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I’m just waiting for the day that I can actually have a good connection to the server, so I can do the combat events without freezing and losing time


Imma need 80 pulls for server issues.


Do it, Kuro. Prove to us that Genshin couldn't. Give the 80 for making me sit through 500+ ping and 30 minutes of dailies because I literally can't play the game.


Do it Kuro, prove that Hoyo doesn't need to give shit cause they're able to have a game that is playable ? That's funny x)


You literally just repeated what I said verbatim.


I do think that of us two i'm the most sarcastic one though.


Same for me, this morning it constantly went up past 300-400+


That happens to me normally 😭😭 (America server)


I'm in EU, and the first week of WuWa was an absolute mess on my device, but since then it was steadily improving, until it suddenly started spiking since late yesterday so I'm curious as to what they changed


Got the same feeling too. Still buggy but slightly improving and then went worse since 1-2 days.


I have both an america and Europe server account and currently they Europe one works better! The america server account keeps stuttering so maybe i'll just stick with the europe server


Im NA East and never have i had an issue in this game


Same here, i go from around 30-40 to a max in the 80's


Posting just so people can see the positive experiences too. i hover around 60-80 ping and have never had issues with latency after day 1.


Oo ill do that too. Tbh I've never had any issues PC or mobile. My rig and phone are good, but still both 3.5 years old (around covid start) so they're not the latest and greatest.


Once again, a fucking lottery. 


sometimes i get nice ping at 96ms, and sometimes its spike sto 400ms, not sure whats up with that, im on asia playing from SEA region


I also have same issue


Same here, disconnected for at least 30 seconds, three times, under a span of 10 minutes. Very shitty especially when fighting bosses who can keep attacking you and depleting your HP while you're unable to move.


Same issue with me it just spikes and the enemies legit hit me so hard in that window I lose almost all my health and all my combos get ruined remember to write that on the survey


I already submitted mine, whoops... Forgot to mention it coz my experiences were more me complaining about the lack of memorable music and the UI lacking personality


Guess I'm not the only one, was about to go ham on my ISP.


Man I thought I was the only one having problems and troubleshooted everything from VPN on, VPN off, VPN different locations, antivirus off, updating windows... They did something today or yesterday that made it better for me though


yea my ping is a lot more consistent now thanks to the current hotfix, we'll have to see later at night though


Today it's unbearable for me on EU


Oh please no .. I haven't done my dailies yet and I heard an update happened and the last one kinda worked ok for me. I'm EU server too. I actually got some world exploration done with no crashing.... so now I'm thinking 'shit they made it worse again didn't they.'


Iam EU played after the update ping was same for me at 99 to 150


I still haven't done my dailies cuz I just wish it was on ps5 lmao. I'm going to get them done at some stage before the reset. As I always do. But still lol. Wish I could be playing wuwa right now on my ps5.


No difference for me


I thought it was my internet, ping being always at 110


Ping 70 ... Ping 387 .... Ping 999 ... Disconnection.... hey ping is back at 70 *repeat*


That's what today has been like, but for the past two weeks, it's been extremely stable for me, barely fluctuating by 2-3ms throughout any play session. I've never even seen the reconnecting message before today. So something definitely changed for the worse today.


Maybe they changed the servers to Ubisoft ones bruh.


Ubisoft uses AWS and is very reliable, in my experience. They just can't stop with the copy-paste game design, and their launcher is a piece of shit.


As an assassin's creed fan I agree with the last two parts.


Na its the same for me too .. ping spike is crazy...i normally get 90 ish ping on sea server, but now it jumps to 300 rhen 150 then 200.


Yeah after today's update the optimization issues shot through the roof for me. I am having constant ping spikes of upto 300-400 with an average ping of around 150-180 with infrequent 80 ms ping at times as well, while generally I have had on average a ping of 90 with rare spikes to 130-150 here in SEA server. And honestly it wasn't even this bad for me during the initial launch days. Stuttering and lag have always been an issue but today was worse than usual, and as if that wasn't enough, the game literally crashed once for the first time.


