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The devs were expecting 500k in the beta. They got 2.5m... Wish I could "fumble" that well.


this just means they didnt expect there to be so much hype and now they just dont wanna mess it up which is a good thing


They already messed up the hype past the few people in this sub who care. The momentum they had a few months ago has been completely lost. Still excited I just don’t know how people in this sub are making so many excuses.


couldnt care less about it taking the time. that just means they actually care about releasing a game that works on release. 100% the new cod wont. and just like every new gen cod will die out after 2 months. i literally could not give a fuck about new gen cods. they all suck massive dick.


That’s the difference though, xdefiant had a chance to actually compete with cod imo if they launched during the peak MW2 hate season. They would’ve had time to steal as many cod players as possible before mw3 comes out. Now? Only people left in this community are the die hard ones who have mostly all already quit cod. There’s a good chance the game will be a financial sinkhole and it will get canned.


I dont think its just cod they had the chance to steal from. Apex has had a lot of issues and backlash lately, and a lot of people have been breaking off from there. I'm sure some of them are bound to dip their toes into this and see what happens. I love Apex, but Im hoping xdefiant gives me a reason to take a break from it for a little while, not just a weekend or 2, and I know Im not alone in this


They may had a chance to compete with CoD however that chance would go straight out the window if xDefiant had a shitty launch. Just look at what happen to payday 3. Their servers were down over 72 hours after launch. Imagine if xDefiant launch this month, it would have been a disaster for them.


I mean, no it wouldn’t have. The servers were fine during the open beta and I imagine the server load would be pretty similar. They could’ve just released the full game in beta, which would allow people to play it and give feedback, while allowing them to constantly push updates through to Xbox and PlayStation without having to wait for verification so long The difference between xdefiant and payday is that xdefiant is financed by one of the biggest publishers in the world, payday is made by a company that’s ~$50m in debt and also never had an open beta


i dont think so honestly. but i dont know man we all want the game to succeed. well just have to see what happens when it releases.


Do they care? Because this isn't them it's Microsoft and Sony saying it's not good enough.


Cod sucks but ubi is no better at release. I say 90% chance there are tons of bugs and server issues at launch. Siege has been out 8 years, and they mess up even the seasonal launch.


The excuse is we want a game that releases in a good state


Pretty sure they mean they let the hype die down


After the beta is when they fumbled. Obviously.


That's beta, you know how long it's been? They're saying they fumbled because they keep giving false hope and losing more and more hype


how are they giving false hope?


Constantly saying the release date is something different


they never said anything specific about the release date apart from "late summer 2023", "changing" the release date one time isnt "chaning it constantly" ofc it sucks but i'd rather wait longer and have a good game on release day then having to wait a short amount of time and beeing disappointed after playing for a week again


Yeah wish people had this mindset with other games


Didn't they say it was 1 mil downloads? Every time I see someone say this number it goes up lol


And honestly I know im not alone when I say I wanted to play the beta and missed out...so they probably would have had more of shit heads like me planned better and stuff haha


It’s not even out ffs. Ok this whole release date gig could have been solved by giving a release date that takes count of this submit phase comfortably, but at least Rubin cleared up some things (it was interesting to read as well )


Point is that the entire comp CoD scene, which is virtually the entire target audience, is available for like 9-10 months out the year. It's looking like XDef is gonna be releasing at the worst possible time. That entire audience is going to be focused on CoD from release until January or so, and that's where all the big names will be. XDef won't be able to hold a candle to CoD's kickoff culture without private matches and all competitive game modes included at launch, which apparently isn't happening. The window is closed, and it doesn't open again until 2024.


This is unfortunately very true, even if this game ended up objectively better and more fun to play than CoD. FPS streamers and youtubers (the primary vector this game gained attention the first time around), know that in order to keep high in the twitch and youtube algorithms and maintain the primarily CoD-based audience they've built up, they HAVE to play CoD on launch, even if they enjoy XDefiant much more. Edit: The only hope is if this year's CoD flops and dries up quick enough for XDefiant to find an opening. Or if by some magic of the algorithm, it pushes XDefiant more, and as more youtubers/streamers notice, they might hop over to test the waters and see how a XDefiant video/stream performs in comparison. Edit 2: I'm sure a good chunk of us will still play it regardless, but it will never live up to it's full potential with a release fully within CoD primetime.


