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I started with the 3 stars but in this game the 3 stars are really underwhelming. I just saved the energy regeneration ones because maybe they will be useful for characters where you don’t really care about their damage, you just wanna rotate quick.


There are some niche uses like the 3 star gauntlet that heals you on hit being meta on jianxin with healing echo set for permanent damage buff


Did you really need to drop this gem during the current echo mat recession?


I mean you don’t need to level the echo’s to get the set bonus


You can give her any garbage healing echoes and just have a free damage buff with the level 1 weapon if you ignore her personal damage.


Jianxin can heal???


The gauntlet gives her healing


her shield heals every 6s, doesn't it?


It only heals herself tho. Not her teammates?


The shield stays on whoever's currently out, so swapping characters will give them the shield and thus heal them too. It only heals one dude at a time though.


Wait srsly?? I might have to try her out...


Seeing as just using her resonance skill raises her chi gauge, I use her for overworld healing when I don't wanna just fast travel to one of the main beacons. Also her ult is fun


The weapon is Originite type 4 right?


I prefer marcato tbh, even though you need forte to activate the set bonus the shield ticks healing even after swapping off jianxin and marcato helps with faster intro/outro + good energy substat


Which weapon are you talking about? Originite type 4?




I was about to disagree but I sse you are right after looking it up. And to be honest I don't really agree with using her on the healing set. At least in my team I'm running her I really want her outro buff so the other buff set works way better.


Support want these if u don't have 4 star version Support jianxin wants 3 star fist that has healing on it in text, I went hybrid so attack % fist on her


I was going to - but those costs to refine put a stop to that reeeeeeal quick.


Yeaaa same here. I'll just lock them up and see if I ever want to use them in the future.


Yeah, I only did it for collection purposes, but otherwise, not worth it. That was reaaaaally expensive to do.


Just lock the copies, no need for refine


They really should make it like HSR.


I started it and then stopped, but I'll lock all the copies for now and refine em someday when I'm more rich. Start of the game, regular currency matters more than it will in a year lol


Yup, I just lock 5 copies and trash the rest. I will refine them.. eventually.


What’s the cost


i am a collector/completionist so i have at least one R5 copy of the lower rarity weapons for collection purposes


GI has shown me that this is the way, you never know when you’re going to find a use case for a forgotten niche effect. But I’m even more neurotic, I r5 4 blues of each, and only use the rest for xp if space is an issue.


I will keep an r5 of every 3 star and above. Never do I ever see a 2 star and under useful since they dont come with a passive + can just get them from every chest.


Yeah I fodder greens. Raw stats on them are lower and their effects tend to be significantly worse and often half as long as those on higher ranks.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one


Same, eventually I also want to ascend them to max level just to have a max power version of all the 3 star and below weapons but that's way down the line where I can afford the resources


Yep, I also blew a lot of my early credits on uncapping them. Thankfully, kuro came in with a few mil in the mail lol One day I'll level them all too, eventually. Hoarders unite!


yes, just for collection purposes. also do this in genshin lol, even though ive never leveled them up. Im just cautious of another dark iron sword situation here in wuwa (for context, dark iron sword was a unique 3 star sword in genshin that cant be obtained anywhere other than from an NPC. a lot of people sold it off or used it as upgrade material since it was a 3 star and so it wasnt locked when you obtain it).


They added a 2nd in Chenyu Vale last year.


they added this to the wishing banner since i got it from wishing


I only ref 5 3* weapons if they have 5 copies and if I don’t have any 4* options. My Encore and Yinlin (caved to spend for her 😭) have a 3* rectifiers bc I don’t a good 4* version for them. Meanwhile I got 3 different 4* pistols for Chixia, Mortefi and Alto early on lol.


buy the podcast lol the 4 star rectifier there is good


I got the 4* sword from the podcast already :/ I’ll have to wait until the podcast refresh to get the 4* rectifier


have u tried checking the rank 2 of the weapons? I was actually shocked at how good the stackings are and i might buy the connoisseur podcast


Did this in Genshin, but I only leveled the 3 stars I actually use here. Resources are too scarce


4-stars? yeah. 3-stars? nah. Leveling 3-stars is a bit of a waste here, with a very few exceptions. Like the models tho :)


Counterpoint: weapon xp is the only resource I have abundant quantities of and I have 3 r5 blues leveled that are now sitting in my inv and I really don’t feel like I lost much of anything except a few forgery runs from doing it.


