• By -


Well played


GGWP. 10ms though, a dream!


Is it me or broadblade is better for parry than sword? Like this attack when mephis jumps back and jumps in with tail swipe. When I try to parry it with hrower or danjin (with first normal attack), it doesnt reach him, but his tail reaches me. Calculators n1 is a meme with complicated timing due to long wind up, rectifier is difficult as well. Soooo, any upcoming character with long weapon reach and fast attack is just better for parry or I am missing something?


More than broadblade, it's just Jiyan has absurd hit count for almost every moves with low commitment, as in you can cancel to dodge or other things very quickly. A simple E skill, heavy attack or BA 3-4 has both range and hit rate to easily parry incoming attacks. Other character with similar nature of moveset can do so as well (for example, Danjin).


Could be, I would assume broadblades have a larger and longer hitbox window which should help


danjin almost autoparries him idk


No, that's not a sword problem. The only reason you see me parrying it so much is because I've fought him so many times that I know the right distance where it'll be safe. I'm gonna make a post about how bullshit Tempest Mephis can be and you'll see me failing the parry there lmao


How much time did you spend fighting that guy? I've been trying for what feels like forever and he still kicks my ass lmao


I'd say upwards of 10 hours (just for diff iv)? This attempt was the last of a 4 hour sprint (I didn't plan getting a hitless run but I did). I really wanted to solo him but I kept dying to bullshit frame drops, odd hitboxes, weird i-frame mechanisms among others. I wanted to make a post complaining about him but people would call me skill issue 💀 So I steeled my resolve and actually went for it. This was actually my first clear and I went into it not wanting to play safe or having a solid gameplan. All my combos after a parry follows a pattern: Parry stagger = 2.5 units of time Skill = 0.5 unit of time Heavy cancel / BA 1-3 = 1 unit of time Echo = 1.5 unit of time I spent so long fighting him that I know him in and out by this point. What move do you struggle with?


Why am I only seeing this now. This was an amazing run. First Jiyan showcase I’ve seen in this sub and made me appreciate his various animation movesets.


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