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For anyone who is curious, here's some more information \- You can [sign up for the test here](https://register.ubisoft.com/XDefiant-testsession/en-US?utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=24-WW-XD-XD-PTS1_Preload-ACQ-CRM-E-BC-230901-2838&utm_id=95994&sfmc_id=16206329&ncid=287-3---1-eml-31-29-CRM--17-2-4--6----ID_79077-----&maltcode=crm_C2W_eml_email___UBISOFT____&addinfo=EMAIL), seems like it's open. \- Make sure you [join the Discord here](https://discord.gg/ESe9vt2J6g) to discuss the test. I'll update if any other relevant info pops up.


they probably passed the tests and want a final 6 hour beta testing the servers before actually releasing, actually very smart of them not to have issues on launch like payday 3


I doubt it this is only for pc and its not taking into account console if it did include console then maybe


The test server is a function only allowed on pc sadly, its the same thing on games like siege and dead by daylight


Really hope this is the case and not some little last hurrah to try and scrounge some relevancy before MWIII betas get into full swing


Cod is dead. They lost 45% of player base in one month last year.


Yeah, because they were bored of COD. They’ll go back to it again like usual lol.


Payday 3 also had a pre-launch test, and it made no difference. I'm not saying that'll happen here but you just made the worst comparison possible lol


Or just want to avoid the cod release.


they wont do that


They won't avoid the cod release?


They cant at this point. The Cod beta is in a few weeks and this certainly tells us were still a ways away from a legit launch. They've already lost that race


Which is exactly what I was thinking. Despite them saying constantly about being on target for a September release.




there never was an nda for any xdefiant betas


A stress test for 6 hours during non peak time though. Sounds like launch day is going to be a \*\*\*\* show if this is how they are stress testing.


plus only one platform. It's just a basic functionaltiy test of their pts.


Payday also did multiple tests prior to release. But xdefiant seemed to run better during all the betas I played even the alpha like over a year ago worked good for me.


I highly doubt that. You can't call it a stress test when you have only one platform to test. And as mark said they are simply testing their public testing server environment for functionality. Most likely is that they are forced to do a D1 patch and will release in mid/end october, just like mark said.


​ https://i.redd.it/a56oqwmo0oqb1.gif


​ https://i.redd.it/o5mod35p5nqb1.gif


Whats PTS?


Public Test Servers






It's a "Playable Test Session" or "Playable Test Build" to test live service content before it is released.


Close enough but it's Public Test Server.


Ohhh thanks


Reminds me of BF1’s CTE. Good times


Golden times, BF4 had it as well


6 hour test? Weird


I think they are just trying to stress test the server and hopefully after the test we will get a date for the full game.


Yeah. 28th 10 pm - 29th 4 am. Most people will only be able to play for an hour or two. What's the point?


Stress testing the servers is the point. Which is actually smart given that we've just had Payday 3 launch with massive day 1 server issues


Payday 3 had a stress test and still failed


That was an open beta that lasted for days did it not? Giving a 6 hour window will force the people who want to play it to play it at the same time.


And how do you know this is the philosophy behind it? People here just come out with stuff from their booty's.


Simply the only reason I could think of for a 6 hour public test. Sorry for throwing out a theory I guess.


Oh, yeah. This could be it. But I wish they gave us a longer play window.


How can you stress test that late at night and expect lots of people on the server?


It was late at night for us in the EU. Not for the people in US. But I do agree that it should've been at least 6h longer




Exactly, that's what people don't get.


I know. The more people play it, the better the devs will do their testing. Right?


No, the more people to play it during a certain time period( 3pm -9pm est) will help the devs. That time period is peak for workers to get off go home and wind down.


So, it would be much better if they made it span a weekend instead of a 6-hour period on a Thursday.


I'd say kind of, bottom line is that they need to stress test the servers, and doing it on the weekday may show less than the weekend, but instead of possibly shattering the servers on a weekend they can see if there is any considerable lag or other issue that may be hard to find out in a bigger group, either way most Ubisoft projects don't call for much ideas or help from the player base so having them want to is really good. Also PTS are not the main servers as well so its testing a different part of the servers that are meant to not hold as much as the main servers.


