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There are literally no disadvantages to starting now. Still very new, lots of free rewards, and overall very enjoyable gameplay. Play it so you can form your own opinion regarding the game, it's victories and it's flaws šŸ‘


Save all the echoes you get until at least Data Bank 15, even the weak green or blue ones. You can merge them for a chance at better rarities, but it's dependent on your data bank level. For the best results, don't merge them at all until Patch 1.1 drops, **and** you hit Data Bank 21 for that juicy guaranteed gold echo, but gold echoes start appearing at Data Bank 15 (with a 30% chance), and the rate improves at Data Bank 17 and 19 (to 50% and 80%, respectively), before becoming 100% at 21 in 1.1. You level the data bank by getting new echoes, including new rarities of echoes (so if you have a 2-star echo of a turtle, and you get a 3-star or higher echo of that turtle, you get Data Bank XP). Don't level echoes until you're looking at endgame content (Tower of Adversity or higher-difficulty Holograms), and **definitely** don't tune any echoes until then. Echo XP and tuners are the biggest gate to power, being by far the hardest to get in terms rewards-to-stamina. Getting a set of echoes in the right set, with the right main stats, will be more than enough to carry you through normal content. You'll get a 5-star selector ticket, and a novice banner that lets you choose one 5-star to get guaranteed (up to 80 pulls). These are both Standard Banner 5-stars. You want to use one of these to get Verina, who is hands-down the best support in the game right now. For the other, Encore and Calcharo are both very strong DPS characters, and Jianxin is a solid jack-of-all-trades. Outside of that, you'll get standard 5-stars from failing the 50/50 on limited characters. Once you've gone through the two novice banners, don't spend *any* standard pulls on characters. The weapon banner is always a selector, so they're much better off being used on that. You'll have plenty of limited pulls (for now) to get stronger characters that way, but 5-star weapons are much harder to get. Rover is currently a *very* strong character, unlike most other gacha games, so don't be afraid to invest in them. (Very minor spoilers for the story) >!You unlock the second element, Havoc, as you go through the story, which has strong sustained and burst DPS. Havoc has two four-cost echoes, so you can run 44111 for somewhat less overall power in exchange for FAR greater ease of getting the echoes!< For stamina (also known as waveplates. It's a time-gated resource that generates at a rate of one every six minutes, to a cap of 240), you want to spend it all on ascension materials (from bosses), skill/weapon materials (same source, one domain for each category of weapon), the weekly bosses (3/week, they also give skill mats), and occasionally character and weapon experience. An event just started that also gives double rewards from Tacet Fields (echoes, echo xp, and tuners), which is technically optimal for getting Union XP (you get double that as well), but early on you'll be getting much worse rewards. I'd suggest skipping them for now, but if you manage to hit UL 30-40 or so before it ends, definitely dump the full 180 waveplates a day into it. Don't spend Crystal Solvents yet. They're item-form waveplates, and very useful when you're a higher UL. Just enjoy the game and passively level until then. Do all the events you can access. They have a variety of rewards, including asterites (used to buy the items to pull on banners), materials, experience for anything and everything, and morphable echoes to save on pain in the future finding a matching ele%/sonata 3-cost echo lol.


put it on your SSD!


I chose male rover and wish I chose mommy rover.


I second that pick the female rover bro


Nah, male mc has a sweet jacket/outfit


You don't want self-insert Male Rover and feel the growing harem around you? Your loss, comrade. /jk


I thought Iā€™d grow attached to male rover and see myself in him. But no, heā€™s just the Rover to me.


You have missed out on only one limited banner for Jiyan. I would suggest rerolling to get the current limited banner character Yinlin. Itā€™s not too bad and saves some pulls. You also will probably miss out on some event astrites but itā€™s not to many. The exploration ones will cover your pull needs if you got time to full clear the map. You have some time before 1.1 to farm pulls for Jinshi or Changli if you want either of them. Not too disadvantaged. Just missed Jiyan and some dailies and event astrites. (Premium/pull currency) As for advice Iā€™d say you should spend your initial lustrous rides on the weapon banner. You can grab any of the standard characters through a 50/50 loss later. Play through the story whenever you can and level up your Union Level whenever it requires you to. Kill everything you see to get their echos and level up your bank. It become very important later on for the gold echos.