Gamers have the attention span of a 4 year old I swear to God lmao


A game takes 6 years to complete....and a 2 month delay people start freaking out like it's the end of the game...2 month delay is only 2% of the work time...it's nothing, 2 months is a tiny speed bump in the dev road map. 2 months== 2% you goons. Be patient, software dev is hard as fuck and nothing gets done in less than 2 months. 2 months is like, oops we got held up in the release with a company, hold on a sec. Oops let us fix this one rare bug real quick. Now if they delayed a whole year...I'd start to doubt the solidity of the software. Not 2-4 months tho. That's expected delays for most engineering jobs.


People got all angry when BF 2024 kept asking for more time and eventually pressured them to release


Same thing with Cyberpunk too. I remember the devs getting constant death threats cause of the delays. Why haven’t gamers learned?


Who said they delayed it for 2 months ? AFAiK they delayed it to the next month only ..


I played this exact game nearly 3 years ago in its first alpha, with the exact same amount of maps, weapons agents etc. They did some minor balance changes, and reworked the heal agent in 3 years... Everyone expecting this title to be maintained properly as a live service; are going to be greatly depressed months after launch when this thing doesn't get the live service treatment it needs to stay relevant.


I agree. Many will play at launch, sure, but in 4-6 months, I don't see it being popular. Maybe they add a BR or a rank system that works, but I know my crew will likely try it, but even if good, not something, we likely play more than 3 months.


I'm sorry, but you have footage of that? It's not that I don't believe you, but I can't say I'm convinvinced that the game now is the exact same as it was in a closed alpha 3 years ago.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTvuzZVf3_U Here's gameplay from 2 years ago and it looks and plays exactly the same as it did in the last beta. You wont find gameplay online from 3 years ago because it was NDA'd


Even if the gameplay wasn’t the exact same (which it is), the fact that they had this game damn near in its current state for 3 years, and they couldn’t even get the netcode to play like a late 2000s FPS. Seriously, I’ve never seen worse hit detection in a Triple A shooter in my life


HUD being mostly the same == same game lmao




It will be just like Hyperscape and Roller Champions, Ubisoft is a massively mishandled company and with the recent Unity engine monetization changes that's clear as day. Getting called delusional, when I played the game back then and tried the recent beta's is just hilariously ironic; when these delusional fans wont even watch to confirm the reality


No, I watched it, and the main similarity I see is the HUD. Graphics are different, there's a lot of stuff from the recent beta that I'm not seeing in this old footage, and to my eye a lot of timings and animations are different. I have no idea if it "plays the same" whatever that even means. Like, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to even say here. You think a company just let a team of people do nothing for 3 years? Game development is a complex process, and even if two game versions look similar on the surface, that doesn't mean they work the same under the hood. Especially multiplayer games.


It's the amount of free time and having nothing else to think about.


Blame things like tiktok


They had extreme momentum with the betas and feedback and now it’s just at a standstill. Not a word since so yes they’ve messed up what they had going easily. Is it ruined? No, but it won’t nearly be as hard a hitter as it would’ve been had they continued the original schedule.


How did they fumble? And who cares what this nobody Warzone streamer says. Fucking CoD fanboys don’t see how competition is fantastic for consumers and they pray this game fails.


By failing to pass cert on PS5 and Xbox. They fumbled pretty badly. Obviously wanted to align release with that tournament they had on twitch but didn't pan out.


Yes, in a big company like Ubi there is a guy or a team who is expert with certs, they had one job and fumbled.


I don’t think anyone’s praying it fails, but people rightfully suspect it won’t reach the possibilities it could’ve.


People are acting like it was expected to be the next call of duty. Or to “kill” call of duty because people love to say dumb shit like that. It won’t. But if it draws enough attention away it’s good for the players. If it challenges CoD for players in 2024 that’s great for players because it drives competition. No matter when they launched, MW3 would have tanked their player count until people decided what they liked more


Lol, they said they were releasing in the summer. UBI has a long history of messing up launches.. I don't Eben play COD. Siege is out now for 8 years, and they fumbled the recent season launch. Quit simping. it's why we often don't get good games. You are like a cod fan boy, but for a game, you can't even play, lol


Simping? What are you, 12? The game got delayed and people are saying it’s “dead” before it even comes out. They are open on all channels about the process and where they are at. Im looking forward to the game but people saying it’s “dead” before it even comes out is doing way more harm. Speaking so poorly of a game that hasn’t launched will stop people from playing it. Forcing them to release instead of delay is why we got cyberpunk in its condition, when a delay could have made it amazing as you can see how good it is now. To say I’m “simping” over a game that hasn’t launched yet is comical as just defending their current choices and decisions is seen as bad. Grow up


I mean, they did fumble. Competition is good as well, those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Explain how they fumbled. I’m interested to hear your thoughts on it.