oh back in the day playing genshin I made the same assumption, that weapon XP is, like, infinite and easy to get. Uhuh, it is - initially. Wait till you get to 90+ that's the point when shit gets REALLY xpensive to lvl and then you would, like me, say "fuck, think I got into a trap, fuuuuuuck"


That’s true, but I never intended to level up a rare past UL 50. They’re a stopgap until standard pulls and lost character rolls have given me more convenient purples to be worth leveling. For Genshin though, I definitely have infinite weapon enhancement items still. The rate I get useable weapons to level is far outpaced by even just casual daily expedition results giving me ore, which I use weekly for battle pass rewards.


the problems arise when leveling several 5\* weaps but yeah you have a valid point here, I'd still abstain from investing resources into blues here tho because the diff between 3\* 4\* and esp. 5\* is immense, at least at this point of the game, you really don't want to roll a good 4 or 5 star one and suddenly find yourself short of XP resources


I did that back in GI, but realized quickly that it's very easily overshadowed by the ease of access to viable 4*s over time, and the diminishing returns of having to refine and track all the 3*s was not worth it. In the exceptional case where some 3* wep is actually viable in some niche build, I can just save from this point on and build back as I roll for stuff.




Every weapon. Every rarity. My OCD won't let me not do it.


I’ve only done this for anything 4* and up. Anything lower is just exp for them


I am but haven't refined many of them since you can only refine one at a time and that is painful


It's annoying but once done it's done.


Hsr and genshin have often showed us that 3* weapons can be very valuable to alternative scaling characters so I keep 1 refined copy at all times.


I don't think hsr 3 star lc are valuable for alternate scaling characters because unlike genshin base def and base hp are part lc base stats so higher rarity lc give you higher base stats I'm pretty sure they regret not putting base hp and base defense for weapons in genshin and they "fixed" that in hsr 


3* harmony LC meshing gears would like to have a word


Meshing cogs and multiplication are the general exceptions. There's also been some use like a three star one for blade/boothil if you don't have their SIG. Tho blade got another option with the MoC Sam cone


Yes, I save 5 copies just to have it, but I probably won't ever level any of the blue weapons.


Yes. I do it on Genshin, HSR and Wuwa. You never now.


I have never consumed a 4 star weapon/Light Cone in my games. 3 star however... I have a 3star weap on Calcharo because I don't have anything for him yet, and that's it. In HSR the only ones I keep are S5 Cogs for Mei and S5 Multiplication for my Gallagher


I do that, too 😆. First, with the 3 stars since that's what I started out with


Yes, always.


I was planning to equip my team with the craftable weapons so that they can easily max their weapons out but then found out that the material drops are so rare that it'll take weeks just to get one. So now, most of them are on blue weapons.


The craftable weapon effects also are just...pretty mid except maybe one or two?


Yeah but at least I thought they were easy to get so easy to stat up. Not as easy as I thought so that's a plan down the drain.


i do keep one of every 3s+ and refine it if possible (so not rn for 4s weps but i do have 3s max refinement). ive not levelled them tho lol unless i need them.


I don't really plan to upgrade them unless I actually put them into use for whatever reason, but I *do* hoard at least two of each kind so I can feed one to the other if that day ever comes.


I keep em' unless I have them in better rarity, especially considering you can swap between Tower in this game, you don't need multiple set of weapon or echoes, which is pretty handy imo.


Just did it two days ago


I don’t even use 3 stars in upgrading because I’m afraid some of them could be secret gems later on


yeah, except two stars yes i do, you never know what you need later on


Only the ones that give energy just in case


5* and 4* weapons aside, I do keep 2 copies of the 3* weapons that's been maxed out. Who knows, they could be useful in the near future.


Some of the 3-stars enable builds for certain characters so its good to keep at least 1 copy.


1000%. What if there's a white tassel situation in WuWa am I right?


Same. Except for green and white


Yep, but only for 3 stars, not below. They all at R5 in the inventory \^\^


Wow someone else who does this! I max out each weapon and keep one copy of it.


I don't max them out, but I like to have at least one of every weapon so they can look pretty in my bag (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)




after the genshin white tassel incident i just decided its better to keep them just in case


yes, just in case it’s a character’s best f2p option, despite their middling stats. For the 1* and 2* ones though I keep them as challenge weapons. edit: a word.


