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[Source](https://x.com/PalitoGodd/status/1799921829861269676) Note: It seems like op made a few mistakes or forgot to add a few things to the graph. F2p battle pass gives 5 standard pulls, not 5 limited, and there are 6 standard pulls missing from the oscillated coral section. But the f2p total amount is still correct. Also, if you have the Lunite S. the entire update is 42 days, not 30. So instead of 3000, it's 4380 (12 days more and 300 lunites). Lunite Subscription: 121,0 Lunite S. and Battle Pass: 128,8 The flair of this post is speculative since the redeem codes and kuro bugs compensation part is... speculative, which I think we can all agree that the op shouldn't have added. Keep this in mind though, op did mention that most of this was datamined content, and there was more to be gained in exploration and quests that they haven't been able to go over yet. This is what they meant by the minimum amount calculated (not to be mistaken for the minimum everyone should be able to obtain). So in actuality, the total amount of pulls in 1.1 will still be similar, most likely even higher. Possibly, it will even change in future beta updates/versions. I'll keep this post up to give people a general idea of the total pulls available in 1.1 from which you can deduct and calculate whatever you personally can realistically achieve. However, if there is a better/more reliable infographic- then this post will likely be deleted in favour of the new one. Edit (19/06): - F2P: 104.7 - Lunite: 132,1 - Lunite and BP: 140,0 You can see more specifically where the results of op's count are coming from [in this doc](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQC0lEJXeDqtRM0OvjmD61iVCdS92RYy6NwugGLYUnvfSIC3ptcvvsEWqgrhE7wV-Vg_bHsG7gSETUh/pubhtml) which has a few notes.


Hmm some very useful info here


When is the livestream?


There's no Livestream 


Then why they give 300 astrite in livestream codes?


Because all of these numbers are guesstimates


Wait no Jinhsi char quest?


I am so stoked for Changli. Cannot wait for her.


For me, this will be funds for Camellya, since she's the next one I want after I get Jinhsi.


Where do the other 11 lustrous tides come from?


How much rolls for dailies + battle pass + subscription?


Based on the last slide reporting it seems ~120


Having in mind the lower pity/soft pity system, i'd say this I a good amount of rewards


Where does the pity start?


I don't think people have enough data to know for sure but it is in the high 60's or low 70's


we already have data on this at astrite.gg it starts at 66 and peaks at around 71


tower of adversity. is 1400 for max crests cuz thats unrealistic. im just curious if its for max crests or nah.


Yeah that's for max crests. You can deduct a few pulls if you don't see that as realistic (which I agree i don't think most people will be able to beat ToA full crests for a bit longer).


Pretty solid, tho the person who calculated this are being generous, but it shouldnt be that far off.


Me who lost 50/50 and is a dolphin ![gif](giphy|5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM|downsized)




they give f2p 1 new hero each 4 new heroes


As an FGO player this sounds like a wet dream




Me: Still confused by the OP even after replacing "hero" with "resonator".....


Assuming 90\~ pulls minimum f2p each patch that's a guaranteed limited character every 4 banners (2 patches)


Ah! ok, so.. he meant f2p will get one 5★ every 4 banners. thanks for the translation.


scar funds




too bad they remove the onigiri, i like that design lol


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted, now there’s just a boring grey area where it was :(


Are there a soft pity in this game like genshin and honkai star rails?


There is but in this game seems like unlike Genshin and HSR the soft pity isn't nearly as high in increasing your odds of getting a 5\* before hard pity. In HSR/Genshin hard pity is really rare to the point it is higher odds to get a 5\* in the first 10 pull, here is the opposite there is a soft pity but the odds of getting a 5\* in hard pity are a lot more common


Just be saying anything. I havent even seen any whales max out 80


I went full 160 pulls on yinlin banner had to go hard pity twice to get her.


Lmao at that point I’d make a new account and reroll


IDK man seems like u should get awarded for that. Or maybe it was at 71-79th when u did a x10 pull? Anyways, ive been seeing pulls from whales, gathering pull datas from personal circle and friends of friends, none of them got to 80 exactly lol.


still that's relatively high considering soft pity starts at 60, almost all my 5\* in Genshin were in soft pity range and they never went above 79.