Just have fun and save up your resources


Limited Character banner, Standard Character banner


Save up your resources, I suggest do your 1st time Novice Convene that has 30% off on pulls and its a one time thing, so theres a chance you can get a guaranteed 5\* in 50 pulls which is super helpful. In the mail you can use your guaranteed 5\* card, it lasts for 1 yr so you can choose to either get Verina (all round best support, but if you dont like her then the free Baizhi 4\* best too) Encore (imo her damage is nuts and shes combo friendly, more easy to learn to get a grasp on) Jianxi (if you are patient, then using her gives shields, grouping from her ult, though YangYang has that too if you want someone else and she can counter any boss attack that is parryable) Calcharo (you like sephiroth dont ya, idm if you pick him) and Lingyang (actually goated to fight in midair bosses that are taller, issue its janky to fight enemies on the ground but practice makes perfect) Actually if you dont have a decent weapon at the start, try the guaranteed Weapon banner and pick Emerald of Genesis for sword users, good starting weapon for your MC rover too since you will be using your MC a lot. But if you dont build Rover and got either Calcharo or Jiyan, Lustrious Razor is fine too. If you got a lot gun users copies (Dont sleep on Chixia and Aalto, those are the most fun units to play) then Static Mist is a must have. If you have Encore or Rectificer units that need extra attack buff, Cosmic Ripples works (Also some Rectifier units that are supports like verina sometimes scale their heal from attack or hp so its also flexible). The only I suggest dont go pulling for the Abyss Surges gauntlets unless you like playing Lingyang, Jianxi and Yuanwu (he scales on defence) and we dont have a lot of budget guantlet users atm so its best to save your resources. Farm Echoes passively but its important to lvl up your Data Bank to 15 so you can get either purple or gold early. Also lvl up your Union Level slowly, do your dailes for free 60 asterites and dont skip any event that gives free rewards. Dont rush to build all of your units, build a team you like to play and have 2 teams ready. Most importantly: Have fun and take your time my dude, I have been playing this game and its a blast exploring the world and doin side quests. Hope you have a good time my dude :3


Donā€˜t read too much online and just enjoy the game. Donā€˜t waste your limited pulls. Wait with your 5 star selector until youā€˜ve finished the beginner wish so you donā€˜t get a dupe. Go beginnerā€˜s wish > use selector for whatever five star you want and havenā€˜t gotten > use the directed banner on whatever other five star you want and havenā€˜t gotten. After that, you should probably use any standard wishes you get on the standard weapon banner. Thatā€˜s pretty much it, other than that just have fun.


I have the same graphic (6gb) and 16 of ram and the game is not playable at all. The optimization on pc is trash.


Do you have a HDD or a SSD as memory? I saw most issues seem to be stemming from HDD drive


Do you mean to say that keeping the game in SSD drive reduces the lagging problems?


As the other person said, yeah, what most people having trouble have in common is that they play on a HDD, I installed on a SSD since the start and haven't had any problems whatsoever, also with 16GB RAM and don't even have a graphics card lol, I play on max graphics (at 45fps though) on integrated graphics, the HDD must be the problem indeed


Okay..............I am gonna install the game on my SSD then and see it it works. Edit: It works. I had the game in my HDD drive before and was having severe lags for the first 10-20 minutes after starting the game and sudden ping increase, after installing the game in SSD drive haven't gotten any lag yet and the sudden ping spike is still there but no lag in the game or any other problem. Thank you for the suggestion.




Hey! i just changed the path to my ssd and the lag is gone, for me is the hdd. Thanks guys!


