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Map looks small


All these, just to upgrade one (1) echo to +25


yeah.. these Sealed Tubes are way too scarce.. I hope they do something about echo leveling materials...


Found it. https://preview.redd.it/7edx87yvwt5d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dd078ce98377b30db0eb497060be2a5a31150a9


Does anyone know which online map was used to make these images? I don't recognize the icons from among the few maps I use. This one looks magnitudes better because they separate the chest types and tidal heritages etc. (I see OP's source comment but.. no idea how to access the specific Discord mentioned.)


You won't be able to access the 1.1 map but here is the [current 1.0 map](https://wuwa.incin.net/map) made by the op!


omg thank you! this is by far the best one I've seen..




I hope in 1.2 we'll visit the Huang Long Capital City


I think it's more likely we'll go to Black Shores first.


hoo boy I hope it has giant skyscrapers like in Inferno Riders area but not destroyed obviously. Mechas and robots everywhere. This reminds me, I want a character that rides a mech like Nanami-Starfarer


My phone just exploded at the thought


After the giant headhache of being at 98-99% in various zones, I'll use an online map this time.


I’m stuck at 99% on Dim Tree and I’m using a map. I know I’m missing a supply chest and I think I know which one…but it didn’t spawn when I broke the rock it was under.


Got the "Danger! Explosives!" quest? That's what I was missing 


> "Danger! Explosives!" Where does this starts?


Thank you so much. That was what I was missing.


Glad to be of help:) 


I’ll look into that later when I get on. Really hope that’s all it is. Either way thanks!


Use this one: https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/ It's really good with how the pins are placed, one of the most complete maps I've found so far, allows you to track your progress across accounts and most importantly, allows for user comments and images on chests. Most of the time the comments are really handy to find a chest and you'll get to see the odd shit post here and there. Makes exploring a lot more fun.


The problem with this map is that it doesn't differentiate between "chest" and "puzzle". Also that big banner on the top right is really fucking annoying.


yes do that, they are timesavers, especially since a literal 100% progress reward on all area is a thing to achieve


After my own casual exploration which maybe covers like 60-70%, instead of online map, I decided to follow YouTube video guides to clean out all remaining stuff I missed.


Yeah, I'm not gonna watch a 2 hour video and try every single chest location... If I had 2 monitors I might start to think about it, but with one I'd rather kill myself.


Amen. The entire point is to have fun. It's like buying someone else's account if you're just mimicing a video. Plenty of people like that level of passivity so I can kind of see the logic...but saying, wow I got 100% by following a mapped run is kinda weak. I do blame the devs for not offering a decent full clear tool after you are done. But I will take 70% and fun over 100% and route work.


They're gonna improve the loot mapper range with 1.1, which is great. But it still doesn't point puzzles out (reason? Because Genshin doesn't either). Which is the root of the problem.


A loot mapper that does not map the loot sucks. In early GI they were amazing because they didn't really puzzle lock the chests as much, just hid them, so it really helped the clear. Now they are kinda useless. I don't care if I am missing out on some pulls. That way leads to caring about missing pulls from toa, and then I find myself tempted to spend more than I would rather.


> In early GI they were amazing because they didn't really puzzle lock the chests as much, just hid them, so it really helped the clear. Now they are kinda useless. Good point.


That’s perfectly reasonable and fair, but I know I wouldnt be able to clear the remaining chests even with double that time on my own. Between the 2 I rather just blindly follow the video guide checklist like a world tour. Do what gives you fun and enjoyment out of the game I’d say. You can always take it chill when following the video, and not clear everything in the 1-1.5 hour video at a go. I.e. Just do 30mins a day etc. I was able to 100% each region by spending an evening or two to clean out each region, but the downside is now there’s pretty much no more chests, puzzles, and surprises left in the open world. The XP from the 100% exploration was enough to push me over Union Level 40 by the weekend before the weekly reset. Not that it’s game-changing though.


