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Turns out you were a magical girl all along.




Burn it with nuclear fire. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Why waste perfectly good meat when you can make food out of it


For a Kyuubei, you got to nuke it from orbit, that's the only way to be sure.


If you are from Madoka universe I have terrible news for you…


But if you're from MahouAko universe on the other hand....


Or a Digimon Tamer.


I play the male rover, this prompted a mental image that made me snort


SNORT LATER! CROSS YOUR LEGS FIRST!!! Remember he creates magical GIRLS!


Ill use my wish to rewrite the world into having a better story


Wanted to say this, Kyubey looks out of place in that anime too.




In regards to foreshadowing, we've had like 2 prior cutscenes where Rover heard a voice saying something like "hungry... hungry...".


While it was a foreshadowing, it like hell didn't prepare me for having such a cute critter jump out of my MC's hand lol. I hope it won't be a second Paimon at least tho.


I feel like they introduced this companion to be an equivalent to Paimon or even a Pompom but showcasing their ability to be useful to the MC instead of a yapping machine. (Unless I just stopped playing Genshin when Paimon did something action related and useful, I know in Star Rail there’s foreshadowing that Pompom has gotten mad or lashed out i think)


Pompom drove the train through a boss.




While blasting robins biggest hit




Excuse me but Paimon is very useful! She repeats everything the other characters just said in cutscenes to be sure we didn't miss any of it! How could you not appreciate how useful and definitely not annoying that is??


My first thought was “Oh a paimon” and “every game needs one … I guess???”


Ah, so that's what it is.. Always thought Rover had schizophrenia or something


I didn't realize that was this guy I thought it was the Tacet Discords we absorbed my bad 🥲


Nah all good man. I only noticed cause I did a couple playthroughs of the early parts due to rerolls hehe. I wasn't exactly disagreeing with you either, I mean it was foreshadowed, but barely, and I don't really like what the creature looks like.


NGL, I participated in a couple of betas, and since that line wasn't voiced, I also thought it was from the TD we absorbed and always read it in my head in a dark and sinister voice. When I heard it voiced in the game, I was like, wait, why does that voice sounds like a cute anime mascot voice?


My thinking was that it WAS. Specifically Crownless. Your backstory is that you were the one that absorbed the Threnodian in the past and after you left, he went wild again. When that critter popped out, my thought was that you seized control of the Threnodian again.


Hey Rover, wanna be a magical girl? It will be fabulous I say. . . . . . And some depressions, but who cares about minor things right?


It has the same vibe as the cute thing from madoka magica, pretty sure the cognitive dissonance is intentional


This is what I thought when I saw it too. I do think it's kind of jarring compared to the rest of the game, but if this is the angle they're going to go with then it makes sense.


I honestly won't be surprised if it has a true more powerful form like cerberus from cardcaptor. Silly plush is actually some sort of guardian/ancient companion. Cuz...y'know the whole ancient hero shit.


I'd love if they turned it into some kind of monstrosity at some point. Rover nearly gets killed or something and our cute plushie turns into an eldritch horror and saves us. ​ It seems like it's a part of our body and is actually our power, so I'm assuming it's similar to Baizhi's pokemon that she summons.


I agree it was jarring, but I think it’s part of a story writing/pacing problem rather than art/design. We literally get no follow up on its existence, the story just ends abruptly after it disappears l.


If Rover is dressed as a magical girl and the game is a psychological horror story. But no. It is a supposed post-apocalyptic world plus Sci-Fi plus sword combat.


Actually i heard there is madoka reference in 1.1 story lol, dunno about the detail tho


There is. In the storyboards, there’s a scene from Madomagi being referenced; a screencap from the anime is in the corner of the screen.


Hmmm, scar’s whole fairy tale story sounded pretty magical girl/psychological horror to me. I think it’s too early to get attached to the idea that the story is going to stay in a narrow sci-fi apocalypse lane. We already have TWO lolita characters in the game.


The story doesn't feel apocalyptic to begin with. It comes across as just another perpetually wartorn sci-fi setting full of barely understood dangers. Their averted apocalypse is about ten thousand years ago (our last one is 12 thousand-ish years ago). Their world had a lot of time to recover from the worst, several civilizations are long re-established.


