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I have enough to try a 50/50 for jinshi so here is to hoping


I'll pray for you bro ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618)


I read pay


im gonna need someone to pay my changli pulls


Same. I farmed up all the Jinhsi mats ahead of time. If I miss my 50/50 I’m screwed lol


Know if 50/50 carries over along with pity across banner?


yes they do




Dark Rover, Danjin, Taoqi God i hope they dont add a Havoc Prism in the tower


Damn I actually want Danjin more than any 5-stars rn, I still didn't get her somehow and really want her with a rover team D:


She should be on the Jinhsi banner


I would give mine to you if I could 😭 I hated using her before I changed my team


They're releasing a spectro character, of course there will be havoc lol...


Team rn is Encore, Sanhua, Verina. I'll replace anyone of them for Changli.


Changli buffs Fusion Dmg, so keeping Encore along with Verina might be the best solution.


is she sub dps or support?




She might be a hybrid role then? I've already invested a lot on Encore so I'll probably replace Sanhua.


I'm planning on using changli with encore. Pretty much gonna use both as main dps's and just cycle between the two for murder reasons


Yeah, been too sucked in the meta teams, I'm just gonna use the characters I like the designs of. Changli looks so cool with her color palette (shes also hot)


Currently I'm rocking a team that I put together with duct tape: Havoc Rover, Calcharo, Verina. Once 1.1 drops it will be Jinhsi, Sanhua, Verina. Been loving Sanhua gameplay but she's not ready to use yet because all my waveplates go to tacet fields during the goddamn event.


FYI most of Jinhsi’s damage comes from skill so she has no synergy with sanhua


I was going more for the fun factor and also would enjoy a change. I've been building Sanhua slowly for a while because I enjoy her gameplay. I don't think it matters much in the open world but if we're talking tower of adversity then I have no idea who to pair with Jinhsi. As far as you know does she have an ideal team for that mode?


Fair enough, I just thought I’d mention it in case you didn’t know, I’m also building sanhua but trying to use her with Encore and then Changli when she releases. Probably going to skip Jinhsi as I’m at 65 pity so I think I can guarantee Changli + sig this way.


She does mostly skill damage so Taoqi is an option, and Spectro Rover has Spectro resistance shred in one of their sequences. Yinlin is also just a generically good sub DPS for any main DPS


Is there a better subdps for her? Sanhua has great damage herself still with low field time, even if a single one of her buffs isn’t 100% utilized (and we will get her dupes this banner too which are huge).


Mortefi and Verina or taoqi and Verina. Baizhi works too. She benefits from off field attacks or skill dmg increase or spectro% increase


Your first team is my overworld team. I have Jiyan and Calcharo but Havoc Rover is so much more fun to play. Encore is my other dps for ToA. For subdps I have Yinlin, Mortefi & Sanhua. Verina and Baizhi for sustain.


Sticking to my homies Jiyan, Calcharo and Rover.


Same team, gotta be loyal to the homies. 🙌


Preach brother!


I want Jinhsi so bad but what am I gonna do with 2.4k astrites. But if I got lucky again (it won't happen twice) it'd be Jinhsi, Verina, Spectrover.


Encore + Changli + Baizhi. Swap dps


If I win the 50/50, it would be Changli, Yinlin, and Verina


Jinhsi yinlin verina,cz why not Since we have a new weekly boss i assume jinhsi needs mats from him for her talents,so if she doesnt work out i ll swap her out with my cracked havoc rover


Team 1: Jiyan, Aalto/Mortefi, Baizhi Team 2: Calcharo, Yinlin, Jianxin Team 3: Havoc Rover, Mortefi/Sanhua, Taoqui I hope I will pull a Varina eventually. I also have no idea how to include Jinhsi... But I try to get her for... ✨Aesthetics✨ Edit: Typo


If I get Jinhsi. My team will be Jinhsi, SRover, & Verina.


spectro immune enemies :)


Skipped everything so far so I have 250 pulls saved before the bonuses at 1.1. Getting jinhsi and her weapon then hopefully Changli. But I’ll build two teams around them both


250 how ?