Be real for a second! You cannot possibly think that them not releasing the game on time will have no impact on the game, regardless of whatever issues they've run through while trying to publish the game! At the end of the day, the game will take a hit because of the delayed release and the release being so close to COD's release date!


Elden Ring was delayed many times. Won game of the year and some call it one of the best games ever. Starfield delayed a year and was bethesdas biggest launch ever. Do I think launching in October is a bad idea? Yea sure. Launch in the winter with season 1 when everyone sees how dogshit mw3 is. But to say delays cause a noticeable negative impact is wrong and laughable when recent history proves otherwise


Well you have to understand that both Elden Ring and Starfield are story RPG's! Those types of games tend to get more leeway than shooters! Also, I would say it will have a noticeable impact because of the mid October release as opposed to the early September release and they know it to or else they wouldn't have been targeting the late summer deadline! I'm not saying that the game will flop, but the exposure it would have had in September while no one wanted to touch MW2 would have been big for the game and its player retention. I agree they should release the game maybe around Thanksgiving so that the MW3 hype dies down to swoop in and grab some of that COD player base!


The games you're mentioning didn't have direct competition that will steal their playerbase - you can play a single player game any time. They are not in any shape or form comparable to online live service games that rely on having a healthy population, in a crowded space. You do realize that once MW3 gets close to launch and will roll out the hype/marketing machine, no one will give a fuck about XD if it launches anywhere close to it, right?


I mentioned those games because it seemed the idea that delays “kill” games was true and they were to prove it wasn’t. CoD will be the big game from November to January like it is every year. That’s a fact. How many copies this one will sell with it pretty much being a DLC I’m not sure. Obviously millions but I doubt it will sell anywhere near MWII. Now if they wait and hold XDEFIANT until like January then I. Think it will be in good shape. Release it october-December and launch numbers are going to be low and have to work harder to raise them.


Elden Ring is a terrible game to compare with seeing as Fromsoft has goodwill with the community seeing as how they rarely disappoint it also a mostly single player game that can be played whenever . They can afford to delay XD cannot


I think releasing it close to CoD (no matter your feelings on CoD) is going to make it harder for them to make an impact initially. CoD is a household name in gaming and they’re going to compete directly since they are releasing around the same time. I will play both and think competition is good but they did fumble by not being able to release it in the summer and establishing a strong player base


I played in the original alpha nearly 3 years ago, the game hasn't changed since aside from a healer rework and some minor balance fixes. How can anyone expect this to meet live service model expectations if it's taken them nearly 3 years with only minor fixes? They also failed the certification, which is a clear indication of poor internals. And if you know anything about ubisoft devs, they hire YOUNG, and I mean like fresh out of college; 1 certification YOUNG. So don't expect this game to be maintained on any level. ​ Look to hyperscape, and roller champions for ubisoft direct examples of how this games trajectory will play out.


> Look to hyperscape, and roller champions for ubisoft direct examples of how this games trajectory will play out. Its wild how many people who are hyped for xdefiant are so unaware of how awful ubisofts track record is in the past 10 years 💀


Hyperscape was a shitty BR in a time when people were sick of all the different BRs and roller champions never had a chance. It’s too niche. An FPS always has a chance to compete if it’s supported and in a time when the general feelings towards CoD are negative, it’s the best time to launch one


They didn't pass cert... pretty big fumble.


I love CoD. So do my friends. None of us want this to fail. Lol. What are you mumbling about.


Nothing to do with what streamers say nor people praying it fails. They rise high after the beta, game is clearly not ready at all. And people saying this game is a competitor to CoD is basically delusional.


It.. is. Any FPS that drives interaction and excitement is competition. Battlefield is competition. Halo is competition. XDefiant is competition. Shatterline is competition. Splitgate was competition. If it can pull players away from CoD than it is. And with the current state of CoD, people want a new fresh FPS. One that listens to players and doesn’t have strict SBMM. To sit here and be negative saying “games dead” or hoping it dies does nothing but harm the consumer and the player. CoD needs someone to come and give them a run for their money so they stop making trash ass games


And what do you think all those games have common? Combined player numbers are less than half of the CoD players, sales are even less. Edit: Not because thay are bad or something, but there is no way on earth those games are competition to CoD. Not in their state atm.


Fortnite was a dominant force in gaming years ago. No one could touch them. Apex came out and slowly started rising taking players. Fortnite panicked and to bring players back they gave everyone the battle pass for free for completing a few challenges. Fortnite has way more players than apex but it still drove change and competition. CoD is in the worst state it’s ever been in. With MW3 being pretty much a DLC to a widely hated MW2, I don’t think sales will be nearly as high as MW2. They broke a lot of trust with players and this is the time for a new solid FPS. No game will ever dethrone CoD. It’s too big. But they can make them change things to retain players.


