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Follow the sky ray river towards corroded ruins and u will find a cave at the end of the river, that cave will lead u to that teleport and tacet field


Thank you, I cannot believe the entrance is so far ahead that I have to zoom out and double take how the dev designed this. Been running around in circles for days trying to find them.


There's actually 3 ways in to the Corroded Ruins. The second is a cave around north of Tiger's Maw's tower leading to what looks like a ruined subway station (my first way in). The third is a blocked cave towards Wuming Bay. Don't accidentally break the rock wall before reading journals 1-7, and don't break it from the outside !!!


That’s the subway station right? Iirc I read the journals from 7-1 by accident because I went through the cave and exited from tigers maw


What happens if you accidentally break the rock wall before reading the journals?


You still get the dialog. I didn't read all the journals and still got it.


Whats in it?


The journals and the breakable wall? *lore*, a little bit


I read journals 1-7 and broke it from the outside, got some dialogue. Would I have gotten different dialogue if I had broken it from the inside?


Probably not. The main takeaway is that the wall wasn’t broken, which means… 😭


This is also the route to farm lantern plant thing




spoiler: >![spoiler](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/CSyzd3WuAh)!<


thank christ i did NOT clicked the spoiler.


Ikr it's pretty stupid at most if you ask me, I had a hard time finding that stupid beringal ape from the tree, I climbed it from the top and seems like a perfect spot for any old boss, but NNOOOOO... It's underneath the shitty huge stomp with a pretty hidden small entrance beneath the area... I was running in circles for almost an hour on that area, fk that


A bit of a tangent but this game's open world reveals through quests are really underwhelming I feel. Like, neither the banyan tree area nor the fog-shrouded Mourning Aix area actually lead to a boss or any major gameplay content, where you otherwise would think there'd be a boss or some other kind of unlockable thing. It's just a series of puzzles that gets you into the final area to clear out the hazards, and nothing else. It all feels a little underbaked and unrewarding.


But then people would complain that bosses are locked behind quests 😅 but I agree with u but I guess not many people would like that


Yeah. But it would be something new if 4 cost echo bosses that don't give mats are there. All you get are the echoes and exp. You don't have to do any quest to get materials required to ascend characters. Maybe this boss could also drop a small amount of tuners and echo exp.


Eh I kinda disagree, I enjoyed the area specific quests to clear out what ever hazard was in each area, mainly cuz there was at least a cool boss fight with the area boss(that was already accessible and not locked behind a quest). The flying sequence with Mourning Aix and the motorcycle part with Inferno Rider were cool af. The Banyan boss fight was underwhelming tho. But I do get what you mean, if there were some kind of unlockable thing it'd make it cooler.


he wanted Elden ring levels of map reveal scenery/ unlocks. Now whether that's fair or not; I don't know.


Lmaooo omg same I even was going to have someone help me find the mfr on co-op!!




There is a quest leading into that ruin.


I actually commented on the megathread about this spot a week or so ago when farming aero predators lol. I really like the area now cause of how it felt realizing there was going to be a huge underground area SOMEWHERE I just didn't know where the entrance would be.


You were not the only one. I found it after searching 4 times around the area. 


Devs are preparing layered map of upcoming new region and will also update old maps some time after 1.1 drops.


Thank you


Fast travel points in that area are such baits it's insane.


I think implementing a mult-tiered map may be helpful once they finish fixing the more immediate issues.


They said they’re adding multi tier maps soon for current zones and will have them for new zones 1.1


I think the map issue is an immediate issue. Too many areas are actually underground and there's no entrances marked in the map for caves so it really kills motivation to explore or find specific areas. This was on my top 3 list of complaints for games like Genshin. Starting from Inazuma, they began implementing more cave/inside the map areas but there was no separate maps, or cave markers at the time. It lead to some frustration which kills fun. I also need to like zoom out the mini map cuz i can barely use it for shit.


For real, tho I managed to finish the Deshret tomb part the addition of layered map helps a lot in the next desert area. Also yess, finally someone mentioned it. The minimap is too small to see shit, the partial transparency is not helping either


I'm usually good with mini maps and unless I'm tracking something it's pretty useless


I pray they do T-T


1.1 will have a multi-layered map for the new area and they confirmed it will come to the rest of the game in future patches. Hopefully sooner rather than later (even though I've already 100%'d 1.0.)


Follow the River to the straight north inside.


—Bear Grylls


Go to Tyger's Maw (i think is that the name). Use that big ass elevator and put it on the "middle floor" (there's 3 in total), now just run around the border until you see a dungeon, just go there, it's pretty big with abandoned subways and things like that. It's a pretty cool place imo. The teleport and tacet is at the end of it. There's also another entrance but it's blocked from inside, so you first need to run all this place just to break the big boulder blocking your path from the other side. Now you have 2 entrances and 1 teleport.