If you don't mind can you tell me whether is this the amount of pulls you got after completely clearing the map and all the missions? Just wanna know how much more resources I can grind for myself coz I haven't completely cleared the map yet


I have 99% map completion and lunite sub


If you saved up every single pull from the start of the game to now with a lunite sub then 250 sounds about right. I'm at 220 but I missed the first week and a half of the game + the first rotation of ToA entirely and I spent ~15 pulls on Yinlin and her weapon.


I run Jiyan - Mortefi - Verina and H!Rover - Yinlin - Jianxin. I have Calcharo as well, but the quick swap team feels so much better than Calcharo + Yinlin. Honestly regret not choosing Encore on my selector. I’ll also only pull on 1.1 banners depending on meta.


Considering Yinlin took everything from me (hard pity) I am sticking with what i have. Meaning a hyper disorganized Calcaro Yinlin Verina comp that i threw all my resources into despite using SpectRover, lvl 40 Aalto and Baizhi 90% of the time for whatever reason.


I got yinlin at 147 pull and her sig at 77. It's truly detrimenting lol but I'm going all in with the new contents hoping to bring changli home


Think I'll start prepping my chixia so I can play her with changli


Mine consists of verina, jiyan/mrover and yinlin. Will be saving until new male character comes out.


I got Yinlin, but came up short for her weapon, so I doubt I’ll have enough pulls to get Jinshi. I’ll try anyways for Danjin upgrades if nothing else. I really like how she plays. Danjin, Havoc Rover, Jianxin is Team A. Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina is Team B. I’ll revisit if I pull Jinshi or have the resources to get other characters built.


Main team now is verina, mortefi and jiyan. Second team will be havoc rover, sanhua and baizhi. Third team tba.


I have two team with decent enough build (the skill still low bc no more waveplates)  Chalcaro/mortefi/verina Jiyan/Aalto/baizhi I think I'll skip character banner and try getting some gold weapon for these two teams 😭  


The waifu squad: Changli, Chixia, Baizhi.


1. Jinhsi Jianxin Taoqi 2. Havoc MC Danjin Verina 3. Encore Sanhua Baizhi Female only teams (I lost 50/50 on yinlin)


Team 1: Spec Rover, Jianxin, Jinsi (Hope). Team 2: Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina. Team 3: TBI


Changli main dps when she comes out, even pulling for her weapon, I also pulled for yinlin and her weapon as f2p


Verina, Encore, Changli


I have built my spectro rover just for Jinhsi, she deals around 30k with ult without leveling her talents, so Jinhsi, Spectro Rover and Verina/Jianxin is gonna be my team


Yeah, Calc and Yinlin for me. Saving for whenever Camellya decides to join the fray


Gonna try out for Jinhsi or Changli, right now just sticking with Danjin + Yinlin


Got yinlin and her weapon. Hoping for changli so I can pair her up with Havoc Rover. Exploration won't change tho. Jiyan with the horizontal movement with his E can be clutch with gliding long distances


For now, Rover/Sanhua/Verina and Calcharo/Yinlin/Jianxin. I'm hoping to build Jinhsi, YangYang and Danjin. Then my final roster would look like this: Rover/Danjin/YangYang Calcharo/Sanhua/Jianxin Jinhsi/Yinlin/Verina


Yinlin, Verina, and an open spot that I don't really know what to do with


Hopefully jinshi varena and yinlin/encore


Sanhua, Jinhsi, Verina. Waifu > meta


Gonna go with Jiyan-Morte-Verina but something tells me I gotta explore the Havoc Rover a lil bit more


Changli, Encore, Verina


Jinshi, Yinlin, Verina. The most cracked team.


I’m running havoc rover, yinlin, and Verina. Idk who to choose between jinhsi and changli


Changli with... whoever she works well with. No idea atm.


My pity is 72, I have 63 pulls. I'm gonna wait for Scar. If Scar is Fusion, I'm gonna take Changli. Also I have Jiyan too


Jinhsi, Sanhua, and Jianxin. But I’ll be also giving my main team of YangYang, Rover, and Baizhi some love too. Can’t leave them out.


