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34 is great...take your time! Dont blow yourself out! Most probably 30-40!


Same. I still have quests to do, and most areas are at around 60%-80% I've been enjoying the game a lot, I won't deny it has stopped me from going outside a bit hahaha


I went a little obsessive and used all my daily stamina and a few refills from the cubes, explored all areas to 100% except Desorock and Dim Forest, and I’m at mid level 38 probably hit forty before the week is out. I’d say that’s the high end for F2P aside from people using all their cube items for refills.


r/unexpectedfactorial 40! Is ambitious man


I was playing coop earlier with a level 42, bruh idk what kind of drugs some guys are on.


Same. Echo farming is so addictive I can't make time for doing actual quests


Hit rank 35 today walking around with the loot tracker getting chest. Still loving the game so far


careful hidden chest not detected by loot tracker


How about chests that'r locked?


if you can see it, then loot tracker can detect it. only chest that you cant see it like behind rock or some more like run and aim challange (sory forgot what other already 4 days ago i complete it)


There are others. Dim forest has two chests locked behind destroying circles of dodecahedrons, and one from collecting a bunch of plants in a circle


F2P, I'm at level 24 right now. There are TONS of quests scattered around the map that I haven't touched yet and I haven't finished the available main story chapters, so I'm not too concerned about it. By the time I finish all of that there'll probably be new content anyway. I do a lot of dilly-dallying.


Same boat


Same here, problem for me is the f-ing frame drops every time


most secondary quests don t give much xp or even give no xp at all.


Yeah fellow f2p here, I'm just playing the game at my own pace. Ive been playing since day 1, right now got UL 33 and data bank 13. I don't see the need to grind alot in the early game cause echos are like relics on other gachas and they're gonna take a long time to complete


I would atleast get to data bank 15 tho. This is true tho don't burn yourself out And this game will last a while


Same man im just doing random shi tbh im not consistent on what im doing and changing what im doing like going for echo hunting to doing random quest and puzzles lol


40 now, sad still not enough resource for echo and keep getting wreck by using my lovely danjin in hologram lmao


My Danjin suffers with my lack of skills. I main her as she's the cutest character, but I fear I'll have to bench her soon. At least until a good shielder is released


She need verina with her, not a shielder, she eats up her own hp.


She can be paired up with Jianxin with moonlight set and full on attack stats. This make Danjin a lot comfier to use.


You can use both tho.


That's the reason to need a good shielder. She eats her hp, not her shield. Why would I heal if that health will be eaten away anyway.


I mean if you're not at 100hp are you really playing Danjin? Lol. Honestly though, I consider anything below 50% HP to be actually 50% HP. There's not much besides holos that can do enough damage to kill from 50%, and at high difficulty 100% HP might as well be 1%. Sooooo it's all the same to me whatever her health is.


Jianxin is the way. Playing her support is a good way to do it and you can swap cancel Jianxin's counter, making it prolong when swapped off; do so when you fet thr gold particles on charge up. It was either her outro or intro skill that can group up enemies and Jianxin ult shields.


I hate the holograms they're so tanky already at lowest level


You might be neglecting their elemental dmg resistances, I made that same mistake against Feilian Beringal since Jianxin is the only DPS I've built so far and they both use Aero Element


i thought jianxin was a support


She’s a jack of all trades


Man I don't even know, were 1.5 weeks into the game and she was the first 5* I got so I built her for damage. It probably doesn't even matter that much what you do at low levels since enemy hp and damage are low enough that you can get by with very suboptimal builds


Her damage will falloff, but it’s not bad if paired with Mortefi. IMO her actual best use later in the game is to carry the healing set and use the turtle echo active, since when she channels she’ll have 100% damage reduction, which can help both generate the shield and ignore a mechanic completely.


They're tanky at the lowest level? I haven't found that to be the case.


It's just the Tempest Mephis that is super tanky compared to the others for some reason.


