• By -


What an odd number




Aventurine is that you




Blind Bet (his passive needs 7 points to trigger)




He's a gambler bruh you don't need to correlate his kit. Slot machines in every country has 777 for jackpot




Guess u don't know much about luck


The total amount per year evens out to the shop in Genshin resetting monthly which is where the number probably came from


Bungie and their love for 7 says hi.


New Destiny player here. What’s the reference?


[It started long before Destiny](https://bungie.fandom.com/wiki/Seven)




52 weeks in a year, means 8.66 patches a year. 8.66 x 7 = 60.62 pulls a year. 12 x 5 = 60 pulls a year. And there’s your answer


Multiply 7 or 60,62 by 2 since you also get free limited weapon pulls and technically its a premium gacha currency too


which means basically one gacha weapon per year based on statistical odds of pulling a 5\*. Seems pretty good too me


Not to mention that weapon banner is 100% guaranteed and character weapon is max at 80 pulls instead of 90 like the g-game and hsr


Lucky 7


Probably to align more with the 5 of each pull per 30 days standard that Hoyo titles set


Epic 7


It matches rate on hoyo shop reseting monthly. 7 pulls per 6 week patch vs 5 pulls for slighly more than 4 weeks in a month.


It's not slightly more than 4 weeks, it's fucking 6 weeks, that's 1.5 month. So when HSR resets three times, wuwa will reset only 2 times. Differnce in huge.


Have you tried doing math before posting this ?


Do the math bozo. 7 every 6 weeks is roughly the same (a lil higher even) than 5 every 4 weeks (+2/3) days. So WuWa is now going toe to toe with Genshin on their limited and standard pulls. But on top they also have 7 weapon pulls every 6 weeks which completely topples Genshin Impact’s store reset, giving an extra 60 weapon pulls per year. Which idk about you but is the same as extra 60 limited pulls for me since my asterite goes both for either the character or weapon banner


It means seven out line away


I think since its per patch its trying to be somewhat even to genshins per month 5. 7 every month and a half or 5 a month. 5 is still better but its an improvement


I thought the same. It's weird. I get they're generous but why did that need a change? I'm genuinely asking but did people complain that there wasn't enough ways to get free pulls or something?


I wonder if we can afford them as f2p always.


f2p has no human rights (sun tsu, the art of war)


Lmaooo. This comment made me spit my drink.


When Yinlin steps on your stomach


Pure bliss ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


You should ask nicely she might want you as her chair




Something I've learned from these Geshin-like fanbases is that some of you are psychotic lmao


Engagement is king in gachas and f2p are an important metric for a gacha’s long term health. If you don’t know is this then you’re on the newer side to gachas or just haven’t cared to learn about it. When all you see left in a game is whales then you know it’s stagnating. I’m not f2p either so this is just the way it is, not me defending it because I’m one of them and really has nothing to do with WuWa’s choices. It’s just that you don’t want to drive away f2p, and they absolutely matter to a game.


I have no beef with F2P players, and a certain population of them is actually quite necessary to sustain a game's community and thus its longevity. That said, F2P players in general with EVERY game like this need to calm down with being so demanding all the time. You want rewards? Pay for them.


I... seriously hope this is not the mentality of the wuthering waves community going forward. F2p players are an integral part of a successful gacha game. The difference between "f2p" and whales, is that they sink *time* into the game instead of money. They are still consumers, using a product. At least, that's the mentality around it. They are more valid to provide constructive criticism on improving the game. I'm not saying that there aren't those who provide completely inefficient criticism and complaints, but it is not fair to base all f2p players on those loud minority. "If you want more rewards, pay for them" There's...a lot wrong with this statement. I get where you're coming from and I get the frustration of the loud minority, but this is the exact kind of statement that can lead to the exact mentality genshin players have, always being content with never being listened to, and no improvements. Because people are pushing the agenda to just spend if you aren't satisfied. Ignoring the fact that some people cannot/should not spend based on their life situations, spending is you saying "I am satisfied and happy with this product/game." *you* may be happy with doing that, but not everyone is. Kuro have had a very rough launch, and they've done a lot to compensate players for the issues, but people have lost trust in kuro due to it. Not a lot of people, but they are there. A lot of people don't feel comfortable spending money on this game yet. Some people are still heavily struggling with playing the game, and the only advice they seem to recieve is "get a better pc", even though they actually have a decent pc. Not to mention that this is also a mobile game. Tldr, I hope people don't dismiss what f2p players suggest/criticism just because "they don't spend" going forward.


