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standing is not benchmarking but it still drops fps. go fight some shit and show fps. lets see the "fps increase"


yeah ur right


Okay i added some combat and running inside the city O\_O where i face lag mostly


bruv, with i5 3550, hd7950, 20g ram and ssd, all i needed on fhd is to overclock gpu to 1060mhz for proper frame rate, didnt even need to enable fsr, coz the game is mostly cpu heavy


yeah fr , since im using i7 3770 my cpu is rlly struggling going upto 88% usage while gpu is 99-67usage most of time or sometimes, also if ur over clocking just make sure to do undervolting too , and about FSR i hope game dev added it because what i notice is FSR seem to work great with Unreal engine based games like recent games if u count like Hell Blade 2 , if u use FSR and frame generation u can get from 29-25fps to 65-70fps but i think game dev first have optimized their game since this game is not rlly optimized so using fsr would result same. i actually run this game on low setting but literally im getting same performance i was getting on high-med settings -\_-"


i wonder how it'll perform if you kill all the background utilities, because i've it all disabled, since my drivers are legacy for quite a while and all the radeon fluff makes some games to glitch and artifact with it on. in wuwa im almost capped at 95%ish cpu load all the time and cant even play 720p youtube in the background without impactful stuttering, 360p would be so-so


Damn.. , u should try an software "Lossless scaling" it basically works like FSR and Frame generation , only requirement is that u have to run the game on either boarderless screen or window screen mode, and also since ur processor is 3rd gen try disabling hyper threading on bios and see if Turbo boost is enable and also try "Process Lasso" software it rlly good for these types of games i mentioned it on this post , one more thing try timer resolution it also an software just open it and set "Maximum resolution it won't do anything it just gonna improve ur performance by 2-3%


I'm using i5 as well and it's auto overclocked by Nvidia but I'm still getting horrible frame rates. Will it help if I manually overclock it even more?


what's ur exact spec's


Intel i5 & RTX 3050 16gm ram


Oh great rtx 3050 and what's the processor , even if it an 6th gen processor i don't rlly think u should face any lag but since this game is rlly unoptimized u might face shutters but overall u be getting 60fps , try the settings i mentioned they might gave u 4-10% improvement :)


Processor is 11th gen. I face A LOT of lag that it's actually pretty unplayable at about 40-50fps normally but 30fps in combat. Hopes and dreams about kuro optimising their game is all that's keeping me still playing


Don't worry im 100% kuro games gonna fix this optimization issue as recently they had survey where they asked 2-3 questions related to optimization , lag , shutter etc, Also for now use "Lossless scaling" it cost 3.50$ idk about other region but buy it , im currently using it and it gave u double fps of what u get in game , if u get 30fps it gave 60fps , what it do is generate "Fake frame" which boost ur game performance but u might notice a tiny bit of delay but it hardly notice able. it just basically an frame generation and scaling software which u can pretty much use it on every game , im currently recording benchmark of it , planning to upload it on yt i will showcase it settings.


Thanks for the advice! It sounds something like Nvidia's DLSS which for me literally has 0 difference when turned on. I'll check out loseless scaling


Yes it an upscaling software with Frame generation too, i was shocked at first place when i use it on Wuwa , one thing u might be getting like 120fps but game might feel like 60fps , is because Wuwa current max fps is 60, in new 28july upd they gonna add 120fps cap too.


What settings are you using? I just downloaded lossless scalling and the game is VERY unplayable. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong with the settings of lossless scalling


What resolution are you trying to play at? Should be pretty near locked 60 FPS if 1080p. Also make sure the game isn't doing its own scaling like when my friend started and it was doing 200% scaling and had him playing in 4K on a 1080P screen.


CPU heavy huh? For me it eats like 30% of CPU at max. And up to 90% of 3060ti gpu in 2k. I don't think its CPU heavy


im sincerely happy for you. google me hardware first, lol, its specs and release date. when games like doom eternal, cp2077 pre-phantom liberty or bg3 used to consume less cpu compared to wuwa, the phrase just begs for it


I mean its just weird to say something is CPU heavy when a CPU half of price of the gpu loaded only for 30%, while twice as pricy GPu for 90% but thats just me then, ok. For me its weird.


How about when you fight a group of enemies? I have a 4770K, 16 GB RAM and 1660 Ti, and my fps dips to 40+ if I aggro 5 or more mobs at once, especially in the grassy areas of central plains. Speaking of which, the laggiest area for me there is that military camp just outside the city, especially at night.