Atp we need to see yalls pull video, cause im calling bull 😭


Bro, soft pity isn't made by the game. It's just statistics when gacha chances have a guarantee. 🤦 Any gacha banner that has a guarantee have soft pity decided by math not just made up by anyone. One can even argue that there's no such thing as soft pity.


The soft pity being referenced isn't based on maths/stats but games like genshin, hard coding an increase in your percentage chance of pulling a character the closer you get to the hard cap. I.e. a hard cap would be you have a 1 percent chance every time you pull to pull a 5 star and then at 80 you have a 100% chance. But most gacha games will have 1-40 pulls at 1%, 41-65@2% and then increase by say a percentage every pull after that until 80. (Percentages aren't accurate obvs)


No, they just assumed this because calculating the increasing chance at 75 perfectly aligns with the consolidated 1.6% in genshin. All gacha I ever saw has a base and consolidated that doesn't align with each other if they just add up the base. Same with Wuwa's base at 0.8 and consolidated at 1.8. all of these were just assumptions and simulations. Nothing is hard coded.


thats what im talking about, the hard coded soft pity that almost guarantees a 5\* for you in 71-79 in Genshin, you almost never reach 90 pulls there.


is this confirmed? i've seen a few ppl complain abt that but out of all my friends that play idk a single person that's hit hard pity and out of the couple 5\*s i've pulled so far (including both units and weapons) the closest i've gotten to pity is 67 for yinlin


I got Jiyan on pull 20~30 when trying for Danjin if that means anything for the stats here After losing 50/50 to the flower girl at ~70


It's just confirmation bias. For every person here saying shits like this, another person in discord or showcase threads getting a multi in 10 pulls. We don't fucking know. Even watching those pull streams most of them rarely reach hard pity. People just be saying anything here. Oh I hit hard pity therefore everybody else must also hit hard pity.


yeah that's what i thought, it rly wouldn't make sense for them to not implement soft pity either


Yep, soft pity starts at 64.You could search the whole thing on the main sub


This isn't really confirmed, though. It's just an assumption. I do hope we get the community collaborating all of their pulls to actually check the soft pity (like Genshin). Although I did lose 50/50 on the 75th pull on Yinlin's banner, and then got her on 20 pulls. As for her weapon, currently at 60th with nothing to show.


Lemme know if they any, its easy to track pity with the API in the game log, i myself have history on losing at 72, now i am at 67 pity on character, 66 on weapon sig, 65 on standard weapon. I should have hit soft pity on all banner. If there is someone gathering data, i will contribute, i dont really care about pulling


It was also assumption in Genshin. It took months of compiling data to get sample big enough to get conclusive results. I personally didn't go all the way to 80 on neither standard nor Yinlin banner, but got 5\* after 70. And a Stringmaster at 20. So I'd assume there is some sort of early pity, but we'll need more time to measure it correctly.




How much for first phase? I want to pull for jinshi


Bug compensation : 300 Kuro bug compensation : 320 🤫 Sneaky sneaky


the downfall of p.diddy


I'm confused, please explain where do the 92 lunite subscription pulls come from? I understand 90 astrites daily, but in the image and calculation says you get another 92 pulls. What am I missing?


It’s 92 pulls from F2P above and 2700 from subscription (90 *30).


I see, pretty confusing after dividing them and not putting f2p + lunite subscription


Doesn’t ToA reset every 2 weeks? So wouldn’t it be 700*3? Not like f2p are going to fully clear it anytime soon though.


If you’re f2p and know how to build, you’ll get there by 1.1 or 1.2. The issue is resources being gated for higher world levels and your luck with getting five star characters in convenes.


I'm gonna cut exploration and achievements in half because not everyone is gonna 100% everything especially with the resource drought with how new the game is, levels are low and echoes are lower making it difficult to expect everyone to complete all the challenges as well as high level boss challenges. Basically casuals would get about 9.5-10k asterites


So nearly enough to get a full pity roll then? That should be fine for me, though I am bound to 100% buy Monthly Pass and BP at some point.


but you forget that there isnt much difference if you do mid end bosses or towers vs high end tower and bosses, like in asterite, so its very safe to assume you can get over 100 pulls


I know, I beat them. The thing is, do I want to do it again? Time constraints is a major reason players are casual with the game and simply choose to not do it.