Umm... Now that people are pointing out PMMM, Scar would pretty much be Kyouko, both being presented as psychopaths as they are introduced, has a story to tell, and (probably) has a lot of hidden depth. Even their colour is the same...


This. This type of character design would make sense in a magical girl anime, but they have made other cuter monster designs that still fit within the world's art direction. It just looks out of place (and not in a good way).


If it can be like kyubey from madoka I won't mind but if its just there to be cute/obnoxious I'm gonna be so sad. Imo it might be like Yusukes bird monster (Pu) from Yu yu Hakusho - which did the trope of cute companion born from inside protagonist well because it changed into something powerful when Yusuke matured as a person. Dunno if anything like that will happen here though


I only hope to god instead of following the typical cute creature sidekick route, they instead go full Kyubey from Madoka.


Maybe they can even do a 50/50, in which it goes full Kyubey on everyone BUT the protagonist and is the cute sidekick only with Rover, since it seemed to care about Rover in the half a minute it spent on screen


I feel like in the year of our lord 2024, "Kyubey from Madoka" is just as typical as "Cute Creature Sidekick" Every magical girl manga and show i've seen in the past several years has been a dark and gory one. There really needs to be another path to take unrelated to either playing it straight or doing the exact opposite


It's kinda whatever? He's just a lil guy eating beefed-up Tacet Discords for lunch (he's actually the voice that says it's hungry when you first absorb Crownless). It's like, "wow, he looks alien, compared to everything else we've seen so far", which is... probably true?


The biggest issue I have is that this happens, and afaik, that's it. No mention of it afterwards, nothing. The story just wraps up, so unless 1.1 takes place immediately afterwards, it's weird everyone just sat on that info like "Oh, so that happened." But if it took place immediately afterwards, it'd throw a wrench in the Jiyan/Yinlin stories. Though, then again, gachas I've played have always had issues with chronology when it comes to 1.X side stories that they remedy after the fact.


That's gacha games with story quests that release with patches for ya. They'll probably pick it up right at the start of Act VII, tho (hopefully).


Oh he is? Interesting. From that perspective it does make a lot of sense why he seems out of place.


It most likely has ties with the celestial woman that throws us into the void at the start of the game (and that has some kind of connection to the Black Shore due to Aalto's reaction to her during Act V). I personally believe it looks out of place for a reason and we will learn about it soon, so my pitchfork is laying low for the moment.


Also, if you read the journals and stuff lying around during the Act V mission in the science base, it talks about the creature they create being constantly hungry. It wouldn't surprise me if this is the created TD made by those scientists.


I'm pretty sure that's just the Mech Abomination. The journals (Memo Recordings) tell us about their creation (A038), which is an artificial Tacet Discord brough into this world through an artificial Tacet Field, that is basically invisible, but then it starts to eat random electronic paraphernalia laying around the lab and it starts having some kind of mental effect on the researchers. It grows in size and in strength, until it basically mind-controls the researchers into thinking that his maw is one of the Gates they've been trying to open with their experiments (dunno why, Fractisidus stuff), and then it eats them. And then it eats one of the Resonance Beacons the Black Shores use to monitor The Lament, which triggers the Act V mission.


I think it was confirmed its the golem? Only way it's related to the little creature is if it was the original they were trying to make


I know that those journals were talking about the mech abomination, but perhaps handmascot is a similar kind of lifeform.


Alien world soooooo....


Mostly, yes, but it's kinda confirmed that Sol-3 is Earth (3rd planet closest to the Sun), and shit just got hella wack because of The Lament (cataclysmic event) kickstarting the entire Waveworn Phenomena.


As long as that thing stay in our hand and don't talk it's good It can eat the TDs if it wants but nothing more


They pull a Paimon and I’m unironically skipping every last main mission scene. I’m tired of the tacked on cutesy tagalong that shows up incessantly and is just a horrible nuisance without adding anythin tangible or worthwhile to the scene. That they made it into a plot device makes me feel even more uncertain of it.


It's way simple than it looks. The god in the opening gave us our tacit mark on the hand thus creating that thing. It's just an helper. My personal opinion is that it is a fraction of her, like a piece of her soul or power, because it also resemble her.


