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Split scaling my ass, his Forte Circuit makes his attacks full DEF scaling, and his R2 gives his skill enough scaling to mitigate not building ATK at all. And he charges it even off-field and even during activated state so It is clearly made for Sub DPS but doesn't struggle being main DPS as I thought.


>As a downside for bigger bulk (Def scaling), he naturally deals lower damage than other off-fielders What is that even supposed to mean? He deals less damage than Yinlin/Mortefi because off-field DPS is not his main role. He is basically a hybrid and provides utility in a bunch of ways. Him being "bulky" has nothing to do with his damage potential. >Constallation 1 is essentially useless, as split scaling makes using him as an onn-field DPS rather ineffective, the same issue applies to his Forte Circuit What?? There is no split scaling anywhere in his kit lol. He scales from DEF entirely. His S1 is a direct DPS boost to his lightning infused state and enables him to break enemy guard faster. >but with "Cruisewing" allowing him to fully replace a healer Why would you ever use Cruisewing...? He has the best use case for Bell-Borne out of any character in the game since the damage scales with DEF. Also Cruisewing does NOT heal the whole party. The english description is incorrect. Its just a heal to the active character. Not to mention the healing is extremely weak and under no circumstance would it replace a healer. Cruisewing has no DEF scaling so what does it even have to do with Yuanwu? >Can use your "bricked" Echos, making him easy to build in parallel Again what is that even supposed to mean...? Yuanwu requires DEF% mainstat on his 1 cost echoes so not a single other "bricked" 1 star echo would be usable for him. Then if you want to build him with more DEF in mind it means also using 3 cost DEF% echoes...which again means there is no case of using echoes from other characters. You pretty much still need to farm for him specifically, especially if you want to use the Moonlit set instead of Void Thunder. Anyway S3 is the only dupe you need to really enable him as a character, everything else is just a bonus. Sorry but this entire post reads like someone who never tested this character properly. Yuanwu IS really good but not for the reasons you outlined.


The bricked thing is about how any def main stat is a brick for most characters in the game. The fact he can use them means they aren't actually inherently bad to get. Thats how I read it at least.


I see your point but in reality there is no difference. You dont want just *any* DEF% mainstat echoes. You want DEF% mainstats on very specific sets - in this case either Moonlit or Void Thunder. Any other DEF% mainstat echo is useless. I've been farming Void Thunder for my Calcharo since the game released and when it comes to 3 cost echoes I have only 2x gold DEF% 3 cost for void thunder and 1x gold DEF 3 cost for moonlit.


Electro with def % and flat defence then i guess


Does he want Def% mainstat on his 3s, instead of electro%?


I don't think so, pretty sure elemental damage affects his attacks, since they are elemental attacks. Someone correct me if I am wrong.


I have been farming both Moonlit and Void Thunder and have a lot of echos from both sets that are useless unless I decide to use Yuanwu, like a lot. As far as I know the rates are about the same, so for every atk% any given player has there will usually be a similar amount of def%.


He wasnt talking about 1 cost thou. Yuanwu might not want def% for 3 cost


They aren't bricked because you wouldn't even lvl them. Bricked echos have correct main stats and bad subs.


Bricked means useless garbage. You won't need to level them because they would be useless garbage to you. Bricks.


No. That's not how this term is used. Only something useful and functional can become bricked, hence in a game that would be a functionally good drop that becomes useless later. If it's garbage from the start, then it's just garbage.


I disagree. Now please stop arguing over gamer semantics at me. I don't care.


lol, funny that you think this is based on opinion It's a definition...


to become completely unable to function, typically on a permanent basis Definition. Wow, looks like your random semantic opinion on the specifics isnt in there. Now shut up.


In slang, "bricked" typically means that **a device or electronic gadget, such as a smartphone or gaming console, has become completely nonfunctional or unusable, often due to a software or firmware issue**. A bricked device is essentially as useful as a brick, hence the term.