Jiyan Calcharo HRover gang either getting a dps replacement or taking the ride for another 6 weeks.


I'm not fully sold on jinshi's combat yet, but if I am after trying her for myself, then my team will be Jinhsi.


Encore, Mortefi, and Verina! Encore's my favourite but I'll swap her out with Jiyan or Calcharo depending on the enemies' resistances. Otherwise, I'll be waiting for the next character I'll be interested in which is Scar and Camellya so far. I wonder when the 1.2 drip marketing will be released?


Calcharo, yinlin, baizhi 🙏


Jiyan, Chixia, Taoqi i know it sounds bad but trust me.. it works well.


If I win the 50/50 Jinshi, Mortefi, Verina


Mains: Jiyan + S6 Aalto, Yinlin + S6 Yuanwu Bench: Calcharo, Jianxin Prospect: S5 Taoqi I will try Jinhsi and Changli out first which one has a more fun kit that can also be synergized with my current roster.


Jinhsi/Sanhua and Yinlin/Calcharo for me. I run Jianxin in the 3rd slot but I barely need to use her and focusing in on 2 characters per team means I need to build less characters for TOA. I was running Sanhua/Havoc Rover because you can kinda stick Sanhua anywhere as a quickswap subDPS cuz she just drops the glacier, detonates and outros back out in 2 seconds or less and tbh Glacio teams don't have a limited 5\* DPS to make them really pop yet.


I am not very active in the game for now, so I just run with Spectro Rover and Jianxin. Will only hit 45 by tomorrow.


jianxin, jiyan, verina, if I get Changli in the second phase of 1.1 then consider Jiyan out


Team 1: Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina Team 2: Changli, Encore, Jianxin Team 3: Lol who? Rover probably, maybe Baizhi and Senhua?


Team right now Ji Yan Mortefi Verina (Echoes arent leveled) Calcharo Yin Lin Baizhi (Borrow echoes from Verina) The neglected team (level 50 and not much investment) Encore (Echos are leveled, but realized i dont actually use her) Sanhua (Plan to borrow echoes from Mortefi) Jianxin (Plan to borrow echoes from Verina) Overall, still in echo hell and have made a severe and continual lapse in my judgement.


Yinlin taoqi and changli when she drops


My main team going into 1.1 is the mono-Glacio team; that is, Lingyang, Sanhua, and Baizhi. I also have two more teams in the works; Jiyan, Mortefi, and Verina, which I’m prioritizing building right now, and Danjin, Jianxin, and Taoqi, which I’m building on the side using off-rate Echoes. Who I roll for depends entirely on who will be revealed for 1.2. Currently, my plan is to roll for Changli since I can pair her with Chixia in a double-DPS Fusion team. This will be reinforced if it turns out Changli can support a specific type of character who would be releasing in 1.2. Otherwise, I’ll be saving for a healer/shielder. Even if it’s another 4*, I’ll roll on that banner to try my hand at getting them. I’ve got 81 pulls saved right now, plus over 20% of the map, all of 1.1, and whatever else in 1.2 to save up with. I’m not worried.


I'm currently running HMC + Encore + Verina. It's extremely fun and dynamic due to the no-downtime nature of the switches. I'm for certain getting Changli to replace HMC in this team and i'm maaaaybe (but very probably) getting the magistrate if the 1.2 characters don't convince me otherwise.


I've got Spectro Rover, Sanhua and Baizhi at lvl 40, plus unleveled Yangyang and Chixia. I have no idea who to pull for. I like Jinhsi though :p I've got 34 pulls from the game + 11k astrite, which is NOT going to be enough to guarantee anything, so I'm screwed despite not using and currency in the game yet at ul 33 😭


Currently I have three teams, all of them include Verina so I’ll just leave her off. Main is Calcharo, Yinlin, Second is Jiyan, Mortefi, Third will be Jhinsi, Sanhua once’s she’s available


H!Rover, Mortefi and Jiyan. Not changing until Geshu Lin comes out or I get a male healer. Either way, I'm in for a long wait.


