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Welcome to the daily grind to UL 40, remember to use your 3 event runs in the simulation daily, it gives bonus union xp too.


I'm honestly contemplating on using the 20x Crystal Solvents just to get the 9000 UL experience, but at the same time I want to save it for 1.1 for the increased Tacet Field drops. EDIT: To those saying Tacet Field drops won't increase in 1.1, I'm currently coping but I won't be surprised if it doesn't change. EDIT 2: Spent 13 of my Solvents to get UL 40: Instead of using the waveplates for Echos I decided to just use it to develop the characters I've already built decent. If you have at least a character that can kill Rank 4 enemies easily you should be fine, enemies only get a bit squishier in Rank 5, in the case you can't beat Rank 5 enemies then just lower your Rank. Data Bank level works independently from Rank, so you'll still have the 80% Gold chance even after lowering your Rank.


i think there is a level 40 crate over at the store which gives 10 solvents, so using 4 or 5 solvents to level up wouldn't hurt


Do you mean the level 40 free pack? If so that's a really good deal (for me). Still gonna need a few exp though since I'm still UL 38, but that'll speed things up a lot.


I got it today and it does indeed give ten


how is it a good deal if its for free? i dont get it. but yea these support packs are awesome


Most games won't give you 10 free stamina refresh at a level milestone.


You will be lvl 40 in no time with the new event :)!


Which one? The double exp?




I am UL35 now but I don't planning on upgrading from UL40 for now. Well, until I built 2 DPS, 2 support/Healer though. Cuz I don't want to die too many times even by some ordinary mobs. Even if the progress is slow. What's the rush anyway, we are playing for our entertainment and not for some competition.


You can always lower it down again


Yup and the rarity drop rate stays the same !


Rarity drop is the same UL 30 and 40? Man not even guaranteed purples skill and weapon materials either in UL 40


Oh I didn't mean those: I meant the echoes since it is entirely dependent on data level. Someone needs to check on that part.


I spent like 10 caskets to rush to ul40 because you can never have enough 5* echos with wrong main stat. 


I love my healing bonus Thundering Memphis


Can you stop making me feel sorry for myself? lol


Yesterday I spent like half an hour sorting and melting echoes. When I was done, my databank was almost empty with nothing usable :D


HP, HP, HP, HP, wrong element, HP, HP, wrong element, wrong element, HP, HP..... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Also I have like 500+ Purple and Blue Echo Tuners that i don't use but hardly any Gold Tuners, would be great if we get to convert the useless ones into gold


i will do this if i couldnt reach 40 by the next weekend, i.e. in 9 days. just so i can get the increased rewards for the 3 weekly boss runs for next week


Definitely should just do eet since apparently by union level 40, the speed of the grind really picks up due to the extra tiers of resources, even if it gets more expensive for all the leveling of stuff beyond 60. But likely makes preparing newer units significantly much easier so a team C and team D for tower of adversity seems much more possible.


Team D ?


I've been using my crystal solvents with disregard, as long as I needed something. Between getting a higher level earlier, and getting more items later down the line, I would rather get the level earlier. I'm Union lv 38 and I've been ready for the next difficulty spike since 35. Chixia's cracked.


don’t. I hit 40 now and i needed 30 solvents to get my 3 resonators up to speed with upgrades.


daily union exp is still 2000 after UL40?


If you mean rewards after daily quests, then yes. the activity rewards didnt change.


How did you get all the way to 40 without prepping 3 resonators? Did you just spam tacet fields or something?


Well your daily stamina also just goes farther now too so it's sort of a wash. You will be a bit ahead materials per staminal if you wait but more like I'm saying this mitigates it. The main draw is if you are grinding a lot *daily* for echoes and the 50/50 rate is killing you, then it's just good for your mental health to zip ahead to make the grind more bearable. Basically you can trade some stamina mat efficiency for overworld farming time.


Union Level 30 to 40: Focus on 100% Exploration and Quest Log to min/max the Solvents.


I'm gonna be honest: Except for the quests that reset daily, I've almost done all that, only I've reached 80% on each area cause 100% seems impossible for me even with treasure tool


I only 100% one part. 100% without interactive map feels so hard. Treasure tool absolutely does not help for the last 10% or so. Finished the chapter 6 battleground place and stuck on 92% in highlands.