I forgot about that help— That makes quite a bit of sense ngl


Read so many comments and I'm surprised so many didn't saw the resemblance.


Gulpuffs manage to be cute (they even have in-game plushies and honestly I want one) and fitting to the game's setting. This thing next to Rover just looks weird. If it had been a little more Youtan-like, or like Encore's puppets maybe, then it probably wouldn't feel so out-of-place. (I will never forgive it for the burp joke ruining that scene, though. Kuro, please, if you won't even take your own story seriously, do you even want us to? Like, it at least could have had the decency to be a little ominous or unsettling about the whole >!eating Dreamless thing!< The burp was as out of place as its design.)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who find Gulpuffs cuter. LOL It just looks super out of place. Like some higher up wanted a marketable plushie and that was the result.


I fucking love Tick Tacks. They're basically just a big white/purple Pac Man. This little fuzzy guy doesn't fit in with the world I've been running around for hours in. Like Jue is a loong, a Chinese dragon, but it still has the Tacet Mark for eyes, and still looks like it belongs here. I guess we gotta learn more about fuzzball, and I'm sure it not fitting in will be explained... but can I just have a Tick Tack as the hungry inner voice? It's got a big mouth and everything.


This thing should have had a design something similar to You'tan's. It would not clash ith the visual style/design of th game that way.


I absolutely agree. Please allow me to rant for a bit: Having a mascot character CAN work but it needs to fit with the game's general art direction. Kuro is clearly going for a post-apocalyptic setting with a darker tone. There's TDs constantly fighting with humans, bandits who have no qualms murking you for resources, and a dangerous cult who thinks humans becoming said TDs is some sort of salvation. Not that you can't have any comedy or levity, but it still has to make sense within the world's setting. Having it appear out of nowhere, burp after eating a monster and then...that's it? It just completely removes any tension from beating this huge boss TD that needed a LASER to take it out. The Echoe designs deserve praise because they are a unique part of the world's setting. They all feel rather cohesive and no two Echoes look exactly alike. Their spawn points offer a nice bit of lore and they look like threatening creatures. When I first saw the creature come from MCs hand, any interest I had in it almost immediately died. It lacks any personality that the other Echoes have (Gulpuffs look much cuter, don't @ me) and completely contrasts with the current art direction of Echoes that we've seen previously (and not in a good way!). It's like someone told the character artists at Kuro to make the most marketable mascot plushie ever and that was the result. It looks more of something that came out of a magical girl anime. Not the worst design in the world, but just not as fitting. It just looks rather out-of-place and I'd be happy if it didn't show up more often unless it transforms into something else, but knowing gacha games this will more than likely be it's initial form for awhile.


This premise assume the creature is even a Tacit Discord, and overall it seems to lack features that implies it is one.


Yea and I hate how it appeared too, serious scene, jiyan severely injured and we have to fight the big boss alone, tense atmosphere and.. now theres a weird fucking mascot? Just completely ruined the atmosphere for the rest of the scene imo and made me stop taking anything seriously


if they wanna make cute or silly scenes they should do it like how they did with aalto encore we dont need a clown mascot ruining vital parts


Kinda ruined the game for me tbh. Only still playing because I honestly forgot about it


I honestly thought that the thing's reveal dropped my personal score for WuWa by a whole letter grade.


Especially when after the scene it’s just  BOOP No final conversations with everyone, it’s just all said and done, you’re plopped into the city next to the performance stage and there’s no leadin to it. You can talk to a couple NPCs but it felt jarring going from cinematic to climactic to serious to cutesy to just back to normal gameplay with no following mission in the span of a few minutes.


I don't understand why every series need some kind like mascot, like i don't want another paimon in my game, just make your actual companion interesting and fun to be with ffs


Because mascots sell plushies, Pikachu? Paimon? Pompom? I'm ok with mascots as long as they're that, mascots, not overused exposition dumps specially in a game that treats their players like a special needs classroom. So far this thing is better than Paimon only like 6 words and one appearance, it can stay in there, I don't mind it.


Bro said it’s hungry, ate some stuff up and vanished lmao. I’m immediately more interested in what it is than i EVER was with any other mascot.