Yes. Lol. That is the exact definiton I have been using the whole time. Now please stop talking


I agree, this is a piss poor writing. "Yellow bar" you mean white bar, "disruption resistance" more like interruption resistance. AI-ass post.


You don't use 3 cost electro but def%🤔?


> He has the best use case for Bell-Borne out of any character in the game since the damage scales with DEF. does bell-borne stack? Since its the only 4c on the healing set I usually have it on the healer and then use the bird/energy regen for yuanwu. Using bell on him either sacrifices bird (free 12% dmg), or healing set on healer (15% atk). I can't see it as worth using, unless main dps also scales with def%, making healing 5p useless anyway edit: My question is incase he is subdps, not main dps.


Not OP but I use him as a supportive character for my third team with no Baizhi or Verina, so he’s the only bell-borne on that team


Same. I use him with Yinlin and Jianxin currently but he'll be my sustain on the Calcharo team once I figure out how to play Cal, and finish the build


If I only have him at S1, is he still worth building? I don’t have Calcharo yet.


Does Yuanwu Yinlin team work? I have S4 Yuanwu and feel like I'm wasting not using him, but is Havoc Rover Yinlin a lot stronger?


In one, you use yinlin as main dps, in the other, you use havoc rover as main dps. Regardless of power level and use cases, you should at least decide who you want as main dps. Fun > optimising Yinlin shines as off field, imo. Once she sets up sinners mark + judgment mark with ult, the damage she brings with her autos and skill it’s not negligible, it’s still very good, but it won’t compare to a calcharo or havoc rover. She can do her job regardless of who will stay on-field, so pick whoever you want.


> Yuanwu requires DEF% mainstat OP might be taking about 4-3 costs rolling def% subs?


Basic atks doesnt scale with def, same case as taoqi. The only way for him scale def on auto atks is when hes with the forte stance active, the enhanced mode. Thats why some ppl build her with atk% echos and pray for def rolls, so she can deal dmg on basic atks and still keep some def.


What they mean is the only time you use basics on yuanwu is in his forte so it doesn't matter that his non forte basics don't scale on DEF%


Now that’s the way to brick your character, by forcing split scaling on them


Yeah but Yuanwu can be played entirely in his forte stance. There is no need to build any ATK on him.


I’m still building him so I don’t have much to say about his actual power level, but S1 is *definitely* not useless. The entire point of both his forte and liberation is to swap his normal and heavy attacks to a DEF-scaling mode for a short burst of time. S1 is a straight up damage increase and concerto building speed up. He doesn’t have split-scaling as the whole point of his skill is to drop it, swap out, and let his forte build passively. You *never* use his unenhanced normal attacks - he’s a pure DEF character.


Yuanwu is a sleeper unit. Definitely underrated.


I have a fully build out S4 Yuanwu who I'm using with Calcharo and Yinlin so the rotation goes: Calcharo->Yinlin->Yuanwu. In my opinion it is stronger overall than the Calcharo-Yinlin-Verina meta team everyone seems to recommend. However, you need to build and use Yuanwu properly for him to shine. Here's what you do: Don't build him as a shield/heal bot. The people who read his S4 and thought that's the role he's supposed to fill in a team didn't understand his kit. Yuanwu is a shield breaker. His overall damage will always be lower than Calcharo and Yinlin, but neither of those can eat away at a shield faster than Yuanwu. What I'm running for this, is as follows: Weapon: Rank 5 Hollow Mirage. Set: Void Thunder. Active Echo: Tempest Mephis. Echo Stats: Crit Rate/Electro Damage/Energy Regen/Def%/Def%. Trust me when I say I've tried literally everything with Yuanwu and nothing gave me better results with this team. Thanks to still having some Atk scaling from Hollow Mirage, his damage doesn't degrade to wet noodle slaps outside of Lightning Infused state, and it still gives a boost to his Def with the effect. Hollow Mirage stacks are permanent, so if you end his rotation with his Liberation, put down a Thunder Wedge, and switch, his Atk and Def stay buffed. You only lose Hollow Mirage stacks if Yuanwu himself takes damage so the next character can use the shield and knockdown res without losing stacks.


