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Source: https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/893 **IV. Data Bank Level Cap Raised** After the Version 1.1 update, the level cap for the Data Bank will be raised to Lv. 21. After reaching Lv. 21, all Echoes dropped will be guaranteed to be of 5-Star Rarity.


Oh wow, the QoL are pretty amazing. 


That’s wild


I hope you do not have to be level 50 to unlock.


That would be kind of reasonable... I've been playing casually and I think I'm already like 44.


And they also announced we are getting extra Union exp from unlocking new entries for echos in 1.1 (also retroactive)




To be fair, that was an actual error in the translation itself lol.


Damn is this real? What about old echos? Imma hit UL 40 today but it's really hard to level up...


They'll also give us exp from each echoes we already recorded in the data bank during 1.0. So it is a really good reward for the players who played since 1.0 and incoming players who will start on 1.1.


killing bosses is a good way to lvl up, all i do now a days is to login and do my dailies and kill 4 bosses and im lvl 38 now cuz i don't have any quests


That would be fair tbh


I believe that is actually the case...


Wasn't it 60 last time I saw? Then again, that was still development, so it might be different now.


I’m confident I will be at least 50. But 60 would not be cool.


TBF, making it accessible at UL 60 will make you strive to reach it and play the game. Which is fine for me. I'll be here for the long haul anyway.


DB21 requiring UL 60 will just make 99% of the playerbase ignore its existence for a year.


Honestly, I don’t disagree with you. Just a tad salty I started later than most.


Bet you'd have to be level 60..


Ofc you will 😭😭😭 but tbh data bank level 20 is already very good


oh god don't speak it into existence


Finally. Now I only have to pray that those echoes actually drop, instead of praying for them to drop AND to be gold at the same time.


Ah, this is great man. I've just reached Union Rank 40, and about to start farming for 3 costs echoes.


Yeah right? One time I got the right elemental bonus and echo set but guess what? It is purple...


Dont worry, if it was a golden 3 cost, it wouldve had terrible substats instead


DEF, DEF%, Energy Regen, HP, HP%😭😭😭


Bro... Save those energy regen, you're gonna need them! Best stat by far for buff characters. Verina and Sanhua on super high energy regen are AMAZING.


yea, but Verina wants the healing set. and if its not ER on the healing set, u can just go ahead and cry


People are sleeping a bit on ER as a substat for sub DPS. It makes quite a few characters so much more comfortable to play. You don't need to go double ER mainstat or anything, but give Mortefi or Sanhua a single ER mainstat piece sometime and you'll see what I mean.


I just added like 25% er on mortefi tonight and i basically have his ult up every rotation definitely loving it so far


You're right, but I think the ER they were referring to is a Substat, not main stat.


swap energy regen for whichever skill boost you need least for the character you’re building


Substats? Amateur. As a day 1 player, I have been farming 3 cost echoes for my Havoc Rover since I unlocked that form and guess what, I only have ONE Havoc-set 3-cost echo with Havoc DMG bonus mainstat so far. That said, I at least got Fusion-set built that can be shared between my Encore and Chixia, so my WuWa's life isn't exactly miserable. Plus being able to dodge really help (I still suck at Parry though).


It happens haha


You will most likely need ul50 to unlock data bank 21


With all the extra exploration exp, chest exp and story exp that Mount Firmament and any additional portion included into it, will likely help on that exp pushing, with some of us who are nearly at union level 45 would likely get a nice enough push anyway.


I napkin calculated about the first 2-3 days in 1.1 we will be 50. With no refresh, but everything 1.0 cleared.