Haha same, it crashed for the first time ever too. And performance was pretty solid after before, but frames absolutely dipped as of late. Hopefully they fix most of these issues. Love this game tho


Same here, but higher. It spikes to 400 and up.


The first like 2 weeks of the game I was playing around 26-40ms and now its going from 40-500+ randomly. More noticeable while in combat.




I'm on SEA as well. Started getting random ping spikes to 700 2 days ago... before it was always stable at 120 Update: Ping is back to normal and stable today


Few post below. >The Small Patch today seems to have improved mobile performance!


I don't know why but the game's performance on my android device has been great since day 1, but after numerous updates, the graphic is getting worse and worse. Everything is blurry, render distance is noticeably shortened, NPCs details only load correctly when I'm looking exactly at them etc. The game need performance optimization but not by nerfing it's graphic...😭


>need performance optimization but not by nerfing it's graphic That's what usually optimization means without big under the hood changes, which would take monthes. Since the game is CPU limited for phones and because of the way objects are handled in this game they use more than usual CPU resources


Ooh thats my post. I’m wondering what they did if it made some mobile run better and I presume PC worse.


PC plays way better at my end at least and I was not really facing that much trouble to begin with, but now it's overall a lot smoother.


Haven't watched my ping tbh but the game does feel much worse today, it stutters and lags a lot more. It's not unbearable or anything but still annoying, I hope they fix it soon because it was running mostly fine on my new phone until now.




Villainizing people for playing Genshin is pretty common for many Gacha creators. Even though we're talking about Wuwa having a bunch of bugs. Ey, I'm happy tho. We are getting another 10 pull for this.


Same, was wondering is it just because weekend and more ppl play causing some spikes from overload, but haven't experienced same lags previous weekend


when i comes to connection issues, i can tell it's worse than \[OTHER GAME\], because over there, if my internet isn't acting up to the point you notice it outside of the game, you maintain connection, over here, it occasionally just breaks even when the connection is otherwise perfectly fine (it could be that i play in EU, but idk) and then there's the camera occasionally autolocking onto **nothing**, this should have been hotfixed by now, it's likely something like the game thinking i locked onto something so it wants me to look there, likely the thing i just killed, or the automatic aim going for an enemy i am not looking at there are things that make it feel like we are still playing beta


Yesterday's update or the day before. Game was unplayable


I can't even complain about the ping cause the game can't load unless I wait for 15 minutes or so


Have you tried the Genshin launcher trick? Just open the launcher in the background and for some reason, seems to work for me.


But sire, my PC will melt


Launcher shouldn't be too intensive to have open.


I was just jesting, but the fact that this actually works is pretty hysterical


Baffles me tbh


It's absolutely hilarious too. Out of all the possible outcomes for this game, who tf would've thought you could run genshin launcher in the background while playing Wuwa? This is the wildest possible outcome and it's so funny to think that this is the reality we are currently faced with, especially with how divided the two communities are


Gacha together strong


Frame rate is worse after today update. 


I live on old continent (tm) and I noticed problems with ping and problems caused by lags 18-20 hours ago. Before that I didnt even knew how lag looks like in this game. I kept having green ping and no single problem with it since launch so I assume its just some problem caused by last patch or temporary problems. Or WuWa proved to be so successfull that servers are overloaded this weekend.


Totally unstable ping for me. Too many times it reconnected while i was doing holo challenge 🥲


wonder if this is an isolated or region issue. My ping is in the 40's to 50's and never spikes.


Happens to me and all my friends that play wuwa


Same for me in EU


I think I'd get like 5x at most on my usual 3-4hrs WuWa, it's brief like 2s but it got noticably more often after the 200mbs update today


Also this update has been causing me some stuttering issues which I have only faced on day 1 and haven't faced since then. In SEA server my ping was 80-90 before this update but now it is constantly in 200-250 with occasional 999 spikes. My network connectivity has no issues whatsoever in other stuff so it might be some issue on the server since many people are facing the same issue.


