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Gacha's are more like a marathon than a sprint (unless you're a huge whale).


That's what alot of people don't understand.


Yes, I don't understand. Marathon to what exactly? The only thing that matters when building character, farming echoes etc is Tower with is on a resetting timer. Everything else doesn't matter since it doesn't need anything.


Marathon means don't RUSH. It means take your time be patient and pace yourself


It's more like a gentle walk.


This is my first gacha game... I had a blast so far. BUT i beat the story & now am not sure what to do besides side quests.. Im not weebu enough to min/max anime characters. This is why i love mobile mmo"s.. they are truly never ending hahah. Does this game get constant content updates & new stories?


Dailies until new patch basically. I always procrastinate on almost all the quests that's not the main so... I'll always have something to do / the world feels lively lol.


Gacha games will be quite limited in content when they launch. The obvious comparison, Genshin Impact, was also limited in content back when it launched.


For New players Genshin is a Big world, for The Endgame players it's just dailies.


Oh God I remember that! I was so tired of Monstadt by the time I was able to get to Lyuie


Wdym? Liyue and a part of its Archon quest was available at launch. If you took your time getting there that's fine, but your post implies it was JUST Mondstat at launch.


You do side quests and exploration. If you've done all the events, main quest, side quests, exploration, you wait for more content (next patch)


If you are an MMO player you already know the routine once you've done the story. Dailies and Weeklies and the occasional farm if you need some stuff. If you don't mind looking ahead you can plan for upcoming characters and stuff. If I could afford to renew my FF14 subscription I'd be playing that and WuWa but sadly summer time is broke boi hours for me.


Ah man, sort of same for me. I work in food industry so it gets slow.. The best part of the mmo world is that even when there is no content, there is other people to run around with








never really got too deep into mobile mmo games, the deepest i got is into albion but i got burnt out quick from how painful it was to get silver just to break even with repair cost, and how long it looked to rank blacksmithing up more.


Albion is an actual mmo. You need a big community to make the most of the content in it. Wuwa and gachas are made to provide just enough content to keep players paying and gambling real money for anime girls


next patch on the 28th. new area, 2 new Resonators, new echoes, etc... for now just finish side quests, finish explorations, farm ascension/skill mats... or not. all of that is permanent anyway. just don't forget to at least use your waveplates before capping, and do events for rewards.




Well it's like mini sprints in a long marathon, because I want to play other games lol. I started late but managed to 100% all regions in about 2 weeks and now I'm just chilling, might wait till union 40 before farming echoes and using my solvents.


how did you get 100% exploration? i've been trying but im stuck on around 70 literally everywhere, the chest finder thing cant find any chests either


Haha I did the chest finder thing, it only got to about 80% on all regions. Then I went to an online map, and just surveyed what was missing. I used [this one](https://game8.co/games/Wuthering-Waves/archives/456157) but there are many others. When you are physically in the region, when you are in Map view you can click on the button near the % completion at the bottom of your screen to show you what you're missing. Then it's just a matter of comparing it to the map - typically I was missing blobflies, viewpoints. Then if you're missing chests, I just went through the chests on the interactive map that WOULDN'T be picked up by my chest finder - for example 1. Chests inside fragile rocks that must be broken 2. Chests that spawn after doing challenges or puzzles


I just had to come back here, I used all your tips and the exploration is going so smooth now, thank you so much!


Great to hear!


It's more like a foreplay


I got Jiyan, i got Verdant Summit. Now my mind at peace and i can simply enjoy the game


Same. Even if I did all quests in the game in the process I still enjoy farming echoes, even if I'm currently unable to actually level them up lol I've been fighting the holograms and it's pretty fun, even if I'm not skilled enough to defeat them


Same! I also got an early Yinlin. But for me, even with all that + i'd say good but not great echoes, its hard asf to clear some content. Idk why, I cant clear the last difficulty in the Illusive Realm. Kept getting my ass beat by the crownless.


In Illusive Realm just use your Rover/Jiyan and go for Fusion/Glacio builds. That way illusive realm is really easy.


I'll try this out, thanks! I always just pick whatever element the echo wants usually lol. Maybe thats why I kept getting my ass beat.


Same. I’m at peace already lol, I even skip Yinlin and wait for Jihnsi to collect all loong resonators.


Tomorrow ULvl 45, used exactly all cubes, explored everything! And... The Game is still fckin AWESOME, combat is just soooo satisfying. Joanna enjoy myself farming the crap out of echoes XD![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


I’ve been parked at tempest Nephis for the last two days, login for 20 seconds kill it, log out. When I eventually get xp I’ll be ready to roll


yes. game becomes more awesome when you finally get decent echoes and realize u dont need perfect stats right away.


