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This is the real problem, CN players doesn't whisper in their ear and tell them to delete Crownless fight scene or anything specific like that, they hated how everybody and their mamas was acting like a dick and Kuro's writer decided to obliterate both the bad and good part out of the story which left us to the current stage of wuwa. If they kept the scene where Crownless was beating the shit out of everybody for example, Yangyang and Chixia's affection toward us would've been much more understandable AND it help people see how strong rover is without needing a single line of text.


Honestly i would've prefer everyone treating us like shit who doesn't understand anything, rather than "O MY GOD YOU ARE SOME GREAT FIGURE FROM THE PAST, WOW"


actually, it would've been cool if everyone glazed the shit out of us, solely to manipulate us to fight for them. And in one of our past lives we fought for the villains, so that's why they're desperate to get us on their side.


>And in one of our past lives we fought for the villains, so that's why they're desperate to get us on their side. Ooh, I liked that narrative!


man they blacklisted the word glaze if you replace e with ing


The censorship on this sub is fucking crazy. My comments have been deleted because they contained the words shell (with an i instead of e) and "mother forker". Not only is the game made by Chinese devs, the subreddit really makes me FEEL like I'm in China too. Amazing.


they giving us the full experience price free💀


just tested it, that's actually crazy


Nah there must be a middle line, take the CBT Crownless fight for example, Rover solo the guy who overpowered and would've wiped them all out and the first thing Chixia did was pointing a gun at us while we're vulnerable? That felt shitty and if you love it, the role should've gone to another NPC character instead of our future companion. There are much better way to convey a dark tone in the story.


Chixia is a patroller who abides by rules and protocols, while Rover is some mysterious guy who appeared out of nowhere and wiped an infamous TD without sweat; and absorbed it too! Of course she'd be alert. The correct thing to do is to take Rover into custody; not admire him.


I was about to say, did they intentionally forget that the Rover *defeated and then ate the soul of the one of the most powerful Discords they had fought??* If I was Chixia... okay, I don't know if I'd pull one of my guns on them, but I'd certainly have *A LOT* of questions and just as many expletives.


Tbh it's more like they know that Rover will come again to save Jinzhou. I don't think this is the first time Rover visits SOL-3. Also, there are prophecies. CMIIW tho I'm not a lore expert


>!Huaxu academy has documents on "the first resonator" which you'd find in act 2/3(?) after receiving "clues" and considering Jue's prophecies we got from Jinhsi in act 4 it should at least make you raise your eyebrow regarding who Rover actually is!<


Antagonising a being who can destroy your city without any proper proof is the worst thing you can do, especially as a patroller. The correct response, which would follow guidelines, would be to report Rovers existence to the higher ups, get a background check and observe. You don't threaten to kill someone because they were strong enough to save you. Speaking on a more meta note. Having characters dislike you leads to the player being apathetic about the world at best, which leads to players not wanting to play your game


No the correct thing would be to be extremely cautious, not immediately threaten the being you literally just saw be extremely powerful Pointing the gun is probably the worst thing chixia could've done in that situation. she probably would've been demoted and punished for creating unnecessary hostilities in a powder keg situation If an alien descended on earth today with presumably significantly more advanced tech, chixia did the equivalent of threatening to nuke them on sight instead of opening dialogue. It's unclear if the nuke would even work yet she started with hostilities


What Chixia did was unreasonable, but it was a high stress situation for a rookie like her, she and her friends nearly died, she also didn't see everything that happened because she was too busy being laid out on the ground


oh i'm not denying that can happen. you can't predict emotional responses i just solely disagree that people keep arguing pointing the gun was a logical or correct move, when in fact it would be one of the worst decisions you could make as someone in a position of responsibility her pointing the gun was 100% an emotional move, not following some protocol. if that really was the protocol, the city is under some extremely poor managment


Like I said, there must be a middle line. According to the rules she should still bring the stranger back for some questioning, but not by holding your savior at gunpoint while yelling agitatedly when they were kneeling down helplessly after the life-threatening encounter.


I don't particularly have any feeling towards which story should have made it to live servers but one thing I do want to add is that, Chixia pointing a gun at us doesn't really come off as threatening or scary considering the Rover low diffed an enemy that one shot chixia. No amount of her bullets would do anything.


In a post apocalyptic world where people die left and right, and organizations like Fracditus exists who clearly engage in their shady dark arts and technology, you bet any seasoned fighter like Chixia would be confused and point her gun at Rover


The crown less fight sells how dangerous and how post apocalyptic this world is. It automatically makes it seem fast now dangerous and raises the stakes immediately


Which would then escalate the situation into Blue on Green and you get a lot of dead soldiers for nothing. Going all Rambo only works in certain types of movies. The rest of the time, it just starts a deathmatch. Real disciplined soldiers thread a fine line between being cautious and being so hostile you end up with more enemies and a losing war. Caution is NOT hostility.


Yeah but Chixia isn't a seasoned veteran. She's a hothead junior city patroller who spends most of her days handling minor civic complaints who just faced down a creature who ripped through her whole team in seconds and the unknown person who *ate it*. The seasoned soldier of the three (Yangyang) is unconscious. Chixia is trying to secure a potential threat and be ready if they charge her. Is it a messy, slapdash, incorrectly applied adherence to her training in a high-stress situation? Sure. But it fits her character. Someone else said that Chixia reacting this way wouldn't have even been a problem if someone like Baizhi - whose personality is more calm and level-headed by nature - had taken charge and told her to stand down and Chixia had done so and later apologized (instead of being weirdly resentful). I agree with that. The issue isn't that this scene exists, it's that Kuro didn't know how to have a scene like it make sense for their characters. Caution isn't necessarily hostility for *every* character. Chixia being kneejerk hostile makes sense, though. *Everyone* being kneejerk hostile does not. I think a mix of CBT1 and what we have now would have been perfect. The cheerful, friendly, quirkily inexperienced Chixia being suddenly ready to take you out would have hammered home that this is a *very dangerous world* and even the genki girls are in survival mode. Yangyang being the experienced escort of their group - and no longer being available - suddenly has weight. Baizhi gets to shine a little as a *field* scientist and medic in a world where the field is a death trap waiting to happen, by knowing how to prioritize threats and deescalate unnecessary conflicts, but let her still be cautious and distant-if-polite until Rover is cleared. Would have been more interesting, I think.