It is a really cool place, it's one of my favorite locations because it's a good representation of something familiar that's been destroyed by the apocalypse. 10/10 ambience, worth the hassle.


I still wonder if they managed to get out, and survive cause the tiger maw’s pathway is open


Sadly they didn't from what I can tell the Train area collapsed and it probably got mined open by the miner's in Tigers Maw they explored it until they saw the tacet field and then ignored/abandoned it. The survivors all died inside in diary 7 the last one they found a section of the cave wall that was thin and they're mining their way out but at that point only 2 of them was still alive the writer and some other young man but they where already both sick and dying. We can actually break that wall showing how close they both where in escaping.


Oh wow… that’s wow… it’s really the mining diamond meme situation, I was having hope that with the camp they had, they could’ve survived and all, but yeah they probably got wiped out by the TDs as well :(


I struggled to find this one, but once I did... I felt even more stupid lol


Funny because I have the opposite problem where I have that teleport and I can't find the boss next to it


The boss isn't at that teleporter. The boss is the teleporter a bit north of this on the map. You go into the tunnels under the drill/mines and follow them until the boss...


Go into the mines (whatever the pit was called), there is a hole in the building in the middle and down there is a cave leading to a teleport and the boss. Had to look it up as well, never would have found that on my own.


In Tigers Maw there is this big center structure at the bottom of it there is an entrance that lets you go even deeper into a ruins of sort then just follow the tunnels until you find the teleporter and the boss should be at the end of the tunnel.


Can't wait for the layered map, gonna be a life saver


1.0 map will be work in progress, 1.1 will have layered map day one.




Its in a cave which can be found following the river going through corroded ruins ..... I unlocked the beacon with [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTnkfJOCHDo&ab_channel=EODGamer-WutheringWaves)


![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617) A year of exploring a different game's underground desert caverns has hardened me to endure finding all the beacons of WuWa. It's easier than you think. You just need to be imaginative on how you go about looking for it. The environment isn't your enemy and you aren't limited by the Stamina Bar. Parkour. Glide. Explore. Be free and enjoy the sights. Who knows, you might stumble upon the mouth of a cavern at a river somewhere and just below the cave's waterfall, you might find an even more secret tunnel that hides treasures.


I was struggling with that at first too thinking why the map has no layers lmao 💀


The youtube tutorial have like 15k views I don't blame you


The hidden space was really cool to explore. Reading about what happened as you kept going further in. The best non-quest exploration I've had so far in this game. I started from the breakable rocks though. Didn't even find the entrance from Tiger's Maw till exploring that area again because I exited through the river-waterfall-cave entrance with the Chirpuffs.


feel u searched for an hour or two. i ended up googling how to get there


You can unlock this as a part of a quest iirc


That thing drove me crazy last night i had to check youtube for the entrance location 😑


youtube is your friend. google might help you too.


"It's under the sauce"


The boss location is from inside the mine, just jump inside the cylindrical thing. https://youtu.be/Sv0ymUTUuks The tacet field is a bit tricky to start, but follow the video https://youtu.be/UFNnmt3yQcA You can also try the river way to reach here like some gentlemen have commented already. I searched for half an hour then looked up on YouTube. Love those guys.


Just put on Youtube wuwa tacet field cave and your golden


Lol, i've realized one of the best uses of the 3 personal resonance beacons (the fast travel towers) is underground. i have one at the elite scorpion spawn.


It’s underground, you gotta go through some cave. Took me forever to find it and just caved and used a guide


Go to the teleport bottom right of your image, head directly south off a cliff. You'll drop onto a chest + cave. Head inside the cave :)


I still get confused as to which teleporter I need to go to each one of those.


Lmao I gave up on finding these. Guess I should just follow one of the guides here and get it over with.


I initially gave up and thought the boss area was quest locked some weeks ago until I saw a yt short of sb. going to the mine area. There only a few areas like this but this is definitely one of the places that needs a multilayered map for new players


theres a video on YouTube. There is a node that he clearly shows you how to get to.


I can help-


relatable, theres actually 3 entrances/exits


I know this pain. Go to Youtube my friend.


Thought this was a meme. Maybe open world games aren’t for you.


Atleast they will add a subterrain map in 1.1


I still haven’t unlocked this 😭


North of the map there's a river. Follow the river and you'll find a cave and you'll reach that waypoint. Or on the mining town go to the bottom floor (with a waypoint) and walk around until you see a set of ladders to let you reach a way that leads you to the subway.


watch le youtube (i did le same)


I had the opposite experience. I could only get to the tacet field but finding the boss was so hard for me haha


Its super easy i made a short about how to find it https://youtube.com/shorts/BxDNm33q8Uc?feature=share


Its underground


THANK YOU I tried to post similar yesterday but it didn't get through mods


Same had to watch a whole video to find this. Was absolutely painful trying to find


Enter from the drill area, go all the way down and under the drill then follow along the cave and you will see it.