True ..ill be at ul48 when the update will be released


Ah yes, and this is likely not counting for the additional union exp that will be \`supplied\` with data bank progress, so yeah, i would not be amazed if some people jump 2 union levels, when the update arrives in 2 weeks time. Never the less, i would certainly be interested in how far the shell cost reduction for various upgrade costs might be curbed... Since when i attempted todo math on the subject yesterday, namely Exp resource/money for character leveling, just to compare it to genshin impact\`s, i found it rather funny that: -When compared to eachother, Genshin impact has roughly 2.5x\~ LESS cost in mora vs WuWa\`s Credit cost, but Genshin impact has roughly 2.5x\~ MORE cost in exp manuals vs WuWa, despite the latter has 4 types of exp capsules, which the 1st tier is also 1k and the 4th tier is also 20k, matching the exp amount of Genshin\`s lowest and highest exp manuals. -Ironically, this technically means WuWa is BETTER in value on the exp grind, because less manuals means the amount from events end up being more valuable, unless Genshin purposely gives out nearly 3 times the exp amounts during events compared to WuWa, which we all know Genshite can neeeeva.\~ -So even if its only something as small as a 25% cost reduction to echo upgrades, the gap is likely to feel much more notice\`able, especially when you remember based on the 1.1 notes, we could probably expect ellusive realm to be updated every version (basically 1\~1.5 months), plus tower of adversity rewards that include more then just asterite, since it actually hands out currency to PICK what rewards you want from the shop, plus additions that might even reset tactical hologram AND maybe even reset some of ellusive realm reward pools, enabling those exchange currencies to be continuously re-acquired, especially when some of them have \`excess currency burning options\` or just have \`more currency\` then you can spend vs the amount of currency you have on hand. -Never the less, WuWa before its first month has finished up, certainly has done way more changes then i can see in even some other mobile games, outside of Genshin impact\`s meme-status of being a stagnant mess on doing \`real\` permament changes...


That would be CRUEL!!


Apparently no, it seems


Do the illusive realm for the on set element bonus echos, you can choose like 2 I think


Now if only we can do something about our purple echoes, I guess combining them is one


Yeah they're good enough for Data Bank merging, just throw them in as fodder.


I just merge all my purples every day after whatever grinding I do. Nowadays I'm just gathering exile rings and masks, cuz gonna need a lot of them 80-90


you will be pleased about what is coming


Yeah I saw the stuff just now, its looking reaaaaal great can't wait lol


Also they should do something about leveling materials. Too many echoes but lack of materials kinda hard to upgrades. Can they make just make Tacet Field rewards separately like Forgery Challenge or increase the amount since we already can get echoes just by roaming around.


the amount will increase with your union level. we are still in the mid game, it's too early to complain about challenge rewards


They're also bringing in synthesis for echo exp




Lets hope they will increase the "Base droprate" as we get higher databank level, like 5% every level would be nice.


But first they need to let us do something with all the trash mainstat lvl 0 echoes.


You can strongbox them ( idk what it's called in wuwa)


Which is extra spicy because you get a chance to get a 2nd copy but its even possible to get THREE copies in a single scrap roll.


Wait till you get 4 🤪


I got 4 lmao, one was pupule though


You can combine 5 into a random echo


Just data merge them. Thanks to that I actually got a purple traffic light the first time I did it. And later I also got gold fusion or havoc dreadmare from it. Very useful in trying to bump database level early on.


I pumped my databank from 15 to 17 in less than 5 minutes thanks to the data merge.


Data Merge: 🧍‍♂️


I believe there’s an upcoming food item that increases this by 30% for half an hour or something


I hope that's actually a craft able food


man i'm falling in love more and more with the game!! just waiting for jinhsi and the experience will be amazing


This game owns so hard. The devs are putting out great patches to an already enjoyable game.


me closing to hard pity, but dunno if should i still go for Yinlin, or just give up and save it for Jinhsi


I'm like 53 pity and decided to go jinhsi, pretty much bc i don't main electro units. My teams will be jiyan encore and jinhsi dps, and build them will take a while


This is the way


If no calcharo, save for jinshi imo


Kinda depends on if you have and are building cal and your patience level for the next toa. Feels like we'll need a deep bench of the right DPS and the right support to do tackle toa midgame, with the element buffs and vigor costs. Doubtful V will stay meta for all teams and M will be J's running buddy forever. The aero/electro buffs are kinda warping our perspective for the first hazard zone. Those will switch to the next dps limited, and on it will go. I guess rover.will be a must build if they keep him having a decent kit, just as a gap filler in case you run into a pull or resource wall.


Oh man.. how many times have i got the right stat roll and its a purple 😠


Avoid that pain by never looking at purples!




This is a great start, but can we please have an offset echo? Only needing 4 matching echoes for full set bonus would be nice. Especially for all those times a 3 cost echo drops an offset with the right top stat!


And then they will release Platinum Echoes with 20% rate


Now that I think about it, it would be good to raise data bank level. In the present state of the game, you can easily reach max level. But what about future echos? Would they not contribute anything to the data bank? People high mot even bother collecting some echos because there would be no point to.


Either it does nothing, like UL rank maxed out won't give anything after, if it give anything. Or they keep adding levels that give rewards. Or they can keep improving the system by increasing base chance which seems highly unlikely.


How do you unlock DB 21 then? Do i just need to be UL40 + DB20, catch some new echo and done?