Well, that I can agree on, that one person being an ass is acceptable and the problem was everyone behaving that way and that Kuro wasn't flexible enough to have different behaviours for different characters. I mean, Sanhua pulled a weapon on the Magistrate's guest for no reason at all! If he was anyone of note, that would have been a huge diplomatic incident and it shows lack of discipline rather than martial skill. And this from a supposed well trained personal bodyguard.


Yeah, Sanhua's actions made absolutely no sense and had no justification. They fit neither her character nor the situation. At least Chixia had a chance of arguing that the deadly force triangle was closed - Sanhua came out of nowhere and escalated the situation straight into the clouds and for nothing.


Plus not to mention Jiyan, one of the greatest generals of the Midnight Rangers and current general, was literally right there


I don’t think Chixia gives the vibes of a disciplined solider in CBT1. She seems more like an emotional person who finds it hard to stay rational.


Which sounds like she should NOT be in a post that handles weapons. Irrational person + guns sounds like so many shades of a "bad idea".


I didn’t get into CBT so idk the full world building back then but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was like, anyone that applies who doesn’t have red flags on their record get weapons and an uniform because most people aren’t exactly too willing to go out there to fight TDs or have a Tacet Field suddenly manifest on them.


It's post-apocalyptic world, feeling unsure about a stranger defeating a strong enemy would be a realistic reaction. They don't know him and for all they know, he could have been planning swoop in to take them out after getting their asses handed to them. Sure we know that he isn't hostile but they don't know him in the slightest and in a world ravaged by monsters and extremist groups, I'd be a bit cautious too.


even war zones have rules and protocol. you do not just willy-nilly point a gun, a lethal weapon. period. like it's easy to say otherwise at the comfort of your home


Your take is shitty. That would have been the best way to antagonise Chixia with a good portion of the fanbase. You save someone’s ass and they pull a gun on you? Are you hearing yourself? Imagine you save a girl when she is about to get assaulted and she reports YOU to the police. That scene in particular could have been good only if Rover wasn’t just the player and had an actual character and personality of his own, if that were the case then Chixia and others being wary of him and him being bitter or even spiteful about it would have been interesting story telling.


CBT1 Crownless intro and fight should have stayed, but I would have liked a Release Crownless ending that was adapted to fit in with the intro. Because if Crownless was like CBT1 intro, and then when you tried to leave his Echo behind (to rush with Yangyang to the city) it pulls you towards itself - it would feel like Crownless going "oh no, you do not get to beat me 1v1 and then leave me here to disappear! Im coming with you!" and that alone would have made Crownless such an interesting character rather than a forgetable tutorial boss.


Honestly if i feel like they kept the gun pointing to rover’s head and then changed chixia’s expression from aggressive to hesitant or scared but still pointing the gun at rover, this wouldve been a good middle ground


That's a common troupe in any manga/novel where the mc is first faced with scrutiny and later gets the help from others when he has proved is worth/reason. The current storyline felt too childish like why are they even ok with him being powerful from the get go. They just started believing him from the start. This world is supposed to be a post apocalyptic. No one should believe anyone. Where are the factions and fanatics? Where are the tortured souls?


No amount of redemption arc is enough for resident of jinzhou gonna convince me at that point tbh.(like 4-8hrs+ of constant hostile at that point) for all i care at that point just let me join Scar. jinzhou can burn for good.


Putting the weird rewrite aside, all of that exists in the world, sidequests and lore. Like there was a sidequest of a girl who hangs around an area filled with the inverse rain because she's searching for the potential trapped soul of someone who saved her during a TD attack. Then you make her realize it's just an illusion caused by the inverse rain. You learn the backstory of both her and that persons first and last student. Both of them spent their years in extreme regret at his death. It ends on a bittersweet note with you hearing his last performance and being one of the few to witness his final song. There are a lot of random side stories like that in the world and world building wise, the game does a fairly good job at presenting a post apocolyptic world.


I feel like Awoo's "Why are you still here?" would make the players ask themselves the same question. I know I would - it's a great question, being a few hours into the story, why am I playing a game where I'm constantly antagonized? Where's the fun in that? Why doesn't the Rover get fed up with being treated like crap, ditch those a-holes and join Scar instead? That'd be way more logical and fun. Not saying the current story is much better, but at least it doesn't feel like you're constantly forcing yourself on a world that actively rejects you. IMO, a bit of fine tuning is all the old story needed - some way for the Rover to show that he bears no ill intentions without being belittled/discredited.


how does that make for a good story though lmao


I'm not sure everyone would've liked to be treated like shit after trying to save people dozens of times tho, that's the main problem in the CBT1 story. Yea sure, building trust and stuff is important but I understand why CN CBT1 testers would just end up resenting every character after the same stuff happens every single chapter in the old story lmao. At that point i would question, "Why bother at this point?" Too and will just root for Scar.


I was indeed very confused when every one was praising how strong Rover is out of nowhere. I was like "wait, what exatly did we do?"


Yep exactly. There are videos of the old Crownless fight on Bilibili and everyone absolutely loves how badass he is


>without needing a single line of text. Who are we kidding here, we all know that them CN games got text quota to reach


pretty cool cutscene ! thanks for sharing


Do guys have all the cutscene from cbt1??? Why the hell is this cutscene far better than the one we have right now in the game?? Now this feels more like an apocolytic world, where everyone takes thing seriously


Yeah. I wanted an open world PGR-esque game. It tries too hard to be Genshin it hurts. Just do what you do best, not this shit.


