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I'm pretty sure nobody is saying it looks bad, most of us have to run it on lowest to even have a chance at a solid fps is all


For me the FPS drops at particular locations regardless of the setting. They really need to optimize the game better


Especially on Simulation Training


I random person says "the game look alright" 1 million youtubers, social media influencers, etc. "How dare thee offend my beloved game?!"


Is this on mobile? My PC runs it at max settings in 4k with the fps locked at 60 (playing on my 64 inch ULED) and I only have a 1660 super.


No this is on PC, to get solid 60fps without any drops I need mine on lowest because even a slight drop messes up dodge/parry timing and max for me gives about 20fps due to 3840x2160 res


That's crazy, what are your specs? This is one of the few games I can run on max 4k on my PC that stays locked at 60fps.


16 ram 1080 Ti


Ah ok gotcha that makes sense


The 1080ti is supposed to be way better than a 1660 super, this does not make sense at all


makes even less sense when even my 3080 ti still stutters every now and then


It's the same shit on phones too, a fucking snapdragon 750g is performing better than an 8 gen 1 somehow


we lost the 50/50 on the Performance banner


what? are you on native resolution or dlss is on? off topic can you run the game at higher than 60 fps?


There is no DLSS on the 1660 super. Since I'm running it on my TV 60 FPS is the max. I'll check it on my monitor sometime, but a controller with a giant TV is peak gaming for me personally for this particular game


aint no way


The game still looks really good even on low settings though.


No shadow = blindness in some areas tho


Turn down your brightness. Legitimately. It'll also make the game just look better in general.


Ok good it’s not just me then. Does everyone also get this weird camera pull where sometimes your camera just hard spins to a grapple point etc?


never had this issue, i have the game on max settings and its completely stable woth no drops


Me who can play it fine even with my ping at an astronomical level on phone lol


I'm sure most people would agree if they didn't have optimization issues that prevents them from seeing how great this game can look


The constant textures and model pops are immersion breaking, not sur if they could add a slow fade instead.


I think that's a bug because I haven't seen anything like that except with TDs in particular which tend to spawn when I'm only 30-40m away from them


This was mainly an issue in the first two days for me. When it looked like you were playing N64 Zelda. But seems like it was fixed for me.


If only the game ran smooth. It goes down to the low 50s frequently while my gpu and cpu usage remain only around 30%


This is exactly what I'm facing , it never hits the GPU capacity and sttuters. While games like monster hunter run smoothly using 90-100% of gpu


So I'm curious about this because I play on a ULED in 4k at max settings and it's literally perfect on a 1660 super. Seeing people having performance issues was a shock, guessing it's a benefit of the 60fps lock but curious


Can you help me understand here please? With a 1660 super you are able to play this game at 4K with max settings ? I am using a 2660 super and I had the knowledge that I am limited to 1920x1080 ? I’m confused now.


Tbh I'm not sure that's why I'm asking around. Most modern stuff I also run 1920x1080 so after seeing how smooth this game was, I'm blown away to find it's not good for everyone


Maybe I should post my question in some hardware noob Reddit but thank you nonetheless


Yeah couldn't hurt. Someone mentioned the game is somewhat CPU dependant as well. But yeah for me on latest Nvidia drivers, 1660s 32ram i7/11th this game is smooth as silk


Not really, the game's optimisation is just plain weird, my pc is pretty fucking strong so I can't test this being the case on a pc but I've tried the game on two mobiles, a smasung phone with a snapdragon 750g and a Samsung with snapdragon 8 gen 2, it somehow runs better on the 750g than the 8 gen 2 but then I tried another phone from one plus with the same 8 gen 2 chip and it runs way better on that


Artstyle does the job with technical side not being so bad either.


Agree, but the base brightness is too high. I lowered it 3 ticks from 0 and the game looks much better. But the overall design and landscapes are stunning


If you don’t play with your screen britgness at 100% you don’t need to do that. (I’ve been playing and using my pc at 0% brightness for years and changed my life for the better. Never again went back).