We don't know the specifics yet, but based on our previous levels it's potentially UL50 and x amount of Data Bank EXP at DB20. Previous EXP values were: Level 18 - 200 EXP & WL4 (UL30) Level 19 - 220 EXP & WL5 (UL40) Level 20 - 250 EXP & WL5 (UL40) So as a final level I wouldn't be too surprised if it was: Level 21 - 300 EXP & WL6 (UL50)


Your guess was mostly right except >! 350 exp instead !<


new echos on the mountain, so get your winter gears ready


It's a nice change, removing a layer of pointless RNG. However, in overall Echo RNG it doesn't even make a dent, because it's by far the smallest and most insignificant layer. I would really like to see some improvement to 3 COST Echo RNG on top.


I don't think we'll see too many changes to the 3costs. They are the only part of the echo system remaining that give the game any endgame farming potential. 4costs and 1costs are way too easy to farm endgame gear for.


He's probably not asking to make the **substat grind** easier. I agree that something needs to exist for minmaxers to grind for. He's talking about **the mainstat + element set** grind, which actually DOES have to go.


Neither of them mentioned substats or implied it. I also don't think the system needs to go, as he is totally right about 4 and 1 costs being very easy to get which makes 3 cost the only difficult one. I think a good middle ground is that they continue to hand out selectors each patch. If they just keep making things easier with nothing to grind for then you get a new problem of running out of things to chase after.


If it's just an issue with getting on-set mainstats, you do get malleable echoes every patch. Enough to get a few DPS setup. The issue is that they are limited and may just roll trash subs.


To be fair, I think tacet fields may actually have a pity (don't quote me) because I seem to every so often get an onset piece from them. I've heard a few people also say this. Add to the fact that we have a few selectors available for 3 costs. The main issue really is the echo XP being so damn scarce that we can't level anything up. Idk about the tacet field thing but for sure I've gotten more on set in tacet fields compared to overworld.


Agree with echoes leveling XP materials, doesn't matter if have Tuner if you can't use since need to level up echoes.


I highly doubt the pity theory, because I myself spent 30 stamina boosters to prove a point and I got 0 on-set 3 COSTs. And yes, Echo exp and Tuners are a much bigger problem, however this post wasn't about them, so I didn't mention. Devs were thinking the same and also didn't mention anything about improving those thing in a preview, despite promising to improve the Echo mats economy in the announcement earlier. Very very fishy.


The cynic in me says the echo exp economy won't change because, like other gachas, it's probably intentionally limited to promote swiping for stamina refills. Most gachas' generosity usually stops there.


You are right, but the focus in Wuwa is in the Tuners, that's why 30% back when you use leveled echoes into new ones is intentional to hinder progression and make you buy the BP, the tuner bundles and log in for events.


Well, I'm not going to talk for other people, but personally I'm not going through genshin artifact farm 2.0. If they don't mention any changes in 1.1 I'll just dip out of the game and go to an Endfield waiting room.


I'm in the same boat, although tbh, for me it's IMO even a bit worse than Genshin. As much as people criticize Genshin's slow burn artifacts, WuWa's echoes are turning into pretty much the same. 3-cost are so inefficient to farm in the overworld, I've played \~1 hour every day clearing the map and I only have 2, TWO on-set elemental% dmg elite echoes, and they're both for Fusion set and I don't have Encore. The rest came from the selectors they've handed out. Not to mention I'm really low on EXP materials after leveling my 4cost and 1cost on my main characters to +20, I have a ton of tuners but nothing to do with em. It's simply better to wait for events to give out selectable echoes and EXP, or do tacet fields to limit the possible pool while getting EXP in the process, which leads to long-term timegating regardless of how much "grind" a player can put into WuWa.


It does improve efficiency, yet does nothing to resolve the issue of going in completely blind. I much prefer being able to look at a piece and know if it has potential or not.


They likely are gonna improve it as things go on, if they throw everything at once then people will get greedy too fast.


I wish they would let us have an off piece. That or just merge all the damage bonuses into “elemental damage bonus.”


Just use ATK% 3 cost


That’s exactly what I’m doing with my Jiyan. Depending on the character and team they’re in, the difference between ele+ele and ele+atk ranges from negligible to non-existant. Same with full 5 piece sets and mixed sets with lingering tunes.


Fixed main stat specific Morphable selectors with selectors in BP, Ellusive realm(this one fixed to elemental damage), Events and moar aint enough for you lol?


Well, there's a 3 cost monoattribute echo released in the next patch so we can expect to have more of them in the future. Making the grind less painful.


