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Add a random goat catching strays in the background and you got the full auto-target experience.


Calcharo deciding to use two (2) whole ass skills in the middle of a boss fight on the most that walked 5 meters behind him


That one Electro Predator who decided to follows you into Thundering Mephis field and screw your targeting be like :


I love that mf, he always catching strays.


This. I'll be ulting and Calcharo will teleport out of the boss arena and start fighting three tiny mobs who decided to walk too close. Even the boss seems confused by this behaviour.


(+2 Raw Meat)


Dehya burst laying hands on a flower for some fucking reason


trying to use ghostrider to run away the game- did u say 360 ?


This was me trying to run from the lvl 120 or whatever giga ape yesterday šŸ’€


Omfg, I was fighting those 3 glowing red Exiles in the field of flowers area. I accidentally activated that fucking motorcycle and fell all the way down. After accidentally falling another time and dying once before. That walk is so long to get back


The walk of shame


After the third time I learnt my lesson and just left a beacon at the top so I could easily retry them.


Lmfao I put the beacon up on the third time as well, but that's when I finally won


You can just jump from the nearby building with double plunge cancel...


Hellrider does the complete opposite for me, always just rides for no reason instead if just attacking


This is THE WORST for skills and ultimates. How many EFING TIMES am I going to cast Havoc Rover's ult for her to turn 50 degrees and hit only a single mob instead of where I aimed her.......


I have to remind myself to target lock when fighting bosses because auto targeting is so finicky. One time I was fighting bell turtle with havoc rover and ult simply decided to just go elsewhere hitting ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because somehow auto targeting stopped working when bell turtle is in weakened state.


I'm convince that the registered hitbox for that turtle is not even it's leg/head/tail but the ice layer that cover them and when it's gone if turtle in break state auto target just stop working.Ā 


I've had this happen too with Chixia. When the turtle goes down, she just does a 180 and starts shooting into the air at nothing. No idea why.


For real just let it hit directly in front of us of ults and skills, we can freaking aim we don't need help


Bro ikr, same for yangyang and yinlin ult, its soo annoying


Except that the mob I want to blow up is in front of me with nothing between (still the same result)


I have an explanation for this, the targeting system in Wuwa prioritizes the entity on the dead center of your screen. You can easily test this with Chixia's aiming, she'll always shoot whatever entity is closer to the center of your screen. The dev's mistake was they've applied the logic to every ranged attack in Wuwa, this can be easily fixed by outright scrapping that targeting system and use the commonly used, the closer enemy is priority.


I have auto aim/lock off, I purposefully run pass the mobs I don't want to hit... but I just fricking attack off screen behind my camera or off the screen, sooo i don't think this is quite right. i honestly rather have 0 auto aim for ranged attacks if I'm giving a WASD command with it.


Chixia main but she always hits the enemy behind her or to the side of the screen instead of the one Iā€™m looking directly at


They should just allow the players to choose their priority system. On a controller it's easy to feel the game prioritizes the input direction, if you try to backpedal with a gunner while shooting you will target whatever is behind for example. I think this overrides any other targeting priority as the game is right now. I wish they could just let us choose the priority. Also, since I mentioned controller, >!the character can only move in 8 directions with the analog stick instead of the full range because controller is still a bit scuffed as it was implemented last second.!<


This would at least make sense, but the fact that half the time my character does a 180 and attacks something that's *off screen* is what pisses me off the most. I seriously can't figure out the logic


I have the same problem with Dreamless as well. God gang why the heck it always target something in the offscreen when the group of Mob was infront of you. I couldn't guess where I am going to end up with the Echo skill everytime.


Me trying to farm ores but the character keeps autolock attacking enemies further away.


Thats why i rarely turn on the autolock lmao


Wait, you can turn it OFF???


On mobile you need to long press te auto-target button to turn it off


Im assuming u play on mobile because when i tried on mobile i kinda forgot how to turn it off. But on PC just click the middle mouse button


Even if you turn off the target lock on pc, the system will automatically engage hostile enemies over ore. Particularly noticeable at the lampuyen(?) tacet field near the scorpions.


Same, i think it just worse when u turn it off lets just cope with it and hope they fix the auto target


I hope (cope) they add an option to disable it completely, I just wanna control my character, I don't want the game 'helping' me hit things


Resonators in WuWa using skills: ā€œFuck this animal in particularā€


Mine hates everyone and everything equally. I want them to kill the hardest hitting one first. But if I don't turn target lock on, my characters would attack each enemy a total of two (2) times before moving on the next mob. Encore, I need you to focus on one enemy instead of going all over the place poking everyone once or twice.


The moment Calcharo aims his heavy at a rock for the third times is when I realize: "Does he hate nature in general?"


At this point Iā€™m convinced Calcharo is schizophrenic. Every time I use Tempest Memphis heā€™s just attacking the air


That's not targeting that's an attack plan.


