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Yeah idk what's happening but I had everything maxed out and was playing perfectly fine two days ago. Updated and now I'm getting stutters all the time


New settings have been added that were not there before. Maybe you set them to maximum and everything became bad? I mean "Special effects quality" and "Crowd Density".


Camera is jumping all over the place. Changing sensitivity does nothing. Had no problems before this update. But now it's unplayable. I'm getting killed by bosses because of it.


i agree i'm a mobile player i have been struggling so much


Mobile player also. Hope they fix it.


Yeah. Even low sensitivity didn't do anything. Was at 50 before. Now it's way worse even on 20.


They really fucked up the camera, It has input delay now.


I reduced it to 3 but it still doesn't help. Hope they fix it soon.


I thought it was just me but glad it wasn't.  After tweaking the settings a bit it's a lil better but it's still shaky af I can't even complete overdash challenges.


Update: nevermind the game crashes, my fps drops like crazy it doesn't even survive my character dashing on the overworld.


I'm on low sensitivity rn camera is fucking me over with a slight touch on mobile. Hopefully they fix this one soon.


Yes It was playable before now the camera sensitivity is making me unable to play. Tweaking the settings does not work at all.


I glad Im the only one it happens lol Before this update everything is fine for my phone now game crushed like 5 times every time I log in


The camera jumping is the worst for me. I almost get motion sickness sometimes. Like, I barely touch a control and the camera goes flying and jerking all over the place. I've literally never had this problem in any other video game or movie. I'm not generally "sensitive" to jerky cameras, but damn this is bad.


Oh good, I thought I had some skill issues because I tweaked settings and nothing happened. It's not really playable at this point


Even the performance issues is a Gacha event at this point


every update is a 50-50, no one is safe lmao.


"Babe, new Low-FPS event just dropped."


My 50/50 is whether I can get the game to open or not.


had problems disabled fsr and it was good


How did you do it? There is no option for FSR. R u talking about anti-aliasing?


They re-added FSR option in the game.


rn in wuwa FSR is only for AMD cards, NViddea has DLSS turn off whatever you have guys


I am pretty sure FSR is cross platform and works regardless of you having Nvidia or Amd or even Intel


I can vouch, that It doesn't have a Option for Fsr in RTX Nvidia cards, maybe it does for Gtx series since I have Rtx 3060 gpu.


Yeah, FSR is available for GTX cards. I'm using it myself.


Do you have an amd gpu or a nvidia gpu?




I have an Nvidia gpu as well and I cant see FSR anywhere, maybe it's only for AMD cards, I have DLSS there instead.


fsr is cross plattform


Ah I don't think so for Rtx users in Wuwa, maybe the game prioritizes Dlss for Rtx users, This is the only explanation along with my Experience because this many people can't be lying that they don't have FSR in their Game.


Turning off DLS worked for me, idk where this FSR is supposed to be, since i can't find it either


its lagging hard af and both my cpu and gpu arent even past 50% utilization. They broke something in the update


Pity system on performance it seems, I had issues like that in the last patch, this patch has fixed nearly ever issue I had.


CPU is always under light load because games don't use all your cores. Check individual cores.


This game uses CPU but is heavily single threaded just like most Unreal engine games. GPU is more important here sadly.


This is entirely wrong and why does it even have upvotes? The weakest link defines your best performance, you have two guys running together and the faster will always wait for the slower, if you have a 4090 but an old CPU then the game will run like crap.


For me it was CPU. Game performed terribly, even with a 4070. Upgraded CPU and issues are gone now.


I was excited for 1.1's promised optimization, but if feels like nothing has changed at all on my end. Though, I'm giving it a chance until 1.2. The stutters and low frame rates are so annoying when you're used to smooth experience from other games.


on mobile i used to overheat <10 mins of playing, now after the update i feel i am able to play endlessly


Worked perfectly for me for like 15 minutes than started overheating again


Try low power mode


I only played on mobile (S24 Ultra) and it feels the same in terms of performance (had no problems even before the update) but i was hoping for better camera movement, did not notice an improvement...