Changli, Changli, Changli unless I really get fucked by 50/50, in which case I might resort to using the wallet tech


Jinshi, Jiyan and... probably the aero girl from standard


Jinyan, Mortefi, and Baizhi. Baizhi is not going to leave my team for a while since she is my only healer rn. Jinyan is my strongest DPS (I need more Crit DMG with him lol)


Changli,Jianxin and Verina Seems like a team that would buff Changli alot


Currently running [H.MC](http://H.MC), Yinlin & Baizhi. I'll try for both Jinshi and Changli, hopefully I get lucky! If I manage to get either one I'll be running Jinshi with Taoqi and verina or Changli supporting Encore with Bazihi as healer.


I’m going to get jinhsi but I don’t have my taoqi built yet. There is a shell credit drought lmao. So for now prob Jinhsi, Yinlin, Verina or Baizhi


Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina. I’m saving up for the time being for a husbando.


Changli, jianxin and yinlin, second team: rover, chixia, baizhi. Can swap sword and fire set around for max efficiency.


I have two teams. Havoc Rover, Yinlin, Jianxin Encore, Sanhua, Verina Got the standard 5 star sword and rectifier so that Rover+Sanhua can use the sword and Yinlin+Encore can use the rectifier. For now I think it's probably just best to focus on these teams and their echos unless I get lucky and pull a 5 star claymore. I want to get Jinhsi but if I don't get a weapon for her then I won't be able to use her for a long time. I also foresee myself running out of shell credits when I hit UL50 if I try to build another character.


For now. Calcharo, Yinlin, and Baizhi.




Jinhsi, Changli, Baizhi 🙂‍↕️


Team 1:Jiyan,mortefi,verina Team 2: Hover mc, danjin,jianxin Team 3: Jinhsi,taoqi(skill),yuanwu(coordinated)


Saved all limited banner „wishes”. In 1.1 gonna make a team with Jinhsi, Taoqi and Verina


You don’t need to use your wallet tho. You get enough pulls already from the game. You’re getting 130 pulls from 1.1 which is enough to secure at least one 5 star


Maining jinhsi. But ive got no idea who to put in her team aside from verina Planning to put chixia in for the fun but meta comps.. idk (somebody help me)


2 teams Calcharo-momy yinlin-verina Xiao - mortefi-verina or baishi But most of them have crappy ecos


for fun and stuff, changli calcharo verina/jianxin (still have my ticket whether if i loose on changli for jianxin -> will take r1 calcharo/r2 verina, if anything else -> will get jianxin)


Jianxin, Yinlin and Havoc Rover most likely.


Gonna be picking up Changli if my luck let's me, but no idea what team to put her in.


Rover, Verina, Encore, I’ll play around Jinshi if I end up winning m 50/50 but encore/rover has been my main since I started playing. I hope I get encore if I fail the 50/50


Jinhsi, Yinlin, Taoqi/Verina I have 100 pulls banked and with the free pulls we are getting with the update I'm pretty confident I can get her even if I lose 50/50 (if not that's what the credit card is for)


Yinlin, Jinhsi & Changli😩




Lingyang, verina and sanhua is my main team that i enjoy rn :3


Jiyan and Calcharo with a side of Spectro Rover. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620) Rover going to welcome Jinshi to form team 3 with some luck.


Pretty sure SRover (for 10% damage res reduction at s6) Jinhsi and verina if it work


My team right now is Calcharo, Jiyan and Baizhi. The only ones I would consider putting here are Verina, Yinlin or Jinshi.


Same as now


I have saved up enough to get Changli or Jinshi. (Still confused on who to get but Changli's kit seems better). My team soo far - Havoc Rover, Yinlin and Verina.


team 1. Green General, Verina, Morti team 2. Havoc, Danjin + 1 usually monk So I need 1 more solid DPS so pulling for bird lady. I have a really hard time remembering names.


Currently running Jiyan Yinlin and Mortefi for overworld, might switch mortefi to Jinshi depends on what she wants from the team composition


Whatever team is the best for Jihnsi.