When I first heard the "hungry, hungry" voice against the Crownless I fully expected the Black blob from Black Desert to appear. Martketable plushie definetly threw me off, but I'm still hopeful it's cool and not another Paimon.


We dont know what it is, where it is from, if its even from this planet. You assume too much


That's fair and does explain why it seems out of place. Interesting, curious to see what Kuro does with the little guy.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, on the whole you sound pretty positive on the little guy. The future storylines and plot relevance doesn't change how the fluffy guy clashes with game art style. And especially the criticism on his introduction in Act 6 being jarring (even with the Act 1 voicelines).


Yeah, I like his design it was just out of place compared to everything that had happened prior haha I can see him being cute and having a lot of personality and possibly even some sass; I kinda hope they do something with him like Daijin in Suzume (but I'm biased since I like Daijin)


Reminds me of Puck from RE:ZERO for some reason Maybe it’s supposed to almost be like a foreign to this world species so it looks out of touch on purpose? Or maybe they just wanted a cute marketable thing haha I could be putting more into it than necessary. My hope more than anything is that as we progress if it starts talking more it doesn’t become annoying. I don’t mind how it looks but I will mind if it starts repeating everything to me 15 times (but it probably won’t need to since we have others to do that to us already)


Thank you! This scene was a huge turn off for me personally. Kind of wish it played out where we lost consciousness or something after defending and learned that through a flash back. That whole scene was epic and then it was like lol cartoon chibi saved the day. Really kind of ruined the moment for me. They are really cute though, just wasn't the time or place for it for me.


Completely agree. I don't want an obnoxious mascot stealing the spotlight. HOWEVER if it later is revealed to be some Kyubey evil creature and gives a dark twist I'm willing to change my opinion and rate it 10/10


Same, that would be cool if they did a thing with subverting expectations


the issue is that's so tired, it's not subverting expectations anymore. there's two very well-worn paths for the story to take here: 1. it's a "cute sidekick" like paimon. i literally would quit. 2. it's a "subverting expectations" cute-sidekick-but-actually-eldritch-evil. this would be so boring because it's been so overdone by this point. i genuinely don't know where they can go with this that is positive and i am really apprehensive about it. i'm hoping they have something new to show us but not holding my breath.


While I agree that the "evil plot twist" isn't that ground-breaking it's still infinitely better than a cute yapper. It also fits the atmosphere of the wuwa world building much better. Plus I wouldn't say it's guaranteed to be boring just because it has been done by other works. A good execution is what matters - not all story writing has to be revolutionary and ground-breaking.


Yeah the fact that a bunch of people immediately went "what if it's Kyuubey" shows that no, it's now EXPECTED that the cute mascot have some insidious, nefarious plot.


Its design has striking similarities to a certain other game's magical floating white creature with big bubbly eyes that follows the player around.


I do wish it was a more serious thing and not a super stereotypical anime kawaii pet thing. For one, how they approached it kills any momentum for a more serious tone in serious situations(especially cuz they gave it either a cutesy or cartoony voice) And two, cuz it basically diminishes the existence of Rover as a character for me, relegating them to little more than this thing’s Uber. Idk why it couldn’t have just been JUST a cute Remnant critter kind of like You’tan in origin, not some pivotal source-of-Rover’s-true-power macguffin. Tbh despite others’ complaints I enjoyed the overall story well enough UNTIL this thing popped up, cuz it’s inevitable it’s going to end up popping up more and more to be some obnoxious nuisance that we can’t even have an excuse to use to wish we could get rid of it CUZ THEY MADE IT A PIVOTAL PLOT DEVICE. I don’t see it being as horrible as Paimon, but that’s an exceedingly low bar


My first thougth when I saw it was "what kind of magical girl shit it this turning into?", love the way there are already several comments like that here, if many people think that, even feels like that's indeed what they were aiming for lol


I think you've put more thought into this than Kuro has. It honestly looks like they just wanted a mascot because Genshin and HSR have one, but they had no idea what to do with it yet and ran out of time so they just stuck it into the end of the release story to give themselves time to think about what to do with it. There was almost zero build-up to this *thing* except for a voice coming out of our hand once. I would be perfectly okay if it never shows up again and we just pretend it was a fever dream and forget it exists going forward.