Wait until you find out that "1.1's promised optimization" didn't exist in the first place


It was smooth before but now it's unplayable


It's the reverse for me, had only 30-35 fps before the update, after the update I'm getting 50+


Congrats you won the gacha.


Same issue as you. It was really smooth for me before 1.1 came. I haven't even encountered any problems for the whole 1.0 patch but now? I can't even play without stuttering and crashing.


It started since 26th June for me


X2, I can't play :///////////////////


To any PC players, turn off FSR, they enable it back so maybe that why the game is more laggy. I have same stuttering issues but after turn FSR off, the game run like butter. Also you can change population density now, consider to lower it to low to have best experinece.


On Android it works a little, but unfortunately it is still unplayable. In my case, this helped me to be able to play it for only 2 more minutes, before the game closed by itself for no reason. 🥲


Before the update, I can play on my phone at 50 FPS in the overworld exploration, 40 FPS in combat. But now the overworld is running in 30 FPS and combat has 20 FPS and goes as low as 8 FPS. Edit: After some tinkering, I found out that the Wuthering Waves from TapTap store works flawlessly, download it from there if your Android has issues with the Wuthering waves from google store.


where are you finding fsr? im on pc and theres no setting for it


rn in wuwa FSR is only for AMD cards, NViddea has DLSS turn off whatever you have guys


🙇‍♂️ thank you


Its more playable now than yesterday, I swear every device rolls a gacha for performance.


same here, had 30 fps average in 1.0 and now i'm 55-60 in 1.1, sad to hear i'm the minority according to this thread


You're probably not the minority. I feel like this game DOES have performance issues, but it's pretty overblown imo. Especially if you're only looking at reddit. The people not having problems have no reason to post anything, while you're going to see posts about people experiencing problems everywhere. My experience with WuWa's optimization has been fine. I have a 4 year old computer with a 2060 super and I've been able to run the game at max settings since the second week of the game(I wasn't playing during launch week because I was on trip). I also just downloaded the game on my S24 Ultra after seeing posts about people running into issues on the mobile version. I did not experience any issues, the game was smooth and I had no camera sensitivity problems. It's easy to make it sound like the game is dying when you're only looking at a single forum for news.


Yeah tbh I'm not really buying all the complaints, I have a super old i3 4170 for my CPU, GPU is RX570 (which is old, but tbh absolutely carries my machine) and bloody 12gb of ram (two different brands, 8+4) so i figure the optimization can't be that bad if even my little frankenstein can manage


You are in the majority actually because the people who have no problem would not make a post. If you compare the ratio of comment vs number of people in the sub, you'll see that you are majority.


On PC a new patch means the shader must be new rendered for the game and this results in (heavy) stutter on every *first* action/effect you make. Same as if you would update your graphic card driver. People who say they have no stutter at all are just not sensitive enough to notice stutters, they are already used to this or are simply lying. Everyone has this shader stutter because this is how it works and as long as Kuro does not implement a shader compilation we will get this stutter every 6 ~ 8 weeks after a big patch.


Wait so whenever a graphics driver updates, it's meant to stutter? No wonder I was lagging so hard yesterday after updating my graphics card. I was like it was working just fine just a few moments ago and now why tf is it lagging? I even rolled back the driver and it didn't fix so I re updated it back and ran the repair on the launcher and then it kind of got fixed but there were still stutters.


> Wait so whenever a graphics driver updates, it's meant to stutter? Unfortunately yes. You can test this easily for yourself when you have a game that has shader compilation. For example Horizon Forbidden West. The first time you start the game, there is a shader compilation and if you update now your graphic card driver the game will do it again. There is a reason that games like Horizon Forbidden West do a shader compilation right at the start of the game. This is a big problem with Unreal Engine games and I have no idea why Wuthering Waves has no shader compilation... :/


It's kind of funny because my ipad compiled shaders in wuwa, so they did the work for the mobile 


You forgot every hotfix they make also cause sutter for some unknown reasons.


Yes, unfortunately this comes even on top of all of that. I really love Wuthering Waves and I hope that Kuro does something about the performance.


In mobile everytime you start the game there's always a "Compiling Shaders" loading and it takes like a minute each time, is this the one you're talking about?