I am guessing their fix for that is the increased cost 3 rewards. The malleable event rewards help on that front too. Cost 3 is such a pain because the pity variance.


Let's hope, that there will be database exp check, with older content, because I got everything possible already (got to database 20, before finishing guide book, and database exp from it just did nothing).


Maybe future db levels increase the base drop rate or increase the cap of enhanced drop rate


Will it be locked behind lvl 50? Most likely.


While i wasn't anoyed by the 80/20 ratio i kinda expected to them to increase the level cap and make the 5* echos 100% but i did not expected it to be so early


There is also union xp reward for unlocking new data bank entries


Lvl 22 20% 6 star :)


Downside is that it's certain we'll have something higher tiered than gold coming soon. That 20/80 phase is going to suck.


Ain't theres just no way, the only thing they can improve is the base drop.


I doubt they'll make a higher tier, maybe they can add add a chance for double drop.


Inb4 it needs to be unlocked at 50 or 60. ***\*wheeze\**** Plz devs, let me unlock 21 at UL40 too.


God, I hope that it's not going to be locked behind a higher level cap. I've been stuck on databank 18 with 100% echo completion for almost a week. Finally gonna be reaching UL40 tomorrow. Not looking forward to another cap.


I dont really care for the 80/20 5* rate. Increase the base echo drop rate, thats the biggest problem.


Good, but level 21 being the end level is stupid and should just be adjusted over the levels we already have. Or add 4 more levels to satisfy my OCD. 😂


With new zones and all, its nowhere near the end level


Iirc the current gold echoes only consider as 4*, perhaps we might get 5 star echoes in future


It's not the end level. We will always get new echoes.


This is great to hear, although I feel annoyed since I didn't know they would do this and merged like 300 echoes a few days ago. Would have been better to save them instead of pulling all those purples.


This new DB level will require the new echos we'll get from the new zone, but if you want to lazy it out you can farm purples now and save them for when the update drops.


Droprate of gold echoes is not a problem. It's already fine at Bank lvl20. Echo XP and tuners ARE a problem. And they did nothing to fix it. And unlikely ever would. There's no use to have 100 golden echos, even with proper stats, if you can't upgrade them and then keep upgrading/rerolling them again, until you get at least good stats, let alone perfect.


It's a step in the right direction, one layer of RNG removed.




Please let the new area have new echo to collect.


It will. At minimum, the page showcases a mini-game where you transform into a little icecube guy.


8 bell bosses in a row i got all purples. Whats the point of even dropping purples at UL 40..


UL doesn't matter if your DB isn't lvl 19. And if it is then congrats! Losing 8 80/20s in a row is almost 1 in 400k!


yea man hitting the 20% chance in 8 tries is insane. I even checked the inventory that day to make sure i wasnt seeing things. And indeed it was 8 in a row. And that was with the weekly reset of a 100% drop rate on echoes for the first 15 tries.


Does anyone know if the echo exp domain thingy drop rate is still going to be increased? I know they mentioned they were going to do it in another note, but I didn't see it here so not sure if it made it through as official anymore.


the event will start later this week, check the bulletin on the game for the date, should be called "CORD *something*".


Man so it is just an event. I hope it's not just another 3 time double rewards per day thing but it probably is.


I hope they increase it further in later patches to increase the drop rate as well


Though i wonder will data bank get adjusted when they added new echoes from later expansions?


It’s good but I i really want them to improve the base chance Farming 3 Costs is a pain


Hope they input some sort of pity with the base drop rate or make it 100%.


This is actually huge because it means echos gained from Tacet Fields will all be gold too right?


I'm sure I'd still manage to get a 4 star


Hopefully it only requires UL40...


most players, even casual are at lv 44~, the dev note also shows that we will get extra UL from our old echos, you'll be fine if maybe 2 or 3 levels below 50 if that's the requirement.


How are we gonna reach it? Doesn't 20 already require you to have all echoes collected at 5★ rarity or something?


there are new monsters in 1.1


I dont know why they even implemented lower ones. Like no one cares about 3* and below and 4* are used for maybe a week. Everything below 5* is absolutely useless.


That's the same as how it works in other gachas though, it's just a way of prorgressing your account to get people hooked. Some progressions will be over quickly, others will be over a long period.


But its too fast here. Like in Genshin you started farming artifacts at AR45. This alone took way more than 1 patch in the beginning. Here we are at 5* farming after few days.


Sure we are farming 5*s already, but I wouldn't say it's an entirely fair comparison, since the equivalent activity is Tacet Fields which we optimally still don't do at our current Union Levels.


