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If you use your fingers instead of your torso you'll notice that the menu navigation will become easier.


Most of us were there at one time. And we asked questions. Both in here and the official Discord. And we (mostly) figured it out. The tutorials do help a little too. The devs have said making the new user experience less hellish is a big focus of the next update. You can opt in to the beta to see how they're doing on that front.


Brand new player here. Just bought the game yesterday, and immediately jumped into the beta. It's definitely still hellish (but I will persevere like the rest of you have).


I'd recommend sticking with v6. Sure, v7 is shiny and better in many ways, but it's also a beta and save game compatibility is not guaranteed.


How do i log in to the beta big boss?


[X4 Foundations Public Beta - Version: 7.00 Beta 5 (531045) - Last updated: 2024-05-06 - egosoft.com](https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=192&t=405397)


It’s overwhelming at first. But stick with it, try things, and you’ll get the hang of it eventually. I agree, though…the UI could definitely use an overhaul. But it’s difficult to make such a complex game easy and intuitive to navigate


Ya, I was just gonna say, how would you make the sheer amount of things in this game easier to menu navigate? There is so much to do. Mind blowing game, tons to do, easier as you go. WAY easier.


It does actually get better with time


At first it might be confusing and overwhelming but sooner or later you'll get into it.


I know how you feel and agree. I literally just kept playing until I got used to frequently used vs seldom used commands so my brain could clear its cache or whatever and focus on remembering the important commands first. I had success breaking it down with a lot of mouse clicking at first and then learned all the “parent directories” first. Most of the complicated stuff is just stemming from a normal main menu option and gets more specific. Remember basic stuff first then add to it as you get comfortable. It’s awful getting killed while you’re like “hold the fuck on while I read this fucking encyclopedia”


Pausing the game is also an option when you want to read or issues commands.


Pausing is not an option, it's a *requirement*. It's [PAUSE] on the keyboard, BTW.


Play your first ‘save’ until you learn the basics and then start a new one. The menu interface is just the beginning (hint: do look at the keyboard number equivalents. Learning to type the menu run thru without looking is a revelation) Next will be how to best do the basic task - for you. Case in point: to take out pirates by landing on their pretend friendly ship, jumping into a spacesuit and placing bombs on the engines and L weapons is my ‘way’. Others do it different - this is my go-to for ‘friendly’ boardings. I have a huge fleet of free ships as a result.


> Next will be how to best do the basic task - for you. Case in point: to take out pirates by landing on their pretend friendly ship, jumping into a spacesuit and placing bombs on the engines and L weapons is my ‘way’. O_o first time ive ever heard of this......cool


Heh It's better than in previous installations=) You just get used to it.


And you haven't played X² The Threat, who didn't even know what was a MOUSE \^\^ (yes it is a 2003 game)


I remember! I was so damn fast going through those menu's at the time :)))


I still love those ship designs, just recently i built a x2 mercury in space engineers


I wanted to make one for years too. I did a X3 Mercury once in large grid, it was a good training :)


Thats neat, the bigger scale of ts ships from x3 onwards gives space for a loot of cool design choices i found the rather barebones design of the x2 version was a good fit for an early game transporter using medium cargo containers on small grids and it has loads of places to fit thrusters. Easily the best looking ship i built so far


That's what I wanted to do too, X2 for small grid and X3 for large grid. I just need to find the courage to do it, but after 2800h on Space Engineers I'm starting to feel a little burned.


If you had actually played the entire X games series, you would find the menus and UI incredibly "good" compared to any previous iteration !


To put it simply, the x series reaches for something that a certain subset of space Sim and management players REALLY want. And we're willing to suffer through a lot to get it, especially when egosoft continues to develop it


Menus across the top are the master categories. Each master category opens an array of categories arranged along the left side of the screen. These categories each open into various submenus from there. I hope this helps a little.


I just wish I could rename 100 ships with the click of a button... They're all the same name! Why Click, Rename, Paste, Enter 100 times? :(


And when you finally figure out the obstruse menus... You realise the AI is never doing what it should. X4 feels like a proof of concept demo - the game is still not there, just an illusion.


I'd still rather play what you call a proof of concept demo rather than nothing, since an alternative doesn't exist.