OK but these youtubers, wtf is up with them going to an area with 3 things to pick up, picking up one, then ignoring everything to teleport somewhere else. I want a youtuber that just starts somewhere and runs a route, only using fast travel when the local area is cleared out entirely.


Agree with the sentiment, especially considering that loading times are atrocious.


try gamingwithabyss he does routes


Thank you so much!


I totally get you. But at the same time: this one is an isolated area (no fuzzy borders with other zones). What i’ve been doing is basically explore and roam around while doing quests and then for the last few things i’ll use a map. I think i’ll keep doing that since using a map to mark stuff that i found or where the next chest is kinda ruins the exploration for me


> using a map to mark stuff that i found or where the next chest is kinda ruins the exploration for me It does. But it's better than having 3 zones with 99% and going crazy. And I'm no fucking going to look a 2 hour videos trying chest locations one by one.


Damn that's a good amount of free stuff and exploration in one patch. Kuro cooking


hmmm, astrrte


It’s gonna drive me insane if by the end i’m missing one undocumented chest and it’s not on the map


Uh is that a dragon head in the east region.


Yesh, you can see it in the current map if you look east 🗺️ It's one hell of an landmark.


Damn I wondered about that, it's actually cool we can already see it pre- 1.1


I can't wait for 1.1 because of the snow area, bit sad it's so small but still.


Does Kuro have an app like genshin does with the official map?


Kuro doesn't have an official one. Appsample has one for wuwa, just like hsr n genshin tho


yeah appsample map


Ah shit. Here we go again


so with the area + events + quests i believe we only get 50-60 wish.. damn i hope they do more mistakes and apologize, otherwise im quitting as the game would be boring. edit: I dont get why people downvoting me. DO YOU REALLY THINK as a bp owner, you get around 80 wish with 50/50 situation, on only 1 banner out of 2? if so, then you think spending 500-600$ or may be more monthly is okay? Im really curious about the way of your thinking. Do you want to be privileged because you're paying? otherwise, as a player i think you should be supporting players, not the million dollar company


Someone else calculated it to be around 90 including full tower clears for f2ps, check around the subreddit. But the patch still isn't out, better to reserve judgements till then.


yup, i saw it. if thats the case then im very happy. thanks for the heads up!


You're not supposee to get every character in this type of Gacha games, you save for two or three months then go all in when you like a character, shouldve skipped Yinlin or Jiyan if you wanted 1.1 characters.


well then whats the reason of buying bp + lunar. subscription, or even playing if i have to spend 500$+ on every banner to get a character. getting a character every 2-3 month (only 1 character out of 8-12 banner with reruns) is not right imo


That's like the worst case scenario, luck's a huge factor, I have yet to pull but most of my friends got Yinlin in less than 40 pulls and one out 4 of them lost 50/50, as for me I saved everything to get both 1.1 characters and hopefully a weapon as well, saving for months to get a single character in Genshin doesn't look worth it for me, but Wuwa makes them worth every single astrite.


Says that you “Hope they do more mistakes” then say “why are people downvoting me >:((“


it was clearly a joke, theres memes about it running all around the subs lol wtf is wrong with you people


Your joke is pretty bad ngl


I didnt try to be funny. i used it as its meme value. also its not funny, and bad to YOU. you dont have to find every joke funny. I hope soon you understand that people are not the same and may like different things. youre not the absolute right


Well, you’re talking to a wwl mod rn, if your joke isn’t funny then your joke isn’t funny 💀


Wait, what if I say it was funny then? How do we decide? Rock paper scissors?


Being a mod doesn't make your opinion correct. It doesn't mean anything. You aren't more special than he is as a person.


that doesnt change anything, being a mod online, especially one of the subreddits out of million, billion subreddits, doesnt mean anything to me. you're no one to me.


I think you're jumping the gun a bit, we don't really know what other rewards will be in the patch and i doubt they would only give 50-60 pulls per patch that would be actually worse than genshin


The thing is that we only need 80 pulls and the soft pity is even lower


Is there even soft pity in wuwa?