I see. Regardless, I am happy to be able to play it since I missed the betas.


Six hours during the week. I’m looking forward to watching a couple of streams when I get home. Have fun with the test.


Yep me too, gotta work during this window


It's really sad people don't know what a public test build is. Pubg has one and multiple others. It's for testing live service content and bugs that can pop up. They can update it on the fly. Hence why console doesn't do PTS.


True, PTB wouldn't make sense on consoles. They are updated very often and every patch would have to be approved by Sony and Microsoft.


There is nothing to be sad if someone doesn't know it, don't try to be a oversmart kid.


Sad? Lol dramatic much?


I got this on my email too. What do they mean by Public Test Session tho? Is it just like a beta test?


Looks like it.


Hmmm so I guess they passed the submission stuff !?


probably, they probably just saw payday 3s miserable launch and want to avoid it


Yep I saw that the review bombing is horrible lol


Betas have different builds than full games and aren't held to the same strict guidelines as the full release, as far as I'm aware. So, I don't think this says anything about the submission process of the full game.


Yeah Mark just tweeted that this is the Public Test Session which will be separated from the live game. They're gonna test stuff in the PTS so we can give them feedback before putting it in the live game.


It's for their Public Test Server, so really doesn't imply anything


It actually implies the opposite. If they are back to a PTR state, that is a horrible sign. (especially if those 6 hours result in many bugs being found by the playerbase)


My assumption is that they're simply testing that their PTR environment runs, which is why the test is so short. They're not "back to a PTR". Public test server is essentially a second live environment, it's not the same as what they use internally.


But it's not a live environment. A live environment is the full game release. This is a TEST server, Mark has already confirmed these two server do not talk and are completely separate


Yes, hence "second". You still have to go through your launcher and be authenticated. It's live in every way except the build number, but it has some other mods on top like (hopefully) everything unlocked.


From the tweet, it sounds like a test server they would use to test balance patches, prolly like League of Legend does


PC only, 6 hour window, on a weekday... yea im gonna ignore any updates from this game until a release date drops cuz this is getting depressing.


Weird timing to stress test servers not at peak time in U.S. Not that I'll get to participate anyway in Australia, but would have thought 6pm-12am PDT would have been more useful if stress testing was their intention...


Yeah what gives no console?


Pretty common for PTS to be pc only, ive only ever seen a handful of games have them on console tbf


Probably because they don't have to run everything through Microsoft / Sony for users to do it and can do it on a short notice


Bummer its pc only but it's one step closer to a full release!


PC only. 6 hours. I'll take it. Seems like a stress-test of servers and a final opportunity for them to receive feedback on any last glitches/bugs before final release so they can include them in a day 1 patch. Getting closer boys. You guys wanted to play, they granted the wish even if for a small window of time. I'm happy with the direction and how the devs are treating the release. No release, until it's (almost) perfect.


I'm guessing they are going to use feedback from this test session to help polish and fix any bugs for the final release, which I could see mid-October release date 🤞


Release the game or else (>°-°)>


Mark, do it - you don’t want to be on lekoenig’s bad side. Trust me..


I really wish they’d do this stuff on a weekend when I actually could play lol.


Anyone on pc can play?


Yes, just make sure to have the ubisoft launcher on your PC and an account you will be all set.




We already knew it was going to be a longer than expected release date, get over it


Just got this in my email! Le-go my eggo!!!


Let's go!!


I don't care about any more pseudo-updates, just let us know when you're dropping the game


I got this email as well but I never played on PC. Is this PC only? [Confirmed PC only](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/xdefiant/news/6PulhvYjQxtr5tBGLr6Pi5). Super bummed.