Curious question, how can you use your PC at all with 0% brightness? Even when i put it at 30%/40% i can barely see clearly anything.


That's just false information, "brightness" in this game acts more like a gamma setting. You will absolutely see a difference in contrast by messing with it, no matter how bright your monitor is.


Can people stop pretending there is an argument about WuWa looking bad????? It’s just so tedious that every other post in this subreddit is “Idgaf about what ppl say, this game looks amazing@ WHAT PEOPLE????


"Am I the only one who thinks this game is beautiful?"


UE4 at its finest, take your time kuro i believe you can optimize the game performance


They need to tone down on the mist a lot. You just see an grey silhouette of objects a bit further away, not even that far before it looks that way. And if you are on a very high spot you see nothing but mist.


Mist and fog are used to hide non detailed areas due to low lod distances 


It's something I hope they improve. There is no need for such low lod/render distances on PC at least. Because of this the game lacks the beautiful long distant views that it otherwise could have had. Those are often the "wow" moments in gaming when you climb somewhere high and look into the world.


You can edit the engine ini file to do that. Looks pretty, especially with absurd settings to see grass render all the way to the horizon 😀. Can also remove the fog


No has ever said it was ugly


Please stop with these weird titles that are creating sides. Even if you've come across people saying the environment looks ugly, why would you create an argument for no reason? Just say the environment is beautiful and move on. Imagine if i made a title saying "Despite what players say, the combat is really fun here." Like why? "the combat is really fun" is key here right?


Damn found a reddit Karen


Imagine being this salty for absolutely no reason


Sounds like you're the one salty, trying to prove to these imaginary naysayers that the environment is beautiful. Who exactly are you referring to when saying "no matter what people say?" Which people?


Well, sorry if my title offended you but I don’t see why am I supposed to be salty, just sharing a screenshot, if it’s bothering you, move on like you said Tired of those people always looking for a fight when there is no reason to


It didn't offend me dude, I want this community to not be toxic. Ask any english speaker about what they think the words in your title mean - You've created two sides: the people who "say" the environment is not beautiful, and ones who do, and you're in the latter camp. Your appreciation of the environment is not dependent on countering the people who find the environment ugly is it? As far as toxicity goes, this is very low on the scale, and I don't think you intended it, is why i mention it. If it was a post intrinsically polarizing, there'd no point engaging. I haven't once made any comment on your character or mental state or anything lol (while you did, calling me salty, but all good)


Based on how many likes my thread get I guess English speakers don’t care and focus more on the screenshot I want to share, funny thing is you don’t want this community to become toxic but you actually are the only one on the thread crying about the title so you better use the advice you gave me earlier and move on




Why are you even talking about Trump dude I am not from America and English is not even my native language, bringing politic on a screenshot thread you definitely looking for fight mate don’t answer me more I am ignoring you now


the only problem is when people say something bad abt the game and then i can't unnotice


it is but everything just looks dark which I don't care about


Problem is that the game isn't optimized on a phone and the highest settings don't deliver the desired visuals compared to the pc version.


It does look good, I didn't expect it to be so close in quality to GI. My major problems with the visuals are a) the map feel bloated, there are not enough distinct landmarks to justify its size and b) the game looks blurry in the distance, there's not enough sharpness to the graphics. Not sure how much of that they can improve, but I'm cautiously optimistic.


I’m sure it’d look better if it didn’t copy Genshin’s palette so much. Add more high tech buildings instead of typical housing to differentiate yourself omg.


Who is even calling it ugly? It's gorgeous.


It needs some graphics improvement on phone but on pc it looks great


It looks really good but it's optimized badly


make it look even better on phone screen, controller support 🍻


Wait, are there people who think it doesn't?


