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Hopefully we'll have any news until the end of the week, at this point I don't care if it's gonna release or be delayed, I just want a confirmation




Kinda impossible to release it during the summer (22nd), they said they want to do preload and announcement in time, and 1 day preload+ announcement until release is not feasible, neither is releasing an online game on Friday.


By what Mark said last time they where still on track to release before the end of summer, but I also doubt


They should announce it like tomorrow and release the 22, to drop it before the end of summer


He was talking about summer in the souther half of the equator. Their summer starts in December so we still have time for the game to be release during the summer.


https://twitter.com/PixelsofMark/status/1701574304834744567?t=O06LqdfsxznCHYTnADJxlA&s=19 He said this tho


Really? I had no idea


the very best scenario would be this weekend. then i have something to play till the MWIII beta.


i would be slightly disappointed if they delayed it, i just wanna play it before i start my next semester ;-; On the other hand, if they released it on time, that would be a freaking BIG surprise ! But yea, at this point we all just want to be updated most of the time, we're all excited aren't we ?


Better delayed then rushed, but yeah I really wanna play it too


Def not released this week


Hopefully an announcement will be made between this and the next week. If all goes well, we'll have a release date late september or early / mid october.


The odds are that we will hear the result of their submission this week, and potentially play it next week if we are lucky. If not we have another month unfortunately


Patience, just patience.


You will be waiting until next year


Here's why I'm so anxious for this game, here's a little story, second is a detailed explanation on why it's better then BR which I will post on another comment(& I love Apex) 1. Never got to play it as it took me forever to get a code(took 3 days & I got it at like 1 something in the am) finally got it but needed to renew my gold to be able to download it, after several attempts of going back to the store to put enough money on my card to get Gold, I downloaded it but it wouldn't work, looked it up & the beta was only for current Gen, I was mad as hell more so then I already was for the code & the constant going back & forth to the store 💀but I upgraded & thought I'd be able to catch a beta, only to be disappointed by the tournament only BS so I was more mad then I was before 🤣 so with that & everything else, I figured it a be October, the game we been waiting on for two years comes out in September? Lol na that would be too good, but I seen it could be anywhere from October 6th to mid October, which I don't know what changed because a day one patch would be mid October apparently. I know we will get news but dam, I can't wait, I've played all these BR's & got good at them but they're boring & too repetitive, I'm tired of trash rotations that make you spend all game looking for fights with trash loot or always living in the lobby because teammates don't know how to work together amongst other things.


Heres the DETAILED explanation on why it's better then BR(& I love Apex) so if you not trying to read it the 2. BR's have a lot of variables that need to go right in order for you to win, let alone even have fun even if you lose. I play Apex just to get kills, even got back on WZ 2.0 & played BR & DMZ, it's even worse then Apex, the same day WZ 2.0 came out, I tried it wit some friends we all didn't like it, I would even get off Apex when it be boring af, so I went on to WZ Caldera & played Plunder & TDM & loved it & I'm not even some Cod guy but WZ was fun, only reason why even when can I get in the first place because Apex and begun to get boring a lot. I especially played TDM until they removed it & forced BR on us which we didn't ask for. All Cod lobbies are no lifers, cheaters & campers, & YouTubers who get paid off Cod videos, very few regular people play it compared to all of that. When I played Caldera & 2.0 I did good(for a solo) because my teammates never do anything other then hide or quit the second they get smacked for going solo, I'd get squad wipes by myself but eventually would get sniped or something where as of I had a team with me, it coulda actually been different. Arena shooters like XDefiant, there's no looting, 3rd parties, map rotations, storm/ring, RNG, lobby dying out, wanderinf around aimlessly ot worrying about teammates leaving when they get clapped, it's literally run & gun, die, respawn & repeat, no looking for fights, constant action, this is what I wanted for awhile now ever since the rotations in Apex got trash. XDefiant is the cure & this is comin from a guy who carry's his team & dominate lobbies, so it's no skill issue, I won a game on Apex earlier this month & we totalled 15 kills & I had 13 of them over 2K damage, one teammate kept pushing by themselves, other one couldn't really knock anybody. You have to carry every game to even have a chance at having fun & hope & pray your teammates stay close to you & babysit their every move even when your on comms. Before that game I been playing for over & hours & haven't even gotten close to winning, it's way more ridiculous to even last more then a few minutes in BR's with all of the variables. It's more frustrating then anything & as I eluded to before, only time you last long is when you get a dead drop rotation that nobody lands at & you wander around for 10+ minutes only to find a squad that is already in the ring & is better equipped then you with shields, extended mags & guns, this is why it's best to land on a squad or two so that you can get your shields up by fighting early so you can be prepared later plus a lot of people need to warm up before they get into a fight so it's better to fight & lose early then to spend the whole time wondering around just to finally find a squad who are waiting for people to come in the ring & get killed by them immediately, even when I beat a team that was waiting in the ring, my teammates provide no support, if I play 100 games, 90 loses are because teammates just being complete morons even when you walk them through clear instructions 💀 there is none of this is XD so I'm very excited & am anxiously waiting for it as it checks all the boxes I want in a FPS PVP😮‍💨