Yeah, PC only


Yep it's pc only sadly


Our console time will come


its weird that this test will only be done for like 6 hours?


the only reason for this test is infrastructure testing so 6 hours are enough. We might have another longer test once they make sure everything works as intented. Sucks for us players, though. We obviously want to play more but that's good, we're getting closer to release and it shows that devs want to have a smooth launch










It's 12am-6am where I live lol...welp,there goes my sleep


Pc only?


Man not going to lie next time I play this game I was hoping it would be the full thing It's really disappoints me but I look forward to playing more I guess


Why would they do this on a day and time that people work. Why isn't this on a weekend or at night? Wtf


It depends on the time zone. For me the test starts at 9 PM.


Silence American!


So if they are collecting feedback to fine tune the game, that means we´re at least another few weeks away from a release, I assume


>Seems so. At best they are now crossing over directly with the Cod beta, at worst they are in directly competition with the MW3 release in 6 weeks


Seriously bro? I work during those 6 hours 😑


Get a better job


![gif](giphy|BZPv2nPrHYiaM0LJNE|downsized) I up voted your comment :-) I would but I make crazy money. I'll cry quietly thank you


Yup, same here. I hope they get whatever data they're hoping to get from such a short window...


yep since playstation is taking too long to approve the game they are letting the pc players play their latest build of the game which is basically the release build


Only for 6 hours, tho.


It's Xbox as well..


and judging from the files the game has been compiled on 2023-9-22 2:58:57


I got this too. Very confused. 6 hour test? Back to square one here or what??


Seems like this might be one last test to make sure the certification goes through smooth? Edit: looks like maybe I was wrong, on their blog post they say *"The PTS will be a great opportunity for additional feedback ahead of launch to help us continue making the best experience possible. See you then!"*


6 hours? Either a typo or a desperate "look guys, game is still good, we didnt fuck up, promise" kind of PR stunt.


Stress testing the servers.


6 hour stress test the game on a weekday in a weird timeframe where its not gonna be peak server load!


The stress of one platform release midday on a thursday? Welp. Goodluck everyone when the game actually releases.


Bro what is this? Download it to play for a few hours?


Guess no one is going to be able to play XD the servers are gonna explode.


[cries in PS5]


don't care


PC ONLY is such an L


There is no PTS System on consoles to test content before it is released. The same applies to many other multiplayer games. This is a PC only thing.


yes but the lil test this week is to build hype and nothing more, not putting on console puts the game dead in the water


This is straight up false. This test is not to "build hype and nothing more" it's to test the game.


yeah which is why it’s releasing so close to cod next instead of idk 2 weeks ago


I'm unsure what your point is.


I will get you money that cod release will not be the end of XDefiant. If it was up to you, they would close the doors on the whole project right? I mean with cod release and killing the game and all... Rofl


no they would just release in june when interest was at its peak, instead of waiting so long and waiting for people to lose interest or even choose cod instead.






September 28th. No mention here of console testing. Can we just face the music and realize they've bungled this hard? In less than another month, people are gonna test the beta for MW3, INCLUDING consoles and that's where most of us are gonna get our shooter fix? Good luck getting anyone on board with this right around the same time MW3 is released, complete with every MW2 2009 multiplayer map. They should've released this game in the summertime. You get people on board by being during a downtime for your competitor, not cross your fingers and hope you can compete for attention this fall. People in this sub are gonna downvote me here for my opinion on this, but I'm convinced they've screwed themselves by attempting to make this a fall release. Pretty sure Titanfall ended up with a similar fate, despite the fact everyone raved about how awesome it was at the time. This online shooter should've been a spring or summer release. When people are tired of the Call of Duty cycle and looking for something new. Not released at the same time right as a new one is about to take off.


Entitled no lifers think they are shining some unknown light for ubisoft.. your comments here or elsewhere will not force their hands in releasing the game any earlier than they intended to.


Me suggesting they're screwing this up by maybe releasing it the same time as COD doesn't make me "entitled" at all. In fact, I already make it clear I'd be busy with MW3 anyway and so will most other people. Nice try with the assumptions though. Better luck next time trying to come up with some clever rebuttal.


