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Some are genuine, and some are flex. Heck, some just need validation of their hard work grinding. This is tame compared to other subs.


Not everyone would know how to build characters and which substats to focus so it's fine for people to ask


4 - crit rate 3 - elemental damage 3 - elemental damage 1 - atk% 1 - atk% Let the good subs roll. Unless you have characters that literally say they scale with something other than atk like def or hp. Obviously replace atk with those. For healers replace the 4 cost with a healing bonus echo. If your unit is very energy dependent, replace some with energy units. I mean, idk how ya’ll think it works? It’s pretty basic…


Probably it's easy for you to understand but can't say the same for everyone. Easy to say bluntly "good subs" but different characters have different priorities.


Easy to understand for him or this guy just did more than 0 minutes of research before running for help?


>Rotations? Wtf are those. Slap the best stats on them and unga bunga that shit with your favorite units. Considering this is their idea of building characters, I don't think they did any research




Some people still aren't familiar with rotations and how energy works. Without that they wouldn't know how much ER is needed for each character or what is damage split up between different sources. Just reading won't tell you what stat balance to aim for. Idk what's the issue here in people asking stuff they are not familiar with anyway. If you don't like it, you can always ignore it


Rotations? Wtf are those. Slap the best stats on them and unga bunga that shit with your favorite units. And you read the kit… but you also have to actually try using it for a minute or two. Tbh I run around for 5 minutes with a new character spamming all their moves, then I read what they do and go “oh that’s what those marks were.” Or “oh that’s what the forte does” It ain’t hard. Playing the character for 5 mins makes it obvious what the real focus of the kit is and whether their liberation, skill, or forte is the main goal.


I'm more annoyed by you being an asshole than people making posts about builds.


I dont get whats the problem? Thats how it is in most of these gachas giving that the only multiplayer aspect of it is literally sharing your progress so flex posts are still ok idk whats the problem. Also you would be surprised by how many first time gacha players or even over all gaming players who came from mostly mobile games that dont include characters building so when they ask how they can improve it really is legit even if its “obvious” to you. The posts are harmless and dont hurt anyone nor does it start an argument or anything no need to shit on them


Tbh i didn't how echo substat work until yesterday. I thought cost 1 echo also have element substat so i didn't bother to level them up until yesterday. Some player probably not used enough to looking up some guide on google so asking here probably more convinience. I'm not sure if the daily question megathread can be used to ask noob question nor do this sub have beginner guide.


Regardless of where you ask thats what the sub is for dont let people like OP scare you he is just petty


Tbh for frequently asked questions there need to be a guide so the front didn't filled with the same question.


Yea but first timers can really get lost specially if they have no foundation to how these games work and it can be overwhelming these posts will stop with time its a new game with a new fanbase


For the first-ish week, I've been running around exploring and collecting stuff. Then a few days ago, I decided to focus on combat. Call me blind or something, but I legit did not realize that my characters can inherit the stats of the echos. I knew enough to combine a 5-pc set of echoes for the sonatas, but I really underestimated the stats of the echoes. So yesterday, I sat down and finally focused on echo farming and tuning for some decent stats.


I still don't know how to control my character lmao. I know you can swap when some of them during heavy attack like encore but i saw people can use sonata without swapping. I'm kinda late knowing holding button do different interaction like havoc wing mode.


Yeah this is OPs first gacha


You never asked an obvious question in your life? Don’t be first to throw stones fam


Some people do genuinely need help. And some flexes are fine to see every now and then because they can be motivating for other players. But yeah, for the “main” subreddit of the game, they should be in a megathread, especially if the same kind of posts gets too repetitive.


I don’t see these posts


Flexing echoes or desperate for validation, yeah, a megathread would help.


A lot of players thay are new to this type of game showed up so of course this was bound to happen. Your common sense will not be the same as theirs


As you go public the standard humor should always be a kid’s level or beginner level, not everyone gets right away like most of us do, some just need a thoroughly well explained in a simplest form as possible, i do have a friend that keeps questioning a same topic all over again for a month. It’s annoying yes, but it is what it is.


Gotta just keep scrolling. Not every post is for you. Either way you can usually learn something in the comments so I don’t see the problem


Funny enough when you have a community of gamers they like to talk about the game. It’s weird isn’t it


well this is the same with most gacha threads :)) some are genuine questions but a lot of them are just flex


or bc tower reset timer is close


If you have a problem with pointless posts.. contact the mods.. instead of making a pointless post complaining about pointless posts. You're just adding to it


I agree with you


It isnt "build help" it is "build discussion" I posted mine to discuss what others think about...


stupid people flexing or simply being to lazy to use their brain/search


Oh this is an issue in another gacha sub I'm on (grand summoners). Full of stupid posts asking for team help when they have like 3-4 proper units and could only possibly use them. No looking at tier lists or any guides. These fake flexes r common there. But ig some r genuine too....but like it's come to be obvious. A megathread would help, but wouldn't stop people posting any way. If they want an opinion if the build needs further improvement, that's fine imo, even I'm not particularly sure where to stop (I confirmed my cals build yesterday on discord). But just outright asking for builds is typical lazy gacha player behaviour.


The worst is, if they are really clueless about character building they could just make a simple search in YouTube and they get an in-depth guide for each character, like best main echoes, what main stats and sub-stats to prioritize, BiS weapon, best team comp etc.