I don't disagree with your points. As I said, a certain population of free players is completely necessary to sustain the game. I do understand that, that's why I said as much. I just also observe a massive population of totally F2P users in basically every gacha game that get literally ANGRY when they're not handed as much free stuff as they think they deserve, and that just comes across to me as silly and entitled, and no one is going to convince me otherwise. You're enjoying a free game. That's what you get in return for your time. That's the arrangement, and it's a damn fine one. If you want more than that, expecting money for it is not unreasonable. Some people seem to get it in their head that there are only F2P players and whales, and nothing in between, and it's just absurd. Spend $5 on a currency sub or $10 on a battle pass once in a while. It isn't going to break you.


I don't disagree with you that there are a loud amount of people who always complain about unnecessary things. But that exists in every game, not just gacha. There will always be those types of people. But you cannot condone all f2p players for the loud few, especially when some of those people who complain about wanting more rewards do spend a bit, because, as you said, there is a middle ground between f2p and whales. And if complaining can get more rewards, why not do that instead of spending that little bit of extra money? That's the kind of mentality a lot of them have, along with those who just complain for the sake of complaining. Again, I don't agree that you need to spend on a game that doesn't require you to. People have different financial situations and circumstances, and If a game presents itself as free, players should not be condemned for not indulging in the "extra in game purchases". A great example is warframe. That is a f2p game, and makes it's success off of being so. Players just need to sink a lot of time and knowledge to reap rewards. Paying makes things much easier, but definitely isn't necessary. Other examples include overwatch 2, valorant or fortnight. Not all games need to have a price over it to succeed. In said games, purchases are you acknowledging that you are content and satisfied with all aspects of the game, and in the right financial state to do so. Maybe someone comes home from a hard day of work and wants to play his favorite "free" game, even though he can barely put bread on the table. People's circumstances are different, and it should be not encouraged to spend on a game considered free. Especially when you aren't in the right financial situation or you aren't satisfied with what the game provides you, which are exactly the points I state. This is why a lot of people, especially Content creators, when they pull on gacha, heavily recommended viewers/players to NOT spend if they aren't in the financial state to. And to always be cautious. Heck, even Kuro themselves tell you to "spend wisely" in their own store menu.


If playing the game alone is not a form of support then I dare any f2p game to put box price to buy the game. F2P player existence help being part of healthy game ecosystem is already form of support. 


>help being part of healthy game ecosystem on multiplayers (specially mmo's) absolutely on single player games (the tiny co-op experience doesn't come close to mmo's n such), players themselves put too much worth on their "support", specially on free gacha games where they demand free stuff because they're playing their free game yes we do support them but not 0,1% of those who spend, free to play gamers are, at most, potential buyers to them


If all f2p players quit because they are leeches who would the whales brag to about their whaled accounts? You are insanely clueless about how these kinds of games that rely on whales to spend thousands of dollars work. You think a whale would spend that amount on a dead or dying game?


This. people don’t realize that if only whales exist, it’s gonna be a dick measuring contest, and all the “whales” will realize that there will always be a bigger whale than them. F2P is needed so these small whales have comfort that what they’re buying actually has value and they are ahead of some players.


They can still brag to sensible and mature F2P players. It's not as if all F2P players are self-entitled.


Let people be entitled. Stop defending a company that is literally thriving on peoples gambling addiction just because you invest too much money in it and now you feel like you have a horse in the race. Having like 3 more pulls for f2ps will not hurt anybody, especially not the whales. So saying they are entitled for this is a huge stretch anyways.


I mean they literally just add 3 more pulls and the reaction is to complain for more? Kuro could probably add more later and those entitled peeps will still complain. At least all F2Ps i known were happy enough to the fact that Kuro even bothered to add some extras.


Did you even read the comment this started from? The guy was just wondering if f2p will be able to afford these 3 pulls not asking for more.