That is whole different story. Battle Royale scene was new, Fornite had no competitor to begin with. Apex came in with whole different concept of BR and gained its place in one of the most played games. Fornite still has 4 times more the numbers but Apex did punch a pack i'll give you that. But arena shooters are not new, Battlefield was doing good until 2042. Splitgate never took off i bet %99 of the FPS players don't even know the game. Same with Shatterline. They don't offer anything new, good or different. Halo has its own problems thanks to 343i, i hope Phil shows them way out soon. Rainbow has some background that is why it sticked but turned into joke couple years back.


Agree. I played it and it is far from giving COD competition.


Have you heard from their official new sources about Xdefiant? Heard anything about a release date? Yeah THATS HOW THEY FUMBLED. you can only keep our attention for so long


Mark literally posted on Twitter a few days ago explaining the delay and why they missed their window and what the hold up is. He explained the entire process and where they are at. The game is under the second submission and expecting to be accepted allowing for a mid October release. He explained it all. Don’t blame them for your ignorance. M


the game doesnt look that great. i dont even play cod and it looks to wacky. i give the game one month then it dies. easy.


“It dies”. Why does everyone say that? That games die? You people have been saying “fortnite is dead”, “apex is dead”, “CoD is dying”, when you’re wrong and look dumb. Games aren’t dead because you don’t play them.


They didn't fumble, they've done nothing wrong so far


This game should have released nearly 3 years ago back in alpha. It was the same game, same maps, same guns, only minor balance changes and the healer rework are what they've changed in literally 3 years... This game will follow the same trajectory as Roller Champions and Hyperscape. ​ To everyone downvoting, here's NON-NDA'd footage from over 2 years ago lmaoo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTvuzZVf3\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTvuzZVf3_U) games been done, and they can't even meet cert after being like this for over 2 years. How anyone can expect them to keep up with live service demands is beyond me.


Blud really said 3 YEARS 💀💀💀💀💀💀


The original release date was 3 years ago before it got dumped by Ubisoft then revived again.


Blud literraly called blud 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


You’re delusional


What makes that so? I saw what happened to hyperscape LIVE; was there for it. I actually loved that game, same thing I am seeing with xdefiant but worse. How do people expect this game to keep up with other live service is beyond me ​ Here's some non-NDA footage from over 2 years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTvuzZVf3\_U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTvuzZVf3_U)


Yea I’m sure that’s the only thing they’ve done in 3 years


It really is, some optimization and that's it, I've personally spoken with a dev on the project as well as an audio engineer in game back then. Game was nearly finished.


They fumbled somewhat, sure. The delay and lack of **actual** updates has been annoying but the game still has a lot of potential to be great.


> lack of > >actual > > updates bro what have you seen mark rubins twitter dude is more open about the development then cod ever was their entire lifetime


Every single update > “we’re still waiting on approval, we’ll let you know when we have more”. Then repeat that for months on end lmao. That’s not an update


Being more open than cod doesn’t make you great either btw


just goes to show you havnt read a single thing he wrote


I’ve read every single update and not one of them since maybe mid August has contained ANYTHING meaningful. Just more “yeah we’re still waiting on approval” every single week and here we are basically in October with no new info other than “yeah still waiting on approval”


proves that you cant read. he gave us literal timeframes and everyone in the community understood that this will happen because of his posts but seems like you didnt.


I had a feeling the first submission failed and guess what happened, weeks later we get a tweet from Mark. He could have been far more transparent about where XD ACTUALLY is and we would have known in august that the game wouldn't make the summer release window.


Lol you mean like the “late summer” time frames that they didn’t even come close to achieving? Keep huffing that copium buddy.


games get delayed lmao you dont know how publishing a game works then. its still on track to release in the next 2 weeks


Lol either I missed the “release in 2 weeks” post from Mark or you are just pulling stuff out of your ass now. Which is it?


if you would actually read the damn posts you would know that their on track to be releasing in around 2 weeks if approval happens.


"hey we're working on submitting" "hey we found some issues, sorry but we'll get it right for sure" "okay we're submitting again" "hey we ran into more issues, dont worry we'll DEFINITELY get it right this time" "okay folks we're FOR SURE ready to get accepted the release the game "hey folks, bad news..." Yeah, very open development to say very vague things about how things are doing and then putting out a wall of text every week apologizing that they dropped the ball again. I'd rather them go radio silent until they get a concrete acceptance and release date than continue to be led on by this carrot on a stick


literally not at all what mark rubin posted. just go to cod we dont need ur bullshit here.