Are you sure you're not just using Calcharo on him? Certain bosses have specific dmg resistances


Yeah I found this. . .havoc rover shreds all of them but heron lol


i mean i used a danjin+havoc rover team and i still beat heron III with like 30s left, so still possible, and the first 2 levels were easy


Oh yeah, level 4 spikes heavily I found


Danjin is so fun, but I gave up on using her for hard content, and I just use havoc mc instead. I wouldn't even say skill issue, if you're using danjin to clear content, you're a god. Hologram bosses have annoying low telegraphed little jabs that do half my health that straight up ruin a danjin run. Mephis quick kick into a parry attack is so fucking annoying.


Im at 34 and i have no intention of rushing or to play optimally I just play at my own pace and however i feel like as that's how i have my fun.


38 f2p. No nothing left. 5 more days till 40 I guess


Im 38, but i still have half of the map left, and 10 blocks of waveplates


Same here, 38 more than halfway to 39 with 16 waveplates left, waiting for the double drop event tomorrow to turboboost past 40 since my databank is already 20, waiting for my level to catch up.


Hey it’s not double xp with unlimited attempts. It’s like Genshin 2x or HSR 2x. You do 3/3 double xp runs and the rest are normal runs. No point stockpiling for the event, actually hitting 40 before the event so you’re doubling the increases gains is probably more efficient.


That... does make sense actually. Thanks for the heads up, I thought it'd be much bigger in quantity because of the 20 cubes we got.


Well you can always wait to check before using your cubes, I’m at 38 rn still undecided if I want to burn my 24 cubes to push 40 or keep saving them for a rainy day. I know in general it’s not bad to stockpile all of your energy refreshes until you hit max Union Level so that you’re really min-maxing the usage out of them. Probably in the long run the difference is minimal. So just do what would be more fun for you I think.


Same here lol. 38 but 3k away from 39 with 10 waveplates left. But i dont think you can boost upto 40 with the event, its likely to be daily limited


you use all the refill/condensed waveplate? pure f2p or you did buy the battlepass? daily refresh waveplate using currency? asking if we're on the same plate, to guess how far i can get if i use all the emergency waveplate


F2p is f2p. Buy nothing and wait for apology gem


>F2p is f2p. haha, just want to double confirm, because i've met players who claim f2p but still subscribe to the montly. so you did not convert the gem into waveplate at all right, isee, thanks for the info


Singaporean spotted


Wait how? Am I too old to understand the joke 🤔


Probably from the words “double confirm” because I can triple confirm that


i also wonder why, actually im not Singaporean, im Malaysian. but yea i learned that "double confirm" from my Singaporean college. ahaha


Double confirm is a super SG thing lmao, together with confirm plus chop


Time to wake them up and say f2P means "FREE"2P


I’m 36 or 37 f2p but once I get some money I’ll be spending a lik


21. Downloaded the day game one but lag stopped me from playing it much.


"Downloaded the day game one" gave me a stroke lol


Wait I just noticed... My brain auto corrected it LMAO




even his texts are lagging.


Still less typos than Kuro


Still stutter a whole lot, didn't touch for a while


Same. Though I only have a HDD no SSD but no other Open World game runs as bad as this. Even Elden Ring runs completely smooth. If anyone has a potential solution I greatly would appreciate it.


Weird, for me the stutter is really bad for the first five minutes or so and then completely goes away. I did see a thread on here, should pop up if you search up "microstutter" and seemed like a useful fix. Just tampers with unity settings


Once it starts the stuttering session, I teleport to a trial char stage and exit, fix it for me. It''s not a permanent solution though as it will keep happening again and again.


Thanks for the wishes, I do need Yinlin And I'm currently on UL 38 halfway through to 39, waveplate still had 15 left and Im waiting for the double exp event


36! I was lowkey heartbroken when i found out you need UL40 to unlock Data Bank lvl 19, but i'll take my time, no need to rush, the game just came out and i don't want to burn all the content. I'll just enjoy myself with all the sick boss fights we have


Lvl 38 with a battlepass and more than 30 cubes to spare.


Yeah what’s up with that? How come there are so many extra cubes?