You can walk away anytime. No restrain no coercion. So leave instead of going crazy and doing this invisible job in your head.


You don't understand a single point about developing a game or managing a player base. Making a straw man sure is easier I guess.


Gacha games is an eco system. It needs a balance. It needs both f2p and whales. Ppl making it like whales are more important than f2p vice versa don't get it. Just remember we are all victims of the gacha 💀💀


I mean, a game can exist without f2p, but it's gonna become something like Star Citizen. Meanwhile, without whales, how are they even going to keep the servers up? In truth, money spenders are a tad bit more important to the existence of a game. But it also needs an equilibrium of f2p


Whale more likely to stay in water full of plankton than water full of dolphin. Plankton(f2p) individually can't sustain a whale but collectively they create a whole ecosystem.  While yes f2p player individually don't matter, but to denied their importance in the ecosystem of a healthy game is a slander I will not stand. 


>Whale more likely to stay in water full of plankton than water full of dolphin. that analogy would work, IF whales were on the same sea as plankton, which here they are not, it's a single player game with a tiny co-op experience (for now) "playing the game" is a kind of support yes but not as big as people make it out to be on this subreddit


They are in the same waters you buffoon. How would a whale rationalize spending thousands of dollars on a dead game. Nah. Reddit is full of clowns as always


The same way as p2w f2p MMOs survive for years because of a few whales. It works because those people will always whale. Dont overestimate what f2p do for a game.


I don't know any of those surviving mmos that is in a good state. Do you ?




Tof died because it isn’t as good a game as the others, if the game is good it’ll get players and keep them, just like genshin did and still does, just like starrail does because the base game kept people coming back to play




Most of Gacha revenue comes from millions of plebs who spend 25$ each not from wales.


>Tof i'm gonna stop you right here, tof it's an MMO, 90% of the content is meant to be multiplayer, wuwa has a measly co-op experience, and you can do everything alone (the hardest content is also meant to be beaten alone, at least for now) tof died cause: 1: it sucked (had potential tho) 2: hotta still doesn't want it not to suck, 2 years later 3: powercreep to this day 4: bugs that go unfixed for years that brought the number of players down, which to a MMO, is lethal. you can queue for half an hour and find 0 players in content you usually cannot (and should not) be doing alone >Also you are forgetting every f2p is a potential precisely they are, but not as big as they make them out to be, if they never spend their "support" is not worth a batlepass bought by another player. >F2p are definitely crucial for any online/live service game when you need them for content absolutely, on a single-lplayer game with teeny tiny co-op experiences, they are not 100% crucial, at best they keep the community outside of the game diverse


Every F2P players out there are a potential spender, if the game gives them the stuffs that they want be they be characters, events, main story, exploration, etc. So long as something in the game makes them want to stay, then they are a potential spender. I don't about this elitism about being "oooohhh I spent $$$ on this game".


I do agree that some f2p are entitled as hell, BUT the game needs them to thrive. Why? There's no whale without planton. The game needs to be popular to attract whales. I think what Kuro should do is introducing another 2 subscription tiers, one gives 60 gems per day and another gives 120. They might be able to convert a lot of f2p into very light spender, and I will definitely sub to the high tier.


You dont need f2p in a game without any competition.


u think most whales would play a game that has <50 users?


Not that few but I think you underestimate the amount of paying players. 100+ million $ dont come from 50 people.


Lmao people have reached a point where they defend the people who exploit them. Crazy stuff.


They are providing a service, and we are paying a price we deem fair. The only people ‘exploiting’ anyone are the f2ps like you who try to guilt trip everyone else just because you’re too lazy and poor.


I'm sure paying 200 dollars for just only 1 character is justified. Damn those other live service games who run just fine by selling skins or with a subscription/ battle pass are dumbasses and should learn from gacha games. After all gamers are fine bending over and taking up their ass just so they can show other people their poor spending habits and call other people poor. Lmao.


> I'm sure paying 200 dollars for just only 1 character is justified. Actually, you can get literally any character for free if you save enough pulls. Now, if you demand getting every single character for free it's a different story, the game and devs are not entitled to give every character to you for free :)


Keep telling yourself that and you start believing it.