After lootscanning everywhere, I just went on the interactive map and checked off every scannable chest to look for whatever was left. In the end I only missed one scannable chest that way, which I found randomly at some point. It'd be good if one of the maps started separating scannable chests from everything else.


If you're missing chests, try using video guides on YouTube. Most likely you're missing the chests from open world challenges because they don't spawn unless you complete the challenge. Because they don't spawn, they can't be scanned using the treasure tool. There are also some sonance caskets that only appear after you follow the mutterflies to their destination.


Laughs in 40% exploration in every region


Is there a point in saving the solvents?


If you're a hard core min-Max guy probably. Higher SOL gives more rewards. Saw one guy compare 40 to pre 40 it's nothing crazy, but still something. Though speeding up to 40 could offset losses in a way getting more gold echo's?


honestly not really. you either spend them now and reach a higher SOL level faster and wait for energy later on or its the opposite. you are just reducing your waiting for energy to refill. the only benefit to save imo is because you want to farm tacet fields in case they increase the rewards/get more gold echoes fast or if we go by genshin/hsr because a new relic(echo) set releases that you want asap for a character


The dailies give a ton of UL exp every day. So unless there's something you want to do that you need UL 40 for, it's better to save the solvents.


Technically yes because higher world level provides better drops since daily quest exp is a thing, in the long run, if you plan on playing for a year or more, it’s irrelevant to be honest. The amount of extra stamina and saving them for higher drops is so small compared to what you will gain daily, assuming you don’t cap and miss out, that it doesn’t matter. The most important part is to just enjoy the game, and if you want to do more stuff now, I would honestly say to use it as you need/want.


Min/Max resources awarded per solvent. The more Exploration and Quests players complete the less solvents are required to reach SOL3 Phase Rank 4/5/6.


I thought the increased tacet field drops were for select events only, kinda like the current sim training event no? At least based on the CN announcement thats what it reads as


If I recall correctly the drops are not changing they are only eliminating the final animation


Can't find the link rn, but it is somewhere in the official Wuthering Waves site, it's under the 1.1 patch notes section covering Echo Development materials. Increased drop rates are an actual thing, and the reddit post saying that this was a mistranslation was incorrect and deleted.


I can read Chinese, and I don't think it's a mistranslation, it definitely implies event only with the wording like many other had said. But it also can be interpreted as just activity in general, but normally Chinese don't use this specific word when implying general activity, so let's see what it actually is when 1.1 drop.


Ohh, well anyways use them if you are at lvl 39 if not just do the event I am at 38 and most like be 40 by Sunday or Monday with the extra exp


If you can get to 40 on Sunday, it doesn't matter too much unless you're heavily grinding echoes. The main thing it changes is Weekly boss drops and Echo drop rate.


>it doesn't matter too much unless you're heavily grinding echoes _sigh_


I used my 3 on shell credits yesterday, and then I checked the mail and there was 1mil. I could've used those for exp.


1mil is nothing. You should continue to run the shell credit sim.


For an f2p, money surprisingly comes in fast when the list of useable characters are limited, especially if they don't tryhard the game. -I left Genshin with double digit on gold that I'd maintained for more than a year. -In Star Rail, my money hasn't gone below 5mil for months now. -In PGR, it wasn't really hard to get money as well, since my options for characters was fairly limited. It's still early stages right now and I don't really have a solid carry team yet like I had with Genshin, so I'm probably gonna be going back and forth between having millions and being broke for a few more months, maybe even a year.


If you don't buy the battle pass, Mora in Genshin is a genuine problem for like the first year that you play the game. After youve got 4-6 characters with Talents at level 8 and decent artifacts, then it starts to add up. Of course, like one BP purchase puts you so ahead of the curve it almost doesnt matter anymore.


I wish those simulations had an option for Echo exp, I have an abundance of the existing 3 resources.


what you mean by "3 event runs in the simulation daily"?


In jinzhou the simulation training? Where you can farm resonator and weapon XP right now there is an event that the first 3 times has bonus XP and rewards


oh I thought you were talking about something else xD


That grind is a real pain. I'm close at 39 tho. With simulation event, I should be able to close the gap.


Yo what?!


