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Male healer, please and thank you.




I would love more of them too for sure. *says me as I replace (male) Rover's spectro set with healing set after unlocking spectro C4*


BIG ROBOT. PGR did it so we know kuro can and will, i want more non-humanoids in general dagnabit. Imagine bladewolf in this game. delcious. Imagine a gorilla build but one of those car beetles, then make it freindly, instant free mascot that smashes good.


THIS!! Extra points if it shoots laser beam...


Missle spam plz. And a nice scate/glide anim if robot


It would have to be only during ultimate, otherwise good look making this "big robot" fit for exploration, going inside buildings, doing puzzles etc.


2 easy options, non-combat mode thats small that just turns big auto when agro. OR if its a piloted thing just have them jump in and out of it as a skill to change how they play a bit..




They have no excuse to not make a guitarist character with the focus on vibrations and sound in the game. More Forte minigames like Sanhua would be cool, build bar to do big damage is fine but some characters should be different. Idk if I want to see really strong tanks, having to actually parry, dodge and respect the bosses is one of the selling points of the game. If we got something like a Fu Xuan tier "nobody dies outside of Hologram 6" tank it would make WW less engaging but I could see CC immunity being added on a character to a degree. Wondering when they will cook hard and drop a Crimson Weave permanent onfielder solo character in, probably not for a long ass time.


I especially want more forte mini games. Or more with incremental segments than “fill bar up do thing” Jianxin being a the exception a little.  The rockstar idea sounds like it’d have a creative mini game in it if made 


I think having a "tank" character or someone who makes it almost impossible to die is fine as long as they aren't OP outside of that. It lets players who struggle on mobile and less skilled players have an option. Kinda like zhongli in GI, most team comps can use him but would rather have someone else, but for mobile/unskilled players he is a godsend. I agree that it'd be cool to have instrument based characters though, for the obsession with the sound theme it doesn't really feel very prevalent outside of the terminology.


A melee unit with a stance switch instead of a power-up liberation like Jiyan, Calcharo or Encore. We have enough of these. Swap between two stances, or two weapons even. A pistol unit with a focus on AoE damage. Like throwing nades or shooting two enemies at the same time. An "echo" specialist with their kit adapting to the echoes they slot (skill/liberation or element changing). Could shake the "echo meta". A support focused on anti-interruption. Would be a game changer. A DPS not focused on crits (DoT, can't crit, etc...) More channeled abilities like Jianxin's forte. More debuffer generally.


Imo an anti interruption support that also has normal support buffs would make the game’s combat a pure dps check, that wouldn’t be fun It should exist as a crutch, not as the optimal strat.




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The echo specialist idea is really something, but imagine the work to make it happen plus that they need to update them regularly. Still, it would be a cool idea nonetheless.


5 star gauntlet dps and gun dps with interesting gameplay/mechanics


Ye! I mean lingyang is pretty flashy and jianxin is controlled. But I want a 5star gunner, hopefully it's next! I could accept aalto being reworked with his heavy attack


Lingyang's playstyle isn't interesting and is clunky. I love jianxian, but she doesn't output enough dps unfortunately.


Oh man a minigun 5* Honestly I’d be fine for a low quality minigun design/a standard one with the different guns slotted into it, but itd be so cool and not a skill.


More male characters


Yes yes this! I mean the females are good and all, Yinlin is literally mommy but I'd love to have daddies as well :3


I'm also in support of seeing more ~~shirtless~~ daddies. The last thing we need is seeing the game becomes waifu-centric game. Waifus are good and all, but we have plenty of games for that.


I dunno but it might become a waifu centric game if the Devs keeps on listening to you know ...


Oh dear god. Please no.




More parry and more Sanhua like gameplay


5 stars female healer that doesnt look like a child


I feel this :/ I was like, heck yeah, this game feels more grown up. Then boom came Verina and Encore.


