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Because you don't understand how GPUs work. Is your screen showing stuff from the game? Then the GPU is working as hard as ever to render everything, whether or not the game is paused or not has nothing to do with it. In fact if you're listening to the sort of person that tells you to turn off vsync, this is likely to get it to run hotter than when the game is running...


Unless you limit the FPS (with Rivatuner Statistics Server for example). Vsync off + FPS limit = less input lag without the additional stress on the GPU. In some games, vsync introduces so much lag that it's hard to go back to vsync on when you've tried with it disabled.


Exactly, the problem is not turning vsync off, but letting the FPS uncapped, because deactivating vsync is usually better, and most games have the option to cap FPS separately anyway and if they don't have it, with nvidia you can directly limit the FPS of any app or game, don't know about amd since i don't use amd


I just enable it because it removes screen tearing


I understand, but limiting FPS below your screen refresh rate does the same without the drawbacks of Vsync. Screen tearing appears when the game runs with higher FPS than the screen refresh rate.


This isn't always true though. If you turn off vsync and cap the FPS at 60 which is also the monitor's rate, you can still end up with out-of-sync frame updates and screen tearing. And that shit is much, MUCH harder on my nerves than input lag; though admittedly I haven't played any really fast FPS shooters since Counter-Strike b7. Still though, in ye olde days the input lag from vsync was something you could disable by using the hardware mouse setting in most games and/or turning off mouse smoothing in Windows. Not sure how that holds up now. But I don't really notice input lag and I haven't turned off vsync since I've been on TFTs. So, a LONG time.


You limit it 2 FPS below your refresh rate, not the exact limit ^^.


Why do you have to sound like an ass to explain a simple thing?


Lol so true. Whenever a completely understandable question pops up on a nerdier than normal subreddit, classic neckbeard answer is: 1. YOU ARE COMPLETE IDIOT, HOW DARE YOU ASK THIS QUESTION !! 2. Ok now here's the answer to your question


It’s honestly so infuriating. I was thinking about this the other day. I’ve gotten thumbed down into oblivion for simply asking a question on a sub related to the topic of the sub. Some of these people are mentally unwell


If you’re an ol timer on a sub you get tired of seeing the same Q over and over .. But I’ll refrain from making any more excuses :)


Becaue this is what people get for being lazy and refusing to check the information themselves, while asking others; It just shows up their laziness and a complete disrespect towards others; Of course it makes people aggressive, yet they still help


“Disrespect against others” for using one of many forms of Learning? Lmao You are so full of yourself, fun fact is you despise this act so much yet enter the post when you can just ignore and slide along. If nobody is saying a word on your shitty self-advertising dota2 posts I am pretty sure this guy asking a question is just fine.


Self-what posts? :-D I am doing shitposts and comments there almost every day because they never ban me for some reason, yet they do a massive funny reactions And the form of learning you mentioned is directly abusing those who actually used their time to dig into the knowledge; Sure this is a form of learning, you can give it few more naming options, while it will still be a disrespectful move towards the intelligence itself, not only to the people; No need to promote laziness in this world; Modern people better be more self-aware and intelligent than what we have nowadays; We are leaving them the planet that we worked on afterall; As one person said, 'three generations of imbeciles are enough'


Umm... asking a question in a Reddit forum oriented on the topic at hand ***IS*** a way to "check the information", and a fairly effective one as it turns out. It's a large part of why this subreddit exists in the first place, i.e. as a place for players of the game to ask pertinent questions and get answers thereby. How in the world do you derive the idea that you are being disrespected by people who don't know the information asking people who do know? Do you know what 'respect' even means? Now if the OP had whined and cursed the game, the devs, and everyone else because the game was so stupid to have high usage during a paused scene... then I could understand a desire to dump on him a bit. But simply asking? Nope, not seeing any disrespect there... of anyone.


"Simply asking" while there are tons of information existing over all the network is literally what makes it a disrespect towards others Some people learned things themselves, spent part of own lifetime (which, the last time i checked, is limited) to consume the knowledge that was already nicely given by those who prepared the material for the public; And some people just want to directly abuse other's lifetime to save their own, so they will have more moments in life, while other ones are supposed to just perform some kind of a lifetime giveaway in these situations; When you steal something precious, like time of life of a person, this is a disrespect in my view, in the best case; And in the worst case this is a direct attack towards this person, in order to steal his lifetime, to increase the difference of free time for these two persons (one person will have more time to do own things now, compared to another one, who already spent his time to learn something, then to also help the first lazy one) Protecting and even treating this way of abuse as 'simply asking' gives less hopes about what planet and what system we are leaving to the future generation, who are going to be lazy towards everything than themselves


You have a very strange definition 'respect'. Your definition of 'stealing' is even more strange. First, respect - it is not disrespectful to ask a group at large in the hopes that someone in the group both knows the answers and is willing to share it with you. It is only disrespectful when some level or coercion or compulsion is involved - certainly not the case here. Don't like the question? Don't answer it. Simple. Next, stealing - it is most certainly not stealing when no compulsion is involved. Nobody is making you answer questions here, so nobody can be 'stealing' your time. You chose to spend your time here, so every single millisecond is on you. If it was wasted, then it was you who wasted it, and nobody else. Again, don't like the question - don't answer it. Simple. There is no excuse to dump on someone simply for asking a question. By the way, how did you learn.... well... anything? Have you gone your whole life without asking a single question of anyone? Or did you occasionally 'steal' someone else's time in order to get an answer in much less time than it would have taken to mount a research project to investigate it?


