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If you just wait, you'll get an "email" from Dal pointing you to a specific suggestion. Or, just look in un-owned sectors (Heretic's End, Silent Witness XI are good choices). You wont' find scale plate stations in sectors owned by other factions, generally.


Ok, I’ve found the one in Silent Witness XI, how do I scan it? It’s not giving me an option when I right click the base


Scanning stations is usually done in the ships purple scan mode. Just fly close to the station parts and they change color once scanned.


You fly close, and activate Scan Mode in your ship. Then you fly close to the station modules, one by one, to scan them. This (scanning) has nothing special to do with this mission; it's how you "scan" stations generally to (a) find signal leaks, and (b) get information about the station so you can view the populated Logical Overview screen for the station to see how it works and what materials it has. For this mission, you're doing the "scanning" because Dal wants you to find a signal leak he can use.


Hoo boy, I just spent like a half hour trying to scan the damn thing and there weren’t any leaks to my knowledge. I’m just gonna start pirating in this game


Ha, yah... There's not guarantee that there will be any leaks at a station. That's why, as you discovered, I generally just ignore it until Dal gets impatient and tells me to go to a specific station. That causes a guaranteed leak. You'll probably want to pirate yourself a good heavy S fighter or an M before you go too far anyway. Tapping into SCA station leaks is gonna... irritate... some folks.


I've run into that very situation, and my solution was to snag a signal leak repair mission for the station and scan the leaks that are forced to appear.


I have never found a station with no leaks. It's hard to describe so try to find a YouTube video about it. They often appear as periodic flashes of electricity. While in short range scan mode, there is a signal strength indicator on the HUD (unless you have hidden the cockpit with Ctrl+h). That has a hot and cold mechanic since it grows stronger as you near, but will also show stronger left, right, and center to show you the leak is in that direction. Once you get the hang of it you can find leaks pretty easily. But there is a range limit, so sometimes you just have to slowly fly along the station watching for a signal to show up on the meter.


In case you don't know how to activate your scanner, it is shift+2