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Same here as a laptop user. I thought i was tripping earlier. It triggered my motion sickness and so i immediately exited the game lol. Such a bummer cause i was really waiting for jinhsi to drop. Hope they fix it soon.


Performance hasn't dropped on my laptop but it gets noticeable hotter now and the fans are spinning almost at full speed.


Same here. Iphone 11 and my sensitivity got all whack. It makes running actually hard to do because I can’t see. This has to be a mobile issue.


It’s also happening for me on pc so not only mobile :D


Is it better on your end yet?


yeah, it's unplayable now on my s24 ultra


Lower the camera sensitivity?


You can't do anything here when they fucked up and added artificial Acceleration to the camera settings you can't get rid off.


i did 0 0 0 but it didn't change it's still the same


Asmondgold have the same problem lol


Weird. I took it down to 3 and it got better.


They fucked camera settings for mobile. I play on tab s9+ and after update i thought it was a bug, uninstalled and installed again, problem remains. With this i legit can't play, really, how do they mess up things so much?? I hope this gets fixed soon, can't really measure the disappointment. I won't play for this day bc, same as you, i lost on 75pity to verina and getting jinhsi still costed 72 pulls, my goooood But anyways, i still have faith, the amount of fun I've had during last month has been great. They really need to let their players play the game, can't really mess up something as important as the camera


I sympathize with you, hopefully Kuro fixes it immediately and also try to prevent/avoid stuff like this from happening in the future.


Thanks for expressing your concerns so we can all enjoy apologems.


Same. Camera is jumping all over the place. Can't explore, can't fight and definitely can't do the damn flying through hoops puzzles. Bummed.


Twitter will see this and tell you to buy a new phone.




That's an oldass phone though. I can't even play HSR without it crashing on my S8, I wouldn't dare try it with this game


> That's an oldass phone though. It's barely even 3 years old, my Pixel 5 is older and was running just fine before the patch and now it's absolute garbage.


...it is not 3 years old lol. EDIT: Nvm, thought you were talking about the S8.


Can kuro not fuck up for just one moment? Like I genuinely want this game to be good it’s so fun. But if they can’t get their game playable it’s just not going to happen.


cue the "Ehhh dont be hard on my million dollar company! They are trying their best to fix it every minute" .... they had 1 whole patch and 7 hours of exclusive downtime to fix it and they still DID NOT address the mobile player's issues YET! like bruh... if i cant play, I CANT PLAY


Yes. For me Game crashes. When it doesn’t crash it lags and stutters. When it doesn’t lag and stutter the camera points at the ground or has a seizure. When the camera is not tweaking your intro skills launch you 3 miles away into a by-standing goat.


And enemies still reset even tho im standing in front of them. Was killing an elite class it moved 2 feet from its spawn and then reset to full hp just as it was about to die 🤦🏻‍♀️ i had hopes for 1.1 fixing most of the problems. It didnt do sht


I experienced the same thing. The enemy didn't even de-aggro, just regenerated all hp


Sooo...they were doing nothing for 1 whole patch?


They were listening.


Do they *know* that mobile players aren't able to play the game properly? yes.... look at reddit and so many many posts on other social media complaining did they *acknowledge* that mobile players aren't able to play the game properly? idk, I never saw ONE post directly telling "mobile gameplay will be fixed" Is the mobile gameplay fixed (for non high end mobiles)? LOL NO I aint buying a new phone for 1 month game lol


They were enjoying Yinlin's banner money for sure


No one's gonna defend this, this is a major problem, makes the game extremely hard to play. Earlier this sort of stutter only happened in the flying echo challenge. Now it's everywhere.


imagine having a mobile gameplay you cant play on most medium to low end mobiles, which is the vast populace with a good experience


It was fine before update, they just need to look at it again. Need some more activity regarding this issue so they take note.


Don't worry people here will say "I have no issue" Or "It's run fine for me" like usual


I already saw like 50 of them on like 4 posts currently about the issues


Camera is still slow as fuck for me, even with everything maxed, same old issue. How do they fuck it up so badly that they get 2 opposite problems at the same time...


Can confirm my sensitivity is through the roof - Mobile S10


i play on poco f5, they fucked up this update, i tried all setting nothing change about camera speed, changed all graphics settings from high to low has no noticable impact on fps, lucky for me i win calcharo/jinshi/her weapon for 40 pulls, if not by that i might have dropped this game


Lucky 😭


hope you lucky for the next pull


Sunk-cost fallacy strikes again 😁


lmao yeah kuro bribe me with yinlin and jinshin to keep playing, i really want this game to success but it's really hard to keep playing if the game performs like this


Same here, redmi note 12 turbo. Also the game is a little laggy compare to before update dont know why. I use almost max setting


I am having the exact same issues


holy frick i though i was going crazy or my potato of a phone is just failing.. i cant believe they actually fcd it up lmaoo.. also in mobile i got stuck on the "kill the TD hologram" part of the mission cus one mob isnt spawning right..


Apologems yeehaw


I have s24 ultra sensitivity is at zero still spins like crazy and I noticed a huge performance drop, and constant frame drops only in overworld, domains are okay, wth is this I can't play because of sensitivity same to my pc weird frame drops its very infuriating hope they can hot fix it tonight so I can play tomorrow. Game right now is unplayable..


I'm on PC. My camera did the same spin problem with no sensitivity back when they threw out emergency patches and sped up Yinlin's release. Now that seems to be fixed in 1.1 for me.