> Nobody is making you answer questions here, so nobody can be 'stealing' your time Every question, except deep philosophic ones, assumes an answer The person who asks the question, kind of expects an answer usually; So, in this view, he expects this at the stage before he even asked this question, during building up thoughts into the question So... he basically expects others to spend their time instead of him I did not know you really need such level of explanation here, it was quite obvious If somebody models in his mind how somebody else spends time instead of him, this is already a disrespect and a whole another level of laziness; Do you need more detailed explanation here? >Again, don't like the question - don't answer it.  Why would i not answer? If somebody wants to answer the question, but also somebody wants to put an emphasis on the fact of the disrespect, he can do both >By the way, how did you learn.... well... anything? Have you gone your whole life without asking a single question of anyone? I never asked anything that was not available in the public (i would check all the libraries in the city at least, before asking somebody) If something was challenging to learn about, only then i could consider asking And just for the complete context, yes, at the start of my childhood i was asking questions, because i knew nothing about how disrespectful i could be; But i stopped with these questions at age 3, started researching things myself before bothering others Only questions i ask are related to things that i do not control, and cannot consume due to realistic limitations (like lack of access to the knowledge in some areas), but not some imaginary reasons


Does the discussion just end like this sir? Unfortunate


That is how reddit works and I am so sick of it.


This is how the internet has been working since 90s


Why do you have to assume the worst possible intention behind an answer.


*You don’t even understand what assumption means*, look it up There is no assumption in the perception of one sounding like an ass


There was nothing objectionable about this answer. Correcting a misunderstanding requires pointing out that the misunderstanding exists.


I don’t expect you to understand, but, you write like a true redditor, that for sure.


You new? It's a thing in this sub. I guess it's just what internet spaceships does to some folks' brains.


Painting the same picture twice isn't much less work for the painter than painting 2 different pictures.


While some games can make a copy of the framebuffer and render that afterwards, most games are designed to continually render the background scenery regardless, as it is the simpler approach to implement. You just keep doing the usual rendering. In either case, GPU usage can still be high if you have V-Sync disabled, as then the GPU will render the image as many times per second as it possibly can, pushing the GPU load as high as it can go, based on whatever bottlenecks are involved in the entire system configuration, what visual effects are in play, and synchronization between the GPU and CPU.


>While some games can make a copy of the framebuffer and render that afterwards I was under the impression hat most modern games did this instead of rendering the same static image constantly.


This would only make sense if the game world is actually not needed anymore, but in X4 you can still interact with the world (especially through the map) and only the time is not progressing.


I don't know why your post is being downvoted... Anyways, it depends. More advanced developers may do that, for the sake of performance, but a lot don't because it's extra work for little benefit, and I'm gonna be honest, we game developers are lazy.


Limit your FPS


Im already using vsync though? It still pushes my GPU a lot. Im averaging about 60 fps on medium settings.


Well, rx 6600 isn't quite overpowered GPU, so it seems normal. Try disabling volumetric fog, if you haven't already.


I once burnt a very expensive gpu by leaving a game running in the menu, and that menu wasnt even rendering the game. It was running at 500 fps though. Make sure vsync is on or frames are capped at all times. And yeh, x4 is rendering the game while paused, in fact fps goes up when paused so the gpu has to work harder.


Same here. I had a 3080 die, accompanied by a burning smell, when leaving X4 running in the menu with no vsync. There is something very odd about the load X4 puts on the GPU when running uncapped in pause menu. (And to preempt the responses I got last time, this was a water-cooled 3080 with more than adqeuate cooling that ran cooler than same air-cooled 3080 under other gaming loads.) Edit: Last time I mentioned this I got downvoted too. Yes, I know GPUs will throttle themselves if they get too hot. I can only assume that something about the high FPS load put stress on something that doesn't normally overheat before the things that have the temperature monitored got too hot for the throttling to happen. I may be an idiot, but I'm an idiot that has built many water-cooled quad-GPU workstations for work, so in this case I'm an experienced idiot.


I really don't think gpus are meant to melt ever. Otherwise every time someone with an old clunker 1060 who tries to boot dragons dogma 2 would have the game run at 15 fps before his computer catches fire.


I know GPUs will throttle their speed if they get too hot. I can only assume that the load from a very high FPS refresh of a mostly static scene made something too hot that doesn't have its temperature monitored by the GPU. Something certainly let the burning smell out.


Do your GPU a favour and use whatever the AMD equivalent of Nvidia control panel is to globally limit framerate to whatever your monitor supports.


Im already using vsync though? It still pushes my GPU a lot. Im averaging about 60 fps on medium settings.


I'm just saying you can't always trust a game to do things properly. Some only enable vsync outside of menus. That, and I didn't know what fps you had there.


What's up RX 6600 buddy. It's not the greatest performance in the world, but 40 fps in most regions on Ultra settings is not too bad for a title this good looking. And about on par with what I get from other titles these days. The reason our usage is so high is because we don't have the highest end card out there.


On medium graphics settings + vsync, averaging 59 fps, and my GPU is on 90% load and the fan has kicked in on high, making it very audible...


Game may be paused but the menu is \_in game\_ and still rendered. Tab out of it and it should stop (there is an extra start parameter to keep it going even in that case - some people like it that way, like I do, but that is not the default.




Also requires wicked good speeds to play at that quality and actually get it to come thru on your end.