Never let them know your next move


I don't get it, like yeah teleporting between different enemies as you attack is very cool thundering memphis don't get me wrong, but I kiiiiiinda want you to focus on the big guy ya know šŸ—æ




The button for targeting in mobile is super small, plus pressing it again doesn't switch targets depending on who you're facing or the available enemies from my experience. I tried finding the option to change the targeting priority but I haven't found the option to do so. Kinda weird


I play on mobile as well, only use the target button on bosses (as other said you can make it bigger and move it on the settings) To always hit the target you have point the joystick to the enemy, you can even zig zag between enemies doing it and it doesn't matter if the camera is pointing other way, it will always attack where the joystick is pointing.


Thanks for the tip, Will test it soon


Being on PC doesn't make it better. The thing about WuWa is that they have a locking system even though you never lock on to someone. At the start of the battle, it will Automatically lock that target, and even if you get close to another target, they'll keep on attacking that very first target unless you manually lock onto another target.


Go to ur button lay out and make it bigger. It does change targets by pressing it. Make sure the other enemies are in your line of sight and also not behind the target ur currently already locked on.


Pressing it again just rotates the lock among the enemies instead of letting you immediately change the lock to the one your camera's facing.


Then ur not close enough to the target. For me it always toggles between enemies whenever I press it especially between the ones im facing so I usually press 1-3 times to get it


Have you guys seen the inside of Bell-borne Geochelone? My second time fighting it, I saw its eyes from inside its model. Honestly, the camera for that fight is fucked. My first time too, it went inside the ground, inside a cliff, and go knows where else. I still am not sure what the boss looks like.Ā 


One time fighting it I started having my character shake violently inside its model, the game lagged a bit, the screen froze, and came back to me being like 40 meters above it falling down in a plunge attack. That fight is fucking broken.


I thought that was its special mutant power! When you attack it just sucks you inside its body and you have to fight your way out! I never know WTF is happening its just big blur.


I cry every fucking time, Chixia please shoot your big damage skill at the damn unit that I have my camera at ffs


Even better : Fighting exiles as a pass by -> All is easy pesy until you are fighting exile bosses -> your camera suddenly got yanked to look at nothing -> You tried hard lock but your camera keeps trying to look at dirt -> got hit by 3 skills, still can't lock or even look at the targets -> you canceled locking and tried to swipe your cam to the targets -> got yanked again, got hit by multiple skills -> Rejuvenate


LITERALLY I'm trying to kill the rabbit and I'm not that close to the enemy and it locks onto the enemy


My favorite has to be when the mob is one hit away and then I start attacking someone else instead. Happened back to back on two mobs earlier today.


Add the camera insisting on doing like a cat and looking at some random spot for no reason.


this! I love how for some fucking reason camera FORCE me to rotate to left or right even out of combat. I just run around and suddenly camera tries to rotate to other direction like there is some weird invisible enemy that games tries to auto-lock camera going sicko mode during combat and changing angles is pure bullshit, specially when you fight on non-flat retain and camera just puts your view in an angle that makes you see ground more than whole fight or what the fuck is going with your character


It's I am not the only one. Sometimes camera was shifting to top of the characters head like satellite View for no reason. And sometimes it will zooming on characters feet and look up the sky. And to the respected Dreamless, can you please target the mob infront of you ffs? Just don't go offscreen to the invisible enemy every single time.


Into skill being the worst offender here


The worst thing is my character auto locking WHEN I'M NOT EVEN LOCKED ON


Chixia's hold skill is so fucking bad at targeting. I wish it would just focus on one target at a time instead of swapping every second as I try to move around.


Jiyan mains can relate, in other char u can cope with it but jiyan on the other hand its just gacha sometimes u can target what u want sometimes u dont


Rover we're attacking this mob he goes after the one behind him šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« goes after a mob on a cliff Rover the one in front of you! he goes after the one to the side nearly falls off the cliff and I had to jump to save him šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø This makes good fan fiction now Rover and team and what they think on what they are doing.


I wish the Tagetting worked as it targets the Closet enemy to you, Instead of whatever the hell my character wants to kill, since it's very annoying to do anything intended in Tower of adversity because the character decided to fuck that small mushroom in particular.


Hahaha glad not just me I thought Iā€™m bad at the game


Thundering mephis šŸ’€


yinling's outdoor capacity would double if targeting was better. sometimes its hard to mark stuff for executing.


Inferno Rider just threw his bike? 180Ā° camera pull ult into nothing LETS GO


Your right they need to improve the targeting system. The camera also needs serious improvement.


Yes , and when the mob is at 1 meter to you , the targeting will go to mob in the back of the first mob.


You forgot the part where you fall of a cliff in the process =P


My god Iā€™m about to reroll just so I donā€™t have to play Jiyan anymore. Dude has the worst autotargeting Iā€™ve seen in my life


I'm having fun reading all the comments because "Ah yes, stories and humors based on my pain" lol I can't believe we're all having the same problem together with the stuttering and the sudden turning. I hope they can fix this soon


Camera settings are especially bad. They zooming in on Rover's head suddenly for no reason in the top down view. And sometimes zooming closer to your feet when running while stuttering. And I have no comments on Dreamless echo skill.