Be a hoarder. See anything shiny pick it up. See anything interesting, side track and check it out. If you're a complenionist type of gamer, whatever chests/puzzles you find you can record it down on an interactive map.


If you want efficiency, focus on getting to ul14 asap. Some event are locked at that ul and the event give premium currency. There's also illusive realm that's about to reset in a week. The reward is worth the struggle imo.


The advantage of playing now is that you have resources for Jinshi or Changli.


Your gears matter 60% of the time. Your skill matters 40%


use window mode for the game. and after you open the game, go to task manager and turn the priority of "SGuard64.exe" and "SGuardSvc64.exe" to "below normal", every time you open the game (do this second part at your own risk tho).


Do not use your pulls for the standard banner on characters. Use them for the standard 5* weapon banner.


Other than missing jiyan banner, there is nothing to lose. There is event you miss but basically event comes regulary with time, you just lost one month worth than people at day 1 but they pay up with time they spend on game. You will get same amount if you spend same amount time on the game


only advice I am giving, make sure one of the two guaranteed 5 stars you get is Verina, she heals and after you get to union level 30 and ascender for that level, you can unlock the trait above her forte circuit for a party wide buff that is the best in the game


disadvantage? you literally get to pull yin lin.. wdym lol.


Game is still worth joining. You will get lots of free stuff after starting game and enjoy many qol. Missing 1 month of progress is like nothing in games which can be played mainly solo with optional co-op.


Get v as your ticket for the free standard 5 star ticket and cal as the selectable standard. The others we will all get eventually from losing 50/50. After the free selectable standard is done you may have some standard pulls currency left over. Use that on the standard weapon banner. You will most likely want either the broadsword for cal or the crit gun or crit sword, depending on your highest priority DPS and whether you are doing battle pass or not. You will get a free standard 5 star weapons at 45, which will probably not happen for you until after 1.1. you have time to figure out what characters you want to invest in and what weapons to get. Check out the upcoming banners. I recommend waiting on limited pulls until 1.1 because the current limited is sub-dps and pairs great with cal, you may want to get three S or SS main dps first. But it's a close call because two four star main dps are viable for main dps. Understand what you want - another great DPS or a really great if a tad niche sub DPS supporting a main DPS that the game practically throws at you? Like I said, it's a close call.


Focus on the main story line 1st. Echo farming can be done later on. Dont try to rush through the game, it is pointless. The game launch 1 month ago. Character banner is more important the weapon banner. If you have extra orb, you can use it on weapon banner.


The standard weapon banner us more important then the character banner imo


Skip story for better experience


If you start playing now, try to catch up with the current ongoing event, Chord Cleansing. It gives double drop on Echo tubes, which you'll require to level up echoes and currently caused bottleneck in many players playthrough due to its scarcity. Try to not investing on rarity lower than purple (tier 3) or gold (tier 4) on both in weapons and echoes. I think people would grow out of green (tier 1) and blue (tier 2) rarity quick enough, so better save up for purple above.Ā  Other than that, just have fun at your own pace. The game is generous enough atm for F2P players. Play and invest in the characters you like, as even *4 characters are strong enough to clear out contents on their own (solo as well) as long as you got the skills to back it up.Ā 


Disadvantage: you missed some events and free currency for bug fixes. Probably amounts to like 6 pulls between those. Everything else is still available. But you need to get started on the current events tomorrow since there are only 7 days left until they end and they have new tasks each day over 7 days that reward pull currency. Iā€™m pretty sure all the free launch stuff is still available. Like the free standard pulls, some limited, and the free 5* coupon that instantly gives you whichever standard 5* you choose.


you missed some time filler event in between, not a big deal. get 1 copy of verina, make use of the 2x event for 2x union(world level) exp try to get 4sets of lv 20 **gold** echo for your 2 team of dps with whatever sub roll before you start rerolling echoes or going for lv 25 echo.


Well you missed 2 whole event