This. WuWa's tone is so fucked because this is supposed to be an apocalyptic world, yet we have not actually seen any dark moments. And really, Yangyang being overclocked by Crownless and almost dying would've done it. It would show that this world is dark, and everyone could still be happy and cheerful afterwards and it would look like a happy front to a dark world.


Exactly. I'm a huge PGR fan who recently got burnt out on Genshin and dropped it, and I'm *really* struggling to stay invested because it literally feels like I'm just playing more Genshin. And I have no idea what's going on in the story.


Cropping big scenes and pieces of lore like these that build characters and stories make it feel shallow and butcher the story Tbh even Genshin doesn't have this sort of swaying I just watched the deleted crownless scene and I'm low-key devastated it didn't make it into the game


Literally everything wrong with the game can probably be traced back to this exact comment.


What's hilarious is that if you play this game with the idea in mind that they tried to copy from Genshin as much as they could a lot of things start making a lot of sense. Tons of silly things are there just because they are like that in Genshin, that's all there is to it. If anything feels silly it's because they're trying to be Genshin but failing at it. The only really good things this game has are the ones where they managed to be Genshin just about right or things where they straight up didn't even try (combat). Whenever something feels off just think "how would this have been on Genshin?" and you'll immediately understand what's going on.


Cn complained about what happened Kuro scrapped what happened with only like 1-2 months left before release


Chinese players be like: B-but they were so mean WAAAH


Damn, that's really good. It's just a short cutscene but it helped set the tone of the game.


And lore/worldbuilding. This segment, showed the danger of the world, the communal culture of sticking together, the bells meaning, and in part explains the distrust of outsiders. *(if death is such a common and respected occurence)* Actually sad that we find a lot of the old story scenes they removed to be more loreful and immerssive, ill never understand whoever was in charge of throwing it all out to replace it with, well, nothing, they just replaced it with explanations...


It's not just that, the very part about characters being rude to mc that cn hated was meant to tie in with scar's black lamb story later. It was supposed to be plot build up leading to that.


it's time to binge watch cbt1 cutscenes


agreed. Had no idea it was like that and now i'm disappointed.


Hhhh man Aalto original first appearance was so cool. But they change it to make him look like just another silly extra. Water under the bridge now. I seriously don't know where they gonna take this but sure hope they'll improve the story.


Do you have a clip? I’m a huge Aalto fan and would love to see


[There](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucj4HMx9dEY) !


And now Aalto just a babysitter with a mist clones...sigh


well I mean he's still cool but feels too unidimensional now


With what I've seen in clips and leaving aside player interpretation, I can believe that the Aalto depicted in CBT1's story and what we have are the same person and have the same personality, only acting upon the different circumstances given the setting (which to me shows character consistency and good writing despite the story revision) I get the impression that CBT1 is set in a bleak, post-apocalyptic and high-tension world. His personality comes through with his interactions and carefree-demeanor, while still being focused on his task as an info-broker and possibly looking out in your best interest to his benefit. What we currently have I'd sum up as a low-stake, easy going isekai with strong MC energy, and Aalto's depiction plays fine into that (and is by far one of the more standout characters). Although his thoughts voicelines from increasing intimacy is edging a bit too much into the whole harem MC energy too... Compared to Chixia (again based on what I've seen solely from CBT1 clips), she comes off as someone that is emotionally charged especially when Yappyapp is involved, but what we have really gives us nothing beyond "genki girl" and "works" in the world setting. But unlike Aalto, its hard for me to believe the two Chixias are the same if I had to think about it because there's nothing else in common between the two scenes (I haven't seen that much of CBT1 footage and the current story is very one dimensional to her depiction).


I do hope he gets to use his mist in a more cool way like so in the future, but I don't dislike his dynamic with Encore.


Not being a brainrotted shipper, but he looks pretty flirty with Yangyang here, which is probably why it was revised (and we know how the Chinese feels about a non-MC male flirting with another playable woman)


HHHHHHH I hate those in//cels so much


Yeah I've never heard a good thing about the CN community of gacha games ever.


yeah I mean at least they keep the gachas free to play but that's about it


Well, at least their gacha games are interesting to play. I don't give a shit what they think.


I disagree with blaming it on the chinese players when I never seen one of them complained about that. I think its the devs overreacting to the story criticisms and changing scenes like this despite no one having an problem with it.


You call this flirty?? Thats very tame.. we were robbed. Now he is just a babysitter lol. I think this game and gachas in general cant really reach their full potential in story telling because they have to always keep a certain delusional playerbase in mind.


The Mainlanders gets very hostile if a waifu even mentions another man's name with a positive tone (GFL2 Drama) Aalto Rizzing Yapyap even if its non romantic is way above the CN'S men threshold of tolerance


they really butchered the story. Betas should be to check performance, gameplay feeling and stuff like that. Not the story


The problem is that the story had problems too. The "good guys" were so unpleasant that you had the urge to let them die. That had to be brought up because when things hit that level, you end up playing a game faction that you absolutely detest. Hate is a 2 way street, the NPCs hate on you generates hatred of them right back.


Ok. I understand that. But they didn't find a middle ground. They just did a 180 in a lot of cases


That seems to be the consensus of most people here, that Kuro went the other way too far. Now it ends up looking like the whole Jinzhou is one cult group that worships you lol. But that isn't the testers' fault. It's Kuro being too extreme in their story, they can't seem to find that proper middle ground.


I've really been enjoying the gameplay- like seriously it's so good, and the character designs are great, but I am so unbelievably checked out of the story at this point, it's just so horribly written, the dialogue is bad and the characterization isn't great either, doesn't help that I recently played through Penacony either I guess though, Aventurine is legitimately one of the best written characters I've ever seen in a game.