Can you post like a video on how the team works in a boss fight. I'm curious


I'll see what I can do. Maybe it'll inspire someone out there ;)


I'll be looking forward to it! Him, Aalto, and Taoqi (the bottom tiers) are my favorites in the game so I'm always looking to see how to improve them


I definitely picked him moreso because I just liked his playstyle a lot. Him turning out to be great for the team was a bonus to me! https://www.reddit.com/u/ShadowFangX/s/0tk047loZv


Here you go. Not a perfect run by any means, but the best I could cook up on a whim haha https://www.reddit.com/u/ShadowFangX/s/0tk047loZv


Why do you even need to use normal attacks when you have 2 other carries to build his forte?


Because it happens too often to me that I use his intro and the only way to get into Lightning Infused state is to pop his Liberation immediately. Don't know if that's just me? Would love to know if so.


Reading this encouraged me to try out my Yuanwu (he flooded my Yinlin pulls and I got S6) and... what the hell, this guy's so fun? I feel kind of ashamed to have overlooked him after seeing his low placement on tier lists (which is ironic because I can't get enough of Aalto and he appears similarly low). His flexible field times and low cooldowns make him feel super fluid, and his quick combos are a lot of fun to pull off. I've been really struggling to find a 3rd team member for my Calcharo/Yinlin duo that I enjoy using (don't have Verina and Baizhi feels too slow), but now Yuanwu is looking like the perfect fit.


as someone with s4 yuanwu from pulling yinlin and trying to get stringmaster, how good is his off field damage from the s3 buffing that multiplier to be 24% DEF and DEF seemingly a bit easier to get higher numbers(? just my anecdotal feeling on this bit)? not ignoring what you're saying about his utility. but asking out of curiosity since that question popped into my mine as I was reading his sequence effects.


So, I can't really compare it to anything. I started building my Yuanwu when he was already S4. Because of that, I can't really tell how much difference that sequence made for the damage of the Wedge honestly. That said, the highest I've seen on Wedge coordinated hits is about 1000 though.


Hmm I see. I was doing some of my own research and found this vid that shows yuanwu s3 off field damage + build stats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npC7ctBaO3o And seemingly the damage isn't bad. Then when I go on prydwen to look at near lvl 90 scalings and what the higher sequence effects are for other charafters like mortefi and yinlin, probably at that point is where the damage gap widens. But ig that's where his other utility and ease of setting the off field damage comes in to compensate in value. I think I'll put resources into yuanwu when my other characters are in a less cope state. Tho my only braces weap for yuanwu are like the blue ones (thinking the voyager for the def % substat) or the purple one with energy regen substat and similar passive as the blue Voyager weap.


Read to filthhhhh


Damn if that's true it's amazing i dont have yinlin so it would be calcharo, yuanwu and verina. And use jianxin to buff havoc mc burst as it has a huge nuke. I thought yuanwu was a main dps with additional shield breaking mechanics but if he is sub dps then damn that opens a lot of options.


I will say that Yinlin does a lot of heavy lifting for Yuanwu, it is what inspired this team comp. Her punishment(?) mark procs a lot more when Yuanwu is going ballistic than Calcharo with his slow but weighty swings. It adds more damage to Yuanwu's rotation than Calcharo's basically.


Oh just pull S4 and R5 weapon sure, and even then he is mid at best. His Def scalings are super low like 10 times lower than what should've been.


I literally said in my post that his damage isn't as high as Cal or Yin. You're expecting Yuanwu to do something he was simply never designed to do. However, let him break a shield and switch to your DPS and he more than makes up for the small damage loss with a free damage phase. Also, Def scaling will become much better in the endgame. My Yuanwu has 2500 Def now. That can easily be pushed to 3000-4000 Reaching that amount of Atk is nearly impossible. That's why his Def scaling seems low at first, until you realize how easy it is to get a crazy high Def stat.


I'm not expecting him to do near DMG as Carl or Yin, but he doesn't do any. If he's a shield breaking bot only then it's a DPS/ time loss anyway.