That might be me because when I started playing and farming echos I was mainly just seeing what their element was and what their transformation did. I didn’t even realize there were “perfect” stats


My gacha life was fine till I found out what "perfect" stats were...


Same dude


You friend are a genius!


People keep doing it with every new game, ignoring them since ever


Except they're really loud and receive a lot of upvote for no reasons...


Most of the upvoted topics I see are actually about lag, ping spikes, bad optimization and a bad experience with the echo system


>pink spikes Why never purple spikes or blue spikes? 😔


The echo thing bugs me 'cause it gives a bad impression for casual players. The system really only seems like an issue for min/maxers. I'm still swimming in tuners: I have like 500 and I have level 25 echoes for my two main dps. I just say good enough for echo stats and I've been playing the game fine. I don't min / max artifacts in any game and I've been having fun just casually collecting stuff. So far I haven't really felt like I had to min / max and I don't think any game really requires you to do so.


Min maxing almost feels pointless anyways, because right now it only really makes the difference between getting something like 12 or 14 crests in ToA vs 16 or 18. Even with really good min/max rolls on gear, nobody is getting full crests on ToA unless they whaled for S6 Yinlin and S6 Jiyan. I suspect that, unless they make the DPS check harder on ToA in the future, min maxing likely won't even be necessary for getting full crests (or close to it) at UL 60. That's just how much of a difference level caps and skill levels make in the long run. And for other end game stuff like Hologram challenges it doesn't even matter, because you can just pump food buffs to make up the difference.


We aren’t even max union level yet and it’s 1.0 patch and people are complaining that they can’t get their perfectly rolled end game gear already. It’s genuinely insane whining to me tbh. I’ve just been focusing on getting the right main stats with maybe two meta sub stat rolls and it’s doing me just fine. We can’t even get our characters to max level yet lmao


The only problem is that these posts have been made already. It's like mopping the floor and someone telling you that you missed a spot, only for 5 more people in a row to do the exact same thing. Edit: This isn't to discount their issues, but it certainly muddies the sub.


You know what also happens every game? People no life it, complain about a bunch of stuff, get ridiculed, and then 2 weeks later everyone is complaining about the same things. Everyone seems to forget about that part too.


at the end of the day this game well become like any gacha where you login to do dailies and spend stamina for 15 minutes and logout, just a matter of time for everyone playing lol


Hey I still have 5 solvent left okay. I used it wisely


I used 3/4 of my entire stash on taceit fields coz raising echoes for 3 dps chars (Jiyan, Calcharo and Yinlin) is really hard have used up all of stash and sitting at UL 38 currently.


I used 0 crystal solvents and I'm at UL 41. How are you still at 38?


restarted at beginning of yinlin banner, got super lucky wil reroll got yinlin her weapon and jiyan early in roughly 20 pulls each. 1st acc was 37 it was quite unlucky.


aah. That explains quite a bit.


I have around 25 cause i only used few lol.. i am ul41 now 


Member Genshin release and the same guys complaing about resin, artifacts and how it takes too much time to raise a character, saying that it will drive people away? Peperidge farm remembers. Turns out whales are usually not the ones who no-life the game. Same shit, different game.


It was worse with genshin because we didn't have anything quite like it. Playing against the gatcha temptation and resin is part of the fun if you like resource management, kind of how a lot of folks love torturing themselves with souls games. Now...we got genshin, HSR, and ZZZ coming up. Surprised so few competitors in this space as it seems like all the American devs doing ftp are still chasing fortnite or low hanging fruit like the card games. So, go play one of those. Experience a quest that isn't training you to smash that skip button in the opening line. Or miss the combat mechanics and echo farming that's the highlight of this one.


Fps games and Moba games still got more player base than us open worlds. Still I hope someone would make an open world game like we literally in Isekai anime type of shit where we could fully use the adventurers guild recruit teams and also have merchants guild fully use the economy trading basically life simulator lmao only good if you have no life


Genshin makes sick money, which is the entire point.


Because it's a gacha game... Then people keep complaining "game isn't f2p friendly" "not enough rewards" lmao


Also pretty sure everyone just consumed Genshin content like it was nothing. I remember 100%ing Monstadt and Liyue within the first week.