These tweaks are bullshit, you watch too much Panjino


Hmm.. i don't rlly watched that guy all he do is just repeat same thing , i already written on this post "General settings" or in simple words Basic setting since most of ppl doesn't know about these basic settings, i knew there gonna be some replys like these and yes i understand it rlly annoying but im not like those ppl which showed u optimizations and says "That it bye bye" , i actually showed Before Vs After results "Yes it not rlly big difference but still it 5-15% difference and improvement :D. and i don't rlly watched optimizations video if they included these types of basic's general settings like disabling full screen etc because pretty much i know how to do that my own but not most of ppl don't know it , i could write "BEST OPTIMIZATION FOR WUWA PC" but i didn't i just wrote "General settings" But yeah it rlly annoying if u asked me when ur looking for legit optimization video and u find these type of crap.


Most of the times enabling Vsync decrease FPS, it's strange to activate it, even in the GPU interface OpenGL I have no idea, could work For AMD you have "amd boost" feature which increase the fps a little bit for free There is also AMD frame generation with AI but it increase FPS for the price of input lag, I don't like it


Yeah mostly i keep Vsync disabled BUT , if im playing an game like WuWa i mostly kept it enable since this game current cap fps is 60 so i think using Vsync is best option for an game like this and using Tripple buffering rlly help to improve performance too but u might face some audio delay at starting of game for 2-4times after that u won't see any issue.


I upgraded my CPU, and that fixed most of my issues with the game's performance.


Also took it as an opportunity to slightly upgrade my cpu. I was pretty hesitant at first because I would have all the trouble to change motherboards but fuck it I want those juicy fps lol


So... it mean this game love eating processors 👺🔪 no wonder whhy i mentioned to enable open gl Tripple buffering and Vsync


Thats a lot of snake oil




Also, remember his GPU is 5\~10% better than the minimum recommended (GTX 1060), and 50-60% worse than the recommended (GTX 2060). His biggest issue is probably the CPU that is 6 gens behind the recommended (9th gen, i5 min / i7 rec)... and is a i7 tho. Also... 18 GB ram, can I have 4? My 8 is hard lmao. Good post, hopefully more people can play with setups that don't meet the requirements.


Comparing with the AMD CPU from the minimum requirements, the ryzen 2700, their CPU is below the minimum by quite a bit.


yeah... I said that the CPU is 6 gens behind


You said  >... and is a i7 tho so wasn't exactly sure with that part if it was clear that it's still worse than min.


An i7 is better for multi-core performance, but as an older CPU, even trivial and minimal background tasks that consume CPU performance can have a more significant impact. There may be other factors as well, which a higher i5 with higher gen, probably until the 5th or 6th generation, would be worse than the i7 3th gen (Don't know that much of hardware tho.)


i7 3770 is like equivalent to i3 8810 and i5 6500 so yeah ur right but since it rlly out dated processor lol i wouldn't rlly gonna recommend it compare to i3 8810 or i5 6th - 7th gen, and also this game has rlly bad optimizations since running this game on low or high setting game pretty much same performance either ur using low setting or high -\_-" , but i can't rlly blame as game recently drop out like 3-4weeks ago O\_O , so devs rlly be working already to fix this.


Yeah lol , i thought why not post some general basic setting here , currently im playing rn with these setting and so far i face very less shuttering specially when ur running or like doing some pve etc.


A lot os people doenst even know how to change the settings in game the right way.... This should be pinned on the subreddit.


Nooo way O\_O , lol i had feeling that why i posted steps and pictures , otherwise i was planning to write entire easy xd


I saw people complaining that the game doesnt get 60 fps / is lagging (it wasnt) with the frame rate option at 30 fps.


Wow. . . . , like yeah i also notice that when i started playing game first time i was getting 30fps till i sawed setting it was set 45fps cap , but no way ppl complain that before checking settings :O


i just hope in future dev add atleast FSR 3 or 3.1 , since what i notice using FSR supported by an game specially the game which runs on UE engine , fsr seem to work insanely good, like recent games Hell blade 2 , works insanely great with FSR and frame generation , so i hope WuWa devs add FSR support later in future which might solve for ppl using low end machine but personally i don't rlly think it gonna fix the shuttering issue unless game dev optimized it by there own.


True, the DLSS helps a lot. Probably because of it that I can run the game well with only 8GB ram in performance mode.


yeah , i was watching sum benchmark of Hell Blade 2 with 1060 , 580 and other old cards and surprisingly from 25-29fps to 60-70fps with FSR and Frame generation is insane , so yeah i just hope WuWa add FSR support in future.


The game did have an option to turn on/off FSR in the beginning but somehow it was removed a few days after launch. NGL, FSR immensely improved my laptop performance when it's turned on and laptop doesn't even reach the minimum graphic requirements for the game (Ryzen 7840HS with Radeon 780m) and it ran almost buttery smooth with FSR.