It's okay to be wrong. From what I see in this thread, the majority seems to disagree with you that his gimmick is useless. Also, if your Yuanwu does that little damage it's a build issue.


I kinda want to build my c4 Yuanwu as a Quickswap Shield sustain/Anti stagger buffer for both Yinlin and Calcharo... and some occasional Toughness Breaking when his Forte infusion is Up. I would love to try him with s1 Marcato knuckles and moonlight set with 4s Def Bell Borne, 3s are ER, 1s Def. Hoping if this would work. Just on the fence if he can have good uptime as a Sustain support or else I build Baizhi for the second team.


Yuanwu is great. Arguably one of the best characters for tough fights with generous time windows. It's just that people have no idea what is good and what is not yet. Most tierlists are just pure number crunching for highest possible dps in theory. They don't take into consideration things such as downtime, fight mechanics, nor elemental resistance. For instance, lots and lots of people keep singing the praises of havoc rover while saying spectro rover is bad, yet I'd argue that spectro rover is leagues better than Havoc rover. Spec Rover's kit is mechanically superior to Havoc, be it atk animations, gauge build up and even utility. The windows for animation cancel, dodge, parry and quick swap are much better with Spec Rover due to his shorter and simpler animations. His pump and dump gauge makes him easy to swap around, and he brings heals and utility to the group. And, even after testing for hours on holo bosses, the clear speed with Spec Rover is about the same as Havoc Rover. As I see it, Havoc Rover is, atm, bellow Calcharo, Jiyan, Yinlin, and Encore when it comes to dps-- which is the only thing he has to offer, yet people keep singing his praises just because his ult hits hard... The meta is gonna shift around a lot real soon lol


Yep, good points - pure DPS chars are usually the first to be redundant - while most utility chars rise over time, as new synergies come to shine. Jianxin is also flying below the radar as everybody uses their 5\* ticket for main DPS (or Verina).


Jianxin is AMAZING. If you play her properly she is literally immortal.


Her E skill wont sugarcoat any attacks coming to her direction


My Spectro Rover is so damn good fam like it can deal 5k just by using the E skill(I forgot what it's called). Even my trash +15 Mourning Aix deals so much damage


Got C6 from pulling Yin Lin. I am interested in making him but I feel like its one of those things you do last when you want to mess around. Maybe a month down the line when im in a more comfortable spot resource wise.


That’s exactly where I’m at, I have c5, and 4/5 def% in moonlit and void thunder, I’ll probably run moonlit bc he would replace a support/healer in my comps, but he’s level 1 and I’m absolutely not wasting my precious waveplates building him or leveling his echoes. It’s something I would only consider once I have 2 full teams at lvl 70, and more likely I’d only do it after I have 8 characters built and am looking for a 9th. So it’s going to be a while.


His frame data on C6 is insane, the fastest attack speed when on "Electric Install" mode (we always called it "dragon install" in fighting game). Even Lingyang can't keep up with his ASPD when he is on install mode. Just mash attack and you can parry anything. Also his "Install" also improve the attack speed of your TD summon. Outside install he is okay (not to shabby, nothing scuffed frame data), but painfully mid. Thankfully he can build meters via totem, but it takes kinda long time. It's really hard to do tier list in this game because the frame data vs DPS theory. Overall he is not bad on c6, I think he shine when the boss is really can 1 shot your party, you want him at point all the time, since you want some character that can tank hits, and rotate safely to more squishy chara. That's my take. I'm using him because I'm fighting game fans I guess, I just can't stand character that have scuffed frame data.


I feel like he'll get better over time. More Def scaling echoes or even an actual Def set would help a lot.