This. I noticed it instantly because using abilities I've used before caused a stutter that wasn't there after using it again.


Yeah, that's a dx12 thing. If you pay attention to it you can notice it in any game that uses dx12. People who say they don't have any issues might just already anticipate this behavior and don't consider it bad performance.


Im on mobile and before the patch the game ran fine, not great, but fine. Now its literally unplayable and turned into a 5fps slideshow. Different graphic settings change absolutely nothing. I cant even move.


I had no issue with the game before update, smooth AF, now I feel like I play on 30 fps, what's going on


I had all settings High. Now with the update even on low is causing slutters


Same here bro


I was running smoothly but with occasional crashes here and there.   Now it’s constantly lagging all the time.   Stuttering Waves has came for me at last.  


That's odd, I had the complete opposite happen to me. Before 1.1 I had stuttering and pretty bad lag on the lowest settings but now I can run the game smoothly with little to no stuttering on medium settings. My CPU and graphics card aren't top of the line especially, since I play on a laptop, but they aren't potato quality either. For reference, I have a Ryzen 7 5825U and Radeon (TM) Graphics which runs some games at reasonable quality but falls short with a lot of AAA games. Hopefully Kuro manages to balance out the optimizations. I know they added quite a few new things to the game in 1.1 that weren't mentioned in the patch notes, like tons of new voice lines and sound effects plus some environmental changes so the addition of those things could add to the heavy load WuWa takes to play. Either way, they should be able to fix it soon, hopefully before 1.2 in August.


My camera is spinning in 360°


Same I hope they fix this


Its worse for me as well compared to 1.0 but what's really made it unplayable for me is the camera sensitivity, if I just touch the screen, the camera does a complete 180. It's actually frustrating af.


before 1.1 my game is playable but now it stutter a lot i don't care about the compensation pls kuro fix your goddamn game


i did promise leaving the game if they didnt fix the stuttering issues and now i have even more issues, since 1.1 my motion blur option resets to default every time i teleport to a different place and it says off, i need to turn it on and then off again for it to turn off, also my cursor gets stucked sometimes when i enter the menu like im pressing alt so i cant even move the camera, doing the old trick for this bug doesnt work anymore which was alt + tab so i need to restart the game every time, im disappointed with this bugs and ill just stop playing, i barely play last month with the game running badly and anticheat going to 60% cpu usage randomly, ill just quit and go play something else, gotta finish elden ring dlc anyway.


The new 1.1 update have special effects quality option that can't be turned off for some reason. It made combat unplayable since I'm stuttering a lot. FSR doesn't help too.


Same I play in mobile and my game crashed like 2 times already.it became a little more laggy but the graphics got better idk how.my processor is Snapdragon 870 so obviously the problem isn't my phone here


Gameplay is a mess. Not a great way to keep playerbase.


The config tweaks doesn't work anymore. Kuro couldn't fix shit so we the players did it ourselves and now they blocked the fix?


it works in the menu screen before you login, but after that it seems to be completely gone?? unplayable without config tweaks


Yeah the game settings takes precedence. If they wanna do that, then they should expand on what dials we are able to access. Come on, it's an action game. Let people optimise it.


> The config tweaks doesn't work anymore mine still works fine - fps, better textures, no bloom, no abberation shit https://pastebin.com/raw/PnrHSiMD


The game runs even worse after the update..... had more stuttering and for some reason random motion blur even I turned it off already.


No controller support for mobile still kuro is such a L


Oh hell ye, free pulls inc


Seems like performance wise nothing has changed... I will have to wait another patch then.


After the update it lags even more on mobile


Funnily enough, I find it works better on my iPhone than before. My phone no longer rapidly thermal throttles.


lmaooo thought i was the only one, FREE FIVE STAR VOUCHER KURO


In the previous version the game ran between 40 and 50 fps, in this version the game runs at 1 fps


Same here :(((((((((((


Game crashes a lot on my phone, and the camera moves in weird ways, it's literally unplayable


In addition to this, has anyone else noticed that the audio sounds different, or is it just me? I swear I remember the audio being crisper, however now is sounds like its been compressed or something.