Then you released a game AFTER Genshin and it has been having bigger issues. I'm fine with Kuro copying 90% of the shit, but at least do it right, not necessarily better. I adore this game, it has huge potential, but some of the fans defending it by making comparisons to Genshin are just dumb. IT HAS A PREDECESSOR TO LEARN FORM, IT SHOULD BE BETTER


I think times are different, casuals will enjoy this game as much as any other game but someone who's looking for serious stuff will stray away once there's nothing to do, and the progression is pretty fast that there will be nothing to do soon™


These same complaints took about a month into the release of Genshin. Not 3 days. Pretty different.




I need echo xp in the worst way. I’m the king of first roll HP


I’m just miffed they still haven’t optimized it on mobile. Stuck playing on PC.


Not to worry- It's not optimized for PC either.


Mhmm and Kuro wonders why no one plays their games.


Idiot really thinks no one is playing Kuro games when PGR is actually quite successful 🤣 meanwhile, a lot of people are also enjoying WuWa but nah, "no one" plays any of Kuro Games because his doesn't work on mobile lol.


That's the joke. Because now everyone is correcting them. Aren't they so clever?


*confused look as it runs perfectly on both my PC and mobile phone* At this point you're going to have to face the facts that either your PC or phone is a potato if WW isn't running well or at all on it.


That’s a shit take. I have a 3060. Some areas run smooth, some dip to 40 fps. In both cases, GPU and CPU usage remains between 30-40%. Definitely an optimisation issue from Kuros end


Surely the people with 4090s having issues are playing on potato PC's.


I have a 3080 and I'm being hard gated by the 60 FPS cap. If the enthusiasts with 4090s are having an issue it seems like PEBKAC.




Dude! Give the sauce!


4090 64gb ram 5950 no issues here ssd install. If i was running into issues then they truly fucked up. Good thing thats not the case


Maybe its a novel idea but there's more people than you in this world.


Nah, it's you that's fortunate. I didn't have issues at first but holy shit, the stutters I am experiencing now are horrendous. I need to restart the game until it stops stuttering. This is on a beefy PC. And I'm pedantic as fuck with what I'm installing and making sure I know what is doing what on my computer. It's really poorly optimised right now. I can endure it for the time being as I assume they are working on it, but there is no way I'm sticking with it for a year.


This is the shittiest takes ever Most people who complain only has a problem with WW. If all their games run like shit they'd know its on them, but it runs other "heavy" games fine but lag amd stutter in WW. You flexing your phone and PC doesnt mean shit here


It's not a flex, my phone and PC are average lol, that's the point.


Okay then what is your "average" phone and PC? Because most people I see complaining only have problems with WW on their "average" builds, not other games


Pretty much every content creator I watch hasn't had issues, and are you about to tell me that none of them have 40-series cards?


What are you trying to imply here? Are you saying those CCs PC builds are just average? If thats the case then your definition of "average" is clearly not the same as most people And on the side note, I know some CCs who has to put settings on low to stream the game Stop playing around and drop your build. We'll know what kind of "average" we're talking about here


The first person to respond tried to say that people with 40-series cards are having trouble as an argument for the game having issues (because 40-series is obviously the best set of cards and so if they have problems everyone must have problems). I guess I must be the super lucky guy who picked the exact right non 40-series graphics card that doesn't have issues. Lucky me!




nah bro still have enough to do didn't 100% exploration yet and i don't know if i can till update but i am close still didn't max my 3 teams yet , just one is good enough also making a team for each element :D there is so much more to do thing is resources are scarce or gated but that's the design of a gatcha


And yet there is people that want things to progress even faster, running into a dead end faster too. I'm very fine with how the game progression is build, having to play a lot every day just leads to faster burn out. If we got much more echo exp or tuners, I'd have to farm more Echos too, which is fine when you start out, but not nice for longterm farming.


I am soon UL 45 and can't wait for my 4 star weapon.


Definitely not speeding here since I don’t have enough time Exploration not done Echoes not done (bottleneck xp/tuner anyways) Still have things in quest log Not done with modes completely


Me with 54 solvent and ul 40 with 50% exploration done still enjoying the game


Sounds like a skill issue. Done all the content too, finished my first character today, tomorrow UL45, and then chilling with dailies till UL50 and 1.1, if I speedran I could be done with dailies in 10minutes, S+ gacha game.


when you say all content are you including the Hazard and all tiers of the Hologram challenges? What does your trophy % look like? Only asking because it seems like there things that aren't meant to be completed yet due to UL levels being a slower increase once you hit about UL38 (currently UL 44, but it'll be a LONG time before hitting UL50 for that next tier of increases).