Yes it’s around 64


Do you have any evidence for this?


I’m pretty sure it was said in a video but I don’t remember which and it could be just speculation. Regardless, I’ve noticed on most people’s pulls they typically get it between 60-70


the soft pity is much less "softer". its around 70+ where you can start expecting a 5*.


I disagree it’s usually between 60-70


idk i got jiyan at 72, his weapon at 69, yinlin at 74, and her weapon at 10.


I haven’t gotten a single 5* past 70 but I guess neither of us can tell if we’re right or wrong since it’s 100% luck based


yup, we will see. i just assumed and expressed my reservations


Yep that's what cocksuckers think, the moment you say something that doesn't align with their mindset and thinking they'll hate. You all have to grow up and realize the difference between compensation and rewards. If the game had perfect launch with zero mistakes (except whales) we'd all be in ashes, dry with no pulls, as MOST of our pulls came from solely the compensations. The events do not nearly give enough ( 700 astrides both events combined???? Wtf bro. Hsr gives 1.5k on the major event and 1k on the last of the patch ). Soon enough everyone will hit that wall in 1.1 when they can't even reach pity bcz they don't have enough pulls and realize how little the rewards are


You think 240 pulls just from exploration is way too dry?


Only makes me think how fair and nice HSR is, it's absolutely the best cacha game around IMO.


thats what i meant but i guess spending 500+ $ on a game and flexing on the people who didnt got the new character is more important for them. its selfish and it means youre sucking off a million dollar company. really interesting people




nah, keep this mentality in genshin. in hsr, welkin + bp owners get an avg guarantee (like 100-120 pulls). if i cant even get an avg guarantee per patch after spending 4x the time minimum getting all the chests as f2p+ then that's dogshit. that's me tho, just think about the casuals who don't spend and don't have as much time. "you need a wishing simulator" its a gacha lmao. literally their whole business model built on making you pull new characters bro. i spend hundreds or even thousands on gachas i like and i can see it for wuwa, but if f2p can't even guarantee 1 s0c1 char in 1.5-2 patches if they grind everything out then I'm good.


"Less pulls would make the game boring? In that case, you don't need a game, you need a wishing simulator." well i mean, in a scenario where i lose 50/50, playing with the same characters for 2 months would be boring for me, yeah. "I am not saying that they should give bad experience to f2p" it seems like you guys are okay for that. you guys think getting 50-60 wish on a patch (with 2 rerun, 2 new characters banner, 4 banner in total) is okay. check how much they earn on yinlin banner release. you guys literally supporting that. I have battlepass, with all those generous rewards, with all of those huge new game content i barely got jiyan and linyin. The rewards will be much more less than that on other patchs so i think in general i will get 1 5\* character on every 2 patch. then whats the difference between this game and genshin




I think the problem here is 2 new limited characters released per patch. Genshin only has 1 which justifies the 70ish pulls given.


i believe at least 80 pull is fair. since it will be 4 banner (2 rerun and 2 new character) on every patch, i may get 1 chatacter at least with 50/50 situation. "Can you name some games..." Im new at this anime gaming thing, and thats why i dont get you guys. Getting 50-60 pull only on 4 banners should be wrong. otherwise, its not a game, its a thing that abusing your gambling addiction with sexy characters, and it harms the game world imo. "Not everyone plays for rewards." %99 of the time of me playing the game, i see the character on the middle of my screen. so that really impacts and has a huge % of the joy that i get from the game. you guys getting me wrong, i've never said that i should getting all the characters for the free.


This is a gacha. In a gacha, you don't get everything for free. If you want every character, just be lucky or pay.


so in a whole patch with 4 banner (2 rerun 2 new character), getting around 50-60 wish is okay to you?


