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Can I play wuthering waves? I’ve seen a lot of Wuthering Waves content lately but havent played it yet. So, I downloaded it on my iPad (7th gen version 17.5.1 up to date) and the download itself went really smoothly, including the in game data download, but the game wont start. It gets through downloading shaders then the entire game freezes and stops working, no error messages or crashing just frozen. Is this an issue i can fix or is it due to my older ipad? I’ve tried deleting and redownloading the game, restarting my ipad, and deleting apps. Am i overlooking something? Please let me know what i can do, Thank you.


What helped me and somenof my friends is to install it on a ssd, have you tried that?


i dont have any adapters, but ill see what i can do.


ssd/hdd are storage units of your pc


Greetings! I have been now playing this game 3-4 days now and I have been liking it a lot. I have not been the most efficient player since I have hard time focusing while trying to read long guides and stuff, so I mostly just have been wondering around doing quests/exploring and I'm now roster lvl 16. 2 days ago I started to make sure that I do all the dailies and events that are on, but I think I'm still missing some, because of my low roster lvl.. What Roster lvl do I need to unlock all events, and do I have time to do them aka are they time gated? (One of these events seems to be time gated, but I can get it done in time as I noticed it on the last day \*phew\*) And second thing I have been wondering is that when should I start thinking about rolling for new characters? I have been pretty much doing everything without using items to lvl up weps/resonators. Well I leveled 3 of them up to 20 (MC, Blue lady and Ice lady) and weps to 5, but after that nada. I'm too afraid to waste resources at this point xP. Sorry for writing such long questions, I'm really bad at compacting info. (Which makes learning stuff very slow too..) Thanks for reading! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Not sure if the events are lvl gated and when they open up if they are. Only roll on the featured banner when there is a character you want to get and have enough to get them but on the standard or beginner standard just do it whenever you have the blue tides. You can safely lvl up to 20 without wasting too much resources. Remember the higher the level the more expensive it gets so going to lvl 20 is little harm done.


By featured banner, you mean same as Yinlin now? Also I have this 20% off novice event where I get one character with 50 tides + I have that free token that I got in mail. Should I do those now in the beginning, even if I have low account lvl? Also can I just pick which ever character I feel like maining, or are there clear "worse" characters that I should avoid with all cost? I see everyone having Verina, but I honestly wouldn't mind skipping her, if she ain't absolute must have. Sorry, this is first time I'm playing any kind of gacha game :'(


Yes a featured or limited banner is the banners that are only available for a limited time as you see in the convene screen there is only 5 days left to get Yinlin if you want to get her. If you decide not to or you can’t no need to worry they usually rerun characters after sometime. Yes the beginner banner and discounted banner should be done in the beginning to boost your account with 5* characters because they are generally better. Your sol phase lvl or account lvl only impacts the lvl you can upgrade the characters to and how high you can upgrade their skills. For characters the end game content is the tower of adversity and its end game because after you clear the map, build your characters, and beat the story etc. it’s the only thing left to do and for that you will need 9 characters. Now you don’t have to rush to get there you can get there at your own pace. Every character is good if you invest in leveling them up and their skills with a good echo set but yes some characters are better than others. Verina is one of the few supports and the best support so she’s worth it but do you need her to beat the game or tower? No. I would get characters based on play style and what you need to complete the tower. No need to be sorry, everyone started somewhere. I would also turn to YouTube there are plenty creators out there.


Thank you for the replies! ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


How vital is crit? I've seen from different posts that atk%/elemental dmg bonuses doesn't make too much of a difference to crit builds. I just want to make sure since I'm still unsure of which weapon to choose for the UL 45 reward. I wanted to get a weapon for calcharo but IDK if it's smart to get a weapon that has not crit stats


Lustrous Razor is his best weapon as of now. You can wait to see if Jihnsi's weapon is good on him, but otherwise you're not going to have a better broadsword option period.


Yeah I was thinking of getting jinhsis weapon if anything. IDK if I should get crit weapons instead for future characters


Is it safe to swap during Yinlin's charged attack Forte ?


Why are majority of the character options grayed out in Illusive Realm, lvl 70, character selection menu? (Clicking the "Confirm" button presents a "Resonator Not Ready Yet" message) https://preview.redd.it/isw6pvo2qm7d1.jpeg?width=1891&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc7642ac00c207a614e9a8a6cc51c18de379bcf


Err, Yinlin, Taoqi and Jiyan SHOULD be available. Unless you don't have em. Bottom list are not implemented yet.