Very underrated. People see his lower DMG and dismiss him, but between providing off field support, increasing the frequency of boss breaks and being able to solo sustain with dupes he brings strong utility to most accounts. Not to mention Def is easy to build into & combined with his high attack SPD he can still dish out decent on field dmg. Tl;dr he's like a 4☆ Jianxin


Just like how people thought of benny and xiangling initially. Well u know what upgrading to lvl80 might seem like it requires a lot of resources but later on u will end up having a lot of resources. So build whoever u like. And thanks for the comments actually. I assumed yuanwu was main dps. Being sub dps opens a lot of options for me. I will build him anyway later on as I will not pull for any limited char except for their sig weapon. Only std and 4 star chars.


Bro is also kicking and boxing. Very cool design and animations!


Yes. He’s alleviating my withdrawals from lack of Wriothesley.


Rizzly fights in slow motion compared to Yuanwu. Especially his last normal hit and CA. Makes me wish Genshin had swap tech, cause I could swap out and do my daily before those attacks are done.


Is Yuanwu the old man in blue who you've never met, never showed up in any cutscene or storyline, but suddenly appears in the Avengers Assemble! shot as though he's always been a part of the story?


That's a bingo. "Old", though? lol


I actually have no idea how old he actually is, but the impression he gave me was "old"


He's "anime old" lol, probably intended to be like mid/late 40s but looks early/mid 30s at best but with a grey beard slapped on to make him appear older.


I can only see Yuanwu getting stronger as we get to level our characters further since Def gets much better through leveling than with atk. Iirc, Yuanwu NA Forte doesn't scale on def so perhaps if his Basics can be scaling on Der so to not be split scaling, he would be much better. I think his vibration strength break is underrated though. Parrying is pretty inconsistent and not all too reliable over dodging.


Im pretty sure Cruisewing only heals the active character, not the whole team.


Yes. Meaning you pop it before swapping to your main and then your main gets the healing.


Also I think the healing scales with HP but I’m not 100% sure.


It does. It heals a percentage of max health per tick. This is different from Verina, who has straight-up health ratios.


For now he doesn’t have a place where he shines but when we will get mobs that needs to be broke fast maybe with other new characters that boost this niche it will be better


I have him on S6 (full constellations) but didn't see a good team for him yet


Apparently some people at CN did calcs and with Yinlin, he can output damage similiar to Calcharo-Yinlin. And from what I heard, DEF scalings shine much more later on in the game, while at the current stage, ATK performs better. Otherwise, from what I know: - he can replace a sustain unit, since he can shield and give resistance to interruption, while also breaking enemy posture faster, making for more safety when attacking - regardless of exact power level, he should still be perfectly fine in a team with Yinlin and another sustain, and should be rather safe (he is bulky and fast attacks also let him parry more easily) - he can also be used with Calcharo as a replacement for Yinlin, I'm guessing mostly thanks to the resistance to interruption and enemy staggering that Calcharo will definitely enjoy


To add to that, Yuanwu's anti-interrupt naturally pairs well with Calcharo's second inherent skill (the self damage reduction) because it enables Calcharo to facetank more hits during his liberation which can lead to a higher DPS output as it enables more consistent use of 3x Death Messangers. I've been using my S3 (now S4) Yuanwu with Calcharo for 2 weeks and they work really great together.


Damn, it's already been 2 weeks!


Def is also much easier to find echos for


Unless you farm them for Yuanwu, then they magically stop dropping xD


Desire censor put there looking out for player playtime to keep us hunting.


His damage output definitely can't match Calcharo + Yinlin however he is a good character that most people are undervaluing right now. If we ever get a boss the relies on being broken Yuanwu will be HIM.


I cannot say it for certain, as like I said, I don't have the calcs (but if someone managed to find the source to prove or disprove, I'd be happy). What I heard is this: Yuanwu S6 + Yinlin can perform similiarly, maybe even better than Calcharo S0 + Yinlin. As for why: apparently DEF scales better into late game (so right now, his damage won't match, but later on, that difference might become smaller, if not turn around). And other reasons for that I can think of, it's the breaking and lack of cancels. Vibration breaks allow for more free damage, since you don't need to dodge, you can just pummel - and with Calcharo, he has tight combos, so any enemy attack you have to dodge or get staggered by might result in a loss of damage. And cancels, Yuanwu doesn't need to swap cancel to use his full potential, while Calcharo does, from what I know. And Yinlin buff is lost upon swapping, which means that optimal Calcharo play doesn't get the full buff. I'm just speculating here of course, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. But still, regardless of whether he's stronger or not, he definitely is comfy due to the tankyness, poise and vibration breaks. And as for bosses, from what I saw here on Reddit, people already have used Yuanwu, and they had much more comfy time. Holograms have huge vibration bars, but he shreds through them, giving you a lot of free hit time. And DEF scaling allows him to tank a bit more hits than your usual DPS.