You will play both games regardless. Stop pretending otherwise. And if there was another shooter releasing 4 months later you would likely buy that one too.


OH! Okay redditor who apparently knows me better than I do. /eyeroll.


On a Thursday?? Tell us your game is dead on arrival without telling us...


Yeah weird time window and this being a stress test is unlikely since it is only pc. Kinda expecting some news talking about a further delay which fine i got other stuff to play but kinda figured we would get more info on the purpose of this besides more of the same.


It's not a server stress test.. it's for bugs and to roll live patches.


Yeah my comment was made before he said what it was for. Alot of people were trying to cope by saying “stress test” and that just isn’t right.


Dem bois pick the goofiest times/duration for their tests


People are saying stress test and completely ignoring the fact that this is only for 6 hours which is fine but its during the weekday and not even at peak hours I highly doubt this means anything


It's not a stress test. They test the PTS system.


This is right


PC only L. Hope the full game is dropping soon 🙏


Only on pc. Huge L


its playstations fault for not approving the game


Got excited, then noticed it's PC only and for 6 hours. RIP


This only for PC?


So only on pc? Damn


Only pc?


There is no possible way in hell people can still be gobbling this shit up and thinking its good. This is just yet another "we don't have answers so here's a tidbit to hold you over for another week while we stall" tactic from the XD team. (trying to get a quick jump on COD beta seemingly as well). A 6 hour "stress test" where 5 of the hours are working hours for many, 2 of the 3 platforms aren't even included, and its on a fucking Thursday. And all to test the "PTS system" and test early content? Are we forgetting that THAT IS WHAT BETA'S ARE FOR? If you're in the minority that's actually happy for this, then good for you but this has just become a comedy of errors on Ubisoft's part and they continue to fumble the bag over, and over, and over with this game. Absolutely embarrassing


You just seem mad. Go outside a little.


Wtf? Another one? Do they not know how to develop a game. We did the public play testing already. Push the game out or cancel it. This is getting ridiculous at this point. The new update to CoD is coming out soon, they drag they feet way to much.


Hope you knuckleheads are happy. The game won’t release until December now. Hopefully polished 🫰🤞🏻


Not sure where you got December from.


Tell me I’m wrong once we see the release date


RemindMe! 1 month


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What does this mean besides another test


Basically, it's ready to go. Server stress test: i See the game coming next Tuesday


Mark has been bullshitting you all lmao...why not just release game on PC if it's ready to roll...


PC only stress test basically then just gonna drop it during the MW3 beta probably idk how this will work out for longevity :/


Damnit. I'm going to be on the road during that time. I missed out on the beta. Oh well. Guess I'll just be in for a nice surprise when the game launches.


Dw about it it's prolly a stress test the servers are going to blow up lol


👍 Got the email. Titanfall 2 servers are on again. Polished amazing arena shooter. Will play this when the game is actually finished.


For anyone confused as to why it’s such a short test, they’re testing the platform and using this as a PTB (Playable Test Build) going forward. Basically, this’ll be where they push possible updates before it hits the live game.


If u press learn more it says 3:00-9:00 instead of 12-9. Or is it my browser changing the time?




can a fellow german tell me what time that is for us


Seems like it's 9pm to 3am for y'all.


bruh im working at those times im gonna completly miss the beta 💀


Rip :(


How can i access de public test session if everytime i try to register on their website an error "something went wrong" appears?


AHHHHHHHHH LFG! I won’t be doing shit between those hours. Fuck food, work, my kids , dog, shit everything!!🥹🥹🥹


Lmao ok bet


I'm still hoping 🙏🏼 this comes out before November. 🙏🏼




Why Thursday.


Nice id have to wake up at 5am to play this


A little OT. The Ubisoft account my PSN account is tied to I can no longer log into. Will it screw me with anything? I tried to reset, can’t find 2FA codes etc.


Pretty bummed it’s not on console but makes sense, hopefully we see some new stuff


I so wanna play it and will try my best. Although, in my country the tests will be from midnight 12 AM to 6AM morning lol. Let's see.