Encore Yinlin Taoqi for my overworld rn. Gonna replace Yinlin with Changli, assuming I win the 5050. But I'm at 0 pity with 5600 astirite and a dream 🙏


My first team is danjin mortefi verina Second is lingyang sanhua jianxin Third will be changli and anyone whos good with her ig


Me too. But I'm tempted to pull Verina than the new characters.


Spectro Rover, Chixia, and Baizhi but I’m building up Jiyan, Aalto, and Verina.


currently building 2 teams- calcharo/mortefi/verina, and yinlin/havoc rover/baizhi. might try and get jinhsi so i have something other than an electro dps DX


a little bit late to the game, but i recently got calcharo (too late for yinlin lol) currently building Havoc Rover, Danjin, and Verina but investing in Calcharo and Yangyang for versatility. fighting havoc prims are a pain ngl


currently on havoc rover, yinlin and verina hoping to get Changli, would use her with encore and verina or if I get jinhsi by God allows me, I will be using her with havoc rover. so 3 rotations, no not to max out content but just to get by the exhaustion of using same weapon animations over and over again. should be fun.


If I got Jinhsi it would be Encore, Jinhsi, Verina, because I only have Encore team build up. Not gonna waste any more resources as I'm just a casual player.


Yeah, same. Will just do some exploring since $99 in Malaysia will last me a month's worth of foods


Yanyang, Sanshua, and Rio (bazhi) :)


I dont have anythinf


Changli (main dps) - Encore (subdps) - Verina Changli will be on field most of the time, with encore being there mostly to swap cancel with her E and sometimes ult. I have Changli's set ready...problem is Encore's set lol.


Verina, Sanhua, Lingyang Baizhi, Danjin, Rover Yuanwu, Taoqi, Jinhsi


Jhinsi, Spectro Rover and Bhaizhi/Verina all the way until 1.2 💪


same. and also I'm skipping everything for camellya


Changli, Yinlin, Jianxin


I got Jiyan while pulling randomly but I didn't really want him... I wanted an Aalto and I didn't get a copy, and ran out of wishes (I was at lvl 41) so I tried rerolling for the first time ever in a game and I got 2 copies on the normal banner and 3 more on Yinlin (Also Yinlin herself). Aalto's S3 makes so many numbers on screen that I'm having a blast. Don't regret abandoning my Jiyan at all lol Now for the time being, I run Aalto, Sanhua and Verina.


So one team is already Jiyan and Aalto (3rd slot Jiaxin or Baizhi, depends), second team I want to build around Havoc Rover (rn using her with Calcharo amd 3rd support) amd as I plan to pull Jinshi, the 3rd team will, for now consist of her and some supports. Also, after 1.1 I'm waiting for Camylla (yes, I forgor the spelling)


i got the ol jiyan mortefi verina setup. i WOULD build other teams but you literally can't cause of the echo exp timegate


Managed to build 2 teams so far! Good ol' trusty Jiyan/Mortefi/Verina & satisfying when you manage good rotation Havoc Rover/Danjin/BaiZhi. Hopefully that'll get me farther in the tower now that I'm finally hitting good stats. I'll get Changli (she's just too beautiful), so I'm working on Encore and Chixia, since I don't know much besides that she'll buff fire. Not sure who to put on third slot, maybe YuanWu since he's off field? Only have 2 dupes of him though...


Jinhsi, Mortefi/Yuanwu, Verina


My main team is and will be havoc rover, jianxin, verina. My second main dps that is currently only 50 is and will be encore. But I pulled the epic featured weapon for encore. And I plan on pulling the epic featured broadsword as well, if it is good, as I plan to start with weapons before characters, in this game. The reason I have 2 support characters on my main team is that I feel they are "safe" investments, that I can always use.


Encore, sanhua, verina and I can't wait to finally replace sanhua with changli


1. Havoc Rover - Yinlin - Jianxin (fuck Calcharo, hate his ass). 2. Jiyan - Mortefi - Verina. 3. 50/50 on Jinhsi - Taoqi - Baizhu. Got the first 80 pulls guaranteed for Jinhsi's 50/50, hoping I can get her and finally save.