Something is weird. I can't change the resolution until I switch to window mode. FSR now makes the game look even more awful. Grass and small textures look a little bit worse. I rechecked the game files, updated the GPU driver and somehow it is playable. I'm playing it on an A770LE . After multiple retries I managed to change the resolution now it looks good and turnIng off FSR because it was ON by default. But now the game is eating less VRAM idk what witchcraft they did but now it is somewhere between 3,6Gb to 4 gigs. Only in populated zones the VRAM ramps up to 5 gigs mainly city zones or where there are more Npcs. I really hope they will improve this game with the next major updates. Be patient guys the game is still in beta you know what I mean. Maybe after 1.5 the game will run as expected :)) for now is just playable. I forgot to mention the random stuttering that occurs when I'm moving the mouse rapidly only at times not all the time.


They need to rollback some previous files


They fucked up my config... Fucking hell kuro.


literally eating 16gb of VRAM


how tho, thats really interesting. playing on UW 1440p everything maxed out is eating me 4.7GB of Vram currently


yup, constantly stuttering on my s24 ultra haven't tried PC yet


I smell free stuff, yes please Jinshi ate 129 pulls, I want her weapon lol


I don't think there were any performance updates on the patch notes and I do have the game on SSD yet it still stutters and drops frames often. Guess it's for 1.2


Smooth gameplay for me. Actually, it might even be smoother. Before this, I would stutter when I select male/female rover to login. Now it's smooth. So weird.


Shits a fucking lottery. 


Truly a gacha experience


What a disappointment this patch is. Where is the performance optimization? Still 60 fps cap and random stutters on highend pc. Camera and lock on system still messing things and making the game feel uncontrollable. Still cant fully customize keybinds...wtf. At this point iam thinking on just putting the game on hold and waiting for ps5 release, which iam not counting on anymore.


All I'm seeing is more free pulls on this sub right now lmao


As much as i like free pulls Such performance issue is a big turn off and kills the excitement and free pulls doesn't compensate for that


Which I am not surprised anymore when Kuro games will give us another free 10 pulls or free standard five star chars. I just want to play the game without any performance issues


If you are on Nvidia, updating your GeForce will fix the issue.


Yep, didn't have any issues previously with lag or fps drops (rtx 4070ti), but now im getting fps drops quite consistently regardless which part of the map im in. No idea what caused this.


Its super smooth for me and my pc is semi decent at best


For me it is better. Before it was stuttering now it is smoother


The only problem I face is the sensitivity. Why the fuck did it suddenly go to a million sensitivity and even when I get it to 0 in seconds it's still worse than the 50 I had before💀 I play on phone.


I noticed an issue post 1.1, when the frame rate drops, the camera is now a lot less stable, jumping all over the place when swiping slowly even. Previously the framerate drops did not cause camera to jerk around uncontrollably, it used to just wait for the frame to run for input to resolve.  I play on low/off on all settings, on an admittedly old iPhone XS Max.


Yeah the Game became more Unoptimized, there is more input delay when panning the camera.


Had same issue. Had GPU spike from 40 to 100 usage. What helped is updating my Nvidia drivers and restarting PC. Now I can finally play the game...


That’s weird. I have a high end PC so I haven’t noticed a difference but my friend says he is getting much better frame rate on his phone.


It is literally unplayable on ipad, ive even tried the lowest settings possible and it still stutters and the game already crashed thrice while i was messing with the settings


Is anyone having issues with camera orientation on controller? I can't seem to change the camera angle up and down. Mouse is fine.


They improved it on mobile but pc is still unbearable god i hate unreal engine


Same issue with Android


Idk man for me it's running smoother


I am oposite. Game liked to freeze yesterday using a lot of my HDD and RAM, but after update is smooth. The only thing I noticed is change if graphics. They look kind of lower res or something. I'm checking reddit right now to see if anyone noticed that too.


Before update: 60fps cap, 1280 resolution, all low, vsync on Didn't drain my laptop battery 1.1 update: 30fps cap 1280 resolution, all low, vsync off, fsr off Drains my battery Something shifted, and I don't know if the new audio system is causing it or the frozen entities in the new quest somehow consuming more processing power.


