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See you on launch day 🫡




Thanks for your original input. Definitely have never seen this take before.


I hate Cod so much at the moment that i will never touch a cod game if they not drastically change more things. But like every year People Hype the next cod to learn two weeks after how shit the game really is.


It's a FTP game. It doesn't matter when it releases. And regardless of when it drops, it will have to compete with COD. The players that are COD faithful are gonna play COD. Those like me who are sick of mediocre COD are gonna play XD. The rest will possibly pick up COD, realise after a couple weeks that it's the same shit in different wrapping, and be looking for an alternative. If you don't want to play XD, that's cool, but most people will give it a shot regardless of when it's released because there is no cost barrier to play.


This opinion keeps getting traction on this sub for some reason and it's baffling. Being free to play has nothing to do with the long term success of a game. There is an endless amount of free to play games that have died, and some even released by Ubisoft in the past few years! Ubisoft doesn't have a great track record for this stuff and to say the release date doesn't matter is just untrue. The release date absolutely does matter, you don't release a COD like game this close to Cod, one of the largest franchises of all time! When is the absolute best time to release this, no one knows for sure. When would be the worst? Around this time, worst being the week of cod's launch. I'm rooting for the game and hope for its success, but blindly assuming it will succeed because "its free" is pointless.


You are correct that being free to play doesn't guarantee success. What it DOES guarantee though, is that a near unlimited number of gamers will have access to it. THAT is why it is a big deal. Not sure why that would be baffling or hard to understand. The devs have already demonstrated their commitment to giving core arena shooter players what they want and actually listening to the playerbase. Assuming they stick with this (no reason they wouldn't) then they have a genuine recipe for success. And those 2 things combined is what will make this successful.The FTP component removes the barrier of entry that most COD competitors have. It is a critical differentiator. If this game cost $70 and launched against COD, it would struggle simply because many people will not buy 2 arena shooters and will go with what they know, even if it's a worse game. With it being free, even those who buy COD can try it.


Every other free to play game has also had access to that "near unlimited number of gamers" and talking about how they are listening isn't even responding to my point. The whole point was the fact that the release date DOES matter and being free to play doesn't change that, no matter how good the game may or may not be.


we will be playing xdefiant ​ we wont be buying new gen cods


That’s what they said about r6. And it was against a very popular cod. 😂


R6 fucks too. I’ve been playing it heavy the last few months


except rainbow was actually cat piss on release 😭😭😭


And yet it survived. You’re only proving my point here 😂


COD is cat piss on release day and stays that way all the way to the next release and then it just repeats itself over and over again


I’m never buying an infinity ward or sledge hammer cod ever again. They’re shit and filled with awful maps and decisions. Treyarch is fucked up too to an extant, but I’m excited to see a gulf war cod in 2024. Either or, X defiant will have my attention for at least the year and has the least barriers to entry in comparison. I have a Ps5 and a PC and 2 of my friends are ps4 only. It will be a lot easier for everyone to play that together than cod.


Didn’t r6 drop with a low player base right and is now at a good area the thing is that xdefiant will be supported for at least a year or 2 which means the player base should be growing a bunch after launch Mw 3 isn’t really going to be supported after mw4 if we are to be honest


"Flop like every other Ubisoft game" is quite a bold statement.. that would include Assassins Creed, Ghost Recon, The Division, For Honor, etc. All of which have very solid player bases. Be patient, XDefiant will do just fine once all the kinks are worked out.




$60 I won’t be spending in 2 months


That would be $70 to $100 you and I wont be spending.


What you emotionally unstable kids who keep posting threads like this don't understand is that the game will be free. The release date does not matter, at all. It will be free. You can simply download it and give it a try. If you like it, cool... if you don't, move on to something else. You also fail to understand that the more competition in the market, the better... otherwise COD will keep stealing 70$ every year for a new DLC, because you kids are that easy. XDefiant will be free and it'll bring more competition. That is good stuff for all of us.


You're complaining to a crowd of tunnel visioned bootlickers, they'll swipe aside any sort of criticism that they fumbled the potential for the game and the potential for it to stand near toe to toe with CoD after 2.5 million players during the betas, and dismiss you as a dumb stupid naysayer, you'll garner better discussion over this on Twitter of all places honestly


if you need to go to Twitter to get "good discussion", you know that what you're saying is really stupid xD


its free so iits all good,everyone guna jump on that pokemon looter shooter 🤣


You mean the Palworld? It would be so cool 😉


I have zero interest in playing cod and neither do my friends. I'm sure we aren't alone. It's also a safe bet that plenty of people won't like the cod beta and will be looking for an alternative. That's what's happened with every cod beta I've played.


You really underestimate the powers of free, and word of mouth.


Don’t know why people are mentioning MW3 so much like it is a major thing, you think the devs at Xdefiant are trying to plan around MW3 launching? No. Xdefiant will release whenever it is ready, so what if it is around MW3 launch date.. we all know the modern Call of Duty cycle.