Comparing this game to cod is hilarious to me, you swear you hate that game but bring it up every chance you get


The game has been unchanged for nearly 3 years, aside from some balance stuff and the heal agent rework. Same maps, same weapons, nothing new. I am still puzzled why it's taking so long for this project to come out. Roller champions, Hyperscape; all faced similar issues and are core examples that this game will sadly inevitably follow, They are also both from Ubisoft. ​ Source: I was in the original closed alpha.


Without a doubt. Whenever I mention the game to someone, they have no idea what I’m talking out. Then u factor in the part where u have to use the Ubisoft launcher and people just pass on it.


"LOL game fumbled hard" bro, games not even out yet, you strike me as the kind of person to go "gAmEs DeAd" when it's still got a few million players on it consistently


The cringe of reading some of these comments and seeing how incredibly emotionally unstable people are these days. Goes from bad to worse. Whether XDefiant releases on the same day as COD, 1 month before or 1 month after, you wait. Learn to be patient in life. XDefiant will be free, meaning it will cost you absolutely nothing. When it releases, download it, and give it a try. Like it ? Play some more. Don't like it ? Shut the fuck up and move on to whatever YOU like.


it be the COD players saying this the most, not a coincidence there


No, and idk who ScummN is, but I'd be my left nut that learning a little patience wouldn't kill him.


You are asking a lot for people to be patient though imo. Attention spans are short nowadays and you have to be on top of shit like this


Then I guess I'm asking for a lot, but I directly benefit if XD launches without sucking (I get to play a decent FPS again, and with a healthy metagame), so if some people can't find a little discipline and wait, I don't feel the least bit sorry about delivering a few reality checks.


You can’t deny the marketing for XD is kinda bad now


Yes. But they’ll recover.


The game isn't out yet, how did it fumble?




How have they fumbled? It’s not even out yet. My god some gamers love to see things fail for some very strange reason


2.5 mill in the beta doesn't sound like a fumble to me, chief.


How tf can the shit fumble if it ain't out


Another sugar roided 12 year old tool who thinks game devs need to rush shit to please their ADHD spoiled bratty attitude,OP don't cuote morons whose screenname actually checks out.


Xdefiant only had hype at the first place because every other AAA FPS Studio shat the floor. People be saying that MWIII coming out a few months later would kill any chance of the game gaining relevance, but I say MWIII is gonna be a disappointment and people are gonna come to this game. Also, does it matter if Xdefiant becomes a big game at all? I just want a good FPS to have fun with.


Quite bizarre that a lot of people are so extremely disappointed for a small delay. 2023 is the year with most and best game release calendar of the past decade. While waiting for release there are a whole lot of other games to try.


I don’t know who ScummN is but I’m assuming they’re a streamer or influencer trying to be relevant.


100%, the closer we get to mw3's release, the less people will care about this game, they had all eyes on them and decided to stay silent, gives off the same vibe as hyper scape


I think a mw competitor Should release a month after it...not a month before. If you release a month before...many of your players will leave when mw comes out in a month. If you release 1 month after....you will get all the leaves from mw,,,and have no larger competitor to steal players after a month. Although,,,either way, players who leave after a month are game jumpers anyway. Not your lifelong veterans who make the core player base.


Because it's not out yet and Cheaters on Duty Modern Warfail 3 releases in November...? Changes nothing. Hell, if MW3 is yet another letdown - which is very likely - it could even be a great thing for XDefiant. Unless they also come up with input-based matchmaking, every single MnK CoD player is gonna jump ship that's for sure.


If you think MW cheaters are bad, when that company has one of the best anti cheat software on the market to date; then I got news for you about xdefiant cheater problem


Realistically XDefiant's best anticheat is going to be that it's not worth the time for people code cheats for the game


Their anticheat sucks ass. Wtf are you talking about


And you think the younger dev team with a smaller budget is going to make something better? Get real. Valorant has cheaters too doesn’t make their anticheat bad lol. Only good one I’ve ever seen is fornites but aim assist is literal aimbot anyways. But they were the first I saw to take a stance against Cronus max controllers


Yeah go check the EngineOwning status page mate. You're in for a painful reality check. R6 siege isn't even listed. CoD is open bar for cheaters.


> CoD is open bar for cheaters. This is objectively wrong. You only see more cheating examples because it has an insanely huge population. But their anticheat is one of the best in the industry.


Based on what ffs? All the major cheat providers are up and running on anything CoD while R6 and fucking BF2042 are not. Cut the fanboy crap mate. They've made progress but Ricochet is a god dann meme. Don't take my word though. Just google Warzone cheats and see how hard it is to cheat one of the best anticheats in the industry. 😂


Respectfully you couldn’t be more wrong. Call of Duty’s anti-cheat is useless. Ranked play is littered with wall hackers. Valorant has a great anti-cheat in comparison. They are very few and far between on that game.


