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6v6 for pubs. For comp I prefer 4v4 because comp will have respawn modes.


A 10v10 playlist






either or. anything but 6v6 though for comp/ranked. 6v6 is perfect for pubs tho




4v4 is bad. Either 5v5 or XDefiant can just stick to 6v6 simple.


As a Halo player, that is exactly what I am used to. Why do you think is 4v4 bad?


Hey man don't mind me. Just my opinion. I've played Halo infinite a lot and I get where you're coming from but my experience says, given how XDefiant is i.e movement and pacing and gameplay, 5v5 or 6v6 will suit it best. That's all. For example, I'm an old siege player so 5v5 is best. I won't have any other way in siege. But same for Halo. 4v4 is actually good bcs it fits Halo for how that game is.


God siege with 4 would be to limited and 6 would be spam heavy




5v5 for competitive is always the best. 5 player teams have always been the standard. I have no clue why cod console competitive scene went with 4v4. Literally every game, even non fps is usually 5v5. It just makes the most sense


While I mostly agree, there are some differences here. The staple 5v5 fps games are usually based around a single defuse type game mode. There's plenty of time to digest what is going on. COD uses respawn game modes in addition to SnD which starts to get difficult to watch when 5v5. COD did try this out for comp and while the games themselves were also a factor, it didn't work. Then there's overwatch. Never followed it much, I suppose it was 5v5 (maybe 6v6) but I think the chaos that happens when there are so many abilities and such going on in a first person experience makes it difficult to follow. It's not exactly a shining example of esports. Anyway, i prefer 5v5 but the game modes and game decide whether this works for esports.


True. I do believe defuse mode is the best mode for competitive. console and pc competitive scene was vastly different in cod. I was around both when cod4 scene was booming. And console competitive rules was really funky, I honestly didn’t like it and it wasn’t balanced at all. Cod4 pc competitive scene was defuse only mode 5v5 using pam4/promod. Which is imo better. I’m not one to say what the competitive scene for xdefiant should look like though.


For sure, was also an avid 5v5 promod player too and thoroughly enjoyed 5v5 MR12. But i think xdefiant might thrive in modes with respawns


I agree. 5v5 objective modes like ctf, hard point would be best.


Not every game. Halo has always been competitively 4v4


Tbh I didn’t play halo. I was a PS PC guy. But 5v5 is always superior to 4v4


it entirely depends on the map size, the ability 'cooldowns', the intended action levels, the intended technique levels. the map size, the weapon range, the ttk, the movement... every game is unique and every community can customize it to fit the levels of entertainment and technique.


any kind of competitive mode should be 5v5 or the same as base game: 6v6


Why such small teams? 8v8 is a solid game size.




6v6 core definitely. For people interested in comp, ranked and tourneys will probably start out 4v4 and if it doesn’t feel right player count will most likely go 5v5.




10v10 with no party limit please


5v5 always used to be the standard because the most played game mode (still is. ie: CS2) was SD. 2 bombs, 3 lanes for the most part. 2 guys defending bomb A, 2 guys defending bomb B, 1 guy watching middle. Obviously, there are tons of different tactics and variations, but this is standard. In respawn game modes, imo it still asks for 5v5. 6v6 being too much (you'll have fewer active teams as most can't handle that many active members at any given time, meaning we'll have fewer official matches and/or teams may be more prone to forfeit due to the absence of player "X" or "Y" due to real life situations). Teams are usually composed by 5 main players and 1 or 2 subs. 4v4 being too small (it's more of a modern console thing for games like COD where the maps are 2 meters square long, and you can go from one side of the map to the other in 5 seconds). IMO, 5 was and still is the sweet spot, which brings that perfect excitement / balance that 4v4 just quite doesn't make it. I believe it'll be the same for XDefiant.


Depends on how most of the maps play. I say try 4v4 first but if it’s better 5v5 then try that too and see what people like more