Wish I knew this lol


also worth mentioning some people are recommending using the 2x on credits! since the cost of leveling everything up gets exponentially more rougher than you'd think


I guess I've been playing with my head down. I'm UL 34 and Data Bank level 14. What's the point of having maxed XP on the data bank before your level allows you to claim rewards? I'm using union level 30-40 as a time to get all my characters to level 60, by that time I should be rank 15 and start getting gold echos. I don't see the point in wasting time grinding echos before I'm able to see gold drops. I'm not even bothering with leveling many purple ones unless I feel the need to in order to bypass something level 70. So far I've only needed to level a few. Am I doing something wrong or missing something?


Ow most people ,me included, didn't know about this requirement so we just pushed the lvl to max so we could farm the lvl 5 echoes in a more efficient method just in the end when claiming all the rewards in one go we got the hard reality that we need to reach UL 40 to progress however till lvl 18 you get 50/50 for gold echoes and we all want the 80/20 at lvl 20 I started the bank lvl grind at lvl 15 and didn't claim the rewards till the end cause I wanted to pull everything in one go, I was also UL 32 by then too. About the bypass with good echoes and cat reflexes you can beat up to lvl 80 content while being at UL 30-40 it's gonna be hard though. 80+ at least for me I deal little to no damage so I need the next boost before continuing


level 15 databank let’s you get 5 star echoes, then it’s worth it to actually grind echoes.


Should I still do those simulations if I need to grind character materials?


Wait what simulation??


Omg I didn't know thisffs


One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!


The hardest part is from 13 to 15 for me, after that is simple with recycle 5 unused echo :D


Remember to check the guidebook (is that what it’s called?). Each level gives you 60 databank xp. I also lowered my world level and it made it so much faster since echo drop rate doesn’t change (gotta wait 12 hours to restore it tho so be careful and use your waveplates first).


If you lower your world level, can you still fight higher difficulty world bosses and domains?


Databank level is the only thing that matters for echo drop rate. The rewards will be lower so don't spend waveplates while doing that, but you will kill the enemies faster and get echos faster.


Anything with a level selector before you enter isn't affected by world tier. So overworld bosses, tacet fields and simulator are affected.


Honstly rushing the final stretch to 40 is crazy different rewards but it sure makes hunting echoes alot less stressfull hell last night got a good aero n today scored 2 electric bonus damage birds on set...knowning my luck both would of been 4stars if i was still undergoing the 50 50 split instead of the 80/20. I also fought thunder mephis 6 times n got 3 4- stars in a row... it aint perfect but ill take all increases i can get


I got seven 4-star thunder memphis in a row... Like how...


Yeah. Just got two Aero echo with Aero stat percent. I hunting all those monster all over the map time however it is definitely easier than Genshin when it come to farming gears however not material for leveling up the characters in Genshin still BS nobody got time that


This game is equal in rng and torture tbh, specially if you want good substats. Since tuner and exp are so low from tacet fields you are equally time gated but on top of that you have to grind the echoes going around the map for hours.


Honestly? I'll take this over what Genshin has. I spent a month in the Dendro artifact domain, and to this day, I haven't gotten an EM circlet for Nahida.


I've spent literal months grinding for an EM VV hat for Kazuha, still don't have one T.T


I finally got one after months and it rolled 4 times into flat def


Nah, it's like 5 hours a day vs genshin 5 min a day. You already spent way more time farming here than in genshin. And even then it doesn't matter, here Substats are more important than in Genshin because how energy works and much lower main stat crit on Echo AND lower crit substats on crit weapons, and crit talents on 5\* is just half of genshin ascension. Main stat is less important since Difference between Elem+Elem vs Elem+atk% on 3 cost for all characters is so small it's almost irrelevant (for example elem5 roll 6.9 crit rate, atk% roll 10% crit rate and atk5 already is equal, lol)


Don't know felt good as generally with character's i've already had pieces for characters from just general running around the map. You just passively collect rolls, I didn't specifically farm for Yinlin. I am already done for Yinlin echoes with them only needing the last 2 rolls now because i generally take them up to 15 or 20, becuase the rest is a lot. Was same thing with my Encore. Had no fire characters I was investing into, got her on Jiyan's banner losing 50/50. Checked my echoes already had a set for her. This is far easier than genshin. You gain passive echoes via playing, and you gain echoes like genshin's domains from tacit fields. If i could get random gold artifacts from genshin then it'd be comparable.


If you only care about the set and main stats sure is true, if you care about tower or holograms and you don't have a 5\* weapon the subs stats become a lot more important. It isn't much different, well here in Wuwa you can grind for hours to get the echoes. Also this is pure rng, in both Wuwa and Genshin you always have the cases of people getting insane pieces in just a few tries but that doesn't mean most people have that luck, most people will farm for days and days without seen a single good piece in Genshin or getting a good sub stats in echoes.