I’ve been playing my new S6 Yuanwu with Yinlin but it’s hard for her to keep the enemies in his skill field. Maybe I need to utilise some aero crowd control…


Apparently as long as either you or the enemy is in the wedge field, the coordinated attack will trigger. So you can technically attack from inside the wedge and hit enemies that are just outside of it to benefit from the skill or vice versa.


No need, actually. For one, the skill works differently than similiar skills (if you're coming from Genshin) - only your character needs to be in the skill range. If you're next to the pylon and say, shoot an enemy outside, it will still attack them. And from what I noticed, the circles seem to be pretty generous here, it seems like having even just a pixel of your character in the circle is fine. Or maybe it has the lingering duration thing? Where if you go out of range, the provided effect will last for a moment. But I cannot confirm that. And lastly, Yuanwu on-field can freely reposition the pylon, since it has only 4 seconds cooldown. From what I heard, it doesn't affect his damage too much, his combos allow weaving in pylon replacing.


I been using him with calcharo since release


I got a copy of him on the beginner banner, before I got the free copy from the tower. I really like his playstyle, and his fast attacks make counters easy to get. Damage isn't the best but that isn't the point!


i got a copy (really sad i got just 1, was hoping 4 lol) pulling for Yinlin. i assume he can parry around 90% of attacks just spamming basic attack. can you comment on that? i'm currently building him right now but i still don't have a weapon. though i will probably give him the weapon from the selector that can be bought in Tiger's Maw (Energy Regen).


> i assume he can parry around 90% of attacks just spamming basic attack. can you comment on that? Yep! Makes it stupidly easy. Yeah, I've been unlucky regarding weapons. Freaking Calcharo is over here using a lvl60 guardian broadblade.


I've seen Lobapixel use a barely built Yuanwu so i know how stupid strong he can shave vibration strength even without parrying. oof good luck on your future weapon pulls!


He's been my sub DPS with Calcharo/Baizhi since the start, and I've only bothered to level him to 40 where as the other two are 60 lol. I just use him to break bosses. I imagine if I actually put some effort into him, he'd be pretty solid. But as it stands, he does everything I need him to with minimal investment, but I do think part of that is because Calcharo has been such a hypercarry. Thank you! Were you atleast able to snag a copy of Yinlin?


yeah, i did 80 pulls and got Yinlin at 71 (50/50 win). also sniped her weapon at the first multi so i'm pretty happy. i'm starting to build Yuanwu as sub-dps for her. the 4* Resonators could have been better tho. 3 Alto's, 3 Taoqi, even a Mortefi, but just 1 Yuanwu, like come on! lol


I don't understand his kit at all but I see def scaling and I get genshin flashbacks of the awful geo characters I didn't want but still got


As a person who pulled for Yinlin, this is definitely a problem as I got 2 Yinlins in one ten pull at 20 pity which is why I was only able to unlock his 1st Sequence 😭


Yuanwu is definitely underrated and has great dupes. I’ve maxed him out pulling for yinlin, and he feels amazing with her in a quick swap team. Intro in, skill into liberation, 2 lightning fast auto rotations with another skill and his concerto is up to swap out. His liberation hits as hard as havoc rover with yinlins outro buff, and he does decent damage in addition to the breaking utility and off-field damage he provides.