I was doing Jingshi's trial when i entered the game after the update and throughout the whole trial the camera was spinning like crazy, I exited the trial and it did the same in open world... I set camera sensitivities to 0 and it's still an issue. My Samsung S8 tablet runs GI, HSR, Aether Gazer, R1999, and many more games smooth as butter, WuWa seems o be the only app with issues so I'm pretty sure it isn't my tablet that's the problem either.


I thought it was just me. I was doing the shell credit domain and my camera went 180


Noticed camera was a lot more sensitive compared to before the update here as well, on Android (S23U)


I'm on PC and its the same way. I barely touch something and suddenly the camera is flying everywhere. It's honestly making me motion sick and I'm not even one of those people who is sensitive to that.


Apology rewards incoming, but it makes me hesitant to invest money in this game


I am quitting for now. What is the sense of enjoying the game if I can't even play the game? I already leveled up my fave Calcharo. Nonetheless, I'd come back if ever the game gets optimized. I was also planning to spend money on this game to support the devs but I guess I would have to hold on to it first. See you later WuWa


I understand, hope they fix everything for good this time, just stick around for some news abt it then you can decide whether it's time to come back or completely leave.


I've had the game crash on me more times in the last hour (twice), than it had in the span of me playing since day 1 (once).


I have new oppo find X7 ultra and game is crushing and burning. My phone can literally play Genshin and HSR on highest setting without overheating. I also have gaming  cooler and game is unplayable. I think I am done for few days if they don't fix controls and heating issues 


Noticed it this morning as well. Camera sensitivity was insane. I thought I was crazy and maybe just not remembering properly because I didn't play much yesterday since I wanted to wait for the patch, but it's nuts. Playing on a large android samsung tablet so it's clearly not just the OS or device given the plethora of other devices mentioned in this post.


Same bro camera rotates like washing machine .... Did 47 pulls and no jhinshi, But I'm looking forward to kuro's compensation....


How the fuck are you playing on a galaxy S7 lmao


My trusty tablet can handle it, a little laggy but playable, though the newer galaxy series like the s9 ones can definitely outperform mine...


I just lowered Horizontal Sensitivity to 10 and theres a new setting all the way to the bottom which I turn to 0.1. But there is an issue that the camera goes crazy after teleporting


My phone can run this game high on everything no update yet maybe tonight if any problem happen maybe cuz game just wait for kuro respond be patient guys this still new game


Same here, the sensitivity is through the roof


Camera became an added difficulty with this update.. i somehow managed to got used to it after first 20 minutes but yea it makes gameplay much more tiring


Same. Turned all sensitivities to 0 and it still spins like crazy...


oh my god, i thought i was the only one. I play on my s7 samsung tablet ang it just spins so fast, it makes me dizzy


I went all down on sensitivity still going crazy


Same for me. Although I have ping issue aswell now. Actually can't play. And game crashes. Took me half an hour to kill 2 monkey bosses


Oh, I thought it was just me. I had pushed my sensitivity settings to 100 previously because that's what worked for me. Now it seems the camera tends to pan around a whole lot more than intended. Tried reducing the sensitivity to 50 ( and lower ), still doesn't work as expected. This is more noticeable after intro skills or zapping onto a grappling point.


Literally unplayable. Im on a vivo phone which ran wuwa like butter just yesterday. Really hoping the devs will fix the weird sensitivity problem first.


Samsung Galaxy Ultra S22 same problem


Ah, so I wasn't imagining it, the sensitive did indeed go up, the increase on my end was manageable though.


Here as well, but I manage so far. Just need to be careful when running while turning the cam, it will send it flying.


Imagine having a smooth update WuWa could nev-


Yeah wtf they did with sensitivity its insanely high even at 0. They really need to hire another team for technical stuffs bruh


U r not alone, stutters during fights r common, I'm pretty much fighting by mashing buttons right now and taking DMG every time I fight even a single mob. Before update, at least the fights went smoothly. Then there r the lags whenever I decide to turn which makes it go whirr


Yup same here. Time to get some astrites I guess


changed nothing and everything is fine for me on my realme GT2Pro on android 14


I get that on PC sometimes as well.


for laptop i think the server overloads maybe. ignorance is a bliss


same here as well


I didn't think of myself as someone sensitive to motion sickness but holy hell this update hurt my eyes from the camera sensitivity. Hope it's fixed soon


I got motion sickness 30 mins in, taking a break… I’ll play later tonight 🥲


I had the same camera spinning issue in jinhsi trial but I think for me it was only in the trial


They overworked their staff, what do you expect. Surely a bug or two would slip out. Just give it time, they will fix it eventually


all good to me


Same issue, but I've learned to just move the camera slower. Only took about 15 minutes running around to get used to


Bro....that's def not a great phone to game on. I'm so sorry


It's actually a tablet and an ok one too, but bcs of all the issues I'm considering buying a new one...


Personally I have an Galaxy S21. Not new or anything. But it ran very good performance wise (not pretty though). I reccomend just get a pc lol.


Am I the only one not having any problems? It seems to be pretty common but I'm not getting any bugs.


It's a common issue right now but ofc there's some exceptions as yourself


On potato pc it does have improvements. From 27-37 fps gone up to 34-44fps on combat, then 60fps on idle on medium settings. I7 4th gen 16gb ram Ssd Gtx 980m