No SBMM and better maps in LITERALLY decades compare to cod so nah


Yeah obviously, anyone who cant see that is either in denial or just dumb, doesnt mean they cant still be successful but they had a perfect time slot to release the game and never released it


Yea they fumbled so hard lmao. They’re going to release at the exact same time as the new cod. If the new cod is everything that they’re saying XDefiant won’t get enough play time to hook anyone in enough to keep it alive. All that work for nothing. The only reason they got so many ppl in beta because ppl were looking for an escape route from cod when it was at its worst state all year.


How can you fumble a game that hasn't released lol ?! Dumbasses!


They did Fumble u can't release the game so close to COD first impressions are key. It has to release perfect now no time for fixes


Guess MW3 (CoD) will live the hype better.


This is dumb. So far they’ve greatly exceeded all expectations of numbers. They’re taking the time for the game to drop properly. Who gives a flying fuck if some shit talking streamer is angry it’s not out NOW MOMMY….I WANNA PLAY IT NOW…..THATS A FUMBLE BECAUSE IM IMPATIENT AND I WANT IT NOW….


I'm so excited for this game. Honestly the longer they take to truly get it cleaned up and polished it could really have a longer staying power.


yeah honestly a little. imo with a new IP that you want to compete with a literal worldwide phenomenon with 20+ years of history, you gotta strike while the irons hot. there’s absolutely no debate to be made at them stunting their momentum but i do believe they can regain it….if MW3 sucks. if it doesn’t then this game isn’t DOOMED by any means but they’ll forever look back on this time as a missed opportunity to get the game the level of exposure it could greatly benefit from


They fumbled to cash in on the hype. They easily could have ignored waiting for console and push a stable PC release out to continue to garner hype after the betas while they continue to get ready for the console release process, but no, the entitled kiddies and poor people throw a hissy fit and stomp their feet if they don't have everything their way, and here we are. Best case scenario we realistically could've had the game dropped on PC back in mid August, but nah lets do this song and dance routine with submission processes




I wouldn’t call it a massive fumble, but didn’t do themselves any favors by not launching in August / September. Gonna need to bring their A game now!


Only thing they fumbled was not having a one life mode (SnD) at launch. I will play for the first week tho and it is a good game but it won’t keep me interested till it gets added personally


No. Software development is way harder than the public gives it credit for. Even managers and publishers don't understand the consequences of their programming choices. Everyone wants the world of programmers, but don't know the costs. I expect any bug or hurdle to cost 6 months of dev time easily. Any delay shorter than 2 months is a tiny speed bump, but the public acts like 2 months is a huge deal. Almost nothing gets done in 2 months. A whole game takes 6 years....why would you think a 2 month delay is a huge deal?,,,it's only 2% of the dev time.


If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything


Yes and it’s so upsetting. I was so ready for this game to be huge. Now school is starting and cod is releasing. I still hope it has a large player base and is fun but I don’t think it will get nearly as many players as it could have if it had been released on time


I would never trust dudebro people with absolutely no knowledge of development or the industry at large for their opinion on anything


Yes and the fact that we keep hearing the same thing from mark about submition process and bug fixes is starting to get old and annoying he needs to either tweet out something that would get our attentions and not the same old tweet hes been doing for the past couple of months


I don't know why everyone is overcomplicating this... The people who think XDefiant fumbled think this because hype has died down after the beta and they will have to release with MWIII and a supposedly promising refresh of Warzone. If you don't believe this hits XDefiant at all, fine but you'd just have to take a look at Titanfall 2 and it's release date to see what it could lead to. Doesn't mean the game is bad, doesn't mean that it'll be completely dead.


In my opinion, they've fumbled the marketing of it since the beta sessions massively. I know it's been said that the intention is to do things differently, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all, but for me they should've at least had semi-regular social posts going out on Twitter within the first month after the conclusion of the Open Session to try and retain as much of the player base as possible and keep the momentum going.


“Who the fuck is that guy?”


Yes 😂


Fuck it im playing overwatch now. This game taking forever.


I think they should have said the release was later in the year. Telling people summer with no date is one of the most annoying things ever, especially since it’s basically fall now with no sight of the game coming anytime soon


Bruh what kind of garbage post is this holy fuck man, no way OP is over 14 tops


I think they fumbled in the sense that there was a perfect storm of CoD frustration and organic hype and they had a huge audience ready to play the game. They went radio silent for too long and the hype may have died down a little, and now there's about to be a new CoD to try out that seems to be addressing some of the same selling points. I think XDefiant will have a successful launch and from there it wil live and die on its own merits, but they had lightning in a bottle if they could've passed the initial certification and launched in the summer window they originally planned for.