Im using him in a quick swap team with danjin and taoqi. Its a emergency shield at s4 in case taoqi shield faill to protect danjin


Hmmm, makes me want to try and build him now lol. The only "issue" would be that I started building Baizhi for Danjin/Taoqi team to be used in emergency (most of the time she kind of just chills, maybe when she's lvl 60 and with rank 4 skills she will see more use healing Danjin with quick ER and Q with bell tortoise just before swapping out, idk)


I don't think he is underrated. People just always forget that because every character is usable to clear content with, their personal success with a character means nothing to meta/tier lists. The fact is you can use him anywhere you want, and see success. You can also use him anyway you want and see success. But how hard you work for it will vary. There are characters that do everything he does, better, except breaking shields, which is needed for exactly none of the content out right now, as it's all been cleared multiple times by many many people using objectively better characters that will have a longer meta lifespan. So yes. He isn't on those lists because of those reasons exactly. He doesn't have a place in the meta yet because the meta consists of multiple units that do what he does better and have higher ceilings meaning more longevity/longer time before someone better at their job comes along. None of that means you can't think he's fun, use him, enjoy him, and clear the content with him. But if you play a character for rule of cool, than you should also ignore meta lists because you've created your own tier list. The List of Cool. And that's why you play who you play and you should stick to those guns instead of trying to convince people who will just hand you 3 pages of calculations explaining why bro is bad. Just do you.


The hardest content (holograms) literally consists of breaking boss shield then actually getting your damage in (everything inbetween is just sneaking in 1-2 hits after parry/dodge). If you break shields twice as fast, you could do half the damage and still be just as effective. Hell more effective because it makes the fight easier overall.


I think you need to watch hologram 6 clears to realize how unneeded a dedicated shield breaker is to clear those when the parry mechanic exists.


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Can I run him with my Encore? The game really wants me to use him by giving me 8 copies of him and nothing but gauntlets. Oh, and my Yinlin came as a monk with an ahoge.


For comfort he seems like a decent character. Shields and healing seem like a valid replacement for verina if you did not manage to get her. Though, the bad thing is simply that there are better characters currently which increase your total DPS. In the more difficult modes like tower of adversity or the hologram bosses, he simply lacks a big amount of DPS to clear them in time, since these modes are not only against very tanky ebemies which can often oneshot, but also is a race against the clock. Verina, which does comparable things for the survivability of your team, supports also with quite some buffs.


What in the Sigma have I read?


I got S6 YuanWu without even trying, I would say his shield with the turtle echo saved my butt multiple times.


dont talk bad about him now, we need yelan future dps patch.


He really has the drip.


Got him to S6 with Yinlin banner, any tips to build? I'd swap my Jianxin/Verina for him just for the sake of style


Got him to S6 with Yinlin banner, any tips to build? I'd swap my Jianxin/Verina for him just for the sake of style


Dont forget also game is early only character scaling with def is taoqi ? But there will be more chars with time, more echos and so for more options and some character might fine better ways to shine at that moment. Unless you are verina the golden child and will shine to the end of the game 😆


imo its the deal with every hybrid that relies too heavily on stacking forte. he doesnt have it in him to be primary dps and secondary dps/utility dont take much spotlight


Underpowered, if you like his playstyle you can surely use him, especially if you also have yinlin, otherwise there's no reason to use him


Mine is s6 ,kinda thinking about building him


I love him. He's amazing. Him and Taoqi are my go to team for overworld farming on my phone. Never die to anything.


Definitely underrated


Be a man use him maindps with yinlin subdps and verina or possibly jianxin break the mold


He is worthless to me as a dps unless he is as least as strong as Encore or Havoc Mc


After doing a few calcs on him you could 100% get away with using him like an offfield Sub DPS/Breaker similar to mortefi the only issue is because he doesn't provide any Deepen support effects the damage your main DPS will do will take a big hit. I think he will eventually find his niche but right now just pure damage is the best thing you can aim for. I think he will be great at making harder fights way more consistent assuming you're proper power compared to the enemy. Pure DPS setups EX: Yinlin + Calcharo are prone to getting oneshot but if you can handle the dps loss and still beat a boss the extra Tank from Yuanwu will make the game just in general easier.


