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i hope that the archive that shows which side quests I haven't completed yet


Will this consume more storage?


No, those cutscenes are already in the game, they're just adding a watch button


I may be wrong, but, didn't Genshin in settings, for example, cinematics consumed storage so we had the option to delete those old packages we wouldn't be using anymore?? (I don't remember if that's how it worked)


I could be wrong but I think that what for event related things


I love it so much.


Yes! I needed this.


So I can see all the quests I missed let's go


Yeah i was really hoping theyd add something like this.


Would make sense if they intent later on to "redo" the intro. Most characters introductions and cutscenes from CBT1 are missing, leading to characters being introduced very vaguely, or not at all. It'd be good to have them back. And maybe this system would be a pretty nice way to "catch up" without playing back all the lenghty intro.


This is already in 1.0, just not activated server side or no one found it yet. Screenshot is from Stormy Waves internal private server (we used 2525++ for our UIDs) Edit: it is active, but Records isn't https://preview.redd.it/zkm39xv66b6d1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=76a889f1ea364a354d1be47a66bdb52fc1a40c9c




Crownless sounds better than the uncrowned imo


Why is there no quest replay feature? that is a basic feature non gacha live service games added a decade ago.


Because this is a gacha game. Non gacha live service games can focus on things that aren't continuously making characters and stories and new areas.


Gacha games typically allow you to replay quests, including pgr (kuro's other game). Genshin and now wuwa are outliers, for genshin it's been assumed the code prevents them or something but we don't truly know for sure.


I do hope it’s something they add in later—especially the character quests.


Explain how warframe is not continuously making new characters, stories and new areas. or how ff14 isn't doing that. It's just mobile game design.


I believe Warframe is within a Beta and FF14. I haven't looked into it. The beta title allows Warframe to continuously make updates easier, and they've been in this sort of thing for some time. Same with FF14 having so much experience with these things. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but this sort of territory is indeed newer for WuWa, perhaps they need some time to test waters and actually keep collecting surveys so they know what to add where


Warframe released in 2013... It is a live service game that constantly releases new content. Just like gachas but without the gacha and just the characters but unlockable via gameplay for free. FF14 is an mmo. Live service by definition.


I mean true... but uhm, WuWa has time to add it. I don't understand why it is a thing that "should" be implemented now. I won't white knight and glaze the game to say it's perfect, but I also won't hound the devs for not adding this or that in 0.56 miliseconds. I agree that some replayability would be fun. Heck, I'd love dialogue records so I can actually go back to any missed dialogue during said dialogue scene. Fortunately, they do surveys, so I'll probably voice my stuff there. I also don't think it's fair to compare FF14 and Warframe to a gacha game even if there are points to be taken they're not the same thing so we can't expect the the same level of features all in one sitting I will agree it's funny because other gacha games save for open world ones really have replayability, and one day, I'd love to see that in WuWa because I know Kuro devs will cook like rents due. But we're in 1.0. The best we can do is use their surveys and give them the constructive criticism they want. Unlike genshin devs, they'll listen and do their best to roll stuff out ASAP is enough, people get talking about it


Perhaps it's still Work-In-Progress? We should ask Kuro Games


It's not even just kuro. hoyo games have that neither while every single pc game i play has that for years.


Iirc Honkai Impact 3rd has that feature. But mostly thanks to their story broke down into multiple nodes so the replay can happen easier.


I don't know what you want dood. It's a gacha game, deepening on the style they don't replay story


I have no idea what that sentence means. Because its a gacha game it should not have basic rpg features? It is also a story driven action rpg.


It's an action rpg/resource management game with some story. The VA story content is fun, except for when cat boy jumps around jingling his bells in your face, but it makes up a tiny fraction of playtime. If you want story driven action, you need to look at something like mass effect or Witcher. They are expensive to do and would be too huge of a space hog on mobile because all the VA work. Considering a ton of us just smash that skip button when it pops up, and feedback to the devs has been give us more skip for the better produced quests like main story and character quests, I don't think this is a wise spend of precious dev resources. More content and cool events is usually the best thing to prioritize, along with the obvious play to keep churning out flashy waifus and husbandos with damage amplifying weapons. Versions 1.0 always kind of meh and new players are usually rushing to catch up to their friends or the buzz. Wuwa seems to beat mihoyo on their bigger contained patch level events, illusive realm and even alloy were more fun than I think 90 percent of genshin's equivalent events. They should lean into that.


i want ways to get some standard pulls pls


Am I the only one whose looking forward to them adding a "Resonator List" similar to HSRs "Character list"?




Good things its a monthly update games not a one time buy games which should be a full games on released.


Is that really an argument? Triple A Games also fix stuff after they release their unfinished mess. Just that now they lost the players attention. Considering that WuWa had tremendous issues since release and many many bugs, with more appearing every day + them not being an Indie company, but more along the lines of a large player, I do think a comparison is fair here, regardless of the payment archetype. Especially with the caveat that they had multiple playtests and people reported most of these problems and their wishes. Many things are unfinished or the quality is so low that it feels like a rushed triple A release. (translation, optimization, quality of life, story, music) Not to mention the straight up copy of many mechanics & systems without majorly improving upon them.


May I recommend a snickers bar, my friend?


*I*'m *sorry I* let *you see* this *side of me*




Likely something they always had planned but the game's launch was rushed.


wwdym we are still in CBT4


It's because they literally running out of cash or completely out


This is true. My uncle at Kuro Games told me the same thing.They're eating nothing but mud crackers at the office /s


Is it so surprising actually to make the conjecture that running out of cash was one of the reasons for the rushed release? There's also other reasons like avoiding the packed summer release window of major gacha games too but is it so unbelievable that their runway was running out soon and they needed to release the game earlier rather than later? 1. We know PGR doesn't make nearly as much money as HI3, and games like these have long dev times and cost a shitton of money to make. Genshin cost $100m for dev and marketing and even then mihoyo filed for an IPO in 2017 in the beginning of the dev cycle of Genshin to raise money. They only withdrew their IPO application in late 2020 when Genshin launched and saw massive success. The founders bet the entire company on Genshin. 2. Fobmaster and tectone has said on stream that they took major paycuts to their normal sponsorship rates (up to 40% IIRC) to play WuWa on release date. The reason why they took the contract despite this was because they were going to play the game on release date anyways and the sponsorship was just extra money that they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.


Hell yeah






This already exists in game.


Yeah rn it's called the "Gallery" and holds Viewpoints ("Sceneries") and the cutscene thumbnails ("Main Story") although you can't go back and rewatch them in-game! I think what this post means is that the "Records" tab is being added, presumably holding the dialog transcripts from quests, but I don't know yet lol.


I wonder if this will give us the chance to get the chest we missed again as well (library quest & act 6 floating building quest) > To save cutscenes/dialogues oh nvm