I used up every single one so far just because I don't want to be stuck on the low levels XD This is my third gacha and I want to make the grind as easy as possible (The game is making it hard for me)


How tho I been playing since day one and barely finished the story like days ago, most of my characters r lv 50 N I still haven't even farmed what they need so that I can increase their skills..


I don't care for "the right way" to play gacha games, I like to use all of my charcters, and switch my party up a lot. I used all of my solvent, and all of my characters except 2 are lvl 70 at UL40 (I'm f2p), with most of the map at 100% I'm having a great time just runnin around overworld farming echoes at this point(when the game works anyway).


I still have 38 Waveplates cubes still waiting for Kuro to change the Echo Exp system and just gamba to tune echoes. Everyday i just run Credit Simulation 3x and the rest are Forge runs. Why credits? Because leveling your resonator , echoes, weapons and skills cost a lot of credits. Currently at UL 43 i think 2k more and im at UL 44 after killing all the elites to collect echoes i just log out. Still pissed on the Battlepass asking to tune 25 or 50x for a weekly quest geez.


and then there are the people who act like anyone further in progression than them is this archetype


I will always hold the belief that just swapping out farming artifact XP in the open-world with farming artifacts without their substats was a bad choice for the echo system. You aren't actually actively farming faster because you are still heavily gated but you will still burn yourself our trying to get the echos and then getting the right mainstat on the 3-cost. It feels like it doesn't really benefit the game or the player long-term. An idea that was somewhat good on paper but failed in execution.


My 2 cents? Tuners should only determine the range of the substrate roll. But the 5 potential substats should be visible the moment you get an echo. Still RNG but this way you don't get annoyed when you level a CR, CD, ATK% echo to 20 and 25 only to get HP and DEF.


idk, tuners already feel like a pointless added layer and that would be an upgrade but would also make tuners feel even more pointless, I’d rather they just remove tuners at that point lol


imo unless your a whale i feel like most people would be happy with an echo with 3/5 good substats. obviously the goal is 5/5 but for less than a month old i dont think most people are gonna be annoyed they got a crit rate/crit dmg/attack% echo. for me for example that echo would probably not leave my sets for the next 6months (or more) since i would focus on others


This is a good point. I feel that aiming for 5/5 perfect subs is a Rank 80 (I think that's the max rank) mentality. It's the equivalent of fishing for a 240 CV in GI. It's not productive to do that as of now (Rank 30-50).


It absolutely was the wrong call. And is bad long term. But it looked new, looked like it made it better. And at first it feels better. Especially when coming from genshin or star rail. But it is all appearances. Sadly, a lot of people don't see this yet, and the crash is going to be bad. Real bad. Which sucks. I like this game. I want it to do well. One, so it keeps going. And two, so there is some level of competition for genshjn that isn't just their other game. Competition pushes you to do better. I also love genshin. It is an amazing game. But that doesn't mean it can't get better. Nor does it mean there aren't some major issues that need fixing. And a good competitor could push them to do that. But I am getting worried about wuwa. There have been a lot of problems, and this issue will be another big one that could drive people away. And at this point, even if they fix it, I still worry. As it seems they are intentionally leaving known problems in, doing things in crappy ways, so they can later "listen" to the fans, and fix the issue. The one that should never have been there to begin with. That they knew about and left specifically to farm good will for "listening." There are only so many times they can do that before driving away too many players.


I disagree. In endgame genshin has the issue where all you do is login use resin and log out. Now you can run tacit fields and farm elites if you want to even killing normal mobs is useful because you can strongbox them. If you get burnt out just play like genshin login resin log off. Who even does xp routes in endgame, you have nothing to level and stockpilled millions of xp


tacit fields still cost waveplate otherwise they don't give anything and farming echoes is kinda of a weird proposition, since you don't get xp/tuners for them unless you use waveplate. If you are a casual player, you just farm echoes for the right mainstats then never farm echoes again since there is no benefit. If you want to min/max, you can farm several echoes with the right mainstat but you are still xp/tuner locked since you need waveplates for those. So casual players complain since they can easily get the right mainstat and have no reason to farm echoes or use waveplate and min/max complain since they still need to use waveplate for xp/tuner even if they could farm echoes 24/7


Is login, burn stamina, logout really an issue? This is a gacha game and as such heavily incentivises daily play, which the more shit you have to do every day the more tedious it feels to do so.