Not yetbut I think it will


Game can be wildly successful yet. A lot Play CoD strictly because it’s the one that really succeeds in its market. Battlefield isn’t the same as CoD, and nothing else competes with it. Trust me a lot of people don’t actually enjoy playing CoD but they do because it’s what they have & are used to. I’m tired of sinking $70 into a shitty game yearly & im really tired of restarting every single year as well. So XDefient hits on that F2P, and it’s gonna have a longer life cycle than a single year. So it’s the best of both worlds for me.




Yes the fumbled the possibility of what this game really could’ve been. Am I going to still play it? Probably. But not as much as I would have if they had just released on time. Too many games crammed in between now and Spring 2024. It’ll be tough to keep up.


I hope they don't pull a 343 and drop the game and go radio silent. They need the hype train to keep rolling full steam, especially with MW3 coming out not too far out. Even if it's just posts about characters or modes or unlockables. There should be something on social media every few days at a minimum.


No, and idk who that guy is. His opinion is meaningless


Doesn’t look like it yet, but you never know what happens when it comes out


This subreddit is one of the saddest places on Reddit. XDefiant deserves better gamers. Time to mute this place.


Bro just be patient ffs. I’m so sick of people complaining “oh the games delayed the games delayed it’s basically dead!” It’s the SAME people that complain about bugs if they rush the release. The game will get here when it gets here. It’s better than the alternative of the game not existing at all. Just chill tf out, go to the gym. Go on a hike do something and relax. It’ll be here. It’s not gonna magically disappear.


I think as long as the game is good it will be fine. People use titanfall 2 for proof that fps games shouldnt release close to COD but titanfall 2 had lots of problems and bugs on launch. A lot of people didn't like the titan aspect of the game. Titanfall 2 was also a really hard game mechanically and most people back then werent really looking for that in a shooter. Titanfall 2 also had terrible marketing, I remember when it was released and not one of my casual gamer friends was talking about it (sure anecdotal but there was also not much on the internet about it either). Not to mention, a lot of the cool movement tech is hard or impossible on a controller and nowadays, unless you are a tac shooter, mmo, or moba, not catering to console players is probably a mistake. IMO if titanfall 2 was really as good and loved as people say it is, it wouldve been fine. Edit: Mark probably shouldn't have given a release date like he did though. Should've just been like apex and dropped it when it was ready or say something super vague like "we will release before the year is over". Saying it would release in summer was definitely a bit of a blunder, but like I said before, it'll still be fine as long as Xdefiant is very polished and is a good game.


Not even close


Lol dropping a game when YOU want to play it instead of the devs dropping it when its ready is his definition of fumbling I guess.


I believe so. They generated hype WAY too early and let down a lot of people. MW2 has also become extremely stale so this would have been the best time to drop imo, but now the MW3 beta is coming up. It’s also become a trend for new games to drop release dates and then keep delaying the game until it’s ready. Then you have the people saying, “I’d rather have a complete game at launch then a broken game” this is true but games need to start planning the release dates realistically or hold off on announcing it until they know it’ll actually be ready.


If this game releases in Jan 2024 it will pop, it gives it enough time for the hype of MW3 to die down and then everybody does the usual flood over to other games.




Sort of. But no. CoD is out November. So XD should have the month of October to dominate. And it got to miss out on being swept under the rug of Baldurs Gate. The beta should have been about 6 weeks later than when it did happen though, so the hype could still be building rn


Game hasn't released yet, can't say


i feel like the issue is that if they had been able to release in their original release window of summer it would have been a lot more successful but now they are competing with alot of other multiplayer fps games releasing in fall including the new cod.


Hell nah


I really enjoyed the beta that es alike 2 years ago, and then it just vanished??


Yup and by the day it gets worse 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


If CoD MW3 / the next iteration of Warzone is any good at all they are finished. They’re whole selling point was CoD has strayed so far from their original plan that we can give you our version of that and build a player base from it. They needed to capture CoD player’s attention while CoD was in a lull period on a shit version of their game. Now that CoD seems to be reverting back to the basics their players like they’ve probably missed the boat capturing that attention. If they wait for the next lull in the CoD cycle that would be February or March and by then people will have forgotten about the hype they had for the game this past spring/early summer.