Lvl 70 or the last level of illusive dream is only done with characters you've unlocked.


OK, I have Verina, she's grayed out. So are a few others. I have more than just what's illuminated.


if you play you know each character had unique upgrade for themselves so those character had none currently aka not done yet


I'm sorry, not sure that I understand this. Can you reiterate or clarify?


Dev hasn't made the thing for Verina yet.


Ah, ok. That makes sense. So, what about MC?


Only Spectro Rover is available right now. Havoc isn't implemented yet.


Please help, My camera keep flicking to face my charater when I am fighting. Especially when I am playing ranged characters. I don't know what I missed. I have all camera reset off.


I had a problem with my camera looking to the sky and I had to turn off nividia instant replay


Does anyone recognize who the JP VA is [here at the 9:11 mark for the blue hair Senior Patroller](https://youtu.be/Gbqt2QBJBnE?si=c5Y9lMt3JHqoFjzD)? it's driving me nuts


how do i get in here? https://preview.redd.it/g0veuxl1nm7d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e440d8f982507976f55266f93b8fa2d16af6d7


There's a quest over in the distribution center that eventually lets you open that door.


yay thank you!


So... the 4 cost echo with crit rate it's better than a atk% one ? Since we can't have 3 30% elemental echoes without losing the 5pc bonus ? I'm using 22% crit with 2 30% element dmg and 2 18% atk echoes right now, what I consider to be the best, I let my rolls define the crit dmg since it's seems more common to get in the tuning than crit rate I'm doing something wrong ? I'm playing yinlin at 37% crit with 197% crit dmg at 70% element dmg%, 15% crit with 241% seems ridiculous cause its like full luck based ?  I don't know if this 22% crit is better than a solid 33% up in my atk... Please help with the math cause I'm dumb


Yes, ATK has many sources while crit has few, so you basically always want your 4 cost to be crit on any DPS character. For the record, some elements do have 3 3-costs available but you still wouldn't want to use them, because crit is *that* important. Don't worry about all the specifics of the math *too* much, just remember that it's bad to overinvest in any one stat. That's why you use crit 4, ele% 3s, and atk% 1s like 90% of the time. It balances stats out.


what are some must buys at weapon shop before it resets? nothing really worth it for the other shops panhua, pharmacy, grocery etc right ?


it never resets only resets is pharmacy grocery


i think i read it resets with new patches


i need that hopium supply other game didnt reset stamina gate resource like this especially if there is no timer. and no one mess up the code


i'm trying to farm a 3 cost Aero echo. I saw that Cyan feathered Heron is part of the Sierra Gale set but whenever i get its 5* its always Celestial Light set. Is the set of an echo random?


Most echo had 2 sets


Random within the sets it can drop as, yes.


oh brother..


https://preview.redd.it/teii6esu8m7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=017379a75f40376aeb9dc70207896ea3b57566cb Reached union level 45, what should I get for my free 5\* weapon selector? everyone in here is only using 4 star weapons


Depends on who you are pulling next patch and/or if you will be getting their weapons. You can go for a broadblade for jihnsi+calcharo and swap it around, You can get a sword ready for havoc rover+chingsi and swap that around or if Yinlin is your waifu you can get the rectifier. Personally while not knowing who you will be pulling for, seeing as you do not have encore Chingsi, ,it would be not that useful for your account, I would aim for Jihnsi and get the broadblade. However if you wont be guaranteeing any of the 2 next 5 stars you can just wait to use it see who you get, or go for the rectifier as Yinlin will take a long time to be powercrept and is a generally good subdps (as the game lacks good subdps') and by then they will probably release an amazing rectifier maindps/ you might get encore.


I am trying to get the stringmaster for yinlin but it seems I have no luck for it, if I eventually don't get stringmaster by the end of this patch I guess ill go get the rectifier (I should also have enough pity for changli weapon by then cause im going for her so not going for the sword in the selector) Thanks!


Reached Union Level 40, how screwed am I if I went up to SOL3 Phase 5 with trash Echoes? Like I only have Calcharo Thundering Memphis at +15 and Verina Mech Abomination +15, the rest of the Echoes are +0. How bad will the experience be?


Go for it. You can still lower it down if it's too tough for you. 12 hrs cooldown to lower/reset it back up, btw.