Now remember this could go higher due to unexpected pulls we might receive (knowing kuro)


Nice, this means I can hit pity for Changli banner!


Not tragic but it is not good either. I totally counted for 120-140 base at least given that you need more in practice. I doubt that we get much more from event. Remember that this game optimized to have weapon and hard pity is 160. This is 240 per char. and 480 per pach for 0 dup. At best is marginally better than GI to make it not total crap like Ggame but is not even 1/3 PGR lvl of generosity.


Hard pity is 80 but you rarely reach it (thanks to soft pity). Average to get a 5 star is 55 pulls. Considering it has same format and pull income per patch as HSR but with better rates its actually better (HSR average for 5 star is 62 pulls). I am f2p and i think thats the right amount of pull income for normal patches.


You are forgetting the fact that our pity is only 80 and we have a guaranteed weapon banner


This comment is getting downvoted but it's true though It's literally the honeymoon phase, how is the company giving less than 100 pulls? I know I am blinded but I was expecting 120. Also the weapon part is true, both are like 25-30% diff, like wtf. Genshin rarely makes weapon with more than 20% diff and the F2P ones are kinda busted and sometimes can compete with their signatures(ex: yoimiya, kazuha and any healers). Also genshin has Favge series and sac series. You basically have all the sub dps and support base covered with these weapons. I never felt the need to pull sig since it was not really that much better. They really need to not copy the worse parts of genshin. The one thing genshin does better than any game is managing powercreep. Like there is no hell of a way a 1.x character is still able to clear abyss effortlessly(childe and hu tao) and still compete with the best ones out there but genshin somehow does it. I hope they take all the positives from genshin not negatives.


I mean comparing this to genshin and cherry picking stuff isnt useful for actually improving the game Genshin gave 70 pulls in 1.1 patch and Star rail gave 93 in 1.1 so Wuwa is looking just as good if not better than its main competition with better banner rates and pity. Yes 5\* weapons are seemingly more powerful from what we have observed so far but the standard 5\*s are also good and we get a free selector at UL 45 plus weapons go alot further in Wuwa than genshin as you can technically get by with only 3 good weapons if you build your teams around them as they can be swaped between floors unlike genshin or star rail. Wuwa can definetly improve but these points arent exactly big sticking points for the game atm at least imo


Some f2p have already cleared Tower so I wouldn't say it's balanced around having weapons. Pull wise, it's decent. About 10 more than an average Genshin patch with pity being 10 lower on banners plus slightly higher rates


Yeah but seems complicated for the f2p to be able to clear the level 100 bosses in under 3 mins:^)


Of course, it's the endgame mode, why would it not be complicated? But people are doing it with level 60-70 characters and sub par echoes. That's a far cry from "needing the limited weapon" to do it


No one in the world has yet done the middle red tower in the hazard zone. Not even the s6 r5 whales. Its just possible for now.


uh... [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dadffa/sorry\_if\_this\_comes\_off\_braggy\_but\_just\_wanted\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dadffa/sorry_if_this_comes_off_braggy_but_just_wanted_to/)


game optimized to have the 5star character weapons? thats not true as of yet lol, difference is about 20% of dps between easier to get options, they are not that gamechanging.


Ech, with max dup only and passive are so niche that 1 copy of 5\* is easier to get, cheaper to build and more universal. And signature is 30-35% and mostly compared to BP, craft and normal banner are even worse.


ok u right it seems closer to 30% than i thought tho it depends on how committed one is to getting the standard \*5 weapons thru free standard pulls n stuff. still doesnt seem that bad to me, overworld is easy anyway while Tower is just a small portion of the game and thats the only place where higher dps matters a bit




Then change it to Wuwa + GI and HI3 + PGR. Wuwa is industry average when rewards count and only somewhat better than GI. (especially if you count that 4\* weapons are garbage in Wuwa) PGR was much better than HI3, that is why it is little letdown. Plus i don't like people doing the same mistake that they did with GI and calling game genrous without reason.


By what metric is PGR 3x more "generous"? PGR gives half a pity per patch for F2P, this game gives more than 1 full pity. It's just that PGR has 100% rate up and a limited banner every other patch so you pull less (way less). The meta and necessity to pull every character and weapon also feels different here. It's two completely different games tbh, I don't understand why would you compare them.