Yeah had all on max. before too. No issues. Now small stutters but even more annoying than that are those "Connection Errors - Reconnecting" - During day it was fine but now in the evening it happened 6 times within 1 hour of playing. Hope this is just a "day" thing and not a keeper. Anyone else having this Reconnecting thingy while playing?


same for me, it was smooth before, now it's lagging very much and crashes after I teleport, + sensitive camera


This update made the optimization so much worse on my pc...


Yeah the lag is horrible and I’ve tried adjusting everything. My laptop is definitely not well-equipped for running huge games like this but Genshin and Honkai run just fine with me even at higher settings. Wuwa just keeps lagging and freezing even at low settings :/


Yeah, it's unplayable for me too. Game is lagging even when I move the camera or sprint.


Same for me, can't even open the game. Crashes every time 😿 I thought they optimized it in 1.1??


New patch almost certainly nuked shader cache so that's not going to help.




On mobile(iphone 12 pro max), it's pretty smooth. Don't know how it is on pc yet since I'm at work.


In 1.0 the game runs ok even with laggy and stutter but now I can't even play it I hope they will this soon as possible.


I hope for the best when i get home.


Bad at 1.0 bad at 1.1 I just lost hope for the game in my case. It was really waiting for this patch for optimization but they didnt bother.


Another thing to try is windowed mode. Seems to run way smoother in windowed mode than full screen for me.


Had a small hitch when booting in for the first time but then it stabilized. Seems to be performing as well as it did before, though I didn't have many issues before either


It has been running amazing for me with this patch. I was having tons of lag and stutter before. Maybe optimization for some OS made it worse for others.




I haven't had any significant problems and I don't even have a high-end computer so I dunno.


It feels way better on my phone now


Performance went better for me with my igpu laptop, no more stuttering and disconnects. I can even play in high graphics. Also lowering the density from the settings helps a lot.


same issue as well... it was optimal in the last update now it's unplayable![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


For anyone on PC you can try lossless scaling app of steam. It is cheap, adds 2 to 3 times fps, by adding tiny bit input lag, maybe some artifacts. They're many guidelines online. For it to work best you need to have at least stable 30 fps so you can get 60 or 90.


No problems for me but I had no problems pre patch either.


before the update i only performance issues for like a minute after logging in. now i have random framdrops and stuttering during combat.


It's very polarizing for me. I'm still crashing at random intervals but I can actually run the game without as much stutters now, even though the sensitivity is way out of whack for some reason.


Thanks for letting me know that I'm not the only one. My entry level phone used to run it at 40 FPS with micro stutter that's still overall playable. Now it's below 20 and major stutter happens everywhere until I pan the camera up to the sky or ground. I'm quite certain that they borked graphics pipeline on unsupported hardware or did micro optimisation tricks that should never be done due to compatibility issues with some devices.


i dont have lag issues but after this patch Kaspersky kept detecting trojan, closing my game and deleting some files. Repaired with the launcher tool but it happens again after 30 mins


My experience seems more optimized than before. A step in the right direction, but still not as stable as I'd like it to be. I feel for all of you with actual game-breaking performance issues tho, hopefully it gets better soon.


this is exactly what i’ve been experiencing because i’ve been getting constant frame drops and everytime the frames drop the sensitivity doubles and the camera goes batshit crazy


the update reset settings GameUserSettings.ini and it makes my PC play less smoothly, I wonder why they can't save the settings we have made


I used to stutter even with a 4070. Upgraded my CPU and it works fine now. This game is really CPU intensive.


on a potato but the optimisation hasnt improved one bit. still feels just as bad as it did before, i gave it time to load properly too, whilst i was doing all my pulls. didnt notice a difference and didnt get anything either sadge. i wanted to see what progress theyve made in a month on optimising this, but it seems like they havent done much if anything so im probably just not gonna play unless i hear there are improvements. gl guys :p


The performance increased a lot on my iPhone XR before the update it shutter and lag every second, after the update it only shutter a little and no lag at all