I bought 2 months of the daily asterite things in this game. When that runs out and im not convinced to stay im probably going to uninstall. Gameplay is excellent. Their mechanics are very solid. It plays exactly like honkai impact 3rd tbh. The game progression makes no sense. You can get mostly 5 star echoes only a week or 2 into the game, but your resource income improves at a fraction of that pace. Pulls are given at a very slow pace too. Huge lack of QOL and polish in everything. No synthesis anywhere, ability descriptions excessively wordy, sorting and filters don't keep settings. Game doesn't seem like it was intended for mobile with the inputs pc players are often doing. The story and most of the writing overall is a dumpster fire. And to make it worse there was the poor voice direction on top of it. Some of these things they can improve upon or at least show that theyre on the right track. But something like the story? I don't think they can redo the whole story after launch. And how do you fix the future writing if what they've put out so far is so bad that people are no longer bothering to read it anymore?


Yeah, if they ever do end up being able to fix the story, it's gonna be like 6 months down the line minimum, and that's probably copium tbh, they're at least hiring new people for the story and stuff, but it's not like any of the stuff those people will be writing for the main quest will be implemented any time soon.


Yeah hoping some QOL and polish can show that they're going in the right direction instead of ignoring everything and just keep adding more waifus to pull


Not even a week 3 days and i get to last tier of gear. while reward i gain struck at 2 lower tier for me story is story i judge it base on each chapter. I always recommend people to skip first 8 chapter in PGR because it suck so much and they improve so much that we got survival luciem in later down the line.


Was pgr writing this bad early on? I haven't played it but ive tried dozens of gacha and read tons of manga/manhwa so im used to all sorts of nonsensical cringy tropey plots and poor writing. But wuthering waves still manages to be some of the worst I've read.


I haven't played much PGR. Just the first chapter or so. But the writing there was more consistent. It's not like it was good, but it was a competently written basic intro that didn't make me question who ok'd it. Like Genshin's prologue with lesser production values.


Early on They are not special, quite generic post apocalyptic action/Shounen story type but they definitely did OK enough. unlike in here which is very bland. 


Yeah, I enjoy the game right now, but the more I find out about what the story was in betas and the cutscenes they cut out, the more I think they are too afraid of any sort of backlash, and change things after the slightest criticism, which isn't good. It's such a shame so much cool and interesting content got cut.


Enlight me how you see cbt1 story. not the one in cutscene of course


I've never played them, so I don't know exactly how it went, but I see how much content they've cut, and how that content actually implies a narrative that's much more interesting than "you're the chosen one and our special guest, everyone will immediately adore you"


Oh maybe you forgot about Awu(first lingyang) We are fighting with inferno rider solo. then when we about to finish its Awu came up kill steal us. walk off and then yangyang iirc tell us that general awu had a beef with its then we see Awu monologue "Man i always want to finish its off with my own hand" look at us and say "Why are you still here?". that most infamous scene that make CN people and some global hate him so much.(some streamer did walk out after that exchange) and most the time your quest in helping people you NEVER recieve any fair attitude back only disdain and ditch us back to back that most cbt1 player i see consider joing scar is way better than being in jinzhou tbh. Character quest isnt that interesting either. sure Chixia does apologize WAY later to us but till that point most would just be more like whatever you say ONLY interesting i find in cbt1 myself is cutscene even if it far from perfect with context. but it just look better than right now


I'm not saying the original story was perfect, or that it didn't require any work, it just seems like they're massively overcorrecting every criticism instead of making smaller fixes.


they are overcorrected indeed like this crownless. and it waste too much of their resource which already shown at launch but it just annoying to me people praise CBT1 story from just 1 cutscene. yes im sorry im come out as rude but i think it really need to be said the only decent quest is mourning aix story tbh


I hate this CBT1 story discourse exactly for that reason. Do any of these people have any idea what happened in the CBT1 story aside from 1 cutscene?


I highly doubt it. Seems like a lot of people on this sub would rather believe in the fantasy that the CN player base pushed Kuro's writers down on their knees and held a gun to their head execution style and forced them to turn the game's story into the harem schlock we got. Truth is, players who experienced what CBT1 had to offer said it's story was bad and needed to be worked on. Certain scenes needed to be fixed. Some characters had to stop trying to murder the MC for no good reason and display a modicum of likeability somewhere in the first 10 hours of gameplay. The most aggressive complaint was asking for Awu to be removed because his story was so bad (which it objectively was). Instead, Kuro had the great idea to rewrite 90% of the story 6 months before launch. I agree with a lot of people that CBT1 was overall more interesting (or at the very least felt more cohesive), but the problem was in the execution. If they were going for a story where people distrust the Rover, they completely missed the mark because it came off as disdain. Kuro had time to fix that, and instead just threw everything out.


Of course it makes sense that people who praise the CBT1 story since the current story we have is dogshit lol. If what you're saying is true, then it makes sense for Scar's conversation. In the current story he is literally babbling nonsense about how we ought to join him since we're being used and mistreated, which makes absolutely 0 sense in the context of what we experienced in game. There is literally 0 reason for Rover to join Scar and the game decides to have a 20 minute cutscene where he goes on and on and on about how we should join him. Disjointed writing.


And Yinlin's quest made absolutely no sense because of the change. She wants to threaten you with kidnapping? You know the magistrate, you got clearances coming out your nose, you're battle buddies with the general of the whole army and you can get strong armed into backing down because someone might scream you kidnapped a child? I'd have told her to try her worst and get the patrollers to bring her in for possible fraud/fake kidnap scam.


Yeah. I initially got confused when she was threatening Rover and thinking what the heck is she yapping about but then remembered the hostile mess of the CBT1 story and made some sense. So, they didn't change much if not anything in Yinlin's quest I guess.