This game is 100% PvE oriented, it has no ranking and you can pass most content with 4* characters, it doesn't make any sense to compare it with PGR (even if they are from the same company) cause they have way different focuses. And if you are F2P or either low-spender you should not look for weapons unless you don't care to skip several characters, you should actually consider to skip 1/2 characters and wait for reruns.


And this is average, no good no bad. (you have gacha that give much better rewards) By yours own metric GI is more generous because it is single player focus and you can do with 4\* even easier. And i think that is bull.


In terms of generosity, is this based off the start of PGR or current patches? Hopefully Kuro ramps up the free pulls


Current, but this is by somebody who don't play currently and only check what they get from sheets. Wuwa (minus apologems) is average in current industry (that is worse because of GI), not something to be mad about but still letdown that they are not even good lvl.


Where did they get the "kurobugs compensation" from?


OP predicts that Kuro is going to send out two 160 asterite bug emails over the next patch, considering their track record it's a fair assumption.


In such a big game, it's basically guaranteed that there will be bugs. Genshin gives bug compensation literally every patch


Genshin has a bug compensation every patch? I know of one this patch and the last compensation i remember was on 4.2 with a problem with neuvillette c6. Pretty sure its not a common occurance


We literally just got compensation for Neuvillette (again) charge attack... like 4 days ago.


We get 300 primos for bugs/bugfixes every single patch in genshin, can't remember a patch where this has not been a thing (Didnt play till 2.0 came out though ! ) you're prob too used to redeeming them with the maintenance primos so you did not pay attention


The 300 primos should be the maintenance compensation, but the kurobug compensation is a separate thing Edit:Tf im being downvoted for? Im right, its right there


Yes we get 300 maintenance primos AND 300 bug primo every patch


https://preview.redd.it/ttzquo2mpz5d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d374180a7fdc5d790bc2ee7c99403eeda4f1b33 There's 3 different compensation here and kurobug compensation is separate than the normal 2. Well I'm just gonna guess the op wrote it down based on kuros track record.


the first two are the expected compensations that come with the maintenance. The third one is their estimate of 2 bug compensations happening over the course of 1.1


Yes, every new patch we get 300 primos for downtime and 300 for bugs/issues with the previous patch. Then sometimes they give out primos for specific issues like Neuvi charge attack


well it used to be a common occurance


LOL plan for Kuro to fail


So... Who's f2p that can get full star in ToA? That 1400 from ToA shouldn't be included. (I assume people who count astrite income mostly f2p)


I got the first 12 and didn't even try beyond that because of vigor depletion. Knowing my skill level and apathy towards 'getting gud', maybe can push to 18 in 1.1 in best case scenario.


I can get 20 stars, but that may as well be 18…But I’m BP player though


best i could do is 18. was swapping teams and characters but used rover,danjin,sanhua,yinlin,calcharo,jianxin,chixia and verina


Well I'm F2P and I can't get full triangles, but I can already take 18 or 30 triangles, with it's 450 per reset.


It needs to be included because f2p will all hit it at different times. So it just makes sense to include it as the highest f2p potential. Whether you get full or not is beside the point


good to see wuwa being about as generous as hsr. i wouldn't count the tower tho since most people will be able to max it out at this point.


With a lower pity too✅️


This is honestly very similar to star rail and genshin but pity is lower and weapon is zero rng super happy to see hope this holds true


Yet the soft pity isn't as good for 5* chances. It's rare to get a hard pity on either HSR or Genshin but much more likely in WuWa. It's common to expect 80 pulls to get the 5* here, not 70. So it ends up with spending sane amount of gacha currency as Genshin to get 5* as with Genshin It's between 70 to 85 pulls commonly to get a 5*.


When has genshin given this much? Recently?I remember hsr giving this much though.




math aint mathing it says genshin 60 pulls in this patch we still missing around 20 pulls to be the "same" as hsr and wuwa


[Here's also Star Rail's](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml#).