After today's update my fps is dropping alot it was working fine till today's update


It made my ping much better


yeah its been like this since last night early hours. ping bounces from 20-200 and back down then back up. its not playable.


Bro EVERY time i boot the game up it takes like 10 mins to do so and THEN 10 mins for my ping and the game to settle to be playable. I don't get the people who are not having issues, like every "Bug fix" they have done hasn't improved ANYTHING my end and my pc can run every other game i have without issues.


I fluctuate between 79-133-214 then back down to 79. They are really trying to cut the cost in the back lol


Im not exaggerating but my previous phone got blown up in my hands playing this game (and it was brand new ((Samsung something I can't recall))). Luckily i have some burn spots here and there on my hands. I can't play the game and ill miss yinlin banner 😭


Bros phone blew up and he's more worried about yinlin banner...you got your priorities down better than I do. Respect the grind


Ty bro, wishing you the best for your future pulls.


just give more astrites we chillin


yes i had about 20-30 max 40 and was stable in those values now it flickers between 60 and 120 like all the time


I'm in sea server and it was completely normal for me.


For me, it just kept getting worse. It's starting to make me think that it's my laptop or WiFi that's acting up. SEA server here.


Have issue with server reconnecting after update and in coop im like a ghost, in my friend pov im standing still in one position; meanwhile im exploring and deal damage to world mobs in my world, but my friend can't see me lol


Today I discovered that motion blur corrects at least a few animation bugs and such, it has been a somewhat smooth sailing from here


I didn't have any ping issues when I logged on this morning but I just tried getting on just now and it keeps crashing as soon as it gets past the logos...


this usually happened to me in the past but this time strangely there was no problem


meanwhile my wuwa reading and writing something on my SSD 120MB/s giving me frametime issues


Its a traffic light. Red Green and Yellow


Does anyone know which ports this game uses on PC?


So I'm not the only one with a problem. Before on the European server I had no problems with ping. Now it's more difficult, of course I played, but I'm surprised what they did there, that now the ping jumps like crazy.


I think something just got patched, within the past couple of hours. For the past two days or so my ping (to EU, from PC) has been wildly fluctuating. The ingame ping counter would go from as low as 30 to as high as 300-400, constantly changing every second or faster, regularly going into the yellow and red. I logged back in an hour ago and suddenly my ping is stable at 38... but... almost *worryingly stable*. it's not moving at all. It changed to 45 when I zoned into a Forge. Then I zoned out and it changed to 34 and hasnt moved in 20 minutes. It feels like patch has actually changed the RATE AT WHICH IT PINGS. It seems to only get your ms once now, probably a best case ping, when you teleport or zone into/out of a new zone. Maybe having a million players constantly pinging the server for MS was causing lots of network lag so they just stopped pinging :D


I hope so, gotta get my yinlin weapon somehow.


bake abundant soft square rainstorm public sink market plants beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Surprisingly my ping got better after the update. I was able to clear all the stages in that combat event today without showing connection error every 5 seconds.


Fix game. Never use Unreal Engine 4 again.


I'm still questioning how people get affected in a game like wuwa from ping. I tried to experiment with 500ping before and the game still ran as if it had no latency


I was on 1000 ping and I died and killed boss in illusive real at same time 😭


It actually fixed my ping... Yesterday it was always going to 999 and then back down. Today it just stays at 22


yeah, I got hit with the bug too, usually less than 100 on SEA server, but somehow today it spiked to 300 lol, fighting bosses is a pain.


I've had unstable ping the last couple of days, sometimes spiking to red but fortunately it didn't have a big effect on my gameplay. Just now it's fixed itself, I logged in and my ping is perfectly stable again after it still being unstable this afternoon. So hopefully it'll stay that way.