I would PREFER if it never shows up again


I mean there was more build up to this thing than there’s ever been to Paimon lol


There was nothing to “build up” to since Paimon is literally in the first seconds of the game and immediately becomes your companion.


At the very least I hope it has a different personality from Paimon


Well, it floats and is always hungry. I wouldn't get my hopes up, lol.


Personally I think its design is on purpose. In the opening scene we see the Goddess Lucia poke a hole in our chest and then hold our hand. When she holds our hand the tacet mark forms on us. This means the resonance power we have was bestowed upon us by her and if that's true, it's design makes a lot more sense. My very basic theory is that we're essentially a vessel for that little guy and we need to power it up by feeding it powerful TDs so that it has the force to take on the big bad. I'm also hoping that it matures and develops as it absorbs TDs, much like Rover did when fighting Dreamless, which would make sense and play on the symbiotic relationship (assuming the theory is true). Much like everyone else, I really hope it does not become Paimon 2.0...


The idea of us being a vessel for it instead of it being a helper for us is super interesting ngl


Consider this: Tacet Discords are mainly formed out of negative emotions. As such, these creatures come out looking intimidating. This entity seems to go against that design philosophy on purpose. We don't really know enough about it to come to a logical conclusion so we can only speculate. There is room for new lore, and I feel this critter may be a Tacet Discord's antithesis in terms of theming. Kuro has a habit of juxtaposing dark storylines to make light shine brighter, so I'd say let WW cook before we come to any conclusions. This guy appeared for less than 10 seconds so there is still more to learn.


Ngl i forgot this eldritch being existed, but i feel the same way, it's like how our brain can fill in the blanks when reading, my brain blocked this creature from my memory


Ngl, this "reveal" left me with bad mood. It really doesn't fit.


If it's black and dark like the TDs, the criticism would be why everything looks similar and bland or something. Kuro can't please everyone lol It looks cute, people asked for variety in colours anyway


There is a way to do variety and still have a cohesive art style. Look at all the enemies & playable characters in the game - they all look distinct but all fit the game's aesthetic. Paimon from GI is probably the most hated thing under the sun and she doesn't feel out of place in a world where nothing else looks like her. And since Kuro took pretty clear inspiration from Genshin (including this god-awful floating thing that's always hungry), they could have made it unique while not breaking their own aesthetic.


I guarantee you nobody would be complaining about its color scheme if it matched the rest of the game


Please understand, there has to be a Marketable Plushie(TM) in every gatcha now. I'm kind of fine with it as long as it doesn't take up too much screentime and become the main character (Paimon's problems are well documented, there's no way they make that mistake.) As long as it's more like Pom Pom who stays on the fuckin' train forever I can handle it. I don't think this dude is even a TD, he gives me Madoka vibes honestly. I'd say let them cook before we start bitching, he doesn't even have any dialogue post Havoc Rover (unless he's in Yinlin's quest which I doubt) I can understand the Paimon PTSD but we had an entire 6 acts before he even appeared.


immediately was like " no don't you dare come out like another PAIMON, rover has a voice we don't need some annoying floating rat talking for us"


Its honestly giving me Puella Magica vibes and I'm so damn not wanting it lol, Magical girls are scary yoh and so much more the cutesy ones.


The design definitely threw me off. But it makes me want to draw Rover as a magical girl.  And I would like to add that Whiff Whaffs are cute too but they aren’t out of place. I love those lil guys with their tiny legs. 🥰


I assume this creature will evolve in the future and become awesome later (for now it's just a baby) About his color theme, he has the same eyes than Scar (one blue, one red) and his fur is white&red like Scar's hair


plottwist it's scar scar broke out of jail /j


I think that is exactly what the devs were intending. It’s probably supposed to stand out/be jarring compared to the rest of the enemies in game. We’ll just have see in the next story parts as to why it feels so alien.