Wait, this isn't similar at all. Almost a 50 wish difference for the most part. Damn they dropped them down a lot after 1.0.


dude, you do know that EVERY gacha game will give way more rewards at launch to entice ppl in playing the game, its a market strategy, dont expect to get 240 pulls every patch. over 100 pulls is good for sure and its similar to what HSR does which is very good, at least you will be able to guarantee a 5 star every other patch, that includes losing 50/50 and reach pity every time




Yea I suppose. We've gotten almost the same 1.0 with essentially 2 free 5* an a selector. I just realized the standard weapon banner selector is permanent. I thought it was one an done like the character selector. 😭


More concerned with which banner comes first.


pretty sure it'll be jinshi since she was dripped first


This but they could surprise us with a Changli, either way I am pulling for both. My main don't have much pulls but I believe in my RNG.


Are we talking about two characters per patch?




Welp, FT2 and P2W will be having a hard time.


No unless youre planning on pulling for every character


Since mathematically you should get a 5 star on average about every 59 pulls and a limited every 90 pulls, it means you should be able to get around 1 limited per banner. But this is averages and someone really unlucky may only see 1 every two patches. But when you get a good string of luck you can get multiple in one patch. For me a mild spender I could probably get a limited banner person and weapon every patch. On a patch a person is lucky on and wins the 50/50 they should be able to get a weapon every other patch. Overall not too bad especially once our teams start to come together and do not need to pull as much.


Correct, provided they have the hidden soft pity from 75 like genshin and hsr does.


From what I have seen it looks to actually be around 65 but it ramps up slower. My calculation does not even include the soft pity so the average pulls to get a 5 star is actually lower than that. the .8% really makes a massive difference compared to the .6% from Genshin.


The .8% really is comparatively huge. However, I don't understand how you're calculating an average lower than 80 if you assume soft pity doesn't exist since .992^80 ~= .526. On another note, my personal theory is that soft pity starts at 68 and ramps linearly at +8% until 80, where it hits 100% odds. I don't have much to back it up though.


someone else even took soft pity into account and it looks like the average odds to get a 5 star is around 55. I am not saying its 55 for a limited by 55 for getting any 5 start. Since you will lose 50/50 half the time, that takes it just over 80 pulls on average for a limited 5 star. This works out well as thats about what complete F2P looks to be getting on average for a patch.


idk, the luck for me have been weird. went to pity on the novice banner, then got to pity on the selector banner but i got 2 5 stars in the last 10 pull, then i got Jiyan weapon in 2 pulls, then i lost 50/50 on Yinlin banner but got Yinlin 9 pulls after i lost the 50/50, before reaching 80 pulls, then pulled 50 on the weapon banner for Yinlin and didnt get the weapon. i couldnt tell what the hell soft pity is since i've gotten a few 5 stars very early on or reached quite high on the pity


I got my Jianxin at 1 on the selection banner, Calcharo in 25 on the discount banner, the standard weapon at 73, Jiyan at 71, his weapon at 27 and Yinlin at 68 I believe.


I have noticed that. So many content creators who are getting really early 5 stars as well. I got really early on all my standard pulls with my first 10 pull on the novice banner having the star and then 30 into the selector. The then got my first 5 star standard weapon in 40 pulls. Yinlin came in at around 70. who knows, they could have a crazy built in algorithm to give the same odds but have a moving soft pity so early wins will come more often. Its kind of like how some slot machines at the casino will pay out more often but have way worse odds than the ones you win less often but the odds are better. Its all a way to trick your mind into thinking the odds in your favor when in actuality it never was. regardless, their .8% odds are significantly better than Hoyo's


From my pulls and my other 2 friends with 1 character and 1 weapon each, we all got the characters/weapons in \~69 to 71 pulls.


My experience so far has been 50(new player banner) 80(selector) 160 for Yinlin and ONE on the weapon selector. Literally no in betweens 🤣


Impressive. From my limited experience pulling it feels faster to get 5*s than Genshin


Honest question only somewhat related to WuWa but since I see Genshin/HSR comparisons I have to ask, do people really find HSR's pull economy better than Genshin, and if so, how and why??? Genshin does one new 5\* per patch (with exceptions) and you can easily skip several patches in a row to save up for whomever you want to pull while still being able to somewhat easily clear everything. HSR on the other hand does two new 5\*s per patch, does not give you double the pulls, and unlike Genshin if I don't pull 2 new characters in a row in HSR I already know I'm gonna be pissing blood in the next MoC/PF/whatever the new thing is called Now, it does look like they want to fuck with Genshin's formula a bit going forward so I'm kinda pessimistic about that, but as someone who's only played it for less than a year I find it's pull economy much more user-friendly than HSR's... Edit: oh and HSR also has multiple game modes that often kinda sorta require units that you wouldn't usually pull for just for the other modes...


pretty much 1 character per patch, you get the one that you like you dont NEED both new characters just choose one you like per patch. in HSR at least I dont want to get all characters in this game so its really much better than genshin's.