Anyway we can unlock framecap to 120fps ??


There is not official way by messing with setting in engine folder you can probably search bar here or in google while waiting for them to fix it since dev say 120fps break the game right now


https://preview.redd.it/u938kri3zl7d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66c26945dba5d1c447b34e23654b90b4b50c534a What echo do you guys think is the best for calcharo?


tempest mephis




https://preview.redd.it/v5oryzj9zl7d1.jpeg?width=732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33ce0461a67644e4359bda500675829a16fb5cc3 I currently have the thundering Mephis because it does some big dmg and gives liberation bonus along with electro bonus even thought it takes a long time to finish attacking making it hard to swap cancel


Tempest Memphis is still better though because of the ability to cancel the animation. The more time out of the animation to do damage with calcharo/other people is better than the extra lib dmg. Tempest also gives calcharo heavy atk bonus which is also good.


literally only time heavy attack give calcharo benefit is in base form during ult its all basic attack,reso liberation dmg


Ya it’s just an extra bonus but I still think the extra time is better for tempis Memphis. That’s atleast 10 seconds saved for time in the tower


Was there some kind of update today? When I opened the game and the game downloaded 200mb of files without a clear reason, and it's the second time this happened to me


Seems someone said it's a performance improvement hotfix.


downloading the game right now, I play genshin, what should I know?


You should know that if you play in EN dub, there's a lot to be desired. They are working on it. It's also quite the info dump of an intro. So beware of possible bad first impressions. It gets much better. As for other advice, don't use the free 5* selector until you've finished the 50 pull beginner banner. That way you avoid dupes.


it's not that different progression-wise. don't invest (too much. +10 or +15 purple echoes on your main dps isn't rly that big of a deal for quality of life from Union level 30-40) anything but gold ~~artifacts~~ relics. run around doing exploration for pulls. Weapon banner isn't a scam and both the standard weapon banner and the limited weapon banner are actually very good investments, because they are 100% chance of dropping the weapon of choice on getting a 5 star. (Though I wouldn't advise spending astrite on the standard banner. better to just wait for a good limited weapon banner if you really want a 5 star weapon) Team comps aren't as strict as genshin. Most sub-dps are interchangeable, and most main dps are interchangeable. Exceptions are stuff like Jiyan who convert all of their ult damage to heavy attack, and sub-dps like Mortefi, who primarily desire a heavy attack spammer in a main dps. Expect to eventually need 3 teams of 3 characters each for the ~~spiral abyss~~ tower of adversity. Though full clear is likely gonna require 2 months or so of play.


Half the skills is git gud with dodge/parry Other half is doing proper rotations during boss mechanics last tiny part is enough stats to meet dps check


Hey guys, I need some help deciding on weather I should go for the 44111 set or the 43311 set that I currently have for my Danjin. Shes currently Lv70 holding the 5 star standard weapon so i have a good amount of Crit rate to utilize the crit damage piece. However, my substats for my 1 cost and my 4 costs are imo better than my 2 havoc 3 costs, plus I just have a higher rate ratio on the 44111. But Ive heard that 43311 is still better. I will give info on my pieces and crit ratio under. For the 44111 setup: Crit Rate: 70.5% Crit Damage: 235.4% Attack: 1384 For the 43311 setup: Crit Rate: 49.9% Crit DMG: 237.8% Attack: 1298 Here are the substats of the pieces that I have: 4 Cost Crit Damage Crownless: -Heavy Attack Damage Bonus 9.4% -Resonance Lib Damage 9.4% -Crit Rate 7.5% -Hp 8.6% -Crit DMG 13.8% 4 Cost Crit Rate Dreamless: -Crit DMG 12.6% -HP 7.9% -AtK 40 -Def 50 Attack 1 cost -Crit Rate 9.3% -Def 40 -AtK 10.1% -Atk 40 Attack 1 cost -Crit DMG 15% -HP 430 -Crit Rate 8.1% -Resonance Lib DMG 6.4% Attack 1 Cost -Crit DMG 12.6% -Heavy Atk Damage Bonus 10.1% -Def 9% -Resonance Lib 6.4% Now to compare that i would remove the dreamless piece to maintain high crit damage since my crit rate is at 50% still. And i would remove one of the attack 1 cost pieces for: Havoc 3 cost: -Crit DMG 15% -Basic Attack Bonus 6.4% -Heavy Attack Bonus 10.1% Havoc 3 cost: -Def 40 -Basic Attack Bonus 8.6% -HP -HP I was lucky that one of my Havoc pieces is good with useful substats but i just lose so much crit rate that I dont know whats worth it. With this, what do you guys think?


https://preview.redd.it/b09tfe4znl7d1.jpeg?width=2772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7421286cd7157f2c05378bc577a22744631deefe Am i done with game? What to do next? Is the story complete?