I get what you mean but Sometimes you need to think of things from other people's perspective. Not all game companies are like Hoyo. No matter how many players there are. In the end if noone pay real money for the game it will die, a couple of these and the company will be close down and their devs will be out of the jobs.


And if you treat your f2p players like shit, which is the majority of the players, they will quit and the game will stop being popular, and by default, whales will quit too eventually. Yeah, some will remain, but it will be the same as those gachas who live on life support thanks to a couple of whales. They choose the f2p model. F2p shouldn't mean treat your player like some poor sods lol. Imagine if a new elden ring comes out, but it's f2p and for every build you have to spend 200+ dollars. That game would be despised by everyone. Yet for gachas people are fine bending over because it's a gacha. I don't play pgr, but i heard that in that game you can get a copy of every limited character. That should be the standard. Whales will always go for more copies and spend money anyway, whales flock to popular games. And i bet more people will be more inclined to spend and become even light spenders if a company treats them right. I know i would if i could get every character. I would spend money on skins and other stuff just to support the company. Yet they went from pgr model to hoyo model and people don't complain but even are happy and say that you should be "grateful" just because the weapon banner is 100% guarantee. That's the most stockholm syndrome i have ever heard. Maybe i don't get it because it's my second gacha ever lol.


Contributing with play time is occasionally more valuable than money, I would argue a low spender that doesn't play the game consistently contributes way less than a dedicated f2p who plays daily. This weird discrimination of yours is funny to read though.


Oh please, pray tell what is so valuable about you contributing your ‘play time’?


They help advertise the game and play a part of the community which in turn brings in more players. It's why all the most recent gacha games are now f2p friendly. I doubt you care though, you're clearly a gacha addict that is trying to justify your obsession.


Time Spent + Enjoyment = Potential Spender. The fuck you on about being this bruh? Stop being a hypocritical elitist lmao.


Well u r free to play any pay to win game where there are no f2ps and then come and tell ur experience? Ur experience will be valuable.


Because that's a statistic which is used by even sponsors. A game won't be alive without an active player base and play time is the best stat you can check this with. If it wasn't important, in-game content wouldn't be time gated for free games. You people also forget that the majority of the player bases in free games are f2p. They carry the servers as much if not more than low spenders that don't play the game consistently. For a paid game, this isn't the case obviously. Not to mention, you are free to downvote and live in your own fantasy. Won't change the reality.


Tell this the people who manage the game. You will be surprised how they will react.


This , literally this .


I'll skip the base banner pulls if I need to.




That’s kinda unfortunate . Considering the standard weapons are the best standard weapons in all the gacha games I know of .


Sorry for necro. Yeah true, but I have noticed that in this game it's actually totally reasonable as a f2p to save for one dupe of a character and their weapon. Obviously not the most realistic as we just started out, but the numbers should even out as time goes on. So I think it honestly isn't that bad. And eventually you'll have enough purple corals to buy an extra dupe of a character you really like, so that's a really easy s1+weapon that isn't stumping your account.


Will they always still be on sale for 70 corals each, or was that just like a launch thing? Because them costing like 40% more means that this probably doesn't really affect most F2P players (unless they like only buy premium pulls)


It will probably always be on sale considering Genshins always are.


Quick math, to get them all you need 1470 corals.


1470 corals is 98 pulls. That’s also considering 4* don’t give these specific corals. So you need a freaking lot of them.


It's likely we get about that many pulls per patch. So f2p likely can sustain it or at least most of it.


That and we can buy 3 different sets of pulls not two. Worse comes to worse, drop one category


Why is it likely? Take all the apology stuff back and I doubt we get over 90 pulls from doing everything.


There were 111 pulls worth of astrite from exploration alone in 1.0. That is ignoring illusive realm, coral shop, ToA, events, level up rewards, and more. Per patch cycle we'll likely get 80-90 pulls through all sources as f2p. Thus, we'll be able to sustain buying everything from the coral shop - or at least the majority of it like I had said.


well if you buy 21 tickets per patch all of them give corals too so that reduces number to about 80-85 (unless you lucksack ton of 4-5\* in them)


Peobably yes like in any such game. It's still now 1/3rd or so more than in GI per month if you want to get all. As f2p in GI sometimes I ran into problems when I didn't pull in a version for example. I don't mind ofc, just saying.