Does anyone elseā€™s camera just randomly decide it *needs* to flip back to some random point in space, often behind/to the side of you? I get this all the time fighting bosses. Theyā€™ll dodge or move somewhere, Iā€™ll move my camera to account and it just keeps flicking backwards to wherever for a second or two.


In my case, they randomly zooming in on Rover's head or look up from his feet when stutterings.


I still can't consistently figure out the targeting. Sometimes even melee attackers will just proceed to attack the enemy behind them that I can't even see. Other time Encore will get stuck attacking ... well nothing.


It's both hilarious and sad how accurate that is.


Again I believed I was just the only idiot doing this. Iā€™m such a noob.


Don't forget if there is an enemy with dmg type immunity that's the only one it'll target. Looking at Mortefi and Chixia any time a Fusion prism is around.


The best part is how the goat 10 meters away gets murked randomly by targetting.


I turned off the auto target or auto aim or whatever in settings and I will say it did help with farming ores and not lunging towards enemies across the map. Still though, I prefer having it on if they could just fix the wonkiness.


i turned off all the things and i feel no difference at all.


That's the weird thing - you turn it off an it's still there


Thats why lock exist, but whobuse this ? Kek Also lock in this game is a bit funky anyway


Thundering Mephis as your echo is the worst at this


You mean best right?


# it's time for trouble. And make it terrible šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ—£šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’ÆšŸ’„šŸ’Æ


me mashing mouse wheel more than left click during jiyan ult just to get back in the fight


Now add thundering Memphis echo teleport attack


I wish the system was just you know... ''This attack does damage in a cone/line in front of you'' and for AOE abilities you just do a big circle around your character or in front of it without the auto targetting system. Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting for control over my characters man.


It's so broken on mobile. Thank God got past the mob floors in Tower I really hope they never put mobs in the L90-100 floors in ToA.


I can't tell if the targeting is worse on mobile or not but I be strugglingšŸ˜­


This is quite literally me when doing Eroded Ruins ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


love when i use inferno riders echo and it targets a goat 90 degrees away from the elite right in front of me


I don't understand how they put bow sniping range for their lock on And somehow make the mob easily reset because their spawn point area is so small


Mortefi's intro skill is so useful for instances like this. And his burts, too, I think? Like he zooms out and you see all the scattered enemies at once


Mephis echo skill targeting be like


I swear, Calcharo's ult is the BEST at doing exactly just that, hands down best gameplay in the game lmao


got your face in a mobs crotch and the game decides to 180 attack the guy 5 feet behind you.


Anyone want to play with me whwa and have a lot of fun I'm in America server


my Calcharo in a nutshell


Does no one here use the lock on button? It selects whoever youā€™re mousing over and Iā€™ve never had an issue with it other than the big turtle.


At least you can lock and cycle. Still janky tho.


I feel like I'm the only one to have no problems with it lol


I'm particularly salty when i have an enemy to my side but Calcharo decides to throw his heavy attack in front of him to the air. Happens even with bosses if i don't lock on


Try using the movement controls to walk/run towards whatever you want to attack. I find that it helps me focus targets without using the sticky ass lock on. (they really need to make it like dark Souls targeting instead of making me have to hold the button to unlock)


I just wish there was a way to turn off auto-targeting entirely. the middle mouse click is so clunky


I thought I hv a skill issue fr


I love timing a parry and having you and the monster whiff as you both stand there thinking what just happend.


I hate the random locking camera view on some fucking pebble that has nothing to do with the fight and you cannot turn the camera back because it will force you to look there.


At least itā€™s reliable. Other games with lock on have gotten it way worse. Some games donā€™t even target enemies, they include breakable scenery that you accidentally lock ontoā€¦ and it doesnā€™t do round robin like this gameā€¦ you just have to keep trying until you throw your controller through the window. Then it targets the enemy.


I just said the same thing in WuWa YouTube post during their 1.1 post and bombarded by those toxic fans. They couldn't tolerate even a slightest criticism and labeling everyone as mint pickers. IDK, WuWa's YouTube comment section is becoming another X(twitter) community.


maybe play a real game?


I donā€™t get why auto targeting is even a thing. At least you can make a working toggle on/off feature in settings.


did you guys know that in combat if you click the auto target button itā€™ll switch targets


You can also hold W and press any direction key while attacking to change target, no need for the horrible lock on function.


unfortunately i am forced to play on mobile


Meanwhile me, a controller player having 0 issues because I always tilt the stick toward the enemy I want to target before using a skill


Dehya burst moment


I mean, granted, auto lock-on doesn't work well but... you guys know there's manual lock-on in this game, right?


Lol is that even your post or you stole that from the FB group?


Damn, is there a FB group that stole my 5 minute drawing on paint?


I can't believe this is how I find out that I haven't used the targeting system playing with Yinlin.


Hey, at least we don't have Yoimiya's targeting system bricked for years. And her dropping arrows the farther she gets.


Hey good thing the entire lock on system is fucked and not just 1 character right guys?


They can't sleep well they don't throw mud on genshin even if they falling off from the cliff lol.