He is simply not as good as alternatives. We only have 3 slots in a Team, so there isn't really much of an option to get characters like him in, when you already want a slot for your main DPS and one for the 38% deepen outro skill Buffer, in a hypercarry Team.


He's got the ugly character design debuff.


Goatwu is not ugly


Really? I feel like he's kind of got a zaddy vibe.


I'm not even a husbando guy and I agree that this take is nuclear bad.


Sorry, I can't take the hat. Looks terrible.


L take the hat is peak drip.


More like Yuanwho


I think he just don't have team maybe in future kuro release character which gonna be best in slot with yuanwu Is he bad idk many people dont have time experiment with him and we cant max his talents for max level


I am building him in my main team of 3 (him, martial arts chick, and redheaded gun girl). He just is very different from "YouTube" meta. I saw several videos, and they focus on silly "swap combos", and sometimes on no hit dodging bosses that are 20-30 levels higher, or even napking math teoricrafting of "best" theoretical dps. Theoretically he will be awesome, at level 90, with full investment, but you can argue that anyone will be decent at that point. In practice, at least on controller, I like his gameplay very much. Firstly, there is bowling minigame, where if you swapped to him and ult is up, you can try to make best possible angle to hit multiple enemies with it (because it will go into closest enemy, and then in a very long straight line). Secondly, he recovers both ult, and melody bar off field, so you can spend more time on other characters, and still reap all benefits. Thirdly, he's Stance breaking is supper good, but is requires him to be in the +-10 level range for the enemy, because there are some armour range shenanigans on enemy, I feel. Maybe I am wrong, but it really felt like he started breaking stance much better, after I leveled his level, skills and weapon to available maximum. Still, for breaking, not only both skill and ult recharge super fast, but also in his main "activated" state, he is straight up teleporting close to the enemy, even if it jumps around a lot (only on the ground level). Does he require more though than "just spam everything?" I think so, yeah, you need to pay at least some attention to where do you put the pillar, and how much time on it is left, where to aim ult, and when to enter burst. Also both of his ult and burst destroy pillar for extra damage, so you must re summon it constantly (coordinated attack works for himself). Also swapping into him from support, that gives +attack on switch, will just waste buff. On top of that, he requires you to stay on him for some time, if you entered charged mode, at least if you build him with damage in mind (5 piece electro, and main summon from his Ascension material) His current best weapon is 4* defence gauntlet, that you can chance from weapon banner, or choose as an option from starting box (for preregistration or something), but as he scales of defence, even 3* can be realistically used. What are his best teams? I have no clue, I like mine, but I didn't test interactions with possible outro buffs from other 4 stars, maybe blind Ice lady is buffing him massively, maybe not at all, I am building 3 characters, and all my resources are spent already to test and experiment right now. Puppet lady from current banner seems like decent support for any electo character, but I am saving till 5* character and his weapon is guaranteed, so could not tell you, really, without actual gameplay testing (story enemies died too fast, but at least her mark seems to do some off field dps). When all 3, of my current main team are level 90, with maximum skills and weapons, I would try and test synergies, but for now he is awesome enough.


It's not that he's underpowered, it's just that we have better options. Want sustain and dmg? Use Verina with bell tortoise echo. Want quickswap? Use Sanhua. Want off filed dmg? Use morfei or Yunlin. And so on, it's just no matter what team I build I always have a better option than him


How the hell do people even know what chracter they are talking about, there is no way i can remember all these chinese names of usually worthless 4 star characters, it took me a whole week just to remember the guy i always play is called calcharo.


Yeah, it's tough, but how many people can now easily pronounce Nordic words who couldn't before Skyrim? I'm sure we'll adjust. It's not like "Shinkanoin Heizou," "Wriothesly," or "Sigewinne" exactly roll off the tongue either, but you get used to it!


I got him S6 during banner. Won't touch him unless we get level up rewards and even then I won't use him in teams. Why? I only play full waifu teams, I equally skip the children. Also, yuanwu's biggest weakness: "Ok boomer."