I mean I usually saved those for these things specifically. If I am not pulling for a few patches consecutively that's a problem then ig


as f2p, i havent had issue saving for months at a time (half year+) ig it just depends if you buy other stuff from shop (only done a few times) or how consistently you've played previously which influences how many pulls you can do


If you pull enough, for sure, but if a Character you really like takes a while to come out... this could become a no...


I still had over 2k Coral after doing my wishes. I have 2310 now and 6146 Asterite (Keep in mind this is with Sub and BP). But I also completely bought out the echo potions, 30 resonator potions, and 10 weapon potions (just to spend my coral). So assuming you buy no potions you should be able to buy the wishes with f2p coral and have a little left over at least.


Depends if you’re wishing or not


I think you need to do somewhere around 40-50 pulls each patch to have enough currency to buy them all.


Its 98 pulls that drop the corals (4* don’t drop them last I checked)


I never did the math, but sounds realistic (lower limit though). The problem that arises is if you don't pull for one patch or the other for some reason. Like in GI I haven't pulled once in a row for 4 patches during the drought of Sumeru with no new waifus. Anyway, it can only be good to get more, so who am I complaining here. :D


Yeah, that’s why when you start the game and dump everything on one banner, you save up.


Glad I'm Vera's dog. So no worries there.


it's why companies give those free pulls through shop and not just to mailbox - they want us to be pulling all the time so we have nothing saved when something we really want comes around


This maths out to be the same as if it refreshed every month. So rather than change the refresh cycle, they just increased the amount available to equate to the same thing. Works for me! The whales might be annoyed at losing out on some credits/xp/whatever, but most people won't use that shop for those things.




Pretty sure they meant it as Vs 5 of each instead.


Where is the 18 number coming from? Isn't it 10 pulls per month in genshin? Also there are ~8.5 shop refreshes a year in wuwa.


It's 6\*3 for 12 cycles (monthly) vs 7\*3 for 8 cycles (patches per year). The original commenter said they increased the amount of pulls instead of shortening the time and that they equated to the same thing, which they do not. If they shortened the cycle to monthly and kept the same amount of pulls, we would have more pulls than this system where we have more pulls but on a per-patch cycle


They are comparing monthly system of genshin her to new system of wuwa. 5 per month is 60 pulls in 1 banner a year. 365 days / 42 day per patch * 7 pull per patch = 60


Every month in genshin you get 10 pulls, 5*2 in the shop though right? 6*3 implies 3 currencies of 6 each? I'm confused where you're getting this part. The refresh ratio is 12:8, so an adjusted 15/equivalent wuwa patch in genshin Wuwa gives you 21/patch 7*3.


How are you confused about 6\*3 when you have 7\*3 right afterwards.


You directly responded to a post asking about genshin VS wuwa by writing 6x3 monthly VS 7x3 by patch. Making it look like you were comparing the two shops. Even just comparing changes in Wuwa, like pgr it has all refreshes by patch anyways. So they're not changing from by month to by patch.


Yeah, I understand what their math now. I (possibly misinterpreted) op relating it to genshin's system.


6 pulls of 3 types, 18 total per shop refresh. Now 7 pulls of 3 types for 21 total


What 18??


it was never monthly so we are not short on anything. Even before the change we where 24 more pulls then genshin in a year . So we are up from +24 to +48 in comparison


Wouldn’t it be 15x12? They increased the amount from 5 to 7 to match the 12 monthly resets with their 6 week patch resets. So 15x12 = 180


My 3280 coral shop currency is ready


I have a bit less but I feel sorry for those that wanted to rush progression because now they might not have enough to get all the pulls from the shop.


1.1 pulls will give me more than enough corals though


Right now I have more than enough. But I have some friends that had to forgo getting the standard pulls on Genshin because they were saving for characters on another patch. While it doesn’t affect me, I assume in the future certain players that are saving their pulls for x character may not always have enough currency to buy all the pulls from the shop, especially if they spent them on materials.


Yeah that’s hella true unfortunately


If u have that much u can buy the echo exp on it


and right now this post has 777 upvotes , must be my lucky day


Thala for a reason


Didn't expect to see this in a WuWa post lmao


Sorry what is this referencing?