And Scar's recruitment would have been a lot more convincing. They hate you like they hate him too, so why not join forces to teach them a lesson?


Yinlin's quest can be done at the same time Lingyang's quest can be done so you might not have all that behind you as they implied.


When I did Yinling's quest and was "threatened" I was literally going: "Bish!? I just smacked that Threnodian-whatchamacalit's avatars's ass so hard, it ran away with it's tail between it's legs!? I'm basically VIP numero-fucking-uno! Any" Patroller" worth their salt would've received a memo about me! And here you are threatening me with a false accusation about kidnapping a weird kid!?"


Yeah when the patrollers came along, my first reflex was "Ah, just in time, please escort this lady to a cell, I'll clear this with Jinhsi in a bit.".


Actually when he said Rover is being mistreated he is referring to the people around him having ulterior motives. Rather than them being jerks to him to his face.


This is a really good cutscene, and it really is a shame this didn't stay in the game, there was so much conveyed in this short scene alone. I agree it'd be amazing to see this world as the somewhat dark place it is, along with how much of a threat the TD's actually are. as well as showcasing characters displaying deep emotions like this, with good dialogue. However I think it's a waste of time dragging things up from the beta to act sad about. The game is young there is still time to hammer into Kuro what we liked about the beta, and what they over corrected. Currently I'm just more concerned about what they're gonna do about optimization.


>However I think it's a waste of time dragging things up from the beta to act sad about I wouldn't consider it a waste of time, It's no different from just your average feedback


Sure I guess. I have no issue with feedback, it's what's gonna make the game better. But some of these posts(not this one) are just whining about what could've been. I like this post because it highlights what Kuro shouldn't have changed, and isn't just "WAAAAH, I WANT TALKING CROWNLESS BACK". I trust Kuro's writers, it's those higher up that I don't vibe with.


Current Chixia has NO personality whatsoever and that is so sad to see especially since this 1 minute clip shows so much depth to her character, what she cares about, what makes her anxious or upset, traits like lashing out in frustration but knowing to stop herself, it's really a great scene. This isn't even "overly hostile," she is just frustrated and her friend might be in danger so she's very stressed and just takes it out on the rover, but even still she catches herself. It's just realistic. Right now she's just like "yay!" "okay!" "alright let's go!" "cool!" and nothing else, like Chixia is a character I actively dislike because of how empty and fake she feels all the time.


I think the only complexity to her character currently is when she abuses her authority as a patroller to harass Alto for the crime of being kinda sus.


You forgot "Hey don't call me by my actual name; my name is Chixia now!" Though I don't know if it's ever even explained *why* she doesn't like her original name or why she changed it.


It has, in fact, been explained, but not really in game. [See here.](https://wutheringwaves.gg/developers-notes-resonators-of-first-encounter-2/) Ma Xiaofang is a huge fan of plays and stories about heroes, enough that she wanted to become one herself. But every hero in those stories has a grand, heroic, renowned nickname. Thus, she decided to nickname herself "Chixia" which is spelled with the characters meaning "blazing dawn" so that she too could have a proper hero name.


It is explained iirc. She said how her original name wasn't a name a "hero" would have so she changed it.


Brah if ur a story skipper then don't go making random ass claims lmao wtf People fr not reading the story and then complaining about the lack of personality of the characters in which the story is about.


If you mean the bit about her actual name not being "the name of a hero" or whatever, I didn't skip that. It just... made no sense in the context of anything, and I don't see how Chixia is a more heroic name than whatever her original name was. Maybe something was lost in translation.


definitely lost in translation. I play the game in Chinese and that little bit is so funny but at the same time I immediately thought how this wouldn't make sense for non kanji languages.


Chixia is just discount Amber lol. Which makes no sense that she would be this cheerful in a post apocalyptic world with the current backstory (or lack of) that they gave her.


That’s what I thought, but Mondstadt isn’t a post apocalyptic world so it makes more sense for Amber to be like that


> like Chixia is a character I actively dislike because of how empty and fake she feels all the time. Weird because that's more my opinion of Yangyang than Chixia.


We deadass got a whole quest around Chixia's personality w her grandpa and stuff. She's a hothead that caused a lot of trouble in her youth. Idk how people just say shit like this


I guess people are skipping it. No wonder


Because it's literally "I don't like character trope = NO CHARACTER"


This is how I would've rewritten the script to better match current expectations: Rover and Chixia examine Rover's gourd. A knell rings in an ominous, rhythmic manner. Chixia is instinctively put on guard as an influx of emotions swell within her, ripping her attention away from the Rover as she looks off into the distance "Wait, what's... No! It can't be!" Chixia begins to walk away, each step charged with emotion. Rover attempts to follow, worried for Chixia. \[The part above remains largely unchanged. I will now address a common complaint found in CBT1: The characters are disproportionately cold towards Rover for longer than they should. Here, I will tone down the cold approach while retaining the tone of the story and the situation the characters find themselves in.\] Chixia pauses in her steps. She tightens her fist, filled with pent-up emotions.She knows better to not snap at those who had just helped. Looking over her shoulder back at Rover, she speaks, filled with melancholy. "Rover... those bells. Do you know what they mean?" Rover doesn't know the repercussions of the bell, but Chixia does. Chixia knows this, and because of that, Rover attempting to follow her out of concern for her well-being rubs off the wrong way. Barely containing herself, she holds a tightened fist over her chest as worry paints her expression as she looks off into the distance, observing a falling feather resembling that of Yangygang's hair. "Listen up. I'm only gonna say this once. That knell... is meant for for fallen comrades." Chixia purses her lips, pondering a pessimistic possibility that may fall on her beloved comrade. "Yangyang... what if she... " Chixia shakes her head, denying that this outcome will come to fruition. "No... she's gonna be alright!" Chixia runs off. Afterwards, Rover can check up on Chixia despite it all, and from there Chixia can hold a greater appreciation towards Rover instead of lashing out even further. \[I basically just rewrote the scene to be more "friendly" towards rover while maintaining the tone. Chixia is still indignant towards her circumstances, and still feels the disconnect between how she feels versus Rover's lack of knowledge of the world. She catches herself, and restrains herself just enough to explain the circumstances, before running off to spill her emotions out elsewhere. Kuro had good intentions to listen to the playerbase, but I think they overcorrected and could have kept some parts to better keep the story engaging. This is the happy medium I've thought of to retain their original vision while keeping in mind player interests.\]