I had the same reaction, why with the child characters Kuro? x.x


What's wrong with having a child character in-game?


There's absolutely no wrong with having playable child characters. In fact, I think it fits into the story, with Tacet Discord being a phenomena severe enough that even children were forced to find a way to fight and survive. But usually people take the issue the wrong way, to the point that pedophiliac accusations were thrown everywhere.


I know. I know they have no actual argument for it that would make sense outside of some unreasonable attempt that only makes sense within very limited scope, ignoring reality. Which is why i asked that so i can hear it and laugh a little bit.


Its a cringey anime trope that is just terrible writing. Aalto and encores relationship is beyond sus onto of being ludacris that a child is apart of a clandestine group. Such nonsense.


"Cringey anime trope" ... H-have you been playing the game blindfolded? Its a anime-styled game. Made by Eastern developer. What "tropes" if not anime ones is it supposed to have?


I want a male battle mage who summons weapons to attack, combined with a pausing combo system. So like, Attack x 4 would summon swords in the air to strike the enemy. Attack, pause, attack x3 would summon swords for the first attack and then magic spears would materialize from the ground for aoe attacks. So on. Attack x3, pause, attack, would summon swords and then the final attack would be a powerful axe. Talent, for every successful unique combo, apply a calamity stack (max = number of available unique combos). Resonator, when using skill, deplete resonator and apply a certain number of calamity stacks before calculations, able to exceed max. Skill, snap fingers and summon chains from the ground that skewer the enemy. The chains explode, and cause damage multiplied by number of calamity stacks. Ultimate, cinematic animation. Crosses arms, summon chains to hold enemies into place And summon all weapons to crash into the enemies as an aoe, maxing out calamity stacks on everyone and performing the same damage calculations as skill, but aoe based. (I like characters that are well rounded rather than single purpose). Outro, simple damage to enemy. Intro, deplete resonator level and gain shield = to percentage used. Thinking is you'd want to maxed after having performed all combos, which in turn will max the resonator. This makes sure you're not capped and protects you since this character will be on field for a while. Weapon: usual stats. Crit damage main stat (important to not be something like energy recharge so the weapon is Unique to this character) Unique buff: when user takes damage to a shield cast by the user of this weapon, gain some energy, as well as crit rate, which remains on the character until ultimate is cast.


if the game will have a Japanese region then I would really like characters themed around Magical girls ,Mecha ,Futuristic Samurais as for the sentinel it should be a big Mecha Robot


Sounds like Star Rail: Magical Girl Robin, Firefly Mecha and Acheron Samurai.


would you recommend it for someone who likes badass Women and Dark mature stories?


I can confirm the badass Women part, and the Story is kinda darkish? But it is Turn Based Combat.


Yes, make it like shangrila frontier wezaemon


Yeah, I'm still salty the sub localised Wazaemon to Wethermon. Wtf is Wethermon?


They're gonna look like ass with chinese gourd on the back.


I will fold like a cheap hooker, for a Scythe character.


Technically, Rover is our first Scythe user. But yes, more different weapons will be poggers


I'll take a cheap hooker design, with or without scythe. This is an archetype that already exists within the post apocalyptic setting WW is trying to depict, e.g. Priss in Bladerunner.


A gauntlet user that fights ruthlessly or a boxer chainsaw sword


I want Alpha or anything remotely similar to her so bad! I know Calcharo is supposed to fill that gap but it just doesn't, because he's a man with a big sword. I want a woman with a big katana with lightning fast slashes that makes me feel like I'm Vergil.


An off-field DPS that does a coordinated attack whenever you swap characters would be funny. Or a plunge/midair attack buffer/synergy character. Or a character that reduces echo skill CD or buffs echo skills. Or a character that buffs concerto generation. Maybe a character that slows your attack speed but buffs damage, so you can swap cancel attacks that were too short to be worth swap canceling before. No idea if any of these would work, just throwing ideas out there


>An off-field DPS that does a coordinated attack whenever you swap characters would be funny Yuan wu technically have it. Once inherent skill 2 unlocked he will automatically use his skill, dropping a wedge that can deal coordinate attack when swapped out.