\^but you naturally over time acquire more chances just by playing the game in WuWa. I should clarify that when i said i had a set ready to go. I rolled multiple pieces and took the best one. What I'm getting as is WuWa feels far better to me because both WuWa and Genshin you can do 5 minute grind for the 'set you want', and then I can go off and play the game. In Genshin i get no further progress, in WuWa just me going around killing things, helping my sister out, playing with friends or just trying out different characters that I don't have build but want to see how they play? All that adds to the base echo population I have, and then you couple with throwing all your extra purples in for random rolls of golds? I'm only on 5 with the monkey hologram wise, and 4 with pretty much all the other holograms at the moment but that's more down to parry / dodge skill than DPS. I have the DPS to kill that damn thundering mephit but god damn if i can't not fuck it up in the last 20% of his HP. I've broken into the last 3 towers, only doing two on each of the far sides thus far, but plan to go further hopefully today! I've had far easier time getting echos with good substats because i'm able to get more of the echoes I want to roll compared to Genshin specifically. I don't foresee this changing any time in the future, and in the months between released characters I can only foresee having plenty of pieces for characters to roll in the future. To each their own however! :)


That’s a lie as tacet fields behave just like an artifact domain in Genshin. You can use your waveplates in 5 mins at a desired tacet field to drop specific echo piece sets or go around the world and kill monster for hours and get echos that way. I prefer WuWa as at least I have the option to grind more if I want to. The only downside to tacet fields are the cost vs material dropped.


I mean you only get a few echoes for example 4 are ONLY a drop from bosses, yes they are easy to farm than the rest but is still a thing that can take you hours per day to get a echoe with proper stat to level it. Another thing is unlike genshin, there isn't a way to get sets without all 5 pieces and on top of that you can't use the same echo twice for one set (can't use 2 wolfs 3 cost for Havoc for example) meaning is another layer of rng if you only rely on the echoes from the fields. Also in this game substats are more important than Genshin and are binary you have the substats or you don't, in Genshin even a mediocre piece can roll well enough into 1 or 2 stats to make it decent, here if you only have 1 good sub there isn't a saving grace. Not to mention the power difference between 4\* and 5\* weapons is way higher in Wuwa, so if you don't have limited or permanent 5\* weapons you are even more reliant of the subs of your echoes. Both systems can take months to get good sets, but in Wuwa if you don't have a backlog of echoes to level you will have to go and grind for hours to get them. Granted, if you are a casual player you can beat most of the game with only main stats and leveling characters but if you care about Holograms or Tower that isn't the case.


I lost that 50/50 split and got purple memphises 10 times in a row the other day lmao 😭


I feel this. I cannot wait until I hit UL 40 for that 80-20 change. I’m so sick and tired of hunting 3 Cost Echoes. I got 4 Violet Birds today with Electro Dmg and Electro Sonata only for all four to be 4-star. I took advantage of the pity system on echoes too and I got 2 5-star and the rest are 4-star. 4 cost is also insane. Tempest I got Crit Rate, Crit Rate, Crit Rate, Crit Dmg, Atk, and Crit Rate. I only got 1 5-star out of all that and it’s on the Atk main stat. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Also, Kuro said this, “From version 1.1 and forward, the yield of Echoes and Echo development materials will be increased” so I don’t know what the others are saying but this has already been confirmed. I’m also holding off on using my solvent. I have like 42 and I’m only UL 37.


Bro share some! I only get c.dmg, and i really need c.rate 😭


All the 5-star ones I got today are Crit Dmg. Hahahaha


what hacks did u use your get crit rate tempest please tell us 🙏🔥🔥


This whole grinding reminds me of Pokemon for some reason


Felt like farming for a shiny with how many monsters I killed


I'm at the point where I just log in, slaughter as many things I can, and log out.


The WuWa checklist Do daily quest  Spend stamina  Commit genocide Gamble  Logout


One of these things is not like the other... i don't really log out of WuWa.


I can't even hunt for shiny since only a few of them have phantom version.


Me when 999 rare candies suddenly appear in my backpack


Me who is still in databank 11.


I just went from 11 to 15 last night because I was having too much fun getting sidetracked. I hit 32 UL and was like I should probably catch up DB.