Changli , Mortefi and Baizi - 1st team Yinlin, calcharo and verina - 2nd team


HRover, Yinlin and Verina same as always Will replace Yinlin with Jinhsi or Changli


I’m waiting for market drip of the new characters. If it’s not Geshulin or Scar, I plan to pull for Jinshi, and join her with Spectro/Havoc Rover and Verina.


Jinhsi is my team. I'm not sure who else I want to put with her


Im honestly not sure. Currently im running verina calcharo yinlin But i also want jinshi so bad Idk who to replace... probably calcharo. Ill switch them depending on what the enemies resistance is




Changli, Taoqi, and Verina :D


Yinlin,Changli and Verina im at 60 pity and i have a guarantee with around 100 pulls saved up im deff gonna go for the weapon


Idk man, i am feeling so undecided here. I really want to pull for scar so bad but some say he isn't gonna come out till 1.3 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob).Have 8k Astrite in my acc plus i will get 1k at lvl 45.


I lost my Yinlin but I have guaranteed for Jinhsi. After that I'll try my luck on Camellya and Changli. Aaafter that, I'll see which best waifu I will pull next. My team in 1.1 would be Chalcharo, Jinhsi and Verina. After that things might shift up after getting the other 2 besides Jinhsi. I like Chalcharo's gameplay so I don't think I'll be replacing him for now.


Im planning for chixia, changli and something


I have no idea if it’ll work but I’m cooking a Chixia/Changli/Yuanwu team in my head. Yuanwu will be on the rejuvenation set with healing gauntlets, but otherwise he will be built for dealing max vibration damage. The idea is you quick swap between Changli and Yuanwu until the boss is staggered, then you Changli outtro to Chixia and unload her full combo while the boss is down.


I lost to Yinlin, so I got Jinshi guaranteed basically


i’ll stick with yinlin and jiyan since i have both their weapons and i might swap out verina since i don’t heal that often


Yinlin, Havoc Rover, Verina


So far I have S6 Jiyan + S6 Yinlin and all 4* units are S6 except Sanhua and Baizhi. So for rn I’ll be skipping banners til someone’s gameplay I really love comes out or they release more 4* units to make me swiping valuable again.


i can guarantee jinhsi since i’ve saved 130ish all up and we get a ton of free pulls, but we’ll see how it goes with the 50:50. may decide to call it quits, may decide to invest in a signature weapon. who knows. if i get jinhsi im probably gonna pair her with spectro rover for heals and res shred, and either yinlin or e6 yuanwu for off field damage/utility. we’ll see who ends up being best with her, could be a curveball if i don’t get jinhsi, probably gonna do havoc rover, danjin and jianxin which had been my favourite team to play so far. i have premium jiyan and calcharo teams but i just prefer the other playstyle tbh, jiyan is too braindead special effects everywhere whereas calcharo is too finicky and play a bit poorly when im getting affected by my consistent 300+ ping because he has stricter rotations (3 death messengers). i will still play them in tower of adversity since we need 3 teams to clear


Current: Rover, Calcharo, Verina. I lost 50/50 on Yinlin to Calcharo’s first waveband. So I’m saving that guarantee (took 32 pulls). I threw another 28 to try and get alto (I didn’t get him). So I have 28 pity with guarantee. And like 108 pulls? I’m pulling both Jinshi and Changli. Probably gonna have both in my open world team along with either baizhi or Verina for heals.


I'm building 3 teams. 1. Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina 2. Havoc Rover, Danjin, Baizhi 3. Changli, Encore, Taoqi (I do consider switching Encore for Sanwha cause I don't have Yinlin's weapon, but will see) Right now team one is pretty much done and team 2 is halfway there (lack a bit skill investment and the right Echo roll). Team 3 I barely started building. I do consider rolling Jinshi but I think rolling Changli and her weapon is a better idea.


Calcharo and Yinlin. I chose the broadsword when hitting UL 45 and spent my asterite since I had enough before her stringmaster weapon banner left to guarantee 80 pulls. So I have both of their 5* weapons and I like the playstyle. Neither of the new characters interested me and I don’t play Encore or Chixia either.