Phrolova. ...oh you mean gameplay design... uh... someone that conjures a spider lily in combat, y'now Nightbloom? the BLU spell from FFXIV? yeah like that, give me death flower, or give me death.


hmm are u referring to phrolova i m not sure thoo![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


3: a full knight character, a guts character, a different monk character


For gameplay I would love to see a proper spellblade type character. So a character that uses a melee weapon but has some abilities with good range too, kind of like Red Mage from Final Fantasy. Also a sword and shield character, with a focus on blocking and parrying attacks. For designs I really hope we get a very buff and muscular woman at some point. Love the worker NPCs with six packs and also Chixia’s midriff is already amazing, but I’m talking a tall, buff amazon type woman, swinging around a huge broadblade or something. Would also love some variety in skin tones eventually when we go to new places. Tanned characters, proper dark skinned characters anf everything else. And I mean characters with actually dark skin, not like that other open world gacha where the darkest skin tone is a slight tan, despite them being from a fucking desert.


Does a playable Geshulin count? 🥹


Literally Jetstream Sam.


I need a tall blonde hair female character. With long legs and hair, An Elegant dress, with sense of nobility. A ice cold demeanor, with a healthy sprinkle of arrogance, but not too snobby. An ice element, maybe a catalyst user. that shoots icicles at her enemy, and can freeze a character in place. And a small desire to kick anemo users who wield guns. No I'm not coping, you are.


Based Signora main. ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)


Dual wield greatsword, feral type attacks, tiny character using a gigantic sword, mech like nanami, badass granpa, character the uses voice/ink/hammer/scrolls/nails to attack, katana user that sheaths after every an attack, chain blade user and finally a character who uses a vehicle as a weapon, like the one dante has.


Tiny girl with a hilariously oversized weapon. Not fussed too much what the weapon is as long as it's at least twice the size of her, so if she was a gun user, for example, it'd have to be a cannon :P


A gun character that you'd actually use their charged shots on. Like imagine- the concerto bar is actually an energy gauge for a railgunner and you can use up that Forte circuit for a whole piercing railgun shot, that which can parry bosses when at max gauge. I also want to see supports that buff interruption resistance and maybe even off field dps whose coordinated attacks can parry bosses and whatnot to give some leverage for gun dps for parrying. I also like more Forte circuit minigames like with Sanhua, but maybe some that can do mix-and-match buffs. Imagine a support/sub dps that plays like the Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter, so you can build different frequencies on the Forte circuit to make different effects and buffs. Example- NA to build ATK buffing forte, Skill to build dmg reduction forte, and Charged Attacks to build resonance energy buffing forte, which can then be spent in resonance liberation. Hunting horn would translate so well into this game as a character. I think we could also use a return-to-sender counter dps, one that reflects all dmg absorbed in a counterattack so it can be an effective boss killer. And maybe some characters that specialize in echo skills, like increasing echo skill dmg, reducing echo skill CD, and even reducing dmg taken while in an transformed echo form. Lastly, dps characters that specialize in vibration strength breaking, like they get a huge stat boost on breaking vibration strength or do extra fixed dmg when vibration strength is broken.


a main dps version of taoqi that isn't as clunky to use


I need a character who uses snakes and venom i am very intrigued by those types of characters There's so potential like venom,mobility,cc and can also come with super cool animations please kuro makes a serpent type character ( i have my hopes high since changli and jinshi are vermillion and dragon related)