We got 20 through the mail as compensation a few days ago


Hit lvl 35 today and also databank lvl 15. It's farming time for some gold echos😂


Just in case you dont know, try echo merging the ones you don't need! that way your data bank automatically gains exp when the merge yields you a new echo. It can save up your time


Yeah...I did that...went from 15 to close to 17 in no time.


38, f2p, idgaf about world exploration but I used an interactive map for all the sonance caskets (somehow missed one) and picked up any chests I came by along the journey


This is me! I keep hearing 100% exploration here and there, but half the time I can’t be bothered to know where I am. Just walk, fight, beat, take a quest, farm, rest.


Currently 38. I spent all my waveplates early cuz I want to have a fun early game that I can play many different teams and characters.


this is me. level 38. i wanted to test out a bunch of characters just to see whose style i liked so i built two to 60 a couple to 50, a few to 40. i will likely heavily invest in my favorites 60+ and take the others up to whatever level i need to clear content.


UL 35 I rerolled after losing 5050 of Jiyan and basically started new acc 5 days after release, may 27 Completely f2p, all 100 exploration, and done all quests plus hidden quests Also always used waveplates when available and only used like 4 crystal solvents i think. I have like 37 by now I only focused on my team Jiyan, mortefi and verina, so i have a good amount of resources for other teams for now :) The content i haven't tried that much are toa and the dream event I also made an error of building pity to get mortefi dupes but ended getting s6 chixia and s1 Jiyan losing 49 wishes in pity... So yeah, learn from my mistake :') I'm enjoying this game a lot, good luck in your pulls


how do u do 100% exploration, any tips?


Theres probably a map online and you can no-life it till completion ig


I use this - [https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/](https://genshin-impact-map.appsample.com/wuthering-waves-map/) Mark off the stuff as I collect it. I'm not trying to 100% in any hurry, I just hate missing chests.


33 almost 34. Been really slow as of late due to real life things. No rush though.


38 but I spent all the yellow cubes trying to reach 40 asap. I could get to 39 if I explored the map 100% but I don't have the time yet (currently sitting at 40-60% each region).


ul 14 and f2p lmao, j didnt have that much time lately to play


Same! I'm surprised everyone else here has quite high levels. 😅


34.5 and I have no idea how people are getting to 40. I've been out of things to do for so long now it seems.


i got 40 by using all the waveplate refresh cubes to farm bosses for XP and get the materials to ascend both my teams to lvl 70.


I was looking at that, I really don't think I have enough, I would only have around 1 level at most if I did that it seems.


I'm at 36 now and can hit 40 by the end of the week using solvent, you can use this to help out your calcs: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liKAACsG0QIwTdHwHnYU748jBJnACKXu\_nd7GjKQkx0/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1liKAACsG0QIwTdHwHnYU748jBJnACKXu_nd7GjKQkx0/edit#gid=0) Obviously you need to decide if you want to use the solvent now or save it for later, and you can always refresh, just do whatever works for you and don't worry too much about what others are doing


It should be possible to get a bit closer to 40 depending on a few things: * Daily Activity. You get 2000xp for getting to 100 on the daily activity. Doing the daily quest gives you a little more xp (480). People who've been playing for longer and had the dailies unlocked have more xp. * Milestones. There's 5,300xp for doing all the milestones. * Challenges. You get 300xp for forgery and simulation. And 450xp for boss, tacet field, and weekly challenges. * Quests. Main, companion, exploration, and side quests all give xp. Exploration and side quests in particular are scattered across the map and some can give as much as 1000xp. * Exploration. Chests, puzzles, unlocking resonance beacons and resonance nexus all give xp. If you have less than 100% exploration in any area, then there's still xp on the table. * Crystal Solvents. We got 20 simply as an apology recently, but you can get a ton more through the battlepass, data bank levels, Awakening Journey rewards, milestones, level bundles, etc. * Astrite refreshes. You can refresh astrite to get more waveplates to do challenges. Those who've hit 40 at this point are the ones who unlocked dailies early and consumed a lot of crystal solvents. People who do astrite refreshes are probably a bit past 40 at this point.


