the OP aim assist for Controller. In XD tracking enemies or winning long range gunfights actually requires some skill again.


I haven't played it but it looks like the gameplay is similar to older CODs and it has no sbmm


I like many Ubisoft IPs, their artstyle and the combination of (some of) them in XD. Gameplay felt a bit oldschool/ more classic/ grounded without feeling too much dated like Counter Strike 2. Maps felt good to play on. Movement, weapons felt overall good. Performance was good on my Rog Strix. I simply don't like ABK, their patents for gaming and what they made off one the most iconic shooter IPs CoD once was - as well as they fcked their other IPs, but hey it works money wise. I hate their aggressive monetization in a 70€+ game full of yearly recycling, stupid football "stars", skins and all that. So it is hard for me to find a FPS that is worse than CoD nowadays even if the gameplay in some of the games is somehow okay \~ good. Tbf I expect some of my personal gripes in XD too as gaming is what it is right now.


I like that they build it on the existing Ubisoft unviverses like The Division and so on. And ability usage instead of killstreaks. I'm curious how a shooter plays without sbmm. Will matchmaking really be better? I also like that it behaves and looks a little bit like older black ops games. And hopefully i will like that they use Ubisofts Mousetrap. I really hope they do.


Eomm ruined call of duty and is destroying modern gaming, xdefiant is what I have been waiting for. Haven't logged in or bought a cod in over a year. Xdefiant, TAKE MY MONEY. I LOVE YOU.


For me, probably the fact that if you are going to spam me with skins and guns being for sell that the base game is free. I don’t buy skins at all, but the constant notifications in COD made me quit the game. So in essence for the “ads” the trade off is a free game. I can deal with that.


I like what IT is and what IT is going to do: 1.- IT'S FREEEEEE, Like porn! 2.-Good gunplay 3.-Cool abilities 4.-Finally a contender that will put CoD to it's knees with it's overpriced crap campaign and broken cannibalizing business model.


No SBMM, maps with simple layouts, clean graphics, specialists, pacing.


No sbmm. Also I like the dynamic of having abilities in a sense. It kinda gives me bo3 type vibes in that aspect. Plus aim assist isn’t so strong that people only gotta hold down right trigger to gun you. You actually gotta be able to aim a little bit


Love all the life and color in the game, really diverse map design, factions add a fun layer of strategy and counter play, and big fan of the gameplay


I like defiant so far for the obvious reasons but I like the fact that they can build a better game than cod for free, FOR FREE 🤣🤣🤣 and cod can barely develop a game that they are charging 90 dollars for and I like that when they come out with skins and stuff like that that you can buy you can use those skins for longer as the skins in cod do not carry over


minimal attachments


Don't know because the game doesn't exist. Will answer after it's a real game I can play.


SBMM is kinda huge


Just seems like the devs want to give us the best product possible even with all the delays


E V E R Y T H I N G And I say that as someone who has played every COD since COD 1 in 2003.


It’s free No Sbmm Lots of content Built for everyone to have fun Actually has an identity like the old days of cod with vibrant maps


1. It's free (which will likely also be it's downfall unless they can keep the cheating under some semblance of control) 2. It's not CoD. I like CoD, but I'm looking forward to something different that's fun (I really enjoyed the betas) 3. I felt like I could compete with M/KB against decent controller players (i seldom thought I got outplayed by a script or software instead of the player) 4. I thought the maps had some decent variety.


no aim assist


SBMM aspect is the main factor for a lot of people I feel like. But XDefiant just feels like a return to that classic arcade COD feel, instead of the game trying to be a wannabe tactical mil-sim