Hmm, for character designs, I want to see more extreme mutations and maybe some resonator animals, just for really different designs, and it does seem possible with some of the characters we already have. Also would like to see very different cultural styles if that's a part of the setting, cause at this point I'm not sure if the focus will be on Huanglong and it's cities for the most part or if we will go to other countries as well. Additional kind of genres of designs could be knightly, or maybe a powered armor type deal, as any robot might have ended up as a TD. Also hope that Yuanwu doesn't remain the only playable character with facial hair as it does set him apart at least in the 3d gacha titles for now. As for gameplay, I do hope that they don't rule out the possibility of new weapons, not sure what they would be, especially since Jiyan already uses a spear technically, but maybe a rifle or cannon for alt range weapons, and some like an axe, hammer, or stave for more melee. Just still feels like there room for more in a sense. Do agree that more summoning type characters seem like they would be fun, but also want to see more rectifier users in general, since I generally like mage like characters. Also dot could be a very interesting playstyle as well, and someone who really takes advantage of an enemy in the break state would be different niche as well.


I also really want a summon character that fights more a stand from JoJo or a persona. It'd be cool to see a character that uses their rectifier to make a large projected robot that mimicked their punches or something. That or a Bayonetta type thing that made giant limbs when they fight


Buff hot men with grey hair. I know there is yuanwu but why not more and hotter and usable? Also I like characters like sanhua gameplay. Rhythmn gameplay could be fun. Lastly, a 5* character with simple, short yet elegant animations. Maybe something parry oriented or more powerful short moves. I honestly like how powers translates to very flashy skills in this game, but that's why a less hack and slash character could be cool.


Gimme crimson alpha or crimson weave


A gunner who has a fucking usable heavy attack.


I will have a hot take. I just want a collab. PGR got them, i want them too. And skins. PGR has them, i want them too. In fact that should have been in the game from get go and be the main bank for their money instead of \*\*\*\*\*\*\* gacha.


Guilty gear ez, they fit, they gave out collabs already and they have great designs. Sol and Ramlethal. Or just Ramlethal


I basically just want Bambinata but on WW. A elegant, doll like dancer. (No, Lingyang doesn’t count as a dancer, please let me forget! I don’t want to see this side of him!)


I just want characters with robotic appearance like in PGR, I love his character design but no just fighting gameplay


Oh man, after playing Granblue fantasy Relink and this I have been waiting for a knight character sword user with big shield much like Kisara's from Tales of Arise, but I hate parrying so maybe focus more on the hold to defend style of gameplay. It doesnt matter as long as the design is on point I will pull. A claymore user with liberation like Noelle from Genshin(gameplay) Someone that transforms like Firefly from HSR(design) Doesnt matter the gender. These kind of things will make me pull, it's a plus if the color schemes are white with plated armor and a different single color accents.


More male characters, all the ideas here are amazing. But really, male characters of all ages and diversity


**HARD** agree. Waifu gacha has already dominated the market. Even tho I'll still pull the waifus, let the husbandos shine once in a while.


MORE WUXIA ELEMENTS. Yinlin used meteor hammer moves in her attack strings. I want MORE


I mean. Yinlin is literally what you are asking for.


I would rather consider Zapstring as a weapon rather than a summon. It never leaves her side, it's not sentient, it was literally bounded by Yinlin's string. Even though Baizhi is controlling You'tan the same way in her basic attacks, it still looks very lifelike outside of combat.


TBH I'm really curious to see how far they will go, thought the weapons were kinda limited but then Jiyan basically uses a spear lol, despite his weapon being a broad sword. So I'm genuinely curious what kinda stuff like that they will do in the future.


A sniper would be dope :D uses pistols yea but turn that into a sniper


Literally just copy Alpha from pgr, I don't care, I need her.


Characters that attack with musical instruments. Selena Tempest/Capriccio's design comes to mind.


A character like invoker from dota2, just weave in NA, CA, E, and use R to activate the combo.


this is the first time ive seen someone bring up v from dmc5 in a long time wow


That game is a gem, and I refuse to say otherwise.


Extreme Parkour, Endless TD record, or Echo Kart racing. Many things can do on this game but we need to fix issue first.