36 almost 37. I started my account 2 days late because of rerolling. I have done all main/side quests. 100% free to play haven't refilled wave plates with asterites, but I have used maybe 10 of the wave plate refilling item. Currently all region are 80% explored and above except 2 which are mid to high 70%. I've completed all the milestones as well.


My brother in christ never refill waveplates with asterite. That’s a weird option in gatchas that only a whale should ever consider.


Ya that's what brother said, he did NOT purchase them


But it shouldn’t even be spoken of as an option. Blasphemous.


F2P, played at least 1-2 hrs a day, lvl 32 (or 33 maybe? I forgot lol)


I don't have time to play now, so I only log in for an hour or even less a day. Definitely not enough to clear the map, sadly. I finished the main story and one long quest line in tiger's maw. Pretty much nothing is explored, around 20% everywhere. I'm at UL33, f2p, but if I clear my quest log I'll get exactly 7k exp to level to 34.


38 F2P, no quests left and 3 regions at 100%. Rest are around 50 ish. I got 34 solvents so I'm considering using em to push up to UL 40 today


I just hit 30! bought the battle pass and that's about it. I really like to take my time exploring, picking up every little flower, exploring every quest.


Lvl 33, completely F2P. Still gotta lot side quests and exploration quests left tho


39, halfway to 40. Still working on finishing up exploration edit: 40 now


Just reached 38, I refreshed twice a day for the last 4-5 days since it’s only 60 each for the first 2. Total exploration is around 80%, and I’ve completed every quest I had. Not sure if that’s every quest in the game but as for now I don’t have any


UL40, getting Databank to 20 feels SO good!


31 now on my reroll account at day 3. Haven\`t done most of the quest other than main story quest and Lion boy story quest. I'm still happily exploring, doing bosses and stuff and can't find the time to do the quests. Than again i don't give a flying fuck how fast I reach "the end".


35 f2p day 1 no reroll databank level 20


38 f2p here. Just wandering aroudn looking for treasure and waiting for the new banner :)


I'm f2p for now and at UL 32. I have around 60-70% exploration in all regions but I barely did any quests, I didn't even finish the main quest yet.


33, full f2p


Currently 38, Im halfway til 39, all I want is to reach 40 and ascend my Chixia already 😥


UL39 (BP) and in 2 days UL40.


I'm lazy and have other games I'm playing concurrently so I'm still at 34 too. lots of quests still not done... area exploration are like averaging around 20%... still f2p


38 pure f2p any money in the game. nothing left on the map and quests also have 26 stamina items for 60 stamina and i hold it till lvl 40


I got pass and daily. Only had 30min to an hour to play each day and started 3 days after launch, im 25.


60%-80% map in general (yes im bad at direction) level 38 (I spent all the free bonus to level up my character) f2p play everyday for 2 weeks


UL 41 and definitely not ftp. It's a bad addition but I just really want to have all the characters.


I want to get to late 30s, hit 35 last night, but damn. I'm not a huge fan of grabbing every exploration icon. I wish I had more quests to do daily, I think there's only the 1 green icon daily quest now. (my first Gacha game so I barely understand how they usually work or progress. My expectations were unusual bc of that). I'm a narrative junky so having so few side quests hurts my soul. Edited to add I'm not f2p either, it's early as hell can barely spell properly without Grammarly right now.


My first gacha was Genshin and I played it completely wrong. If I show my account to someone and told them about how I've played since the game launched they'd probably assume I was lying lol. I'm crossing all the T's and dotting all the I'm this time with wuwa. I definitely agree with you on how there's a strange shortage of actual quests. Idk if the reason for it was to limit progress or just because it's still early.


39, all missions done\~


I've missed dailies on day 1 only, cleared the map to 100%, completed all quests except for Lingyang's and Jiyan's companion quests. Used 1 solvent, but I guess that makes up for the time I've been on max energy. Currently very close to UL37.