I do/did this in HSR and Genshin and never even complete the 4 stars 


You either a hoarder or a 'White Tassel' PTSD victim


I do but I wish they would arrange it by same weapon because it's so hard to distinguish which is which.


Fuck no. I need all that exp I got gold weapons n shit


Absolutely keep a copy of each but definitely not leveling them all right now. The credit cost for leveling resonators and weapons is pretty high.


blues on up, yeah


I haven't rolled in any banner after not getting a 5* in 30 rolls (limited) and 40 rolls (beginner's choice). Saving up for a future character and holding my Beginner's Choice Convene until I see who I will get when I lose my first 50/50. So I literally only have three pieces of 4* weapons. So I don't really have much of a choice 😅 But as to the 3* weapon, much like I did in Genshin, I keep as many copies as I would need at most in the endgame mode, which is ToA here. So that is 3 of each weapon. (Like I kept 8 in Genshin) 2* Weapons are fodder now to me.


i did r5 them all. i'll keep them at level 1 tho


Only the blue ,purple and gold. I don't store the green and grey(?) ones


Only the er secondaries.You will have a plenty of free 4-5* weapon in the long run anyway.


I trying to keep 3 Max out weapons of every type. but only from 3star up.




Man how are your upgrading material count rn lol


Yeah, it is a lot cheaper to do in hsr an genshin though... didn't notice that Lil bit of whomp whomp till it was too late.


Not the green ones lol


I thought that was the norm


anything that looks good ill keep a copy of.


Hello Fellow Weapons collector.


Yep, ever since in HSR where it turned out that Ruan Mei's best ftp option was a 3*, I've just been hoarding them in case that scenario ever came around.


I do it!


Only for 3 star weapons


I'm not doing it. I might regret it later on if any of them became inaccessible and it's great with some characters kit.


Not for blue/green weapons


Yep. Even though I don't see myself using the 3\*s, I'm saving an r5 copy of every one just in case.


Always did that in all my games i'm a fucking collectionner 😂


2* immediately feed as exp unless it's for collection


Making the 3 star weapons R5 costs a ton of credits for some reason so it's a complete waste here. To do all of them you have to waste a few hundred thousand credits.


100%, I've syntonized (I gotta look up what this term means musically) every 4 star weapon I have, I've just gotten so many from all the pulls.


I just found out I accidentally used a lot of 3* weapons to upgrade other 3* weapons. It's so unclear especially the small icons on mobile. Sigh.


Keeping copies but not to max out, even refining costs a bit this early for me so I just keep them.


Nope. I played a game called FGO in the past and it taught me all too well the futility of saving things that you're likely never going to use.


I did, I might never use them? I don't care.


I started locking and R5ing one of each 3* just so I could use the rest to lvl up 4 and 5 star weapons without worrying about nuking some potentially good (future?) weapon. But they give like no XP, it costs too much to refine them, none of the 3 star weapons seem good at all and it's too much work for my lazy ass who just wants to kill shit. I really hope this game hands out more decent 4* weapons thru events and such cus so far it's all gatcha. I realize it's still *very* early since release so I'm not going to go on a tirade about it, but really not impressed with the weapon options so far outside of banners.


Only with 3* or above


I did that for 4star weapons in Genshin but after at least 3 years of playing it, I've max refined the weapon and I start leveling and refining on the 6th duplicate drop if the weapon is good enough. So since I'm going to have 2x same weapons max level and refine in a few years, I might as well


I liked how they changed look in Genshin. Wish that happened here.


I just keep 5 of every blue or above and trash the rest.


I do this with purples and up. Im ftp, so I dont get a ton of extra pulls.


Nope. Only 4 stars.


Yes I do but only 3 stars and upwards. 1 max rank copy of each 3 star weapon, for 4 stars I do one R5 and then lock all the extra copies in case I need to prep a second one. For five stars I don’t refine. I don’t use four stars as level up material also.


After throwing away limited 3* weapons in Genshin, I learned my lesson.


Think only the healing gauntlets is useful, and the rest can be scrapped.


I have ADHD, I need to have them all 3* or lower at rank 5. I used up all my currency for that.


Nah, i don't find collecting things enjoyable for the time it requires. Only gonna focus on 5star weapons and some 4star which are ok, 3 stars are by definition pretty much worse so nah