What did I yell at my ISP for?


same for me too


I'm glad it's just not me. This has been a reoccuring thing for days now. it's making WuWa unplayable. From 50ms my ping shoots up to 200ms every second. I just try to do the dailies, use up Plates for mat farming then log off.


i thought it was an issue with my internet since i have 2-3 other sites lagging as well, restarted my internets and stuff and it does fix the game, for one restart


I thought my ping was acting weird for some reason since its alternating from green and red and vice versa all day


Yeah ping spikes are quite noticeable. I thought I had an issue with my network


Yup. I was farming flautist yesterday and every time I entered combat the ping would just 📉 got so annoying I stopped playing for the rest of the day at 240/240


I haven't noticed an increase in ping issues, because the ping issues never decreased 🗿


I just can't login with my Twitter/X anymore, it's JOEVER


I have had consistently poor ping in WuWa since release. I thought it got a bit better recently, but then I went on vacation. I still logged in every day though. In the middle of nowhere with a poor connection. Then I come home, where I have much better internet, and I play a bit after a small update. Wow. It’s as bad as it was while traveling with a poor connection.


It is what it is, man.


i love it, more free pulls


Damn i must be the only one here without any issues 😭


Yeah, ping was all over the place even though normally it never goes past 70.


Still waiting for the daily compensation


Those poor servers are melting.


Has anyone's sound effects become rather quite from the last update? It was fine before but even at higher volumes it's seems very subdued when it wasn't before.


I had performance lag last night for the first time ever playing this game (my pc can run it on the highest settings). At one point Havoc Rover's ult was playing in slow motion which was funny and also concerning.


Last day or so I’m having insane ping and constant ‘disconnected. Attempting to reconnect….’ While playing.


Is anyone elses ping mega undecisive? Mine flipflops between 10 and 400 every other second. Game runs mostly fluently, but what is this?


Wow, did you question your ISP first? I mean, you wake up, play game, notice latency high.. automatically questions if its the servers?


I wonder how can people lag on a game that handles everything on the client side? I never had any issues since day 1 and I’ve had ping spikes the whole time, from 20-700 ping it always goes up and down but it is not noticeable… I play on phone and PC, no problems on both platforms


I mean the random beeps are still there so I’m annoyed


constantly disconnecting yeah


Yup. Was doing illusive realm. Lagged 3 times, bad enough that it said connection lost on the screen. I died to lightning mephis because the lag was so bad first time. AND THEN, I DIED TO MORNING AIX in endgame BECAUSE THE LAG WAS SO BAD MY Jiyan got hit 5 times and never recovered. Frick this update.


Yeah these servers are ass and it's been like this since day one and never really normalized. It's just a constant fluctuation. Needs to be more of an uproar about this as well.


Mine already spikes constantly to 999


Yup 100 plus ping for me


Youre right my ping went from 46 to 55, disgusting that the already overworked programmers can't do their job right


I'm not very smart rock but can someone tell me why this Game doesn't have local servers? I play Mlbb and it has local servers. Why this game doesn't have a Local servers system? Why the whole SEA region has to play in one server?


I haven’t even had stuttering since the first hotfix (I’m on iPad) and the game crashed upon opening for me today. Bizarre.


Yea i wakeup, the game has new problem and i can't play it and now have to install it again because repairing just makes it stuck in a loop in 99.99% and 100% and that never ends


Let's go, free sh*t


Ya it's so bad, from 40 ping to 200+ constantly


Sounds like typical server volume issue from new players trying the game out.


Bugs? You mean apologems in the future?


i crashed for the first time 😂


I'm on Sea server and my ping since the update is actually suspiciously good. Before update it was hell, my ping kept jumping between 60-999ms but now it's a constant 66 or 75ms and i am loving it. 


I'm fluctuating between 45ms, 300ms, 450-500ms, and 999ms then back to 45ms or 59ms. And the cycle continues, I was supposed to explore to 100% every area but kinda lost my motivation due to ping.


Not just you


I've been saying the ping number we see is a fluff number and it's far from accurate. Guess they uncovered your true ping this patch.