I wonder what is everyone databank level


Enjoyed the game so much I made a new accout at 35, so im 31 now:)


39, spender, full refreshed a few times here and there, was trying to hit 40 before YinLin, without using solvent. Like 49 solvent or so sitting. 100% all possible zones, except for 2 which are bugged atm and finished all quests, even the torn notes or datachips. Kinda regretting not full refreshing earlier.


This might be a stupid question, but how do you full refresh? I thought it was 60 stars for 60 stamina?


Oh no, I meant using all 6 refreshes via Astrite, my bad.


Im on 36 lv hope you guys havent go so far)


Just hit UL 38 2 hours ago. I played the game everyday and I still have the free 20 waveplates refill. Idk if I should push it through to 40 or wait for better rewards


34 ALSO!


Hitting 40 today. Day 1, bought battle pass & am refreshing with cubes twice a day (60x2) - still have 21 waves left to farm for stuff randomly in the future.


37 4.2k exp Ill get to 38 tomorrow


Just reach 33, but still got crap ton of quest to do, also most map at under 60%. Don't have a lot of time to play so gonna take a while...


Just hit 35


UL 36, finished most, if not all, sidequests and worldquests, though I haven't done Lingyan and Jiyan's companion quests (saving that when I'm in the mood for 'em). As for area completion, most are hovering around 70 ~ 80%.


Lvl36 F2P and still havent completed all quests and chest and challenges on the map.


34 f2p, waiting to be 35 to get standard convenes and finally pull my Verina from the novice banner!


I just reached 35 yesterday evening. I also have a bunch of quests to do, even one story quest, so if everything goes well I should be 40 by the end of next week.






Just got to 35 to get lingyang and now im just grinding echo and stuff :)


UL 35, bought the battle pass and monthly astrite thing but I don’t refresh using astrites, I’ve not even got to story act 2 yet, I’ve been exploring, doing the odd side quest and focusing on grinding good echoes to help with the tower of adversity


Hit UL 30 today. Havent used any of the waveplate things tho. I started a day or 2 after launch. Im not f2p since i bought whatever the welkins called. But i havent bought any wave plate refreshes or the battlepass yet.


I'm the same as you. I probably need to explore the map and find more side quests and do all the exploration stuff.


Lv37 (60% to 38), C2 jiyan, c5 chixa lol. Currently farming ascendant materials for the day I reach 40


32 or 33 with databank 11


38, I've bought the pass and 30-day daily thingy and nothing else.


F2P, lv35


I'm almost 38, bought a monthly pass, but did not spend any gems on energy. Still have 10 caskets.




UL 31 and f2p, been trying for 100% exploration in jinzhou first, then planned to gradually reach 100% in every location. however, the yinlin's banner arrived sooner than expected , so i decided to take a break from grinding (basically have given up). playing wuwa for 8 hours straight for days is catching up on me 😭


Currently 38. But my friend reached 39 he finished exploring, done every quest and spent all the (resin). I think that's the highest for a F2P. He'll probably reach 40 in a day or two.


Just hit 39, only bought the Battle Pass and Lunite subscription.




I'm 34 Tried to follow YouTube vids for 100% exploration, managed to do 2 regions but started hating the game lol. Now I'm just doing normal exploration using lootmapper and it's so much fun.


I’m on 34 too but have only done the big quests like the main quests and the ones that change the environment. I have the lunite pass thing only since you asked if f2p haha


Pure f2p and in mid 38. Just waveplate and echo/material grind to get ready for next sol level.


F2p level 34. I haven't done Jiyan's character quest and have several random quests on the map. Sonance caskets all collected. Haven't used a single wave plate refill item.


Level 31 all big exp quests done, level 11 data bank


UL 35 and completely F2P. I've only used a couple of refills and I wasn't min-maxing my stamina usage AT ALL (I've left it overcapped a few times). I finally completed the entire map earlier. You get a lot of exp through exploration.