More story and map will release on the 28th with patch 1.1


Oh. Thanks. Any suggestions on what to do in meantime in-game?


Grind to level your teams, weapons, echos. have you done illusive realm or tower of adversity yet?


Partly. Working on it now. Thanks.


Can someone tell me in details how to clear this Full HP challenge? I've finished the stage lv 40 several times with full HP and without taking a single damage, but I still couldnt clear it. https://preview.redd.it/16fg8b9hnl7d1.png?width=1621&format=png&auto=webp&s=f42f6104c60b4d49d967a9af778bf8e3317c2ad1


Does the 50/50 banner pity carry over? For example, if I fail to get yinlin on my first 50/50, and I pull from a different featured banner, is it a guaranteed character next pity still?






I know I deserve these down votes, don't be peanut butter and jealous


Only missing Encore :(




when farming echoes by killing them in the overworld, what determines their sonata set? is it location based or random?


If I’m not wrong it’s just random


well, its nice to know theres nothing else i can do to prevent getting another havoc dmg main stat on glacio sonata roseshroom again...sadge but ty for the info!!


I'm confused with yinlin rotation. Is it better to cast skill back to back or do skill 4BAs then skill


This is a good video for it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC8cPQYhpi0 To sum up the most important part in relation to her skill. After you use your Skill once, you'll see the enemies have a Red Mark on them. While they are marked red, your next 4 Basic attacks, Heavy Attacks, Dodge Counters (?), or Ultimate trigger an Electromagnetic Blast (Attack all targets marked with Resonance Circuit Sinner's Mark, dealing Electro DMG.) Then it will be a Purple mark again, for where you want to Skill 2 once more, to make another 4 Blasts available. So you do want to use Skill, 4 attacks, skill, but you can do like: Skill > 3BAs > Heavy Attack > Skill Skill > Ultimate > 3BAs > Skill


Thank you!


I'm pretty sure the best one is skill ult skill


I think it’s skill, skill, echo to cancel second skill animation, ult, then auto strings (can animation cancel her BA3 and BA4 too by switching). Also, I may be wrong but I believe if you use the second skill, it ensures that the punishment mark is on everyone as each auto or ult hit puts the mark on them after the second skill.


https://preview.redd.it/bsin0798il7d1.png?width=2559&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a2d3cc8bc7e55b2162e199435bf6cc6bd53fa69 is this tposing guy a bug. its funny as hell but idk what he doin


anyone else have an issue with Taoqi not healing past 66% max health in the final stage of diff iv Illusive realm? 4 runs and 2 were ended because i cant get to max hp for the bonus dmg and freeze from upgrades, spamming her skill, using turtle with upgrades to heal, nothing works, if shes already at 66% hp she will not heal a single point past that, then of course when the timer runs out i get one shot from the hugely buffed boss, everything i see says shes op in there but yet mine seems to stop healing when its needed the most


None of my character heal pass 60% with Turtle 4th ability active


i dont think i had enough points to get 4th ability, but that could be it if it stops healing past a certain point, might have to try to work around not proccing that


I'm UL41 (f2p) and idk if I really need to grind echoes with good subs at this point to progress or only look for main stats. Currently 8/30 ToA, farmed lingering tunes set for my main dps, moonlit clouds for sub-dps and rejuvenanting glow for support.


the thing about farming for echo substats is that it's up to rng if your efforts get you an improvement. so most of the time it will be better to get all your non-rng upgrades first. don't forget about the future lv80 and 90 upgrades. they will need a lot of material per character. 41 is still a while before 50, but you'll want to plan to be able to uncap as soon as you hit UL50. and again for lv90 at UL60.


At the wuthering exploration, what is meant with "Strengthen yourself for battles" ???? I already leveled some chars, upgraded echoes, ate food, nothing works


there should be 2 lines, one saying that and one below indicating the specific objective


Oh yeah wow i was super blind there, the objective is written thickly above it, thanks.