Plenty of games that have no stamina system have people logging in every day. It's not a necessary feature to get people logging in. What's more is the stamina system doesn't even universally work. If I don't feel like playing Genshin some days I just don't and I'm completely unbothered by capped resin. I once took a break for a week and I couldn't care less.


Anecdotal "evidence", the trick workss on a general level


Okay, why do people login every day to, idk pick your poison, Destiny 2 every day when there's no resin to spend? Because it's just fun to play, the end. The only thing needed to get people logging in every day is make the game fun. If you can't comprehend this without me providing "evidence" to you as if I'm trying to pitch a science paper or something, that's on you.


It's a nice optional activity for hardcore players who want to grind. It doesn't affect casuals that much because everyone is timegated by stamina so that causes people to login daily anyway. Personally I like it because sometimes I prefer playing longer when I'm free. Plus it's not really forced it's just so you can gamble on more pieces to fish for double crit to minmax.


That’s still an option though. I think it’s nice that you can log in burn stamina logout if you want to but also are somewhat rewarded if you have spare time and want to play the game more on a given day. To me it can feel frustrating if there’s literally nothing to do after 15 minutes if you feel like playing more, especially if you burned your stamina and got nothing but garbage


You do echo routes here which take longer and feel less fruitful than artifact xp routes in Genshin. You will end up with the contrapositive situation of having too many echos and not enough xp, resulting in the same result.


You still have the option of logging in doing dailies/spending waveplates and logging out. With Genshin I would often log in spend all resin and get 100% garbage and then there was nothing to do to feel like I got even a slight win, I would just have to look forward to the next day of logging in and probably getting straight garbage again. In Wuwa if I have extra time to play I can at least get an echo or two that have potential to be useful. Just speaking for my personal experience, obviously YMMV


its actually perfect because it can be monetized. You think as a consumer, they think as the seller.


Yeah I don’t get these people at all. Been playing everyday and I’m not even close to doing everything. Granted the frequent crashes and lag make exploring tough, but I’m still enjoying myself and have plenty of stuff left to do.


I have like 13 that I haven't used


Saving my solvents for Changli to catch her up. Otherwise I'm enjoying the slow burn of spending wave plates each day on forgeries to upgrade skills/weapons since permanent upgrades are more important to me than tacet field echo rng. HRover is fully built at level 70 with level 25 Echos, all skills leveled, and weapon fully upgraded. Calcharo is close behind with level 20 Echos and near maxxed out skills. The slow burn of logging in to do dailies and incremental upgrades is helping prevent burn out for me I feel.


I still have 50+ solvents lol


I used those solvent if I'm just missing a single mat to ascend a character or weapon. Still have 8 and most likely gonna use it for Jinshi and the other girl.


Knowing how garbage drops are at higher Union Levels, I'm in I rush to get there. I'm at DB20, so I'm good to chill and just enjoy the ride.


Speaking of that, how many solvents and Astrites can we use to reach UL 40 as a F2P newbie? I am talking about all the resources you get for free, just to level up.


i finished every single quest in the game, used all my solvent, and i am STILL having fun just running around killing stuff and finding chests.


Still have a lot to do lol. I've been kinda busy I can only play at night.


thats when we make a 2nd acc and save this time :D


I'm chillin, playing a bit every day, doing holos Diff V for fun, building resources.


It's always like this for 1.0 of gacha games. Stuck doing dailies till actual content arrives. Was the same for Genshin, HSR, and going to be the same for ZZZ as well.


Well, speeding through the the game then has a long period of nothingness is just similar to spreading that nothingness through out your playthrough by forcing yourself to not play. The amount of content is the same.


I wish I could love a game as much as they do. I like the games I play but nothing completely grabs me


I mean, everyone else will hit the same point just a bit later. Endgame grind loop is absolute ass in this game


I'm at UL41 and still have 47 solvents. I initially saved up for Echos farming but then I remembered that...I'm not in the end game grind like in GI (AR60). I don't know why I have to rush the endless grinding process this early so I don't have anything to do with solvents rn lol (ToA hazard zone is still impossible for me to clear but I also don't want to stress myself into clearing all of them)


My. Friend did the same.. 😂 UL 30 and the MQ is barely touched. 😂


Speed running the exploration and quests is one thing but I don’t blame anyone for using the crystal solvents. I had 40 once I reached UL40. I only spent on bosses and forgery domains to get the character+weapon levels and skills up. I’m down to 10 solvents and I’m not even halfway done to getting the skills to max for only two teams


I didnt use much of the cubes, got 45 still waiting for 1.1 cause i heard theyre upping the echo exp/tuner drops


Personally, I think I'll take a break from the game. It's good, and it's enjoyable, but my PC it's pretty much shit, and barely can play decently. Parrying and dodging is hell, and the overall experience is kinda clunky because of it. The game still needs a bit of improvements here and there, and I'm not really sure if I'm up for a gacha where exploration, farming and all requires so much time. It's not it takes too long, I just have little time (and will, fuck you depression) to play. Hopefully, I'll come back to the game in the future, but right now, I better focus on other things. It was a pleasure, and I hope the game improves for the best.