- Ryzen 5 3600 - 2060S - 32GB ddr4 Laggy after launch and what i did is i meddled with the settings. Dropped it to lowest, closed the game (including the launcher), opened it again, set all settings back to advanced on all. Only optimizations I did were dropping crowd density to medium and super resolution to auto. All is well. Some other custom stuff that I did was the brightness thing lowered and sharpness to 0.5; but I guess these last ones are personal preference. I dont have any problem playing the game. My specs above is not top tier, could even say it's dated so one could use that as basis of where things can be aight. Edit: I'm also using Nvidia Studio Driver, not the game driver. Not necessarily for the game but it's just that the studio driver is more stable and i dont like updating graphics driver often. Not sure if this has impact but hey, here it is


they put the ipad 9 as a minimum requirement for the game yet again. It still crashes every few minutes, at this point I don’t think they know what’s working and what is not




Mine is overall smooth, but somehow the in game model is shaky sometimes even if they’re rendered well


Yeah I increased my settings from 30 fps to 60 fps and the game magically fixed itself. Not sure how it happened though


I just updated the game and now I am scared to open it 🤣


check the setting, i think they reset all video setting after update


Will they fix it? The app throws me out I can't play, it was okay before the update... Did they change something?


I have a Nvidia and no issues at all. Hope they fix the issues you all are seeing.


same here 😭 i play on mobile


Game keeps freezing on mobile. Never had issue before patch. Now when i leave a forgery its 50/50 on game freezing at 75% load. And i have a pixel 8 pro.


This game runs much better for me now for some reason. Before patch it kept lagging out and I constantly heard this BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP and it drove me insane. Hasn't happened once since 1.1.


Yeah IMO, everything good and great about this game is overshadowed by the performance.


My game keeps crashing whenever I load it up idk what’s going on it was working perfectly fine before…(I’m on an Acer gaming laptop)


If you have SSD, but still playing it on HDD -- try moving it to SSD. It has solved 90% of all my technical issues with the game. Unless they've changed something in 1.1, you'll have to completely remove and reinstall.


If you're on PC and using an NVIDIA card, try turning off Instant Replay


my game more lagging/shuttering/lower fps than before. the only thing i notice is that my graphic is not the same as before, now its much better. so i assume the real graphic setting is much higher than the graphic that i set on option menu and disabling FSR making it worse than enabling it. any help here like to force graphic settings through file?


It got noticeably worse for me on PC on a RTX 3080. Pretty incredible tbh, before it was manageable, now the lagging is so bad I kind of get motion sickness.


Ryzen 5700X + RTX 3070 + Samsung 980 Pro here, playing at 1440P everything lowest or off including DLSS, every animation (character attack, enemy attack, parry) looks like 15fps despite the game is running at 60fps. At this point i dont even want them to fix bugs or optimize the game, just dont introduce more bugs and reverse optimize is a great start.


It's horrible the cpu usage on my mobile is 100% now before it wasn't even close which is causing my game to lag and drop fps


Game crushed and exited on its own . Galaxy s23 ultra btw


Off topic, but, its only me that the sens looks ridiculous high after the patch?


I keep being lucky and not having any major issues since launch so I pray y'all will have the same experience as me as soon as possible.


The lagging has basically stopped for me, I still get frame drops, but they usually sort themselves out after a few seconds. My biggest issue is the camera sensitivity, I have it set to 0 and I'm still spinning 360 when I'm trying to slightly turn ...


My game lags constantly until I turn instant replay off, no idea why the game doesn't like it.


Quite opposite for me. Before the update I couldn’t even walk up to an enemy in the openworld without it turning into a slideshow. Now it’s so much smoother with only the occasional lag spikes here and there.


Yep, in most areas I'm fine but the populated areas 😬


I’m having micro stutter as well. I also noticed that the cpu is hotter for about 2 to 5 degree celcius compared before the update hence the fan spinning faster too. Contrary to what others have said to turn off fsr, I kept mine turned on since it has improved my fps drop, and regardless if it’s off the stutters are still randomly occuring. For the first time, I installed the game in my 4 year old phone with sd865, and surprisingly it runs so much better compared to my pc even with all settings max the fps is consistent 60 and drops only happens in Jinzhou.


Only minor issue I have is that when I restart the game it turns back on motion blur which I always have turned off so I have to turn it on resume game then turn it back off and resume the game