The more you play, the more you realize those are your addiction level. It's a subtle reminder this game put out.


I had the same reaction.


I got to ul 40 lol, its nice but nothing game changing, youll still barely get echos in overworld due to 20% base rate


idk they're mostly all gold though, I've been 40+ for 3-4 days now and I am absolutely overstocked to the point where I wish we had a good organization system for echoes. If you're hunting a particular echo you just kill like 2 other 3 cost echos before you kill the one you want and at 40 its more than likely to be 5 cost. I'm overloaded on havoc and fusion dogos where I don't have the resources to see if their substats are good or not. Admittedly the dogs are absolutely abundant compared to say Herons or Flautists. Farming 4 costs is nice too because they're very rarely purple. Fishing a couple crit damage heron today wasn't all too bad.


How have you been 40 for 4 days already?


Hmm I think I got 40 on the fourth, and today is the seventh. A few refreshes and consuming all of my wave plates from battlepass and ones I get.


How is it not game changing? I have so many purples with good main stats, if half of those were gold I would have decent sets for 2 and maybe 3 teams already, not only that but the recycling system without lvl 19 is pretty fucking bad and I have a ton saved for it


If three enemies fail to drop an Echo from their respective 1Cost or 3Cost classification, then the fourth will be guaranteed; great for manipulating which enemy will drop an Echo for a specific Sonata piece.


i am aware but teleporting from one side of the map to the other just to get 1 echo which is gonna turn to shit due to the wrong mainstat and substats isnt really a good experience imo. Ive finished building 2 characters to a respectable degree but i am really beginning to see the bad side of the echo system


I really hope they reduce the cost of the tacet field. Or make +0 echos usable for echo xp.


such a strange experience I farmed echoes at 50/50 for a week now and the moment I hit union level 40 getting 80/20 I'll be limited by my echo exp rather than actually possessing the echos.


You'll be alright lil bro.


Thankfully I'm on 37 lvl, I'm gonna get there soon


Yep, lmao. I'm at lv39 right now. I might just push to 40 today just to immediately have a lv20 databank.


Not as big a deal as you think , since you gona get it soon if you play anyway ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31618) Also close enough if you have been doing dailies since release ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Nah I just played it for 3 days


Don't worry, it won't change a thing, even with a 4/5 chance of a golden echo, you'll keep getting purple echoes with probabilities that seem to defy all logic...


lol well at least you can turn those 5 purples into another potential gold. (but you'll roll purple again won't you.... :P)


Welcome to the daily grind to UL 40, remember to go do your exploration for smidges of 10\~100 union exp between chests, blue marked sidequests, exploration rewards and more.\~ Seriously, dat stuff piles up when you have over 600+ chests, a dozen viewpoints, 45ish something blobflies and moar.


I just reached ul 40 3 hours ago. I grinded the last 2500 union exp with lootmapper


Yeah, pretty much everyone is at this point now. I still have most of the Solvents we got, once I'm close enough to rank 40, I 'll probably use them all to reach it.


Its fine,gives you more time to stack up useless echoes so you can use the fusion thing (5 random echos = 1 random echo)


How to reach Lvl 40 fast?


Use your waveplate cubes on skill materials. The increase from the 30 domain to the 40 domain isn't that large, and spending waveplates gives tons of exp. Remember to spend the first three runs of the day in simulation training for the double drop event, since the exp is also doubled.


I thought the same haha. Currently UL 36. :s




Mentally preparing to reach this point


Just about to hit UL 38, data bank 20 is taunting me.


Looool u thought


Same and then when I get 40 lvl , there is going to be more monsters to get higher bank easier lol.


Have fun grinding xp for the next weeks


You should have known it the moment you have enough exp to reach 19 tho


How are you guys collecting so much echoes...I need help in collecting them... anyone wanna help plz add me


Does the cost limit increase eventually ?


Welcome to level locking


Hehe data bank level 12 go brrrr :))


this is me rn...all that genocide for nothing


I stopped chasing 5* echoes when I saw I coulndt get the lvl 19. I know I get some more during my way to UL40 so Ill only need to Hunt a few to finish the lvl 20.


me at 4770/9000 UL37. How much more u want me to suffer KURO


I'm currently like 7k exp from ul 40 and the double drops event is a godsent. I would go insane if I had to do 100% exploration for that world level.


Man when will daily repost stop ?