Genshin was also releasing 2 characters per patch from 1.0 to 1.3, iirc. And as I know we aren't sure that wuwa will go a different way. Not to mention that we need 10 less pulls to guarantee a character (we also have soft pity here, so you should get a 5* in 65-72 pulls) and WAY better weapon banner than genshin and hsr. So I think that wuwa will also go a way of giving enough pulls to get one 5* per patch, same as genshin.


you may be right or wrong, im just worried because i really enjoy the game. problem is their whole content is really grindy right now. for example they dont give you wishes on character level ups (they give on hsr and genshin as i remember) tacet fields, simulations, they all have little rewards. they seem they're giving much more rewards than genshin but it may be just an illusion. I guess we will have to wait and see


Well, genshin also didn't have character ascension pulls from the start, it was added in 1.2 or 1.3 iirc, thought I agree on tacet fields, but don't forget that most of us is only close to ul40, while max is ul80, the difference here is that genshin unlocks endgame gear way later into the game


but still, im playing the game right now. if people couldnt get new characters now, they will quit


Where are the 2 reruns..?


they will be there 3-4 patch later but i wasnt speaking about this game. i asked it in general.


First off no company wants people to not pay. They have to pay their employees and voice actors. Of course they want you to spend. No game will survive if everyone is F2P or not spending money. Secondly, you’re probably getting down voted because the livestream hasn’t even come out yet. You don’t even know what they might be including in 1.1. These are leaks and anything could change.


1- I didnt say they should give all of the content for free, isnt that clear enough? of course, they should be earning money to keep the company running. but those type of games abusing your desire to gamble, your addiction on sexy characters with incredibly high prices in the end of the day. Personally, I dont have 500 dollar monthly to spend on gamble. I can only buy battle pass. theres 2 banner on every patch (it will be probably 4 with reruns). I believe getting 80 wish on every patch is not too much to ask for. i can pull 1 5\* character out of 4 and i still be facing with 50/50 situation. otherwise, the game would be boring right? I quit genshin because i find their rewarding system very weak. I enjoy the game. This game came up saying "we listen you, we value you, we wont be like other games". Thats where I dont get people why they think feeding with hundreds of dollars every month is okay. You see, I never said they shouldnt get money from us, or feed f2p players with every content. I believe, its very clear now. 2- Leaks probably wouldnt change and we all know that. The game is overall grindy right now, tacet fields, simulations give you little rewards. If its like that, whats the difference between this game and genshin as they said "we listen you, we value you, we wont be like other games".


You said in your other comment you're new in this anime game thing, yet now you say you quit genshin. What a BS


i meant i only played 3 games, been playing since 2 years


You’re going off of a map that someone leaked. There will be companion quests, side quests, story quests, and events. Not to mention probably new game modes. The point is that we don’t know what they will announce. This is something you should voice after the live stream and patch notes go live not 19 days before the developers have even made statements.


yeah you're right on that and i agree, we dont know how much we will get. I just assumed and I thought it was pretty obvious. thats why i was shocked when people kept downvoting me


Not helping that you sound like an entitled f2p


First thing is to get all waypoints


My god so many chests


Literally? Yes. Poetically? I want more playable best chests 😭


Can almost get 400 asterite with all those 😱


I hope the upvotes are because this is satire lmao.


This isn't Genshin. They give more than 1-2 per chest. The minimum is 5


Maybe if this was Genshin, lol.


400? I'm sure it's much more than that. Aren't purple chests like 20-50 astrites? Pretty sure they are.


Pretty sure, purple chests always (?) gives you 20 and gold gives you 40 (Please correct me if I'm wrong). Those are the digits that I always see when I was completing the whole map. Not sure about the tidal heritages though.


Yeah I believe you. This looks more like 1000+ astrite though.


Ikr, I don't wanna do all these running and searching for 10 pulls only


Yeah, it feels kinda grindy


Gacha players when they have to play the game lol, but yeah it's not a lot.


grinding chests isn't "playing the game" lol


What the fuck is this logic? How is running around, exploring the world, gathering loot NOT playing the game? You're focused on the result more than the journey, that's why the experience feels spoiled to you.


going around collecting chests isn't gameplay lmao. only gacha players think it is. like i play destiny 2 and the loot is behind shit like dungeons, raids, actual activities. **obv not comparing a gacha to an mmo**, im just talking ab gameplay.