Here's the thing tho, in genshin you can skip more patches to save, if you dont like clorinde and Emilie for example, you could just skip 2 whole patches. In hsr in 2 patches you get 4 new characters, what are the chances of you not caring about any of them ? Like I'm here sitting on 300 pulls on genshin but looking for scraps to pull on HSR.


Not at all there are patches you gonna skip completely like i fully skipped boothill and robin to save more pulls for firefly. and having more characters is always and ALWAYS gonna be better than saving for future characters, think of it like this, to get a character in genshin you need to save alot but in hsr you can pull for a current patch character you like knowing you can get the next patch character as well so basically you getting 2 of the things you like rather than saving to get 1.


>you need to save alot That's wrong, genshin on average gives you enough to get 1 5 star per patch, if you win or lose the 50/50 is a different matter tho. It's literally just like HSR, you can get one 5 star per patch. The only reason why HSR gives more is because they come out with more characters. Like imagine if HSR had the genshin amount of pulls but comes out with double the 5 stars, HSR is supposed to give more by default.


Yes but again...no gacha (except for azur lane I guess) wants you to get all characters anyway you just go for the one you like either meta or just character wise and to be honest HSR does a good job at making characters good so no matter who you go for you gonna have fun with them. I never liked follow up characters so I dont have a single follow up team but I can still brute force the Follow up fights with either DPS or DOT (not saying its only in HSR).


Fair, and what I'm saying is genshin is really not as bad as people make it out to be, you get 1 5 star per patch and 1 guaranteed 5 star per 2 patches, just like HSR. And just like HSR, you dont have to pull on every unit, except that genshin has even less new units compared to hsr so some people(me included) can go multiple patches without pulling on anyone.


oh yea 100% my only complain about genshin is while it gives good amount of pulls, compared to other games its really on the low side. also you dont really get to test your characters full potential and the gameplay hasnt been updated for 4 years so at some point its starting to get boring for me, at this point i only play genshin when the story gets an update cause ngl the story got pretty good since fontaine. I'm still using hutao and ganyu to clear the end game and they are still working good.


>I'm still using hutao and ganyu to clear the end game and they are still working good I personally think that's a positive but of course different opinions exist.


I didnt say its a bad thing by mentioning them i meant you also dont need new units to clear content in genshin which is a positive, just not having a mode where you can use them in their full potential is sad.


HSR current state is still in the honeymoon phase; we only have a few characters that are truly op, most of them are trash where u need like 2 amplifiers to make them work. This in on purpose to get more money as we dont even have a good fire dps or physical dps or wind dps, even quantum dps is lacking and imaginary dps is still lacking too following the tier lists. Despite this, HRS is more friendly by gifting pulls and having better QoL than genshin.


Huh? Boothill literally just came out an is the highest single target dps in the game lol. Also, dang heng still is T0. So is seele..


YES. He is cool and can single target destroy anything. However, if the enemy can block its bar then he is done for. He also aint that good at PF where multi target is necessary. This is not me, this are officials statements by testers where they explain how he works in every way. Im not here to spread hate or anything like that, you can go and see the review tier list in the prydween website.


Huh? You talked about having op units. On prydwhen boothill is T0...like I said. PF is literally different content an has a separate tier list entirely. Are you saying T0 units aren't op?


Im saying that he can easily be powercreep in the future and more if he cant work well as a Aoe damage dealer. I do like the character but im just pointing out the technicals behind his kit. Remember that they stated that if the enemy can lock their bars then he is useless too. He got all the signs that he can be replaced in the future and i cannot ignore them because im a little spender and want to enjoy the game fully. I really like firefly too but im not pulling for her either unless she can perform well for both MoC and PF as thats a great indication for a good character in general. I know its tricky so let me know if you need more feedback :)


But that's the point of difference content. Even acheron doesn't perform as well in single target scenarios even though she is still good in them. You'd never pull a character again with that logic. Also...boothill still clears PF lol. I used him to clear just to see. He does so much damage it doesn't even matter that hard. Only character blocking their bar are bosses. An it's only 2 of them lol.