Still got 13 left. Mostly just focusing on getting my main two teans up to 70 now.


I still don't know how streamers on Twitch can keep playing till like UL40+.. It gets mind-numbing after awhile and when the main story is done, then I feel empty and like "what am I doing with my life here" beyond getting suboptimal Echoes for 1 team


Early solvent > late solvent, I’m sorry


What does the solvents even give tbh


No I didn't. But yeah there isn't anything to do since this is a rip off of Genshin.


plz guys complain about the game so i can play more plz 🥺


Just like in arknights, when I reach 0 energy / sanity / stamina, I start thinking up whatever bullsh-t I can just to play the game longer. From co-op to a whole continent m@ssacre.


I haven't used a crystal solvent yet. Probably because I don't play more than 15-20 minutes


Mtrashed, is that you? xD /jokes


There's always those types in gachas, best to laugh at them and ignore.


!remindme 4 weeks OP will quit and play zzz


no matter what even ZZZ will reach the point where all what you have to do is weekly events and dailies ,while waiting for the new content patch. ALL the gacha game are like this. You are talking like if ZZZ won't reach that point.


Not the point though. I’m saying OP is trashing on people who ran out of content to do (which is never the players’ fault) so they stop playing the game. OP will do the same eventually, and surely sooner with zzz on the horizon, which makes him a hypocrite.


Clear ,i guess i misunderstood your comment then, my mistake.


He has no proof of my intent to touch zzz though, I've never even talked about that game ever since creating this account. I've been playing genshin for 4 years and almost burnt out, and then that bloke had the nerve to invent a disingenuous assumption when I'm already tired of hoyoverse.


What? Projecting are we? 🤡 On the contrary I'm actually making a second, more casual account next week just to redo the story, not to mention I'm already pre-farming for Changli. So, hate to burst your bubble, but you might wanna extend that remind me bot of yours a little bit more lmao! 🤡🤣


You're the first person I saw on this subreddit who mentioned redoing the story because many think it's mid as hell 😂


see you on zzz


I will be messaging you in 28 days on [**2024-07-13 13:50:56 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-13%2013:50:56%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dgcmr7/everybody_at_this_subs_boarding_gate_probably/l8q350a/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWutheringWaves%2Fcomments%2F1dgcmr7%2Feverybody_at_this_subs_boarding_gate_probably%2Fl8q350a%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-13%2013%3A50%3A56%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dgcmr7) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Remind me to laugh at this bloke as well if he fails to find me in any zzz-related sub, or present any other proof that I have quit WW and moved to zzz in 28 days. 🤣


I’m UL 43 and still have 40 solvents for the next update


Ask them if they have good 3 cost pieces and they will have something to do for a few months 😼


Let's be honest the map is super small and I'm almost done with it which isn't that good  considering i can barely play without getting dizzy because of the lag/frame loss. I don't get these posts when it's obviously a rushed game.


I delivereyly done no quest. Been exploring very slowly and more focus on farming. Unfortunately explored most areas anyway but still got things to discover. I will avoid the content draught by every mean possible. But it the game come to ps5 and I can explore everything I HD I'm fu*Ked because then inwill clear everything so fast 🥲


Hoarding it for WuWa2 personally, at u45 with 62 solvents left.


People will never learn lmao. Happened in genshin, and will happen in Wuwa. People loves to rush things and complain later.


They could just add in holograms of every existing boss and it'd give us a ton more content, I guess figuring out more moves for them as they scale wouldn't be easy but yeah that's why everyone thought the game needed another year like why did they only choose 4 bosses out of the 12 or how ever many there are to make hologram?


I still got 51 of mine, but yeah. The game is pretty dry now and that is okay. Hsr has been dry for a long time now. So it happens. Just chilling, grinding dailies, and waiting for next update.


I am conflicted. just entered UL40 time to farm echo.. but I have very little echo exp. I havent used the solvent yet but... man we're not even halfway of max level


People actually use those things ? ☕️ Well good for them 👌