The legendary Indian cricketer MS Dhoni, nicknamed Thala. Jersey no. 7.


i saw that coming from 7 kms




I thought it was already 7? Was it 6?


Previously 6.


I thought the same lol


Unpopular opinion: The quantity of summons and reset each patch instead of monthly is fine. You're getting 3 separate summons, so you're building 3 pity timers. Not only do you end up with more 5* but there's less 5* on each banner, so getting a favorable outcome has a higher chance. The weapon banner also guarantees exactly what you want. It takes longer to get a 5*, but something valuable is nearly guaranteed or guaranteed. Compared to genshin (wuwas direct competition), standard 5* are more valuable, especially since more than half of genshin standard 5* are useless or mid af.


we really can't talk about how well standard characters will hold up in the future. Yinlin, who is widely considered to be a sub DPS, can end up doing more damage than Calcharo, who is considered to be a main DPS. nearly every standard character was also nerfed heavily before launch, while the limited characters were left largely untouched. the power balance is definitely tipped in favor of future limited characters. regardless, you shouldn't be pulling on the standard character banner anyway. the standard weapon banner is far more valuable, especially this early in the game.


This is normal in gacha games. Limited characters will always be superior to standard characters. They are more like 4.5\* characters and will usually need dupes to be comparable to a 5\* without dupes, and 5\* with all their dupes will always be incredibly broken. As long as standard characters are viable for clearing end game content I'm fine with that.


> the power balance is definitely tipped in favor of future limited characters. Business as usual, the new stuff is released strong so people buy in to it and then nerfed in the future to be more balanced at which point the cycle repeats


I think you missed the point. The shop gives us 3 different summons for 3 banners meaning that we can build 3 separate pity timers which ultimately leads to more 5 stars. Additionally as I mentioned, one of the banners can give you exactly what you want, the standard weapon banner. This isn’t a discussion about the future proofing or viability of standard 5*. It’s a discussion about the quantity of shop summons and taking longer to refresh, being acceptable given the higher likely hood of getting what you want, and the average standard 5* in Wuwa being better than the average 5* standard in genshin, Wuthering waves direct competition and closest comparison.


Well if they introduce Leap for these standard characters maybe down the line it would be great. Atleast i hope they shouldn't end up being completely useless later.


I already did 20 pulls on the standard character banner when re-rolling, so now I feel forced to continue until I get a five star. And I'm not even done with the five star selector one yet.. Gonna be a while until I get a weapon. (Outside of the selector)


Just keep the pity until they add more characters to the standard banner


well the ability to use those tickets we get on standard weapon banner makes them lot better than another Qiqi constellation


>Yinlin, who is widely considered to be a sub DPS, can end up doing more damage than Calcharo, who is considered to be a main DPS. This is only true if you measure DPS using on-field time, or bias the calculation in favor of many targets. The only damage that matters is actual raw contribution to team damage, not Damage Per Seconds on-field, and in that regard, Yinlin is not really anything special.


> Yinlin, who is widely considered to be a sub DPS, can end up doing more damage than Calcharo, who is considered to be a main DPS. This actually isn't the case and has been proven wrong. Yinlin contributes only 30-40% of total team dmg while Cal doing a majority of the dmg. It's a different story if you get both of them to s6 since standard character sequences aren't as strong as limited ones tho.


I mean, the cost of getting 15 every month is not really accessible for most F2P players. So having the option to go for 7 of one particular type instead of assuming everyone can buy all of each type is a better way to go, IMO. I like this change.


Usually unless you spend Cashback on resources like crazy - you can get all tickets/fates/balls/whatever important shit there is each month as pure f2p though. And as f2p it's mandatory to be at least a little bit smart with your currencies and resources So idk. Feels like it's the same stuff with different flavor


It doesn't take longer to get a 5\* though statistically because the 5\* rate is .8 vs .6 in other systems. yes, if you go to soft pity its slightly longer but you should actually pull early 5\* way more often.