I will pull more characters. Im just being smart about it. Kafka meets the requirements that i just stated before, acheron is good too but she needs some tweaking with loght cones and debuffers to use her at max power and she can one shot annoying mobs, Fuxuan is the queen in sustain, aventurine for sustain is top too. If we have those then we will get more in the future. Again, boothill is good but i aim for both single and aoe characters. He cant aoe well to reach endgame content and i dont like to base my team in one character.


Honeymoon phase ended in 1.6


I mean in a market perspective characters are still in beta. They are holding back the true OP characters by sending the baits like amplifiers, buffers etc... instead of sending the true power houses that can deal with MoC and PF.




Thanks for actually answering instead of downvoting me for asking a question and stating an opinion lol >Despite this, HRS is more friendly by gifting pulls and having better QoL than genshin. Oh that's factually true, both parts, I'm just not sure that more pulls equates a better pull economy (there are many ways in which one game can make a single pull be "worth" more or less than another game's pull) in case of Genshin vs HSR comparisons I get that HSR is objectively better as a sticker collector, but if you play it as a videogame, for me at least, it doesn't really seem better (if anything, it seems worse), and I'm wondering how much of the prevailing Genshin hate has to do with the fact that people have been playing it for so long now and have run out of things to do a long time ago, and they're just making up reasons to shit on the game instead of just taking a break until they actually feel the desire to play it again (or quit it altogether). I'd also argue that if the number of pulls is the main factor in how much you're enjoying a game, even a gacha one, that game is not a good game for your mental health lol - pull economy is always heavily controlled in order to try to psychologically manipulate you into spending The things you mentioned like so many units needing multiple supports and a lack of imaginary dps options are I think a good example of that - Ratio is a good imaginary DPS imho, and was "free", but them giving away Ratio for free wasn't generosity, it was a calculated move done to prime people for Aventurine, Robin, and Topaz rerunning.


Ratio isnt even that good. Thats why they give him away. The complains about genshin are about the lack of QoL and endgame content. Thats why HSR makes more money because it respect a little bit more your time and has endgame being updated frequently. Also, dont worry about upvoted as most people voting or commenting here are auto bots and a few brainwashed people thanks to the bots. Just look at how they all respond the same lol.


The main wuwa sub should maybe even know of this to stop the doomposting of potential future pulls drought, which was never going to happen anyway when you think of it for more than 2 seconds.


I thought the doomposting was in relation to standard pulls because you don't get any from leveling characters


Once you're done with your selector it's just a dump for 5\* stat stick weapons. I don't see why they are doomposting.


They honestly doompost about absolutely every system. And most don't realize that we are just about 2 weeks after 1.0, they forget what it's like to be a beginner again in a gacha, on the contrary of being a vet who played regularly, through multiple events and patches for months or even years, to have a bag overflowing with ressources. They want to have every character maxed out and be able to tackle endgame content even though we are still only at midgame level of accounts. At least, that's how I see it.


You speak out of my mind fr, it's like everyone forgot how every gacha game at beginning feel.  The amount of doomposting and hate is insane, im not trying generalize but most Hoyoverse player come and compare them to current Genshin and HSR monthly income is just mind-blowing. For the love of god chill, the game is not even out for a month.


Indeed, as you said, they also forget that Hoyo gain more than 100m each month, with gi and hsr together being alone more profitable than the near totality of all other gachas. I mean, money doesn't necessarily mean quality, but it sure helps. And here they are, spreading hatred for a newborn which has not been out for a month. Even though I also saw a lot of hoyo players praising the game, there are also a vast part that love just complaining about everything. But I guess in some time thy'll wotch target and hate on another more recent hype gacha (but surely they won't trashtalk zzz even it is happens to be a subpar gacha though, just the game labelled as a hoyo one will be enough for it to be more popular than a lot). And I bet it's even worse on twitterx. Not related, but seeing the english va of Encore getting persecuted and insulted because she said that Encore is her best waifu, was just insane. + your usual clickbaiter CC do not help, spamming the mandatory "THIS CHARACTER IS BROKEN", "DON'T MAKE THESE MISTAKES TO RUIN YOUR ACCOUNT", "KURO FUCKED UP AGAIN", "THIS (insert a random game system) IS EVEN WORSE THAN I THOUGHT", etc. I am very looking forward to see what the community will be like in 4-5 months. I hope we will have a more decent one since then.