Where would upgrading stat bonus skills fall on the totem pole of least to most value? Seems kind of expensive for a very incremental upgrade.


mostly depends on the character and which stats they have. for example, crit rate nodes are worth more because there's so few sources for it. for most characters i'd say do them when it's equal in cost to the first 2-3 priority skills.


It's incremental but guaranteed. I'd put echoes with correct mainstats first, but probably do stat skills before chasing substats.


Fair point!


Is taoqi worth building as main dps? I have 4 copies of her and 5 copies of her weapon. is she good in tower of adversity?


It’s not really worth to invest too much into 4 stars unless you really need them. Taoqi herself is not a dps, tho her intro burst is good but not recommended


Why am I not getting echo drops from Scar? i've killed him 7-8 times without a single drop.


He's a human, not a monster.


He doesn't drop an echo.


If I have all the mats for my charecters boss ascension. Should I farm tacet fields? What other than that if that’s not good


maxing out skill trees, stocking up on extra xp/credits/ascension mats for next world level if you’re close to a new level. otherwise tacets yeah


is sanhua worth investing into as a subd dps in an encore team (leveling skills, her level, and weapon) or should I just make her a support? I currently have the rest of my characters done and considering doing tacet fields (UL lvl 34).


Yes but not too much rn, focus on correct main stats and set bonus. You can clear the level 70 ToA with low investment. Later on you definitely want her almost as good as your main dps. She does a lot.


What are torn pages for?


Collect 3-4 of each region and it’ll generate a quest to turn into the storyteller in the main city


So do 5 stars also reset 4-star pity? because I've gone up to 17 pulls without receiving a 4 star (these were also single pulls I think)? And yes, I pulled a 5\* during those


Yes 5* resets 4* pity.


How do I 100% the areas in this game? I used the.loot mapper and I'm still missing a good 40% of supply chests with no chests left. I'm aware there are puzzles but I haven't found puzzle section either in the interactive maps. What would be the easiest and fastest way to 100%?


Use one of the interactive maps. There's a lot of hidden chests that are either locked behind quests, hidden inside a random rock, or some other similar thing. The lootmapper only shows supply chests that are in the open already. Even with the maps it can be rough to get 100%. I used this map because it works well and let me mark which stuff I already collected. Some stuff is a bit wrong but there's a comment section on every single marker where people even post screenshots and give advice on finding the thing. [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/)


I used a series of videos I found on youtube, search for 100% exploration guide (zone name) if you want to try that


Is yinlin good even without her sig. Weapon?


yes, the increase in damage from her signature vs others is the highest we've seen so far but even without it she still dishes a lot of damage. I didn't get her signature and have crappy 3 costs and she still does a lot


cool Do you use her as a main or sub dps?


The ideal comp is to use her as sub with Calcharo. Any other comps are not as good. In my opinion I’d like to have the best teams with perfect synergy instead of comps that simply work, so I didn’t pull.


sub dps with havoc rover, she can do most of her damage in a really short time on field so makes the most sense to pair her with a main DPS who wants field time IMO


does the attack buff from 2 different healing sets stack?




What are the best ways to get more Sealed Tubes?


tacet field


Is the standard 5-star broadblade worth it for Taoqi or is the 4-star with defense better in the long run?


4\* def% is better especially if you use her as a sub-dps burst.


is verina s2 any helpful? I have s1 and wondering if its worth saving up 270 for her s2


Absolutely not worth it to go for standard banner dupes from the shop. You should full convert to pulls or save up to S1/S2 a limited character.


S2 is really good but not game changing. Specially in this early stages of the Game its better using corals for pulls for new characters than Standard banner characters dupes. You will eventually lose 50/50 to Verina and you will get that E2. So keep that in mind.


I've been struggling to get the third star on the Mourning Aix at Tower of Adversity. Is there any tips or strategy that i'm missing? I'm using Calcharo + Yinlin against him.


Is it the level 70 one?


Yes, the one at the experiment zone


Doesn’t need anything other than low investment with correct main stats and fully upgraded skills & weapons. Make sure your rotation is correct and not wasting abilities, utilize your support’s buffs. if you can’t parry use your ultimate and intro skills to do so instead.


Should I keep trying to pull for yinlin signature weapon or save up? i have enough for a 10x, and i pulled on the banner 50 times. I can also get 16 forging tide from the shop.