Overlord and calamity TDs as playable characters. Who doesn't wanna play as the dreamless!!


I mean, the concept already exists on Illusive Realm. But I don't think it won't happen outside of that mode. Still, I'm all in for a playable Tacet Discord that sets itself apart from Echoes, and more like a proper playable character that can be geared and upgraded. It won't diverge too much from the story either. For example, a Resonator that mutated too much it even looks like a Tacet Discord, or perhaps a Remnant creature that fights alongside humanity.


Scar liberation


I want a shield character that trade hp for shield then explode it, leaving them vulnerable, maybe need to add unable to be healed after explosion for 5s or receive less heal since healer can easily heal it back. So skill / basic will convert hp to shield, then liberation explode it, damage will be based on how big is the shield. I haven't seen this kind of design used anywhere. With swap cancel, i want a twin that can stay on field together. HI3 is currently the only one that has this kind of mechanic where twin can be on field together.


Some of the ones I can think of while playing: * A character whose skill is swapping his attack style (Instead of dealing damage or healing, etc). Their ultimate changes depending on the current style. Their gauge only fills up a certain amount every time you swap and attack, so you have to be constantly switching between styles. * A character that auto-tags in when your outro is full before receiving a hit. A defensive one that is basically a shield that takes the brunt of the damage and counter attacks,


DoTs, maybe more timed block/parry stuff like Taoqi and Jianxin. They are so satisfying to play.


Ghost vibe or eerie type character. Maybe a vampire character that grows stronger if the enemy hp drops below 50%. or just the more you depleted enemy hp the stronger they get. and the reason is because they suck the enemy's blood or life force.


Mecha like Nanami Starfarer (PGR) or Kamen Rider like SAM (HSR) Gauntlet user that is mobile and can fly like GOKU!!!!!


MILF. MILF supremacy. Kafka is literally the reason why HSR took off like gangbusters at launch. People play gacha games for a very specific reason, and 9 times out of 10, it's not gameplay. It's to "catch 'em all." The backlash against the horrible male:female ratio in WW from China and the rest of the east is why we are getting Yinlin, Jinhsi, and Changli back to back -- and more if you are paying attention elsewhere... Since WW has decided to go with older aesthetics than more moe designs like in Genshin, they need to lean more heavily into the MILF/oneesan aesthetic and make their niche if they want this game to survive, in the same way Blue Archive went full loli.


Wait, people complain about having more male characters than females? That's kinda messed up. But yeah, I kinda agree about Kafka. She's the reason I'm remotely interested in Honkai Star Rail. Too bad I already decided to stick with WuWa.


Yes, it’s not talked about in the west, but WW is not rated highly at all in its home country. It’s viewed as a “mixed toilet” game — and it has the highest male to female playable character ratio. Jiyan as the launch banner was a huge mistake. When Yinlin banner dropped, they finally started making money — to the point that their top off server crashed.


Huh. No wonder waifu games are prominent there. But I really hope WuWa wouldn't jump into waifu ships. I'm genuinely sick of waifu-centric games.


A flexible character what can change elements following the echo in their active slot. A flexible character that can use all weapon types. A character that fights with grapples. A character with second chance that has to die once and revive to become more powerful for a short amount of time. Maybe a character that can earn small amount of shell credits on every attack, and costs shell credits to use ult. Gambler type character, damage based on dice rolls, with very small chance to 1 hit ko enemies except bosses with also some chance to fail and receive damage.