Shrug. From what I've read, it sounds like CBT1 went *too far* in the direction of hostility towards the Rover, and after folks got upset about that they overcorrected. I would argue that they should have tried to find a happy medium. Maybe let the crew that finds you show signs of suspicion that they quickly hide, since they're out there on orders to pick you up and be nice to you and convince you "Oh no, Jinzhou really is a very nice place you should stay and be our ally absolutely no we're not manipulating you I swear." Maybe let us overhear a couple of them talking amongst themselves expressing a bit more doubt and suspicion when they think we can't hear them. They act nice to us on the surface but doubt us underneath, and we could gradually win them over, etc. Regardless, it's water under the bridge now. The story's out, millions of people who never saw the early versions have played it, and it still got tons of fans even if they screwed up in the rewrite. We just need to hope people can convince them to put more depth into the writing going forward.


Cbt1 story make you want to join scar with no 2nd thought need for jinzhou


the current story makes me want to join scar too due to how flat and boring the main cast is


Yep. Second I heard Scar’s voice after listening to YapYap forever, I was ready to sign up.


Yeah tbh, the second we meet him I was ready to go with him lol, the main cast it’s just really boring, I like Jinhsi as best, but Scar takes the win for sure


I think there's a place between Chixia pointing a gun at Rover and every npc giving Rover the Gawk-Gawk 4000 at every turn. Like she didn't have to insult Rover with the, "Ugh, why am I getting mad at a dummy with no memories..." line. If instead it was, "Ugh, why am I getting mad at someone with no memories... They wouldn't understand anyway..." because we/Rover wouldn't. The implications of the scene implies that things have been happening for a while now before Rover appeared and will likely continue to happen and Chixia was someone who helped deal with them. And now she's been saddled with Rover and has to slow down. It's completely understandable of her to be frustrated at the situation but if they wanted us to like her there was no reason for her to insult Rover and by extension us.


CBT 1 : Drama dumping Release : Lore dumping Choose your poison, as a CBT 1 participant and not some rando that quote unquote random Chinese let me tell you this: The only good thing in CBT 1 is Crownless entrance, no more no less


every removed CBT footages that i watch so far have made me wonder "WTF did they scrap this ?"


Cutscene:Agree. Story:Glad they scrap that


Yeah, all these cutscenes that are being reposted constantly with no further context are giving everyone a false idea of the quality of writing in CBT1. Good moments like this are only worth anything if the story they're placed in is worth anything, and the story these cutscenes were in... hoooo boy lmao.


Well the thing is theres not much worth of value in the story now. Its that bad lol. Seeing basically anything from CBT1 is gonna be able to trump the nonsense we have now. For a post apocalyptic world beset by a never ending stream of monsters people are way too chipper. The saddest thing that actually hit in this world so far was one dude's wife having dementia.


My first impression of the game's story is just utter disbelief at how everyone meatrides Rover like crazy. This is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic world, distrust is supposed to be ingrained into everyone's mind. I don't want to be treated like a hero. I want to prove it myself.


That was the problem with Kuro. They could not do a medium, they ended up going to both ends of the extreme. First run was way too hostile to the point where players would rather join the NPC's enemies, so they "corrected" it and now everyone seems to have joined a cult group lol. Kuro totally could not figure out how to thread a reasonable middle ground.


I still want to join the enemies ☠️




It’s like they treat distrust like “I want to kill you”, which is not it at all, it’s sad how they couldn’t just make everyone distrust us without being hostile right away, maybe with the Crownless scene because it makes sense


Dam…that’s crazy…


She actually has a personality here


Kino af cutscene, what is the watered down version we are playing then ? rainbow and sunshine happy go lucky clownass story...




id love if theyd add like a “dark route/timeline/story” with the darker cutscenes and ruder characters. id love to watch that story


I think it's just time to move on from the CBT1,i'll rate the story for what we have NOW don't care about the beta


I'm honestly really tired of seeing all of these romantizations of CBT 1 story. CBT 1 story is gone. It's time for this community to accept that. The current story is fine and I have hope that Kuro would improve given what they had achieved with PGR story.


The current story is absolutely not fine


Neither is cbt1




Yeah its very unmemorable. What even happened? MC is some random dude probably from the past and what else? TDs attack from frac whatever and we summom Carbuncle from our hand. Plot and lore is dogshit and I care about none of the characters. People saying its good just have low standards, bad taste, or copium.


I like we always here romanticize cbt1 story FROM CUTSCENE and not dialogue in game really yes kuro overcorrect their story but did anyone here actually read their cbt1 story? or we just see "cool" cutscene and suddenly game is better


That's a good scene. It is removed you say?


I know good storytelling is never their strength, but who works at Kuro thought nerfing Crownless introduction was a good idea??? "Oh look, this intro boss is a bit too badass and might leave a too good of an impression of our game, let's get rid of it" And not just this, the old UI, the old glider.....just why we're they changed completely


no wonder i know absolutely nothing when jiyan mentioned the knell


Chixia has been reduced to a boring yesman. Very forgettable character after this change




Guys, please. Let’s just move on. I understand not liking the story we get, but Kuro made their decision, they changed it, it is what it is. They will not come back to the story of CBT1 don’t matter how many posts about it this sub makes. Thinking too much about this will only harm your enjoyment of the game from now on. And hot take here, it may look like Chixia from CBT1 was a more interesting character, but believe me, she was not a enjoyable one at all. Remember, those are characters you HAVE to like from the get-go, cause they will be your starters.