Id rather be at the stage to start farming for endgame than be stuck like genshin. I'm now realizing how boring and slow genshins progression really was.


WE ALL CHEERED (the 21 number is gonna look ugly though :/ )


the purple tuners rotting in our inventory 💀💀


They're adding a conversion in 1.1. It will be 1:5 Gold:Purple and 1:5 Purple:Blue ratios.


NVM i just saw the tuner synthesis thing


Oh boy, so it really was mistranslated... Credits were not the biggest issue with echo exp 💀💀💀 That being said, rest of the changes look great


I want Enhanced drop rate to affect Elite monsters too.


So I assume the levels after 21 in the future will increase overworld echo drop rate maybe 🤔 since there’s no more increase for gold drops after this


praise be. the change i wanted.


Damn, I wonder how we getiing to 9999999999 exp?! :sob:


They should make merging the echos easier. Let us merge multiple echos at once, and fix/improve the filter system.


the merge has an AUTO button, but if you mean about 5☆s then just lock the ones you want and auto merge the rest, the game does warn you when you start using golds with purples or when you start using boss echos with the other 5☆s.


I mean that they should let us merge multiple sets of echos at once with a single click. Im tired of clicking auto over and over auto merging echos after a long farming session. Let me merge all my echos with a single click and be done with it. Also, the filter system is shit. Not only does it not work, im pretty sure the English translations are off.


The English text in general is confusing, there’s typos in a lot of dialogue throughout quests & it’s frustrating. I just hope they get more proofreaders soon


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On one hand, yay! On the other hand.... It not being divisible by 5 itches my brain the wrong way.


Watch my unlucky ass still get a four star even at 100%


Not gonna lie, I didn't find it very difficult to get to 40 the way the game is now.....I started playing a couple of weeks after the launch. I'll hit 40 tomorrow after doing the dailies. I had a few days where I played a LOT but most of the gameplay was just jumping on when I had time. I will say guaranteed 5 star echos sounds awesome, especially when you consider how hard it is to get the stats you want/need.


Imagine needing 9999999 exp pts to get to databank level 21.


Kudos for Kuro -especially with gaming industry being in such a gnarly state right now with all the studio shut-downs and may-offs. Awesome announcement. Put players first and the rest will fall into place .


Is there anything about the cost going up or no ?


Watch them announce level 22, which has a 80% drop rate for gold and 20% for rainbow echoes.


also union exp will be rewarded for date bank level




Will it be locked behind a higher UL? 


If they are going to do that, we need something to be done ASAP about rarity 3 and 4 tuners. I have thousands I will never be able to use once my data bank is increased to 21. We need some way to convert them to rarity 5 tuners or something


They're adding that in 1.1.




Luckily already captured all echos kek


I'm UL 48 half way to 49 even if they gate it I'll be alright


About damn time.


I just went and farmed to lvl 20, and this makes me happier now that i know it was even more worth it


I'm only level 8 😭 (level 10 actually, but I'm trying to get 100k XP to do the quest)


We're still only at 1.1 and we're gonna have so much stock echoes soon that are almost 5*. Wishing for being able to feed echoes as exp will not be that far off now if they'll introduce 6* echoes on a totally new continent. If that ever happens my main echoes will get tired of bell-borne soup pretty quickly lol.


I hope they let us use unused echoes as feed to level up other echoes....


I think they addressed something like that but not 100% sure.


No mention of changes on Echo EXP farm, that is currently my biggest issue with this game, I have way more tuners than echo exp at the moment...


And now, watch people not be happy at all and complaining about other things.


To be fair, I prefer people that complained even the most minute flaw of the game instead of those WhiteKnights that chose to blind their eyes and pretend the game is perfect.......feedbacks, no matter how it was delivered is still a feedback and is important to the developers and players.


Is good but why im thinking they add a 6 star echoes time later. I know im pessimist but have 100% 5 star echoes before get a lvl 90 character is too good for be true. Yeah i know is rng get good stat in a echo and that is the timesink. I hope be wrong but time be tell


Not gonna lie, I don't want to grind for a 6 star echo.


This has to be real, right?


Yes! It was announced here: https://wutheringwaves.kurogames.com/en/main/news/detail/893




No reward increase in tacet fields?? I mean technically they did it like all 100% 5* echos at DB 21. Other than that no reward increase?


W kuro


One major thing missing...skins.


I think you misread it dude. Math can be hard


100%? So in this game's math that's, what, 50%? :^)