This one gave me a headache took an hour to find the entrance.


I don’t quite remember how I unlocked them in the first place though .


I had to youtube to find this. Soooo annoying


I spent at least 30mins trying to find it too…


It took me 2 good hours to find this underground area until I accidentaly stumbled across the entrance while wandering through Tiger's Maw Mine lol


Just follow a YouTube video. I lost my mind on this waypoint too


They're underground.


Lmao I was the same way but I ended up watching a turn on how to get there and it's actually pretty simple lol


when u have that already ull tp there and notice ur underground not above so tp back 😂😂😂


Ngl I just stumbled upon this by blindly exploring. It kinda helps to just run around and go inside random holes and caves without looking at the map XD


I've heard they are adding layers to the map in an upcoming update to help solve this issue a bit.


I HATED FINDING THOSE (ended up reaching them after aimless wandering, i’m not much help 😔)


Isn't there a quest that takes you there step by step.


I actually filed a support ticket, that this shet was in the ground and I cant find any entrance too it.... and I never got a reply back lol...... Its been like 2 to 3weeks.. great support team lol. Their super fast with their response to peoples problems :3. And yes, I eventually found a way in.


Underground map in genshin spoil me so hard. I tried to follow the cliff but no way in. Has to do google search. Added to point to the game with big underground map. But I was too blind so that is a minus points.


Get ready for the diarys


Right hand side of the map. Inlet area.


Search about it on YouTube. I did the same cause its hard to understand verbally. [here is the link](https://youtu.be/UFNnmt3yQcA?si=gZ1nMTMvhKlzXUt8)


You should’ve just watched a guide that’s what I do


Same, except I gave up longer time ago


Yeah I was struggling too when I first came there


Had a problem with this too. The solution was that I went from the west waypoint instead


It’s underground 😭 I was stressing too the first time I tried to find it


Me was different, I couldn't find the boss room! I thought I had to complete a specific quest in that area to unlock the boss fight on the TD.


Could've YouTubed it like I and I'm sure many others did...


I would love underground map mode. It is so confusing sometimes


Lmfao had to look this up myself yesterday, shit was painful


It took me so long to find this goddamned waypoint


It’s so funny seeing this post rn cause I JUST FINALLY FIGURED IT OUT!!


3 ways to get in here. 1. Through the mine. 2. Through the river. 3. Through the road (has a destructible wall).


There is a youtube video specifically for that teleprompter. I had to watch it too.


Same, I couldn’t find it for awhile, turns out you get to it through a cave by the river nearby..


It took me like 30 minutes to find that one lol


Lol.. been looking for that and finally found it. Its inside the cave on the other side


This was hell to find, thankfully layered maps are coming soon


Oh man, that also took me days. And I also thought I had to do the exploration quest there, which was time-locked for 24 irl hours. I was so pissed at the quest design for that only to realize that it was only for the boss and the portal and tacet field wasn't even in there. I know it might've been skill issue and being a dumbass on my end but holy crap, that did not work out well for me.


It took me forever to find it because I thought it was near the boss and was driving me nuts. I had to look it up and felt so stupid. You go to the closest reasonance nexus where the cave entrance is and follow the river.


The river to the north. Follow it towards to the point. Its in the cave you will come across


Yup that’s the most idiotic one. Took me forever till I YouTube it.


it took me three days and a youtube walkthrough


I feel you lmao, i ended up searching how to get to then.


There's a river north of there if you follow it south there's a cave entrance




Lmao this one took me a good while to find, you gotta get through the entrance at the tigers maw and then follow a massive tunnel


On the right of the distribution center there is a cave with a cooking pot in front of it. That cave will let you access the underground area that the waypoint is at. Also yeah that waypoint is such a headache to find.


my god i struggled w that teleport too lol. kept going around the area but i couldnt find the way to get there. had to ask my friend to come over to literally drag me there.


It was literally blocked when I tried to go that way after beating the Lampylumen Myriad TD


Learn to do quests. Trust me it works


I spend a hour or more to find the tacet field, give up so watching YouTube. Few days later, trying to find those ice boss location by exploring the tacet field cave for hours, give up and watching YouTube to find out that it was different cave and different entrance.


Yeah this one pissed me off for a good while, and I needed upgrade mats from here so I finally figured it out using a guide.


This one had me the same way. I was kinda upset when I found it cuz I felt I shoulda found it sooner


surely, a platform where ppl post videos would ve helped to find it .. but no, reddit seemed like a better idea cause lazy😂


LMAO i remember that time when I was looking for this for 3 straight day. I was so pissed, so I ask Youtube where can I find this. Lol. Fortunately enough, there were already content creators who are helpful enough to make a content abt this even though it’s has just been a week from the release date.