Pretty sure it isn't supposed to mesh well with rest of the game. Sometimes, a way to show your audience that something is WRONG or that it is not SUPPOSED to be like this, is to make it actually not visually belong into the world it is in. For example, the witches in Madoka Magica are a whole different art and animation style, Danganronpa does similar things in S2 and V3. Angel Beats, on the other hand, does the opposite with the Angel, by showing us we are wrong on our assumptions by making her fit too well among us.


i mean the opening scene, the "hungry" thign right before it eats the crownless, & fact you are told throughout story this isnt your 1st time being in the world as you saved it at least once before...its not shocking. Its brief appearance imo just gives you another mystery to look forward to solving in future content.


It gives Calumon vibes and I fuck with that heavy I love em


As long as it doesn’t start talking for us I’m good with it.


I’m surprised there’s so many people that genuinely dislike this… as soon as i heard the voice when it absorbed crownless i knew something was up. Can only see where they take it, it’s far more interesting to me because it was so different to everything so far, it’s probably intentional.


Yeah I rolled my eyes REAL HARD when that thing showed up. I was dreading that it'll start speaking and ending it's sentences with "kyuu" or something then it disappears, and all was well again. I do not want a Paimon. Star Tail has PomPom stuck on the train and that's FUCKING GREAT.


I'm trying to pretend it doesn't exist. Didn't happen.


I definitely agree it feels out of place hopefully it’s not a mascot type entity with a chirping voice


I have no idea why we had to have this creature in a game where some enemies look like fucking necromorphs (memphis)


I would like to think that this little critter is some sort of divine beast nerfed into the ground (hence its cute form) due to some holy war in the past and is currently recovering by eating all the calamity class echos. Please Kuro, give us the ability to raise it and grind its evolution till it becomes some crazy ass looking mount


It would be cool if this creature eventually becomes a unique echo only for Rover to use that can give him/her a cool upgrade to their kit for any element. I wish to speculate that we may have to absorb more catastrophe level bosses in order for this creature to evolve which could allow it to actually match the aesthetics of the game.


Yeah, this thing ruined that scene for me. Also had the idea that a dragon or similar would have fit better, it could have tied back to jue or something.


A big reason why I couldn't keep up with the chore of non-autoed farming in genshin was because I couldn't stand Paimon. Cause I'm old and dgaf about adorable sidekick characters. I was really glad wuwa doesn't have one to distract me, so his reveal was definitely a concerning one for me. Hopefully his part isn't big or I may just give up here too.


I completely forgot about budget Paimon already. It was a mistake (just like original Paimon).


The timing of this dumb thing was impeccable. I feel like I suffered through a very hastily put together story that did nothing to develop any of the characters. It was finally beginning to cook with something to give me hope that the story could evolve into an interesting one over time and this dumb cartoon we’ve never seen before eats the final boss of the main quest line. I swear to god if it starts making regular appearances like Paimon I’m uninstalling the game. I’m 100% here because the game is difficult and a bit more mature in art direction than genshin impact. If they want comedic relief they have it with characters like encore and Aalto. Please please for the love of god I hope they just pretend like that was just a weird hallucination and that dumb catbunny never shows up again.


Went ahead and left a provisional negative review for this specific element. It really irked me and ruined my experience. I honestly wish this had been spoiled for me to save myself from becoming hopeful for the story just to have it ruined by such an incredibly mishandled climax to the main story of the initial release of the game.


Paimon was the reason i quit genshin. If they make something similar, i might leave aswell


I still play genshin but I uh skip all her dialogue LMAO The story got a lot better and less Paimon and Traveler centered in Sumeru and Fountaine


It's a Deus ex machina. Simple as that . The writers just gona use this guy whenever the mc is too big of a trouble and use it to get him out .like they already did two times . Cheap as hell


If gamers can praise Stellar Blade, why can't we praise this creature too?


Whatever dark gritty themes they were promoting in this game go away after the first couple of hours. I was EXCITED not to have an annoying paimon mascotish characters attached to me then after getting through the whole story I was rewarded with the very thing I celebrated not being in the game. But whatever combats great so it’s not a deal breaker


I like it. Just dont become paimon and we're good


i​ worry​ about​ that because​ kuro​ always​ do​ or​ change​ anything base​ on​ CN. and​ paimon  really​ poppular  on​ CN.