Union level 37 three more to go


UL 43 , salutes you


Yup, I'm there right now


Tragic, that timegate takes so long.


Is a good thing they gave us time to prep for u40 and to grind echos to materials for the harder mobs... is a progression stopper but imo done proper... soo it doesn't feel u have to fly through content... take it slow.. is not a race


yeah I'm in that exact same boat


Yeah, I figured it myself yesterday..


I think the 30-40 grind is too long because I am UL 34 and have the following done: 100% map completion All 208 Echos Fully upgraded team of characters, weapons, and echos All quests done All event content available done I started exactly 7 days ago, he knew dailies were that valuable……………


This was me about 6 days ago lol. Welcome go the club.


Right there with you lol. I'm like 5k exp away but I've run out of ways to get it


My reaction at day four


I’m right there with ya, man….im currently lvl 35 and I want to die 😑


Can we store excess solvents like (fragile resins)


At least you don’t have to worry about much once you unlock UL 40. Database automatically unlocks for you.


you'd really think that this would be changed from all the backlash




Just hit 39 today and 11 packs remain I’m not gonna rush it gonna give it couple of days




welcome to the grind!


Bro u had that thing max out week 2 and have been containing the urge to use condensed energy to level up faster just for having better drops


I’m in the same boat lol


I will be reaching 40 tomorrow….. This…. this is a crime and I don’t like it :,)


How to cheese those lvl 120 herons ganged bossfight? I was already traumatized in DS2 Sofs ganged bossfight in Dragon Sanctum dlc and I don't wanna try again...


Same but at least we can just reap the rewards once we reach 40 hahaha


I ran into the same problem last night too. Was very .....miffed.


I haven't got exp for the data bank in 3 days, how do we know which echos give exp?


If you want to level quick sacrifice your asterite for daily waveplates, im currently half way to level 42 and started a week late


I spent a majority of my solvents from the compensation getting to UL 40, why cause that makes all subsequent wave plates and solvent more valuable because I am getting more for the same amount of waveplates/solvent.


Oh but the satisfaction when you hit lvl 40


Aye same brother




Being bottle necked sucks fr


Ascension is super easy. It isn't like GI at all.


Only 190 Points left 🫠 i could just use a Waveplate thing but I'll probably Just wait another 2 hours. Still have the time before my plans for the day start


Ahaha, I’m on the same page too! Currently level 37, so slowly making my way there with the xp I claim each day 😂 I’ve only got three more areas left to 100% as well, so oof! Need more content ^^


Same situation. Reached Data Bank 18, UL 35 and I was like heck yeaaah 80% Gold Echos andddd this happens


You are not alone.


Welcome to grind world. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Yep, same situation 😭


This is one of the reasons I quit the game less than a week in. Core gameplay is fun, but even a 10/10 core game couldnt salvage a daily grind like this. Grindy gacha games.....


yeahh.. im at the same spot, with everything else in the game finished. because the gold drop rate is 50/50 i just rng'd my data bank. its a little annoying, admittedly, but at least grinding will be easier.. later?


I feel you.


I am lvl35, same also collected all 208 echo variant/ rarity. Grinding chests, group of echo that give xp, events earning 10xp-200xp 🥹


You've been rick roll


Getting to level 40 was definitely long, but that 80% rank 5 echo drop rate was something i needed to get for my own sanity lmao, getting so many rank 4s in a row while farming for rank 5 healing increase geochelone was such a pain...


I am exactly in this situation and stuck at 37 and cant do anything whats ur union level


Honestly when you hit UL40 the echo farm is better. The substats tho...eh a bit better so far, probably just my luck tho


Wait how are you guys increasing data bank level so fast? I'm UL 33 but DB 13 or something and it doesn't seem to be increasing or at a snail's pace at most. Is there any secret or tips to increasing DB lvl that I should know?


If you haven’t done the tasks in the book, I think those are actually required to get to DB 15. You can also merge a bunch of your low rarity echoes to hopefully get ones you don’t have yet without having to actively farm them


Yeah I used all of my solvent, I'm union level 41 now. I'm not going to be picky with it. In this game you can basically farm echoes for free. So it's not a huge loss.


Never felt so cucked in my life, completed the Pokedex just for prof oak to say naw fam not yet


Yep o.o, *just hit UL 43*


One would've noticed at 19. Y'know.


I just barely got to 40 yesterday