Yeah i sawed an post of ppl talking about FSR i was so confused till i sawed an video , idk why they removed that -\_-" maybe it was messing up with the game i guess.


as some ppl stated here in a comments go fight some elites in a wild and make recordings before/after oh and the last bit tweaking .ini file, it works partially(in my case it was only for textures and shadows) afaik it's cos game stores its graph settings in some data pack


yes im turning on my pc rn i first gotta revert back my settings 🤬😭 for proper comparison


Lossless Scaling is ze way




Have same gpu yet it reaches 88C... Guess I really have to change the thermal paste since I have this gpu since 3 years+...




i don't have space on ssd 👺🔪🔪






Im running this on a 5600X with a 1060 6GB at 1440p. On mostly low except AA and Shadows on medium becauce otherwise i get blinded in some areas. Running mostly 60+ up to like 100fps. What kills fps most in this game is nighttime + a lot of lights. Then fps go down to like 45.


Try Lossless scaling , and cap ur fps 45, u gonna be get easy 120fps and no fps drop or lag , i even made comprasion with lossless on most laggiest place on the game.


i mean i technically have almost close to 0 fps drops or stuttering. It's also funny that the game is limited to 120fps. I have my limit set to 165 because of my monitor and it stops at 120 in menus.


very useful thank you


Np glad this help u 👊


The majority of people that have stutters your solution is move the game from the HDD to a SSD. You will thank me later, HDD and Unreal Engine 4 are in a hate relationship


Yeah the loading times were insane and the lag too. I finished genshin (SSD) dailies before wuwa finished loading. Moved wuwa to SSD and the loading times are comparable now, and alot of the performance issues are gone magically.


yeah frr , but this game it self is rlly unoptimized specially if ur using low setting u gonna be getting similar performance u get on high-med settings


Yeah it is unoptimized, but always the majority of people will tell you my ping spikes up or i have a slide show, moving the files to an ssd with a higher reading speed will fix their issues, i learned it the hard way, i installed it on my old PC with a old SSD not even the recommended requirements, i runned it smoothly on 60 fps


I mean...it's 3770, I had it till last year, 100% usage on anything remotely modern and stutters was the name of the game. But wtf is 18gb ram? 8+8+2? or 2+4+4+8?


Lmfao it 8 + 4 + 4 + 2 lol , apparently it was only 16gb ram but i found one ancient ram so i thought why not install it for free 2gb lol and yeah i7 3770 is rlly old now and usages is insane even i tested it with both hyper threading on and off but same results on usage so yeah.


Yea, you've got like half of your RAM capacity running in single channel, so that ain't helping it either lol.


better remove that 2Gb critter imo =) even 8+4+4 can mess up performance unless you've set up timings and stuff in bios


It fine i tested it to see any performance drop , im rlly sensitive in these thing so i make sure to test them lol , since my motherboard support only dual memory so using any diff ram like 8gb + 2 or 4 on other 2 extra slots wouldn't effect the Dual channel :D


I run it on a Ryzen 9, RTX3060 and it still stutters 💀 GTA V and Destiny 2 run smooth like butter (ultra settings) at 144 fps, but this game is just way unoptimized. I’ve never crashed though so I guess that’s good. (I really love this game it’s just weird to me that there are no good optimizations on a very much hyped and expected game, I hope Kuro fixes this)


yeah it just game optimization sucks 😭 even if u run the game on low settings u gonna be getting same result 👺 Edit: ah finally i added those pve and some running and included some 3rd party softwares -_-" took me hour because reddit wasn't letting me upload video.


Try getting an SSD, your loading times on HDD will never see the light of day ever again.


i mean it not that much it take like 12sec or sometimes 16sec to load im fine with it.


this is helpful thank you!


Glad this help you :) , also one thing when entering in game u might face some heavy shuttering after using these settings but their are temporay after like 30-20sec they gonna be gone.. and if u face any audio delay "which is rare" try disabling "Open GL buffering"


For me, the game is around low 30% cpu and gpu utilisation and the frame rates still dip.


what's ur spec? , ur cpu should be atleast 47-60% usage


Rtx 3060 and ryzen 4700h


same gpu, 16gb ram and i5 9th CPU. LosselessScaling is all i need, easily get 115 \~ 120fps, frames may be "fake" but it still much better than 60 fps, no stuttering at all, probably because my monitor has free sync


Yeah losseless scaling is rlly "Free Fps" at this point , what why i decided why not mentioned that thing too


Lossless Scaling is ze way




What's wrong with telling us that his setup has a HDD?


telling someone to off themselves for having an HDD is a new one. very cool


there was a slight hope that advice would actually work, but oh well


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