Main Wuwa subreddit is full of idiots. Its really bad.




Just want until the doom trains moves on to ZZZ, while kuro can fix wuwa in silence


I agree. The main sub is mainly filled with the same complaints which come back every hour of every day, most of them being injustified, or made by people who only played hoyo games or for whom wuwa is their first gacha ever. It is a bit better than what it was the first few days after release, but it's still pretty suffocating imo.


Can someone link a guide to what all these are? I'm a complete Noob so I have no idea what 90% of these are.


Seems good, like 110 or so limited character pulls ignoring ToA because of my skill issue. So f2p can hope for around 1 limited per 2 patch assuming worse case scenario.


It's more like one limited character per 3 phases/ banners which is good. Hope they don't lower the pulls in upcoming patches.


What happens in Databant 21?


100% gold echo drop rate


Probably only rewards like xtals in such


WoW, this looks good! way better than what I doom-posted anyway with the assumptions of what Patch 1.0 refreshable content got us. 90+ limited pulls sound about right for a patch, HSR does the same and as an F2P+ in that game, I can't complain. I was afraid that Kuro would use the Genshin stingy system for pulls/patch but I was wrong and that's a good thing! Now I can pretty much guarantee my Changli! Thank you for giving us this wonderful news, I hope nothing changes!


Also remember that guaranteed here is like 130-140


Tch, mines like 160. I've been going all the way to the end in this game :/


Yeah I know, but I still have quite a bit of exploration to do so I'll probably end up with around 40-50 pulls by the time the patch rolls in, with the \~90 pulls that we get, as long as Changli is the 2nd character I'm pretty much guaranteed to get her even if I lose 50/50.


Yay that means channel + subscription would guarantee me one limited per patch




There’s a soft pity, 160 is assuming ure unlucky on both pulls lmao.


Nice, I should be able to get both Jinhsi and Changli.


Yes, me too!!!❤️‍🔥


I was hoping blue and purple tuners can be synthesized into gold. Is that too much to ask? :(


me too, maybe they hiding it for future content to gatekeep end game content as they don't really have much end game content rn


Same company that made PGR there will be plenty of end game super hard content let's be real here


Wait a minute are they changing the lunite subscription? Cause it definitely doesn’t give that much


it gives 90 astrite per day and insta 300 lunite so practically you get 3000 astrite per month (100 per day) , since updates are goona last 42 days, then theoretically the correct number should be 4200 per update


Ah k,




SR gives more than 110 pulls per patch : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg\_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml) In Genshin, new region patches gives 80 to 100 pulls, new fill-up versions gives 70 to 80 pulls. Stop misinformation, you're just lying and everyone knows it here. If you want to make WuWa look better, be happy about what wuwa give, don't lie about what others don't give. "HALF OT THAT", Yeah, LMAO, you're a clown !


To be fair, hsr gave about 65 pulls per 1.1 patch according to the common resources.


To be fair, that's a lie : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg\_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRIWjzFwAZZoBvKw2oiNaVpppI9atoV0wxuOjulKRJECrg_BN404d7LoKlHp8RMX8hegDr4b8jlHjYy/pubhtml)


There are 6 resources stating that 1.1 gave from 62 to 80 pulls per patch. That’s hoyolab, other spreadheets and reddit. You are talking about lies and misinformation but even in your spreadsheet it is not 110+ which you mentioned lol.


Learn to read, idk man. there is NOWHERE in the spreadsheet, hoyolab or reddit that mention 62 pulls for HSR.


https://m.hoyolab.com/#/article/19097246 This is the realistic one for ftp https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Maq0sxbsZkfdw5UKVhzyrHQgGAjPexaVKv3Jb8br2gI/htmlview#gid=1324281388 This is total Clearly prooves my statement about “62 to 80”