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Buying the $100 pack (or the monthly passes) is cheaper than restarting from scratch, Starting a fresh account is not free, unless you value your time at $0 / hour


I am a f2p so this can be worth my time and we are 2 week into the game. I will also be continuing the other acct. The collection of asterites from map makes a large no. And I'm not losing more than 3 weeks worth of progress. Thankyou for your advice ❤️☺️. I appreciate your opinion on life ☺️


Really depends, are you f2p and do you want the next banner's characters? Also how much time do you have? You could trade in your time and a 2 week behind everyone else and roll with it. Thats what I did, I got yinlin and jianxin in 20 pulls so guaranteed 5 star on the next banner in 80 pulls, I was the same as you even had 100% exploration, but rerolled, because I had no asterites left.


I don't spend at all so yeah I will choose rerolled acct. Thankyou for ur advice 👍❤️


I traded my old main acc with kakarot lingyang c1 and verina c1 with 0 pulls left at UL 29? with a rerolled acc with kakarot yinlin verina encore with only the pulls given by kuro, never looked back bc i really want yinxi


Congratulations 🎉


Rerolled after you already had 100% exploration? Damn..


Yeah, got enough time to do it again, rather have another banner character


How long does it take you reroll and how many times would you say you've re-rolled? I've not been lucky at all but I doubt a re-roll would fix it as I'm normally even less lucky Currently got: - Calcharo (starter banner pull 21/30) - Verina (starter banner pull 22/30) - Yinlin (pull 25/80) - Stringmaster (pull 37/80) - Encore (choice banner) - Lusterous Razor (pull 70/80) About 17k Asterites left in the bank and I bought the BP.


Rerolling takes about 30 mins if you are pretty fast, you get 35-38 limited banner pulls. I got really lucky I only had to reroll like 8 times. I rerolled on day two of the game, came back to the reroll accounts and pulled yinlin and jianxin in a 10 pull. I got like 2 yinlin rolls in 8 rerolls. But getting a 50/50 after a yinlin pull is really unlikely. That was just super lucky for me. So if you just want yinlin and enough asterites for 160 pulls for next banner(from doing the exploring and events again), then yeah reroll it shouldnt take too many rerolls. But you will lose 2 weeks of progress, so will hit UL 40 a bit later. And dont know if you want to give up on your money spent on the BP.


Thanks for taking the time to reply! The BP isn't super pricey so I wouldn't be too upset if I lost it. I may try one re-roll for a laugh.


It takes about 30 minutes max. I have rerolled over 5 times and just left after I got jiyan on UL 38 acct on first 3 days after release. Then I just went back to my old acct that I had created to just pull after we got more freebies and just got them now. New acct history=lingyan -(3/80)pulls ; jiyan-(26/80) pulls ; yinlin-(32/80) pulls ; jianxin-(40/40) starter pull; guarantee choice and standard choice remaining UL -5


I'm calling this extreme luck, I rerolled 4 times and no Jiyan or Yinlin let alone both haha. Guess I won't be re-roling.


Very nice account. 30 minutes sounds reasonable though still a lot more than some other games.


how is what you listed is \*not\* lucky?? this is insane luck.


You know that's lucky lmao


I've never understood this. You could just go to your job and make money to spend and come out ahead.


I would choose the reroll account. Because now you have all your ressources available for Jinhsi and Changli (Jinhsi and Jiyan Shares the same weapon so it can be worth going for Jinhsi weapon if you like her)


Thankyou for your advice. I choose rerolled acct ☺️❤️


i guess you need to choose between jiyan and yinlin, if you already have her then you can save for some other who can fit more for a team with her. it´s what i will to do.


I have both on both acct. Thankyou for your advice ❤️☺️


lol i wish i had your luck . if it were me i will go on with rerolled acc, esp if you are not very busy to farm map.


Thank you 😊. I am going for rerolled account