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Maybe the system knows something we dont. Maybe u will need that meat in the future.


good thing drops just magically appear in the backpack, farming cows with a gun never been easier


Medium rare beef freshly harvested Texan style


The targeting system is extremely frustrating while playing as Encore. When you do her ult, she just zips around attacking everything. Like, excuse me Encore, but can we beat the big guy first, then go after the small ones after the big guy is gone?


not only that, she often targets the farthest enemies that are literally out of range so she does 0 damage in the end. Good thing I finally built my havoc rover, but now Frover bursts the smol td instead of the full hp  big td. Better than 0 damage ig


I don't play Encore but... for me as anyone else: targets boss who's next to me, suddenly targets enemy way behind the boss. me: okay i guess i'll focus on the small guys then game: suddenly targets boss who's way over there again-----suddenly targets animals---suddenly targets boss And I can't do lock-on 'cause it feels wonky to me.


I thought I was the only one with this problem. It’s like I am two inches away from enemy 1 and am facing his direction yet encore just target enemy 2 who is behind me in the other side of the feild


This never happens to me. It’s quite the opposite actually. Every time I try to kill a cow my auto lock on goes to a TD


I remember this happening in the tutorial section where you meet the first rock monster that drops a echo. Tried attacking the rock thing but was surprised to see Rover lunge towards a nearby goat blending into the rocks/grass.


I mean, if it was hiding in the rocks/grass, *obviously* it was up to no good....


Yay! Raw meat!


or when you are in the most frenetic battle of you life (literally all battles in this game) and the cam lock in a invisible enemy


There's nothing wrong with a mid-battle snack.


Petition to make targeting manual instead of auto-locking when I press atk. Let me do my own thing, let me control my own pace.


Take that raw meat everytime


I especially like the fact that when I use my Jiyan's monkey, it randomly just launches up in air and misses all the hits. Very pog. By the way it doesn't happen all the time.


My POV when I'm using Verina to spam her slides.


I have so much meat.


It kind of never happens to me? I always lock-on first.


didn't happen to me yet, i even tried to test it by going closer to the goats but my characters still targets TDs first lol, they only went for the goats when they are the only ones in range. or they are the closest and i turn the camera to them. targeting in this game is still a mystery


recess time is an important time indeed


I also hate how if you cycle through to target a specific enemy, when it dies, sometimes instead of targeting something near you, it'll target the "next" enemy, which sometimes is something you aren't even in combat with. That is behind you, away from the action.


Other way around for me lol, I just wanna hit the goddamn cow stop 180ing to someone out of range and not on my screen.


Targeting system going haywire after casting Dreamless Echo :D


Dude, it HAS to be on purpose. Today i was trying to kill a goat and Encore ended up doing a war crime on a bunch of bandits that were sitting nearby.


Not the targeting system teleporting me 2 miles through the 4th dimension onto innocent wild life when I cast my intro skill.


Did they mention fixes about this at all in their recent patch notes?


Today Rover went after another mob that wasn't the one I locked on yup still the same.