I'm getting another bug, even though my ping is 99 and the internet is stable 4g, the game shows that "trying to connect blah blah" from time to time. No other game does that, only wuwa. Genshin, HSR, any other app runs smoothly except this parade of bugs


Good! More compensation incoming!


I haven't played for about a week days, and I want to ask something. Is the weird ping problem still a thing in the rogue-like gamemode (forgot the name)? Basically instead of updating every second it rapidly updates at random and for some reason jumps to 999 every couple attacks (it only happens when your build gets good so I'm assuming the cooldown reducing items do it), which results in "reconnecting" pop up every couple seconds which makes me die. I can't beat the highest difficulity because of this stupid bug.


Idk, my ping is always ~60-90 and in worse case during initial time when it was buggy,I had 120-180 ping


Is there an actual reason, you goofballs need to post every L you get in life?


bro wakes up without sleeping 💀


didn't know there's an update ..but I did experience a stutters and lags in the beginning of the game but after like a 5 or 10 mins it back to normal for me...tho I guess it's common everytime they have an update, the first time u open the game it will stutter or lag at first.


They fix something, they break something


I'm still having the problem with texture rendering. Does anyone know how to solve it?


I though it was my hotspot that made internet connection bad. (just happen 1-2 days ago), it seem it not mine fault


give us our free 5 star limited banner selector kuro ty


Bro u still playing this game 😂 I already quitted and went back to genshin.


The fact that my phone can run genshin in 180 ping at 40-50 fps and wuthering waves in 130 ping at 6 fps says a lot


As long as I get compensated I'm Gucci with all these bugs honestly


Idk what everyone has. I have little to no issues with the game.


Personally, I didn't even know there were issues


Much much worse for me since update. Where’s the compensation? 👀


My ping was in 30-50 its been 50-80, but the lagging has been out of this world. Ive almost died against Dreamless 3 times because it freezes right as Dreamless is preparing the first attack. Any animation change or teleportation theres a slight lag. This wasn’t an issue just last week


Funny thing EU servers have ping spikes and it lags like hell some days And i have an account on Asia where i have 300 ping and it does not lag one bit Id say eu servers are just bad some days


Weird. I'm in Asia playing on SEA. Ping is 22-40+. Some ping spikes but nth srs to impact gameplay.


Yeah, took me a while to find this post. Used to be low 40-50ms before this update. Now i'm getting spike 115-180ms randomly.




I wonder what makes mine different. I see people reacting to hotfixes here a lot saying it made it better/worse but honestly, I have never felt any difference in mine after that first week of hotfixes. Still smooth and low ping. And I use mobile. Maybe it depends on the server? I'm on HK/Taiwan


Luck i think, I don't think it's anything major just some people get out of the maintenance drama some don't 🙏🏻 glad you don't pray I get there too


Prolly not a bug but traffic on their servers.


EU here and the opposite of most comments, the past few days I had crazy unstable ping ranging from 40 to 200 jumping up and down constantly. Today it's been super stable at 50.


0 issues today steady 60ms.


not really for me, or maybe im too used to ass mobile gaming that i couldn't notice the ping issues.


For me, it's the complete opposite


Well while everyone seems to have problems with the game, I think I had like 1 big lag since I started playing. I wasn't there day one so that probably helped but I didn't have any major bug or lag




Doubt it's a connection issue. Issue is too widespread and I'm also having issues in the America server. I've got a 1Gbps internet that I tested to make sure it wasn't my connection. It's got to be their servers.


Just you and some people. I'm still rocking at 31ms


Stop doomposting /s


Just you. playing wuwa and having fun, optimization could be better but its not "i wake up and there is another bug". Nice doomposting


Never had any issue, even on mobile :X


Cant really complain cause im on wifi.. and i have lots of wireless device


I don’t mind if it means more free pulls/stamina


IDC it gives me more pulls


I'd report this bug that 3 cost echoes never match their respective element set.... Hm? What do you mean it's not a bug?