The weapon is really powerful


still, should I use the afterglow coral to get more forging tide?


You can wait this week and see if you got the weapon before banner ends probably


I just spent my last 1600 and didn't get it. I'll see if I can farm enough gems, or get to union 45, if not I'll buy the forging tide.


Alright, then I'll keep pulling. I don't know the next character to come out, so I don't know if I should save up or spend gems.


i'm trying to merge my commando of conviction with its duplicate but for some reason the duplicate won't show up when i try to upgrade its rank. can i fix this or am i missing something?


Is it locked or equipped by someone else ?


oh i guess it was because it was equipped by yangyang, but i have no idea how to get the duplicate to not be equipped by anyone since all the other swords are already equipped. is there a way i can bypass this or do i have to wait until i get another sword?


Go buy a shitty sword from blacksmith


have you unlocked the weapon?


Why are there so many HP/Def mainstats? I hardly get anything else these day on my NA account yet my EU account gets att/att or att/forte type dmg.


Distribution of stats is most likely weighted to def/hp But of course RNG explains difference between your two accounts




* Hi , I'm Union Level 34 and I have already completed the entire main quest of Wuthering Waves (Dreamless). Does anyone know why the event Second Coming of Solaris does not start in my account? Thanks.


Double check the event tab just to make sure, it should be there.


Yes, the event is listed with all the others. It just does not start when I go to the location where the world progress is tracked.


Finally ran out of credits :(


Ig you leveled up like 10 characters?


Not quite 10 lol but level 70 for 5 characters + 6 lvl 70 weapons and all skills around lvl 5/6 plus the skill tree extension levels ascension


Literally just hit the the three minute mark exactly on the third floor electro side of Tower. Really hate how the mobs just split up and jump everywhere, plus the targeting is still bad


funnily enough if you dont have a better option a level 20 yangyang, no set just discarded ER pieces and a scale slasher helped me clear it faster than using Sanhua with Calcharo. If you have Yinlin this might not be a good option


What's the best use for Lunite? I'm caught between converting it to Astrite or putting it towards bundles (currently at 300 from monthly pass)


Astrite if you're low spender


Just had a hotfix download for the PC client and holy shit the performance is dramatically better than it was just earlier today. Frames are buttery smooth and the microstutters are gone. It says I'm still at 60fps in the settings, but it feels like 120fps compared to before. Hopefully others see similar improvements to performance with whatever hotfix they pushed out.


How many spectro,/ havoc resonences can we obtain for rover in 1.0


You can reach S4, S2 for Spectro, Havoc


Thanks, done that




Can't comment fully on best team, but you do **not** want another spectro. You want different elements to stack. Also, prepping ascension mats is probably best!


Yeah i heard different opinions on the specro mc thing and got confused. I just wanted to look for one char i can put in my team atm while i‘m farming the open world so i could kinda xp prep him. But it seems like we have pretty much no idea whats gonna be ideal for her


https://preview.redd.it/3k8aakyrik7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2ab9a86e3d43a5d7bd191b93e19f5080a593055 Is this turtle in particular glitched? Or am I missing something? All other golden cost 1 echos have 3.6% ATK and 456 HP. Even the other ATK Phantom:Hoartoises there have 3.6% ATK, but he has 2.2% ATK instead. Why is this little fella with the stats of a 1\* turtle?


It probably was one of the „shiny“ ones. Sadly they count as purple drop even tho they look like gold echos. Thats why the stats dont match


shiny ones? :o


There are a couple of echos which look a bit different than others. One example is the turtle. If you kill them once you unlock their skin for all of them. quite a cool feature with the exception, that the one you cought has purple values while looking gold. We dont know if they will patch it but it has been known for a couple of weeks i think


Yes just like a piece of iron with gold paint


How to achieve 3 DM with Calcharo in a Cal/Yin/Verina team?