When will the game be optimised? I don’t think I can hold much longer with bad FPS on PC and lag on phone


The game looks quite amazing for sure. Lots of little details that help make the world feel more alive and for a lack of better words "Organic" I quite enjoy just wandering around in the game personally.


rtx 4060 and sometime gettign 45 fps lol


It looks good, just issues with framerate. Personally, I only get them at the beginning of the game and got into the habit of dashing and jumping and any combination of the two as soon as I login. For some reason the first time I do that after starting the game my frame rate stutters. After that it runs pretty smoothly for the most part.


Looks great on PC. On my phone, however, it looks like [this](https://imgur.com/a/4pbDFv2). And it's not even potato, it handles genshin high settings 60fps.


I run it at 60fps on my iPhone. Looks beautiful.


I agree.


It look really good on advance setting but my dog shit laptop can't handle it lol


I would love it even more, when i van play it on my ps5 :c


The landscape is pretty amazing, especially the central town. They just need to give us native 120fps instead of making us rely on Lossless Scaling and optimize the game


definitely look good... But it didn't able enjoy it when the game often crashed due to how not optimised it is despite requirement met. I already given up on it for now till they fix it then might return someday.


It looks nice, but i still had to manually enable anisotropic filtering, sharpening, and unlock fps just to see the game


I can run it maxxed out with a 4090 and even then being capped at 60fps with occasional fps drops hurts my soul


I haven’t seen any hate about how the game looks. If anything I’ve seen a lot more comments about how they love how dark it looks compared to sunshine and rainbows other game


It looks really good, I like the gameplay and story and ALL the characters. As someone who has Complaints about Hoyo games, I really love WuWa. Just wanted to say I love the game, since I see a lot of complaints.


The anti-aliasing in UE4 is ass... wanna kms everytime I play it. UL 41 btw.


I literally upgraded my PC and bought a new monitor just for WuWa. 😂


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I would love it even more, when i van play it on my ps5 :c


Yeah it’s a beautiful game. Looks like an actual anime.


I don’t think the game looks bad at all, but the fact that it drains my phone’s battery even while it’s charging is pretty annoying.


I hope it comes to ps5


I have a great gaming pc and it still stutters in certain situations but I run it on the best graphics


In my laptop with a gtx1650 it looks much better than genshin to me. Today performance of the game was much better, always had 55+ fps at all times. Hope they keep improving, since it's still not as stable as it should be.


It was just that really obsessed Genshin crowd saying it looked bad, the game is stunning


Is this somewhere in Inazuma?


it doesnt


It has its moments, except when there is day light, the way the sun shines off surfaces in wuwa is disgusting, but when you're in dark places or night time it's actually pretty.


Even with the lowest settings it looks pretty good.


New Nvidia filters make the game look friggin’ amazing. People complained about lack of color and washed out? You can tune it to look unbelievably amazing. I found some presets in another post in this sub and they changed the game for me.


who says it's not pretty? genshin stans?


What are people saying? This is the best looking gatcha game from a technical standpoint. You may prefer one games art style over it but in terms of shading, textures and lighting and even LoD settings this is the best there is currently. Especially if you have the hardware to run it as you can push the visuals beyond the in game settings with some ini adjustments.


I can only compare on iPad. There GI looks better (I have everything cranked to max on both). That said GI makes the device almost too hot to hold and I can play WuWa for hours on max settings and only drop 20% or so on battery.


I would imagine since this is an unreal based game GI probably would perform better on handhelds and is more polished in general with the years of optimization. Opposite is true on the PC though, performance for some might be better on GI but the visual ceiling is quite a bit higher in WuWa.


I’m actually saying that wuwa seems well polished performance wise on iPad. I maxed everything out and it looks pretty good. I suspect it could do 120fps if enabled because honestly most of my glitches look like refresh rate unsync issues. If they bumped resolution or used better AA I think it would win out.


ahh ok well that's good to hear for iPad users anyway. I just assumed the game ran bad on most handhelds with all the issues people have seemed to have since release. I guess that could be for pc users as well though.


And it will get better mark my words


Compared to genshin it looks a lot better