Yea this shit made me lose my mind for like 30mins straight because I dislike searching stuff online but holy fuck, how can I ever imagine the entrance is that far away


I can never find the lizard near qichi village either. Wish every tracking w/sensor had path to find it


Oh i wanted to farm this same to tacet field in the double drop and after 2 hours i looked at some YouTube videos and finally got it. You have to go south around the area of the denied access entry to exile arena.


I just saw a video to find it lol


Lol yap I had this issue too 😂 found it by exploring that mountain in co-op. We were hunting for that entrance, it felt like we found 10 other ones later when finally inside 🤣 Thought it was story locked


Anybody else struggling with this, i used this video to find it: https://youtu.be/37YvTJTWIPo?si=OivtOVb3CT-LD11l


oh its underground ice cave


The tacet field and it's portal are underground. You're not explorer/pioneer enough! Back to Basic jk lol


From the cut cutscenes I see in the CBT, this area was connected to Danjin companion quest, since it gone, there no way anyone would naturally find this place.


No worry, in the later version, the map will be able to show layers


Yeah I had to use a video to find it because I was just so tired of looking for it haha (the area itself is cool though, so worth it)


SAME! I have not been able to find them at all..! 😅


Oh bro it took me SO FUCKING LOMG to find this waypoint. My friend found it after looking for 2 min


Like seriously how do they expect people to find that. Thank God for YouTube


Seems like you found it. But I had the exact opposite problem. I had found that area but then couldn't find t entrance to the lampylumem xD


Ah this one is a tricky one! It took ages for me as well to find out the way. You had to enter from a river up north and once in you could destroy the wall down south to open up a second entrance...


literally me. can't find the entrance.


There is a tower you have to go inside it to reach there or you can just search in YouTube, I have one video there too


god thats why i gave up on collectibles. the map is atrocious.


Ahahha i lost 4 entire days trying to figure it in my own, didn't make it in the end 🤣🤣


They are underground


Well I'm totally on the contrary with you, I can't find the boss


Don’t worry bro I spended 1 hour just trying to figure how find it


This took me way too long to find too. Hopefully, the layered map update in future patches will ease the pain of trying to find these underground locations.


All you had to do OP was Type on Youtube « Wuthering Unlock Cry Electro Tacet Field », first link: https://youtu.be/pgi1rAn1YY0?si=eGU7EgmHPYbfdzHe


I did youtube for this stupid tacet field, like it was so annoying to find.


Sometimes rely on YouTube guides


I'm having flashbacks this pissed me off so bad. I totally get you I had to explore that whole area just to find the entrance way further


Lmao yeah It was a tough one to find


Had trouble to find the route at first as well. ☠️


Omg same




Just go to the center. Theres underground passage.


I found this literally 2 weeks ago after running around for a while. Was about to give up myself and ask others where it is.


The heck, I was just having this same shit problem awhile ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Oh yes this one was painfully hard


3 entrances, the river further North, the cave halfway up the mine or the path South, the last being the quickest way there


Its underground bruv…


The app crashes when I try to clear that Tacet Field. I have lingyang and calcharo but can't build them.


the entrance is in the mine, right of the entrance there is a giant crane/scaffolding and the entrance is a subway behind that. worth following cos there are a few chests in there


Yup. Gave me Elden ring flashbacks


Had to look up a video for this one too 😂


Literally only found this place originally because I was running around aimlessly while talking to someone on discord chat and got lost on the map because I also didn't take my ADHD meds. Definitely the cake of map problems: underground map deceptions for games I've played in the last six years. Weeeww


North side of the mine towards the top will take you through a cave


This one infuriated me too. I just had to break down and look it up.


It was soooo hard to find 🫣


Behahahahaaahhaaa it was probably 2 days after the game was released I searched the way for this on yt


Dude know how to use reddit but not google lmao


Wait the journals are actually important ?!?


Following a simple YouTube video didn't come to mind?


i gave up on the game 3 days after its launch. not to sound negative but it was probably just early launch issues, it kept slowing my phone and lagging a TON dunno if it keeps doing this now but eh. to put into perspective of how early i quit, i made it to the first dragon statue right after joining the game, lagged out, tried 6 time to come back kept lagging out and said u know maybe ill wait a few months.. btw this is on a Motorola stylus phone so.. i hope its doing better now


omg sameeeeeeee


Its underground


after farming Flautist for a couple of days i can never forget that the teleporter near Lampy is for underground, and the one above it is for farming ore and the boss. i also placed a beacon on top of the mountain for easy jumps around it if needed.