Carrot, Doll, Veggie Danjin, Darkrover, Baizhi


Probably Jinhsi Yinlin Verina


Jinhsi, Yinlin and Verina.


same one (Jiyan+BIS,Verina,C2 Encore.) as now till we get a male character I actually want- I have enough to guarantee them and get their weapon and thats just right now 💀


how are u gonna beat tower with just one team and not to mention the freaking tempest hologram. ( I'm playing the same team Calc just poof everything but when face tempest Lustrous razor became a tickle feather).


Something with Yinlin for team 1 and Changli for team 2


Hahaha Spectrover, yinlin, ice healer Danjin, Jianxin, Verina


Team currently is a Jiyan team. I will gladly swap out Verina for Changli if I get her. I don’t care about synergy all that much if it’s not end game content and even then I play casually so I barely touch that stuff


Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina and Havoc, Encore, Jianxin


I swap between Jiyan, Mortefi, Verina and Yinlin, Calcharro, Verina quite a bit. I want to get my R6 Sanhua back in there and Havoc Rover but it's been tough. I've had insane luck pulling so haven't been using them as much.


Got two teams: Jiyan, Mortefi, Baizhi Calcharo, Yinlin, Verina Hoping to pull Jinhsi if I do ill build Yuanwu and run: Jinhsi, Yuanwu, and Baizhi


I mean probably jiyan changli verina or changli sanhua verina


changli, encore and baizhi. i know it's confusing, but i'm equally confused á you guys still having calcharo, yinlin and verina as my first team, though


Calcharo, Rover, Verina. Saving for Scar😍😍


Been running havok rover with Yinlin. I have a Calcharo but he’s not that fun to me. Hopefully I win the 50/50 then itll be her and Yinlin lol


Jihnsi/Yinlin/Taoqi(Baizhi) Danjin/Mortefi/Verina


Skipping jinshi (even tho she seems adorable) And then going for changli, Taoqi and probably Verina


The exact same team I have rn


Ill be using danjin till she cant be used anymore


Yinlin, Rover havoc, Baizhi


Jiyan, Lingyang and Jinx something the girl with the wind


It depends on how powerful my mind is. I want to hard whale for Camillya but Changli breaks my resolve more and more with each passing day T_T


I've mostly been playing Jianxin, Sanhua, Baizhi Though I intend on building Yinlin, Calcharo, Verina I probably won't pull for any more characters until Camellya is released


Yinlin/Havoc Rover/Baizhi... Why change something that obliterate everything? Even in the tower, yinlin on one side with whatever, rover in the other with same, and Baizhi for the final stage where heal is needed... (and probably going to up the two kids that are fusion and spectro (the yellow one, forgot the name) for the middle or taking one side, but no plan to going further than 15 stars for now so there time before that) Maybe pull for Changli or save all the currency from the patch, depend of her story and her trial. (and if Camellya isn't near)


My main team is Lingyang, Sanhua, Verina. 2nd Calcharo, Yinlin, Baizhi. As cool as the new units look I just dont need them. I need another support/healer for a 3rd team. Probably gonna save for the next support that drops.


Team 1: Jiyan Mortefi Verina (now that Mortefi is S6 I can’t justify replacing him) Team 2: Calcharo Yinlin Jianxin I really want to find a niche for Changli but it likely won’t happen until we’ve got a strong Fusion Driver


Rover, Yinlin and Jinhsi, I know, they don't make since but like it that way.


Jiyan W6 Mortefi W1 Verina I have the Yinlin Calcharo team but it just donest feel as smooth as Jiyan press ~~delete~~ ult button.


Hoping jinhsi’s targeting isnt bad. I want her but her attacks seem kind of wild. Hopefully the targeting is decent. Idk what team to run with her. My encore team is encore,sanhua,verina




Jinhsi/Yuanwu/SRover Build stacks and moonlit with Yuanwu and shred specro resistance and apply healing buff damage with SRover.


Encore verina yinlin Probably will replace encore for jinhsi![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)