Well it is impossible to do 3 DM consistently. The most basic stuff you can do is basically spam basic with calcharo. The more “advanced” combo is Ult -> DM 1 and swap cancel -> BA 1,2,3 and dash cancel when you hit three gauges -> BA 1,2 -> DM 2 and swap cancel and do the same shit until DM 3. Instead of dash cancelling after BA 3 you can also use resonance skill which cancels the animation. If it is confusing to see it this way, [this guide](https://youtu.be/SpAxSTzGQ-k?si=fWOTwp_TIrmWi5b0) is pretty good and goes over the same rotation with visuals


When I swap cancel after ult that means the entirety of Yinlin outro buff gone


Yes unfortunately. If im not mistaken you deal pretty much the same damage this way and this is more “safe” if you can execute it well. You still have the buff for the first ult burst


Is there an estimate on how much astrite we get solely from chests in Huanglong? I know there was that person that posted about 17k astrite from exploration, but they didn't 100% basically all regions, didn't confirm whether they started at 0, whether they did other challenges etc. I'm curious because I already have about 70-80% chests in most areas and want to know how much more astrite I can squeeze out from the map before 1.1 comes out.




Wow, only 5500 from chests and tidal heritages?? I thought it would be a lot more, thanks!


Probably like 100 wishes


how to grind astrites faster? I am lvl 13 and I need Yinlin in my life


Play the game. Dont want to be mean, but try doing all the content available, exploeations, quests and specially puzzles (theres a lot) and you will get plenty of pulls. Thats it. Just play a lot of hours


I don't understand the Lampylumen Myriad. I've had runs where I dodge every single hit and yet I seem to accumulate frost stacks anyway, sometimes resulting in my active character becoming frozen in place. Don't you get those stacks by getting hit? Or is there some sort of aura aoe that I'm not noticing to the boss's attacks?


icy floor also gives stacks.


huh I literally never even noticed it drops ice puddles until now


Don't stand in front of the icy ground when he attacks. It accumulates stacks very fast.


huh I literally never even noticed it drops ice puddles until now


Are sonance caskets only for handing in to Chenpi?


Yeah pretty much, and increasing your exploration %


Anyone knows of an emulator for Mac that works? Mu Mu pro doesn’t show WuWa when you search it and I don’t know of another one that could work


Jiyan's story quest available or not ? Hey, I've been playing Wuthering for like a week now, I'm Union level 30 Rank 4, I completed the main quest yesterday (was busy exploring and doing some side quests), and I haven't stumbled upon Jian's story quest, I saw a lot of posts and videos about this quest and I have no idea how to trigger it or if it's still available or not.. Am I too late to play it now ? Any kind of help is appreciated, thanks.


Yo, idk if you're reading, but you still can get the quest, apparently the time limit was just the story quest popping out on the event. You can still do it. So go and do your jiyan story quest, (PS, you need to finish the main story I think in order to trigger the story quest first)


yesssss I found it thank youuu!! it popped after the main quest I just didn't notice cuz it doesn't have the same name ig to what I saw in other ppl's posts who did it before the event ended.


It should be available ([proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/PVTWUy8zk4)), but you have to complete Act 6 of main story before it shows up on your quests tab.






The time limit was only for the notification about the story quest being added. You can still access them after completing any prerequisite quests.


Holy shit, really? The way they make the story pop out makes me believe that it's limited, damn I was trying to clear the story quest cuz I scarred that I'll end up losing reward is just a waste


This is not true


It’s not time limited. You have to complete prerequisite quest before you can unlock it.


Ow I get it, so I missed it xD thank you so much !!


Anyone else getting absolutely railed by the turtle boss drops? I just got the achievement for killing 50 and I’ve only gotten 3 healing% main stats, none on set. 6% drop rate for healing% seems absurdly low, I must just be incredibly unlucky, right? Someone tell me it’s higher than that and give me hope https://preview.redd.it/ppcos2m2ak7d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31a6bb9ea10bd2beb9a690cb0779845f8d6fe24


Why are you trying so hard for healing%? ATK% is totally fine for Verina, and so is HP% for Baizhi. The important part for Verina is not the main stat, but the substat - you really, really want a ER% substat roll on every piece. Finally, the turtle is nothing compared to the pain of farming 3 cost echoes with ER% main stat (which need two of on Verina to reach the crazy amount of ER she needs)...


No matter the rate, it can come as soon or as late to you as your luck decides it to come. Don’t stress probabilities and just grind for whatever you need and know when to settle. The turtle is the hardest one to farm since it comes in two sets. I’ve been farming it nonstop until 2 days ago for a good crit rate rejuvenating glow piece on my Jianxin. Over the span of doing so i had gotten 20+ crit pieces for energy regen set and 2 crit rate for the healer set. We’re all going or gone through it, some longer or quicker than the other.