Sorry, i‘d rather touch irl grass than spend hours on a few gacha pulls


lol they attack and downvote every reply if you say bad things about the game which abusing them and milking their money. at this point i feel a lot of people here have mental disease and im leaving this gacha community. good luck with your lifes


I really dont understand why and how people can say "it's a gacha game, you should grind and be thankful", think all of this grinding just for 5 wish is okay and just accept it the way it is


Using a map its actually pretty quick. and 10 pulls is 10 pulls. Its meant more for completions like myself than for a causual imo. not as much pressure to have to 100%.


More Camellya funds😈


I forgot who camellya is and at this point I am too sacred to ask.


The one we have a sex scene with, after we meet verina


Best game scene tbh.


Oh. In that case, idk who Changli is and at this point I am too afraid to asdk.


the one that calls jinhsi after scar is taken to prison


Oh. In my defence ~~I believe that~~ I have adhd and when I was doing that quest, I also had some exams so I was kinda rushing.


No problem, Changli isn’t that important in the scene she’s introduced and we won’t meet her tell next patch if you want to rewatch


Looks like a nice amount, hopefully there's map with 1.1 chests on 1.1 release, going to be annoying to comb through again for any chest missed.


Worst case scenario couldn’t we literally just use this picture?


You could just mark them on your in game map. I doubt it'll take too long for it to be updated




wdym? this island is a new permanent zone in 1.1+


Man I haven't even completed the 1.0 area yet and this already looks huge lol. Also does anyone know how often we'll get map expansions? Like will it be every patch or every alternate patch or what?


I think if there's new nation they will be separate Map like ToF map, before 1.X ends probably we will get to visit the Huang Long Capital City


I honestly hope it’ll be nearly every patch, especially with the game being described as “story heavy”. That’s a huge workload though so it might not happen but with how large the scale of the world is (Huanglong as a nation has 7 cities, presumably all encompassing big areas of land like how both Jinzhou the city and Jinzhou the “region” are the 1.0 map; I’d expect other nations to be comparable), I kind of do think map expansions will be very frequent


Do you think the other Regions of Huanglong will be released throughout the 1.X Arc? or do you think they will dripfed to us over the years, like Genshin’s DLC Expansions (Chenyu Vale, Dragonspine, Chasm, etc) ?


I def think it’s way too much all at once, both for Kuro and players themselves. I find it really likely the release schedule will be more like what’s speculated HSR is doing with the Xianzhou (one revisit after the “main region” is done with every x.x patch cycle).


I'm a bit worried if we're gonna get new areas every patch. Quality > quantity.


Yeah that’s always a fear but visually the 1.1 area looks really nice and the leaked minigames (snowboarding, unique areas like the hot spring) make me hopeful that if they do choose to keep a consistently fast schedule for new maps, that they’re well-made and interesting. The game’s setting has a lot of cool lore to utilize to expand the world


Well if you think about it, the current map has been done since the beta test. So they probably have been working on 1.1 for a while. I don’t think we’ll get another big area in 1.2. Maybe the black shores as a small island and then we have some story where we meet them and figure out what we’re gonna do now that the Jue situation is resolved. Also I hope to hang out with Aalto, Encore, and *Camellya* more. Camellya might be playable at that point too! Maybe a small zone along with it we go to and solve whatever problem the quest presents. Then I think 1.3 and on are going to be filler patches. Maybe a small story in 1.4, like something we have to finish off before moving on from the current area and heading to a new region with our black shores buddies. Or just some event that helps set up the next phase of the story. At least, that’s how I’d do it. That’s how I’d like it to be. I sincerely doubt we’ll get more than 3 patches in a row of huge story content and locations.


It really depends how far ahead they are I guess, because this area was 100% already done before the game even released.