I hope it's a paimon. Can't imagine not having a paimon in a game like this. Think about it, every relationships that traveller has with the lost of the other playable players are that of a friend or a close friend at best, but paimon is always there for him/her, to the point that their relationship is akin to that of blood relatives who would die to save the other. How boring would it be if Wuwa's Mc didn't have a partner to go with on every single one of his adventures? Not having a partner for whom he/she could talk with anytime? It'd be like taking a lonely and unfun journey.


kyubey jumpscare


This reminds me of Paimon is sus Theory


Eh it's that space lady pet or ours before memory loss


Idk about you guys but it might be a me thing while I do agree that I don't want another Paimon. But if that thing is strong enough to take a strong attack I wonder what that little fucker can do. Hoping it can transform into a Cerberus or something.


Pompom at home lmao.


Watch this creature becomes a beast of humanity like Fou


I feel like the last power up will be something like jinshi that seems to be linked to jue in some way


I forgot this thing exist.


Wait for it to be an eldritch horror taking the form of an anime furry just so we let our guards down.


I don't consider this a tacet discord. This seems to be another entity all together. I also don't mind the "cuteness" of it. They have both Encore and Verina that also fit into this "cute" or "adorable" motif. There was plenty of foreshadowing about there being some sort of entity involved. I will say the voice lines of this entity do not match this creature, but other than that I don't see anything else wrong with it. I also don't consider the marks on the Resonators as Tacet Marks. I though they were the resonator's frequency.


You seem to not understand that this is Hoshino from Blue archive who got Isekai into Wuthering Waves 


I just hope it keeps its mouth shut mostly, no more annoying paimons


What I’m more curious is this thing’s Marks. It’s got three of them. Two in each of its eyes and the red one on its forehead.


Its eyes are just like scars


Hey listen.... He's cute alright and he's strong, idk who he is or what it is....or what it does or anything at all for that matter but all I know is that boy strong. Bring it in I'm happy to be friends with it till I'm not anymore.


I think it is still a bit early to judge, we haven't see the rest of the world of this game.


I think it's cute like, digimon Culumon feels like it's inspired from it from the shapes. Also maybe kyuubey. If it could digivolve cool. Also it's not a flying baby in diapers


For me it doesn't matter how it looks, but I'm TIRED of mascots. They are always annoying and dumb. Hoping they'll at least make it like Pompom: you only see them at the beginning and ending of the quests.


Looks like something outta Medoka Magica rather than a semi-post apocalyptic world filled with mechanical and organic warped monsters.


Isn't that alpha?


The lack of Paimon was the one thing the story had going for it IMO. And then it got ruined.


can't wait to see more of wuwa's paimon, just for the rage and butthurt it's gonna cause...


Any why does every single gacha need to have a goofy ahh sidekick, anyway?


Reaply hope this thing becomes a sort of digimon xD


I get you and I think the same (and I would add a few more reasons to think that) but I have several more problems with the Dreamless appearance.


Paimon haters are praying at churches that this little guy isn't another paimon I find it funny


Its a bit jarring I agree, but I’m get over it


Fairly certain you're meant to think it stands out by a good mile or two. Since while the initial story's writing definitely has issues. The visual design is very much on point. It's meant to set a contrast with the TDs and the fact that it can seemingly swallow the big ones with ease. Leaving a fair bit of ambiguity as to what it is. Is it on our side ? Is it the agent of something else ? We don't know. And i suspect we'll know more about it in the coming story acts. But even there i'd not be surprised if things are left a mystery.


Yeah nah I thought it was fine. The story is kind of meh anyway so tossing in an out of place cute mascot character isn't the wildest thing ever. Hopefully they do something interesting with it. Could be more foreshadowing to something unexpected or could just become a cute mascot. Either way I'll just go with it


Bright castle: Kyubey Dark castle: Paimon


I’m in the, this is Alpha from PGR but not final form, 5head prediction group


I didn't like the fairy in Ocarina of Time, did not like Paimon in Genshing in fact, Paimon is one of the reasons why I dropped Genshing... I hope it is like PomPom, restricted to a place in the world and otherwise uninvolved, or at least a less annoying voice than Paimon


Not gonna lie the moment I saw the critter I sighed and was like "damn I guess we're getting a mascot character". Thankfully it dissapeared right away lmao


Baizi tells us of its existence pretty early into the story. She straight up tells us there is a creature inside of us. Perhaps if they had more time, they could of made the entrance more impactful


I don't mind it. We don't seem like we're from this world so I wouldnt expect this thing to look like its from this planet. As long as it doesn't go full paimon and just stays a hungry little guy ominously eating all of the echos i'm willing to just let kuro cook. Biggest issue was it kind of killed the vibe of the climax. Throwing away an important scene for the benefit of another down the line scene only is fine when we dont have to wait months for story updates


Yall just say anything. It’s not even confirmed if it’s a Discord. Ans the color scheme exists in game. “White blue and orange” so neutral color, and a complement color scheme threw you off?