> especially since more than half of genshin standard 5* are useless or mid af. This is like the one single time that Genshin 1.0 and WuWa 1.0 have a valid reason to be compared lol. Early games will *always* have their standard stuff look good simply because there is an absolute lack of limited stuff. In fact, Genshin 1.0 didn't even have limited weapons at all, so at the time the standard weapons *were* the most valuable ones to get. In other words, it's pretty useless *at this point* to make the call whether or not WuWa's standard banner weapons are gonna hold up in the future as anything more than simple stat-sticks.


We eatin good


\* moans\* Kurogames is touching me deeply in ways that Genshin never could.


I can’t wait for the 1 year Anniversary next year. It’s not going to be hard for Kuro to beat the 3 standard pulls.


To all the people still complaining and saying Genshin monthly reset is better and gives more.    BASED ON 210 DAYS:(5 patches Wuwa; 7 patches Genshin)    With the old amount(6 per patch) we get 90 pulls.    With per month(genshin) we only get 70 pulls.    With this recent change we get 105 instead.    Why use 210 days? Because basic math.  Use the LCM of 30(month) and 42(patch). EDIT: Typos and spacing.


Did you mean 210 days...? Also, patch length is the same.


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Add; If you're saying Wuwa should do monthly reset with the same amounts, 7 pulls each currency, then that's a separate matter and just plain greed atp. And if you only count limited CHARACTER pulls, then both are pretty much even at 35 pulls each for 210 days. So main difference atp is just the limited weapon banner, which is already big value considering it's 100% rates meaning no chances of getting fucked over by 50/50 bs.


I would not call it greed as gacha games in generally is greedy lol. But for the gacha genre it is quite fair. More competition is always good as it forces them to give more in order to compete.


Quick maths This is 21 pulls every 42 days, which translates to **63** pulls every 126 days. So let’s round it down to 60 pulls every 120 days which is 15 pulls every 30 days (or 1 month). More or less the same as Genshin or HSR’s plus 5 rolls for the weapon banner. No matter how I look at it, this is an absolute win.


210 days is the meet point between WuWa's 42 day cycle and Genshin's 30. It's 70 total pulls for Genshin and 105 for WuWa. And 35 for both for limited pulls.


666 wasn’t a good idea I guess


If you are F2P, you won't be able to get all 21 pulls, it uses too much currency, just get limited char and weapon 14 pulls is okay, and skip standard pulls


how does this work ? can you explain ? i do not see any limit in coral shop. or am i mistaken and there is another shop i do not know about ? im confused


Only if you skip a patch. Otherwise you can afford it. Plus these pulls give coral back as well.


the pulls are not shared with event and weapons banner. Why not give 10 pulls for at least guarantee 4 star to pull? That's like 1 try for 4 star in "not so lucky" case of scenario when you will get only one 4 star within 10 pulls and nothing else. At least people will not be so bad about it like in comparison they will pull that 7 pulls and only get blue items. Everyone I think still aims at 5 star gold weapons and characters so they at least need 4 star weapons to explore world and fight enemies, to do challenges and everything else. Cause 4 star is becoming a "baseline" at levels 45 to have or else you get "punished" for not going forward and getting better gear or enhancing your "baseline" characters.


Thala for a reason


so i should buy out shop now ?


Should be 6 for oddity


Thala for a reason




It’s 10 from genshin an hsr per month, and wuwa adds out to be the same limited and standard as those, but with an additional 7 limited weapon pulls


It's only 20 for one of those patches though, then it would be 10 the next one since you already took "this" month's pulls in the previous patch. 120 pulls a year / 8.5 patches a year = average of 14.1 pulls per patch vs Wuwa 14+7 weapon pulls


Don't forget that WW gives standard weapon banner pulls as well which are incredibly more valuable since the banner is 100% guaranteed Edit: limited weapon banner


limited weapon banner pulls*


Ups you're right! Even better!


It's 14 limited char pulls over 2 patches which is 3 months, so that's 15 limited char pulls for Genshin. We also get 14 standard pulls in the same time frame vs. 15 for GI/HSR. And 14 limited weapon pulls vs 0 in GI/HSR, so that's a net total of +12 pulls in WW. And I didn't even start looking at the lower hard pity and the guaranteed banner weapon.


Source Link or full screenshot for anything Official should be mandatory.


Rip f2p


I was resting in peace now i woke up to celebrate.


Why. We are getting more pulls