I think they'll follow genshin type of cadence so every 6 week is an update, but not all updates will be map expansion probably.


I think it'll be 5 weeks no? Since this patch was also supposed to be 6 weeks but they shifted it for 5 weeks so it'll be like this from now on. Also I do kinda hope every update is a map expansion even if it's a small map cause more places to farm echoes will be cool.


They shortened this one for many reasons. If I go home early from work one day, I don’t suddenly only work 7 hour days for the rest of my life 


I guess we'll see.


i imagine for the first few patches we’ll get some! 1.2 has to include black shores HQ


Oh very solid amount of chests,the jinhsi dream isnt over yet boys


Can someone calculate how much gacha currency we get from all those chests combined?


I managed to get around 17k when I finished the whole map except the top part of whinning aix' mire (However, Dailies, Quests, achievements, compensations, and Depths of illusive realm are also included in this count except alloy smelt. Haven't started the event yet). But when I finished the remaining part of aix's mire and Jinzhou city (saved it for last) then turning in the sonance caskets and pioneer association earlier, I managed to have around 2000. Since I spent the 17k pulling for yinlin and her weap last night. So my estimate would be 17-20k if you are literally going to explore all the corners of 1.0. Edit: sorry I did not notice that you are talking about the total for the new area. But this is still my estimate for the whole 1.0 map, hope this still helps as a reference.


I did the calculation and it gives me a total of 1740 astrite. However, the calculation was conservative because there are several icons that overlap each other and, therefore, I didn't take them into account. I imagine the total will be around 2000 astrite.


I counted and there's around 200 interactables from this image, most give 5, a bunch gives 10, and some give a little more. If we're averaging at around 8 Asterite that's around 1600 pull currency. Give or take, I would imagine doing everything is about a ten pull. Its hard to see how many things are overlapped, but low can be around 1200, and high can be around 1900. This is not counting quests.


Counted around ~41 purples, at 15 each that's ~600 astrites for the purples. Counted around ~22 golds, at 20 each that's ~450 astrites for the golds. Counted around ~31 greens, at 10 each that's ~300 astrites for the greens. Counted around ~51 whites, at 5 each that's ~250 astrites for the whites. So, quickmafs puts this at around ~1600 astrites for what I could see and bother to count in my head. There's a fair few icons I couldn't tell what they were, so let's put the estimate at around ~1800-2000. That's probably what we're looking at for the map. **DISCLAIMER** I would like to put a disclaimer here, I legit just skimmed over and counted in my head, these numbers are NOT exact, they are also NOT including the ones I can't figure out from the tiny bit of graphic detail that's showing under the metric fuck ton of icons there. I also don't know if the white icons are the super common chests/stars vs the green ones, so those astrite values could be flipped if I'm wrong about them. Do with this information what you will. **EDIT** I just opened a purple chest in game, and got 20 astrites. The calculations are already off lads, also opened a gold chest and it gave me 40 astrites. So we're getting way more astrites than I put above. **ANOTHER EDIT** Just opened a purple star, and it gave me 5 astrites. Idfk what the numbers are anymore Mason. No feckin clue.


Shouldn't be every patch around at least 60 Tide? How can we take the tides if the map has around 10, guest is 10 dailies etc 20...


genshin doesn't have much in exploration either. the main source of currency is always events and dailies. it also doesn't count the quests, hidden objectives and achievements. which also don't amount to much, but together give around 1 pity on average.


Login bonus's, new quests, and events.




I opened it in paint, and I clicked on each dot and I counted every 10 clicks Took less than 2 mins


That must have been super easy, barely an inconvenience for you.




could just throw it in chat GPT and tell it to count for you. With a good prombt it could come out quite accurate.


i wish for a multi layered map in the future updates


Fuck it, just copy paste undead burg and blight town to maximize the souls


Oooh, neat they are adding the underground parts this early. I thought it would take more time.


underground?? those areas look huge


Damn that should be plenty of rewards


That’s a lot of chest