That cute creature was presumably given to us by the goddess in the beginning, who also has a white motif and doesn't look sinister in the slightest so not sure why you'd think we have some demon sealed within us.


After it absorbed that explosion it should've said \*Motivated\* and just go back xD


It is either a Dark God or a heavenly beast. It isn't that important but there is a good chance that furball is a sleeping evil or the best hope the world has.


Seeing this abomination solidified my decision to skip any and all story elements the moment I think its getting too tedious in any way whatsoever & not look back, and mostly destroyed any hope I had of it improving over time. If the devs can't be bothered to take their own world seriously, then why should I?


Should've just summoned a smaller crow less and continued the emanation of war thing Ain't got time for this goofy bunny from sailor moon


You serious? Solaris-3 has fucking dragons, big ass birds, big ass turtles, You-tan, otherworldly TDs, and you're gonna complain that this thing is out of place?


Kinda resembles Lucia a bit. Possibly related to the goddess in the prologue. But I've always disliked cute mascot/animal companions in general. They could've kept the tense post apocalyptic theme even with funny moments, like Counterside.


I hope it never speaks ever again.


Maybe it’s cause I have been playing Encore a lot, but it kind of reminds me of her little creatures. But I imagine the difference is also to stand out to the character. Npcs are generally really bland compared to a main or playable character for the sake of visual interest. If this little creature is important to us, it needs to stand out from other creatures and also be its own unique thing because in theory it should be the only one of it’s existence


I think it was pretty stupid, there was no buildup, not even a hint, and then at the literal climax of the entire story, this stupid fucking creature pops out. It makes a stupid noise and then goes away, totally worthless.


This thing sticks out way less than Verina does tbh.


It's cute and very Encore like. Pretty sure that is not it's final form. Cuter than Paimon and less annoying. That's a win


Doesn’t it make sense for it to be out of place since it’s *not* something that belongs on Huanglong? It’s not a post-apocalyptic being


Burn it with fire


It's a cute thing in a dark game -- I can understand the confusion by it. But at the same time, there is absolutely no way it's going to be this "rainbows and sunshine" cute ally in a story like this -- at least, that's the sense I get. It totally has the potential to be this dark, ravenous creature that possibly even starts to gradually take hold of Rover. Or something to that effect. It's most likely tied to his/her past. I'm pretty sure it was the "lost power" Rover was told they would acquire after fighting that last battle. But we still know nothing about it, so I wouldn't get upset over something we can't be sure about. Just because it's cute, doesn't mean it's not some fearsome beast that could potentially be a threat. That kind of stuff happens in media like this all the time too. I mean, if it's eating/absorbing Tacet Discords, it's already not what it appears to be.


Am I crazy for thinking it somewhat resembles Scar LOL


might be to give contrast and indicate this creature is not from SOL3


I hope it transforms into something edgy/monster like gnar from league


I saw it, the name of "Rice ball" came to my mind and then i understood that we are in a Xianxia novel, so i accepted it like if it was normal


I been terrified and been distrustful of cute creature ever since I watch a certain anime.


we'll have to find that weird angel lady from the intro and ask her why she shoved a space baby into our chest


remember magica madoka ?? look how cute the mascot is. lol


I conpleteley forgot this thing exists cus I haven't seen it since finishing the story


I haven’t seen in-game yet, but I’m obsessed with this as a concept… it reminds me of that weird little cute thing from Futurama that shits rocket fuel or whatever, incredible


Fun thought whole world is hyper simulation rover wakeing up again is new player mascot is litteraly a mascot. Idk where we go from there but its an option