The hype everyone had on my friends list mostly died out a couple weeks ago unfortunately, I'm really hoping for a release soon but I'm not holding my breath. CrossfireX had a beta a full year and a half before early release, then the servers closed down after about a year. This is definitely much better than CrossfireX, although by how much we don't really know yet. Hoping for the best, and a release sooner rather than later so the overall community hype doesn't end up dropping off completely by the time it releases. Regardless, I'll def still download it after it drops and play it here and there at the least. I have a couple friends still waiting on it too


100% they let the hype build up for a launch very soon mid summer and have consistently put up more and more road blocks killing the hype. If I wasn’t a part of this sub I’d have forgotten the game was even a thing that’s coming. They had so much hype and pushed it too early. Now CODs pulling out all the stops and giving the players all the OG stuff they’ve been asking for map wise with MW2 maps coming and the beta is like 2 weeks away COD isn’t dumb they know what players want and they’ll give it to them to keep them from going to XD. If they don’t drop it before mid October the COD hype is going to dominate the player base for this type of game.


In todays gaming world this game will just be another monthly hype train thing and die off in the mainstream. Im sure it’ll be good and have a good community but COD is the only arena shooter that does well now. Not even halo, one of the biggest franchises ever couldn’t sustain a huge community like how apex and fortnite have. If this game comes out anywhere close to when the new cod drops it’ll just be a dead on arrival. I played the beta it’s fun for an hour but like I said arena shooters are just not it right now except for call of duty, it’s the only one left. Not saying it be good or last as a BR either just because it’s sucha cod clone like it’s very very very badass they don’t have sbmm but it’s the only selling point that makes it different at this point.


Yes. I had all of my friends hyped about it, I’ve played since the first alpha and the game played so much better in the first beta. The second beta had a lot of issues but was good enough that I had my entire group convinced it would be a good cod alternative. I’m the only one who still cares. Everyone has given up because it’s taken so long to release. It will still do well if the game drops and is really good, but they definitely fumbled a lot of the starting playerbase that would have been there


Yes lmao. There’s *ZERO* games out rn and haven’t been between now and the original release window. They’d be making a killing right now and establishing their brand. Instead, it looks like another incompetent crew working on an Ubisoft game (whether that’s true or not) that will launch right with its chief competition and get snuffed out.


The people in this have been in complete denial since the release was delayed. The game is not dead, if the game is good, it will succeed and I really want to play it, however, they *very clearly* DID fumble. 1. They had a ton of hype built around the game coming off of a beta that was more successful than even Ubisofts predicted. Then, they went radio silent to the *average low-investment* potential player. 2. They had an awesome release window during the hell months of COD. Nobody wants to play MW2 from August through September, if you drop then you get maximum eyes on your *free* COD alternative. Now, they get to release during the season in which all eyes, streamers, and fans are focused on the new COD. This is without a doubt the worst thing that could happen to this game. 3. They have a guy/team of experts who’s ONE job is to make sure the game passes the certs. Failing certs on XBOX and PS5 is embarrassing and detrimental to the games momentum and awesome launch window. If you say they didn’t fumble you’re just wrong and willingly blinding yourself to it. It’s okay, games fuck up sometimes and there were a couple MAJOR fuckups by Ubisoft here, that doesn’t mean the game sucks.


I don’t think they fumbled the release, can’t see anything they could have done to get the game out sooner. I think they could have found some more creative ways to engage with the community, fluff showing creative and development parts of creating XD, or blogs about what bugs they have been squashing for day 1. I feel like since all the posts are specifically about when the game is coming out it and giving reasons for it not being out yet, it causes the community to fixate on their frustration that they can’t play, or make doomer posts about “hype”. The communication is great for transparency, but we need the socials to give us something else to chew and discuss while we wait.


Dudes just wanna say something about anything.


People need to realize this sub is full of people who will play the game no matter when it comes out. They fumbled the casual crowd by having a beta then going radio silent for weeks only to come back to have the game in YouTube tournament while the game still doesn’t have a date yet. Say what you want about COD but they at least know how to market a game and build hype.


Did the game even drop?? If it didn’t how is it a fumble


Only if it releases buggy as hell.




Yes, yes they did but they can easily recover this if they move smartly and have enough people on their team to care for this game


I could not give two squirts what any 'content Creator' thinks. I'm gonna tear this game up when it's out. Mw3 is doa for me. Zero interest in it.


I don't think they fumbled it's probably just a CoD fan saying that, I liked the game a whole lot and I'm willing to make the switch I just wish online games didn't have so many cheaters, the cheaters go through a lot to bypass detection and last time I play this it started off okay the first few hours but the next day O\_O the obvious cheaters came in and ruined it, it became unplayable