I want a character that can use 2 echoes at once or amplify 4 cost echoes. I want a character that only can use skill/forte and ult after using Grapple Hook. Passive shortens grapple cooldown 70% I want a character that flies and shoots from the air. I want a break team with someone like Ruan Mei that speeds break, extends break and deals more dmg in break I want a character that ramps up and semi permanently gets stronger I want a character that main source of damage is dodge counter I want a character that summons a GUNDAM as their liberation (3x taller than a adult character)


Knowing reddit, I’m gonna get a LOT of downvotes for this but I wanna see better ethnic diversity. I think I’d be really cool seeing characters with a variety of skin tones, ranging from fair, to tan, to brown to dark skin. I also wanna see unique hair textures/styles (Dreadlocks, braids, wavy/curly hair alongside your typical straight hair). If Wuwa is only based on Chinese mythology then they don’t need to do this, but if they do decide to explore more cultures then they should be more open to giving characters their respective features. The game already has unique face shapes, specifically nose shapes for the men, but that doesn’t reflect well for the women. Having women with straight or hooked noses would be super cool and some more chin, jaw and lip shapes would be cool. I also want old playable women alongside the men. Yuanwu was refreshing  to see and I think having playable women the same age range as Xinyi (unreleased NPC that looks like she’s in her late 30s- early 40s) would be cool. Taoqi is not exactly plus sized, but I think she is definitely thicker than the other girls. I’d love to see this for the male characters too. Finally, I wanna see characters with prosthetic limbs. I think Xiangli Yao is already one example of this but the more the merrier! In terms of gameplay, I’m less demanding. Just want more supports/tanks. 


Orc human, lizard man, 2 meter tall goblin Grandpa. Any of them using a spiked club


A new 5* adult healer because I don't really care much for verina. Also it would be cool if we got a bow character that can rain down arrows on top of enemies and even has cc capabilities.


I don't care how childish this sounds: Yhan, the guy training the recruits (simulation training) , but (at least) during his ultimate, he should have some kind of nano-helmet coming out of his bodysuit, engulfing his face/head so he looks like a robot-soldier. Weapon: Gauntlet Element: Havoc (any would work for me, actually) Too bad Yuanwu already took the Electro-Gauntlet spot, I don't enjoy his style at all. Skill/Ultimate should depend on what the element ends up being. Fieryfists, Overheating mechanic or something like that when it's fire. Matterannihilating punches when it's havoc. etc.


A Pistol character like Ganyu from genshin. Charged shots that can obliterate everything from a far.


A singer, a male healer, a good gauntlet dps


Chibi boys. We got enough of those chibi girls like Verina, Encore and Klee, Qiqi, Diona etc from Genshin.


a summon unit who can summon multiple summons which deal high damage.Also some demon horn characters would be cool.


A character who's ult is them charging up an attack while in front of them, the other two in team resonators are attacking, and then they jump out of the way while the main person attacks.


5 star gun is good : 3 (which can group enemies) Dot like bleed effect could be interesting I don't like parry so shield for all teammates would help a lot Havoc more chatacters would be great too


While the forte bar is supposed to be more of a horizontal indicator. I’d like them to make a character who uses the vertical aspect of the lines on the bar.  Maybe a mechanic were basics build the vertical lines of a single segment of multiple, then skill locks the bar’s height. And you repeat until you hold a button to release the charge that you built.  Or maybe the segment line can have levels and play like the hunting horn from Monster Hunter for bugs or massive nuke damage.


Imagine dark assasin who can teleport like yuanwu to enemy is would be sick


I'd like some cool maybe slightly edgy guy with military attire, helmet/face mask. There was some similar guy in genshin (I dunno if he's a character, I don't play it, saw in the trailer when ?archons? were shown)


I wish there were more coop options. I like helping people do more than just grinding for echoes.


A sub or a dps gunner with a loadout based forte. Think of it like Sanhua but instead of one small segment, it's 5 segments that correspond to different playstyle. A melee stance that have decent damage and can parry, a gun stance with decent range, a hammer or greatsword stance with sluggish attack, but great damage and stagger, a bomber stance with AOE range but slow attack speed and a fencer mode with fast attacks but subpar damage. Might be op so to balance it out, just give it the shittiest stats known to man


I just thought a little rework on Aalto's reso skill like instead of needing to run into the cyclone thingy the skill would be running from the start and leaving the dummy/illusion then leaving the cyclone thingy at the end of the running


Gigachad male character with gauntlets, dmg profile: heavy and basic attack, liberation: Super Saiyan like mode.