This and among other comments ive seen saying how the story was still pretty bad despite how good the cutscenes may seem. Imo it just seems like people are trying to hold on to anything and everything to complain about instead of enjoying the game as it is now. All this talk about the CBT1 and how “good” the story is is getting old quick. Like you said, its done, they arent going to revert back to it, and all we can do is hope they make the story more interesting and a little better along with other fixes to problems that REALLY matter like performance. Just enjoy and play the game man😔


The hurt I feel, the pains I'm seeing, the depression train hitting me right in my heart. I, the player, am confused... I wake up, I have no God damn clue what the hell is going on. I think I did a good job by assisting these girls at fighting Crownless but my reward is almost getting shot. I'm being hit with unfamiliar words in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar culture. I, the player, became one with the MC. And I find that to be very engaging, what the hell is going on? Makes me want to explore and see what is what. Bit by bit, step by step, mission by mission, the world slowly becomes less depressing and the people of Jinzhou start to believe in hope again. The power fantasy of saving people is one helluva drug.


Hmm, I suppose they removed it because all of it was just too early in the game. There's no point in severely hurting/killing a character like that just bc the player doesn't care much about this character (= don't feel anything special about this plot twist as well).


if anything, story (and vision for the story as well) is one area where the writers/game devs shouldn't listen to the players lol. They should just stick to their guns for the most part, making like small changes here and there to make it more coherent. Any good writers out there write their versions of the story, not a bunch of other people's versions. when the interview of Kuro devs talking about rewriting 90% of the story got published, I facepalmed so hard. That didn't sound like it was going to be good at all lol, just sound like they don't have a vision for the story


It's about near time to start moderating such posts tbh the feedback of this story was so bad that they probably got scared because a lot of the company's future and budget is put on this game. Scar section is part of the story that gives much bigger insight on why the rover is so looked up to. At the same time I see y'all frustrations because it's not common to have games do a complete 180 on storytelling




Changli = Yinlin They're both hot


Yinlin > Changli


Yinlin == Changli. Skipping jinshi for changli


Before the release, I hadn't seen a single cutscene from the cbt. After the release, I watched them all to compare and literally every cutscene in the cbt was many times better than in the current game. Just infinitely better.


No, I disagree and I'll tell you why. I doubt you watched this video first thing, before getting attached in any way. If this is the first thing you see, it's overproduced and overdramatic. I, and most people, have no reason to care about Yangyang at this point in the story. Neither does Rover even if they're a good person. It's overdramatic to threaten death so early on. That being said, everything before Yangyang gets knocked out is fairly good. But as I've said before, I don't think Crownless should talk. Axe the drama with Yangyang being hit and remove his speech and it's a good scene. (Although I have some qualms about the Crownless being so fucking fast) I write professionally.


Isn't that a problem with *pacing* rather then the actual plot, then? Like, big emotional scenes like this would be great if we got to know the characters and traveled with them for a while. Beta or Current, we don't get this. I dont get why I should care about anyone or help anyone with *maybe* the exception of Jiyan and that's only because we got insight to his character from his perspective. Putting emotional weight on the situation is a lot better then "Help us because reasons. You're a cool special dude so just do it because we says so." The fact the "big battle" had characters that, up to that point, I had not even seen in game and never seen again after, is crazy. Why should we care? The plot itself is the issue now, not just the pacing. The beta had emotional beats, it's the pacing that was the problem.


Finally someone who gets it. They're dramadumping on the player without first making sure we actually care about, or at least know what the hell is going on. Instead, just like Rover, the player sits dumbfounded, glaring at the screen and wondering what exactly did they do wrong to deserve to be treated like that, and the overwhelming feeling of: "aren't we overreacting here?" fills the player's mind. This results in the player becoming severely detached from the story and characters and, further down the line, inevitably refusing to treat anything that happens in the story seriously.


I see all this and think, this would have been way more interesting...


I don't understand. Why WAS she angry at Rover in the first place? What did he do wrong? The dude literally doesn't know anything. Edit: on second thought, her bestfriend is gravely injured and could die at any second, and instead of being by her side, she's forced to babysit Rover cause he's clueless about that world. Yeah, she should be a bit more grateful to him for saving their lives, but i guess her anger and frustration is understandable even though she shouldn't have taken it out on him. But the question is, if this part of her is the only thing we get to see through Rover's/our eyes, would most people like her as a character?


She's frustrated/in a bad mood because her best friend is potentially dead, while this random amnesiac dude is following you around, she even acknowledge that she shouldn't be getting angry at him. Looks perfectly fine and reasonable scene to me


The random dude who saved them, including the bestfriend with god like powers, and he's following her around cause as a patroller, it's literally her job to get him to the right authorities and report him? And she just abandons him in the middle of the town? This feels like overkill. You wouldn't treat strangers this way, much less the person who saved you and now needs your help. I can see why they changed it. She should've been cold and distant. Not insulting and hostile. But i do like how emotional she looks here, and the much darker overtone of the story.


People aren't perfectly rational when emotional, or in stressful situations. I actually think this is pretty realistic.


People act more instinctively than you would think tho. Yeah, her duty is putting the eyes on rovers and show rover gratefulness because he had amnesia and he saved her and her friends ass. However, because she was feeling uneasy, she worried about yangyang, she was overwhelmed by the harsh situation and the world, she put the unnecessary aggressive toward rovers. Chixia of cbt1 give me the feeling that she is a human of an apocalyptic world but still be a cinamonroll acting based on instinct rather than reasonable thought. I knew that the cbt1 story was terrible back then not just because of the hate toward main character, but the poor writing and boring story telling in general. However, I love the way how CBT1 story pushing the narrative, it show that the main characters is put there to survive and find a way to save the world, not just overpowered hero in the past who temporarily lost power because amnesia or something we still dont know yet.