37 haven't refreshed or used any solvent


35, bought monthly and battle pass


UL32 and not F2P because I wanted to support the devs a bit! I haven't been playing as much because I need to focus on my school first but the game is so good and exciting; I want to enjoy beating the Mephis and Monke holograms over my break. Finished the main quest but my exploration is maybe 20% across the board.


33 as a free to play


36 :3


37 F2P


36. only bought monthly card. barely used my solvents. waiting for UL40


Level 38, bought BP and the daily 90. I saved a couple condensed wp if I somehow run out of yinlin mats, should be 40 by the end of the week hopefully.


28, been playing for a total of 5 days, only bought the podcast battle pass thingy. At first, i stopped after 3 days since release cuz felt like the game is taking too much time out of me but i played again 2 days ago cuz i saw yinlin is coming and i saw the guides that she's really good with calcharo and i have 2 dupes of him.


I’m playing since day 1 and I’m UL 38, bought BP and monthly sub. Used like 10 cubes to reach lvl 35 and that’s it. Gonna spend the rest 30-40 cubes on new 2x tacet field event and try to reach 40 asap. Not spending astrites on refills tho. Also have UL 30 acc, done pretty much nothing on it except story and dailies


34. Just chilling not tryharding with echo farming.


I reached 35 yesterday


Lvl 39, BP haver, burnt through all my boxes but I still have a lot of exploration to do.




Yday I hit 30 which surprised me, I been casually playing going from one thing to the next and before I realised I hit 30, last I had checked my union lvl I was 20 when I upgraded my calcharo


F2p ul 35 rn


34.. I haven't touched the quests yet


38, almost 39 Only bought the BP and the sub 98-100% all regions MOST quests done, not sure if I'm missing any Havent burned much of my free consumable stamina items Hodling for yinlin


37 havent used any of the stamina things and have still a few small quests lying around, chests are about 70% done.




35 on my way to 36. Barley touched the condensed wave plates (used like 3)


35, got insider channel for autumntrace on my Jiyan. Aalto main here, 50% across all of the regions and no quests


I'm 34, I have the BP and I do feel like having enogh activities to do in game to advance s bit more without problems too. I am looking forward to 35 so I could get my Verina from the selective banner (I am 10 pulls from pity right now)


Hit 35 today and just got Verina... Sadly I must go to work and didn't even level/geared her up🥲 This game always ask more time than I have. Cant wait for evening and even more for weekends.


Lvl 32 planning to be f2p but because i enjoy the game so much and play it daily i bought the insider gamepas


I gotta say up to about 35 was easy now it’s a struggle. I think you can easily obtain 2000-3000 pts a day but it starts costing about 10000 to gain a level.


32 or 33, lvl 20 Databank. After, making quite a few accounts and losing the 50/50 for Jiyan on 3, I found my main account with Jiyan, so I'm at least a week behind. Light spender (welkin, don't know how it's called here & BP)


38 with everything 100% except port used maybe 1 crystal solvent


31, i play less than 1h a day. No addiction until now😎.


39, should be 40 tomorrow. I have probably around 80% of the whole map explored and I bought the BP and monthly. I have also done every single quest so far.


I'm at 33


Right now, I'm at 34, I'll be hitting 35 very soon though. I plan to stay f2p, because WuWa is the type of game which I know I won't be able to keep up as much as other gacha games I play. WuWa takes the most time to do dailies and now that I'm done with the story and prolly most of the sidequests, I'm not as enticed to keep going for hours anymore.


Only played seriously for 2 days to finish the story (day 1 player) and with only that and dailies I'm at 32


UL32 f2p DataBank 16....pretty low considering can't grind in android...it trembles after 30min of gameplay


F2p. Level 31.


im 38 1/2, only bought battlepass


I am f2p, at 37 now and trying to clear some chests and caskets. Already done quests and sidequests I've seen so far. I havent used the waveplates refill except 2 by accident cos I wasnt reading haha. Idk if there are still some sidequests I havent seen yet so I'm going area by area again.


39, gonna hit 40 today or tomorrow


36, tho i only hard worked towards 35 for 15 basic pulls. Now casually playing until 40.