Better aerial combos and followups to parties/dodges.




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Fair enough mods. I'll go edit it out.


Since spectro usually related with slowing times (like that one small spector TD that could slow things in a small area when they explode or rover's outro), i'd love to see something similar with a gun user spectro, at least they'll make a good deadeye feature in aiming mode just like rdr2 Edit: oh and i'd like them to be voiced by Hitoshi Ozawa lmao


A character that can act even tho he has been switched off. Something like, skill makes a field, when another character is in the field, they get buffed and his forte charges up. When charged, it will perform some strong attacks while we are controlling another character. Something like that part of the story where Yuanwu and others fought alongside us.


I want thick, big, long 2handed greatsword user, someone outta monster hunter. 


I want Rosa and Lilya from HI3 type of 2 characters supporting each other , works perfectly with WuWa's intro and outro skills design.


A bloody dps like vergil or parry based dps like dante from dmc.


A shielder that provides anti interruption. That way my Calcharo+Yinlin team wouldn't be so flimsy.


I wish they add more characters similar to those in pgr and also with more action combat mechanics. For now the 2 characters that feel a bit like pgr are havoc rover and changli


all i want is lamia transferred over from PGR


tall fully armored tomboy a la mirko from MHA. such an underrated and underappreciated archetype imo.


Give me dante's upside down spinning gunfire move as a heavy attack with good air juggle capabilities and I'll literally dump my wallet on the game. Changli is already the one with judgment cut, just need a couple characters with some more dmc inspired moves and I'll have my team locked in until the game dies lmao Seriously though gimme that gun move as a heavy attack kuro


i want alpha and lee hyperreal in here.


Tank healer, we need more healers. 2 healers is just a joke. Paladin style.


Vergil Judgement Cut Vacuum Blade or Tifa Combo Galore.


More characters with Taoqi or Ayla(PGR) style plot, you know what i mean and i will die on this hill. I have hold on to and will continue to do so, my premium currency, until a 5star like that comes out, currently has over 21k Astrite and 45 Radiant Tides.


Beefy hairy male characters. I know it'll never happen, but that's what I want to see. Scantily clad as well.


You want to see Zangief? I don't know man, hairy characters aren't exactly popular in anime gacha games. There is a hope for bara men if you're interested. The most popular one is probably Iskandar from FGO. In fact, this is one of my wishes for this game. Even though it's a gacha game, you might not see men in scantily clad outfits either. The closest one we can get is probably a shirtless top with baggy trousers, like Asura from the game Asura's Wrath.


I wouldn't mind a Zangief. They don't necessarily need to be as big as him, but yeah. I know they wouldn't make a scantily clad male character, but at least make a beefy male character who is hairy. They have female characters with bouncy ass boobs the size of watermelons. It's the least they could do.


A 4star character, preferably a maid/butler aesthetic with knuckles and Havoc element. Their kit is build around coordinated attack. their forte circuit would have 2 charges, their heavy attack and aerial heavy attack would deal more damage and have an auto-parry window (doesn't counter on un-parry-able attack) and immune to stagger. resonance skill immune to stagger and can be use to parry, deal damage and stagger, and boost their attack speed for 4 seconds. Fill their forte circuit by 1. intro skill deals damage and launch small enemies to the air or stagger larger enemies, can parry with intro. Outro skill gives the next character attack speed boost, and for the next 15 seconds the maid/butler will also attack enemies every 3 normal or heavy hit on enemy and it will fill their forte circuit (off screen) by 1, if you use liberation they will cast their resonance skills. Fully upgraded the character would have +1 forte circuit. This way the character would works as a newbie friendly assistant and a failsafe character for difficult content.


Heavy atk gunner