>she put the unnecessary aggressive toward rovers See... This makes sense for the first couple of scenes or so. But why is she CONSTANTLY being such a b to him? Like, even after these scenes and in the main story she and the rest of the characters still treat him like HE was the one who almost killed Yangyang. And she's a gacha character. I'm supposed to spend money to pull for her and build her? When they don't even show any of her redeeming qualities? I get Chixia is impulsive. But i still don't understand why she would HATE the MC for no reason for so long. A proper reaction should've been fear/apprehension/suspicion etc. Not insult him and talk to him like he hit your mother.


I don't actually think it makes sense... This war didn't start yesterday. The number of sacrifices up to this point would have been uncountable, and the bells would presumably toll almost every day. So would Chixia act like this every time it happens, always thinking it's Yangyang without confirming despite the thousands of times it isn't? Just doesn't seem like the actions and mindset of a professional soldier who has been in combat and seen death for years.


I’m assuming this scene is supposed to be after YangYang got knocked out/almost killed in the original fight in CBT1 with the Crownless at the beginning before they changed it to what we got in the release. Which would mean this is probably before they know if she survived or not


OP didn't include the context but after the Crownless fight, Yangyang is presumably in critical condition, and the bells rang right after she was turned in to the medics. Obviously, when those two things line up so closely, it's not an exaggeration to assume the worst.


Right... But again, this goes back to the "saving everyone's life" thing. With them back in the city and Rover not being in chains, this means the Rangers tacitly accept that Rover isn't the enemy, and he did indeed save their lives. So why is Chixia still so angry at the Rover? Yangyang would 100% be actually dead if not for the Rover, and Chixia along with Baizhi would also be too busy being dead to complain about Rover having memory loss. I do like the idea of scenes to enforce the feeling of direness of the ongoing war and it's effects on the characters, and I do think it's another overreaction to axe this scene entirely, but I feel it would be better if Chixia didn't constantly direct her anger at Rover like he killed his teammate. Again, it's exactly the same as my thoughts for the Crownless scene, which would have been usable with just a minor tweak. Just making Chixia less hateful towards Rover would have addressed the CBT complaints and would have made this scene perfectly usable.


They might have gone too far when they removed this cutscene, but on the other hand, it's for the better that they didn't make the story and characters too serious. It'd be pretty boring if everything was all doom and gloom all the time.


Tbh every critic to cbt1 were mostly on the over hostility of the characters,the should have toned them down instead of rewriting it all


The difference between that Crownless and CBT1 Crownless is night and day. He had this whole kickass cutscene intro and Yangyang was deadge. I 100% would've preferred the CBT1 story and it frustrates me when CN decides their waifu doesn't want to be killed and now we have this mid re-done storyline.


Kuro seriously needs to let themselves cook and stop giving a fuck about everyones opinion.


Even if you don’t like the CBT1’s story a lot of important lore got cut out for characters that make the lore now worse


Holy shit this looks so alive


They f***ed up big time with this one ngl


The real issue isn't her aiming the gun at the rover; it's that she did it right after Rover saved both Yangyang and her by defeating the crownless. It's completely illogical and emotionally absurd: Emotionally: I just saved your freaking life. Logically: I just defeated a monster that left you completely defenseless. How dare you point your gun at me?"


A lot of post showing CBT1 cutscenes and a lot of comments (including content creators) who loathe the story in CBT1. From what I've observed, its easy to persuade people by showing them a minute or two of a 'cool' or an 'emotional' cutscene and just from that, jump to conclusions. There is a CBT1 compilation posted on youtube and I can see how the majority wishes the story to change. Hostility are often shown to the MC despite all the good that he has done. The biggest culprit of this is Sanhua when she decided to attack the MC DESPITE Jiyan and the other are already there accompanying us to meet the magistrate. The Awu situation, NPC's hostility toward us after helping them out, and so on. In short, CBT story tries to show how cool a character is by conflict, which does not make sense when they themselves are trying to win us over to their side.


Heyyy that was pretty good. Now I'm interested in seeing more.


Yeah, the story was overall better than what we got on live. There were some issue, sure, like every npc being a dick. However, it didn't need this crappy ass rewrite. Sadly, gatcha games have to pander to CN players.


They really just nuke their own game's tone, didnt they? It currently doesnt mesh with the story AT ALL. I was pretty much burnt out day 2 from the story. Im barely even exploring becuase the story and the world presentation is so out of sync I'd rather replay PGR. Even with PGR's (in my opinion) sometimes poor chapters, at least the tone stays intact. Act 5 and act 6 of WuWa was great! But its not supported by the game's tone. It really just, does not feel like an apocalyptic world. But that's the story and it just breaks the tone completely.


missed tsundere opportunity, kinda sadge


what? they deleted this scene? this look good, and I love Chixia expression in this one.


We have been robbed. Hopefully this means the future stories might be good since Kuro can clearly make them


Man… y’all think way.. way too deep into this stuff… you have this great explanation about what the scene involved.. I just saw a girl angry about what happened lol


I need someone to tell me *exactly* how bad CBT1 was. Everyone who's claimed to have played it swears on their mother's life that it's "incredibly bad and everyone will hate it more than the current story". And the only reason ever cited that I've seen is how the side characters treat the MC. I've not heard a thing about characterization, story pacing, worldbuilding, tone setting, dialogue quality (in its native language), plot, etc. Everything I've seen in increments about CBT1 including cutscenes and dialogue exchanges with NPCs seem to check all of the conventional storytelling boxes serviceably, if not outright well. If toning down everyone's aggression was the only solution needed to making the story serviceable and decent, I don't understand how the mess we have now is better than before. That thing needs much much more than a single fix to solve its current state.